Kairatune Users Manual
Kairatune Users Manual
Kairatune Users Manual
Kairatune is a virtual instrument available as VST and AU plugin for Windows and MacOS.
Kairatune is copyright © 2011 by Futucraft Ltd and is available as free download. Please visit
https://futucraft.com/kairatune for the latest version of Kairatune and more information.
Signal Flow................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Tone Generator.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Oscillator Section.................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Amplitude Section................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Spread Section...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Filters............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
LPF Section............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
HPF Section............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Delay Section......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Equalizer Section.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Phaser Section...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Master Section...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Preset Manager..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Configuration Menu............................................................................................................................................................. 8
More Information....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Signal Flow
Tone Generator
Oscillator Section
Oscillator section controls the shape of the waveform used in Kairatune's tone
generator. The shape of the waveform can be tweaked from simple sawtooth
or square wave, known from classical analog synthesizers, to complex and vivid
multi oscillator waveforms.
The waveform, low cut and trim parameters control the elementary
characteristics of the oscillator.
The multi section allows to mix in four additional oscillators with similar
characteristics. The relative phase and tune of the oscillators can be set to
produce a variety of sounds and modulated for vivid timbre. The spread
parameter increases the left/right separation of the additional oscillators.
LOW The level of the lowest harmonic i.e. the amplitude of the fundamental frequency
DTN The separation in the tuning of the oscillators, modulates the relative phase
RATE The rate of the fine tune modulation of the additional oscillators
Pitch Modulation and LFO Sections
The pitch section controls the basic tuning of the
instrument as well as some pitch modulation effects.
The LFO source is shared among the PITCH, AMP, LPF and HPF sections. The amount of modulation is controlled
separately by the LFO parameter in each section.
GLIDE Glide controls the rate at which pitch changes when successive notes are played without
releasing the previous note before playing the next.
VIBRA Modulation depth (hold shift for precision, turn left for inverse)
TRILL Modulation depth (hold shift for precision, turn left for inverse)
LFO LFO depth (hold shift for precision, turn left for inverse)
FADE Fade in/out time after delay/hold (hold shift for precision)
Amplitude Section
The amplitude section controls the
amplitude envelope, amplitude
LFO modulation and drive. The
LFO parameter controls the
amount of modulation from the
shared LFO source.
Spread Section
The spread section produces variation in the spatial perception of the sound. The sound
appears to move from side to side at the specified rate and width.
LPF Section
The lowpass filter's cutoff frequency is always tuned relative to the current pitch. The cutoff tuning can be
modulated by envelope, spread and the shared LFO source.
The SPRD parameter controls the amount of left/right separation of the cutoff frequency. The spread modulation
rate is synchronized with the spatial spread section above.
LFO LFO depth (hold shift for octave steps, turn left for inverse)
ENV Envelope depth (left for inverse, hold shift for octave steps)
HPF Section
The high pass filter's cutoff frequency is always tuned relative to the current pitch. The cutoff tuning can be
modulated by envelope and the shared LFO source.
LFO LFO depth (hold shift for octave steps, turn left for inverse)
ENV Envelope depth (left for inverse, hold shift for octave steps)
Effects and Mixing
Delay Section
The delay section runs two delay units in parallel, a high pass filter delay and a
bandpass filter delay. The high pass filter precedes the delay unit in the signal
chain of the high pass delay whereas the bandpass filter follows the delay unit
within the feedback chain of the bandpass delay.
The cutoff frequencies of the filters are always relative to the current pitch. The
HPF cutoff is above the current pitch by the interval set by the tuning. The BPF
cutoff oscillates around the tuning.
Equalizer Section
The equalizer section has two units. The mode can be selected from
the list independently for both units. The Q and GAIN parameters
have effect only in certain modes.
TYPE Lowpass, high pass, bandpass, notch, peak, low shelf, high shelf
Phaser Section
The phaser effect's sweep is controlled by the modulation rate and frequency
range. The DEPTH parameter controls the intensity of the phaser. The additional
intensity i.e. the amount of feedback is controlled by the FB parameter.
FB Feedback level
Master Section
The master section controls the output level. The TRIM parameter controls the the
current preset's output level and the VELO parameter controls the velocity sensitivity of
the current preset's output level. The TRIM and VELO parameters are recalled for each
preset. The LEVEL parameter controls the plugin's output level regardless of the current
Configuration and Settings
Preset Manager
The preset manager has some features that are only accessible by right-clicking on the preset list.
Configuration Menu
The button on the upper right corner
opens a configuration menu. Through the
configuration menu you can load or
import presets from various file types and
export the current set of presets as a
ktbank file.
Load option replaces the current set of
You can import ktpreset single preset files and load or import ktbank preset bank files exported from Kairatune
version 1.2. You can import single preset FXP files and load or import FXB preset bank files generated with prior
versions of Kairatune.
Restore factory presets replaces the current set of presets with the built in presets.
If you want Kairatune to start up with a custom set of presets, you can configure the current set to anything you
want and set that as the default. After you’ve set the default, any new Kairatune instances will launch with the new
default set of presets.
More Information
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Futucraft
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/futucraft