24 SAJET NEC-watermark
24 SAJET NEC-watermark
24 SAJET NEC-watermark
Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering-2K15(NECICRTME-2K15), 20th – 21st November,2015
Abstract: Several technical challenges exist with is essential for automotive application. These
the casting technology in achieving a uniform properties are not achievable with light weight
distribution of reinforcement within the matrix, monolithic titanium, magnesium, and aluminum
which affects directly on the properties and alloys. Particulate metal matrix composites have
quality of composite material .In the present study nearly isotropic properties when compared to long
a modest attempt would be made to develop fiber reinforced composite. But the mechanical
Aluminum based silicon carbide particulate behavior of the composite depends on the matrix
MMCs with an objective to develop a conventional material composition, size, and weight fraction of the
low cost method of producing MMCs and to reinforcement and method utilized to manufacture the
obtain homogenous dispersion of ceramic composite. The distribution of the reinforcement
material. To achieve these objectives two step- particles in the matrix alloy is influenced by several
mixing method of stir casting technique has been factors such as rheological behavior of the matrix
proposed and subsequent property analysis has melt, the particle incorporation method, interaction of
been made. Aluminum 6063 T6 and SiC particle particles and the matrix before, during, and after
has been chosen as matrix and reinforcement mixing. Non homogeneous particle distribution is one
material respectively. Experiments are planned of the greatest problems in casting of metal matrix
for conducting varying weight fraction of SiC (in composites. Nai and Gupta [1] reported that the
the steps of 5%) while keeping all other average coefficient of thermal expansion of the high
parameters constant. The results would be SiC end was reduced as compared to that of the low
evaluated by Tests-Hardness, Impact (including SiC end. Hashim et al. [2] reported that the
micro-structure) for this ’development method’. distribution of the reinforcement material in the
The trend of hardness and impact strength with matrix must be uniform and the wettability or
increase in weight percentage of SiC would be bonding between these substances should be
observed and recommendation made for the optimized. However, aluminum alloy with
potential applications accordingly. discontinuous ceramic reinforced MMC is rapidly
replacing conventional materials in various
KEYWORDS: MMC (Metal Matrix Composites), SiC automotive, aerospace, and automobile industries.
(Silicon Carbide), Stir Casting Method Amongst various processing routes stir casting is one
of the promising liquid metallurgy technique utilized
I.INTRODUCTION to fabricate the composites. The process is simple,
Metal Matrix Composite (MMC) is engineered flexible, and applicable for large quantity production.
combination of metal (Matrix) and hard particles The liquid metallurgy technique is the most
(Reinforcement) to tailored properties. Metal Matrix economical of all the available technique in
Composites (MMC’s) have very light weight, high producing of MMC.
strength, and stiffness and exhibit greater resistance
to corrosion, oxidation and wear. Fatigue resistance is
an especially important property of Al-MMC, which
Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering-2K15(NECICRTME-2K15), 20th – 21st November,2015
Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering-2K15(NECICRTME-2K15), 20th – 21st November,2015
While pouring the slurry in the mould the Fig 6(a): Al6063-SiC 5% Fig 6(b):Al6063-SiC 10%
flow of the slurry is kept uniform to avoid trapping of
gas. Then it is quick quenched with the help of air to
reduce the settling time of the particles in the matrix
as shown in Fig 5.
Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering-2K15(NECICRTME-2K15), 20th – 21st November,2015
Fig 6(c):Al6063-SiC15%
3.2 Hardness
3.2.1 BHN
3.2.2 Rockwell
Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering-2K15(NECICRTME-2K15), 20th – 21st November,2015
50 Brinell
5% 10% 15%
wt % of sicp
Impact strength N-m
10 wt % of
5% 10% 15%
Fig 10: Impact testing machine
Fig 12: Impact strength Vs Wt % of SiC
The charpy testing machine with following
specifications Maximum capacity: 30J,Minimum From the above results, we can observe that the
capacity: 2J,Distance between supports: composition of 15% sichas the highimpact strength
40mm±0.2mm is used for impact test. Impact test comparing to the compositions of about 5%SiC,
specimens at different Sic compositions are as shown 10%SiC
in Fig11.
Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering-2K15(NECICRTME-2K15), 20th – 21st November,2015