G11 Cell Theory Note - 1.dox
G11 Cell Theory Note - 1.dox
G11 Cell Theory Note - 1.dox
Figure – shows the how change in dimensions changes the surface area and volumes and then the surface area to volume ratio.
Linear dimension Surface area one Total surface area of Volume (lwh) Surface-area-to-
face (lw) the 6 faces (6lw) volume ratio
1 1 6 1 6
2 4 24 8 3
3 9 54 27 2
4 16 96 64 1.5
5 25 150 125 1.2
6 36 216 216 1
7 49 294 343 0.85
8 64 384 512 0.75
9 81 486 729 0.67
10 100 600 1000 0.6
Does it matter if the surface-area-to-volume ratio changes?
A cell respires to release energy to drive all the other cellular processes. If can’t the cell may die. For
respiration, cell needs oxygen, which enters through the surface of the cell.
The surface area- refers to the surface (area) of the cell through which materials supplied to cells. It
determines the amount of oxygen delivered into the cell. Surface area of cells (a cube discussed above)
grows less than the volume.
The volume - shows how much activity is in a cell. A large cell will have more processes happening, or at
least the same processes happening faster, than a smaller cell. It determines ‘demand’ for oxygen and
the amount of energy must be released by respiration.
A large surface-area-to-volume ratio is taken to analyze supply and demand. The ratio decrease with
increase in cell size or number. As cells increase in size, the volume increases faster than the surface
area, and the surface-area-to-volume ratio decreases. This means smaller organisms (with large SA/V)
can supply materials to a cell or cells easily than bigger organisms.
Molecular phylogenies indicate that multiple eukaryotic lineages diverged from “last eukaryotic
common ancestor (LECA) at an uncertain date between 2.1 and 0.9 billion years ago and diversified
rapidly. Organisms whose cells have a nucleus are called eukaryotes (from the Greek words eu, meaning
“well” or “true,” and karyon, a “kernel” or “nucleus”).
Figure - shows the Davson–Danielli models of 1935 (the left) and 1954(the right).
Passive processes
Simple diffusion
In fluids (liquids and gases) their particles are free to move around. This kinetic energy is what drives
diffusion. If particles are concentrated in a small area, the particles ‘spread out’ and occupy all the space
that is available to them. This is a result of random particular motion.
Diffusion need not involve a membrane.
Diffusion across a plasma membrane needs concentration difference between the two sides of
the membrane (a concentration gradient) to drive the process.
At equilibrium, there is no further net diffusion - the particles still move across the membrane
equally in both directions and there will be no overall effect.
The rate at which diffusion across a membrane takes place is influenced by:
A. The concentration gradient – a bigger difference in concentration results in faster diffusion than a
smaller gradient.
B. The thickness of the membrane – as all plasma membranes are the same thickness, this is not really
an issue when considering diffusion into and out of cells, but for other situations where particles
must cross some kind of barrier, a shorter distance results in faster diffusion.
C. Temperature - diffusion occurs faster at higher temperatures because the particles have more
kinetic energy and so move faster.
D. The surface area of the membrane – clearly if there is more membrane where diffusion can take
place, diffusion will happen faster.
These features are all related in an equation called Fick’s law of diffusion:
Rate of diffusion ∝
Facilitated diffusion
Facilitated diffusion is a process of passive transport by which substances are conveyed across cell
membranes faster than would be possible by diffusion alone. It is helped to diffuse by a carrier protein
or a channel protein with an ion pore.
Table 4.5 – the differences between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion
Simple diffusion Facilitated diffusion
The particles diffuse across the The particles helped or ‘facilitated’ to diffuse across the
membrane along the membrane by carrier or channel protein with an ion pore.
concentration gradient.
Does not need carrier The carrier protein must undergo a conformational change
molecules. (in shape) to move particles through the membrane.
Channels form a hydrophilic “tube” or passageway across
the membrane water molecules or ions pass
Surface area of the membrane Surface area of the membrane doesn’t affect the rate.
affects rate of diffusion. Number of carrier (channel) proteins present affects.
Rate increase until diffusion Rate increases until all the carrier proteins are saturated.
Osmosis is the process by which water moves across a partially permeable membrane. It is the diffusion
of water. Here we say water potential instead of concentration of water molecules.
Water potential is the chemical potential (i.e. free energy per mole- is the energy that may be extracted
from a system at constant temperature and pressure) of water in plants.
Water potential (Ψw) is the sum of solute potential (Ψs) and pressure potential (Ψp), thus, Ψw = Ψs +
Ψp. Pure water contains only water molecules and has water potential of zero . Addition of a solute
reduces the number of (free) water molecules in the system and so the water potential is reduces into
Osmosis is the movement of water from a system with a high (less negative) water potential to one with
a lower (more negative) water potential, across a partially permeable membrane
All other systems (cells, solutions and suspensions) have low water potential than pure water so their
water potential values must be negative. So osmosis defined accurately as:
The rate at which osmosis proceeds is influenced by the same factors as simple diffusion:
Table 4.6 Comparison of the status of animal and plant cells with respect to the three solutions.
Type of Description Effect in animal cells (e.g. Effects in plant cells
solution red blood cells)
Isotonic a solution having the Water diffuses across the Water diffuses across the
same water potential as membrane at the same membrane at the same rate in
the cell. rate in both directions. both directions.
The volume of an animal No net water enters, and the
cell is stable. cells become flaccid (limp).
Hypertonic A solution having a lower The cell will lose water, The cell loses water by osmosis.
(more negative) water shrivel, and probably die. Then, cytoplasmic pressure on
potential than the cell. It’s the way increase in cell wall drops and the cell is
It’s concentrated to water salinity kill animals flaccid. If the cytoplasm shrinks
cause osmotic shrinkage and microbial infection further the cell wall, it’s
of cells. controlled. plasmolysed. If no water, the
plant will wilt.
Hypotonic a solution having a The cell takes up water The cells gain water by osmosis
higher (less negative) and it’s hazardous to and swell. When watered
water potential than the animal cell. continually, the cell remains
cell. The cell develops pressure turgid because of the cell wall.
The concentration of and will eventually burst Turgidity is vital in supporting
non-membrane- the plasma membrane: young, non-woody plant stems.
penetrating solutes is this is called haemolysis.
lower than in the cytosol
Although most protozoans (like animal cells) do not have a rigid cell wall, many contain a contractile
vacuole that permits them to avoid osmotic lysis. A contractile vacuole takes up water from the cytosol
and, unlike a plant vacuole, periodically discharges its contents through fusion with the plasma