Ekonometrika Terapan Lecture 1 2022
Ekonometrika Terapan Lecture 1 2022
Ekonometrika Terapan Lecture 1 2022
Week 1
29 Agustus 2022
01 02 03
What is econometrics What is regression Data type in econometrics
Application of econometrics in
What is
Theory confirmation?
Policy/impact evaluation?
Give me an example!
Econometrics vs
Statistical Inference
Population vs Sample
Statistical Inference
Causal Inference
Econometrics vs
Data Science
Data Science:
Concerns with Prediction
Curve/data fitting
Causal Inference/
Regression is the most common way of estimating the relationship
between two variables.
Are we done?
Correlation ≠Causality
What we want
Reality we have
Source: Wright (1928) in Cunningham (2018)
Demand elasticity example
In the example above, the price elasticity of demand is the solution to the following equation:
But in this example, we assume the change in P is exogenous. For instance, it holds supply
fixed, the prices of other goods fixed, income fixed, preferences fixed, input costs fixed,
and so on.
Changes in P are completely and utterly independent of the otherwise normal determinants
of supply and the other determinants of demand.
Otherwise we get shifts in either supply or demand, which creates new pairs of data for which
any correlation between P and Q will not be a measure of the elasticity of demand as
depicted in the right panel.
Given theoretical foundation, we must write out an econometric model as a starting point. One
possible example of an econometric model would be a linear demand function:
Where X is a matrix of factors that determine demand like the prices of other goods or
There are chances for observational data to be used in making causal inference,
as long as it close enough to make any variable of interest (X) exogenous.
This is what we will learn in the course and has been the concern of many
econometricians → cue last year Economics Nobel Prize
Econometric Methods to recover causal
relationship (𝛽)
- Randomized controlled trials (RCT)/experiments → the golden rule
- Difference in Differences (DiD)
- Instrumental Variables
- Fixed effect approach
- Propensity Score Matching (PSM)
- Synthetic Control
- Regression Discontinuity (RD)
- Good Controls
- etc
● If the sample has not been drawn randomly, our methods may
have to be adjusted. For now, we assume random sampling unless
I say otherwise.
Cross Section Data
Panel (Longitudinal) Data
Any questions?
Example of experimental data use
in policy making
Example of experimental data use
in policy making
Example of quasi experimental data use
in policy making
Example of quasi experimental data use
in policy making
- Marthinus
- Evan
- Cintaka
- Hening
- Diana
- Dolly
- Febrian
- Deasy