JSA Review Form
JSA Review Form
JSA Review Form
Facility / Site: Angore Location within Site: HGCP Workshop Permit No: Permit Type: Date: 22 – 28 OCT 2022
Job Description (include Equipment Numbers as Practical): Welding for Pipes
Pending confirmation by the Job Leader of site conditions, I agree that the SIGNATURE:
attached JSA identifies the significant Job Phases, Hazards, and Controls.
Note: JSA Reviewer signature not required if JSA is part of a Permit Pack.
(Sign on to the Permit Declaration if this JSA is associated with a Permit Pack)
The Work Team has assessed the worksite conditions and confirms: Work Team Declaration:
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the attached JSA, I understand my roles
The JSA addresses the applicable hazards and necessary controls. and responsibilities, and I will comply with the instructions for this job.
The Team has the appropriate resources (people and equipment) to do the job Name (print): Name (print):
Others that could be affected by the work have been informed.
Energy isolation (if applicable) has been VERIFIED and DEMONSTRATED.
Complete Job Phases / Potential Hazards / Hazard Controls PRIOR to the JSA Reviewer. Complete Assigned Person AT THE WORK SITE (after JSA Reviewer has signed)
(Description) (What could go wrong?) (How can harm be prevented?) Name Complete
Daily Prestart JSA / SWMS review card.
Change to conditions, environment,
people, plant, or process PTW - Sign onto any permits required
Unauthorized Works
Weather conditions monitored. Radio
Poor weather conditions – Wet, Hot
communications, water available.
Muster and safe haven points
Unaware of ERP or security if not in
identified – security discussed –
communicated to any visitors too.
Security - Compliance with WG JMP
and Security plan.
Prestart check of vehicle Equipment fault Daily prestart check – faults reported
Spills / leaks or machine isolated – tag out, PHA
Slips and falls reviewed, VOC operator to do check
Simops Spill kit to be available with plant –
check contents
3 points of contact when scaling plant,
clean steps of any mud, check for
obstacles and uneven ground
Inspect equipment and tools before
Use barriers and signs to segregate
Spill kit to be available with plant –
clean steps of any mud, check for
Report any faulty equipment
immediately to supervisor and tag out
equipment with danger / caution tags
Lifting and Slinging / Falling Object Only approved, tagged, and
Preparation of loads Machine Failure engineered sling, chains and other
lifting gear complying with relevant
Exxonmobil PNG requirement to be
Confirmation by competence person
prior to lift to avoid overloading of
platform / structure
Lifting attachment are provided with
operable pins. Safety latches, lifting
eyes and shackles.
Lifting of object / Falling objects Lifting area to be barricaded or uses of
materials by machine Machine failure / overturn spotters to maintain an exclusive zone
Pre-operational inspection and check
of safety devices in accordance with
the operator’s manual performed by
operator before use
Lifts only performed by competent and
VOC in accordance with Exxonmobil
Load charts and functions and
limitation to be clearly visible and
Operators have a clear view of load at
all the times otherwise dogger to be
always followed
Only necessary and minimal personnel
to be in lifting zone during lifting of load
Weather conditions to be considered
prior to lift
Loads not to be lifted over members of
the public or other trades
Operator to always remain in cabin
Pre buffing of casing Eye injury – grinding / buffing Double eye protection, dust down
pipe away from eyes
Manual handling / repetitive task – Rotate task / take breaks, stretch
sprain & strains
Hand injuries / entanglement – rotating Stop disc on pipe before raising away,
disc always keep hands clear of rotating
disc. No loose clothing
Ensure disc is rated for grinder,
inspect disc before use.
Correct hand gloves suited for the task
Cuts – shattered disc / buff
Use The cutting torch Burns – flame, hot pipe Gloves to be worn, do not touch pipe
after pre heat, hands away from torch
hold handle.
Inspect hose before use, do not rest
Gas leak –damaged hose, torch resting
torch on hose and ensure equipped
on hose.
flash back arrestor
Spotter, visual eye contact with
People / plant interaction – crushing
operator and workers
Housekeeping – remove all waste from
Fire – construction waste
are and place in bin.
Arc welding and capping Electrocution – leads damaged, no All leads test and tag, RCD provided to
RCD, No earth clamp welding machines, earth clamp
inspected and utilized
Fire – sparks Fire-fighting equipment, clear waste
from area
Burns / radiation / hot welding rods PPE with heat resistance (leather
gloves), Bucket for used rods, stay
clear of arc of radiation, authorized
Fumes personnel only.
Adfolk helmets (positive air flow),
Eye injury – dust, metal shards, arc extraction fan if canopy down.
flash Double eye protection, rated shade
glasses for welding. Dust down away
from eyes, first aid kit – eye wash.
Plant / people interaction Positive communication with Morooka
Falling objects in canopy Secure tools on canopy to side and at
head height
AC induced voltage Electrical safety assessment,
temporary earthing of pipe strings
Inclement weather – lightning Monitor weather
Ensure welding places not close to
Traffic runway of Chopper
Start Work Checks - Supervisors lifting Working Around Mobile Equipment (WAME) LSA
START WORK CHECK – Crew members discuss and confirm critical Life Saving Actions are in place prior to work
SAFE EXECUTION CHECK – These Life Saving Action checks are used to verify that LSA safeguards are healthy and remain effective throughout the task
6. Confirm load is secure (work zone Work plans include a step to have a qualified person inspect the load to ensure it is secured prior to transport by the mobile equipment
segregated and access controlled) Personnel understand the safe distance to be from a load during transport and during loading and unloading operations
prior to transport or
Start Work Checks – Team Members lifting Working Around Mobile Equipment (WAME) LSA
START WORK CHECK – Crew members discuss and confirm critical Life Saving Actions are in place prior to work
SAFE EXECUTION CHECK – These Life Saving Action checks are used to verify that LSA safeguards are healthy and remain effective throughout the task
With your supervisor’s support, team members take actions needed to confirm the following Life Saving Actions:
1. Plan work to separate workers and mobile equipment using designated pathways/barriers as appropriate
2. Assign qualified/competent mobile equipment operators, and where required use qualified/competent spotters
3. Verify safety devices are functional on mobile equipment. To be performed by operator
4. Establish clear means of communications with equipment operator
5. Adhere to minimum safe zone (HALO), avoid blind spots/crush zones, only approach inside HALO with permission
6. Confirm load is secure (work zone segregated and access controlled) prior to transport or loading/unloading
Stop and seek help if any of the above Life Saving Actions are not in place (Stop Work Authority)
This table of Hazards and Controls can assist the work group to manage hazards for the proposed job. The table does not include all possible hazards. It is expected
that the required PPE for the activity and work conditions will be used. Determine the Hazards that are present for the job and identify the Controls to be implemented.
Pressurized Poor Lighting
Personnel Confined Space Operations Weather Ignition Sources
Equipment or visibility
Perform isolation – LO/TO, Provide alternate lighting Provide induction or training Discuss confined space Follow SIMOPS matrix Implement controls for Remove, isolate, or contain
blinding, or defeat Wait or defer until visibility for new workers entry safe work practice MOC required for deviation slippery surfaces combustible materials
Depressurize, drain, purge, improves Mentor, coach, or supervise Conduct atmospheric testing from SIMOPS restrictions High winds – goggles Provide fire fighting equipment
and vent No work over water that Verify competencies, skills, Monitor access or entry Interface between groups Heat – hydration, breaks Construct a fire-safe habitat
Relieve trapped pressure could require rescue and experience Protect surfaces from Use barriers and signs to Cold – PPE, heaters Provide a fire watch during
Avoid auto-refrigeration (including sea state) Address applicable inadvertent contact segregate activities and after hot work
Lightening – tool
when depressurizing limitations Do not locate mobile engines Have permit counter signed selection, defer work Conduct continuous gas
Anticipate residual pressure (fatigue, exhaustion, and near confined space by leader of affected groups testing
or fluids restricted duty) Provide observer Bond or earth for static
Secure temporary hoses Manage multiple languages Develop rescue plan electricity or cathodic
Drain or purge equipment Drain equipment Heat or cool equipment Wear correct hearing PPE Use signs and barriers to Confirm lifting equipment Discuss working at heights
Follow MSDS controls Provide spill containment before work starts Manage exposure times restrict entry or access condition and certification safe work practice
equipment Install barriers under work at elevation Obtain approval for lifts Verify fall restraint and arrest
Implement health hazards Shutdown equipment
controls (Lead, Asbestos, Have spill cleanup materials Provide warning signs Use lifting equipment to over processing equipment certification
Use "quiet" tools
raise tools to or from the equipment
H2S, Iron Sulfide, and equipment on hand Implement cold temperature Apply abseiling safe work
Sound barriers or curtains work platform
Sulfur Dioxide, NORM) Restrain and isolate hoses and brittle failure controls Have a documented and practice
Provide or use suitable Secure tools (tie-off) approved lift plan
Test or analyze material when not in use Wear thermal gloves communication techniques
Inspect equipment for Use barriers and signs to Confirm machinery guard Assess manual handling task Inspect equipment and tools Manage exposure times Identify and shield uneven
condition and test date restrict access integrity Limit load size No use of modified tools Assess effect of vibration surface or projections
currency Notify personnel who may Provide protective barriers on equipment Secure or cover cables, cords,
Manage posture Use protective guards
Implement continuous gas be affected Observer to monitor Use low vibration and tubing
Confirm stability of load and Use correct tools and
testing Implement NORM controls proximity of people and equipment Clean up liquids
work platform equipment for task
Protect electrical leads from Conduct RAD testing equipment Apply noise controls Barricade or rope-off openings
Get assistance or mechanical Protect or remove sharp
impact or damage Shut down or lockout and holes
aid to avoid pinch points edges
equipment Apply hand safety principles
Do not work in the line of fire
Restrict access to authorized Have an excavation plan or Apply environmental Spring compression or Assess equipment condition Implement abrasive Keep egress route open
personnel only safe work practice management practices expansion control Implement controls on users blasting controls (for Keep shower and eye wash
Discharge equipment and Locate underground pipes Follow site waste Implement electromagnetic or access equipment and practices) stations accessible
make electrically dead or cables by hand digging management procedures (radio) controls Limit and monitor proximity Prepare a dive plan Have a rescue plan in place
Observe safe work distances De-energize underground Clean up equipment and Manage pressure or vacuum to live equipment or cables Manage potential blocked Keep emergency alarm, fire
for live cables services materials at site Manage heat generating Manage overhead hazards or plugged equipment equipment, and shutdown
Use flash burn PPE suit Implement confined space Optimize task to minimize processes Adhere to road and site MOC required for locations unobstructed
Use insulated gloves, tools, entry controls waste production Use seismic activity safe work rules temporary connections
and mats practice or modifications