DOI: 10.3892/ol.2020.11909
Abstract. In recent years, the incidence of liver cancer has The present review summarizes recent studies that have
increased and is currently the sixth most common tumor and focused on ICIs and discusses the present limitations affecting
the second leading cause of cancer‑associated mortality world‑ the development of new therapeutic strategies.
wide. Most cases of liver cancer are hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC). Surgery, including liver transplantation or resection,
and radiofrequency ablation therapies are all considered to be Contents
the curative treatment options for early‑stage HCC. However,
most patients have advanced HCC at the time of diagnosis, 1. Introduction
contributing to a poor prognosis. Therefore, improved treat‑ 2. Immune recognition, tolerance and escape of HCC
ment for late‑stage HCC is needed. Immune checkpoint 3. The role of PD1/PD‑L1 in immune tolerance and immune
inhibitors (ICIs), among which programmed death receptor escape of HCC
1 (PD‑1)/PD‑ligand 1 and cytotoxic T lymphocyte‑associated 4. Application of PD‑1/PD‑L1 inhibitors in HCC
protein 4 are the representative immunological checkpoints, 5. The role of CTLA‑4 in immune tolerance and immune
have shown great promise and progress for HCC treatment. escape of HCC
6. Applications of CTLA‑4 inhibitors in HCC
7. Combination immunotherapy with locoregional therapy in
Correspondence to: Dr Zheng‑Yin Liao, Department of Abdominal 8. Current concerns
Oncology, West China Hospital, West China Medical School, 9. Conclusions
Sichuan University, 37 Guoxue Xiang, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041,
P.R. China
E‑mail: 1. Introduction
Abbreviations: HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; ICIs, immune According to global cancer reports, there are ~850,000 new
checkpoint inhibitors; PD‑1, programmed death receptor 1;
liver cancer cases and 840,000 liver cancer‑associated deaths
PD‑L1, programmed death ligand 1; CTLA‑4, cytotoxic T
lymphocyte‑associated protein 4; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV,
worldwide in 2019 (1,2). The incidence is higher in Asia
hepatitis C virus; BCLC, Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer; RFA, compared with western countries, especially China, where
radiofrequency ablation; TACE, transarterial chemotherapy; TKIs, liver cancer is the sixth most common tumor and the second
tyrosine protein kinase; FDA, Food and Drug Administration; leading cause of cancer‑associated mortality in 2019 (2).
TGF‑β, transforming growth factor‑β; TCR, T cell antigen receptor; Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) accounts for ~90% of
ASCO, American Society of Clinical Oncology; ESMO, European primary liver cancer and is primarily associated with chronic
Society of Oncology; CSCO, Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology; hepatitis B virus (HBV) (3) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infec‑
ORR, objective response rate; mOS, median overall survival; SD, tion (4), followed by excessive drinking and non‑alcoholic
stable disease; PR, partial response; DCR, disease control rate; PFS, fatty‑associated liver disease (5). According to the Barcelona
progression free survival; AEs, adverse events; RCREP, reactive Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging criteria and liver func‑
capillary epithelial proliferation; Complete response, CR; VEGF,
tion, liver transplantation or resection are the most common
vascular endothelial growth factor; DEB‑TACE, drug‑eluting bead
transarterial chemoembolization; MMR, mismatch repair; MSI,
treatments (6). Additionally, radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
microsatellite instability therapies are feasible for early stage disease. However, unfor‑
tunately, HCC is characterized by a rapid onset and is invasive
Key words: hepatocellular carcinoma, immune checkpoint inhibitors, and fast‑growing (6,7). HCC is associated with a high recur‑
PD‑1/PD‑L1 inhibitors, CTLA‑4 inhibitors, biomarkers, locoregional rence rate and fatality rate when combined with a history of
therapy cirrhosis, which results in the majority of patients losing the
opportunity for surgery when considering social or economic
factors, such as poor allocation of medical resources and low
income in deprived region (8). Moreover, the 5‑year survival metabolites and cytokines and the change of the immune
rate is ~12.5% (8). The development of RFA and transarterial microenvironment, liver cancer cells can escape antitumor
chemotherapy (TACE) offers an additional treatment option responses, resulting in immune escape of the tumor (33).
for HCC. These local intervention treatments have been The process of immune escape involves immunosuppressive
widely accepted because several studies have confirmed the factors, such as TGF‑β and IL‑10, induction of dendritic cell
potential benefits of combination therapy with targeted agents (DC) apoptosis, changes in T cell subtypes and decreased
and cellular immune therapies (9‑11). Thus, subsequent studies interferon‑γ levels or its receptor expression. In detail, TGF‑β
have demonstrated the efficacy of targeted therapies based on has a dual regulatory effect on tumors (34). During the initial
tyrosine protein kinase inhibitors (TKIs) or multikinase inhib‑ stages of tumorigenesis, TGF‑β inhibits cell proliferation and
itors in HCC, such as sorafenib, lenvatinib, regorafenib and initiates cell differentiation or apoptosis. However, during
cabozantinib (7,12‑14); however, these agents fail to improve the progressive stage, this effect is lost, resulting in immune
survival and so the overall results are still unsatisfactory (15). inhibition, stimulation of angiogenesis and induction of
The successful application of immunotherapy in malignant epithelia or mesenchymal transformation. This provides
melanoma in the US in 2011 (16), as well as its application a favorable microenvironment for tumor cell proliferation,
in other types of cancer, and a deeper understanding of invasion and metastasis (31). IL‑10, which plays a role in
the mechanisms underlying HCC pathogenesis have led immunosuppression and promotes the immune escape of
researchers to investigate whether immunotherapy could HCC cells, belongs to the Th2 type family of cytokines. For
be applied in clinical trials of HCC. Immune checkpoints example, IL‑10 can decrease the expression of the major
mainly are comprised of the programmed death receptor 1 histocompatibility complex II (MHC‑II) and costimulatory
(PD‑1)/programmed death ligand 1 (PD‑L1) and cytotoxic molecules, such as CD80/86, thus weakening the functions
T lymphocyte‑associated protein 4 (CTLA‑4) (17). To some of antigen‑presenting cells (APCs) that kill tumor cells or
extent, these checkpoints enhance antitumor immunity as indirectly kill tumor cells by activating T cells (30). As a
well as exaggerate immune system activation (17). Among the result, HCC occurs.
available inhibitors, PD‑1 inhibitors are currently thought to
be the most promising (18‑20). Based on two phase II clinical 3. The role of PD1/PD‑L1 in immune tolerance and
trials, CheckMate 040 and KEYNOTE‑224 in which both immune escape of HCC
nivolumab and pembrolizumab yielded promising results as
second line agents after first‑line sorafenib treatment (21,22), ICIs are a type of membrane binding molecule that play an
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved nivolumab important role in immune escape (35). In HCC, the common
in 2017 and pembrolizumab in 2018 as second‑line therapies ICIs include PD‑1/PD‑L1, CTLA‑4, lymphocyte activating
for HCC (23,24). Evidence suggests that compared with the gene 3 protein (LAG‑3) and mucin domain molecule 3
placebo, the PD‑1 treatment group had notable potency and (Tim‑3) (26). PD‑1, a member of the CD28 superfamily of
improved overall survival (OS) as first‑line compared with proteins, is a costimulatory receptor expressed on immune
second‑line treatment. However, the latest data from the 2019 cells, such as T, B and natural killer cells, but it is primarily
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) were discour‑ expressed on the surface of activated T cells [CD8+ T cells,
aging (25). Overall, PD‑1/PD‑L1 inhibitors are challenging the T regulatory cells (Tregs) or myeloid‑derived suppressor
role of TKIs as first‑line treatments for HCC. cells] (35,36). PD‑L1 is a type I transmembrane protein
composed of 290 amino acids, which can be upregulated on
2. Immune recognition, tolerance and escape of HCC the surface of activated T cells, DCs and macrophages (37,38).
As an immunosuppressive receptor with a negative regulatory
Normal liver tissue is exposed to a variety of antigens, role, PD‑1 always transmits a coinhibitory signal together with
including toxins and intestinal microbial products (26‑28). the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) after binding with PD‑L1 and
Liver cancer always occurs in the context of chronic inflamma‑ PD‑L2 on the surface of activated T cells. Downstream signals
tion, which is an immunosuppressive environment mediated gradually suppress the expression of genes required for T cell
by hepatocytes (27,29). Under these inflammatory condi‑ activation, which then induces tumor immune escape (39). In
tions, the inhibition of antigen‑specific immune monitoring detail, the pathway composed of PD‑1 and its ligands, PD‑L1
is partially mediated by changes in the molecular expression and PD‑L2, has a key role in maintaining peripheral immune
of immunosuppressive checkpoints and dendritic cell func‑ tolerance (40). In turn, tumor cells also utilize this pathway
tion, increasing regulatory T cell numbers and the release of to escape from T cell‑induced immunity. PD‑1 and PD‑L1 or
immunosuppressive cytokines, such as interleukin‑10 (IL‑10) PD‑L2, as two pairs of costimulatory signals, constitute the
and transforming growth factor (TGF)‑β (30‑32). Long‑term same pathway of PD‑1‑mediated signaling, which induces T
exposure to antigens can also lead to the overexpression cell activation and immune regulation by inhibiting cell prolif‑
of immunosuppressive checkpoint molecules on T cells, eration (41,42). When the PD‑1/PD‑L1 signaling pathway is
thus resulting in energy failure or cell exhaustion (26,31). activated, it reduces the damage of the immune response
Meanwhile, HCC creates an immunosuppressive microen‑ to surrounding tissues and helps prevent the occurrence of
vironment through the expression of immunosuppressive autoimmune diseases (40). Similarly, the activation of this
factors that inhibit antigen presentation and the immune pathway stimulates the binding of PD‑L1 expressed by HCC
response, thus preventing an effective antitumor response and cells to PD‑1 on the surface of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes,
permitting further escape of immune surveillance (26,31). inducing the apoptosis of specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Through the abnormal expression of antigens, secretion of (CTL) that target the tumor. This decreases the activity of
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 20: 45, 2020 3
Figure 1. PD‑1/PD‑L1+PD‑L2 signaling pathway. PD‑1, programmed death receptor 1; PD‑L1, programmed death ligand 1; TCR, T cell receptor; MHC, major
histocompatibility complex.
T cells in the local microenvironment, and thus mediates was a phase I/II single‑arm, multi‑center, multi‑cohort clinical
immune escape (40). PD‑L1 expression is upregulated in trial involving patients with advanced HCC (46). The patients
HCC (43). Some studies have demonstrated that this phenom‑ enrolled onto the study included those who had or had not
enon induces the inherent expression of PD‑L1 in tumor cells received sorafenib treatment and were HBV or HCV infected
through the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase‑ protein kinase or not infected. In addition, the study had five cohorts: Cohorts
B (PI3K‑AKT) epidermal growth factor receptor and ALK 1 and 2 underwent the dose escalation phase (0.1‑10 mg/kg
tyrosine kinase receptor/STAT3 signaling pathways, thus nivolumab was given once every 2 weeks) and dose expansion
regulating the expression of cell cycle checkpoint proteins and phase (3 mg/kg nivolumab was given once every 2 weeks until
cell proliferation proteins (33,34). Finally, the above process the disease progressed or toxic reactions could not be toler‑
inhibits T cell proliferation (17,44). Therefore, PD‑1/PD‑L1 is ated), respectively. The two cohorts included 262 patients with
a key interaction involved in the immune escape in liver cancer unresectable advanced HCC, including 182 patients who had
tumors (26,36,39). In addition, the PD‑1/PD‑L1 antibody can previously received sorafenib treatment and 80 patients who
suppress this immune escape ability, permitting cytotoxic T had not, of whom 48 and 214 were in cohort 1 and 2, respec‑
lymphocyte‑mediated antitumor responses by blocking the tively. The results show that the objective response rate (ORR)
binding of PD‑L1 and PD‑1 (26,35,36). The treatment prin‑ was 16‑19% and the median overall survival (mOS) time was
ciple related to the PD‑1/PD‑L1 signaling pathway is shown 15.6 months. The ORR and mOS of the dose escalation group
in Fig. 1. were 15% and 15 months, respectively, and those in the dose
expansion group were 20% and 15.6 months, respectively.
4. Application of PD‑1/PD‑L1 inhibitors in HCC However, for other patients who had not received sorafenib
as a first‑line agent, the ORR and mOS were 20‑23% and
At present, the most commonly used PD‑1 inhibitors are 28.6 months, respectively. It is noteworthy that in this trial,
nivolumab, pembrolizumab, camrelizumab and sintilimab, there were 85 patients from Asia; and the mOS of the total
while the common PD‑L1 inhibitors include durvalumab population in this trial was 14.9, 14.8 months for patients with
and atezolizumab (37). Several guidelines have recom‑ HBV and HCV and 16.9 months for patients without these
mended immunotherapy of HCC. Among them, the National viruses. The study indicated that patients can benefit from
Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines have recom‑ nivolumab, regardless of hepatitis history. Moreover, the mOS
mended nivolumab and pembrolizumab as second‑line of patients with stable disease (SD) and partial response (PR)
treatment options for advanced HCC (45). The European were 17.5 and 27.4 months, respectively, further suggesting
Society of Oncology (ESMO) guidelines have recommended that those with SD may continue to benefit after immuno‑
nivolumab as first‑line and second‑line options for HCC, and therapy (47). Furthermore, no viral recurrence was observed
pembrolizumab has been recommended as a second‑line in the patients with HBV/HCV infection.
option (6). Another global multicenter, randomized phase III clinical
trial, CheckMate 459 (NCT02576509), was designed to observe
Monotherapy studies the efficacy and safety of nivolumab as a first‑line treatment
Nivolumab. The approval of nivolumab in September 2017 for unresectable HCC. The study compared the efficacy of
was based on the CheckMate 040 trial (NCT01658878), which nivolumab with sorafenib to determine the safety and efficacy
of nivolumab (48). Compared with sorafenib, the preliminary Oncology (CSCO) (52). The ORR of all subjects was 14.7%,
OS difference failed to reach the pre‑set statistical significance while the 6‑month OS rate was 74.4%. Meanwhile, the most
threshold value [hazard ratio (HR)=0.84; P=0.0419] and common adverse event was reactive capillary epithelial prolif‑
showed significant OS improvement (HR= 0.85; 95% confi‑ eration (RCREP), the incidence of which was ~66.8% (52).
dence interval, 0.72‑1.02; P=0.0752). The 12‑month OS rate In April 2020, Qin et al updated the latest results of
in the nivolumab group was 59.7%, while that of the sorafenib NCT02989922 in China (53). By November 2018, the median
group was 55.1%. However, those patients in sorafenib group follow‑up time was 12.5 months. The results showed that both
showed a notable trend towards OS prolongation. the q2w and q3w subgroups showed a higher ORR of 11.9
The CheckMate 9DX trial (NCT03383458) focused on and 17.6%, respectively, and the ORR was 14.7% among all
adjuvant immunotherapy after surgery (49). It aims to evaluate patients. In addition, the 6‑month and 12‑month OS rates were
the efficacy of adjuvant nivolumab treatment compared with 74.4 and 55.9%, respectively. As for safety, the most common
a placebo in patients with high risks of recurrence after HCC treatment‑associated adverse events (AEs) was still RCREP
surgery, and it was estimated to be completed in 2025. with an incidence of 67%. The incidence of grade 3‑4 AEs was
22%. Both the ORR and the incidence of AEs were similar to
Pembrolizumab. The FDA approved the use of pembro‑ that of other immune drugs, which is why camrelizumab was
lizumab in November 2018 based on the results of the approved as the first second‑line ICI agent for the treatment of
phase II single‑arm, non‑randomized trial, KEYNOTE‑224 HCC in China (53).
(NCT02702414) (50), which included 104 patients with HCC
who had been previously treated with sorafenib. One patient Combination therapy studies
achieved a complete response (CR), 17 patients achieved PR Camrelizumab plus apatinib. A phase I clinical trial
and 44 patients achieved SD. In addition, for the total popula‑ (NCT02942329) investigating the combination of camreli‑
tion, the ORR was 17%, and the disease control rate (DCR) was zumab and apatinib [a TKI selectively acting on vascular
62%. Moreover, the median progression free survival (PFS) endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)2] was reported at
time was 4.9 months, while the OS time was 12.9 months. the ASCO meeting in June 2018 (54). The results showed that
In 2019, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) the ORR of 14 patients was ~50%, and the DCR was 85.7%,
meeting reported the results of the KEYNOTE‑240 study which indicated that the binding of PD‑1 with antiangiogenic
(NCT02702401), which was a randomized, placebo‑controlled drugs may have a synergistic effect in advanced HCC. The
phase III clinical study that evaluated the efficacy of pembroli‑ primary and most serious complication was hypertension.
zumab compared with the best supportive treatments, such as
symptomatic palliation in patients with advanced HCC (51). In Camrelizumab plus chemotherapy. In September 2018, the
total, 413 patients were randomly assigned to the pembrolizumab CSCO conference reported the results of a study performed
group (n=278) or the placebo group (n=135) at a 2:1 ratio. The by Qin et al. This was a phase II clinical trial investigating
results showed that after a median follow‑up of 13.8 months, 10.1% first‑line treatment with camrelizumab combined with the
of the experimental group and 3.0% of the placebo group were FOLFOX regimen (fluorouracil+calcium folinate+oxaliplatin)
still receiving therapy. Compared with the placebo group, the OS in HCC. In 22 patients, the ORR was 27.3%, and the
time in the test group was prolonged by 3 months (13.9 months DCR was 72.7%. Furthermore, a phase III clinical study
vs. 10.6 months; HR=0.78; unilateral P=0.0238), but this figure (NCT03605706), required to further confirm the efficacy and
did not reach the established statistical difference (25). However, safety, is recruiting participants and is estimated to complete
in the OS and PFS subgroup analyses, the majority of subgroups in 2021. However, the results have not yet been reported. The
observed an obvious prolonging trend for pembrolizumab, thus primary outcome is OS.
suggesting clinical benefits. Furthermore, the ORRs of the Moreover, Qin et al registered a multicenter phase II trial
pembrolizumab group and placebo group were 18.3% (95% CI, to assess the efficacy and safety of camrelizumab combined
14.0‑23.4) and 4.4% (95% CI, 1.6‑9.4), respectively. Regarding with FOLFOX4 as a first‑line treatment in advanced HCC (55).
safety, common adverse events included an increase in the levels As a result, the ORR and DCR of 34 patients were 26.5 and
of transaminase and bilirubin, fatigue, pruritus, loss of appetite 79.4%, respectively. Although the mOS level was not achieved,
and diarrhea. The incidence of grade 3/4 toxicities was relatively the safety of combinational therapy was controllable, and the
low. Another phase III (NCT03062358), randomized trial is local control profiles of tumor were good mainly reflected in
currently being conducted. DCR.
Camrelizumab. At the ESMO meeting in October 2018, a Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab. Atezolizumab targets
multicenter, open, randomized, parallel‑controlled, phase II PD‑L1 (56). A phase IB clinical study of atezolizumab
clinical trial (NCT02989922) in China that enrolled 220 patients combined with bevacizumab for the treatment of advanced
(data for 217 patients can be accessed) was reported. In detail, HCC, the GO30140 study (NCT02715531) (56), was reported
patients were randomly assigned to two subgroups at the ratio at the ASCO conference in 2018. In 23 assessable patients, the
of 1:1 and received intravenous camrelizumab (3 mg/kg) every ORR was 65% and the DCR was 95%.
2 weeks (q2w, n=111) and every 3 weeks (q3w, n=109), respec‑ In November 2019, the IMbrave 150 study, a global
tively. The overall ORR was 13.8% (30/217), and the 6‑month multi‑center and open‑label phase III trial that enrolled
OS rate was 74.7% (52). 501 patients with unresectable HCC who did not receive
In September 2019, the data of the NCT02989922 study systemic therapies, was reported at the ESMO Asian confer‑
were updated at the meeting of the Chinese Society of Clinical ence (Abstract: LBA3) (57). The patients were randomly
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 20: 45, 2020 5
Figure 2. CTLA‑4 signaling pathway. CTLA‑4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte‑associated protein 4; TCR, T cell receptor; DC, dendritic cell; MHC, major histocom‑
patibility complex.
administered atezolizumab combined with bevacizumab or meeting (60), the number of patients achieving CR was three,
sorafenib at a 2:1 ratio until unacceptable toxicity or no further while 15 patients achieved PR according to the modified
clinical benefits were observed. The latest results showed Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST)
that the median PFS time in the atezolizumab group was standards (61). Indeed, these data showed encouraging
6.8 months (range, 5.7‑8.3 months), while that of the sorafenib trends, in particular, the increase of patients who reached PR
group was 4.3 months (range, 4.0‑5.6 months). (from 10 to 15). Therefore, a global phase III randomized,
At the Liver Cancer Summit 2020, which is organized by controlled clinical study investigating first‑line treatment
the European Association for the Study of the Liver, Qin et al for advanced HCC using pembrolizumab and lenvatinib has
presented the Chinese subgroup results of the IMbrave trial, been launched, with pending results.
which confirmed the previous global results (58). Among 194 In 2019, Llovet et al updated the results concerning combi‑
Chinese patients who had poorer prognostic factors compared nation therapy of pembrolizumab and lenvatinib in advanced
with the global data, 133 patients were randomly assigned to HCC (62). The results showed that tolerance of the combina‑
the combination group (atezolizumab plus bevacizumab) and tion of agents was acceptable and only 5% of patients had to
61 to the sorafenib group. The median follow‑up time of the terminate treatment because of grade 3‑4 AEs. The ORR and
combined group and the sorafenib group was 7.2 and 5.6 months, DCR was 31 and 49%, respectively, and the 1‑year survival
respectively. The mPFS was 5.7 vs. 3.2 months, and the ORR rate was 40%.
was 25 vs. 7%, which was consistent with the global results.
Moreover, the incidence of toxicity was relatively low. Nivolumab plus lenvatinib. At the ASCO‑GI 2020 meeting,
Kudo et al (63) reviewed the data of a phase IB trial that
Pembrolizumab plus lenvatinib. In the REFLECT study, focused on the efficacy of nivolumab combined with lenva‑
which aimed to compare the efficacy of lenvatinib and tinib in advanced HCC. The study enrolled 30 patients who
sorafenib in unresectable patients with advanced HCC, were randomly divided into two groups: One group (n=6)
lenvatinib was shown not to be inferior to sorafenib; had multidrug resistance and the other group (n=24) had no
therefore, lenvatinib was approved as a first‑line agent for previous treatments. The first part of this study explored the
advanced HCC (59). The 2018 ASCO meeting reported a dose tolerance of combinational agents via DLT evaluation.
phase IB trial that enrolled 30 patients to evaluate the safety The results showed that no DLT was observed in six patients.
and efficacy of pembrolizumab and lenvatinib in advanced Among the 30 patients, the ORR was 76.7% and the DCR
HCC (60). Among the 26 patients who could be included for was 96.7%. Moreover, ~10% of patients achieved a complete
evaluation, results showed that one patient achieved CR, 10 response (CR). However, the second part of this study enrolled
achieved PR and 15 achieved SD. Moreover, the ORR was 24 patients with no prior systematic therapy for unresectable
42.3%, and the PFS time reached 9.69 months. In 2019, the HCC who all received nivolumab (200 mg) plus lenvatinib
American Association for Cancer Research updated the (12 mg or 8 mg, according to the weight of patient), and for
data. Compared with the previous results in the 2018 ASCO these patients the ORR was 79.2%.
Table I. Clinical trials investigating immune checkpoint inhibitors monotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma.
First author, year Therapy method Target Trial ID Phase Patient number Lines of Therapy Endpoint Status (Refs.)
El‑Khoueiry et al, 2017 Nivolumab (cohort 1) PD‑1 NCT01658878 I/II 48 First/second‑line DLT/MTD Completed (46)
El‑Khoueiry et al, 2017 Nivolumab (cohort 2) PD‑1 NCT01658878 I/II 214 First/second‑line ORR Completed (46)
El‑Khoueiry et al, 2017 Nivolumab (cohort 3) PD‑1 NCT01658878 I/II 200 First‑line ORR Completed (46)
Sangro et al, 2016 Nivolumab vs. sorafenib PD‑1 NCT02576509 III 726 First‑line OS Completed (48)
CheckMate 459
Exposito et al, 2019 Nivolumab vs. placebo PD‑1 NCT03383458 III 530 Adjuvant PFS Recruiting (49)
CheckMate 9DX
Zhu et al, 2018 Pembrolizumab PD‑1 NCT02702414 II 104 Second‑line ORR/DCR Completed (50)
Finn et al, 2019 Pembrolizumab PD‑1 NCT02702401 III 413 Second‑line OS/PFS Recruiting (25)
vs. placebo KEYNOTE‑240
Hilmi et al, 2019 Pembrolizumab PD‑1 NCT03062358 III 450 Second‑line OS Recruiting (72)
Gao et al, 2019 Pembrolizumab PD‑1 NCT03211416 I/II 27 First‑line ORR Recruiting (90)
Qin et al, 2020 Camrelizumab PD‑1 NCT02989922 II 220 Second‑line ORR Completed (53)
Sangro et al, 2013 Tremelimumab CTLA‑4 NCT01008358 II 21 First‑line DCR Recruiting (65)
OS, overall survival; PFS, progression‑free survival; DCR, disease control rate; ORR, objective response rate; DLT, dose limited toxicity; MTD, maximum tolerance dose.
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 20: 45, 2020 7
(NCT03794440) is an open‑label, multi‑centre trial in China
in which patients are randomized to receive a combination
of sintilimab and recombinant anti‑VEGF humanized
Recruiting monoclonal antibody (IBI305) vs. sorafenib (23). However,
the results have not yet been published.
activation of two signaling pathways, including the binding
of the T cell receptor (TCR) and MHC‑peptide complex,
which is presented by APCs and the B7 molecule to the
Lines of therapy
Atezolizumab + Bevacizumab
Pembrolizumab + Lenvatinib
Camrelizumab + Apatinib
Nivolumab + Ipilimumab
Abou‑Alfa et al, 2018
Pishvaian et al, 2018
in HCC
Yau et al, 2019
Qin et al, 2018
Qin et al, 2020
previously treated with sorafenib (67). This trial included Combination of RFA and tremelimumab. In 2017,
148 patients, ~88% of whom had vascular invasion or extra‑ Duffy et al (65) reported a study that totally enrolled 32 patients
hepatic metastasis and 91% of whom were diagnosed as with HCC who received tremelimumab (two‑dose level,
having BCLC stage C disease. According to the results, the 3.5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg) every 4 weeks, and then followed
ORR was 31% and the DCR was 49%. The OS of patients by RFA. In total, ~26% of patients achieved PR. In addition,
who received maintenance therapy (nivolumab 1 mg/kg, ipil‑ the 6‑month and the 12‑month PFS rates were 57.1 and 33.1%,
imumab 3 mg/kg and sequential nivolumab therapy 240 mg) respectively, whilst the mOS was 12.3 months. Tables I and II
was 22.8 months. The safety profile analysis suggested that showed the current clinical trials investigating ICIs in HCC.
this combination of double immunosuppressive agents was
well tolerated as there were relatively few grade 3/4 treat‑ 8. Current concerns
ment‑associated AEs, and novel AEs were observed in the
experimental group after the increase in ipilimumab dose. At present, the concerns pertaining to HCC therapy are as
According to the encouraging data of CheckMate 040 study, following.
in March 2020, the combination of nivolumab and ipilim‑
umab was approved for patients with HCC who previously Response of potential immunotherapy biomarkers in HCC.
treated with sorafenib by FDA (68). According to the CheckMate 040 trial, it was reported that
patients with HCC can benefit from nivolumab regardless of a
Durvalumab monotherapy or combination therapy history of hepatitis or PD‑L1 expression in tumor cells. There is
with tremelimumab. In advance, the HIMALAYA study no significant difference in the efficacy between Asian patients
(NCT03298451) (69), an open‑label, multicenter and random‑ and global patients, such as the OS and PFS trends (46,47).
ized phase III study investigating durvalumab monotherapy Therefore, in contrast to the previous hypothesis that PD‑L1
or combined therapy with tremelimumab vs. sorafenib in was a predictive biomarker (76), it is not necessary to detect
advanced HCC, had planned to enroll 1,350 patients. In 2017, PD‑L1 expression in tumor tissue when choosing nivolumab
Kelley et al (70) reported the early data of 40 patients in a as a second‑line treatment in HCC (46). Previous studies
phase I trial investigating the combination of durvalumab (REACH and REACH‑2 study) have indicated that the baseline
with tremelimumab in advanced HCC. Additionally, other level of AFP is associated with the efficacy of ramucirumab
phase I/II trials (NCT03222076 and NCT03203304) have been (CYRAMZA trial) (77,78). However, the CheckMate 040 and the
designed to evaluate the efficacy of a combination of immune KEYNOTE‑224 studies reported that the efficacy of nivolumab
checkpoint blockers in advanced HCC (71‑73). and pembrolizumab cannot be predicted, suggesting that there
are no effective biomarkers to predict the treatment response of
7. Combination immunotherapy with locoregional therapy PD‑1 inhibitors in HCC (50,66). At present, the primary immu‑
in HCC notherapy biomarker factors undergoing further research are
microsatellite stability, tumor mutation load, immune cell status
Similar to targeted drugs, local treatments can mechanically (CD4+ or CD8+ T cells) (29,79), immunosuppressive receptors
reinforce the efficacy of ICIs by stimulating the release of (TIM‑3 and LAG‑3) (29,80) and immunosuppressive enzymes
tumor‑associated antigens from the tumor cells (29). In addi‑ (Indoleamine 2,3‑dioxygenase, adenosine pathway) (79).
tion, the combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapeutic Therefore, specific biomarkers that can be used to predict
agents is expected to increase neoantigen release through clinical efficacy of PD‑1 inhibitors are needed.
DNA interference. This may lead to the improved efficacy The loss of mismatch repair (MMR) genes can typically
of ICIs, induce immunogenic cell death and enhance the cause the accumulation of mismatch in the process of DNA
immune response by decreasing the number of immunosup‑ replication, leading to the occurrence of microsatellite insta‑
pressive cells, such as Tregs and myelogenous suppressor bility (MSI) (81). MSI is common in gastrointestinal tumors
cells (29,74). such as gastric adenocarcinoma (in 15‑20% of cases) and
colorectal adenocarcinoma (in 12‑15% of cases), especially
Combination of TACE via drug‑eluting bead (DEB‑)TACE in hereditary nonpolyposis hereditary colorectal cancer or
and nivolumab. In 2018, the ASCO meeting reported a Lynch syndrome, which normally characterized by deficient
multicenter, phase I trial of nivolumab with DEB‑TACE MMR and/or microsatellite instability‑high (MSI‑H) (82). As
in unresectable HCC that aimed to evaluate the safety and previous studies have reported, patients with MSI‑H treated
tolerability of combined therapies. The IMMUTACE study with immunotherapies always show a higher response rate
(NCT03572582) was a phase II trial in Germany focusing on and improved efficacy compared with those patients without
DEB‑TACE and nivolumab (75). MSI‑H. Therefore, several immunotherapeutic agents, such
as pembrolizumab, have been approved to treat solid tumors
Combination of TACE or RFA and pembrolizumab. including HCC (83). However, the incidence of MSI‑H in HCC
NCT03397654, a phase I/II study, was designed to assess is ~2% (84‑86). Also, the response rate of patients with HCC
the safety and efficacy of the combination therapy of TACE to pembrolizumab is quite low; 2‑2.4% (84,86). Moreover, the
(using doxorubicin, 60 mg) plus pembrolizumab (200 mg, association between MSI and immune checkpoints are unclear
starting 30 or 45 days after TACE) that was repeatedly at and thus need further investigating.
three‑week intervals (73). The IMMULAB study investi‑
gating the combination of local RFA plus pembrolizumab is Evaluation standard of immunotherapy response. Unlike
currently ongoing. traditional chemotherapy or radiotherapy, considering the
ONCOLOGY LETTERS 20: 45, 2020 9
delay of therapeutic benefits and durable long‑lasting effects difference (HR=0.85; P=0.0752). However, the nivolumab
of immunotherapy due to the initial recruitment of activated group showed notably prolonged OS time compared with the
T cells to the tumor site before the initiation of antitumor sorafenib group (16.4 vs. 14.7 months, P=0.0752). Also, this
activity, the assessment standard can be modified and opti‑ study suggested that the response to nivolumab was associated
mized through short‑term and long‑term efficacy evaluation with PD‑L1 expression. In particular, those with PD‑L1 ≥1%
based on the RECIST guidelines. This enables investigators had higher response rate compared with those with PD‑L1
to accurately track and grasp the change of tumor during <1%. Therefore, PD‑L1 may be a predictive biomarker for the
therapy (39,87). In addition, prior studies investigating the response to nivolumab treatment.
application of ICIs in HCC mainly addressed their use as Further phase III trials should be conducted in the future
second‑line therapy (50,53,72). Hence, the use of PD‑1 agents to investigate the efficacy of combination therapies. Additional
as first‑line treatment should be addressed in future clinical research is also needed to determine biomarkers to predict
trials. clinical efficacy. Similarly, the concern of selecting suitable
patients should be addressed, such as the PD‑L1 status. It is
9. Conclusions speculated that patients with PD‑L1 (+) may be benefit from
immunotherapies. Owing to the delayed effects of immuno‑
In the past 10 years, sorafenib has been the only targeted therapies, the evaluation standards should take into account
drug approved by the FDA as a first‑line treatment agent for as well.
advanced HCC (7). The overall prognosis of HCC remains Additionally, HCC typically accompanies chronic HBV
quite poor (15). Despite the gradual emergence of TKIs, or HCV infection, especially in Asian countries, such as
including regorafenib and lenvatinib (12‑14), or local interven‑ China (88). In 2019, Fisicaro et al reported that in patients
tional therapies (9‑11), substantial therapeutic advances in HCC with chronic hepatitis B infection, numbers of specific T cells
are still lacking. Therefore, the discovery of immunotherapy, are low and these cells are easily exhausted (89). Thus, these
especially ICIs, provides new avenues for the comprehensive T cells, such as CD8+ T cells, always show a suppressive effect,
and systemic treatment of advanced HCC. Mechanistically, which is due to environmental changes triggered by inflam‑
TKIs affect antigen presentation and the microenvironment, mation and dysregulation of immune receptor expression,
thereby enhancing or dampening the immune response by including upregulation of multiple co‑inhibitory receptors (89).
stimulating the release of tumor‑associated antigens (7). Controlling the infection via anti‑HBV/anti‑HCV treatment
Similarly, anti‑angiogenesis drugs, such as bevacizumab, can would spontaneously induce an extensive and powerful
also inhibit tumor growth by reducing the blood supply of response of antigen‑specific T cells. Also, in patients HCC
tumor (12‑14). Thus, TKIs or anti‑angiogenesis agents can be with HBV or HCV infection, the PD‑1/PD‑L1 signaling
synergistic with immunotherapeutic drugs. In addition, there pathway can cause similar deactivation of specific CD8+
are the potential benefits of the synergistic effects of TACE cells (89). Therefore, specifically blocking the PD‑1/PD‑L1
or RFA combined with immunotherapy (9‑11). Therefore, or B7‑CTLA‑4 signaling pathway via ICIs theoretically can
combination treatments, not just limited to immunotherapy restore the activity of T cells, therefore this may be helpful in
agents but also TKIs, anti‑angiogenesis drugs and locoregional controlling the virus and tumor progression in these patients.
therapies, appears to be a novel and promising strategy. Therefore, patients with HBC/HVC‑associated HCC may
Several of the latest published datasets presented in the have an improved response to immunotherapies compared to
ASCO meeting, although discouraging, indicated that the those without hepatitis virus infection. However, the applica‑
inclusion of ICIs in combination therapies rendered them tion of ICIs in hepatitis virus infection is quite limited (5,89).
relatively more effective, especially in terms of OS and This is possibly associated with the poor selectivity of ICIs
PFS time (25,55,66). For example, the negative results in and the liver damage mediated by the suppression of normal
KEYNOTE‑240 may be due to the following reasons. First liver tissue function via co‑inhibitory pathways; therefore,
of all, there was an inappropriate study design related to this one potential solution is to silence the inhibitory paths and to
trial. For example, ~47.4% of the placebo group subsequently restore the activity and function of virus‑specific T cells such
received antitumor treatments, and ~10.4% of them received as CD8+ T cells. In the future, more research is needed to
PD‑1/PD‑L1 inhibitor treatments, which may have affected the investigate virus‑associated and non‑viral HCC.
final results (the P‑value did not reach statistical significance). Overall, using ICIs as the first‑line treatment or combined
Hence, the effect of immunotherapy on placebo group cannot with other therpies such as local regional methods and targeted
be ignored. In addition, the survival data for the placebo group agents in future trial is a noteworthy point. Also, seeking
were superior to those in other trials owing to the strict enroll‑ potential biomarkers contributes to predicting the therapeutic
ment selection; that is, this study excluded numerous patients effect and filtering suitable participants for immunotherapies.
with macrovascular invasion that was regarded as one risk In conclusion, immunotherapy in HCC is indeed promising
factor of HCC prognosis. Furthermore, the OS and the PFS but challenging.
were both set as endpoints resulting in higher requirements
for achieving significant results. Besides, this study did not Acknowledgements
recruit Chinese patients who were the population with a high
incidence of HCC; however, another study, KEYNOTE‑394, The authors would like to thank Dr FangYun Yang (Department
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