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Genshin Impact Magic Items - GM Binder

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Genshin Impact Themed Items

Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II Elemental Potion

Wondrous Item, rare A potion shining a bright red, chilled blue, or an electric
A bottle with a bubbling green liquid and a small prism yellow bringing you resistance to a certain element.
with wings flapping constantly. Upon being thrown, the bottle
shatters, and the Hypostasis trapped inside is breaks free and Potion Variety Effect
begins to draw all creatures to it. Heat Shield Resistance to Fire Damage for 1 hour
As an action, this item can be thrown and has a range of Frost Shield Resistance to Cold Damage for 1 hour
30ft. All creatures within a 20 ft circle of where the bottle
lands must make a strength saving throw DC 16, or suffer the Insulation Resistance to Lightning Damage for 1 hour
following effects. The creature will take 3d8 bludgeoning Toxin-Proof Resistance to Acid Damage for 1 hour
damage, and be pulled 10 feet closer to where the bottle
landed. Also, if any creature has taken Fire, Cold, Lightning,
Acid, damage within the past 2 turns, or if there is any natural Elemental Essentail Oil
element such as fire burning, acid on the ground, or ice An oil shining a bright red, chilled blue, or an electric yellow
shards, all creatures within the swirl take an additional 1d8 bringing you bonus damage to a certain element.
of that damage type. Once a creature is affected by this Oil Variety Effect
elemental swirl damage, the Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 /
Type II will continue to deal that damage bonus until is has Flaming
You may add your proficiency bonus to
dissapated. Essential
damage rolls using fire damage for 1 hour.
This effect will take place at the begining of your next turn Oil
for the next 5 turns and then the Hypostasis will be dispersed. Frosting
You may add your proficiency bonus to
Harbinger of Dawn damage rolls using cold damage for 1 hour.
Weapon (Shortsword), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls with this magic Shocking
You may add your proficiency bonus to
damage rolls using lightning damage for 1
weapon. Oil hour.
If you have more than 3/4 of your hit points (rounded
down) your weapon attacks with this weapon score a critical Toxic
You may add your proficiency bonus to
hit on a roll of 18-20. Essential
damage rolls using Acid damage for 1 hour.
The Bell
Weapon (Greatsword), very rare (requires attunement) Thundersoother Piece
You gain a +2 to attack and damage rolls with this magic Wondrous item, rare (requires attuenment)
weapon. A piece of an ancient set of relics known as a
As a reaction to taking damage, you may choose to gain thundersoother artifact. The thundersoother artifact set are
temporary hit points equal to twice your level, as a circular deep shades of purple with jagged bolts of lightning and
shiled appears arround you. Whenever this happens, your spikes etching their designs. The pieces can be any of the
armor class also increases by +2 for a minute. Once you use following. Thundersoother's Heart, Thundersoother's Plume,
this ability, you must finish a short or long rest before using it Hour of Soothing Thunder, Thundersoother's Goblet, or
again. Thundersoother's Diadem.
You gain resistance to lightning damage. Also, if any
Skyward Harp creature has been affected by lightning damage since the
Weapon (Shortbow), legendary (requires attunement) beginning of your last turn, you have advantage on all attacks
You gain a +3 to attack and damage rolls with this magic against them that deal lightning damage.
weapon. Also, you can roll two additional weapon damage
dice when determining the extra damage for a critical with Lavawalker Piece
this magic weapon. Wondrous item, rare (requires attuenment)
You may attack twice per turn with this bow, over riding the A piece of an ancient set of relics known as a Lavawalker
loading property. Once per turn, when you land an attack artifact. The Lavawalker artifacts are light shades of crimson
against a creature, you may choose to cause a burst of with golden barriers and fluid designs. The pieces can be any
damage in a small AOE around the creature equal to 3d10 of the following. Lavawalker's Resolution, Lavawalker's
bludgeoning damage in a 15ft circle. You may use this a Salvation, Lavawalker's Torment, Lavawalker's Epiphany, or
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long Lavawalker's Wisdom.
rest. You gain resistance to fire damage. Also, if any creature has
been affected by fire damage since the beginning of your last
turn, you have advantage on all attacks against them that deal
fire damage.

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