Lecture 5.doc Ans
Lecture 5.doc Ans
Lecture 5.doc Ans
The sympathetic innervation is more spacious. Some organs have the only
sympathetic innervation. They are: sweet glands, nervous system and sensory
systems, cortex of adrenals, uterus, ureters, skeletal muscles, the most of vessels
with the exception of the vessels of salivary glands, tongue, and the corpora
cavernosa of the penis.
The centres of the vegetative nervous system are located in the brain stem
and spinal cord as follows.
In the mid-brain there is the mesencephalic portion of the parasympathetic
outflow, giving off vegetative fibres that form part of the oculomotor nerve (III).
d. β2 Receptors
- are located on vascular smooth muscles, bronchial smooth muscles, and
in the gastrointestinal tract
- produce relaxation
- are more sensitive to epinephrine than to norepinephrine
- are more sensitive to epinephrine than the α receptors is.
For example, when small amounts of epinephrine are released from the adrenal
medulla, vasodilatation (β2) occurs; when larger amounts of epinephrine are
released from the adrenal medulla, vasoconstriction (α) occurs.
Mechanism of action: see β1 receptors.
Majority of the vitally important organs (heart, lungs, vessels of the
brain) have the dominant quantity of β 2 –receptors. Vasodilatation of the vitally
important organs vessels in the stress situations is very important for surviving of
organisms. It is interesting, that in old persons' heart quantity of α1 receptors
increases and risk of heart diseases grows.
Vegetative reflexes can be evoked by stimulating either exteroceptors or
interoceptors. During vegetative reflexes impulses are transmitted to the peripheral
organs from the central nervous system by way of sympathetic and
parasympathetic nerves. The reflexes are differentiated according to the
localization of the receptors whose stimulation triggers them and of the effector
organs taking part in the final reaction.
Viscero-visceral reflexes are reactions aroused by stimulation of receptors
located in the visceral organs and terminated by a change in the activity of the
They include reflex changes in cardiac activity, vascular tone, reflex stoppage
of the heart upon stimulation of the organs of the abdominal cavity (Goltz' reflex);
reflex contraction of the smooth muscles of urinary bladder, and relaxation of the
sphincter, with an increase in the pressure inside it, and many others.
Viscero-cutaneous reflexes are elicited by stimulation of visceral organs, and
are manifested by changes in perspiration, in the electrical resistance of the skin,
and in its sensitivity in circumscribed areas of the body surface.
Viscero-muscular reflexes are elicited by stimulation (or inflammation) of
visceral organs and have grate diagnostic importance. For ex. Intestine
inflammation causes changing of the abdominal muscles tone.
Cutano-visceral reflexes are expressed in vascular reactions and changes in
the activity of certain visceral organs when definite areas of the skin are
stimulated. Certain therapeutic procedures, such as local heating or cooling of the
skin (or acupuncture) for changing of the visceral organs functioning, are based on
Several vegetative reflexes are used in practical medicine to judge the
condition of the vegetative nervous system (vegetative functional tests). They
include Aschner's oculo-cardiac reflex (slowing of the pulse when pressure is
applied to the eyeballs), the respiratory-cardiac reflex or the so-called respiratory
arrhythmia (slowing next inspiration), the orthostatic reaction (quickening of the