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Sound Transmission

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The ability of a material or group of materials (wall, floor, roof, etc.) to minimize the passage of sound is referred to as the sound
transmission loss (STL). STL is related to the specific frequency (Hz) at which it is measured and its reduction of sound energy is
expressed in decibels (dB). The decibel is the unit of measure used to quantify sound pressure level, i.e., the amplitude of sound.
For sound pressure level, the greater the number of decibels the louder the sound. For sound transmission loss, the greater the
number of decibels loss, the better the ability of a material to resist the transmission of sound. The sound transmission loss
performance of a material is dependent on its mass, stiffness, and damping characteristics.
One way to increase glass STL is to increase the thickness, which increases its mass and stiffness. Changing glass material
properties in order to increase stiffness would also help, but is not practical. An air space between two lites of glass can also increase
sound isolation performance due to the changes in mass and damping characteristics. Air spaces for sound reduction must be larger
than those typically found in conventional sealed insulating glass products, which are generally 1/2 (12 mm) for commercial
buildings. When limited glazing space is available, some sound reduction may be achieved by substituting sulfur hexafluoride (SF6)
for air, but this is effective only for small cavities (air spaces). Glazing of two different thicknesses of glass also reduces total sound
transmission since certain thicknesses of glass are more effective than others at specific frequencies.
Another variable in sound reduction is glass damping. Damping is the mechanical property of a material or system, which
quantifies the rate of dissipation of vibratory motion into heat energy. Generally, glass has very low inherent damping. The lack
of damping in glass can result in reduced sound isolation performance in certain frequency ranges. This reduced sound isolation
performance is greatest at the critical frequency. At the critical frequency, sound is efficiently transmitted through the material.
Adding damping to glass reduces sound transmission through the glass at the critical frequency.
The most effective way to improve damping of sound by glass is through the use of laminated glass, which utilizes a viscous
interlayer sandwiched between two lites of glass (See Section II - Fabricated Products, Laminated Glazing Materials, Page 18).
Bending waves in the glass excited by incident sound cause shearing strains within the viscous material. Because the interlayer
material has inherently high damping, bending wave energy in the glass is then transformed into heat energy by the viscous
interlayer, i.e., sound energy is “absorbed” by the laminated layer. Using an interlayer to increase glass damping can result in
improved STL, which otherwise might only be obtained through significant increases in glass thickness or significant increases
in air space width for insulated glass units. When laminated glass is used in air-spaced configurations or insulating glass unit
configurations, the benefits of damping are even greater.
The Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating is a single number rating derived from individual transmission losses at specified
test frequencies. It is used for interior walls, ceilings and floors and in the past was also used for preliminary comparison of the
performance of various glazing materials. STC, as described in ASTM E 413 Standard Classification for Determination of Sound
Transmission Class, is used to classify sound insulation of interior partitions. The test method used to measure sound transmission
loss is ASTM E 90 Test Method of Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions.
Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC) as described in ASTM E 1332 Standard Classification for Determination of
Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class, is used to classify performance of glazings in exterior applications. Testing is done in
accordance with ASTM E 1425 Practice for Determining the Acoustical Performance of Exterior Windows and Doors.
Product evaluation is based on procedures with the following standards: ASTM E 413; ASTM E 1332; ASTM E 1425;
ANSI/AAMA 101, Voluntary Specifications for Aluminum and Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Prime Windows and Glass Doors;
and AAMA 1801, Voluntary Specification for the Acoustical Rating of Residential, Commercial, Heavy Commercial and
Architectural Windows, Doors, and Glazed Wall Sections.
Many times, window specifications require the laboratory determination of OITC or STC for specific window models and
sizes proposed for use in building projects. While laboratory standards are devised to minimize the effect of sample test size, it
has been observed that larger test samples tend to have slightly higher measured sound transmission losses than smaller
samples. Specimens tested for OITC or STC are often also tested for air infiltration resistance as this factor can affect STL.
Design of a glazing configuration with acceptable air, water, structural, thermal and seismic performance does not necessarily
guarantee acceptable acoustical performance. Fenestration with open joints or very lightweight frames may have a total sound
isolation performance, which is less than that of the glazing when tested alone. Hence, laboratory certification of windows
whose sound isolation performance is important to the success of a project should be based on laboratory tested sound isolation
performance, i.e. OITC or STC.
GANA Glazing Manual - 51 2004
It is essential that the entire exterior cladding (both walls and roof) be designed to accomplish the desired or required STL.
The STL design of the glazing can readily be negated by the STL of adjacent materials such as masonry, pre-cast concrete,
exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS), lightweight panels, etc., including the roof coverings.
Additionally, the sound level inside the rooms of a building is affected by sound absorption of the room. To a certain extent, the
greater the room sound absorption, the lower the sound level inside the room produced by an exterior sound source. Reverberant
sound can be reduced by installing sound absorptive architectural finishes such as acoustical ceilings, sound absorptive wall panels,
or cushioned furniture. Doing so absorbs reverberant, or randomly reflected, sound in the space, thus reducing sound level.
Note that these benefits are only obtained at room locations away from windows. At locations near windows, the sound
level is dominated by sound transmitted directly from the window to the location. It is only away from windows that the benefit
of reverberant sound control works.
The need for sound isolation from exterior and interior sound sources in building spaces depends on individual space use.
For example, broadcast studios, recording studios, and special presentation spaces need good sound isolation. These spaces are
among the most sensitive since the audibility of intrusive sound, no matter how slight, is often viewed as unacceptable.

Additional glazing sound transmission loss data for PVB and cured resin interlayers is provided in the GANA Laminating Division
– Laminated Glazing Reference Manual.
GANA Glazing Manual - 52 2004

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