Lesson Plan P P
Lesson Plan P P
Lesson Plan P P
Department of Education
Lesson Planning Template
This lesson works to allow students the opportunity to further their understanding of the
body’s system with an emphasis on the circulatory system. Students will gain an
understanding of the vital organs and functions within the system as well as the
interrelatedness of the circulatory system with other systems and how to maintain their
health and safety.
How does the circulatory system work/function on its own as well as with other systems
and what can we do to protect it and keep healthy?
● Investigate the function and structure of body systems and how they are interconnected
● Analyse ways to maintain health body systems (CZ, COM, PCD, CT, TF)
● Investigate the ways the body protects itself (CZ, COM, CT)
Health Education:
Outcome: Learners will investigate how health behaviours enhance physical, mental, emotional,
social, and spiritual health.
Visual Arts:
Outcome: Learners will create artworks that express feelings, ideas, and understandings.
Instructional Strategies (e.g. Considerations (e.g., contingency plans re: technology failure or
direct instruction, student absences and groupings, or guest speaker cancellations
demonstration, simulation, or safety concerns):
role-playing, guest speaker,
Cooperative Strategies- Students will If there was a technology failure where I was
engage in a group discussion upon unable to play my videos, I would have backup
completion of activity. plans. First, for my hook video, I would have
students try to find their pulse either through
Demonstration- The students will be shown their neck or wrist. It would still involve
a model of the activity before starting it and introducing them to the topic through a
an already completed example will be heartbeat, but their own rather than the video.
available for reference. Secondly, for my second video, I would most
likely just skip it because most of the
Direct Instruction- Students will be given information is in my presentation. For safety
direct instruction on how to complete work concerns, I would ensure that all cutting was
through a review/lecture and through completed before hand, so that there wasn’t a
demonstration (mentioned above). need for scissors. If students were absent, they
could watch the video when they return and do
a smaller coloring assignment that was
reflective of our larger yarn one.
Formative assessment would I would first collect their activity from today’s lesson for a piece
be conducted during the of summative assessment once it is completed. In the future, I
activity portion of the lessons. would conduct something along the lines of a written test or
Students would be assessed on Kahoot for a summative assessment. This would ensure that we
their knowledge demonstrated could touch on all the body’s systems and their interrelatedness,
by the way they construct their in a timely manner.
human’s circulatory system as
well as how they show they
can maintain a healthy body.
*Observational checklist
attached below*
Ask “can anyone tell me what this sound is” and collect all student responses.
The reason we’re listening to the sound of a heartbeat is because it is one of the vital organs in
today’s topic, the circulatory system.
Opening (process for signal direction of lesson and agenda) Time (mins): 3
Ask students: “Can anyone tell me what the circulatory system is?” and collect responses.
This would then take us into giving a brief overview of the lesson's agenda/schedule and then
from there, we go into introductory video linked below:
The Circulatory System in the Human Body For Kids - WIthout Text Version
Body (main instructional and learning processes to build understanding, skills, attitudes) Time
(mins): 8
This portion of the lesson would mainly consist of a brief verbal lesson on a review of the
material involving the circulatory system. After this, students would work their way through an
activity. Here, groups of students (table groupings) are given a large piece of paper with a human
body outline on it and a bag of materials to model a circulatory system diagram. Students will
glue the yarn onto the poster to make the blood vessels and attach a heart (included in
materials). From there, students will have to fill in the thought bubbles with, either in drawings
or written words, ways that they can keep their circulatory system healthy. After the alloted time
for the activity is over, intervention would occur to bring us into a reflective class discussion to
discuss the various ways to maintain our system/body’s health.
Consolidation (processes for application and practice of knowledge, skills, attitudes) Time
(mins): 5
First, ensure that the attention of students is back from the activity and then continue into a
reflective discussion about the activity. Ask students:
“Now, after we have completed our circulatory system activity, can anyone share one way or one
thing that they can do to help keep our circulatory system happy and healthy?” to discover
similarities and differences in answers on what can help to keep our circulatory system healthy.
Okay everyone, next class, we will start to look at how we measure vital signs and how they can
● Does the student show an understanding of the design of the circulatory system?
● Does the student show an understanding of the vital organs and their functions
● Does the student show active participation and engagement with the topic and