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OS Project Report

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Delhi Technological University


Department of Information Technology


Debian Operating System

Submitted by:- Submitted to:-
Sudhanshu Singh (2K20/IT/147) Prof. Jasraj Meena
Varnit Rastogi (2K20/IT/160)
IT - B (Sem - IV)
(FORMERLY Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, Delhi – 110042


We, (Sudhanshu Singh, 2K20/IT/147) and (Varnit Rastogi, 2K20/IT/160), students of B.

Tech. (Information Technology) hereby declare that the project dissertation titled
“Debian Operating System” which is submitted by us to the Department of Information
Technology, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, is original and not copied from any
source without proper citation.

Place: Delhi

Sudhanshu Singh (2K20/IT/147) Date: 18th April 2022

Varnit Rastogi (2K20/IT/160)
(FORMERLY Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042


Linux Operating System became popular among computer users at the

end of the 1990s. Many developing countries have adopted Linux
operating system for education and e-governance to avoid the financial
burden of proprietary software. The advent of Ubuntu as a user-friendly
Linux changed the history of Linux Desktop. With this, even home users
started to install and use the Linux Operating System on desktop and
laptop computers. Debian Linux project (https://www.debian.org/) is a
community-owned project and follows the principles of Free and Open
Source software (FOSS). Modern and popular Linux operating systems
like Ubuntu derived from Debian project (“Debian derivatives,” 2018).
Debian project is unique among other Linux projects because of its
extensive community support, large package repositories and free project
management style. Besides, Debian Linux possesses a lot of useful
features suitable for both new and expert user groups.


(FORMERLY Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042

In completion of my project, we had to take the help and guideline of some respected
persons, who deserve my greatest gratitude. The completion of this assignment gives me
pleasure. We would like to show my gratitude to Prof. Jasraj Meena, Mentor for this
project, giving me good guidelines for reporting throughout numerous consultations. We
would also like to extend my deepest gratitude to all those who have directly and
indirectly guided me in writing this assignment.

We thank all the people for their help directly and indirectly to complete this assignment.

In addition, we would like to thank the Department of Information Technology, Delhi

Technological University for giving me the opportunity to work on this topic.
Debian Introduction-
In August 1993 an American software engineer Ian Murdock founded the Debian project.
The operating system’s first version (0.01) was released in September 1993 and the first
stable version was released in June 1996 and the current Debian stable version is Debian
11(Bullseye). Every two years, the operating system’s stable version is released. The
earlier version is the old Stable release. The Debian experimental release is a beta version
of the release. For all releases, the Debian project uses the same numbering scheme and
code name. The Debian project had produced lots of new popular Linux distributions.
Ubuntu Linux, which is widely used, is based on the Debian project

Three branches of Debian System which are maintained daily:

Stable branch: It’s the current release and aim towards software that needs to be
well-tested and stable. Stable is created by putting Testing on hold for a few months while
issues are resolved and packages with too many bugs are deleted, and then releasing the
resulting system as stable.

Testing branch: It is the experimental branch which will lead to the next major release.
Although the packages in this branch have been evaluated for instability, they may not yet
be ready for release. It has packages that are newer than those in stable but older than
those in unstable.

Unstable branch: Its code name is “sid” in which packages are allowed without a full
check of the distribution. This branch is typically used by software engineers who are
working on a project and require the most up-to-date libraries, as well as individuals who
like cutting-edge software

Linux Kernal:-
The main purpose of a computer is to run a predefined sequence of instructions, known as
a program. A program under execution is often referred to as a process. Now, most special
purpose computers are meant to run a single process, but in a sophisticated system such a
general purpose computer, are intended to run many processes simultaneously. Any kind
of process requires hardware resources such are Memory, Processor time, Storage space,
etc. In a General Purpose Computer running many processes simultaneously, we need a
middle layer to manage the distribution of the hardware resources of the computer
efficiently and fairly among all the various processes running on the computer. This
middle layer is referred to as the kernel. Basically the kernel virtualizes the common
hardware resources of the computer to provide each process with its own virtual
resources. This makes the process seem as it is the sole process running on the machine.
The kernel is also responsible for preventing and mitigating conflicts between different
processes. This schematically represented

The Core Subsystems of the Linux Kernel are as follows:

The Process Scheduler

The Memory Management Unit (MMU)

The Virtual File System (VFS)

The Networking Unit

Inter-Process Communication Unit

The basic functioning of each of the 1st three subsystems is elaborated below:

The Process Scheduler: This kernel subsystem is responsible for fairly distributing the
CPU time among all the processes running on the system simultaneously.

The Memory Management Unit: This kernel sub-unit is responsible for proper
distribution of the memory resources among the various processes running on the system.
The MMU does more than just simply provide separate virtual address spaces for each of
the processes.

The Virtual File System: This subsystem is responsible for providing a unified interface
to access stored data across different filesystems and physical storage media.

1. Copying Files to the Virtual server through scp command, from

your local directory.

2. Logging into the virtual debian server

3. Ls command - shows all the files there are on that directory

4. Pwd - shows the path to the present directory

5. Mkdir and rm - made and deleted a directory

6. Vim - text editor for linux based operating system
Head -n 5 file.txt - shows the the first five lines of file made
Tail -n 5 file.txt - shows the the last five lines of file made
Vim Text editor

PS AUX - Shows all the present running processes

Ls -la → shows all the files and folders of the present directory
(hidden included)

Sudo apt-get install python3-pip - used for installing pip in debian os.
Sudo command is used to run the particular process as administrator

Crontab - Used for scheduling a process at a Particular time of day.

SCREEN - Used for starting a process in the background .
PS -HE →it is powerful tool used for getting the information about the processes running
on linux.


1. A Comprehensive Installer -

Early on, Debian gained a reputation for being hard to install that it has never altogether
lost. In reality, though, the reverse is true, and Debian has the most thorough-going
installer available. Although most people installing Debian only need a shortened
version, the Debian Installer allows the selection of almost every detail — so long, of
course, as you are prepared to spend a couple of hours installing.
2. A Choice Of The Degree Of Freedom

Debian installs with only free software. However, if you choose to work with proprietary
software, add contrib non-free to the end of each line of /etc/apt/sources.list, then
run apt-get update. The contrib section contains free software that requires non-free
software to run, while non-free section contains proprietary software. Officially, neither
section is tested as thoroughly as the rest of Debian, but unofficially, their stands are still

3. Multiple Hardware Architectures

Each Debian release officially supports nine hardware architectures, ranging from
amd64 (64 bit Intel) to arm64 and PowerPC. Another five architectures are unofficially
supported, while three are unsupported but listed anyway.

4. Easy Transitions Between Technologies

The introduction of new technologies like Systemd often causes problems when
upgrading to a new release. However, Debian makes a point of creating packages that
make the changeover as smooth as an ordinary upgrade.

5. The Largest Number Of Installed Packages

Probably no one has counted exactly, but Debian includes over 40,000 packages — and
possibly over 50,000. Either number is generally assumed to be larger than any other
distribution, even though few other distributions count their own packages.

6. A Balance Between Cutting Edge And Stability

Debian’s three main repositories are Stable, Testing, and Unstable. These repositories
are supposed to be organized for the purposes of producing a new release, but it is a
rare user who can resist the temptation to raid Testing and Unstable for the most recent

7. Stability And Security

All distributions have guidelines for their packages, but the Debian Policy Manual is by
far the most comprehensive. The manual details every possible aspect of what a
package may contain and how it can interact with other packages, and every package
must adhere to it. The result is that the Debian Stable repository is almost certainly the
most dependable version of Linux available. Even Unstable is as stable as other
distributions most of the time — although occasionally it can have some unpleasant


1. Debian Installs With Only Free Software

In Debian, getting non-free software is as easy as adding the repositories. However, for
some users, even that is too much effort. They prefer a Debian derivative like Linux Mint
or Ubuntu that makes getting non-free drivers or tools like Flash even easier.

2. Debian Uses Systemd

While most users have accepted the introduction of Systemd a few years ago, some
continue to fault Debian for using it. They see Systemd as too powerful an administration
tool, and suspect it as a ploy by Red Hat to control the desktop. The Debian wiki
includes instructions for replacing Systemd with Init, but the process is cumberson, so
those who object to Systemd often prefer a derivative distribution like Devuan, which
installs without Systemd.

3. Debian Software Is Not Always Up To Date

Debian does have Security and StableUpdates repositories to help keep Stable more
current, but neither makes Debian cutting edge. Debian is most current immediately after
a general or a point release, but even then its software versions are behind most other

APT tools

An Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) allows administering an installed Debian system to retrieve and
resolve package dependencies from repositories. APT tools share dependency information and
cached packages.
● The apt command itself is intended as an end user interface and enables some options
better suited for interactive usage by default compared to more specialized APT like
apt-get and apt-cache explained below.
● apt-get and apt-cache are command tools of the standard apt package. apt-get
installs and removes packages, and apt-cache is used for searching packages and
displaying package information.
● Aptitude is a command line tool that also offers a text-based user interface. The program
comes with enhancements such as better search on package metadata.
Debian GNU/Linux is an open-source Linux Operating System created by the
Debian community. It can be used on many devices like laptops, desktops and
servers. Debian not only provides Command Line interface but also Graphical
User Interface so it’s a friendly Operating System. Its latest stable release is
Debian 11(Bulls eye). History, introduction, packages, repository, architecture,
hardware, Desktop environments, installation images, some features and area
of use of Debian System is discussed.
References -






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