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Cie A2 - 13

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22 December, 2020 Teacher Sandy (60 marks)

Chapter 13 (CIE A2)

1 (a) Fig. 5.1 shows the seaweed Laminaria hyperborea. This is a photosynthetic protoctist found
in the coastal waters around Norway.

The seaweed is grown commercially to obtain the glucose polysaccharide called alginate.
This is used in certain food products.

L. hyperborea
plants growing
in limited

Fig. 5.1

An increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has resulted in higher

concentrations of carbon dioxide in the ocean. This has caused a decrease in the pH of the
ocean and has resulted in ocean acidification.

Scientists are studying seaweeds such as L. hyperborea because they absorb a large quantity
of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. This may help to increase the pH of the ocean and
reverse ocean acidification.

(i) State where light absorption occurs in the chloroplasts of L. hyperborea.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Name one product of the light dependent stage of photosynthesis.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Outline the reactions occurring in the stroma that lead to the production of a
polysaccharide, such as alginate.

The first sentence has been completed for you.

Carbon dioxide binds to RuBP.










..................................................................................................................................... [4]
(b) Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of day length on the rate of
photosynthesis in another marine autotroph, Zostera marina.

• The temperature was controlled at 4 °C.

• A low concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in the water was used.
• The light exposure period (day length) was different for five groups of Z. marina.
• This was maintained for 10 days to allow Z. marina to adapt to these conditions.
• After 10 days, the rate of photosynthesis was measured for each group under the
same controlled conditions.
• The experiment was repeated using five groups of Z. marina with a high
concentration of carbon dioxide dissolved in water.

Table 5.1 shows the rate of photosynthesis for each group.

Table 5.1

rate of photosynthesis
day length / arbitrary units
/ hours low carbon dioxide high carbon dioxide
concentration concentration
12 2.0 2.5
14 3.0 5.0
16 4.0 7.0
18 5.5 11.0
20 7.5 18.0

(i) With reference to Table 5.1, explain the difference in the rate of photosynthesis at high
carbon dioxide concentration compared to low carbon dioxide concentration.




..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) With reference to Table 5.1, describe and explain the effect of increasing day length on
the rate of photosynthesis for the Z. marina in high carbon dioxide concentration.








..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(c) In the laboratory, a seaweed was grown in water with different pH values. All other
including temperature and light, were standardised.
The mean rate of photosynthesis was calculated over a 24 hour period for each pH value.

The results are shown in Fig 5.2.

mean rate
of 3
/ arbitrary 2

7.8 8.1 8.4

Fig. 5.2

(i) With reference to Fig. 5.2, explain the effect on the rate of photosynthesis when the pH
increases from 8.1 to 8.4.






..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) The lower pH values on Fig. 5.2 represent ocean acidification.

Suggest why the results for the lower pH values do not fully support the idea that
seaweeds can help to reduce ocean acidification.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 14]
22 (a) An investigation was carried out to measure the rate of photosynthesis at different
concentrations of carbon dioxide. Two different plants, barley and sugar cane, were tested at
two different temperatures, 10 °C and 25 °C.

The results are shown in Fig. 4.1.

sugar cane at 25 °C


barley at 25 °C
rate of
photosynthesis 20
/ arbitrary units
15 barley at 10 °C

sugar cane at 10 °C

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
carbon dioxide concentration / arbitrary units

Fig. 4.1

(i) Suggest why, in all four experiments, the rate of photosynthesis became constant as the
carbon dioxide concentration increased.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) With reference to Fig. 4.1, describe the difference in the rate of photosynthesis, at 10 °C,
between barley and sugar cane.






...................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iii) Sugar cane is a C4 plant. Barley is not a C4 plant.

Explain why, at 25 °C, sugar cane had a higher rate of photosynthesis than barley.








...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(b) Carbon dioxide for photosynthesis enters the leaves through open stomata. Stomata do not
stay open all the time.

Changes in environmental conditions can cause stomata to close. Describe these conditions
and explain how stomatal closure benefits the plant.








.............................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 13]
33 (a) Fig. 7.1 outlines the process of non-cyclic photophosphorylation in the chloroplast of a leaf
mesophyll cell.


2e– electron
2e– 2e–
carriers NADP
light 2e–
2e– reductase
energy process NADP
B photosystem
photosystem ATP
II 1
2 O2 light NADP
process 2H+
H 2O


Fig. 7.1

(i) State precisely where non-cyclic photophosphorylation occurs in the chloroplast.


(ii) With reference to Fig. 7.1, name processes A and B.

A ........................................................................................................................................

B ....................................................................................................................................[2]

(iii) State what happens to the oxygen produced by process A.



(iv) Name the primary pigment in photosystem I and photosystem II.


(v) Name two compounds shown in Fig. 7.1 that are used in the conversion of
glycerate-3-phosphate (GP) to triose phosphate (TP) in the Calvin cycle.


(b) Outline the uses of triose phosphate in the mesophyll cells of the leaf.







[Total: 9]
4 Fig. 7.1 shows part of a section through the leaf of a C4 plant such as maize. The letters A, B and
C show three types of cell found in the leaf.


Fig. 7.1

(a) Complete Table 7.1 by using the letters A, B or C from Fig. 7.1 to show the location of several
compounds associated with photosynthesis in C4 plants.

You may use A, B and C once, more than once, or not at all.

Table 7.1

compound location
PEP carboxylase

(b) Explain why the cells in C form a tight ring around the cells in B.





(c) Several enzymes have a role in the light independent stage of photosynthesis.

Fig. 7.2 shows the activity of one of these enzymes at different temperatures for a C3 plant,
Pisum sativum, and a C4 plant, Amaranthus hypochondriacus.



70 hypochondriacus

percentage of
enzyme activity

30 Pisum
20 C3


0 10 20 30 40 50

temperature / °C

Fig. 7.2

Describe the differences between the two curves and suggest explanations for these










[Total: 8]
5 (a) Describe how you would carry out an investigation into the effect of temperature on the rate
of photosynthesis of an aquatic plant. [8]
(b) Describe how the structure of a chloroplast is related to its functions. [8]










































































































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