Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing v1.0
Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing v1.0
Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing v1.0
1 Statement of Direction / Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing / Version 1.0
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Transmission Configurations 16
Payment System 23
Transaction Flow 38
Credit Card Creation 38
Invoice Creation 39
Receipt Creation 41
Automatic Receipt Creation 41
Remit Receipt 46
Authorization Status in Receivables 48
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Submit Offline Transactions 55
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Credit Card Framework Enhancement Overview
Credit card service provider market is very fragmented, and the usage differs
by geography and industry. Every service provider has its own requirements
and there is no uniformity in their stipulated methods. The vision of
Payments is to provide a configurable framework for credit card processing
that facilitates integration with service provider of choice. Its flexible
configuration allows integration with several service providers; this is
primarily beneficial for industry vertical applications such as Student Cloud,
Public Sector Cloud, and Learning Cloud. It also paves the way to provide a
long-term sustainable model for supporting multiple service providers.
Baseline Expectations
a. Token creation should be supported using a hosted payment page (HPP).
Application launches the HPP URL with the required request body inside
an iFrame using a form post on client side.
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b. Service provider should initiate action (token, authorization, or
authorization and settlement) based on an attribute passed in the HPP
launch request rather than expecting another call to perform the same.
Note: HPP URL should accept a transaction type kind of attribute, where
the type of transaction can be sent in request body. Also, a single API is
preferred for performing authorization, settlement, and refund on saved
card, based on a similar transaction type kind of attribute in request body.
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d. The hosted payment page should be rendered in card information
capture mode and no payment method selection should be provided to
Note: Once the service provider’s HPP is launched, there is no control for
the application to know if the user has completed the payment on HPP.
The application initiates a poll along with launching HPP, to check
Payments tables if data is registered via the client side post back
response. This polling happens continuously and once it sees registered
data, application closes the iframe.
• HmacSHA256
• HmacSHA224
• HmacSHA384
• HmacSHA512
Additional Expectations
• Secured capture of CVV for card-on-file transactions should be
supported via tokenization of CVV.
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Pre-requisites to Enable Credit Card Payment Processing
To enable the credit card payment processing feature in an environment, following mandatory prerequisites must
be met:
1. Environment (POD) should be hosted in one of the following 17 PCI certified OCI regions:
1. US-Phoenix-1
2. UK-London-1
3. CA-Toronto-1
4. EU-Frankfurt-1
5. US-Ashburn-1
6. AP-Mumbai-1
7. EU-Zurich-1
8. SA-Saopaulo-1
9. AP-Sydney-1
10. AP-Osaka-1
11. EU-Amsterdam-1
12. ME-Jeddah-1
13. AP-Tokyo-1
14. AP-Melbourne-1
15. ME-Dubai-1
16. CA-Montreal-1
17. AP-Hyderabad-1
2. A PCI-compliant Identity Management (IDM) solution must be provided by the customer. Use of the default
Fusion Apps IDM solution is not allowed at this time. Some commonly used IDM solutions are Oracle Identity
Cloud Service (IDCS), Okta, Azure Active Directory, and so on. This identity management solution is used for
multi-factor authentication for payment administrator user who perform credit card related setups in Fusion
3. There’re no planned integrations with Oracle PaaS or any on-premises software that involve credit card data
or credit card processing. If you have integration from Fusion Application to Oracle PaaS, none of the
integrations should involve credit card or token data movement.
4. If you wish to enable credit card payment processing and meet these requirements, please log a service
request with Oracle Fusion Payments Cloud Service product support and provide the following details:
2. Title/Description: Enable credit card payment processing in POD(s) <list the POD names here>
3. Complete the Credit Card Pre-requisites Template and upload to the service request. Respond to each
question in as much detail as possible.
5. Once the service request is approved, a Credit Card Secret Key will be shared to you. Use this key in the Credit
Card Feature Lookup section.
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New Credit Card Service Provider On-boarding
This section describes the various setups required to onboard a payment gateway for accepting credit card
As an example, the CyberSource configuration is described in this document. You can follow similar steps to
configure any other payment gateways that may be supported in future.
Note: The common architecture of Oracle Fusion Payments module lets you integrate with the payment gateway
of your choice, provided it meets the criteria listed in the Credit Card Service Provider Compatibility Criteria
section in this document. While choosing the payment gateway for credit card tokenization and payment
processing, you must ensure the following:
1. The payment gateway provides a tokenization scheme where the original PAN (credit card number) can’t be
computed simply by knowing only the token or several tokens.
2. The PAN (credit card number) and the Sensitive Authentication Data (SAD) must not be transmitted back to
3. The credit card data entry page of the payment gateway must be encapsulated in an iframe so that the
entered credit card data never comes in contact with the Oracle systems.
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Standard Lookups task.
Offering: Financials
Module: Payments
3. For the lookup type IBY_TIME_BOUND_SWITCH that you just created, create a lookup code with the following
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4. Click Save and Close.
5. Navigate to Scheduled Processes and search for Import Security Credential Job. The Credential File Type
drop-down now displays a new option Enable Credit Card Feature. Select this option and click Submit.
Credit card feature should get enabled on the POD once this job completes successfully.
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Standard Lookups task.
Offering: Financials
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to Manage Funds Capture Payment Methods task
a. Offering: Financials
2. Check if Credit Card payment method is available as shown in the following screenshot.
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3. Click Credit Card in the list of payment methods to open the Edit Funds Capture Payment Method dialog
4. Ensure that the following fields and the corresponding values are present.
d. Don’t select the To Date. This ensures that the payment isn’t end dated.
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Card Outbound Funds Capture Card The request sent to the payment gateway to
Tokenization request Tokenization Request launch the HPP where user can enter the card
Formats details. The funds capture format type
specifies the required parameters for this
outbound call.
Card Inbound Funds Capture Card The response sent by the payment gateway for
Tokenization response Tokenization Request the outbound card tokenization request. The
Response Formats funds capture format type specifies the
parameters to be saved from this inbound call.
Authorization/ Outbound Funds Capture Card- The request sent to the payment gateway to
Settlement/ request On-File Request perform authorization/settlement/refund
Refund Formats transactions. The funds capture format type
specifies the required parameters for this
outbound call.
Authorization/ Inbound Funds Capture Online The response sent by the payment gateway for
Settlement/ response Response Formats the outbound authorization/settlement/refund
Refund request. The funds capture format type
specifies the parameters to be saved from this
inbound call.
Transaction Outbound Funds Capture The request sent to the payment gateway to
Query request Transaction Query fetch the transaction status. The funds capture
Request Formats format type specifies the required parameters
for this outbound call.
Transaction Inbound Funds Capture The response sent by the payment gateway for
Query response Transaction Query the outbound transaction query request. The
Response Formats funds capture format type specifies the
parameters to be saved from this inbound call.
For each of these format types, you must create a format based on the Service Provider’s specifications. The
formats required for CyberSource payment system are predefined in the system. To create custom formats for a
new service provider, refer to the Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing – Technical
Specifications document.
To illustrate this setup, the formats available for CyberSource are shown in this document. For a new service
provider, create custom formats based on the service provider’s specifications.
Note: These formats should be attached to the payment system in appropriate locations. Refer to section namely
Payment System - CyberSource Setup for details on configuring these formats within the CyberSource payment
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Formats task.
Offering: Financials
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Functional Area: Customer Payments
a. Funds Capture Card Tokenization Request Formats: CyberSource Card Tokenization Request.
b. Funds Capture Card Tokenization Request Response Formats: CyberSource Card Tokenization
Request Response.
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e. Funds Capture Transaction Query Request Formats: CyberSource Transaction Query Request.
f. Funds Capture Transaction Query Response Formats: CyberSource Transaction Query Response.
You can design custom formats to suit the requirements of a new payment system. Follow these steps to create a
custom format:
Note: Steps required to navigate to a setup page are provided in the Funds Capture Payment Methods
section of this document.
2. Select the format type of the custom format and click Create.
Choose file: Select and upload custom format. Refer to the Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card
Processing – Technical Specifications document for details on what to include in the template.
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4. Click Save and Close.
Transmission Configurations
A transmission configuration contains the transmission details specific to a payment system or a financial
Refer to the Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing – Technical Specifications document for
details on how to create a custom Transmission Configuration for a new service provider.
CyberSource COF: Here are the steps required to set up CyberSource COF transmission configuration:
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Transmission Configurations task.
Offering: Financials
Destination URL: Provided by CyberSource directly to the Customer post account creation with
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3. Click Save and Close.
CyberSource Query: The steps required to set up CyberSource Query transmission configuration are as follows:
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Transmission Configurations task.
Offering: Financials
Destination URL: Provided by CyberSource directly to the Customer post account creation with
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3. Click Save and Close.
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Setup in Service Provider’s Portal
A merchant might have to perform a few setup steps in the service provider’s portal to start accepting credit card
payments. The exact steps depend on the service provider chosen by the merchant. For illustration purposes, the
setup steps for CyberSource’s merchant portal are given in this document. For any other service provider, reach
out to their implementation/support team for the exact steps to be performed.
Note: Login URL and the required credentials are provided by CyberSource directly to the Customer.
2. Navigate to Payment Configuration > Secure Acceptance Settings. All existing profiles are displayed.
3. Click Create Profile to create a new profile or select any existing profile to copy.
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4. Enter a name and description for the new copied profile and click Submit.
The new profile will be created, and it will be available in an Editable Version mode.
6. Click ADD CARD TYPES to select the card types to accepted in the hosted payment page.
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7. Select the card types to be supported as shown in this image.
8. For each card type, click the gear icon to configure the CVN and Currency settings.
a. Select the CVN Display check box if CVV/CVN should be displayed in the hosted payment page.
b. Select the CVN Required check box if the CVV/CVN should be mandatory in the hosted payment page.
c. Select the Payer Authentication check box to enable 2-Factor authentication in the hosted payment
e. Click Submit.
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9. Click Customer Response link and navigate to Transaction Response Page. Select Hosted by you option
and enter any dummy URL.
10. Repeat the previous step and enter the same URL in Custom Cancel Response Page.
11. Click Security link. Create a new key by clicking the + icon.
12. Provide the Key Name. Signature version and Signature Method are set by default. Click Create.
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13. Copy the Access Key and Secret Key into a notepad. After copying the keys, click Return to Profile home.
Select the profile and click Promote Profile.
After the last step, the newly created profile will be active and can be used for processing credit card payments.
Note: The CyberSource Business Center related snapshots provided in this document are for information purpose
only, and the UI is subject to change without notice.
Payment System
To integrate with any new service provider, it should be defined as a payment system. The values to be
configured under the payment system would be provided by the service provider to the merchant.
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CyberSource is predefined as a payment system. The process of configuring a payment system is illustrated in
this document by using CyberSource as an example. You can follow similar steps to configure a new service
provider as a payment system.
CyberSource Setup
Steps required to configure the CyberSource payment system are described in this section. CyberSource is
predefined as a payment system.
1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Payment Systems task.
Offering: Financials
2. Search by name for CyberSource. Click CyberSource link from the search results to navigate to Edit
Payment System page.
3. Ensure that the following fields and the corresponding values are present. Refer to the screenshot following
these details.
c. Tokenization Payment System Settings: Credit Card Tokenization check box is selected.
d. Formats: The formats created for the following format types should be added here.
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f. Transmission Protocols: Http(s) POST Request
g. Settings Required by Payment System: Ensure that the parameters provided in the screenshot are
added and the corresponding Code, Data Type, and Secured/Unsecured flag are available.
i. SOAP API Security Key: Refer to Payment Configuration > Key Management section in CyberSource
Business Center to generate a SOAP API key.
ii. Secure Acceptance Access Key: Enter the Access Key of the CyberSource Profile created earlier (in
the CyberSource Business Center Setup section).
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iii. Secure Acceptance Signature Key: Enter the Secret Key in the CyberSource Profile created earlier
(in the CyberSource Business Center Setup section).
iv. Tokenization Servlet Base URL: You can find this value from the CyberSource Secure Acceptance
Web Configuration Guide. Tokenization Servlet Base URL is referred to as iFrame Create Payment
Token Endpoint in CyberSource documentation.
vi. Token Creation Module: Select CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web from the drop-down list.
vii. Tokenization Upgrade URL: Refer to the CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web Configuration Guide.
viii. Upgrade Client Identifier: Enter the Merchant ID of your CyberSource account.
ix. Token Upgrade Module: Select Tokenization Upgrade Disabled from the drop-down list.
x. Token Pay URL: You can find this value from the CyberSource Secure Acceptance Web
Configuration Guide. Tokenization Payment URL is referred to as iFrame Transaction Endpoint in
CyberSource documentation.
• This URL is required for accepting payments in applications where card tokenization and
payments are done simultaneously.
xi. SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM: Select HmacSHA256 as signing algorithm from the drop-down list.
xii. Credit Card Token Request Format: Select CyberSource Card Tokenization Request from the drop-
down list.
xiii. Credit Card Token Request Response Format: Select CyberSource Card Tokenization Request
Response from the drop-down list.
xiv. Credit Card Transaction Query Transmission Configuration: Select CyberSource Query (created
earlier in the Transmission Configurations section) from the drop-down list.
xv. Credit Card Transaction Query Request Format: Select CyberSource Transaction Query Request
from the drop-down list.
xvi. Credit Card Transaction Query Response Format: Select CyberSource Transaction Query Response
from the drop-down list.
xvii. Search URL for Transaction Query: Reach out to your CyberSource POC. This URL is required to
search/query historical transactions from CyberSource.
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i. Click Save and Add Accounts.
4. Payment System Account Creation: A payment system account is the representation of the relationship
between the payment system and your company. It’s an account identifier comprised of payment system-
provided values for parameters that the payment system requires for each transaction. Specific values for
settings are stored in the payment system account, which includes deploying company identifiers. If your
company has multiple relationships with a payment system, then there will be multiple payment system
Enter the appropriate values for the following fields in the Edit Payment System Accounts page.
a. Business Unit
b. Client Identifier: Enter the profile ID of the CyberSource profile created earlier.
d. Merchant City
g. Merchant Name
j. Merchant State
m. SOAP API security key: Refer to Payment Configuration > Key Management section in CyberSource
Business Center to generate a SOAP API key.
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n. Secure Acceptance Access Key: Enter the Access Key of CyberSource Profile created earlier (in the
CyberSource Business Center Setup section).
o. Secure Acceptance Signature Key: Enter the Secret Key in CyberSource Profile created earlier (in the
CyberSource Business Center Setup section).
Note: Please ensure that one business unit doesn’t have more than one payment system account under a
particular payment system.
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5. Click Save and Close.
An FCPP (CyberSource SOAP Toolkit 1.86) is predefined for CyberSource. The process of configuring an FCPP is
illustrated using CyberSource as an example. You can follow similar steps to create a new FCPP for a new service
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Funds Capture Process Profiles task:
Offering: Financials
4. Click CyberSource SOAP Toolkit 1.86 link from the search results to navigate to Edit Funds Capture Process
Profile page.
a. Ensure that the following fields and the corresponding values are present. Refer to the screenshot
following the steps.
b. Ensure that the following values are configured in the Formats section. Refer to the screenshot.
• Authorization configuration:
• Settlement Configuration:
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• Outbound Format: NA (This is required only for Bank Account settlements.)
• Inbound Response Format: NA (This is required only for Bank Account settlements.)
c. Ensure that the following values are configured in the Accounts section. Refer to the following
• Payment system account created in Section Payment System - CyberSource Setup is added.
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5. Click Save and Close.
The process of creating an internal payee and the corresponding routing rules is illustrated using CyberSource as
an example. You can follow similar steps for any new service provider.
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage System Security Options task.
Offering: Financials
b. Select Credit card check box under Configured Processing Types section.
1. Associate the payment system, the payment system account, and the business unit with the payee.
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4. Click Save and Close.
The Manage Routing Rules page has default routing rules which apply when no routing rule is specified, or when
none of the routing rule conditions were met.
On the same page, you can also define the routing rules with specific conditions and routing rules.
2. Enter the following details to create a routing rule that sends any payment with amount between $501-$1000
to CyberSource ‘oraclepayments’ MID/payment system account.
3. You can see the following attributes in the Criterion drop-down list to create the routing rule condition
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Note: Not all attributes are applicable to Credit Card payment method.
Offering: Financials
3. Click the button if it’s enabled. Select all the three check boxes. The first check box is required for the
tokenization process. The second and third check boxes (for encrypting credit card data and bank account
data, respectively) are recommended as a best practice for securing credit card and bank account data.
Note: The wallet is an Oracle Applications program module that protects stored data in an encrypted format.
5. Verify the existing Tokenization Status for the Credit Card data. If the status is either Tokenized or
Tokenization in Progress, it means that the tokenization setup is already done. If the status is Disabled, then
proceed to the next step.
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Enable Tokenization
1. If Tokenization Status is Disabled, then click on Edit Tokenization Payment System. Select CyberSource from
drop-down and save.
2. Credit Card Data: If the status is Enabled, then skip this step. If the status is Disabled, click Tokenize to
activate Tokenization. Verify that the Tokenization Status is either Tokenized or Tokenization in Progress.
3. Bank Account Data: If the status is Enabled, then skip this step. If the status is Disabled, then click Encrypt
to trigger the process. Verify that the Encryption Status is Enabled.
To capture CVV while making a payment using a saved card, perform the following setup steps:
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Standard Lookups task:
a. Set the following lookup type and code to enable the CVV feature.
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4. Funds Capture Settlement Formats setup
a. Search for CyberSource SOAP Toolkit Credit Card 1.161 using the search box. Click on CyberSource SOAP
Toolkit Credit Card 1.161 link from search results.
b. Ensure that the following fields and the corresponding values are present.
a. The acknowledgment reader corresponding to the format in the previous step is predefined. Verify the
same in the database.
a. Tokenization Payment System Settings: Enter the following CVV-specific values, in addition to the values
specified earlier in the Payment System section.
Check if the following two settings are available. If they aren’t available, then add them by clicking the +
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a. Enter the following CVV-specific values, in addition to the values specified earlier in the Payment System
- CyberSource Setup section.
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Transaction Flow
This section illustrates the end-to-end flow of a credit card payment process starting with the invoice creation.
3. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Customers task.
Offering: Financials
7. Under the Credit Cards section, click the Create icon to create a new credit card.
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8. Enter card details in the Create Credit Card page.
Invoice Creation
1. Login as Receivables User.
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4. Click Complete and Review.
5. Click the Show More link displayed after General Information heading.
7. Input the required details and select the receipt method as Credit Card. The cards details would be auto
populated if a credit card is created for the selected customer.
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Receipt Creation
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4. Click Submit and then click Approve.
5. Navigate to Scheduled Processes (Tools > Scheduled Processes) or Funds Capture (Receivables > Funds
Capture) to check the status of the batch process.
6. Navigate to Manage Receipts and search for the receipt created previously.
7. Click the Receipt link from the search results to go to Edit Receipt page. Make a note of the Payment System
Order Number displayed in the Payment Details section.
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Authorization Status in CyberSource
1. Login to CyberSource Test Business Center.
4. Click Request ID hyperlink to verify the authorization details of the receipt created for the invoice created
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Authorization Status in Receivables
1. Navigate to Receivables > Accounts Receivable > Funds Capture > Manage Authorizations
2. Search by PSON (Payment System Order Number) from the receipt and click PSON hyperlink from the search
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Receipt Creation in Collections
Receipt creation for Invoice-2 is performed in Collections application. This demonstrates the credit card payment
flow involving the Collections module.
3. Search for the customer (IBY CC) and navigate to Transactions section.
4. Select the Invoice-2 created earlier in the Invoice Creation section and click Pay.
5. Select Credit card as Payment Method and select appropriate Site from the drop-down.
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Remit Receipt
1. Login as Receivables user.
2. Navigate to Receivables > Accounts Receivable > Create Receipt Remittance Batch.
4. Navigate to Receipts section and add the receipt created in the previous section Receipt Creation in
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5. Click Save and Close.
6. Navigate to the Manage Receipt Remittance Batches page and search for the remittance batch created in
the previous steps.
7. Select the batch from the search results and click Approve. A success message with the request ID is
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8. Verify the batch process status in Funds Capture > Funds Capture Processes.
New authorization is generated for the receipt (created in Collections) against Invoice-2.
1. Navigate to Receivables > Accounts Receivable > Funds Capture > Manage Authorizations
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Submit Offline Transactions
1. Login as Receivables user.
3. Select Credit Card as Payment Instrument Type. Ensure that the process is completed successfully.
4. Verify the batch process status in Funds Capture > Funds Capture Processes.
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Verify Settlement in CyberSource Business Center
1. Login to CyberSource Test Business Center.
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Verify Settlement in Funds Capture
1. Navigate to Receivables > Accounts Receivable > Funds Capture > Manage Settlements.
3. Click PSON link from the search results to navigate to Credit Card Settlement page.
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2. Navigate to Receivables > Accounts Receivable > Manage Receipts.
3. Search for the receipt created earlier in the Receipt Creation in Collections section.
4. Select the line item and click on Actions > Unapply Application.
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6. Enter the refund amount (make sure it’s more than 10,000 so that it will be routed to CyberSource) and click
7. Verify the refund line item in the Receipt Details and close the receipt page.
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Remittance Method: Standard
3. Navigate to the Receipts section and add the refund receipt just created.
6. Navigate to the Manage Receipt Remittance Batches page and search for the batch using the batch number
from the previous step.
7. Select the batch from the search results and click Approve. A confirmation message with the request ID is
9. Navigate to Funds Capture > Funds Capture Processes and verify the status of the batch process using the
request ID from the previous step.
54 Statement of Direction / Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing / Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Submit Offline Transactions
1. Navigate to Receivables > Funds Capture > Submit offline Transactions.
2. Select Credit card as Payment Instrument Type. Ensure that the process is completed successfully.
3. Filter by the date of receipt creation to find the refund receipt record.
4. Click the Request ID link and verify the settlement details of the refund receipt created in the previous section.
55 Statement of Direction / Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing / Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Refund Verification in Manage Credits
1. Navigate to Receivables > Accounts Receivable > Funds Capture > Manage Credits.
2. Query with the PSON (Payment System Order Number) noted in the receipt.
3. Click on the PSON link to navigate to Credit Card Refund page. Verify the settlement details.
56 Statement of Direction / Payment Gateway Integration and Credit Card Processing / Version 1.0
Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
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