C2 Words
C2 Words
C2 Words
lure verb to persuade someone to do something or go somewhere by offering them something exciting
lure noun the quality or power that something or someone has that makes it, him, or her attractive
come/get to grips with sth to make an effort to understand and deal with a problem or situation
associate with sb to spend time with a group of people, especially people who are disapproved of
If you support or stay with someone through thick and thin, you always support or stay with
through thick and thin
them, even if there are problems or difficulties
by all means used to give permission
nest egg noun an amount of money that has been saved or kept for a special purpose
crisp adjective Crisp paper or cloth is stiff and smooth
give and take noun willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own
bleak adjective If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future
bleak adjective If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive
patch sth up to try to improve a relationship after there have been problems
sneak a look/glance at sb/sth to look at someone or something quickly and secretly
sneak verb to go somewhere secretly, or to take someone or something somewhere secretly
in/for the foreseeable future as far into the future as you can imagine or plan for
hit/touch a (raw) nerve to upset someone
relief noun food, money, or services that provide help for people in need
elusive adjective difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember
stardom noun the quality of being famous, especially for being a singer, actor, etc.
across the board happening or having an effect on people at every level and in every area
acre noun a unit for measuring area, equal to 4,047 square metres or 4,840 square yards
accumulation noun an amount of something that has been collected
Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to
accountable adjective
give a satisfactory reason for it
If something must on no account/not on any account be done, it must not be done at any time
on no account
or for any reason
of your own accord If you do something of your own accord, you do it without being asked to do it
accompany verb to sing or play an instrument with another musician or singer
accessible adjective easy to understand
accelerate verb When a vehicle or its driver accelerates, the speed of the vehicle increases
academic adjective used to describe someone who is clever and enjoys studying
abusive adjective using rude and offensive words
abuse noun rude and offensive words said to another person
absolutely not used as a strong way of saying "no"
abrupt adjective using too few words when talking, in a way that seems rude and unfriendly
abrupt adjective sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant
above adverb, prep. too good or important for something
able adjective intelligent or good at what you do
yield verb to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information
outline noun the main shape or edge of something, without any details
to provide something good or useful in place of something or to make someone feel better
compensate verb
about something that has failed or been lost or missed
further verb to develop or make progress in something
incorporate verb to include something as part of something larger
exemplify verb to be or give a typical example of something
prompt sb to do sth to make someone decide to say or do something
progress verb to continue gradually
charm verb to attract someone or persuade someone to do something because of your charm
charm noun an object or saying that is thought to have magical powers, such as the ability to bring good luck
to remember officially and give respect to a great person or event, especially by a public
commemorate verb
ceremony or by making a statue or special building
to hold someone tightly with both arms to express love, liking, or sympathy, or when greeting or
embrace verb
leaving someone
vicious adjective used to describe an object, condition, or remark that causes great physical or emotional pain
vicious adjective Vicious people or actions show an intention or wish to hurt someone or something very badly