Cost Sheet Summary
Cost Sheet Summary
Cost Sheet Summary
Cost Sheet
Particulars Total Cost Cost perunit (`)
1. Direct materials consumed:
Opening Stock of Raw Material xxx
Add: Additions/ Purchases xxx
Less: Closing stock of Raw Material xxx
2. Direct employee (labour) cost xxx
3. Direct expenses xxx
4. Prime Cost (1+2+3) xxx
5. Add: Works/ Factory Overheads xxx
6. Gross Works Cost (4+5) xxx
7. Add: Opening Work in Process xxx
8. Less: Closing Work in Process (xxx)
9. Works/ Factory Cost (6+7-8) xxx
10. Add: Quality Control Cost xxx
11. Add: Research and Development Cost xxx
12. Add: Administrative Overheads (relating xxx
to production activity)
13. Less: Credit for Recoveries/Scrap/By- (xxx)
Products/ misc. income
14. Add: Packing cost (primary) xxx
15. Cost of Production (9+10+11+12-13+14) xxx
16. Add: Opening stock of finished goods xxx
17. Less: Closing stock of finished goods (xxx)
18. Cost of Goods Sold (15+16-17) xxx
19. Add: Administrative Overheads (General) xxx
20. Add: Marketing Overheads :
Selling Overheads xxx
Distribution Overheads xxx
21. Cost of Sales (18+19+20) xxx
Marks Weightage 12-15
1. Description:
Cost Sheet: A Cost Sheet or Cost Statement is “a document which provides a detailed cost
information. In a typical cost sheet, cost information are presented on the basis of functional
classification. However, other classification may also be adopted as per the requirements of users
of the information.
Direct Expenses: Expenses other than direct material cost and direct employee cost, which are
incurred to manufacture a product or for provision of service and can be directly traced in an
economically feasible manner to a cost object.
Prime Cost: Prime cost represents the total of direct materials costs, direct employee (labour)
costs and direct expenses.
Cost of Production: Cost of production consists of cost of materials consumed, direct employee
(labour) costs, direct expenses, production overheads, quality control costs, primary packing cost,
R&D and administration cost relating to production.
Primary Packing Cost: Cost incurred on packing materials which are essential to hold and
preserve the product for further processing or its useby consumer.
Secondary Packing Cost: Cost incurred on packing materials which is used to store, transport,
and promote the product.
Cost of goods sold: Cost of production adjusted with opening and closing inventories of finished
Administrative overheads: Cost incurred of all activities relating to general management and
administration of an entity.
Distribution overheads: Costs incurred in handling a product or service from the time it is ready
to dispatch or delivery until it reaches the ultimate consumer.
Cost of Sales: It is the total cost of a product incurred to make the product available to the
customer or consumer. It is the aggregate of cost of goods sold, administrative costs, marketing
costs and other separate line items of cost which could not form part of cost of production.
Marks Weightage 12-15
Under this classification, costs are divided according to the function for which they have been
incurred. The following are the classification of costs based on functions:
Direct Material Cost
Direct Employee (labour) Cost
Direct Expenses
Production/ Manufacturing Overheads
Administration Overheads
Selling Overheads
Distribution Overheads
Research and Development costs etc.
Prime cost represents the total of direct materials costs, direct employee (labour) costs and
direct expenses.
(i) Abnormal costs- Any abnormal cost, where it is material and quantifiable, shall not form
part of cost of production or acquisition or supply of goods or provision of service.
Examples of abnormal costs are:
(a) Cost pertaining to or arising out of a pandemic e.g. COVID-19
(ii) Subsidy/ Grant/ Incentives- Any such type of payment received/ receivable are
reduced from the cost objects to which such amount pertains.
(iii) Penalty, fine, damages, and demurrage - These types of expenses are not form part of
(iv) Interest and other finance costs- Interest, including any payment in the nature of
interest for use of non- equity funds and incidental cost that an entity incurs in
arranging those funds. Interest and finance charges are not included in cost of production.