Module 5-7 Reviewer EnviLaw
Module 5-7 Reviewer EnviLaw
Module 5-7 Reviewer EnviLaw
Depletion – occurs when a non- renewable (gas, oil) and renewable (energy, water, light) become scarce because
they are consumed faster than they can recover. Resource Depletion is commonly associated with water, gas, fossil
fuel , trees and fishing.
Physical Water Scarcity – population is more than the available water in the area.
Economic Water Scarcity – lack of water budget infrastructure, poor water management.
Local Situation - Danilo Dayanghirang, Davao is experiencing water scarcity due to due to leakage, theft, and poor
Management. Japan International Cooperation Agency says that Davao City is part of the nine major cities that is
under water critical areas or facing difficulty in accessing fresh water.
National Situation – The WHO stated that 1 out of 10 Filipinos consume water that came from unsustainable
sources. Government’s monitoring data, there are only 36 percent of the nation river that are classified as public
supply sources and only 48 percent of groundwater is not contaminated. El Nino contributes to water scarcity.
Global Situation – Food and Agriculture Organization FAO said that by the year 2050, fresh water will diminish.
MENA country has water scarcity since they have less rainfall
1. World Water Council - Founded in 1996, the World Water Council has become an influential leader, this
management also conducting its 7th World Water with various international water community to create partnership
and discourse possible ideas that can assist the existing issue of water conservation worldwide.
2. - This group also aims to disintegrate the financial barriers between people living in poverty and their
right to access to safe water and sanitation. Founded by Gary White and Matt Damon.
3. Clean Water International - Founded by Darrell and Shannon Nelson. It is an international organization that aim to
provide an education about the importance of sanitation and hygiene practices among different communities.
National Agency;
1. Department of Environment and Natural Resources or DNR - is a primary government agency in the Philippines
that is responsible for the development and conservation of natural resources in its ecological domain.
2. National Water Resource Board - is an agency that is in charge in taking control of all water resources and services
found in the Philippines.
3. National Irrigation Administration - A Philippine government-owned and controlled corporation primarily
responsible for irrigation development and management in the country.
1. Republic Act No. 8041 also known as National Water Crisis Act of 1995 - this law stated the need for the
government to adopt urgent and effective measures that affects the nation’s health and wellbeing as well as the
production of food and industrial progress of the nation.
2. Republic Act No. 9275 also known as Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 - for protecting country’s water
bodies from land-based pollution. It aims to provide an integrated action in securing and maintaining natural water
resources, such as river away from contamination or pollution.
Soil is the world largest water filter and important for climate mitigation. It is habitat for more that quarter of
planet’s biodiversity and provides basis for antibiotics. It could reduce crop yields to 10% by 2050.
According to United Nation 40% of land in planet is classified as degraded or not good in quality and it will take 1000
years to produce 2-3 cm amount of soil, and about 150 years ago half of soil was depleted.
Davao City Local Situation – More flooding due to urbanization which prevents trees to grow and this resulting to
overflow canals and roads.
National Issue – Red Flood in Leyte, in April 13, 2022 Baybay city hit by Agaton causes landslide.
Global Worldwide Issue – Amazon Rain Forest in Brazil, 28,060 fires recorded by Brazil government. 100 world leader
meet at UN Climate Summit had plans reverse deforestation by 2030.
2. Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) – Founded in 1984 I United Kingdom by activist Dave Currey, Jannifer
Londsale and Allan Thornton. International NGO combat environmental crime and abuse. Top 20 most effective
environmental charities.
3. Bureau of Soil and Water Management (BSWM) – conducted by Clarence Dorsey on 1903, advising assistance ad
utilization of soils and water resource.
4. Department of Environmental and Natural Resource (DENR) – Established on January 1, 1917 for country natural
Actions Involve Resolving this Issue;
1. Regenerative Farming – rehabilitation approach to farming system. Nourishing vover crops, rainwater harvesting,
crop rotation, growing of trees.
2. Active Forestation – safeguard land conservation in natural state and back to green space.
3. LAWIN Forest and Biodiversity Protection System – innovative system that monitors the forest with the Forest
Management Bureau and Biodiversity Management Bureau.
4. Sustainable Development Goals – to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality by 2030.
5. Global Land Outlook – evaluate land contribution trough evidence base publication.
Laws Involve;
1. PD 705 or Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines – blueprint of forest management, It paved the way for the
country to declare certain projects or areas as environmentally critical, requiring them to prepare and submit proper
land and water use patterns for the areas of said critical projects.
2. PD 1586 or The Environmental Impact Assessment System - policy of establishing a comprehensive system of
integrated protected areas under the classification of a national park, as provided for by the Constitution, to ensure
the longevity of all native plants and animals for current and future generations that recognize critical importance of
preserving and protecting the natural biological and physical diversity of the environment.
3. Republic Act 7586 or National Integrated Protected Areas System - States that the multiple uses of forestlands
must be oriented toward the country's development and progress, scientific and technological advancement, and
public welfare.
Local Situation – In Mt. Apo Natural Park, in 139 species, 47% are threatened and 700 threatened.
- Parashorea Malaanonan, Shorea Contorta, and Shorea Negrosensis
National Situation – Philippines is considered one of 18 mega-biodiverse countries in the world, containing two-
thirds of the earth’s biodiversity and between 70% and 80% of the world’s plant and animal species, according to the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). 700 animals including Philippines Eagel, Tamaraw, Freshwater Crocodile
are endangered.
Global – World Wildlife Fund 2020, world has seen average of 68% drop since 1970 in animal population.
Global and National Organizations;
1. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) – finances preservation because many people rely on forest
and the loss of biodiversity result to malnutrition. Support pollinators that preserve food security.
- 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015 to create a shared framework for peace and prosperity for
people to be accomplished by year 2030.
2. World Wildlife Fund – world’s leading conservation organization focuses on goals, climate, forest, oceans.
Founded in 1961 to form an international fundraising organization to secure the money.
National Wildlife Trafficking Strategy was established in 2014 The Tropical Forest Conservation Act END
Wildlife Trafficking Act was passed in 2016. SAFEGUARDING OUR OCEANS
The Multinational Species Conservation Funds Coral Triangle Initiative
3. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) – ensuring natural resource for welfare of future
4. Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) – manages and conserve wild life and wetlands ecosystem.
The Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (PBSAP) - is a strategy tool with the objective that by 2028,
biodiversity will be valued, efficiently managed for all Filipinos
Best Alternatives Campaign - Director Gregg Yan said that whether spearheaded by LGUs or indigenous groups, the
gradual expansion and enhancement of the country’s protected area systems could dramatically reduce biodiversity
loss while bolstering local pride and stewardship.
Dubbed New Conservation Areas in the Philippines Project (NewCAPP) - it was viewed as an opportunity to establish
solid foundations for the accelerated expansion of the terrestrial system in the Philippines.
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - international legal instrument for "the conservation of biological diversity,
the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization
of genetic resources" that has been ratified by 196 nations.
Ozone layer - is a region in the stratosphere that filters and protects us from the harmful effects of the sun's
ultraviolet rays. A significant amount of UV light is filtered by ozone layer amounting to 97-99% of all the UV lights
and prevented from being shrunk by humans to prevent sunburn and diseases such as cancer.
-The depletion of the ozone layer is caused by human activities that release gases such as bromine and chlorine into
the atmosphere from industrial activities such as factories and household
National Situation - The Philippines' commitment to the Montreal Protocol is to phase out consumption of all ozone-
depleting substances. The Montreal Protocol defines consumption as production plus imports minus exports. The
Philippines is neither a producer nor an exporter of ODS, so its consumption equates to imports.
Global Situation - Antarctica's annual ozone hole is one of the largest and deepest in recent years. Analysis shows
that the holes have reached their maximum size. . The 2020 ozone hole expanded rapidly from mid-August.
- The Philippines signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer on Sept. 14, 1988 and
ratified it on March 21, 1991. The Philippines imposed a ban on the importation of CFCs and HCFCs in 2010 and
2013, respectively.
2. KYOTO PROTOCOL - agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which
commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets for GHGs. Was set in place to reduce
the emissions of greenhouse gases, with the exception to ozone depleting substances. In 2003, Philippines has in the
3. DENR Administrative Order 2013-25 - It is the policy of the State to regulate, control, restrict or prohibit the
import, export, use, manufacture, distribution, processing, storage, possession and sale of ODS (Ozone Depleting
Governing Agencies;
1. Philippine Ozone Desk – Established in 1994 to facilitate and coordinate the ODS phase-out project and policies for
the overall implementation of the country’s obligation under the Montreal Protocol.
2. DENR – Department of Environment and Natural Resources
3. UNEP- United Nations Environment Program
4. EPA- Environmental Protection Agency
- a long-term decrease in the pH of the ocean that is principally brought on by the absorption of carbon dioxide
(CO2) from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater when it enters the ocean. It first creates carbonic
acid. The carbonic acid dissociates, or separates, into bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions. Carbonate ions are
necessary for the growth of the shells and thriving of clams, mussels, crabs, corals, and other marine life.