Chapter 5 Summary
Chapter 5 Summary
Chapter 5 Summary
Audience Recognition
• Knowledge of Subject Matter – Depending on the knowledge of the
subject matter, the audience may be different: High-Tech Audience,
Low-Tech Audience, Lay-Audience. You would be ready to
communicate with an audience with multiple levels of expertise.
• Writing for Future Audience – Before writing a topic you need to keep in mind
that months or years later you won’t have the same readers. They could be
judges and juries, accountants, managers, or technicians. All the need clarity,
background information, and terms defined.
• The Global Economy – Many big companies generate about half of their sales outside the U.S.
International business requires multicultural communication. The employee of a company
that works with many different companies outside of the U.S. needs to understand the
current country’s verbal and nonverbal communication norms, have to know the country’s
management styles, local values, beliefs, and attitudes.
• Cross-cultural Workplace Communication – People face the challenges of multicultural
communication in many different areas: hospitals, police and fire departments, government,
banking, construction, and agriculture.
Audience Involvement
• Personalized Tone – To involve your reader achieve a personalized and collaborative tone.
Use pronouns in your text: “You” instead of “Reader”, “We” instead of “The team”.
• Reader Benefit – Explain the benefits that they will have from your communication.