JPIM Ganjil
JPIM Ganjil
JPIM Ganjil
e-ISSN 2621-3168
p-ISSN 2502 – 3764
Nonni Yap1, Afif Nur Rahmadi2, Dian Ruhamak3, Risma Gesang Ayu4,
Anindhitya Sofi M5, Oktaviani Wahyu Prihardini6
Faculty of Economics, Kadiri University,
Faculty of Economics, Kadiri University,
Faculty of Economics, Kadiri University,
Faculty of Economics, Kadiri University,
Faculty of Economics, Kadiri University,
Faculty of Economics, Kadiri University,
Keywords Abstract
Online shop, strategy, The platforms that are often used in this activity
platform, turnover, market are Tokopedia and Shopee, this is evident from
Tokopedia and Shopee being the two most
downloaded applications from the Google Play
Store. Some of the traders actually experienced
an increase in turnover by trading in online stores.
This is because online stores have a broad and
unlimited market.
1. Background
The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on business activities,
especially retail traders, who used to be physically running their business
or seen opening shops and displaying their goods, with the current Covid-
19 Pandemic, many traders are flocking to online stores. The platforms
that are often used in this activity are Tokopedia and Shopee, this is
evident from Tokopedia and Shopee, which are the two most downloaded
applications from the Google Play Store. Some of the traders actually
experienced an increase in turnover by trading in online stores. This is
because online stores have a broad and unlimitied market. However, there
is one thing that has attracted the attention of researchers, namely the
It can be seen from the data above in 2019 Q1 to Q4. Tokopedia and Shopee are
always first and second. Starting from the product ordered when the item
purchased is really real, and very good.
2. Problem Formulation
Does after-sales service affect online shop customer satisfaction ?
1. Quality of Service
According to Tjiptono & Chandra (2012) the term quality contains
various interpretations, because quality has a number of levels, universal
(same everywhere), cultural (depending on the cultural values system),
social (formed by individual social classes, in simple terms quality can be
interpreted as a product that is free of charge). Defects this manufacturing
based definition is not relevant for the service sector. Therefore, the
understanding of quality is then expanded to “fitness for use and
conformance to requirements”.
Parasuraman in Lupiyoadi (2013) says that service quality is how far
the difference between reality and customer expectations for the service
they receive. Service quality reflects the comparison between the level of
service delivered by the company compared to customer expectations.
Service quality is realized through meeting customer needs and desires as
well as the accuracy of its delivery in balancing or exceeding customer
expectations. According to Wyckof in (Tjiptono, 2014) service quality is
the level of excellence expected and control over these advantages to meet
customer desired. With words on the other hand, there are two main
factors that affect the quality of the expected service and perceived
2. Product
Setiyaningrum (2015) states that a product is a collection of
physical, psychological, service, and symbolic attributes created to satisfy
customer needs and desires. There are three levels of products and services
that must be understood by marketers, namely the core values of
consumers that will answer the question of what the buyer actually buys
the actual product which includes features, design, quality level, brand
name and attractive packaging, and product. Additional, which includes
delivery and installments, after-sales service, guarantees, and anything that
is traded for the purpose of profiting from the creativity of a person,
marketing team, or company. According to Tjiptono (2015) conceptually a
product is a producer’s subjective understanding of something than can be
offered as an effort to achieve organizational goal through fulfilling
consumer needs and desires, in accordance with the competence and
capacity of the organization as well as market purchasing power. In
addition, the product can also be defined as consumer perceptions that are
described by the producer through the results of their production or
W.J. Stanton in Alma (2016) says “a product is a set of tangible
and intangible atributes, including packaging, color, price, manufacturer’s
and manufacturer’s and retailer, which the buyer may accept as offering
want satisfaction”. Which means that the product is a set of attributes, both
tangible and intangible, including color, price, the good name of the factory,
the good name of the store that sells it (retailer), and factory services and
retailer services, which are received by the buyer to satisfy his desires.
Kotler in Alma (2016) states“a product is anything that can be
offered to a market to satisfy a want or need. Product that are marketed
include physical goods, services, experience, events, persons, places,
properties, organizations, information, and ideas. Events. This means that
the product is anything that can be offered in the market to satisfy the needs
3. Price
According to Alma (2016) price is the value of an item expressed in
money. (Kotler & Keller, 2009) states that prices are not just numbers
labeled with prices. Prices take many forms and perform many functions.
Tuition rent, fees, wages, interest, fees, storage fees, salaries and
commissions are all prices paid for goods and services.
According to Utami (2017) price adjustments can be made by
retailers by setting a mark down. Mark down is a reduction of the initial
retail price, with the premise that a lower price is expected to increase the
number of sales. Some of the reasons for carrying out mark downs are
warehouse cleaning or promotions. Retailers have traditionally created a
set of rules that are free to accept mark downs. The limitations of the
approach can be explained as follows:
a. Treats all units in one product category with the same consistent
b. Follow a regular schedule
4. Buying Interest
Kotler & Keller (2009) state that consumer buying interest is a
consumer behavior where consumers have a desire to choose, use, and
consume or even want a product offered. It can be concluded that
consumer buying interest is an intention that arises from within a person to
make a purchase of a product or service with consideration before the
buying process takes place. The indicators of buying interest according to
Ferdinand (in Veronika, 2016:24), are:
a. Transactional interest
b. Referral interest
c. Preferential interest
d. exploratory interest
The results of this study indicate that service quality has a positive and
significant effect on customer satisfaction. Thus, the better the quality of online
services provided by the online shop, the higher the perceived satisfaction. The
results of the study also show that trust brand has a positive and significant effect
on repurchase intention. Thus, the higher the level of consumer confidence in the
online store, the greater the consumer's repurchase intention.
Based on the results of this study, it can be shown that service quality
affects repurchase intentions with multiple mediations ranging from customer
satisfaction and brand trust. Service quality is a determinant of customer
satisfaction, trust and repurchase intention. The better the quality of service
provided by the online shop, the more satisfied customers will be, and the more
trust they will have in their repurchase intention to make purchases at the online
Thus, to survive and even win the competition in the online market, every
online store must guarantee the quality of service, satisfaction and customer trust
to be able to encourage or strengthen their customers' repurchase intentions.
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