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List of Architects

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Early architects Sinan

Marcus Agrippa Giorgio Vasari

Anthemius of Tralles Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola
Imhotep 17th-century architects
Iktinos Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Isidore of Miletus Francesco Borromini
Kallikrates Pietro da Cortona
Lu Ban(鲁班) Guarino Guarini
Mnesicles Ustad Isa
Nimrod - according to post-Biblical Inigo Jones
legend he built the Tower of Babel Baldassarre Longhena
Senemut Carlo Maderno
Vitruvius Nicodemus Tessin the Younger
Vivasvat Carlo Rainaldi
John Webb
13th century architects Elizabeth Mytton Wilbraham
Robert de Luzarches Christopher Wren
Villard de Honnecourt
18th-century architects
14th century architects Robert Adam
Cristoforo da Bolzano William Adam
Jacopo Celega Cosmas Damian Asam
Pier Paolo Celega Egid Quirin Asam
Frà Giovanni degli Eremitani James Bloodworth
Giotto di Bondone Étienne-Louis Boullée
Alexandre-Théodore Brongniart
15th-century architects Richard Cassels
Leone Battista Alberti Colen Campbell
Donato Bramante William Chambers
Filippo Brunelleschi Christof Dienzenhofer
Leonardo da Vinci Kilian Ignaz Dienzenhofer
Annibale Maggi detto Da Bassano Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach
Michelozzo Michelozzi Johann Michael Fischer
Gerolamo Frigimelica
16th-century architects Ange-Jacques Gabriel
Galeazzo Alessi John Gwynn
Bartolomeo Ammanati Peter Harrison
Michelangelo Buonarroti Nicholas Hawksmoor
Philibert de l'Orme Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt
Hans Hendrik van Paesschen James Hoban
Andrea Palladio Thomas Jefferson
Antonio da Sangallo Richard Jupp
Michele Sammicheli Filippo Juvarra
Raffaello Santi (Raphael) William Kent
Vincenzo Scamozzi Benjamin Latrobe
Giacomo Leoni Charles Garnier
Johann Friedrich Ludwig Philip Hardwick
Jules Hardouin Mansart William Alexander Harvey
Josef Munggenast Victor Horta
Robert Mylne Richard Hunt
Balthasar Neumann Henri Labrouste
Giovanni Paolo Pannini Benjamin Henry Latrobe
Edward Lovett Pearce Giuseppe Jappelli
Charles Percier William LeBaron Jenney
Giuseppe Piermarini Sir Horace Jones
Jakob Prandtauer Charles Follen McKim
Francesco Maria Preti Robert Mills (architect)
Johann Michael Prunner Auguste de Montferrand
Bartolomeo Rastrelli William Morris
Charles Ribart John Nash
Antonio Rinaldi Frederick Law Olmsted
Thomas Sandby Joseph Paxton
Michael Searles John Wornham Penfold (1828-1909)
Jacques-Germain Soufflot Sir James Pennethorne
William Thornton A. W. N. Pugin
Luigi Vanvitelli James Renwick
John Vanbrugh Henry Hobson Richardson
Bernardo Vittone John Root
John Wood I & II George Gilbert Scott
Dominikus Zimmermann Karl Friedrich Schinkel
Johann Baptist Zimmermann Gottfried Semper
John Soane
19th-century architects Vasily P. Stasov
Dankmar Adler Louis Sullivan
Sir Charles Barry Samuel Sanders Teulon
Charles Barry (junior) Constantine Andreyevich Ton
Edward Middleton Barry Eugene Viollet-le-Duc
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Thomas Ustik Walter
Ignatius Bonomi Alfred Waterhouse
Joseph Bonomi the Elder Stanford White
Charles Bulfinch William Wilkins
William Burges Thomas Worthington
Decimus Burton
Sir Basil Champney 20th-century architects
Edward Clark Alvar Aalto
Thomas Cubitt Max Abramovitz
Pierre Cuypers David Adler
George Devey Charles N. Agree (1897-1982) Detroit
John Dobson architect
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel Christopher Alexander
Thomas Fuller Tadao Ando
W. W. Ahlschlager New York architect Cass Gilbert
Luis Barragan Bruce Goff
Welton Becket Ernő Goldfinger
Peter Behrens Bertram Goodhue
Pietro Belluschi Michael Graves
Hendrik Petrus Berlage Greene and Greene
Gottfried Boehm Walter Burley Griffin
Ricardo Bofill Nicholas Grimshaw
Mario Botta Walter Gropius
Claude Fayette Bragdon (1866–1946) Victor Gruen
architect and writer on architectural Zaha Hadid
theory Wallace Harrison
Marcel Breuer Coop Himmelb(l)au
Gordon Bunshaft Charles Holden
John Burgee Hans Hollein
Daniel Burnham Raymond Hood
Santiago Calatrava Friedensreich Hundertwasser
Sir Hugh Casson Arata Isozaki
James Walter Chapman-Taylor Arne Jacobsen
Serge Chermayeff Helmut Jahn
David Chipperfield Jon Jerde
Josep Antoni Coderch Philip Johnson
Mary Colter Albert Kahn
Le Corbusier Louis Kahn
Ernest Cormier Louis Kamper
Charles Correa Ralph Knott
Ralph Adams Cram Hans Kolhoff
Charles Howard Crane (1885-1952) Rem Koolhaas
theater architect Leon Krier
Raul de Armas Kisho Kurokawa
Frederic Joseph DeLongchamps (1882- Thomas W. Lamb theater architect
1969) Nevada State Architect Sir Denys Lasdun
Max Dudler John Lautner
Willem Marinus Dudok Ricardo Legorreta
John Eberson atmospheric theater Jan Letzel
architect Sigurd Lewerentz
Peter Eisenman Liang Sicheng(梁思成)
Arthur Erickson Daniel Libeskind
Aldo van Eyck Maya Lin
Hassan Fathy El Lissitzky
Sverre Fehn Gordon W. Lloyd
O'Neil Ford Adolf Loos
Norman Foster Edwin Lutyens
Buckminster Fuller Fumihiko Maki
Antoni Gaudí Charles Rennie Mackintosh
Frank Gehry Imre Makovecz
Robert Mallet-Stevens Richard Rogers
George D. Mason Aldo Rossi
Bernard Maybeck Wirt C. Rowland
McKim, Mead and White Paul Rudolph
Roy Mason Eero Saarinen
Richard Meier Eliel Saarinen
Henry Mercer Moshe Safdie
Duncan McDuffie Paul Saintenoy
Giovanni Michelucci Carlo Scarpa
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Rudolf Schindler
Vlado Milunić Paul Schmitthenner
Enric Miralles Aleksey Schusev
Samuel Mockbee Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky
Rafael Moneo Giles Gilbert Scott
Arthur Cotton Moore Harry Seidler
Charles Willard Moore Josep Lluís Sert
Roger Montgomery H. Craig Severance
Julia Morgan Alvaro Siza
Eric Owen Moss Alison Smithson
Glenn Murcutt Peter Smithson
Richard Neutra Paolo Soleri
Oscar Niemeyer Alejandro de la Sota
Oscar Nitzchke Albert Speer
Percy Erskine Nobbs Basil Spence
Jean Nouvel James Stirling
A. G. Odell Jr. Edward Durrell Stone
Frei Otto Kenzo Tange
J.J.P. Oud Bruno Taut
I.M. Pei(贝聿明) Giuseppe Terragni
Cesar Pelli Benjamin C. Thompson
Frits Peutz Bernard Tschumi
Renzo Piano Gilbert Stanley Underwood
Jože Plečnik Jørn Utzon
Gio Ponti William van Alen
John Russell Pope Henry Van de Velde
John Portman Robert Venturi
Christian de Portzamparc Rafael Vinoly
George B. Post New York hotel architect Roland Wank
Ralph Rapson W. H. Weeks
Rip Rapson Paul Williams
C. W. Rapp theater architect Clough Williams-Ellis
George L. Rapp theater architect Jan Wils
Steen Eiler Rasmussen Frank Lloyd Wright
Sir Albert Richardson Minoru Yamasaki
Gerrit Rietveld Peter Zumthor
Kevin Roche
21st-century architects
Shigeru Ban
Preston Scott Cohen
Tony Fretton
Steven Holl
Michael Hopkins
Toyo Ito
Justyna Karakiewicz
Rem Koolhaas
Kengo Kuma
Greg Lynn
Thom Mayne
William McDonough
Wolf Prix
James Wines
Lebbeus Woods
Ken Yeang

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