Learning To Act Using Real-Time Dynamic Programmin
Learning To Act Using Real-Time Dynamic Programmin
Learning To Act Using Real-Time Dynamic Programmin
The authors thank Rich Yee, Vijay Gullapalli, Brian Pinette, and Jonathan Bachrach for helping to
clarify the relationships between heuristic search and control. We thank Rich Sutton, Chris Watkins, Paul
Werbos, and Ron Williams for sharing their fundamental insights into this subject through numerous dis-
cussions, and we further thank Rich Sutton for rst making us aware of Korf's research and for his very
thoughtful comments on the manuscript. We are very grateful to Dimitri Bertsekas and Steven Sullivan
for independently pointing out an error in an earlier version of this article. Finally, we thank Harry Klopf,
whose insight and persistence encouraged our interest in this class of learning problems. This research was
supported by grants to A.G. Barto from the National Science Foundation (ECS-8912623 and ECS-9214866)
and the Air Force Oce of Scientic Research, Bolling AFB (AFOSR-89-0526).
Learning methods based on dynamic programming (DP) are receiving increasing at-
tention in articial intelligence. Researchers have argued that DP provides the appro-
priate basis for compiling planning results into reactive strategies for real-time control,
as well as for learning such strategies when the system being controlled is incom-
pletely known. We introduce an algorithm based on DP, which we call Real-Time DP
(RTDP), by which an embedded system can improve its performance with experience.
RTDP generalizes Korf's Learning-Real-Time-A* algorithm to problems involving un-
certainty. We invoke results from the theory of asynchronous DP to prove that RTDP
achieves optimal behavior in several dierent classes of problems. We also use the the-
ory of asynchronous DP to illuminate aspects of other DP-based reinforcement learning
methods such as Watkins' Q-Learning algorithm. A secondary aim of this article is to
provide a bridge between AI research on real-time planning and learning and relevant
concepts and algorithms from control theory.
1 Introduction
The increasing interest of articial intelligence (AI) researchers in systems embedded
in environments demanding real-time performance is narrowing the gulf between problem
solving and control engineering. Similarly, machine learning techniques suited to embedded
systems are becoming more comparable to methods for the adaptive control of dynamic sys-
tems. A growing number of researchers are investigating learning systems based on dynamic
programming (DP) algorithms for solving stochastic optimal control problems, arguing that
DP provides the appropriate basis for compiling planning results into reactive strategies for
real-time control, as well as for learning such strategies when the system being controlled is
incompletely known. Learning algorithms based on DP employ novel means for improving
the computational eciency of conventional DP algorithms. Werbos [86; 88] and Watkins
[81] proposed incremental versions of DP as learning algorithms, and Sutton's Dyna architec-
ture for learning, planning, and reacting [69; 70] is based on these principles. The key issue
addressed by DP-based learning is the tradeo between short- and long-term performance:
how can an agent learn to improve long-term performance when this may require sacricing
short-term performance? DP-based learning algoithms are examples of reinforcement learn-
ing methods by which autonomous agents can improve skills in environments that do not
contain explicit teachers [71].
In this article we introduce a learning algorithm based on DP, which we call Real-Time
Dynamic Programming (RTDP) by which an embedded problem-solving system can improve
its long-term performance with experience, and we prove results about its behavior in several
dierent types of problems. RTDP is the result of recognizing that Korf's [38] Learning-Real-
Time A* (LRTA*) algorithm1 closely related to a form of DP known as asynchronous DP
[10]. This novel observation permits us to generalize the ideas behind LRTA* so that they
apply to real-time problem solving tasks involving uncertainty. In particular, we apply the
theory of asynchronous DP developed by Bertsekas [10] and Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [12] to
show that RTDP converges to optimal solutions when applied to several types of real-time
problem solving tasks involving uncertainty. Whereas the theory of asynchronous DP was
motivated by the suitability of asynchronous DP for parallel processing, we adapt this theory
to the case of performing DP concurrently with problem solving or control. We also present
an extension of RTDP, called Adaptive RTDP, applicable when information is lacking about
a problem's structure in addition to its solution.
Recognizing that the theory of asynchronous DP is relevant to learning also permits
us to provide new insight into Watkins' Q-Learning [81; 82] algorithm, another DP-based
learning algorithm which is being explored by AI researchers. We present simulation results
comparing the performance of RTDP, Adaptive RTDP, Q-Learning, and a conventional DP
1 We use the term real-time following this usage by Korf in which it refers to problems in which actions
have to be performed under hard time constraints. We do not address details of the scheduling issues that
arise in using these algorithms as components of complex real-time systems.
algorithm on several simulated real-time problem solving tasks involving uncertainty.
Another aim of this article is to discuss some of the important issues that arise in using
DP-based learning algorithms, with particular attention being devoted to indicating which
aspects of their use have formal justication and which do not. In doing this, we attempt to
clarify links between AI research on real-time planning and learning and relevant concepts
from control theory. We discuss selected concepts from control theory that we believe are
most relevant to the eorts in AI to develop autonomous systems cabable of performing in
real-time and under uncertainty.
But there remain many issues relevant to using DP-based learning in AI that we do not
discuss. For example, we adopt a rather abstract formalism and do not say much about how
it might best apply to problems of interest in AI. A formalism this abstract is potentially
applicable to a wide variety of specic problems, but it is not easy to specify exactly what
subproblems within complex systems can best take advantage of these methods. In accord
with Dean and Wellman [23], we regard DP-based reinforcement learning as a component
technology that addresses some of the issues important for developing sophisticated embedded
agents but that by itself does not address all of them.
Because the reader is unlikely to be familiar with all of the contributing lines of research,
we provide the necessary background in Section 2, followed in Section 3 by a discussion of
the proper relationship between some concepts from AI and control theory. Development
of the theoretical material occupies Sections 4 through 9, with an introduction to a class of
stochastic optimal control problems occupying Section 4 and an introduction to conventional
DP occupying Section 5. There are two major parts to this theoretical development. The
rst part (Sections 5 and 6) concerns problems for which accurate models are available.
Here, we describe RTDP, its convergence properties, and its relationship to LRTA*. The
second part (Section 7) concerns the additional complexity present in the case of incomplete
information, i.e., when an accurate model of the problem is lacking. Section 8 is a brief
disscussion of DP-based learning algorithms that are outside the theoretical scope of this
article. In Section 9 we discuss some of the issues that practical implementations of DP-based
learning algorithms must address. In Section 10 we use an example problem to illustrate
RTDP and other algorithms. We conclude in Section 11 with an appraisal of the signicance
of our approach and discuss some of the open problems.
2 Background
A major in
uence on research leading to current DP-based algorithms has been the
method Samuel [61; 62] used to modify a heuristic evaluation function for the game of
checkers. His method updated board evaluations by comparing an evaluation of the current
board position with an evaluation of a board position likely to arise later in the game:
. . . we are attempting to make the score, calculated for the current board position,
look like that calculated for the terminal board position of the chain of moves
which most probably occur during actual play. (Samuel [61].)
As a result of this process of \backing up" board evaluations, the evaluation function should
improve in its ability to evaluate the long-term consequences of moves. In one version of
this algorithm, Samuel represented the evaluation function as a weighted sum of numerical
features and adjusted the weights based on an error derived from comparing evaluations of
current and predicted board positions.
Because of its compatibility with connectionist learning algorithms, this approach was
rened and extended by Sutton [67; 68] and used heuristically in a number of single-agent
problem-solving tasks (e.g., Barto, Sutton, and Anderson [2], Anderson [1], and Sutton
[67]). The algorithm was implemented as a neuron-like connectionist element called the
Adaptive Critic Element [2]. Sutton [68] later called these algorithms Temporal Dierence
(TD) methods and obtained some theoretical results about their convergence. Following
the proposals of Klopf [36; 37], Sutton and Barto [72; 73; 74] developed these methods as
models of animal learning. Minsky [53; 54] discussed similar ideas in the context of the
credit assignment problem for reinforcement learning systems; Hampson [28] independently
developed some of these ideas and related them to animal behavior; Christensen and Korf
[16] experimented with a Samuel-like method for updating evaluation function coecients
using linear regression; and Holland's [30] bucket-brigade algorithm for assigning credit in his
classier systems is closely related to Samuel's method. Tesauro's recent TD-Gammon [77], a
program using a TD method together with a connectionist network to improve performance
in playing backgammon, has achieved remarkable success.
Independently of the approaches inspired by Samuel's checkers player, other researchers
suggested similar algorithms based on the theory of optimal control, where DP provides
important solution methods. As applied to control problems, DP (a term introduced by
Bellman [9]) consists of methods for successively approximating optimal evaluation functions
and decision rules for both deterministic and stochastic problems. In its most general form,
DP applies to optimization problems in which the costs of objects in the search space have
a compositional structure that can be exploited to nd an object of globally minimum cost
without performing exhaustive search. Kumar and Kanal [40] discuss DP at this level of
generality. However, we restrict attention to DP as it applies to problems in which the objects
are state sequences that can be generated in problem-solving or control tasks. DP solves
these optimization problems by solving recurrence relations instead of explicitly searching in
the space of state sequences. Backing up state evaluations is the basic step of DP procedures
for solving these recurrence relations. We discuss several DP algorithms in detail in Section 5.
Although DP algorithms avoid exhaustive search in the state-sequence space, they are
still exhaustive by AI standards because they require repeated generation and expansion of
all possible states. For this reason, DP has not played a signicant role in AI. Heuristic
search algorithms, in contrast, are explicitly designed to avoid being exhaustive in this way.
But DP algorithms are relevant to learning in a way that heuristic search algorithms are
not because they systematically update the evaluations of the states; in eect, they adjust
a problem's heuristic evaluation function by incorporating the results of repeated shallow
searches. Although some heuristic search algorithms, such as A* [29], update estimates of
the costs to reach states from an initial state (A*'s g function), they typically do not update
the heuristic evaluation function estimating the cost to reach a goal from each state (the h
Despite the fact that DP algorithms are exhaustive in the sense described above, it is
possible to arrange their computational steps for use during control or real-time problem
solving. This is the basis of RTDP and the other algorithms we describe in this article.
In most cases, convergence to an optimal evaluation function still requires repeated gener-
ation and expansion of all states, but performance improves incrementally (although not
necessarily monotonically) while this is being accomplished. It is this improvement rather
than ultimate convergence to optimality that becomes central. This perspective was taken
by Werbos [84], who proposed a method similar to that used by the Adaptive Critic Ele-
ment within the framework of DP. He called this approach Heuristic Dynamic Programming
and has written extensively about it (e.g., refs. [85; 86; 87; 88]). Related algorithms have
been discussed by Witten [92; 93], and more recently, Watkins [81] extended Sutton's TD
algorithms and developed others by explicitly utilizing the theory of DP. He used the term
Incremental Dynamic Programming to refer to this class of algorithms and discussed many
examples. Williams and Baird [91] theoretically analysed additional DP-based algorithms
suitable for on-time application. We have also come across the work Jalali and Ferguson
[32], who independently proposed a method similar to Adaptive RTDP. Sutton, Barto, and
Williams [75] discussed reinforcement learning from the perspective of DP and adaptive con-
trol, and White and Jordan [89] and Barto [5] provide additional background and extensive
references to current research.
Although aspects of this approach also apply to problems involving continuous time
and/or state and action spaces, here we restrict attention to discrete-time problems with
nite sets of states and actions because of their relative simplicity and their closer relationship
to the non-numeric problems usually studied in AI. This excludes various \dierential"
approaches, which make use of optimization algorithms related to the connectionist error-
backpropagation algorithm (e.g., Jacobson and Mayne [31], Jordan and Jacobs [33], Werbos
[83; 88], White and Jordan [89]).
The relevance of DP for planning and learning in AI was articulated in Sutton's [69]
Dyna architecture. The key idea in Dyna is that one can perform the computational steps of
2 We have found only a few exceptions to this in the heuristic search literature in algorithms proposed by
Mer~o [51] and Gelperin [26]. Although these algorithms use DP-like backups to update heuristic evaluation
functions, they were developed independently of DP.
a DP algorithm sometimes using information obtained from state transitions actually taken
by the system being controlled, and sometimes from hypothetical state transitions simulated
using a model of this system. To satisfy time constraints, this approach interleaves phases
of acting with planning performed using hypothetical state transitions. The underlying DP
algorithm compiles the resulting information into an ecient form for directing the future
course of action. Another aspect of Dyna is that the system model can be rened through
a learning process deriving training information from the state transitions observed during
control. Even without this on-line model renement, however, executing a DP algorithm
concurrently with the generation of actions has implications for planning in AI, as discussed
by Sutton in ref. [70].
In this article, we introduce the fact that the theory of asynchronous DP is applicable to
the analysis of DP-based reinforcement learning algorithms. Asynchronous DP algorithms
dier from conventional DP algorithms in that they do not have to proceed in systematic
exhaustive sweeps of the problem's state set. Bertsekas [10] and Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis
[12] proved general theorems about the convergence of asynchronous DP applied to discrete-
time stochastic optimal control problems. However, because they were motivated by the
suitability of asynchronous DP for parallel processing, they did not relate these results to
real-time variants of DP as we do in this article. To the best of our knowledge, the only other
work in which explicit use is made of the theory of asynchronous DP for real-time control is
that of Jalali and Ferguson [32].
Korf's [38] LRTA* algorithm is a heuristic search algorithm that caches state evaluations
so that search performance improves with repeated trials. Evaluations of the states visited by
the problem solver are maintained in a hash table. Each cycle of the algorithm proceeds by
expanding the current state by generating all of its immediate successor states and evaluating
them using previously stored evaluations if they exist in the hash table, and otherwise using
an initially given heuristic evaluation function. Assuming the objective is to nd a minimum-
cost path to a goal state, a score is computed for each neighboring state by adding to its
evaluation the cost of the edge to it from the current state. The minimum of the resulting
scores becomes the new evaluation for the current state, which is stored in the hash table.3
Finally, a move is made to this lowest-scoring neighboring state. LRTA* therefore backs up
state evaluations in much the same way as do Samuel's algorithm and DP. In fact, as we
shall see in what follows, with a slight caveat, LRTA* is the deterministic specialization of
asynchronous DP applied on-line.
3 In Korf's [38] related Real-Time A* (RTA*) algorithm, the second smallest score is stored. Because
LRTA* is more closely related to control and DP than is RTA*, we do not discuss RTA*.
3 Heuristic Search and the Control of Dynamic Sys-
Whereas AI has focused on problems having relatively little mathematical structure,
control theorists have studied more restrictive classes of problems but have developed cor-
respondingly more detailed theories. Some concepts and methods from control theory are
nevertheless relevant to problems of interest in AI as discussed, for example, by Dean and
Wellman [23]. In this section, as a prelude to introducing the stochastic optimal control
framework in which our results are cast, we discuss the relationship between heuristic search,
real-time heuristic search, and selected concepts from control theory
circumstances, it is an o-line design procedure because it is completed before being used
to control the system, i.e, under normal circumstances, the planning phase of the problem-
solving process strictly precedes the execution phase.
Open-loop control works ne when all of the following are true: 1) the model used
to determine the control policy is a completely accurate model of the physical system, 2)
the physical system's initial state can be exactly determined, 3) the physical system is
deterministic, and 4) there are no unmodeled disturbances. These conditions hold for some
of the problems studied in AI, but they are not true for most realistic control problems. Any
uncertainty, either in the behavior of the physical system itself or in the process of modeling
the system, implies that closed-loop control can produce better performance. Control is
closed-loop when each action depends on current observations of the real system, perhaps
together with past observations and other information internal to the controller.
A closed-loop control policy (also called a closed-loop control rule, law, or strategy) is a
rule specifying each action as a function of current, and possibly past, information about
the behavior of the controlled system. It closely corresponds to a \universal plan" [64]
as discussed, for example, by Chapman [14], Ginsberg [27], and Schoppers [65]. In control
theory, a closed-loop control policy usually species each action as a function of the controlled
system's current state, not just the current values of observable variables (a distinction
whose signicance for universal planning is discussed by Chapman [14]). Although closed-
loop control is closely associated with negative feedback, which counteracts deviations from
desired system behavior, negative feedback control is merely a special case of closed-loop
When there is no uncertainty, closed-loop control is not in principle more competent
than open-loop control. For a deterministic system with no disturbances, given any closed-
loop policy and an initial state, there exists an open-loop policy that produces exactly the
same system behavior, namely, the open-loop policy generated by running the system, or
simulating it with a perfect model, under control of the given closed-loop policy. But this
is not true in the stochastic case, or when there are unmodeled disturbances, because the
outcome of random and unmodeled events cannot be anticipated in designing an open-loop
policy. Note that game-playing systems always use closed-loop control for this reason: the
opponent is a kind of disturbance. A game player always uses the opponent's actual previous
moves in determining its next move. For exactly the same reasons, closed-loop control can be
better than open-loop control for single-agent problems involving uncertainty. A corollary of
this explains the almost universal use of closed-loop control by control engineers: the system
model used for designing an acceptable control policy can be signicantly less faithful to
the actual system when it is used for designing closed-loop instead of open-loop policies.
Open-loop control only becomes a practical alternative when it is expensive or impossible to
monitor the controlled system's behavior with detail sucient for closed-loop control.
Most control theory addresses the problem of designing adequate closed-loop policies
o-line under the assumption that an accurate model of the system to be controlled is
available. The o-line design procedure typically yields a computationally ecient method
for determining each action as a function of the observed system state. If it is possible to
design a complete closed-loop policy o-line, as it is in many of the control problems studied
by engineers, then it is not necessary to perform any additional re-design, i.e., re-planning,
for problem instances diering only in initial state. Changing control objectives, on the other
hand, often does require policy re-design.
One can also design closed-loop policies on-line through repeated on-line design of open-
loop policies. This approach has been called receding horizon control [42; 50]. For each
current state, an open-loop policy is designed with the current state playing the role of the
initial state. The design procedure must terminate within the time constraints imposed
by on-line operation. This can be done by designing a nite-horizon open-loop policy, for
example, by using a model for searching to a xed depth from the current state. After
applying the rst action specied by the resulting policy, the remainder of the policy is
discarded, and the design process is repeated for the next observed state. Despite requiring
on-line design, which in AI corresponds to on-line planning through projection, or prediction,
using a system model, receding horizon control produces a control policy that is reactive to
each current system state, i.e., a closed-loop policy. According to this view, then, a closed-
loop policy can involve explicit planning through projection, but each planning phase has to
complete in a xed amount of time to retain the system's reactivity to the observed system
states. In contrast to methods that design closed-loop policies o-line, receding horizon
control can react on-line to changes in control objectives.
algorithm [43; 85; 89]), DP methods are more closely related to heuristic search. Like a
heuristic search algorithm, DP is an o-line procedure for designing an optimal control
policy. However, unlike a heuristic search algorithm, DP produces an optimal closed-loop
policy instead of an open-loop policy for a given initial state.
3.4 Adaptive Control
Control theorists use the term adaptive control for cases in which an accurate model of the
system to be controlled is not available for designing a policy o-line. These are sometimes
called control problems with incomplete information. Adaptive control algorithms design
policies on-line based on information about the control problem that accumulates over time
as the controller and system interact. A distinction is sometimes made between adaptive
control and learning control, where only the latter takes advantage of repetitive control
experiences from which information is acquired that is useful over the long term. Although
this distinction may be useful for some types of control problems, we think its utility is
limited when applied to the kinds of problems and algorithms we consider in this article.
According to what we mean by adaptive control in this article, even though algorithms
like LRTA* and Samuel's algorithm [61] are learning algorithms, they are not adaptive
control algorithms because they assume the existence of an accurate model of the problem
being solved. Although it certainly seems odd to us that a control algorithm that learns
is not ipso facto adaptive, this is forced upon us when we adopt the control engineer's
restricted denition of adaptive control. In Section 7 we describe several algorithms that
have properties of both learning and adaptive control algorithms.
each time step, a controller observes the system's current state and selects a control action,
or simply an action,4 which is executed by being applied as input to the system. If i is
the observed state, then the action is selected from a nite set U (i) of admissible actions.
When the controller executes action u 2 U (i), the system's state at the next time step
will be j with state-transition probability pij (u). We further assume that the application
of action u in state i incurs an immediate cost ci(u).5 When necessary, we refer to states,
actions, and immediate costs by the time steps at which they occur by using st, ut, and ct to
denote, respectively, the state, action, and immediate cost at time step t, where ut 2 U (st)
and ct = cst (ut). We do not discuss a signicant extension of this formalism in which the
controller cannot observe the current state with complete certainty. Although this possibility
has been studied extensively and is important in practice, the complexities it introduces are
beyond the scope of this article.
A closed-loop policy species each action as a function of the observed state. Such
a policy is denoted = [(1); : : :; (n)], where the controller executes action (i) 2 U (i)
whenever it observes state i. This is a stationary policy because it does not change over time.
Throughout this article, when we use the term policy, we always mean a stationary policy.
For any policy , there is a function, f , called the evaluation function, or the cost function,
corresponding to policy . It assigns to each state the total cost expected to accumulate over
time when the controller uses the policy starting from the given state. Here, for any policy
and state i, we dene f (i) to be the expected value of the innite-horizon discounted cost
that will accrue over time given that the controller uses policy and i is the initial state:
"1 #
X t
f (i) = E
c t js = i ;
0 (1)
, 0
1, is a factor used to discount future immediate costs, and E is the
expectation assuming the controller always uses policy . We refer to f (i) simply as the
cost of state i under policy . Thus, whereas the immediate cost of state i under policy
is ci((i)), the cost of state i under policy is the expected discounted sum of all the
immediate costs that will be incurred over the future starting from state i. Theorists study
Markovian decision problems with other types of evaluation functions, such as the function
giving average cost per-time-step, but we do not consider those formulations here.
The objective of the type of Markovian decision problem we consider is to nd a policy
that minimizes the cost of each state i as dened by Equation 1. A policy that achieves this
objective is an optimal policy which, although it depends on
and is not always unique,
we denote = [(1); : : : ; (n)]. To each optimal policy corresponds the same evaluation
4 In control theory, this is simply called a control. We use the term action because it is the term commonly
used in AI.
5 To be more general, we can alternatively regard the immediate costs as (bounded) random numbers
depending on states and actions. In this case, if ci (u) denotes the expected immediate cost of the application
of action u in state i, the theory discussed below remains unchanged.
function, which is the optimal evaluation function, or optimal cost function, denoted f ; that
is, if is any optimal policy, then f = f . For each state i, f (i), the optimal cost of
state i, is the least possible cost for state i for any policy.
This innite-horizon discounted version of a Markovian decision problem is the simplest
mathematically because discounting ensures that the costs of all states are nite for any
policy and, further, that there is always an optimal policy that is stationary.6 The discount
, determines how strongly expected future costs should in
uence current control
decisions. When
= 0, the cost of any state is just the immediate cost of the transition
from that state. This is because 00 = 1 in Equation 1 so that f (i) = E [c0js0 = i] = ci((i)).
In this case, an optimal policy simply selects actions to minimize the immediate cost for each
state, and the optimal evaluation function just gives these minimum immediate costs. As
increases toward one, future costs become more signicant in determining optimal actions,
and solution methods generally require more computation.
= 1, the undiscounted case, the cost of a state given by Equation 1 need not be
nite, and additional assumptions are required to produce well-dened decision problems.
We consider one set of assumptions for the undiscounted case because the resulting decision
problems are closely related to problems to which heuristic search is applied. In these
problems, which Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [12] call stochastic shortest path problems (thinking
of immediate costs as arc lengths in a graph whose nodes correspond to states), there is an
absorbing set of states, i.e., a set of states that once entered is never left, and the immediate
cost associated with applying an action to any of the states in the absorbing set is zero.
These assumptions imply that the innite-horizon evaluation function for any policy taking
the system into the absorbing set assigns nite costs to every state even when
= 1. This
is true because all but a nite number of the immediate costs incurred by such a policy
over time must be zero. Additionally, as in the discounted case, there is always at least one
optimal policy that is stationary. The absorbing set of states corresponds to the set of goal
states in a deterministic shortest path problem, and we call it the goal set. However, unlike
tasks typically solved via heuristic search, here the objective is to nd an optimal closed-loop
policy, not just an optimal path from a given initial state.
AI researchers studying reinforcement learning often focus on shortest path problems in
which all the immediate costs are zero until a goal state is reached, when a \reward" is
delivered to the controller and a new trial begins. These are special kinds of the stochastic
shortest path problems that address the issue of delayed reinforcement [67] in a particularly
stark form. Rewards correspond to negative costs in the formalism we are using. In the
discounted case when all the rewards are of the same magnitude, an optimal policy produces
a shortest path to a rewarding state. Another example of a stochastic shortest path problem
receiving attention is identical to this one except that all the non-rewarding immediate costs
6 In nite horizon problems, optimal policies are generally nonstationary because dierent actions can be
optimal for a given state depending on how many actions remain until the horizon is reached.
have the same positive value instead of zero. In this case, an optimal policy produces a
shortest path to a goal state in the undiscounted case. Such problems are examples of
minimum-time optimal control problems.
Figure 1: Example Race Tracks. Panel A: Small race track. Panel B: Larger race track. See
Table 1 for details.
the dynamic system being controlled. The state of the system at each time step t = 0; 1; : : :
can be represented as a quadruple of integers st = (xt; yt; x_ t; y_t). The rst two integers are
the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the car's location, and the second two integers are
its speeds in the horizontal and vertical directions. That is, x_ t = xt ? xt?1 is the horizontal
speed of the car at time step t; similarly y_t = yt ? yt?1 (we assume x?1 = y?1 = 0). The
set of admissible actions for each state is the set of pairs (ux; uy ), where ux and uy are
both in the set f?1; 0; 1g. We let ut = (uxt; uyt ) denote the action at time t. A closed-loop
policy assigns an admissible action to each state: the action at time step t is (st) 2
f(?1; ?1); (?1; 0); (?1; 1); (0; ?1); (0; 0); (0; 1); (1; ?1); (1; 0); (1; 1)g.
The following equations dene the state transitions of this system. With probability
1 ? p, the controller's action is reliably executed so that the state at time step t + 1 is
xt+1 = xt + x_ t + uxt
yt+1 = yt + y_t + uyt
x_ t+1 = x_ t + uxt
y_t+1 = y_t + uyt ; (2)
and with probability p, the system ignores the controller's action, so that the state at time
step t + 1 is
xt+1 = xt + x_ t
+1yt = yt + y_t
+1x_ t = x_ t
+1y_t = y_t: (3)
This assumes that the straight line joining the point (xt; yt) to the point (xt ; yt ) lies
+1 +1
entirely within the track, or intersects only the nish line. If this is not the case, then the
car has collided with the track's boundary, and the state at t + 1 is (x; y; 0; 0), where (x; y)
is a randomly chosen position on the starting line. A move that takes the car across the
nish line is treated as a valid move, but we assume that the car subsequently stays in
the resulting state until a new trial begins. This method for keeping the car on the track,
together with Equations 3 and 2, dene the state-transition probabilities for all states and
admissible actions.
To complete the formulation of the stochastic shortest path problem, we need to dene
the set of start states, the set of goal states, and the immediate costs associated with each
action in each state. The set of start states consists of all the zero-velocity states on the
starting line, i.e., all the states (x; y; 0; 0) where (x; y) are coordinates of the squares making
up the starting line. The set of goal states consists of all states that can be reached in one
time step by crossing the nish line from inside the track. According to the state-transition
function dened above, this set is absorbing. The immediate cost for all non-goal states is one
independently of the action taken, i.e., ci(u) = 1 for all non-goal states i and all admissible
actions u. The immediate cost associated with a transition from any goal state is zero. If
we restrict attention to policies that are guaranteed to take the car across the nish line, we
do not need to use discounting. For such a policy , the undiscounted innite-horizon cost,
f (i), of a state i under is the expected number of moves for the car to cross the nish line
from state i when it is being controlled by a policy . An optimal policy, which minimizes
this cost of each state, is therefore a policy by which the car is expected to cross the nish
line as quickly as possible starting from any state. The optimal cost of a state i, f (i), is
the smallest expected number of moves to the nish line.
The total number of states depends on the conguration of the race track, but because
we have not imposed a limit on the car's speed, it is potentially innite. However, the set
of states that can be reached from the set of start states via any policy is nite and can be
considered to be the state set of the stochastic shortest path problem.
To dene a greedy policy in this stochastic case we use Watkins' [81] \Q" notation,
which plays a role in the Q-Learning method described in Section 7.3. Let f be a real-
valued function of the states; it may be the evaluation function for some policy, a guess for
a good evaluation function (such as a heuristic evaluation function in heuristic search), or
an arbitrary function. For each state i and action u 2 U (i), let
Qf (i; u) = ci(u) +
pij (u)f (j ): (4)
j 2S
Qf (i; u) is the cost of action u in state i as evaluated by f . It is the sum of the immediate
cost and the discounted expected value of the costs of the possible successor states under
action u. If the system's state transitions are deterministic, then Equation 4 simplies to
Qf (i; u) = ci(u) +
f (j );
where j is the successor of state i under action u (i.e, node j is the child of node i along
the edge corresponding to operator u). In the deterministic case, one can therefore think
of Qf (i; u) as a summary of the result of a one-ply lookahead from node i along the edge
corresponding to operator u as evaluated by f . The stochastic case requires a generalization
of this view because many edges correspond to each operator, each having a dierent prob-
ability of being followed. If f is the evaluation function for some policy, Qf (i; u) gives the
cost of generating action u in state i and thereafter following this policy.
Using these \Q-values," a policy is greedy with respect to f if for all states i, (i) is
an action satisfying
Qf (i; (i)) = umin
2U i
Q f (i; u):
( )
Although there can be more than one greedy policy with respect to f if more than one action
minimizes the set of Q-values for some state, we let f denote any policy that is greedy with
respect to f . Also note that any policy is greedy with respect to many dierent evaluation
A key fact underlying all DP methods is that the only policies that are greedy with respect
to their own evaluation functions are optimal policies. That is, if is any optimal policy,
then its evaluation function is the optimal evaluation function f , and = f . This means
that for any state i, (i) satises
Qf (i; (i)) = umin
2U i
( )
(i; u): (5)
Furthermore, any policy that is greedy with respect to f is an optimal policy. Thus, if f is
known, it is possible to dene an optimal policy simply by dening it satisfy Equation 5, i.e.,
dening it to be greedy with respect to f . Due to the denition of Q-values (Equation 4),
this generalizes to the stochastic case the fact that an optimal policy is any policy that
is best-rst with respect to f as determined by a one-ply search from each current state.
Deeper search is never necessary because f already summarizes all the information that
such a search would obtain.
Letting Q(i; u) = Qf (i; u) to simplify notation, a related key fact is that a necessary
and sucient condition for f to be the optimal evaluation function is that for each state i
it must be true that
f (i) = umin 2U (i)
Q(i; u) (6)
2 3
= umin 4c (u) +
2U (i) i
pij (u)f (j )5 :
j 2S
This is one form of the Bellman Optimality Equation which can be solved for each f (i),
i 2 S , by a DP algorithm. It is a set of n (the number of states) simultaneous nonlinear
equations. The form of the equations depends on the dynamic system and the immediate
costs underlying the decision problem.
Once f has been found, an optimal action for state i can be determined as follows.
The Q-values Q(i; u) for all admissible actions u 2 U (i) are determined via Equation 4. In
general, this takes O(mn) computational steps, where n is the number of states and m is the
number of admissible actions for state i. However, if one knows which of the state-transition
probabilities from state i are zero (as one usually does in the deterministic case), then the
amount of computation can be much less (O(m) in the deterministic case). Computing these
Q-values amounts to a one-ply lookahead search from state i, which requires knowledge of
the system's state-transition probabilities. Using these Q-values, an optimal action can be
determined via Equation 5, which takes m ? 1 comparisons. The computational complexity
of nding an optimal action using this method is therefore dominated by the complexity of
nding f , i.e., by the complexity of the DP algorithm.
5 Dynamic Programming
Given a complete and accurate model of a Markovian decision problem in the form of
knowledge of the state-transition probabilities, pij (u), and the immediate costs, ci(u), for
all states i and actions u 2 U (i), it is possible|at least in principle|to solve the decision
problem o-line by applying one of various well-known DP algorithms. We describe several
versions of a basic DP algorithm called value iteration. There are other DP algorithms,
including one called policy iteration, but learning algorithms based on them are beyond the
scope of this article, although we brie
y discuss policy iteration in Section 8. We treat DP
as referring only to value iteration unless otherwise noted. As used for solving Markovian
decision problems, value iteration is a successive approximation procedure that converges
to the optimal evaluation function, f . It is a successive approximation method for solving
the Bellman Optimality Equation whose basic operation is \backing up" estimates of the
optimal state costs. There are several variations of value interation depending on how the
computations are organized. We rst describe the version that applies the backup operations
< 1, repeated synchronous iterations produce a sequence of functions that converges
to the optimal evaluation function, f , for any initial estimate, f0. Although the cost of a
state need not get closer to its optimal cost on each iteration, the maximum error between
fk (i) and f (i) over all states i must decrease (e.g., ref. [11]).
Synchronous DP, as well as the other o-line versions of value iteration we discuss below,
generates a sequence of functions that converges to f if
< 1, but it does not explicitly
generate a sequence of policies. To each stage-k evaluation function there corresponds at
least one greedy policy, but these policies are never explicitly formed. Ideally, one would
wait until the sequence converges to f and then form a greedy policy corresponding to
f , which would be an optimal policy. But this is not possible in practice because value
iteration converges asymptotically. Instead, one executes value iteration until it meets a test
for approximate convergence and then forms a policy from the resulting evaluation function.8
It is important to note that a function in the sequence of evaluation functions generated by
value iteration does not have to closely approximate f in order for a corresponding greedy
policy to be an optimal policy. Indeed, a policy corresponding to the stage-k evaluation
function for some k may be optimal long before the algorithm converges to f . But unaided
by other computations, value iteration does not detect when this rst happens. This fact is
an important reason that the on-line variants of value iteration we discuss in this article
can have advantages over the o-line variants. Because the controller always uses a policy
dened by the current evaluation function, it can perform optimally before the evaluation
function converges to the optimal evaluation function.
Bertsekas [11] and Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [12] give conditions ensuring convergence
of synchronous DP for stochastic shortest path problems in the undiscounted case (
= 1).
Using their terminology, a policy is proper if its use implies a nonzero probability of eventually
reaching the goal set starting from any state. Using a proper policy also implies that the
goal set will be reached eventually from any state with probability one. The existence of a
proper policy is the generalization to the stochastic case of the existence of a path from any
initial state to the goal set.
Synchronous DP converges to f in undiscounted stochastic shortest path problems under
the following conditions:
1. the initial cost of every goal state is zero,
2. there is at least one proper policy, and
3. all policies that are not proper incur innite cost for at least one state.
The third condition ensures that every optimal policy is proper, i.e, it rules out the possibility
that a least-cost path exists that never reaches the goal set. One condition under which
8 Policy iteration, in contrast, explicitly generates a sequence of policies that converges to an optimal
policy after a nite number of iterations (when there are a nite number of states and admissible actions,
as we are assuming here). However, policy iteration has other shortcomings which we discuss in Section 8.
this is true is when all immediate costs for transitions from non-goal states are positive, i.e,
ci(u) > 0 for all non-goal states i and actions u 2 U (i). In the deterministic case, conditions
2 and 3 are satised if there is at least one solution path from every state and the sum of
the immediate costs in every loop is positive.
Unlike synchronous DP, the order in which the states' costs are backed up in
the computation. Nevertheless, Gauss-Seidel DP converges to f under the same conditions
under which synchronous DP converges. When
< 1, repeated Gauss-Seidel sweeps pro-
duce a sequence of functions that converges to f . For undiscounted stochastic shortest
path problems, the conditions described above that ensure convergence of synchronous DP
also ensure convergence of Gauss-Seidel DP [12]. Because each cost backup uses the latest
costs of the other states, Gauss-Seidel DP generally converges faster than synchronous DP.
Furthermore, it should be clear that some state orderings produce faster convergence than
others, depending on the problem. For example, in shortest path problems, sweeping from
goal states backwards along likely shortest paths usually leads to faster convergence than
sweeping in the forward direction.
Although Gauss-Seidel DP is not one of the algorithms of direct interest in this article,
we used it to solve the example problem described in Section 4.1 and it serves as a bridge
between synchronous DP and the asynchronous form discussed next.
9 The assumption of positive immediate costs can be weakened to nonnegativity, i.e., ci (u) 0 for all
i 2 S and u 2 U (i), if there exists at least one optimal proper policy [12].
5.3 Asynchronous Dynamic Programming
Asynchronous DP is similar to Gauss-Seidel DP in that it does not back up state costs
simultaneously. However, it is not organized in terms of systematic successive sweeps of the
state set. As proposed by Bertsekas [10] and further developed by Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis
[12], asynchronous DP is suitable for multi-processor systems with communication time
delays and without a common clock. For each state i 2 S there is a separate processor
dedicated to backing up the cost of state i (more generally, each processor may be responsible
for a number of states). The times at which each processor backs up the cost of its state
can be dierent for each processor. To back up the cost of its state, each processor uses the
costs for other states that are available to it when it \awakens" to perform a backup. Multi-
processor implementations have obvious utility in speeding up DP and thus have practical
signicance for all the algorithms we discuss below (see, e.g., Lemmon [44]). However, our
interest in asynchronous DP lies in the fact that it does not require state costs to be backed
up in any systematically organized fashion.
Although in the full asynchronous model, the notion of discrete computational stages does
not apply because a processor can awaken at any of a continuum of times, we use a notion of
an iteration stage because it facilitates our discussion of RTDP in the next section. As in the
other forms of DP, let fk denote the estimate of f available at stage k of the computation.
At each stage k, the costs of a subset of the states are backed up synchronously, and the
costs remain unchanged for the other states. The subset of states whose costs are backed up
changes from stage to stage, and the choice of these subsets determines the precise nature
of the algorithm. For each k = 0; 1; : : :, if Sk S is the set of states whose costs are backed
up at stage k, then fk+1 is computed as follows:
( )
fk if i 2 Sk
fk (i) = fmin(i)u2U i Q (i; u) otherwise. (9)
According to this algorithm, then, fk may dier from fk on one state, on many states,
or possibly none, depending on Sk . Further, unlike Gauss-Seidel DP, the costs of some states
may be backed up several times before the costs of others are backed up once. Asynchronous
DP includes the synchronous and Gauss-Seidel algorithms as special cases: synchronous DP
results if Sk = S for each k; Gauss-Seidel DP results when each Sk consists of a single state
and the collection of Sk s is dened to implement successive sweeps of the entire state set
(e.g., S = f1g, S = f2g, : : :, Sn? = fng, Sn = f1g, Sn = f2g, : : :).
0 1 1 +1
Discounted asynchronous DP converges to f provided that the cost of each state is
backed up innitely often, i.e., provided that each state is contained in an innite number of
the subsets Sk , k = 0; 1; : : :. In practice, this means that the strategy for selecting states for
cost backups should never eliminate any state from possible selection in the future. In the
undiscounted case (
= 1), additional assumptions are necessary to ensure convergence. It
follows from a result by Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [12] (p. 446) that asynchronous DP converges
in undiscounted stochastic shortest path problems if the cost of each state is backed up
innitely often and the conditions given in Section 5.1 for convergence of synchronous DP
are met: 1) the initial cost of every goal state is zero, 2) there is at least one proper policy,
and 3) all policies that are not proper incur innite cost for at least one state.
It is important to realize that a single backup of a state's cost in asnychronous DP does
not necessarily improve it as an estimate of the state's optimal cost; it may in fact make it
worse. However, under the appropriate conditions, the cost of each state converges to its
optimal cost with repeated backups. Further, as in Gauss-Seidel DP, the order in which
states' costs are backed up can in
uence the rate of convergence in a problem-dependent
way. This fact underlies the utility of various strategies for \teaching" DP-based learning
algorithms by supplying experience dictating selected orderings of the backups (e.g., Lin [48],
Utgo and Clouse [80], and Whitehead [90]).
mode to be a form of learning. This is in fact how learning was accomplished in the game-
playing programs of Samuel [61; 62] and Tesauro [77]. Learning occurred during many
simulated games in which these learning systems competed against themselves. Although
we emphasize the real-time use of DP-based learning algorithms, the reader should be aware
that our discussion also applies to the use of these algorithms in simulation mode.
To describe the concurrent execution of DP and control, we think of the time steps
t = 0; 1; : : : of the abstract discrete-time formulation of a Markovian decision problem as the
indices of a sequence of instants of real time at which the controller must execute control
actions. Let st be the last state observed before time t, and let kt be the total number
of asynchronous DP stages completed up to time t. Then fkt is the latest estimate of the
optimal evaluation function available when the controller must select action ut 2 U (st).
When the controller executes ut, it incurs the immediate cost cst (ut), and the system's state
changes to st+1. By the time the next action, ut+1, has to be selected, some additional stages
of asynchronous DP stages are completed to yield fkt+1 . We let Bt denote the set of states
whose costs are backed up in these stages. Note that some states in Bt might have their
costs backed up more than once in these stages.
6.1 Real-Time DP
RTDP refers to cases in which the concurrently executing DP and control processes
uence one another as follows. First, the controller always follows a policy that is greedy
with respect to the most recent estimate of f . This means that ut is always the greedy action
with respect to fkt . Moreover, any ties in selecting these actions must be resolved randomly,
or in some other way that ensures the continuing selection of all the greedy actions. Second,
between the execution of ut and ut+1, the cost of st is always backed up, i.e., st 2 Bt for all t.
In the simplest case, Bt = fstg for all t, i.e., the cost of only st is backed up at each time step
t, but more generally, Bt can contain any states (in addition to st) such as those generated
by any type of lookahead search. For example, Bt might consist of the states generated by
an exhaustive search from st forward to some xed search depth, or it might consist of the
states generated by a search that is best-rst according to fkt .
We say that RTDP converges when the associated asynchronous DP computation con-
verges to f . Because the controller always takes actions that are greedy with respect to the
current estimate of f , when RTDP converges, optimal control performance is attained.10
The conditions described in Section 5.3 ensuring that asynchronous DP converges to f still
apply when it is executed concurrently with control. Consequently, in the discounted case,
the only condition required for convergence of RTDP is that no state is ever completely ruled
out for having its cost backed up. Because RTDP always backs up the cost of the current
10When there is more than one optimal policy, the controller will continue to switch between optimal
policies because RTDP continues to select among all the greedy actions. This results in a nonstationary
optimal policy because dierent optimal actions can be taken from the same state on dierent occasions.
state, one way to achieve this is to make sure that the controller always continues to visit
each state. There are several approaches to ensuring this. One approach is to assume, as is
often done in the engineering literature, that the Markov process resulting from the use of
any policy is ergodic. This means that there is a nonzero probablility of visiting any state
no matter what actions are executed. Discounted RTDP converges under this assumption.
However, this assumption is unsatisfactory for stochastic shortest path problems because
it does not allow proper subsets of states to be absorbing; it is satised only in the trivial
stochastic shortest path problem in which every state is a goal state.
A second way to ensure that each state is visited innitely often is to use multiple
trials. A trial consists of a time interval of nonzero bounded duration during which RTDP
is performed. After this interval, the system is set to a new starting state, and a new trial
begins.11 Obviously, this method cannot be used when it is impossible to to set the system
state to selected start states, but for many problems this approach is possible, and it is
always possible when RTDP is used in simulation mode.
is zero, 2) there is at least one proper policy, and 3) all policies that are not proper incur
innite cost for at least one state.
Trial-Based RTDP is more interesting if we relax the requirement that it should yield
a complete optimal evaluation function and a complete optimal policy. Consider a trial-
based approach to solving undiscounted stochastic shortest path problems in which there is
a designated subset of start states from which trials always start. We say that a state i is
relevant if a start state s and an optimal policy exist such that i can be reached from state s
when the controller uses that policy. It suces to nd a policy that is optimal when restricted
to relevant states because the other states (irrelevant states ) will never occur during the use
of that (or any other) optimal policy. If one somehow knew which states were relevant, then
one could apply DP to just these states and possibly save a considerable amount of time and
space. But clearly this is not possible because knowing which states are relevant requires
knowledge of optimal policies, which is what one is seeking.
However, under certain conditions, without continuing to back up the costs of irrelevant
states, Trial-Based RTDP converges to a function that equals f on all relevant states, and
the controller's policy converges to a policy that is optimal on all relevant states. The costs
of some irrelevant states may not have to be backed up at all. Moreover, if memory for
the estimated state costs is allocated incrementally during trials, the exhaustive memory
requirement of conventional DP can be avoided because Trial-Based RTDP tends to focus
computation onto the set of relevant states, and eventually restricts computation to this set.
Conditions under which this is possible are stated precisely in the following theorem, whose
proof is given in Appendix A:
Theorem 3 In undiscounted stochastic shortest path problems, Trial-Based RTDP, with the
initial state of each trial restricted to a set of start states, converges (with probability one)
to f on the set of relevant states, and the controller's policy converges to an optimal policy
(possibly nonstationary) on the set of relevant states, under the following conditions: 1) the
initial cost of every goal state is zero, 2) there is at least one proper policy,12 3) all immediate
costs incurred by transitions from non-goal states are positive, i.e., ci(u) > 0 for all non-goal
states i and actions u 2 U (i), and 4) the initial costs of all states are non-overestimating,
i.e., f0(i) f (i) for all states i 2 S .
Condition 4 can be satised by simply setting f0(i) = 0 for all i. The signicance of
Theorem 3 is that it gives conditions under which a policy that is optimal on the relevant
states can be achieved without continuing to devote computational eort to backing up the
costs of irrelevant states. Under these conditions, RTDP can yield an optimal policy when
12If trials are allowed to time out before a goal state is reached, it is possible to eliminate the requirement
that at least one proper policy exists. Timing out prevents getting stuck in fruitless cycles, and the time-out
period can be extended systematically to ensure that it becomes long enough to let all the optimal paths be
followed without interruption.
state and action sets are too large to feasibly apply conventional DP algorithms, although
the amount of computation saved will clearly depend on characteristics of the problem being
solved such as its branching structure. Moreover, if RTDP is applied on-line instead of in
simulation mode, whenever the evaluation function changes so that its greedy policy shows
improvement, the controller automatically takes advantage of this improvement. This can
occur before the evaluation function is close to f .
Although in both discounted and undiscounted problems, the eventual convergence of
RTDP does not depend critically on the choice of states whose costs are backed between the
execution of actions (except that the cost of the current state must be backed up), judicious
selection of these states can accelerate convergence. Sophisticated exploration strategies can
be implemented by selecting these states based on prior knowledge and on the information
contained in the current evaluation function. For example, in a trial-based approach to a
stochastic shortest path problem, guided exploration can reduce the expected trial duration
by helping the controller nd goal states. It also makes sense for RTDP to back up the
costs of states whose current costs are not yet accurate estimates of their optimal costs but
whose successor states do have accurate current costs. Techniques for \teaching" DP-based
learning systems by suggesting certain back ups over others (refs. [46; 90; 80]) rely on the
fact that the order in which the costs of states are backed up can in
uence the rate of
convergence of asynchronous DP, whether applied o- or on-line. A promising approach
recently developed by Peng and Williams [58] and Moore and Atkeson [57], which the latter
authors call \prioritized sweeping," directs the application of DP backups to the most likely
predecessors of states whose costs change signicantly. Exploration such as this|whose
objective is to facilitate nding an optimal policy when there is a complete model of the
decision problem|must be distinguished from exploration designed to facilitate learning a
model of the decision problem when one is not available. We discuss this latter objective for
exploration in Section 7.
This form of LRTA* is almost the special case of RTDP as applied to a deterministic
problem in which Bt = fstg for all t = 0; 1; : : :. It diers from this special case in the
following way. Whereas RTDP executes an action that is greedy with respect to ft, LRTA*
executes an action that is greedy with respect to ft?1. This is usually an inconsequential
dierence because in LRTA* ft(j ) can dier from ft?1(j ) only when j = st, i.e., when st is
its own successor. LRTA* saves computation by requiring only one minimization at each
time step: the minimization required to perform the backup also gives the greedy action.
However, in the general case, when RTDP backs up more than one state's cost during each
time interval, it makes sense to use the latest estimate of f to select an action.
An extended form of LRTA* can also be related to RTDP. In his discussion, Korf [38]
assumes that the evaluation of a state may be augmented by look-ahead search. This means
that instead of using the costs ft?1(j ) of st's successor states, LRTA* can perform an o-line
forward search from st to a depth determined by the amount of time and computational
resources available. It applies the evaluation function ft?1 to the frontier nodes and then
backs up these costs to st's immediate successors. This is done (roughly) by setting the
backed-up cost of each state generated in the forward search to the minimum of the costs of its
successors (Korf's \minimin" procedure). These backed-up costs of the successor states are
then used to update ft?1(st), as described above, but neither these costs nor the backed-up
costs of the states generated in the forward search are saved. Despite the fact that backed-up
costs for many states have been computed, the new evaluation function, ft, diers from the
old only for st. However, within the limits of space constraints, it makes sense to store the
backed-up costs for as many states as possible, especially when the controller will experience
multiple trials with dierent starting states. In contrast to LRTA*, RTDP can save all of
these backed-up costs in fkt by executing approriately dened stages of asynchronous DP.
Specically, saving the backed-up costs produced by Korf's minimin procedure corre-
sponds to executing a number of stages of asynchronous DP equal to one less than the depth
of the forward search tree. The rst stage synchronously backs up the costs of all the imme-
diate predecessors of the frontier states (using the current costs of the frontier states), the
second stage backs up the costs of the states that are the immediate predecessors of these
states, etc. Then one additional stage of asnychronous DP to back up the cost of st completes
the computation of fkt . Not only does this procedure also apply in the stochastic case, it
suggests that other stages of asynchronous DP might be useful as well. These stages might
back up the costs of states not in the forward search tree, or they might back up the costs
of states in this tree more than once. For example, noting that in general the forward search
might generate a graph with cycles, multiple backups of the costs of these states can further
improve the information contained in fkt . All of these possibilities are basically dierent
instances of RTDP and thus converge under the conditions described in the theorems above.
With repeated trials, the information accumulating in the developing estimate of the
optimal evaluation function improves control performance. Consequently, LRTA* and RTDP
are indeed learning algorithms, as suggested by the name chosen by Korf. However, they
do not directly apply to adaptive control problems as this term is used in control theory,
where it applies to problems in which a complete and accurate model of the system to be
controlled is lacking. In the next section we discuss how RTDP can be used in adaptive
control problems.
7 Adaptive Control
The versions of value iteration described above|synchronous, Gauss-Seidel, asynchronous,
and real-time|require prior knowledge of the system underlying the Markovian decision
problem. That is, they require knowledge of the state-transition probabilities, pij (u), for all
states i, j , and all actions u 2 U (i), and they require knowledge of the immediate costs ci(u)
for all states i and actions u 2 U (i). If the system is deterministic, this means that one must
know the successor states and the immediate costs for all the admissible actions for every
state. Finding, or approximating, an optimal policy when this knowledge is not available is
known as a Markovian decision problem with incomplete information, and solution methods
for these problems are examples of adaptive control methods.14
There are two major classes of adaptive methods for Markovian decision problems with
incomplete information. Bayesian methods rest on the assumption of a known a priori prob-
ability distribution over the class of possible stochastic dynamic systems. As observations
accumulate, this distribution is revised via Bayes' rule. Actions are selected by using DP
to nd a policy that minimizes the expected cost over the set of possible systems as well
as over time. Non-Bayesian approaches, in contrast, attempt to arrive at an optimal policy
asymptotically for any system within some pre-specied class of systems. Actions may not
be optimal on the basis of prior assumptions and accumulated observations, but the policy
should approach an optimal policy in the limit as experience accumulates. Kumar [39] sur-
veys the large literature on both classes of methods and conveys the sublety of the issues
as well as the sophistication of the existing theoretical results. Here we restrict attention to
non-Bayesian methods because they are more practical for large problems.
Two types of non-Bayesian methods are distinguished. Indirect methods explicitly model
the dynamic system being controlled. They use system identication algorithms to update
parameters whose values determine the current system model at any time during control.
They typically make control decisions under the assumption that the current model is the
true model of the system (what control theorists call the certainty equivalence principle [11]).
Direct methods, on the other hand, form policies without using explicit system models. They
directly estimate a policy or information other than a system model, such as an evaluation
14Markovian decision problems with incomplete information are not the same as problems with incomplete
state information in which the controller does not have complete knowledge of the system state at each time
step of control. These are sometimes called partially observable Markovian decision problems, which despite
their relevance for many applications, are beyond the scope of this article.
function, from which a policy can be determined.
For both indirect and direct methods, a central issue is the con
ict between controlling the
system and exploring its behavior in order to discover how to control it better. This is often
called the con
ict between identication and control because it appears in indirect methods
as the con
ict between conducting enough exploration to achieve model convergence and the
objective of eventually following an optimal policy. Direct methods also require exploration
and involve these same issues. Adaptive optimal control algorithms require mechanisms for
resolving these problems, but no mechanism is universally favored. Some of the approaches
for which rigorous theoretical results are available are reviewed by Kumar [39], and a variety
of more heuristic approaches have been studied by Barto and Singh [6], Kaelbling [34], Moore
[55], Schmidhuber [63], Sutton [69], Watkins [81], Thrun [79], and Thrun and Moller [78].
In the following subsections, we describe several non-Bayesian methods for solving Marko-
vian decision problems with incomplete information. Although these methods can form the
basis of algorithms that can be proved to converge to optimal policies, we do not describe
exploration mechanisms with enough rigor for developing the theory in this direction. We
call the rst method the generic indirect method. A system identication algorithm updates
a system model at each time step of control, and a conventional DP algorithm is executed at
each time step based on the current system model. Although this method's computational
complexity severely limits its utility, it is representative of most of the approaches described
in the engineering literature, and it serves as a reference point for comparative purposes.
Next, we describe another indirect method that is the simplest modication of the generic
indirect method that takes advantage of RTDP. We call this method Adaptive RTDP. The
third method we describe is the direct Q-Learning method of Watkins [81]. We then brie
describe hybrid direct/indirect methods.
model consists of the maximum-likelihood estimates, denoted ptij (u), of the unknown state-
transition probabilities for all pairs of states i; j and actions u 2 U (i). Let nuij (t) be the
observed number of times before time step t that action u was executed when the system
was in state i and made a transition to state j . Then nui (t) = Pj2S nuij (t) is the number of
times action u was executed in state i. The maximum-likelihood state-transtion probabilities
at time t are
nu (t)
ptij (u) = niju(t) : (10)
If the immediate costs, ci(u), are also unknown, they can be determined simply by memo-
rizing them as they are observed.15 If in an innite number of time steps each action would
be taken innitely often in each state, then this system model converges to the true system.
As mentioned above, it is nontrivial to ensure that this occurs while the system is being
At each time step t, the generic indirect method uses some (non real-time) DP algorithm
to determine the optimal evaluation function for the latest system model. Let ft denote this
optimal evaluation function. Of course, if the model were correct, then ft would equal f ,
but this is generally not the case. A certainty equivalence optimal policy for time step t is
any policy that is greedy with respect to ft. Let t = [t (1); : : : ; t (n)] denote any such
policy. Then at time step t, t (st) is the certainty equivalence optimal action. Any of the
o-line DP algorithms described above can be used to determine ft, including asynchronous
DP. Here it makes sense at each time step to initialize the DP algorithm with nal estimate
of f produced by the DP algorithm completed at the previous time step. The small change
in the system model from time step t to t + 1 means that ft and ft+1 probably do not dier
signicantly. As pointed out above, however, the computation required to perform even one
DP iteration can be prohibitive in problems with large numbers of states.
What action should the controller execute at time t? The certainty equivalence optimal
action, t (st), appears to be the best based on observations up to time t. Consequently, in
pursuing its objective of control, the controller should always execute this action. However,
because the current model is not necessarily correct, the controller must also pursue the
identication objective, which dictates that it must sometimes select actions other than
certainty equivalence optimal actions. It is easy to generate examples in which always
following the current certainty equivalence optimal policy prevents convergence to a true
optimal policy due to lack of exploration (see, for example, Kumar [39]).
One of the simplest ways to induce exploratory behavior is to make the controller use
randomized policies in which actions are chosen according to probabilities that depend on the
current evaluation function. Each action always has a nonzero probability of being executed,
15In problems in which the immediate cost is a random function of the current state and action, the
maximum-likelihood estimate of an immediate cost is the observed average of the immediate cost for that
state and action.
with the current certainty equivalence optimal action having the highest probability. To
facilitate comparison of algorithms in the simulations described in Section 4.1, we adopt the
action-selection method based on the Boltzmann distribution that was used by Watkins [81],
Lin [47], and Sutton [69].
This method assigns an execution probability to each admissible action for the current
state, where this probability is determined by a rating of each action's utility. We compute
a rating, r(u), of each action u 2 U (st) as follows:
r(u) = Qft (st; u):
We then transform these ratings (which can be negative and do not sum to one) into a
probability mass function over the admissible actions using the Boltzmann distribution: at
time step t, the probability that the controller executes action u 2 U (st) is
?r u =T
Prob(u) = P e e?r v =T ;
( )
( )
v2U st
( )
where T is a positive parameter controlling how sharply these probabilities peak at the
certainty equivalence optimal action, t (st). As T increases, these probabilities become
more uniform, and as T decreases, the probability of executing t (st) approaches one, while
the probabilities of the other actions approach zero. T acts as a kind of \computational
temperature" as used in simulated annealing [35] in which T decreases over time. Here it
controls the necessary tradeo between identication and control. At \zero temperature"
there is no exploration, and the randomized policy equals the certainty equivalence optimal
policy, whereas at \innite temperature" there is no attempt at control.
In the simulations described in Section 4.1, we introduced exploratory behavior by using
the method just described for generating randomized policies, and we let T decrease over
time to a pre-selected minimum value as learning progressed. Our choice of this method
was dictated by simplicity and our desire to illustrate algorithms that are as \generic" as
possible. Without doubt, more sophisticated exploratory behavior would have benecial
eects on the behavior of these algorithms.
given by Equation 11, or by some other method that balances the identication and control
Adaptive RTDP is related to a number of algorithms that have been investigated by
others. Although Sutton's Dyna architecture [69] focuses on Q-Learning and methods based
on policy iteration (Section 8), it also encompasses algorithms such as Adaptive RTDP, as
he discusses in ref. [70]. Lin [47; 46] also discusses methods closely related to Adaptive
RTDP. In the engineering literature, Jalali and Ferguson [32] describe an algorithm that is
similar to Adaptive RTDP, although they focus on Markovian decision problems in which
performance is measured by the average cost per-time-step instead of the discounted cost we
have discussed.
Performing RTDP concurrently with system identication, as in Adaptive RTDP, pro-
vides an opportunity to let progress in identication in
uence the selection of states to which
the backup operation is applied. Sutton [69] suggested that it can be advantageous to back
up the costs of states for which there is good condence in the accuracy of the estimated
state-transition probabilities. One can devise various measures of condence in these es-
timates and direct the algorithm to the states whose cost backups use the most reliable
state-transition information according to this condence measure. At the same time, it is
possible to use a condence measure to direct the selection of actions so that the controller
tends to visit regions of the state space where the condence is low so as to improve the
model for these regions. This strategy produces exploration that aids identication but can
ict with control. Kaelbling [34], Lin [47], Moore [55], Schmidhuber [63], Sutton [69],
Thrun [79], and Thrun and Moller [78] discuss these and other possibilities.
7.3 Q-Learning
Q-Learning is a method proposed by Watkins [81] for solving Markovian decision prob-
lems with incomplete information.16 Unlike the indirect adaptive methods discussed above,
it is a direct method because it does not use an explicit model of the dynamic system un-
derlying the decision problem. It directly estimates the optimal Q-values for pairs of states
and admissible actions (which we call admissible state-action pairs). Recall from Equation 6
that Q(i; u), the optimal Q-value for state i and action u 2 U (i), is the cost of generating
action u in state i and thereafter following an optimal policy. Any policy selecting actions
that are greedy with respect to the optimal Q-values is an optimal policy. Thus, if the
16Watkins [81] actually proposed a family of Q-Learning methods, and what we call Q-Learning in this
article is the simplest case, which he called \one-step Q-Learning." He observed that although Q-Learning
methods are based on a simple idea, they had not been suggested previously as far as he knew. He further
observed, however, that because these problems had been so intensively studied for over thirty years, it
would be surprising if no one had studied them earlier. Although the idea of assigning values to state-action
pairs formed the basis of Denardo's [24] approach to DP, we have not seen algorithms like Q-Learning for
estimating these values that predate Watkins' 1989 dissertation.
optimal Q-values are available, an optimal policy can be determined with relatively little
We depart somewhat in our presentation from the view taken by Watkins [81] and others
(e.g., Sutton [69], Barto and Singh [6]) of Q-Learning as a method for adaptive on-line
control. To emphasize Q-Learning's relationship with asynchronous DP, we rst present the
basic Q-Learning algorithm as an o-line asynchronous DP method that is unique in not
requiring direct access to the state-transition probabilities of the decision problem. We then
describe the more usual on-line view of Q-Learning.
7.3.1 O-Line Q-Learning
Instead of maintaining an explicit estimate of the optimal evaluation function, as is done
by all the methods described above, Q-Learning maintains estimates of the optimal Q-values
for each admissible state-action pair. For any state i and action u 2 U (i), let Qk (i; u) be
the estimate of Q(i; u) available at stage k of the computation. Recalling that f is the
minimium of the optimal Q-values for each state (Equation 6), we can think of the Q-values
at stage k as implicitly dening fk , a stage-k estimate of f , which is given for each state i
fk (i) = umin Q (i; u):
2U (i) k
Although Q-values dene an evaluation function in this way, they contain more information
than the evaluation function. For example, actions can be ranked on the basis of Q-values
alone, whereas ranking actions using an evaluation function also requires knowledge of the
state-transition probabilities and immediate costs.
Instead of having direct access to the state-transition probabilities, O-Line Q-Learning
only has access to a random function that can generate samples according to these probabil-
ities. Thus, if a state i and an action u 2 U (i) are input to this function, it returns a state j
with probability pij (u). Let us call this function successor so that j = successor(i; u). The
successor function amounts to an accurate model of the system in the form of its state-
transition probabilities, but Q-Learning does not have access to the probabilities themselves.
As we shall see below, in on-line Q-Learning, the role of the successor function is played
by the system itself.
At each stage k, O-Line Q-Learning synchronously updates the Q-values of a subset of
the admissible state-action pairs and leaves unchanged the Q-values for the other admissible
pairs. The subset of admissible state-action pairs whose Q-values are updated changes from
stage to stage, and the choice of these subsets determines the precise nature of the algorithm.
For each k = 0; 1; : : :, let SkQ f(i; u)ji 2 S; u 2 U (i)g denote the set of admissible state-
action pairs whose Q-values are updated at stage k. For each state-action pair in SkQ, it
is necessary to dene a learning rate parameter that determines how much of the new Q-
value is determined by its old value and how much by a backed-up value. Let k (i; u),
0 < k (i; u) < 1, denote the learning rate parameter for updating the Q-value of (i; u) at
stage k. Then Qk+1 is computed as follows: if (i; u) 2 SkQ then
Qk (i; u) = (1 ? k (i; u))Qk(i; u) + k (i; u)[ci(u) +
fk (successor(i; u))];
+1 (13)
where fk is given by Equation 12. The Q-values for the other admissible state-action pairs
remain the same, i.e.,
Qk (i; u) = Qk (i; u);
for all admissible (i; u) 62 SkQ. By a Q-Learning backup we mean the application of Equa-
tion 13 for a single admissible state-action pair (i; u).
If the Q-value for each admissible state-action pair (i; u) is backed up innitely often
in an innite number of stages, and if the learning rate parameters k (i; u) decrease over
the stages k in an appropriate way, then the sequence fQk(i; u)g generated by O-Line Q-
Learning converges with probability one to Q(i; u) as k ! 1 for all admissible pairs (i; u).
This is essentially proved by Watkins [81], and Watkins and Dayan present a revised proof in
ref. [82]. Appendix B describes a method for meeting the required learning rate conditions
that was developed by Darken and Moody [19]. We used this method in obtaining the results
for Real-Time Q-Learning on our example problems presented in Section 4.1.
One can gain insight into O-Line Q-Learning by relating it to asynchronous DP. The
stage-k Q-values for all admissible state-action pairs dene the evaluation function fk given
by Equation 12. Thus, one can view a stage of O-Line Q-Learning dened by Equation 13
as updating fk to fk , where for each state i,
fk (i) = umin
+1 Q (i; u):
2U i k ( )
This evaluation function update does not correspond to a stage of any of the usual DP
algorithms because it is based only on samples from successor for selected actions deter-
mined by the state-action pairs in SkQ. A conventional DP backup, in contrast, uses the true
expected successor costs over all the admissible actions for a given state.17
It is accurate to think of O-Line Q-Learning as a more asynchronous version of asyn-
chronous DP. Asynchronous DP is asynchronous at the level of states, and the backup
operation for each state requires minimizing expected costs over all admissible actions for
that state. The amount of computation required to determine the expected cost for each
admissible action depends on the number of possible successor states for that action, which
can as large as the total number of states in stochastic problems. O-Line Q-Learning,
on the other hand, is asynchronous at the level of admissible state-action pairs. Although
each Q-Learning backup requires minimizing over all the admissible actions for a give state
17However, stage k of O-Line Q-Learning has the same eect as the stage of asynchronous DP using Sk
in the special case in which 1) the problem is deterministic, 2) SkQ is the set of all admissible state-action
pairs for states in Sk , and 3) k (i; u) = 1 for all admissible state-action pairs (i; u).
in order to calculate (via Equation 12) fk (successor(i; u)) used in Equation 13,18 it does
not require computation proportional to the number of possible successor states. Thus, in
the stochastic case, an asynchronous DP backup can require O(mn) computational steps,
whereas a Q-Learning backup requires only O(m). This advantage is oset by the increased
space complexity of Q-Learning and the fact that a Q-Learning backup takes less informa-
tion into account than does a backup of asynchronous DP: an asynchronous DP backup is
comparable to many Q-Learning backups. Nevertheless, because the computation required
by a Q-Learning backup can be much less than that required by an asynchronous DP backup,
Q-Learning can be advantageous when stages have to be computed quickly despite a large
number of possible successor states, as in real-time applications which we discuss next.
7.3.2 Real-Time Q-Learning
O-Line Q-Learning can be turned into an on-line algorithm by executing it concurrently
with control. If a current system model provides an approximate successor function, the
result is an indirect adaptive method identical to Adaptive RTDP (Section 7.2) except that
stages of O-Line Q-Learning substitute for stages of asynchronous DP. This can have ad-
vantages over Adaptive RTDP when the number of admissible actions is large. However,
we use the term Real-Time Q-Learning for the case originally discussed by Watkins [81] in
which there is no model of the system underlying the decision problem and the real sys-
tem acts as the successor function. This direct adaptive algorithm backs up the Q-value
for only a single state-action pair at each time step of control, where this state-action pair
consists of the observed current state and the action actually executed. Using Real-Time
Q-Learning, therefore, one can compute an optimal policy without froming an explicit model
of the system underlying the decision problem.
Specically, assume that at each time step t the controller observes state st and has
available the estimated optimal Q-values produced by all the preceding stages of Real-Time
Q-Learning. We denote these estimates Qt(i; u) for all admissible state-action pairs (i; u).
The controller selects an action ut 2 U (st) using this information in some manner that allows
for exploration. After executing ut, the controller receives the immediate cost cst (ut) while
the system state changes to st+1. Then Qt+1 is computed as follows:
Qt (st; ut) = (1 ? t(st; ut))Qt(st; ut) + t(st; ut)[cst (ut) +
ft(st )];
+1 +1 (14)
18This complete minimization can sometimes be avoided as follows. Whenever a Qk (i; u) is backed up,
if its new value, Qk+1(i; u), is smaller than fk (i), then fk+1(i) is set to this smaller value. If its new value
is larger than fk (i), then if fk (i) = Qk (i; u) and fk (i) 6= Qk (i; u0) for any u0 6= u, then fk+1(i) is found by
explicitly minimizing the current Q-values for state i over the admissible actions. This is the case in which
u is the sole greedy action with respect to fk (i). Otherwise, nothing is done, i.e., fk+1 (i) = fk (i). This
procedure therefore computes the minimization in Equation 12 explicitly only when updating the Q-values
for state-action pairs (i; u) in which u is the sole greedy action for i and the Q-value increases.
where ft(st+1) = minu2U (st+1) Qt(st+1; u) and t(st; ut) is the learning rate parameter at time
step t for the current state-action pair. The Q-values for all the other admissible state-action
pairs remain the same, i.e,
Qt+1(i; u) = Qt(i; u);
for all admissible (i; u) 6= (st; ut). This process repeats for each time step.
As far as convergence is concerned, Real-Time Q-Learning is the special case of O-
Line Q-Learning in which StQ, the set of state-action pairs whose Q-values are backed up
at each step (or stage) t, is f(st; ut)g. Thus, the sequence of Q-values generated by Real-
Time Q-Learning converges to the true values given by Q under the conditions required
by for convergence of O-Line Q-Learning. This means that each admissible action must
be performed in each state innitely often in an innite number of control steps. It is also
noteworthy, as pointed out by Dayan [22], that when there is only one admissible action for
each state, Real-Time Q-Learning reduces to the TD(0) algorithm investigated by Sutton
To dene a complete adaptive control algorithm making use of Real-Time Q-Learning it is
necessary to specify how each action is selected based on the current Q-values. Convergence
to an optimal policy requires the same kind of exploration required by indirect methods to
facilitate system identication as discussed above. Therefore, given a method for selecting an
action from a current evaluation function, such as the randomized method described above
(Equation 11), if this method leads to convergence of an indirect method, it also leads to
convergence of the corresponding direct method based Real-Time Q-Learning.
7.3.3 Other Q-Learning Methods
In Real-Time Q-Learning, the real system underlying the decision problem plays the role
of the successor function. However, it is also possible to dene the successor function
sometimes by the real system and sometimes by a system model. For state-action pairs
actually experienced during control, the real system provides the successor function; for
other state-action pairs, a system model provides an approximate successor function. Sut-
ton [69] has studied this approach in an algorithm called Dyna-Q, which performs the basic
Q-Learning backup using both actual state transitions as well as hypothetical state tran-
sitions simulated by a system model. Performing the Q-Learning backup on hypothetical
state transitions amounts to running multiple stages of O-Line Q-Learning in the intervals
between times at which the controller executes actions. A step of Real-Time Q-Learning is
performed based on each actual state transition. This is obviously only one of many possible
ways to combine direct and indirect adaptive methods as emphasized in Sutton's discussion
of the general Dyna learning architecture [69].
It is also possible to modify the basic Q-Learning method in a variety of ways in order
to enhance its eciency. For example, Lin [47] has studied a method in which Real-Time
Q-Learning is augmented with model-based O-Line Q-Learning only if one action does not
clearly stand out as preferable according to the current Q-values. In this case, O-Line
Q-Learning is carried out to backup the Q-values for all of the admissible actions that are
\promising" according to the latest Q-values for the current state. Watkins [81] describes a
family of Q-Learning methods in which Q-values are backed up based on information gained
over sequences of state transitions. One way to implement this kind of extension is to use
the \eligibility trace" idea [2; 37; 67; 72; 68] to back up the Q-values of all the state-action
pairs experienced in the past, with the magnitudes of the backups decreasing to zero with
increasing time in the past. Sutton's [68] TD() algorithms illustrate this idea. Attempting
to present all of the combinations and variations of Q-Learning methods that have been,
or could be, described is well beyond the scope of the present article. Barto and Singh
[6], Dayan [20; 21], Lin [47; 46], Moore [57], and Sutton [69] present comparative empirical
studies of some of the adaptive algorithms based on Q-Learning.
Policy Iteration). Barto, Sutton, and Watkins [4; 3] discuss the connection between these
methods and policy iteration in some detail. In this article we do not discuss learning
algorithms based on policy iteration because their theory is not yet as well understood as is
the theory of learning algorithms based on asynchronous value iteration. However, Williams
and Baird [91] have made a valuable contribution to this theory by addressing DP algorithms
that are asynchronous at a grain ner than that of either asychronous DP or Q-Learning.
These algorithms include value iteration, policy iteration, and modied policy iteration as
special cases. Integrating their theory with that presented here is beyond the scope of this
not on the state costs themselves. The weights were adjusted to reduce to the discrepancy
between the current cost of a state and its backed-up cost. This approach inspired a variety of
more recent studies using parameterized function approximations. The discrepancy supplies
the error for any error-correction procedure that approximates functions based on a training
set of function samples. This is a form of supervised learning, or learning from examples,
and provides the natural way to make use of connectionist networks as shown, for example,
by Anderson [1] and Tesauro [77]. Parametric approximations of evaluation functions are
useful because they can generalize beyond the training data to supply cost estimates for
states that have not yet been visited, an important factor for large state sets.
In fact, almost any supervised learning method, and its associated manner of representing
hypotheses, can be adapted for approximating evaluation functions. This includes symbolic
methods for learning from examples. These methods also generalize beyond the training
information, which is derived from the back-up operations of various DP-based algorithms.
For example, Chapman and Kaelbling [15] and Tan [76] adapt decision-tree methods, and
Mahadevan and Connell [49] use a statistical clustering method. Yee [94] discusses function
approximation from the perspective of its use with DP-based learning algorithms.
Despite the large number of studies in which the principles of DP have been combined
with generalizing methods for approximating evaluation functions, the theoretical results
presented in this article do not automatically extend to these approaches. Although general-
ization can be helpful in approximating an optimal evaluation function, it is often detrimental
to the convergence of the underlying asynchronous DP algorithm, as pointed out by Watkins
[81] and illustrated with a simple example by Bradtke [13]. Even if a function approximation
scheme can adequately represent the optimal evaluation function when trained on samples
from this function, it does not follow that an adequate representation will result from an
iterative DP algorithm that uses such an approximation scheme at each stage. The issues
are much the same as those that arise in numerically solving dierential equations. The ob-
jective of these problems is to approximate the function that is the solution of a dierential
equation (for given boundary conditions) in the absence of training examples drawn from
the true solution. In other words, the objective is to solve approximately the dierential
equation, not just to approximate its solution. Here, we are interested in approximately
solving the Bellman Optimality Equation and not the easier problem of approximating a
solution that is already available.
There is an extensive literature on function approximation methods and DP, such as
multigrid methods and methods using splines and orthogonal polynomials (e.g., Bellman
and Dreyfus [7], Bellman, Kalaba, and Kotkin [8], Daniel [18], Kushner and Dupuis [41]).
However, most of this literature is devoted to o-line algorithms for cases in which there is a
complete model of the decision problem. Adapting techniques from this literature to produce
approximation methods for RTDP and other DP-based learning algorithms is a challenge for
future research.
To the best of our knowledge, there are only a few theoretical results that directly address
the use of generalizing methods with DP-based learning algorithms. The results of Sutton [68]
and Dayan [22] concern using TD methods to evaluate a given policy as a linear combination
of a complete set of linearly independent basis vectors. Unfortunately these results do
not address the problem of representing an evaluation function more compactly than it
would be represented in a lookup table. Bradtke [13] addresses the problem of learning
Q-values that are quadratic functions of a continuous state, but these results are restricted
to linear quadratic regulation problems. However, Singh and Yee [66] point out that in the
discounted case, small errors in approximating an evaluation function (or a function giving
Q-values) lead at worst to small decrements in the performance of a controller using the
approximate evaluation function as the basis of control. Without such a result, it might
seem plausible that small evaluation errors can drastically undermine control performance|
a condition which, if true, would raise concerns about combining DP-based learning with
function approximation. Much more research is needed to provide a better understanding of
how function approximation methods can be used eectively with the algorithms described
in this article.
eort required to solve them using Gauss-Seidel DP. Gauss-Seidel DP was considered to
have converged to the optimal evaluation function when the maximum cost change over
all states between two successive sweeps was less than 10?4 . We estimated the number of
relevant states for each race track, i.e., the number of states reachable from the start states
under any optimal policy, by counting the states visited while executing optimal actions for
107 trials.
We also estimated the earliest point in the DP computation at which the optimal evalu-
ation function approximation was good enough so that the corresponding greedy policy was
an optimal policy. (Recall that an optimal policy can be a greedy policy with respect to
many evaluation functions.) We did this by running 107 test trials after each sweep using
a policy that was greedy with respect to the evaluation function produced by that sweep.
For each sweep, we recorded the average path length produced over these test trials. After
convergence of Gauss-Seidel DP, we compared these averages with the optimal expected path
length obtained by the DP algorithm, noting the sweep after which the average path length
was rst within 10?2 of the optimal. The resulting numbers of sweeps and backups are
listed in Table 1 in the columns labeled \Number of GSDP sweeps to optimal policy" and
\Number of GSDP backups to optimal policy." Although optimal policies emerged consider-
ably earlier in these computations than did the optimal evaluation functions, it is important
to note that this estimation process is not a part of conventional o-line value iteration
algorithms and requires a considerable amount of additional computation.20 Nevertheless,
the resulting numbers of backups are useful in assessing the computational requirements
of the real-time algorithms, which should allow controllers to follow optimal policies after
comparable numbers of backups.
We applied RTDP, Adaptive RTDP, and Real-Time Q-Learning to both race track prob-
lems. Because all the immediate costs are positive, we know that f (i) must be non-negative
for all states i. Thus, setting the initial costs of all the states to zero produces a non-
overestimating initial evaluation function as required by Theorem 3. We applied the real-time
algorithms in a trial-based manner, starting each trial with the car placed on the starting
line with zero velocity, where each square on the starting line was selected with equal prob-
ability. A trial ended when the car reached a goal state. Thus, according to Theorem 3,
= 1, RTDP will converge to the optimal evaluation function with repeated trials.
Although RTDP and Adaptive RTDP can back up the costs of many states at each control
step, we restricted attention to the simplest case in which they only back up the cost of the
current state at each time step. This is the case in which Bt = fstg for all t. Obviously, all
of these algorithms were applied in simulation mode.
We executed 25 runs of each algorithm using dierent random number seeds, where a
20Policy iteration algorithms address this problem by explicitly generating a sequence of improving policies,
but updating a policy requires computing its corresponding evaluation function, which is generally a time-
consuming computation.
Small track Larger track
Number of reachable states 9; 115 22; 576
Number of goal states 87 590
Est. number of relevant 599 2; 618
Optimum exp. path length 14:67 24:10
Number of GSDP sweeps to 28 38
Number of GSDP backups 252; 784 835; 468
to convergence
Number of GSDP sweeps to 15 24
optimal policy
Number of GSDP backups 136; 725 541; 824
to optimal policy
Table 1: Example Race Track Problems. The results were obtained by executing Gauss-
Seidel DP (GSDP).
run is a sequence of trials beginning with the evaluation function initialized to zero. To
monitor the performance of each algorithm, we kept track of path lengths, that is, how
many moves the car took in going from the starting line to the nish line, in each trial of
each run. To record these data, we divided each run into a sequence of disjoint epochs, where
an epoch is a sequence of 20 consecutive trials. By an epoch path length we mean the average
of the path lengths generated during an epoch using a given algorithm. Adaptive RTDP
and Real-Time Q-Learning were applied under conditions of incomplete information, and
for these algorithms we induced exploratory behavior by using randomized policies based
on the Boltzmann distribution as described in Section 7.1. To control the tradeo between
identication and control, we decreased the parameter T in Equation 11 after each move
until it reached a pre-selected minimum value; T was initialized at the beginning of each
run. Parameter values and additional simulation details are provided in Appendix B.
Figure 2 shows results for RTDP (Panel A), Adaptive RTDP (Panel B), and Real-Time
Q-Learning (Panel C). The central line in each graph shows the epoch path length averaged
over the 25 runs of the corresponding algorithm. The upper and lower lines show 1 standard
deviation about this average for the sample of 25 runs. Although the average epoch path
lengths for the initial several epochs of each algorithm are too large to show on the graphs, it
is useful to note that the average epoch path lengths for the rst epoch of RTDP, Adaptive
RTDP, and Real-Time Q-Learning are respectively 455, 866, and 13,403 moves. That these
initial average path lengths are so large, especially for Real-Time Q-Learning, re
ects the
primitive nature of our exploration strategy.
It is clear from the graphs that in this problem RTDP learned faster (and with less vari-
ance) than Adaptive RTDP and Real-Time Q-Learning, when learning rate is measured in
terms of the number of epochs (numbers of moves are given in Table 2 discussed below).
This is not surprising given the dierences between the versions of the problem with com-
plete information (Panel A) and with incomplete information (Panels B and C). That the
performances of RTDP and Adaptive RTDP were so similar despite these dierences re
the fact that the maximum likelihood system identication procedure used by the latter
algorithm converged rapidly on relevant states due to the low level of stochasticity in the
problem (p = 0:1). These graphs also show that Real-Time Q-Learning takes very many
more epochs than do RTDP and Adaptive RTDP to reach a similar level of performance.
This re
ects the fact that each backup in Real-Time Q-Learning takes into account less
information than do the backups in RTDP or Adaptive RTDP, a disadvantage somewhat
oset by the relative computational simplicity of each Q-Learning backup. Figure 3 shows
the Real-Time Q-Learning results out to 5,000 epochs.
A convenient way to show the policies that result from these algorithms is to show the
paths the car would follow from each start state if all sources of randomness were turned
o; that is, if both random exploration and the randomness in the problem's state transition
function were turned o. At the right in each panel of Figure 2 are paths generated in this way
by the policies produced after each algorithm was judged to have \eectively converged."
We inspected the graphs to nd the smallest epoch numbers at which the average epoch
path lengths essentially reached their asymptotic levels: 200 epochs for RTDP (Panel A),
300 epochs for Adaptive RTDP (Panel B), and 2,000 epochs for Real-Time Q-Learning
(Panel C). Treated with appropriate caution, these eective convergence times are useful in
comparing algorithms.
The path shown in Panel A of Figure 2 is optimal in the sense that it was produced in
noiseless conditions by a policy that is optimal for the stochastic problem. The paths in
Panels B and C, on the other hand, were not generated by an optimal policy despite the fact
that each is a move shorter than the path of Panel A. The control decisions made toward
the end of the track by these suboptimal policies produce higher probability that the car will
collide with the track boundary under stochastic conditions. Although we do not illustrate it
here, as the amount of uncertainty in the problem increases (increasing p), optimal policies
generate paths that are more \conservative" in the sense of keeping safer distances from the
track boundary and maintaining lower velocities.
Table 2 provides additional information about the performance of the real-time algorithms
on the small track. For comparative purposes, the table includes a column for Gauss-Seidel
DP. We estimated the path length after the eective convergence of RTDP, Adaptive RTDP,
and Real-Time Q-Learning by executing 500 test trials with learning turned o using the
Average epoch path length
0 100 200 300 400 500
Epoch number
Average epoch path length
0 100 200 300 400 500
Epoch number
Average epoch path length
0 100 200 300 400 500
Epoch number
Figure 2: Performance of Three Real-Time Learning Algorithms on the Small Track. Panel
A: RTDP. Panel B: Adaptive RTDP. Panel C: Real-Time Q-Learning. The central line in
each graph shows the epoch path length averaged over the 25 runs of the corresponding
algorithm. The upper and lower lines show 1 standard deviation of the epoch path length
for the sample of 25 runs. Exploration was controlled for Adaptive RTDP and Real-Time
Q-Learning by decreasing T after each move until it reached a pre-selected minimum value.
The right side of each panel shows the paths the car would follow in noiseless conditions
from each start state after eective convergence of the corresponding algorithm.
Ave. time to eective 28 sweeps 200 epochs 300 epochs 2; 000 epochs
Est. path length at eective 14:56 14:83 15:10 15:44
Ave. number of backups 252; 784 127; 538 218; 554 2; 961; 790
Ave. number of backups per - 638 728 1; 481
% of states backed up 100 - 98:45 96:47 53:34
% of states backed up 10 - 80:51 65:41 6:68
% of states backed up 0 - 3:18 1:74 1:56
Table 2: Summary of Learning Performance on the Small Track for Real-Time DP (RTDP),
Adaptive Real-Time DP (ARTDP), and Real-Time Q-Learning (RTQ). The amount of com-
putation required by Gauss-Seidel DP (GSDP) is included for comparative purposes.
policy produced at eective convergence of each algorithm. We also turned o the random
exploration used by the latter two algorithms. The row of Table 2 labeled \Est. path length at
eective convergence" gives the average path length over these test trials.21 RTDP is most
directly comparable to Gauss-Seidel DP. After about 200 epochs, or 4,000 trials, RTDP
improved control performance to the point where a trial took an average of 14.83 moves.
RTDP performed an average of 127,538 backups in reaching this level of performance, about
half the number required by Gauss-Seidel DP to converge to the optimal evaluation function.
This number of backups is comparable to the 136,725 backups in the 15 sweeps of Gauss-
Seidel DP after which the resulting evaluation function denes an optimal policy (Table 1).
Another way to compare Gauss-Seidel DP and RTDP is to examine how the backups
they perform are distributed over the states. Whereas the cost of every state was backed
up in each sweep of Gauss-Seidel DP, RTDP focused backups on fewer states. For example,
in the rst 200 epochs of a average run, RTDP backed up the costs of 98:45% of the states
21These path length estimates are somewhat smaller than the average epoch path lengths shown at eective
convergence in the graphs of Figure 2 because they were produced with exploration turned o, whereas the
graphs show path lengths produced with random exploration turned on. For Gauss-Seidel DP, we averaged
over the costs of the start states given by the computed optimal evaluation function to obtain the estimated
path length listed in Table 2.
no more than 100 times and 80:51% of the states no more than 10 times; the costs of about
290 states were not backed up at all in an average run. Although we did not collect these
statistics for RTDP after 200 epochs, it became even more focused on the states on optimal
Not surprisingly, solving the problem under conditions of incomplete information requires
more backups. Adaptive RTDP took 300 epochs, or an average of 218,554 backups, to
achieve trials averaging 15.1 moves at eective convergence. Real-time Q-Learning took
2,000 epochs, or an average of 2,961,790 backups, to achieve a somewhat less skillful level
of performance (see Figure 3). Examining how these backups were distributed over states
shows that Adaptive RTDP was considerably more focused than was Real-Time Q-Learning.
In the rst 300 epochs Adaptive RTDP backed up 96:47% of the states no more than 100
times and 65:41% of the states no more than 10 times. On the other hand, in 2; 000 epochs
Real-Time Q-Learning backed up Q-values for 53:34% of the states no more than 100 times
and only 6:68% of the states no more than 10 times.22 Again, these results for Real-Time
Q-Learning re
ect the inadequacy of our primitive exploration strategy for this algorithm.
Figure 4 shows results for RTDP, Adaptive RTDP, and Real-Time Q-Learning on the
larger race track, and Table 3 provides additional information. These results were obtained
under the same conditions described above for the small track. Figure 5 shows the Real-
Time Q-Learning results for the larger track out to 7,500 epochs. We judged that RTDP,
Adaptive RTDP, and Real-Time Q-Learning eectively converged at 500, 400, and 3,000
epochs respectively. That Adaptive RTDP eectively converged faster than RTDP in terms
of the number of epochs is partially due to the fact that its epochs tended to have more moves,
and hence more backups, than the epochs of RTDP. We can see that to achieve slightly
suboptimal performance, RTDP required about 62% of the computation of conventional
Gauss-Seidel DP. The average epoch path lengths for the initial epoch of each algorithm,
which are too large to show on the graphs, are 7,198, 8,749, and 180,358 moves, respectively,
for RTDP, Adaptive RTDP, and Real-Time Q-Learning. Again, these large numbers of
moves, especially for Real-Time Q-Learning, re
ect the primitive nature of our exploration
strategy. The paths shown at the right in each panel of Figure 4 were generated in noiseless
conditions by the policies produced at eective convergence of the corresponding algorithms.
The path shown in Panel A of Figure 4 is optimal in the sense that it was produced in
noiseless conditions by a policy that is optimal for the stochastic problem. The paths in
Panels B and C, on the other hand, were generated by slightly suboptimal policies.
Although these simulations are not denitive comparisons of the real-time algorithms
with conventional DP, they illustrate some of their features. Whereas Gauss-Seidel DP
continued to back up the costs of all the states, the real-time algorithms strongly focused
on subsets of the states that were relevant to the control objectives. This focus became
increasingly narrow as learning continued. Because the convergence theorem for Trial-Based
22We considerated a Q-value for a state i to be backed up whenever Q(i; u) was updated for some u 2 U (i).
0 1e+03 2e+03 3e+03 4e+03 5e+03
Epoch number
Figure 3: Performance of Real-Time Q-Learning on The Small Track for 5,000 Epochs. The
initial part of the graph shows the data plotted in Panel C of Figure 2 but at a dierent
horizontal scale.
Table 3: Summary of Learning Performance on the Larger Track for Real-Time DP (RTDP),
Adaptive Real-Time DP (ARTDP), and Real-Time Q-Learning (RTQ). The amount of com-
putation required by Gauss-Seidel DP (GSDP) is included for comparative purposes.
0 100 200 300 400 500
Epoch number Starting line Finish line
Average epoch path length
0 100 200 300 400 500
Epoch number Starting line Finish line
C 250
Average path length
0 1e+03 2e+03 3e+03
Epoch number Starting line Finish line
Figure 4: Performance of Three Real-Time Learning Algorithms on the Larger Track. Panel
A: RTDP. Panel B: Adaptive RTDP. Panel C: Real-Time Q-Learning. The central line in
each graph shows the epoch path length averaged over the 25 runs of the corresponding
algorithm. The upper and lower lines show 1 standard deviation of the epoch path length
for the sample of 25 runs. Exploration was controlled for Adaptive RTDP and Real-Time
Q-Learning by decreasing T after each move until it reached a pre-selected minimum value.
The right side of each panel shows the paths49 the car would follow in noiseless conditions
from each start state after eective convergence of the corresponding algorithm.
0 1e+03 2e+03 3e+03 4e+03 5e+03 6e+03 7e+03
Epoch number
Figure 5: Performance of Real-Time Q-Learning on The Larger Track for 7,500 Epochs. The
initial part of the graph shows the same data as plotted in Panel C of Figure 4 but at a
dierent horizontal scale.
RTDP applies to the simulations of RTDP, we know that this algorithm eventually would
have focused only on relevant states, i.e., on states making up optimal paths. RTDP achieved
nearly optimal control performance with about 50% of the computation of Gauss-Seidel DP
on the small track and about 62% of the computation of Gauss-Seidel DP on the larger track.
Adaptive RTDP and Real-Time Q-Learning also focused on progressively fewer states, but
we did not run the generic indirect method for comparison because it is too inecient to
apply to problems with as many states as our race track problems: It would have to perform
at least one complete sweep for each move. In sharp contrast, the amount of computation
required by each of the real-time algorithms for each move was small enough not to have
been a limiting factor in the simulations.23
The results described here for Adaptive RTDP and Real-Time Q-Learning were produced
by using an exploration strategy that decreased the randomness in selecting actions by
decreasing T after each move until it reached a pre-selected minimum value. Although
not described here, we also conducted experiments with dierent minimum values and with
decreasing T after trials instead of after moves. Performance of the algorithms was much
altered (for the worse) by these changes. Although we made no systematic attempt to
23However, in implementing Adaptive RTDP on the race track problems, we took advantage of our knowl-
edge that for any action there are only two possible successors to any state. This allowed us to avoid
performing at each move the n divisions required in a straightforward implemention of Equation 10. This is
not possible under the general conditions of incomplete information.
investigate the eects of various exploration strategies, it is clear that the performance of
these algorithms is highly sensitive to how exploration is introduced and controlled.
How the algorithms scale up to larger problems is also not adequately addressed by
our simulations. Although the results with the small and the larger race track give some
indication as to how the algorithms might scale, this collection of problems is not adequate for
studying this issue. The variability of an algorithm's performance as a function of problem
details other than the size of its state and action sets make it dicult to extrapolate from
its performance on just two problems. Proceeding to larger problems is hampered by the
large space requirements of these algorithms if they continue to use lookup tables for storing
evaluation functions. Tesauro's TD-Gammon system [77] is an encouraging data point for
using DP-based learning in conjunction with function approximation methods in problems
much larger than those described here, but continued theoretical research is necessary to
address the computational complexity of real-time DP algorithms. What is clear from our
simulations, however, is that real-time DP algorithms can confer signicant computational
advantages over conventional o-line DP algorithms.
In concluding our discussion of the race track problem, we again point out that it is
misleading to think of our application DP-based learning algorithms to this problem as the
most productive way to apply them to realistic robot navigation tasks. For example, DP-
based learning applied to this formulation of a race track problem renes skill in racing on a
specic track. This skill does not transfer to other tracks due to the specicity with which
a track is represented. More realistic applications of DP-based learning to robot navigation
requires more abstract states and actions, as in the work of Lin [45] and Mahadevan and
Connell [49].
11 Discussion
Conventional DP algorithms are of limited utility for problems with large state spaces,
such as the combinatorial state spaces of many problems of interest in AI, because they
require fully expanding all possible states and storing a cost for each state. Heuristic search,
in contrast, selectively explores a problem's state space. However, because DP algorithms
successively approximate optimal evaluation functions, they are relevant to learning in a way
that heuristic search is not. They eectively cache in a permanent data structure the results
of repeated searches forward from each state. This information improves as the algorithm
proceeds, ultimately converging to the optimal evaluation function, from which one can
determine optimal policies with relative ease. Although some heuristic search algorithms
(such as A*) update an estimate of the cost to reach states from an initial state, they
typically do not update the heuristic evaluation function estimating the cost to reach a goal
state from each state.
Although the principles of DP are relevant to learning, conventional DP algorithms are
not really learning algorithms because they operate o-line. They are not designed to be
applied during problem solving or control, whereas learning occurs as experience accumulates
during actual (or simulated) attempts at problem solving or control. However, it is possible
to execute an otherwise o-line DP algorithm concurrently with actual or simulated control,
where the DP algorithm can in
uence, and can be in
uenced by, the ongoing control process.
Doing this so as to satisfy certain requirements results in the algorithm we call RTDP, a
special case of which essentially coincides with Korf's LRTA* [38] algorithm. This general
approach follows previous research by others in which DP principles have been used for
problem solving and learning (e.g., refs. [61; 69; 70; 81; 86; 87]).
Our contribution in this article has been to bring to bear on DP-based learning the theory
of asynchronous DP as presented by Bertsekas and Tsitsiklis [12]. Although the suitability
of asynchronous DP for implementation on multi-processor systems motivated this theory,
we have made novel use of these results. Applying these results, especially the results
on stochastic shortest path problems, to RTDP provides a new theoretical basis for DP-
based learning algorithms. Convergence theorems for asynchronous DP imply that RTDP
retains the competence of conventional synchronous and Gauss-Seidel DP algorithms, and the
extension of Korf's LRTA* convergence theorem to this framework provides conditions under
which RTDP avoids the exhaustive nature of o-line DP algorithms while still ultimately
yielding optimal behavior.
We used the term simulation mode to refer to the execution of RTDP and related algo-
rithms during simulated control instead of actual control. DP-based learning in simulation
mode is illustrated by Samuel's checkers playing system [61; 62], Tesauro's backgammon
playing system [77], and our illustrations of RTDP using the race track problem. Despite
the fact that DP-based learning algorithms executed in simulation mode are actually o-line
algorithms, we still treat them as learning algorithms because they incrementally improve
control performance through simulated experience instead of solely through the application
of more abstract computational methods. For algorithms, like RTDP, that require an accu-
rate model of the decision problem, simulation mode is always an option and has obvious
advantages due to the large number of trials often required. Applying RTDP during actual
control makes sense when there is not enough time to compute a satisfactory policy by any
o-line method before actual control must begin.
Whether applied during actual control or in simulation mode, RTDP can have signicant
advantages over conventional DP algorithms. Because RTDP is responsive to the demands of
control in selecting states to which the backup operation is applied, it can focus computation
onto parts of the state set for which control information is likely to be most important for
improving control performance. The convergence theorem for Trial-Based RTDP applied
to stochastic shortest path problems species conditions under which RTDP focuses on
states that are on optimal paths|eventually abandoning all the other states|to produce
a policy that is optimal on these relevant states without continuing to back up the costs
of all the states, and possibly without backing up the costs of some states even once. Our
illustrations using the race track problem show that RTDP can obtain near optimal policies
in some problems with signicantly less computation than is required by conventional DP.
However, more compelling is the fact that the approach illustrated by RTDP can form useful
approximations to optimal evaluation functions in problems to which conventional DP cannot
be feasibly applied at all. We mentioned, for example, that in backgammon, a single sweep
of conventional DP would take more than 1,000 years using a 1,000 MIPS processor. This
is true despite the fact that a large fraction of the states of backgammon are irrelevant in
normal play.
RTDP is closely related to Monte Carlo algorithms that achieve computational eciency
by automatically allocating computation so that, for example, unimportant terms in a sum
correspond to very rare events in the computational process [17]. For this reason, the asymp-
totic computational complexity of Monte Carlo methods can exceed that of other methods
for some classes of problems. However, Monte Carlo methods are generally not competitive
with deterministic methods for small problems or when high-precision answers are required.
More research is needed to fully elucidate these correspondences and to exploit them in
rening DP-based learning methods and understanding their computational complexity.
For problems that have very large states sets (such as backgammon), the lookup-table
method for storing evaluation functions to which we have restricted attention is not practical.
Much of the research on DP-based learning methods has made use of other storage schemes.
For problems in which DP-based learning algorithms focus on increasingly small subsets
of states, as illustrated in our simulations of the race track problem, data structures such
as hash tables and kd-trees can allow the algorithms to perform well despite dramatically
reduced space requirements. One can also adapt supervised learning procedures to use each
back-up operation of a DP-based learning method to provide training information. If these
methods can generalize adequately from the training data, they can provide ecient means
for storing evaluation functions. Although some success has been achieved with methods that
can generalize, such as connectionist networks, the theory we have presented in this article
does not automatically extend to these cases. Generalization can disrupt the convergence
of asynchronous DP. Additional research is needed to to understand how one can eectively
combine function approximation methods with asynchronous DP.
In addition to the case in which an accurate model of the decision problem is available, we
also devoted considerable attention to Markovian decision problems with incomplete informa-
tion, i.e., problems for which an accurate model is not available. Adopting the terminology
of the engineering literature, these problems require adaptive control methods. We described
indirect and direct approaches to these problems. The method we called the generic indirect
method is representative of the majority of algorithms described in the engineering literature
applicable to Markovian decision problems with incomplete information. A system identi-
cation algorithm adjusts a system model on-line during control, and the controller selects
actions based on a current estimate of the optimal evaluation function computed by a con-
ventional DP algorithm under the assumption that the current model accurately models the
system. The DP algorithm is re-executed whenever the system model is updated. Although
this approach is theoretically convenient, it is much too costly to apply to large problems.
Adaptive RTDP results from substituting RTDP for conventional DP in the generic
indirect method. This means that RTDP is executed using the most recent system model
generated by the system identication algorithm. Adaptive RTDP can be tailored for the
available computational resources by adjusting the number of DP stages it executes at each
time step of control. Due to the additional uncertainty in this case, learning is necessarily
slower than in the non-adaptive case when measured by the number of backups required.
However, the amount of computation required to select each control action is roughly the
same. This means that it is practical to apply Adaptive RTDP to problems that are much
larger than those for which it is practical to apply methods, such as the generic indirect
method, that re-execute a conventional DP algorithm whenever the system model is updated.
In addition to indirect adaptive methods, we discussed direct adaptive methods. Direct
methods do not form explicit models of the system underlying the decision problem. We
described Watkin's [81] Q-Learning algorithm, which approximates the optimal evaluation
function without forming estimates of state-transition probabilities. Q-Learning instead
uses sample state transitions, either generated by a system model or observed during actual
control. Q-Learning is an asynchronous DP algorithm that operates at a ner grain than
the asynchronous DP algorithm described in Section 5.3. Whereas the basic operation of
asynchronous DP is backing up the cost of a state, requiring computation proportional to
the number of possible successor states, the basic operation of Q-Learning is backing up the
Q-value of a state-action pair, a computation that does not depend on the number of possible
successor states. The ne grain of the basic Q-Learning backup allows Real-Time Q-Learning
to focus on selected actions in addition to selected states in a way that is responsive to the
behavior of the controlled system. The cost of this
exibility is the increased space required
to store the Q-values of state-action pairs and the fact that a Q-Learning backup does not
gather as much information as does a complete DP backup operation.
Sophisticated exploration strategies are important in solving Markovian decision prob-
lems under conditions of both complete and incomplete information. With complete infor-
mation, a sophisticated exploration strategy can improve control performance by decreasing
the time required to reach goal states or, in the case of RTDP, by focusing DP stages on
states from which information most useful for improving the evaluation function is likely to
be gained. Knowledgeable ordering of back ups can accelerate convergence of asynchronous
DP, whether applied o- or on-line. When information is incomplete, sophisticated explo-
ration is useful for other reasons as well. In this case, exploration strategies must also address
the necessity to gather information about the unknown structure of the system being con-
trolled. Unlike exploration in the case of complete information, which can be conducted in
simulation mode, this kind of exploration must be conducted on-line. We discussed how
exploration performed for this reason con
icts with the performance objective of control,
at least on a short-term basis, and that a controller should not always execute actions that
appear to be the best based on its current evaluation function.
Although we did not use sophisticated exploration strategies in our simulations of the
race track problem, and we made no attempt in this article to analyse issues pertinent to
exploration, sophisticated exploration strategies will play an essential role in making DP-
based learning methods practical for larger problems. From what we did mention, however,
it should be clear that it is not easy to devise a consistent set of desiderata for exploration
strategies. For example, researchers have argued that an exploration strategy should 1) visit
states in regions of the state space where information about the system is of low quality (to
learn more about these regions), 2) visit states in regions of the state space where information
about the system is of high quality (so that the back-up operation uses accurate estimates of
the state-transition probabilities), or 3) visit states having successors whose costs are close to
their optimal costs (so that the back-up operation eciently propagates cost information).
Each of these suggestions makes sense in the proper context, but it is not clear how to
design a strategy that best incorporates all of them. It is encouraging, however, that the
convergence results we have presented in this article are compatible with a wide range of
exploration strategies.
Throughout this article we have assumed that the states of the system being controlled
are completely and unambiguously observable by the controller. Although this assumption is
critical to the theory and operation of all the algorithms we discussed, it can be very dicult
to satisfy in practice. For example, the current state of a robot's world is vastly dierent from
a list of the robot's current \sensations." On the positive side, eective closed-loop control
policies do not have to distinguish between all possible sensations. However, exploiting this
fact requires the ability to recognize states in the complex
ow of sensations. Although the
problem of state identication has been the subject of research in a variety of disciplines,
and many approaches have been studied under many guises, it remains a critical factor in
extending the applicability of DP-based learning methods. Any widely applicable approach
to this problem must take the perspective that what constitutes a system's state for purposes
of control|indeed what constitutes the system itself|is not independent of the control
objectives. The framework adopted in this article in which \a dynamic system underlies
the decision problem" is misleading in suggesting the existence of a single denitive grain
with which to delineate events and to mark their passage. In actuality, control objectives
dictate what is important in the
ow of the controller's sensations, and multiple objective-
dependent models at dierent levels of abstraction are needed to achieve them. If this caution
is recognized, however, the algorithms described in this article should nd wide application
as components of sophisticated embedded systems.
12 Appendices
A. Proof of the Trial-Based RTDP Theorem
Here we prove Theorem 3, which extends Korf's [38] convergence theorem for LRTA* to
Trial-Based RTDP applied to undiscounted stochastic shortest path problems.
Proof: We rst prove the theorem for the special case in which only the cost of the current
state is backed up at each time interval, i.e., Bt = fstg and kt = t, for t = 0; 1; : : : (see
Section 6). We then observe that the proof does not change when each Bt is allowed to be an
arbitrary set containing st. Let G denote the goal set and let st , ut, and ft respectively denote
the state, action, and evaluation function at time step t in an arbitrary innite sequence of
states, actions, and evaluation functions generated by Trial-Based RTDP starting from an
arbitrary start state.
First observe that the evaluation functions remain non-overestimating, i.e., at any time
t, ft(i) f (i) for all states i. This is true by induction because ft+1(i) = ft(i) for all i 6= st
and if ft(j ) f (j ) for all j 2 S , then for all t
2 3
ft (st) = umin
4c (u) +
2U i st
pst j (u)ft(j )5
( )
j 2S
2 3
umin 4c (u) +
2U i st
pst j (u)f (j )5 = f (st);
( )
j 2S
where the last equality restates the Bellman Optimality Equation (Equation 6).
Let I S be the set of all states that appear innitely often in this arbitrary sequence;
I must be nonempty because the state set is nite. Let A(i) 2 U (i) be the set of admissible
actions for state i that have zero probability of causing a transition to a state not in I , i.e.,
A(i) is the set of all actions u 2 U (i) such that pij (u) = 0 for all j 2 (S ? I ). Because states
in S ? I appear a nite number of times, there is a nite time T0 after which all states visited
are in I . Then with probability one any action chosen an innite number of times for any
state i that occurs after T0 must be in A(i) (or else with probability one a transition out of
I would occur), and so with probability one there must exist a time T1 T0 such that for
all t > T1, we not only have that st 2 I but also that ut 2 A(st).
We know that at each time step t, RTDP backs up the cost of st because st 2 Bt. We
can write the back-up operation as follows:
2 3
ft (st) = umin
4c (u ) +
2U i st t
pstj (ut)ft(j ) + pst j (ut)ft(j )5 : (15)
( )
j 2I j 2(S ?I )
But for all t > T , we know that st 2 I and that pst j (ut) = 0 for all j 2 S ? I because
ut 2 A(st). Thus, for t > T the right-most summation in Equation 15 is zero. This means
that the costs of the states in S ? I have no in
uence on the operation of RTDP after T . 1
Thus, after T , RTDP performs asynchronous DP on a Markovian decision problem with
state set I .
If no goal states are contained in I , then all the immediate costs in this Markovian decision
problem are positive. Because there is no discounting, it can be shown that asynchronous
DP must cause the costs of the states in I to grow without bound. But this contradicts the
fact that the cost of a state can never overestimate its optimal cost, which must be nite
due to the existence of a proper policy. Thus I contains a goal state with probability one.
After T , therefore, Trial-Based RTDP performs asynchronous DP on a stochastic shortest
path problem with state set I that satises the conditions of the convergence theorem for
asynchronous DP applied to undiscounted stochastic shortest path problems (Bertsekas and
Tsitsiklis [12], Proposition 3.3, p. 318). Consequently, Trial-Based RTDP converges to the
optimal evaluation function of this stochastic shortest path problem. We also know that the
optimal evaluation function for this problem is identical to the optimal evaluation function
for the original problem restricted to the states in I because the costs of the states in S ? I
have no in
uence on the costs of states in I after time T . 1
Furthermore, with probability one I contains the set of all states reachable from any start
state via any optimal policy. Clearly, I contains all the start states because each start state
begins an innite number of trails. Trial-Based RTDP always executes a greedy action with
respect to the current evaluation function and breaks ties in such a way that it continues to
execute all the greedy actions. Because we know that the number of policies is nite and
that Trial-Based RTDP converges to the optimal evaluation function restricted to I , there
is a time after which it continues to select all the actions that are greedy with respect to
the optimal evaluation function, i.e., all the optimal actions. Thus with probability one, I
contains all the states reachable from any start state via any optimal policy, and there is a
time after which a controller using RTDP will only execute optimal actions.
Finally, with trivial revision the the above argument holds if RTDP backs up the costs
of states other than the current state at each time step, i.e., if each Bt is an arbitrary subset
of S .
B. Simulation Details
Except for the discount factor
, which we set to one throughout the simulations, and the
sets Bt, which we set to fstg for all t, RTDP does not involve any parameters. Gauss-Seidel
DP only requires specifying a state ordering for its sweeps. We selected an ordering without
concern for any in
uence it might have on convergence rate. Both Adaptive RTDP and Real-
Time Q-Learning require exploration during the training trials, which we implemented using
Equation 11. To generate the data described in Section 4.1, we decreased the parameter T
with successive moves as follows:
T (0) = TMax (16)
T (k + 1) = TMin + (T (k) ? TMin); (17)
where k is the move number (cumulative over trials), = 0:992, TMax = 75, and TMin = 0:5.
Real-time Q-Learning additionally requires sequences of learning rate parameters t(i; u)
(Equation 14) that satisfy the hypotheses of the Q-Learning convergence theorem [81; 82].
We dened these sequences as follows. Let t(i; u) denote the learning rate parameter used
when the Q-value of the state-action pair (i; u) is backed up at time step t. Let nt(i; u) be
the number of backups performed on the Q-value of (i; u) up to time step t. The learning
rate t(i; u) is dened as follows:
t(i; u) = + n0(i; u)
where 0 is the initial learning rate. We set 0 = 0:5 and = 300. This equation imple-
ments a search-then-converge schedule for each t(i; u) as suggested by Darken and Moody
[19]. They argue that such schedules can achieve good performance in stochastic optimiza-
tion tasks. It can be shown that this schedule satises the hypotheses of the Q-Learning
convergence theorem.
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