Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
After 1963, the ultimate-strength design method (now called strength design) slowly gained popularity because:
it makes use of a more rational approach than does WSD,
it uses a more realistic consideration of safety,and
it provides more economical designs
With this method, the working dead and live loads are multiplied by certain load factors (equivalent to safety factors),
and the resulting values are called factored loads. The members are then selected so they will theoretically just fail
under the factored loads.
1. strain in concrete is the same as in reinforcing bars at the same level, provided that the bond between the steel
and concrete is adequate.
2. Strain in concrete is linearly proportional to the distance from the neutral axis.
3. The modulus of elasticity of all grades of steel is taken as Es 200 000MPa . The stress in the elastic range
is equal to the strain multiplied by Es .
4. Plane cross sections continue to be plane afterbending.
5. Tensile strength of concrete is neglected because
concrete’s tensile strenght is about 10% of its compressive strenght
cracked concrete is assumed to be not effective, and
before cracking, the entire concrete section is effective in resisting the external moment.
6. The method of elastic analysis, assuming an idel behavior at all levels of stress, is not valid. At high stresses,
nonelastic behavior is assumed, which is in close agreement with the actual behavior of concrete and steel.
7. At failure the maximum strain at the extreme compression fibers is assumed equal to 0.003.
8. For design strength, the shape of the compressive concrete stress distributionmaybe assumed to be rectangular,
parabolic, or trapezoidal.
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 12
To accurately estimate the ultimate strength of a struture, it is necessary to take into account the uncertaities in the
material strengths, dimensions, and workmanship. This is done by multiplying the theoretical ultimate strenght (called
the nominal strength) of each member by the strength reduction factor, , which is less than 1.
Note: To prevent a brittle failure, the reinforcement must yield while the strain in the concrete is less than failure strain of
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 13
3. For load combination due to roof live load, rain load, snow load, in addition to dead, live, wind, and earthquake
U 1.2 D 1.6 L 0.5 Lr or S or R
U 1.2 D 1.6 Lr or S or R 1.0 L or 0.5W
U 1.2 D 1.0W 1.0 L 0.5 Lr or S or R
U 1.2 D 1.0 E 1.0 L 0.2S
5. When the load H (load due to lateral earth pressure, groundwater pressure, or pressure of bulk material) is
present, it shall be included as follows:
a. Include H with load factor 1.6 where effect of H adds to primary variable load effect.
b. Include H with load factor 0.90 where effect of H resists to primary variable load effect.
1. To account for the understrength of a member due to variations in material strengths and dimension .
2. To allow for inaccuracies in the design equations.
3. To reflect the degree of ductility and required reliability of a member.
4. To reflect the importance of a member.
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 14
Strength reduction factor for moment, axial force, or combined moment and axial force shall be in accordance with Table
421.2.2 of the NSCP Code and is given below. A linear transition in the strength reduction factor is permitted between the
limits for tension-controlled and compression-controlled sections; this transition is illustrated in the figure below.
Strength reduction factor for moment, axial force, or combined moment and axial force
Net tensile strain
t Classification Type of transverse reinforcement
Spirals conforming to 425.7.3 Other
t ty Compression -
0.75 (a) 0.65 (b)
t 0.005 0.90 (e) 0.90 (f)
For sections classified as transition, it shall be permitted to use corresponding to compression-controlled sections.
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 15
3.7. Singly Reinforced Rectangular Section in Bending
Tests of reinforced concrete beams confirm that strains vary in proportion to distances from the neutral axis even on the
tension sides and even near ultimate loads. Compression stresses vary approximately in a straight line until the
maximum stress equals about 0.50 f c' . This is not the case, however, after stresses go higher. When the ultimate load
is reached, the strain and stress variations are approximately as shown below.
The compressive stresses vary from zero at the neutral axis to a maximum vale at or near the extreme fiber. The actual
stress variation and the actual location of the neutral axis vary somewhat from beam to beam, depending on such
variables as the magnitude and history of past loadings, shrinkage and creep of concrete, size and spacing of tension
cracks, speed of loading, and so on.
If the shape of the stress diagram were the same for every beam, it would be possible to derive a single rational set of
expression for flexural behavior. Because of these stress variations, however, it is necessary to base the strength design
on a combination of theory and test results.
If the concrete is assumed to crush at a strain of about 0.003 and the steel to yield at f y , it is possible to make a
reasonable derivation of beam formulas without knowing the exact stress distribution. However, it is necessary to know
the value of the total compression force and its centroid.
Based on the assumptions regarding the rectangular stress block suggested by Whitney, equations of statics can easily
be written for the sum of the horizontal forces and for the resisting moment produced by the internal couple. These
expressions can then be solved separately for a and for the moment M n . The design strength of a member, M n , must
at least be equal to the required strength, M u , caused by the factored loads
M n Mu
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 16
As f y f yd where:
a 1c steel ratio
0.85 fc'b 0.85 fc'
c distance from the neutral axis to the extreme concrete fiber in
As compression
bd 1 0.85 for fc' 30MPa
1 0.85 0.008 fc' 30 0.65 for fc' 30MPa
a a
M n T d As f y d M n nominal moment
2 2
M n As f y d
2 Mn Mu
fy strength reduction factor = 0.90
M u As f y d 1 0.59 '
fc M n design strength
fy M u required strength
M u f y bd 2 1 0.59 '
0.85 fc' 2 Rn Rn
1 1 bd 2
f y 0.85 fc'
Rn flexural resistance factor
1.4 fc'
min max , min minimum steel percentage
f y 4 f y
b balance steel percentage
0.851 fc' 600 dt
b dt distance from the bottom layer reinforcement to concrete fiber in compression
fy 600 f y d
For single layer reinforcement, dt d
max permitted 0.75b max permitted maximum steel ratio allowed by the code for 0.9
0.003 f y Es
max b
0.003 t
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 17
1. When max , tension controls and 0.9
2. When max , the section will be in transition region with 0.9
Problem Set 3:
1. For the section shown below, given that fc' 27.6MPa and f y 420MPa , calculate
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 18
2. Determine the design moment strength and the position of the neutral axis of the rectangular section shown in the
figure below if the reinforcement used is three 28 mm diameter bar. Given fc' 21MPa and f y 420MPa .
As f y
b. Calculate a and check t for .
0.85 fc'b
c. Calculate M n As f y d .
3. If M n M u , then the section is adequate
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 19
Problem Set 4:
1. A 2.4 m cantilever beam has a rectangular section and reinforcement as shown in the figure below. The beam carries
a dead load, including ite own weight, of 22 kN/m and a live load of 13 kN/m. Using fc' 27.6MPa and
f y 420MPa , check is the beam is safe to carry the above loads.
2. A simply supported beam has a span of 6 m. If the cross section of the beam is as shown below, fc' 21 MPa ,
and f y 420 MPa , determine the allowable uniformly distributed service live load on the beam assuming the
dead load is that due to beam weight.
3. Check the design adequacy of the section shown in the figure below to resist a factored moment
M u 40.5 kN m using fc' 21 MPa and f y 276 MPa .
4. Determine the design moment strength of a rectangular concrete section reinforced with 6-D28 bars in two rows as
shown below.
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 20
Prepared by: Melvin R. Esguerra, mpice Principles of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Page 21