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C Hating

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How long have you been online?

and have you had any luck in meeting or chatting

with any man online?....

I joined on three day trial and today is my second day..Your the first person am
talking to and I would like to know you more if you don't mind....

i'm pretty new to this internet dating. Your profile came up to my 5new matches and
your Tender looking face with a nice smile pecked my Interest that allowed me to
contact you, And I must admit that you're beautiful and you wouldn't tell me that
you're still single???lol


Where do you live?....

Scott K Draper

4533 Hood Rd

Jacksonville, FL 32257-1109

I live in Austin Texas, I am a US army section commander of the 82nd Airborne

Division's, 1-504th PIR, Division Peace keeping force, currently in Afghanistan
with NATO�s military organization in Afghanistan for peace keeping...I have
dedicated eighteen years of my life to serving and protecting the dignity of my
beloved country and the course I believe in...

Between this time i have lost my marriage. This

is my life as a soldier and I am trained to adapt no matter the

Tell me about yourself....I am a very positive person who cares a lot about the
people around me...am the only child of my late parent...born in
Sweden(Stockholm),and raised in NY. I live my life with intent and purpose. I can
find fun in almost anything I do....


what kind of man are you looking for?.....

The type of person I am interested in is a woman who can laugh, one who is
motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self confident, someone with a kind heart
and a genuine soul, someone who values family and has a good head on her shoulders.

But what matter's most in a relationship is Honesty and faithfulness, I'm not
looking for someone who is busy trying to hook up with all men....I will be honest
that physical attraction plays a big factor, as you can't force chemistry....

My ideal match would be someone that is intelligent, driven, kind, cares about his
community, faithful, open minded, and has a sense of humor. My ideal woman would
one who is faithful, with that I will be happer knowing that I don't have to worry
when am away for my work because I know she will be faithful... I am a one woman
man, and I would want to meet a one man woman, who will be second to none to
me...Romance and passion are important as well. However I am realistic and I am by
far not perfect...but would treat my woman right at all times.

Are you ready to move or relocate when you find the special man.?


Tell me about your family?.....My Dad and mom died in June 1981...My parent died as
a result of an auto crash,it was painful lossing them...my dad was a Structural
engineer contractor based on analyzing, designing, planing of buildings, towers,
stadia and bridges,he has done jobs in so may countries like
Cyprus,Kenya,Brazil,Malaysia, he won a contract to build bridges in Liberia and was
about to start the project before he unfortunately had an accident which led to his


Where are you originally from?

I am a Swedish(Scandinavian)....


Have you ever been married?.....

We met in 1998, a mutual friend introduce us, and we started dating and in 2003 we
got married I was 41 years old, after 2years we had Roseline that was in Jan 12
2000...I lost her to breast cancer in 2009....My baby was just 9 then...


What do you do for fun?.....

I enjoy slow or fast dancing, walking in the woods holding hands...candlelite

dinners, travel, shopping and watching movies, and playing romantic piano for that
special person. I love snuggling and sharing passionate kisses too!

What do you like and dislike?

For me...I don't like cheaters, liars, thiefs, or shallow people. Other than that,
I'm a person that likes pretty much everything... I'm VERY easy going.


Favorite things?.....I like healthy foods such as a good seafood salad,Meat and
potatoes, I love the color blue...listening to romantic music or 60's music, and


Are you a romantic type?......

I'm a helpless romantic... I love being with my woman and doing little things for
her to put a smile on her face. I enjoy surprising my woman and doing my part to
making her dreams come true....

what make you smile?....

Well' for me, What make's me smile is very easy!!! What makes me smile is seeing
those I love smiling and knowing I put that smile on their faces...


Favorite local hot spots or travel destinations?

I love any restaurant that serve good healthy foods, I love restaurants with
romantic settings where we can look into each others eyes and feel that special
connection. I also love candlelit romantic dinners.


What kinds of sports and exercise do you....



Which best describes your daily diet?

Meat and potatoes Keep it healthy....

well right now i havent had much of an appetite. I eat breakfast, usually to busy
for lunch and i like different foods. mexican is my favorite. shrimp, salads,
pizza I usually make a light dinner. i dont like to eat heavy foods and feel
uncomfortable. dessert is one of my favorite foods. i know fattening. but

.....dinner i will eat some cheese and crackers


What is your faith?...........Christian / Catholic


Are you a religious person?

I love God with all my heart and trust in HIM to comfort me and guide me. Only him
knows what he has in store for us.

Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your feelings?.....

I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know it's not good to keep
them locked up. It's important to express to others that you care for them and are
there to support and encourage. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with the woman I
love... it makes my heart happy!


What make you very happy?....

When my loved ones are happy and when I have a woman who treats me with
respect...as I will treat her the same way
what are your own definition of true love?.....

True love to me is to understand and care for your partner, laugh together, smile
with your heart and to trust one another....

This is the kind of love God gives...unconditional love. It's a love that is
indescribable with words yet is felt deep within the heart. It's when you can't
stop thinking of the other person and you are excited to get home to them after a
long days work or you desire to just say hello thru a text or phone call just
because they are on your mind....


To make this work, If two people really want to be together its up to the two to
give it there best and not worry about what anyone says or does. Its up to us to
make what we would like from life to make our future.

How will you treat your man?...............

I will treat my woman with lots of love and respect. I like to hold her hand while
walking side by side, I enjoy the little kisses stolen throughout the day, and the
little smiles she gives me from across the room. I believe a man and woman are to
walk side by side in life and so communication and honesty are VERY important.

Can you take my son as yours if we are meant to be together?

I love kids and I treat all kids as if they are my own... I favor none but give my
love and support to them and try to be a Godly man I am supposed to be....


What do you like to do?..................

I love being in the great outdoors seeing the natural beauty God has given to us
that others take advantage of.. I love snuggling with the ones I love while
watching a movie. I enjoy meeting others and making a difference in the lives of
those around me.

i am God Fearing type that have a strong faith in God and i believe each day is a
gift for us when your open your heart for others..I just need someone that would
love me for me,someone i can call my own..Life is too serious to be serious,so i
need someone who can lean back and relax when she can,Not a workaholic,someone i
can build a Life with because I have allot of Love to give
1. Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a
successful relationship for many years?
I think the most important is trust. It's very common to see marriages ending in
divorce due to lack of trust and honesty. Once you are able to trust your partner,
I think you will have a relation that lasts forever.
2. Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could
share with you.
I love to travel when work and money allows it. There are many beautiful places
around the world that would love to explore with that special person...
3. How important is it to you that your partner fulfill traditional gender roles?
Would you like a woman who will cook, shop and keep house? Would you like a man who
maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy around the house?
I'm not the kind of guy who expects my wife to cook and clean all the time for me.
If she enjoys doing it is different but I like to help as well. I enjoy working
around the house fixing things, mowing grass, like cleaning and cooking. Usually, I
like to cook on weekends and learn new recipes so I can surprise you...
1. Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a
successful relationship for many years?
Trust and honesty.

2. Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could
share with you.
Investing, racquetball, dancing, running/working-out(I'm up to 5 mi), sailing,
traveling, etc. etc. etc., with investing probably being the most important, since
it can put both of us on the path to a decent early retirement.

3. How important is it to you that your partner fulfill traditional gender roles?
Would you like a woman who will cook, shop and keep house? Would you like a man who
maintains the cars, manages the finances, and is handy around the house?
I really don't have any pre-conceived notion of how traditional roles should be
applied. It really depends on the specific task we are applying those roles too.
Which-ever partner is best at a specific task, then that partner should take the
responsibility of doing that task. On the other hand,I'm really good at maintaining
cars, finances, and I'm handy around the house. On another note, there is a reason
why traditional roles became traditional roles over the centuries, and that fact
should be given full consideration.
1. Looking back on your life, of what are you most proud?
Wow..i am most proud of God for keeping me up to this m,oment and making me achieve
most things that was really my goals and dreams and i hope my partner will help me
to thank my Lovely almighty God.
3. What do you most like to do on a day off?
On my day off i Love domestic cleaning and

Describe some personal habits that are important to you.:

Some personal habits that are important to me are living life to the fullest,
trying to be a positive person and having fun and enjoying life.

What do you most like to do on a day off?:

Spend time with my Niece and Nephew or do something outside if it is a nice day.

Describe your ideal man/woman.:

My ideal man is someone who is trustworthy, committed and interested in having a
family to share his life with.
What are you looking for in a relationship partner?:

Honesty-faithfulness not taking me for granted. Loving me, wanting to enjoy my

company but also allowing me to have time reflect. Respect. Someone who can share
with me, talk to me about anything. Someone I can share daily life with, ups and
downs. Someone I can laugh with, tell my fantasies and deepest thoughts to. Someone
I can go natural- camp - outside with and them get all dolled up to go out on the
town with. Some one to love my children as I do. Somone to grow old with and enjoy
every life moment and adventure along the way! Some one I am compatible with. I
would love to see your profile.
How do you act when you're angry?:
Well lets see after I wrestle you to the ground so I can make you see it my way!!
TOTALLY kiddin about the see it my way thing. haha When I am angry , you know it
there is no hiding it. I want to talk about it, resolve it. Amgry is an emotion
just as happiness its how you deal with it.

What is the best thing an ex could say about you?:

Wow, you go for the gusto..lol Ok well lets see... I am a wonderful mom. I have a
caring and compassionate spirit and nature. I am a good person. I am a wonderful
wife and home maker. I'm a loyal wife, companion, friend. So if I am all of these
things then why aren't you still together? Doesn't everyone have their own story or
side to tell? Sometimes things, communications go amuck, people grow in seperate
ways and things change.
What is one thing you could start doing today that would most improve the quality
of your life?:
I think as far as my family, my career & my financial lives are concerned, I
already have the best quality possible. I guess the best thing I could do for me is
to find a little more time in my hectic schedule to help others. I already
volunteer for our local Humane Society, American Heart Association & our local
Chamber of Commerce, but I think there's so much more I could do if I could/would
just find the time.

What do you find physically attractive? :

I've always like guys who are tall (even though I'm definitely on the short side).
Nice eyes, nice smile. I know it when I see it. I'm a strong believer in chemistry.
I'm sure there are many people considered attractive to most that wouldn't have
chemistry with me (either from my perspective or theirs).

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:

I would like to be in better shape. I play tennis on a local team, but I'd like to
get in better shape by running every day or using a personal trainer to come up
with a work out program.

If you had three wishes, what would they be?:

World peace, stop world hunger, and stop childhood abuse. Okay, those are admirable
and very altruistic, but sound more in line with what women on a beauty pageant
would say to win points with the judges while they smile with Vaseline on their
veneer teeth. Who would argue with those? Right? If I truly had three wishes those
would probably be it though. I will make these personal. 1) That my father were
still alive so that I could really get to know him better and so that my son could
have his grandfather. 2) To be finished with my dissertation so I don't have it
hanging over my head. 3) Finding a person with whom I could happily create and
spend my life.
How would you spend a romantic evening with someone you have been dating for more
than one year?:

This is a good question; however, I think there is so much that can develop in a
year's time with someone. In order for it to be meaningful, it is what develops
between two people. It has to be something that is not just for me, but for the
person I am in a relationship with as well. All relationships have their unique
qualities, stories, and moments that are special. I pay attention to things, so how
I would be with one person would be entirely different than I would be with someone
else. I am like that in all my relationships (meaning friendships, family, clients,
etc.). All relationships have their own personality and I would like to say that
after some months I would then know what we both find to be romantic.

If you could do something totally out of character and remain anonymous what would
you do?

Ugh, this is a difficult question as I try to just go for what I want in life
without worrying about what others think. There are some things though that come to
mind and at this point, they would probably embarrass you more than they would me.
I will save those for if we get to know one another better. Sorry, will have to
keep you in suspense. I cannot think of anything that would be illegal, mean or
such that I would do...even if I thought I could get away with it.

What is the one dream for your life you most look forward to having come true?:

I have lots of goals in life. It me a moment when writing this to realise that
goals are different then dreams. Dreams are a bit more trickier for me to write
about. I have little dreams like having space for a garden...a huge garden. A
studio to paint in...and time to paint. And a dream of being surrounded by my boys,
our friends and family. Simple dreams really.

Do you have any pets?

Which types of animals do you love to be around?:

I don't have any pets at this time. However, as a child we always had many dogs
around. My boy love having fish and even have asked for other animals...now that we
have a house..pets are more doable. We are looking to add to our family soon.

Are you doing what you love? If not, what would you rather be doing?:

Up until a few months ago I would of answered no. I received 2 promotions in 2

months and things are different. I love the chaos...the constant change. I enjoy
mentoring, teaching and helping my agents achieve their personal goals..and also
achieve and exceed our teams goals. I feel at times I am a mother, sister, friend,
cheerleader and even a director all in one...but I love it. I never thought I would
say that.

What are you looking for in a relationship partner?

Someone to be my best friend, a listener when I have to vent about the days issues
and someone to love and be with for as long as I am here. I want to be able to tell
my partner anything no matter what it might be and feel that it would be ok to do.
I know some people in relationships where they feel the need to hide things from
their significant others and I really don't think that is right. Sooner or later
they find out and then comes the explainations...some are kinda funny to

3. What have you learned from past relationships?

I have learned to not try and change people as I wouldn't want them to try to
change me. It seems that the couple should grow together but still be able to have
outside friends also. I have also learned to be very self reliant and very
independent person

I cherish every moment we have, every letter and expressions you have given to me
during our chat

You Make Me Smile When I Read Your Messages And I Am So Happy I Found You

Also I must commend on your English speaking, it's so nice that I can quite
understand it and I promise to teach you more being the closest woman and partner
in my life

HONEY..... please permit me to use pet names on you because when I woke up and have
some thoughts about you, I feel so good, I feel like the heaven have bless me with
a good partner whom will care for me and I�ll offer her the best love and care as
she desires; and I have found out you are the one�


I must be honest with you and much sincere with you as well, ever since the demise
of my wife about 7 years ago, I have known no other woman; I have tried getting
acquainted with two women but the relationship would not get to last for a month
and they would break up with me

their reasons is my kind of job that keeps me off for couple of weeks before I get
home. I tried convincing the both that I have been on this job and was living well,
in good fate and in love with my wife and my son, until the death of my wife...

I have never had quarrels with my late wife on my job before her death, so the two
women seems so difficult and lack understanding and I have to let go of them and
since then, I have never tried to get acquaintance with any woman until now I found

Dear, I have to let you know now that I'm projecting a serious affair/relationship
with you if you would be able to give me the chance to explore in you what it shall
take you to accept me into your heart and believe in the word LOVE, for both of us
Dearest, I must commend on your photos once again, you are so beautiful that I
found it difficult to stare off my eyes on your photos when it appeared to me...

I really do not think straight without having the thoughts of your beauty and my
relationship with you

I am an American soldier, I am serving in the military but presently serving NATO

Training Mission-Iraq, for peace keeping.
I am a loyal sincere person with good thoughts and feelings of principles and
I love to laugh and make others laugh. I can be a bit of a prankster when in that
'mischievous, playful' mood, so be careful...lol. I enjoy children, most animals,
great conversation, playfulness, affection. I am honest, loyal, patient, and enjoy
helping others. I'm not perfect and don't expect anyone else to be either.
I value friendship, forgiveness, commitment. I seek a relationship with a woman who
is educated, HONEST, romantic, mature and respectful of me, herself and God. she
will not be afraid to be herself, will encourage me to do the same. I seek a woman
who is not afraid to share her feelings and is there when I need the same. I desire
a woman who is content with who she is yet is constantly growing within. I have old
fashioned values which means I am not looking to 'hook-up'. I am not into head
games or one night stands. If that is what you are looking for and/or expect,
please don't waste your time


Hi I was wondering if maybe you would like to chat on yahoo chat. My I'd is
scottdrap Then at. yahoo. Dot com

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