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90210-1178DED - Soft Absorber (D, E Series)

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Kawasaki Robot Controller

D/E Series

Soft Absorber
Function Manual


Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

D/E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


This manual describes the soft absorber function (option) for Kawasaki Robot Controller D/E series.
This manual should be read with careful review of the separate basic manuals delivered with the
robot (including Safety Manual). Once the contents of all the manuals are thoroughly read and
understood the robot can be used.

The manual provides as much detailed information as possible. However, not every possible
operation, condition or situation that should be avoided can be described in full. Therefore,
should any unexplained questions or problems arise during robot operation, please contact
Kawasaki Machine Systems.

1. This manual does not constitute a guarantee of the systems in which the robot is utilized.
Accordingly, Kawasaki is not responsible for any accidents, damages, and/or problems
relating to industrial property rights as a result of using the system.
2. It is recommended that all personnel assigned for activation of operation, teaching,
maintenance or inspection of the robot attend the necessary education/training course(s)
prepared by Kawasaki, before assuming their responsibilities.
3. Kawasaki reserves the right to change, revise, or update this manual without prior notice.
4. This manual may not, in whole or in part, be reprinted or copied without the prior written
consent of Kawasaki.
5. Store this manual with care and keep it available for use at any time. If the robot is
reinstalled or moved to a different site or sold off to a different user, attach this manual to the
robot without fail. In the event the manual is lost or damaged severely, contact Kawasaki.
Copyright © 2009 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. All rights reserved.
D/E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


The items that require special attention in this manual are designated with the following symbols.

Ensure proper and safe operation of the robot and prevent physical injury or property damage by
complying with the safety matters given in the boxes with these symbols.

Failure to comply with indicated matters can result in
imminent injury or death.


Failure to comply with indicated matters may possibly lead

to injury or death.

Failure to comply with indicated matters may lead to
physical injury and/or mechanical damage.

[ NOTE ]
Denotes precautions regarding robot specification,
handling, teaching, operation and maintenance.


1. The accuracy and effectiveness of the diagrams, procedures, and detail

explanations given in this manual cannot be confirmed with absolute
certainty. Should any unexplained questions or problems arise, contact
Kawasaki Machine Systems.
2. Safety related contents described in this manual apply to each individual
work and not to all robot work. In order to perform every work in safety,
read and fully understand the safety manual, all pertinent laws, regulations
and related materials as well as all the safety explanation described in each
chapter, and prepare safety measures suitable for actual work.

D/E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual



D/E series controller provides hardware keys and switches on the operation panel and the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations. In this manual the names of the hardware keys and
switches are enclosed with a square as follows. The terms “key” or “switch” which should
follow the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler expression. When pressing two or
more keys at the same time, the keys are indicated by “+” as shown in the example below.

SELECT : expresses the hardware key “SELECT”.

A + MENU : indicates pressing and holding down A then pressing MENU.


D/E series controller provides software keys and switches which appear on the screen of the teach
pendant for various kinds of operations depending on specifications and situations. In this
manual, the names of software keys and switches are enclosed by “< >” parentheses. The terms
“key” or “switch” which should follow the relevant names are sometimes omitted for simpler


<ENTER> : expresses an “ENTER” key that appears on the teach pendant screen.
<NEXT PAGE> : expresses a “NEXT PAGE” key on the teach pendant screen.


Quite often an item must be selected from a menu or pull-down menu on the teach pendant screen.
In this manual the names of these menu items will be enclosed [XXX] in brackets.


[BASIC SETTING] : expresses the item “BASIC SETTING” in a menu. To select it, press
the “SELECT” key after moving the cursor to the relevant item by the
arrow keys. For detailed description, this procedure should be
described every time, but “select [XXX] item” will be used instead for
simpler expression.
D/E Series Controller
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

1.0 Function Description .................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Operation Mode .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Linear Motion When Performing Soft Absorber Function....................................................... 8

2.0 Using Soft Absorber Function.................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Examining the Use Conditions................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Teaching Positions.................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Setting the Conditions for Soft Absorber................................................................................. 11
2.4 Procedure for Adjustment ........................................................................................................ 12

3.0 Precautions and Restrictions .................................................................................................... 15

4.0 AS Language Description ........................................................................................................ 16

4.1 Program Instructions................................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Monitor Instruction................................................................................................................... 28
4.3 Real Value Instruction.............................................................................................................. 29

Appendix 1.0 Examples of Programming...................................................................................A-1

Appendix 1.1 Removing Die Cast Molded Parts........................................................................A-1
Appendix 1.2 Gripping Misaligned Workpiece..........................................................................A-3
Appendix 1.3 Fitting a Workpiece into a Fixed Workpiece.......................................................A-5
Appendix 1.4 Specific Error of Soft Absorber Function ............................................................A-7

D/E Series Controller 1. Function Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


Soft absorber is a software function that enables the robot to move while simultaneously
receiving and absorbing an external force. This type of movement is referred to as “compliant
motion.” Robots operating under a normal position control system cannot autonomously make
compliant motions because its pose/path is maintained according to the commanded values given
it. Typically, in applications where external force acts on the robot, as when extracting
workpiece from an injection machine, the wrist tool used to be provided with a floating
mechanism. However, the soft absorber function enables absorption of the external force
without a floating mechanism. This function is configured with the AS instructions in Table 1.1

Table 1.1 AS Language List for Soft Absorber Function

Sets servo gain for each axis, which is calculated as a percentage of
the servo gain set under normal operation.
Sets direction of compliant motion in base coordinate system when
external force is applied.
Sets direction of compliant motion in tool coordinate system when
external force is applied.
SADEGREE Sets effective range of soft absorber function by axis angle.
Sets effective range of soft absorber function in tool or base
coordinate values.
SAGRAV Sets gravity compensation when soft absorber function is effective.
SASTART Enables soft absorber function.
SAEND Disables soft absorber function.
Executes motion based on base coordinates when soft absorber
function is enabled.
Executes motion based on tool coordinates when soft absorber
function is enabled.
SACURSET Limits current command value to motor.
SAENVCHKOFF Disables the checking of deviation errors.
SAENVCHKON Enables the checking of deviation errors.
SAMONITOR Displays operation state and settings of soft absorber.
SACHK Checks if soft absorber is performing.

(Refer to 4.0 AS Language Description for more details.)

D/E Series Controller 1. Function Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

Although similar in function, the differences between the servo system gain change function and
the soft absorber function are as follows.

Servo system gain

Item Soft absorber function
change function
Response when external force is Returns to the command pose. Holds the pose at the
removed at the positioning pose The positioning accuracy in time and does not return
set for the robot. return depends on the set gain. to the original pose.
The robot may stay at the current
pose when gain is low.
Use of motion instructions Enables. Disables.
(JMOVE, LMOVE etc.) when
the function is effective.

D/E Series Controller 1. Function Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


There are three operation modes for soft absorber function: (1) Joint axis direction (2) Base
coordinates axis direction (3) Tool coordinates axis direction. The direction in which compliant
motion is performed in response to the external force can be set freely in these modes. The
features of each mode are shown in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Features of each mode.

Motion base Joint Base coordinates Tool coordinates
Motion in response
Passive compliant motion.
to external force
Changes depending
Tool pose Moves while maintaining the specified pose.
on external force.
Direction of Axis rotation Specified axis direction in Specified axis direction in
compliant motion direction. (Fig. A) base coordinates. (Fig. B) tool coordinates. (Fig. C)
Adjusts angle of compliance to the specified motion
Compliance angle Adjusts by each axis.
direction by adjusting each axis.
Motion after
Restarts normal operation from the pose where soft absorber function
completed soft
absorber function
How to use Conditions are programmed by a set of AS instructions shown in Table 1.1.

Fig. A: Joint Fig. B: Base coordinates Fig. C: Tool coordinates

JT4 Compliant
JT5 External External Xt
force force force
JT2 Yt
JT6 motion
Z Zt


Compliant motion is made Compliant motion is made Compliant motion is made

in the direction of joint in the direction of specified in the direction of specified
rotation according to axis in base coordinates. axis in tool coordinates.
external force. Fig. B shows an example Fig. C shows an example
when the specified direction when the specified direction
is set toward Y axis. is set toward Xt axis.

D/E Series Controller 1. Function Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


The soft absorber function executes compliant motion in response to an external force acting on
the robot. If no external force is received the robot will stop at its current pose. However,
when using the SAVDRAW or SATVDRAW instructions in base/tool mode the robot can move
toward specified direction regardless of the external force.

The followings are examples when robot is moving along the Y axis of the base coordinates.

Example 1: When external force is acting in the same direction as robot motion, the robot linear
motion becomes faster.


External force
is going in the
same way as
robot motion.

Example 2: When external force is acting in the opposite direction of robot motion, the robot
moves according to the external force.

Driving Driving
force force

External External External

Z force Z force Z force


Driving force > External force: Driving force = External force: Driving force < External force:
The robot moves in the same Robot stops the motion due to The robot moves in the
direction as driving force. equilibrium of force. opposite direction of driving

D/E Series Controller 2. Using Soft Absorber Function
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual



Before using soft absorber function, the direction of external force and how each axis should
move when executing compliant motion must be considered. A certain force, which can
overcome the static friction of the robot axes, is necessary for executing compliant motion.
Therefore, the orientation and tool are required to generate axis torque. Especially, in base or
tool coordinates mode, an appropriate level of torque needs to be generated from the external
force in order for the wrist axis to make compliant motion. (See Fig. 2.1.)

When external force is applied

perpendicular to the wrist axis flange,
robot cannot make compliant motion, as
no external torque is generated on the
wrist axis.

Fig. 2.1: The wrist axis cannot make

compliant motion.

D/E Series Controller 2. Using Soft Absorber Function
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


Soft absorber function is operated by using AS language program. The program flow is
classified usually into 3 blocks as below.

(1) Condition setting SADEGREE Sets effective range for soft

SALENGTH absorber function.
SAGRAV ----------------- Sets gravity compensation.
SAGAIN ------------------ Sets compliance angle of each axis.
SAXYZ or SATXYZ --- Sets direction of motion.
(If omitted, defaults to joint axis.)
(2) Start instruction SASTART
(3) Complete instruction SAEND

For easier programming, write (1) Condition setting instructions in subroutine, and (2) SASTART
instruction and (3) SAEND instruction in operation program.


.PROGRAM job( ) ------------------------------- Operation program

Describes the operations before performing soft

absorber function.
CALL condition1 ----------------------------------- Jumps to condition1, the subroutine in which soft
absorber conditions are set.
SASTART ------------------------------------------- Starts soft absorber function.

Describes operations (I/O signal exchange) during the

soft absorber function.
SAEND----------------------------------------------- Completes soft absorber function.

Describes operations after completion of soft

absorber function.

.PROGRAM condition1-------------------------- Sets the conditions for soft absorber function in

subroutine condition1.
SADEGREE jt1, jt2, jt3, jt4, jt5, jt6 ------------Sets effective range on the rotation angle of each axis
for soft absorber function.
SALENGTH x+, x-, y+, y-, z+, z- -------------- Sets the effective distance range for soft absorber
function on the coordinate axes.
SAGRAV M, px, py, pz -------------------------- Sets gravity compensation value when performing
soft absorber function.
SAGAIN g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6---------------- Sets gain when performing soft absorber function.
Compliance angle is adjusted by this gain setting.
SAXYZ or SATXYZ or nothing ---------------- Sets direction of motion during soft absorber function.
(If omitted, joint is set as default.)
RETURN--------------------------------------------- Subroutine return.

D/E Series Controller 2. Using Soft Absorber Function
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


The robot motions are determined by specific condition setting instructions when executing soft
absorber function. The condition setting instructions explained below are enabled only when the
soft absorber function is in effect. (See AS Language description for more details.)

1. Function effective range (SADEGREE, SALENGTH instruction)

From the point when soft absorber is in effect, SALENGTH / SADEGREE specify the distance
and angle range in which soft absorber functions. When arriving at the limits of the specified
range, robot resumes normal movement functions. Both distance and angle range must be set,
and only the smallest area necessary for satisfying the application’s conditions should be

2. Setting of gravity compensation (SAGRAV instruction)

SAGRAV sets the gravity compensation when soft absorber is in effect. If the gravity
compensation is mis-set or some operation error causes excess drift motion, readjust the gain set
by SAGAIN. To avoid this problem try to plan the program steps with the compliant motion set
horizontal thereby reducing the gravity effect on the robot.

3. Adjustment of compliance angle (SAGAIN instruction)

SAGAIN adjusts servo compliance when soft absorber function is executed. Setting range is 0
to 100[%]. The smaller the gain setting, the less external force is required to execute compliant
motion and servo becomes more flexible. However, when releasing external force, a small
setting may cause drift motion due to residual deviation and inertia. In such case, readjust the
setting by increasing gain.

4. Setting of motion direction (SAXYZ, SATXYZ instruction)

Specifies the direction of compliant motion when executing soft absorber function to joint, base
or tool coordinates. Set SAXYZ and SATXYZ instruction for base and tool coordinates motion,
respectively. When SAXYZ, SATXYZ are omitted, robot executes compliant motion in the
direction of joint. In this case, note that the accuracy of trajectory cannot be guaranteed.

5. Setting of deviation error check (SAENVCHKON, SAENVCHKOFF instruction)

Enable / disables deviation error check when executing soft absorber function. Enabled by

D/E Series Controller 2. Using Soft Absorber Function
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


To operate robot using the soft absorber function, the gravity compensation parameters and the
gain for each axis must be set appropriate for the robot pose and motion direction. Follow the
procedure below to adjust the soft absorber function.

Start adjustment.

(1) Set provisional values: for the gain of each axis

for gravity compensation parameters.

(2) Execute soft absorber function in all axis

directions of tool or base coordinates.

(6) Adjust gain for each axis.

(3) Can robot No
nearly stop its
Yes (7) Adjust parameters
values for gravity
(4) Apply the standard compensation.
external force.

(5) Can robot

execute compliant No
motion according to
external force?


Complete adjustment.

D/E Series Controller 2. Using Soft Absorber Function
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

Program Example
SAGAIN 10,80,80,5,50,10
SAGRAV 30,0,0,350
SATXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0

JT2 JT5 Hand
Ejector JT5

Xt Xt
Yt Yt
JT1 Zt Zt

Fig. 2.2 Application Example

1. Setting provisional values: each axis gain, gravity compensation parameters.

(1) Set temporary values to the gain of each axis according to the robot pose and motion direction
by SAGAIN instruction.

[How to adjust]
1) For axes on which the external force and gravity act in the same direction, set axis gain as
high as possible (more than 50%).
2)For axes that execute compliant motion according to the external force, set gain as lower as

In Fig. 2.2, JT2 and JT3 are axes on which the force is acting in the gravitational direction. JT1,
JT4 and JT6 are axes that execute compliant motion when workpiece is pushed out. In this
example, SAGAIN is set 10, 80, 80, 10, 50,10.

(2) Set provisional values for the gravity compensation parameters by using rough estimates for
the workpiece / tool mass and for the center of gravity. Set via SAGRAV instruction, in this
program example setting is SAGRAV 30,0,0,350.

2. Executing soft absorber using all directions in base / tool modes.

Perform soft absorber function in all directions on either the tool or base coordinates. In this
program example, all directions on the tool coordinates are set temporarily by: SATXYZ

D/E Series Controller 2. Using Soft Absorber Function
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

3. Checking if robot can nearly stop its motion.

Check if robot can nearly stop its motion at the start point of soft absorber function. Note that as
long as compliant motion is not executed to the gravitational direction, strict adjustment is not

In Fig. 2.2, SATXYZ is set 1,0,0,0,0,0. In this case, robot does not execute compliant motion in
gravitational direction (Z axis of tool coordinates) so strict adjustment is not needed.

4. Applying standard external force.

Apply the standard external force to robot. In Fig. 2.2, push workpiece out with ejector.

5. Checking if robot can execute compliant motion according to external force.

Check if robot can execute compliant motion smoothly according to the external force.

6. Adjusting each axis gain.

Fine adjust the gain setting for each axis.

(1) When robot cannot stop its motion, slightly increase the gain for axes with large deviation.
(2) When robot cannot execute compliant motion in response to the standard external force,
slightly decrease the gain for axes with large deviation. If axis gain is too high, robot will
resist against the external force and be unable to make compliant motion.

7. Adjusting the parameters values for gravity compensation.

Fine adjust the parameters values for gravity compensation by performing soft absorber function.
Find parameter values that, when no external force is applied, enable the robot to come to a near
complete stop. Use SAGRAV instruction to make this setting.

[How to adjust]
1) If robot arm moves in the same direction of gravity, increase weight value because it is
smaller than actual weight.
2) If robot arm moves in the opposite direction of gravity, reduce weight value because it is
larger than actual weight.
3) For values specifying the center of gravity, adjustment will differ depending on the robot
pose during repeat operation. Generally, the greater the distance is set between the center
of gravity and flange face, the more effective gravity compensation becomes on the axis
under load.

D/E Series Controller 3. Precautions and Restrictions
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


1. Soft absorber function is disabled under following conditions.

(1) In teach/check mode
(2) Motor power is turned OFF due to an error occurrence.
(3) Motor power is turned OFF by E-stop switch.
(4) When program execution has been restarted from the top step by EXECUTE.
(5) When cycle operation is started after a program has been selected.
(6) When turning controller power ON.

2. When a program is suspended, robot restarts its motion according to the settings of the program
being executed. However, when soft absorber function is disabled due to above-mentioned
conditions, the remaining of the program without soft absorber will be executed.

3. Movement instructions (e.g. JMOVE, LMOVE, etc.) cannot be executed while soft absorber
function is enabled. A disregard causes error.

In these steps, do not use normal movement instructions, e.g. JMOVE and
LMOVE etc., when executing soft absorber function.

4. This function is applied to external axes only with amplifier produced by Kawasaki.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual



Keyword Parameter

SAGAIN 1st axis gain, 2nd axis gain,…

Parameters marked with can be omitted.

Always enter a space between the keyword and the parameter.

↵ represents the Enter (Return) key in the examples.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


SAGAIN 1st axis gain, 2nd axis gain, 3rd axis gain, 4th axis gain, 5th axis gain,
6th axis gain, 7th axis gain, 8th axis gain, 9th axis gain

Sets the gain of each axis for the soft absorber function.

1st axis gain, 2nd axis gain, 3rd axis gain, 4th axis gain, 5th axis gain, 6th axis gain, 7th axis gain, 8th
axis gain, 9th axis gain

Sets the servo gain for each axis based on percentage of the normal servo gain. Setting range is
0 to 100. Parameter can be omitted. If omitted, the gain values specified previously with
SAGAIN are used. Initial default value is 100. Only E series controller can specify the 9th axis

Normal gain setting is 100. The smaller the gain is set, the less external force is needed to
execute compliant motion. Therefore, set a small gain for the axis that moves in the same
direction as the acting external force. If the compliant motion becomes too large, set a larger
gain to reduce the motion. This gain setting is effective from the execution of SASTART
through SAEND instructions.

SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.

Gain setting is effective.


D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

SAXYZ X axis direction, Y axis direction, Z axis direction

RX direction, RY direction, RZ direction

Sets the direction of compliant motion by the axis direction of the base coordinate system and the
rotation direction around the axis.

X axis direction, Y axis direction, Z axis direction, RX direction, RY direction and RZ direction

1 : Sets the direction of compliant motion.

0 : Maintains the coordinate values taken when SASTART was executed.

Parameter can be omitted. If omitted, the values (1 or 0) specified previously with SAXYZ are
used. Initial default value is 0.

When soft absorber function is activated by SASTART instruction, the robot executes compliant
motion along the specified axis of the base coordinates. When external force is applied, the
robot moves along the axis/axes specified as 1. Normal movement instructions are disabled
when executing SAXYZ. Set a small gain value (via SAGAIN) for the axis (axes) on which
external force is applied so that the robot can make compliant motion along the base coordinates
axes specified by this instruction.

SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.
SAXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 Sets compliant motion in the X axis direction of base
Gain setting is effective. Robot executes compliant motion along the X axis
direction of the base coordinate system.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

SATXYZ X axis direction, Y axis direction, Z axis direction

RX direction, RY direction, RZ direction

Sets the direction of compliant motion by the axis direction of the tool coordinate system and the
rotation direction around the axis.

X axis direction, Y axis direction, Z axis direction, RX direction, RY direction and RZ direction

1 : Sets the direction of compliant motion.

0 : Maintains the coordinate values taken when SASTART was executed.

Parameter can be omitted. If omitted, the values (1 or 0) specified previously with SATXYZ are
used. Initial default value is 0.

When soft absorber function is activated by SASTART instruction, the robot executes compliant
motion along the specified axis of the tool coordinates. When external force is applied, the robot
moves along the axis/axes specified as 1. Normal movement instructions are disabled when
executing SATXYZ. Set a small gain value (via SAGAIN) for the axis (axes) on which external
force is applied so that the robot can make compliant motion along the tool coordinates axes
specified by this instruction.

SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.
SATXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 Sets compliant motion in the X axis direction of tool
Gain setting is effective. Robot executes compliant motion along the X axis
direction of the tool coordinates system.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

SADEGREE 1st axis angle, 2nd axis angle, 3rd axis angle, 4th axis angle, 5th axis
angle , 6th axis angle, 7th axis angle, 8th axis angle, 9th axis angle

Sets angle range in which soft absorber takes effect for each axis.

1st axis angle, 2nd axis angle, 3rd axis angle, 4th axis angle, 5th axis angle, 6th axis angle, 7th axis
angle, 8th axis angle and 9th axis angle

Sets a range in axis angle in which the soft absorber function takes effect. Parameter can be
omitted. If omitted, the angle values specified previously with SADEGREE are used. Initial
default value is 10°. Only E series controller can specify the 9th axis angle.

If robot moves beyond the set angle range after SASTART has been executed, the servo returns
to normal, and the soft absorber function becomes disabled. Even if only one axis moves
beyond the set angle range, all axes return to normal servo. Use this instruction to restrict the
robot displacement by external force.

SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.
SADEGREE 5,5,5,10,10,10 Sets angle range in which compliant motion takes effect.
Gain setting is effective. Robot executes compliant motion. However, even if
only one axis is over the specified angle range, the servo returns to normal.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

SALENGTH X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-, RX+, RX-, RY+, RY-, RZ+, RZ-

Sets effective range for the soft absorber function on either the base/ tool coordinates.

X+, X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-, RX+, RX-, RY+, RY-, RZ+, RZ-

Sets an effective translation and rotation range of the robot for the function. Unit is mm and
angle respectively. The set range is applied to the base or tool coordinate systems by the
SAXYZ or SATXYZ instruction preceding this instruction. (See program example below.)
Parameters can be omitted. If omitted, the values specified previously with SALENGTH are
used. Setting range is 0 to 9999. Initial default values are 100 mm for X/Y/Z and 10°for

If robot moves beyond the set value from the pose where SASTART has been executed, the servo
returns to normal, and the soft absorber function becomes disabled. Even if only one parameter
exceeds the set value, control mode returns to normal servo in all axes. The set range is applied
to the base or tool coordinate systems by the SAXYZ or SATXYZ instruction preceding this
instruction. Use this instruction to restrict the range of compliant motion when robot is affected
by external force.

SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.
SAXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 Sets the compliant motion in the X axis direction of base
SALENGTH 10,10,100,10,5,5 Sets range in which compliant motion is effective.
Gain setting is effective. Robot executes compliant motion. However, even if
only one parameter exceeds the specified value, the servo returns to normal.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

SAGRAV Load mass, Load mass center X, Load mass center Y,

Load mass center Z

Sets the values for gravity compensation.

Load mass Unit = kg Setting range is 0 to 240. Cannot be omitted.
Load mass center X Unit = mm Setting range is –1000 to 1000. If omitted, 0 is set.
Load mass center Y Unit = mm Setting range is –1000 to 1000. If omitted, 0 is set.
Load mass center Z Unit = mm Setting range is –1000 to 1000. If omitted, 0 is set.

Set the center of gravity by X, Y and Z values in the null tool coordinates. (Refer to AS
Language Reference Manual for more details on null tool coordinate system.)

Executes gravity compensation based on the values set. When these values differ from the
actual load or when no external force is acting on the robot, the tool position and orientation may

SAGRAV 40,300,-350,400 Sets the load mass and center of gravity position for gravity
SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.
SAXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 Sets the compliant motion in the X axis direction of base
Gain setting is effective. Robot executes compliant motion. Gravity
compensation is executed based on setting data.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


Enables soft absorber function.

Soft absorber function is enabled by this instruction and is disabled by SAEND instruction. This
function is also disabled, when robot moves beyond the area set by SADEGREE and SALENGTH
instructions. Before executing SASTART, set the conditions for soft absorber function by

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


Disables soft absorber function.

Soft absorber function is disabled by this instruction.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

SAVDRAW Motion speed in X axis direction, Motion speed in Y axis direction,

Motion speed in Z axis direction, Motion speed in RX direction,
Motion speed in RY direction, Motion speed in RZ direction

Executes compliant motion at the specified speed based on the base coordinate system while soft
absorber function is effective.

Motion speed in X/Y/Z/RX/RY/RZ direction

Specifies motion speed in X, Y, Z, RX, RY and RZ direction. Unit for motion speed X, Y and Z
is mm/s. Unit for RX, RY and RZ motion speed is °/s. Setting range should be within plus or
minus the maximum speed of linear interpolated motion, which differs depending on robot. If
omitted, 0 is set.

Executes compliant motion at the specified speed based on the base coordinate system while soft
absorber function is effective. If the speed is specified for several directions, the direction and
speed of the compliant motion is determined by the combination of each speed vector. (See Fig
below.) This instruction can only be used between SASTART and SAEND instructions for soft
absorber function, otherwise an error occurs.

Error : (P0111) Cannot use this command or instruction here.

[ NOTE ]
This instruction is effective when performing soft absorber function in base coordinates mode.
If used in other movement modes, an error occurs. When the gain setting is low, robot cannot
operate at specified motion speed because actual robot motion speed depends on the gain
setting for each axis. Be sure to use an appropriate gain setting.

SAGRAV 40,300,-350,400 Sets the load mass and center of gravity position for gravity
SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.
SAXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 Sets the compliant motion in the X axis direction of base coordinates.
SAVDRAW 200,100,0,0,0,0 Sets motion speed in the direction of X and Y axes of base
TWAIT 10 Moves for 10 sec. in the specified direction with specified
motion speed. 200 mm/s X axis direction
100 mm/s

Actual direction of
Y axis direction compliant motion
D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

SATVDRAW Motion speed in X axis direction, Motion speed in Y axis direction,

Motion speed in Z axis direction, Motion speed in RX direction,
Motion speed in RY direction, Motion speed in RZ direction

Executes compliant motion at the specified speed based on the tool coordinate system while soft
absorber function is effective.

Motion speed in X/Y/Z/RX/RY/RZ direction

Specifies motion speed in X, Y, Z, RX, RY and RZ direction. Unit for motion speed X, Y and Z
is mm/s. Unit for RX, RY and RZ motion speed is °/s. Setting range should be within plus or
minus the maximum speed of linear interpolated motion, which differs depending on robot. If
omitted, 0 is set.

Executes compliant motion at the specified speed based on the tool coordinate system while soft
absorber function is effective. If the speed is specified in several directions, the direction and
speed of the compliant motion is determined by the combination of each speed vector. (See Fig
below.) This instruction can only be used between SASTART and SAEND instructions for soft
absorber function, otherwise an error occurs.

Error : (P0111) Cannot use this command or instruction here.

[ NOTE ]
This instruction is effective when performing soft absorber function in tool coordinates mode.
If used in other movement modes, an error occurs. When the gain setting is low, robot cannot
operate at specified motion speed because actual robot motion speed depends on the gain
setting for each axis. Be sure to use an appropriate gain setting.

SAGRAV 40,300,-350,400 Sets the load mass and center of gravity position for gravity
SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.
SATXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 Sets the compliant motion in the X axis direction of tool coordinates.
SATVDRAW 200,100,0,0,0,0 Sets motion speed in the direction of X and Y axes of tool
TWAIT 10 Moves for 10 sec. in the specified direction with specified
motion speed. 200 mm/s X axis direction
100 mm/s

Actual direction of
Y axis direction compliant motion
D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


Controls deviation error check.

Deviation error check is enabled by SAENVCHK ON instruction, and is disabled by
SAENVCHKOFF instruction. This instruction controls deviation error check only when soft
absorber function is in effect.

SAENVCHKOFF Disables deviation error check.
SAGAIN 100,100,100,10,10,10 Sets the gain for each axis.

Deviation error check is disabled.


D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual



Displays operation status and setting conditions of soft absorber function.

Current status for the following are displayed.
(1) Displays EXECUTE or STOP to indicate whether or not soft absorber is functioning.
(2) Whether or not motion over range has occurred.
(3) Gain setting of each axis.
(4) Current limit value set for each axis.
(5) Motion range set for each axis.
(6) Motion range in base/tool coordinates.
(7) Setting values for gravity compensation.
(8) Operation mode of soft absorber function. (Joint, base, or tool modes)
(9) Displays ENABLE or DISABLE for deviation error check.



STOP ············ (1)
OVER RANGE : X direction ············ (2)
GAIN 100.0(1) 100.0(2)100.0(3)100.0(4)100.0(5)100.0(6) ············ (3)
CURRENT 0.0( 0) 0.0( 0) 0.0( 0) 0.0( 0) 0.0( 0) 0.0( 0)············ (4)
DEGREE 10.0(1) 10.0(2) 10.0(3) 10.0(4) 10.0(5) 10.0(6)············ (5)
LENGTH 100.0-100.0(x) 100.0-100.0(y) 100.0-100.0(z)············ (6)
10.0-10.0(rx) 10.0-10.0(ry) 10.0-10.0(rz)············ (6)
GRAV. 240.0(kg) 0.0(x) 0.0(y) 0.0(z) ············ (7)
XYZ. ············ (8)
ENVCHK DISABLE ············ (9)

These numbers correspond to the

numbers in above explanation.

D/E Series Controller 4. AS Language Description
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual



When soft absorber function is enabled, -1 is returned as the answer. When disabled, 0 is
returned. However, if after soft absorber function is enabled by SASTART and robot moves
beyond the range set by SADEGREE and SALENGTH, soft absorber is disabled and 0 is

D/E Series Controller Appendix 1. Examples of Programming
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual



Die cast molded parts (hereafter workpiece) are pushed out of the die cast machine by an ejector.
Normally, when a robot performs this operation the robot hand used to be equipped with a
floating mechanism to handle the workpiece. However, with the soft absorber function, the
robot can autonomously follow the workpiece in the direction it is ejected via compliant motion, a
floating mechanism is not needed.

.PROGRAM main() ----------------------- Main operation program.

TOOL TRANS (Xt,Yt,Zt,Ot,At,Tt) ------- Sets tool transformation values.

CALL knockout --------------------------- Calls the subroutine that sets the conditions for soft
absorber function.
OPENI ------------------------------------- Opens the robot hand.
JMOVE #pt0------------------------------- Moves to the pose for gripping the workpiece.
CLOSEI ------------------------------------ Closes the robot hand and grips the workpiece.
SASTART --------------------------------- Enables soft absorber function.
SIGNAL 1 ---------------------------------- Outputs signal OUT1, indicating that the eject operation
is ready, to the die cast machine.
SWAIT 1001------------------------------- Waits for signal IN1 to turn ON, indicating that the
workpiece has been ejected.
SAEND------------------------------------- Disables soft absorber function.
SWAIT 1001------------------------------- Confirms that the workpiece ejection is complete.
SIGNAL -1 --------------------------------- Turns OFF signal, OUT1.
JMOVE #pt1------------------------------- Moves to the next operation point.

.PROGRAM knockout ------------------- Subroutine sets conditions for soft absorber function.
SADEGREE 10,10,10,10,10,10 -------- Sets the effective range by axis angles.
SALENGTH 100,20,20,20,20,20 ------- Sets the effective range by coordinate values.
SAGRAV 30,0,0,350 --------------------- Sets the conditions for the gravity compensation.
SAGAIN 10,80,80,5,50,10 -------------- Sets the gain for each axis.
SATXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 ---------------------- Specifies the direction of compliant motion to Xt axis of
tool coordinates.
RETURN ----------------------------------- Subroutine return.

D/E Series Controller Appendix 1. Examples of Programming
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

Outline of robot motion

Outline flow of the robot motion, when workpiece is ejected from the die cast machine, is shown

1. Schematic view.

1. Before ejection 2. After ejection

Xt #Pt1
Yt Yt
Zt Zt
Tool center point (TCP)


Xt Force Xt Force Xt
Force Specified
Zt Zt Zt

Tool center point

2. Description.

(1) Workpiece is pushed out by ejector.

(2) Wrist axis bends.

Command values for the TCP is adjusted in specified direction,
so that the external force is absorbed keeping the orientation.

(3) Robot follows the command value.

D/E Series Controller Appendix 1. Examples of Programming
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


Typically, in order for a robot to handle an offset or misaligned workpiece a special hand is
needed. However, soft absorber enables accurate pick up of workpieces and eliminates the need
for special hands because of its ability to perform compliant motion.

.PROGRAM main() ------------------------ Main operation program.

TOOL TRANS(Xt,Yt,Zt,Ot,At,Tt) -------- Sets tool transformation value.

CALL tukamu ------------------------------ Calls the subroutine that sets the conditions for soft
absorber function.
OPENI -------------------------------------- Opens the robot hand.
JMOVE #pt0-------------------------------- Moves the robot hand above the workpiece.
JMOVE #pt1-------------------------------- Moves the robot hand to the workpiece gripping position.
SASTART ---------------------------------- Enables soft absorber function.
CLOSEI ------------------------------------- Closes the robot hand and grips the workpiece.
SWAIT 1001-------------------------------- Waits for signal IN1 to turn ON.
SAEND-------------------------------------- Disables soft absorber function.
SWAIT 1001-------------------------------- Confirms waiting signal.
JMOVE #pt0-------------------------------- Moves the robot hand over the workpiece gripping

.PROGRAM tukamu ---------------------- Subroutine sets conditions for soft absorber function.
SADEGREE 10,10,10,10,10,10 --------- Sets the effective range by axis angles.
SALENGTH 100,20,20,20,20,20 -------- Sets the effective range by coordinate values.
SAGRAV 30,0,0,350 ---------------------- Sets the conditions for the gravity compensation.
SAGAIN 10,80,80,5,50,10 --------------- Sets the gain for each axis.
SAXYZ 1,0,0,0,0,0 ------------------------ Specifies the direction of compliant motion to X axis
of base coordinates.
RETURN ------------------------------------ Subroutine return.

D/E Series Controller Appendix 1. Examples of Programming
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

Outline of robot motion

Outline flow of the robot motion, when gripping a misaligned workpiece, is shown below.

1. Schematic view.


Pneumatic hand


Misaligned work Tool coordinates

fixed on

2. Description.

Zt (1) Moves the hand to the workpiece gripping point.


(2) Closes the hand and grips the workpiece.

Zt (3) Command values are given for compensating

for deviation of the hand orientation.

(4) Perform compliant motion and grips the
Xt workpiece keeping the orientation.

D/E Series Controller Appendix 1. Examples of Programming
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


In applications where the robot grips a workpiece and fits it into a fixed workpiece, a hand with
floating mechanism is usually used. However, the soft absorber function, by using compliant
motion, enables the robot to fit the workpiece without the use of a floating mechanism.

.PROGRAM main() ------------------------ Main operation program.

TOOL TRANS(Xt,Yt,Zt,Ot,At,Tt) -------- Sets tool transformation value.

CALL nockout ------------------------------ Calls the subroutine that sets the conditions for soft
absorber function.
OPENI -------------------------------------- Open the robot hand.
JMOVE pt0 --------------------------------- Moves to the hand near the movable workpiece.
CLOSEI ------------------------------------- Closes the robot hand and grips the workpiece.
SASTART ---------------------------------- Enables soft absorber function.
SATVDRAW 0,0,100,0,0,0 --------------- Linear move in the tool Z direction at 100 mm/s.
10 TWAIT 0.1
dis=DISTANCE(HERE,pt0) -------------- Calculates the distance from the start point of soft
absorber function.
IF ABS(dis_o-dis)>1 THEN -------------- Continues the operation if the difference between
previous and current moving distance is more than 1 mm.
SAEND-------------------------------------- Disables soft absorber function.
JMOVE #pt1-------------------------------- Moves to next point in operation program.

.PROGRAM nockout ---------------------- Subroutine sets conditions for soft absorber function.
SADEGREE 10,10,10,10,10,10 --------- Sets the effective range by axis angles.
SALENGTH 100,20,20,20,20,20 -------- Sets the effective range by coordinate values.
SAGRAV 30,0,0,350 ---------------------- Sets the conditions for the gravity compensation.
SAGAIN 80,80,80,5,10,10 --------------- Sets the gain for each axis.
SAXYZ 1,1,1,1,1,1 ------------------------ Specifies the direction of compliant motion in all axes
of base coordinate.
RETURN ------------------------------------ Subroutine return.

D/E Series Controller Appendix 1. Examples of Programming
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual

Outline of robot motion

Outline flow of the robot motion, when a workpiece is fitted into a fixed workpiece, is shown



Fixed workpiece



(1) Robot moves to the Z direction.

(2) Wrist is moved by external force.

(3) When forces balance, motion stops.

D/E Series Controller Appendix 1. Examples of Programming
Kawasaki Robot Soft Absorber Function Manual


The following is an error specific to this function.

Error : D2012 “SOFT ABSORBER error. Turn OFF & ON the control power.”

Contents of error

This message indicates that an error occurred when changing the servo system data for soft
absorber function. Since the servo system data may not be set correctly the system cannot be
restored by simply pressing ERROR RESET (< RESET > for E controller). In this case, turn
the control power OFF and ON to reset the servo data. (All data for the servo system is reset by
turning the control power ON and OFF.)

Probable cause

D series
1. Version incompatibility between Arm control AS and Arm servo control AS.
2. Defective 1KB or 1RB board.

E series
1. Version incompatibility between AS software and servo software.
2. Communication problem between main CPU board (1TA board) and servo board (1TB board).
3. Defective servo board (1TB board).


Turn control power OFF then ON, and reexecute the program. If the error persists, contact

Kawasaki Robot Controller D/E Series
Soft Absorber Function Manual (OPTION)

October 2002 : 1st Edition

February 2009 : 4th Edition



All rights reserved. Copyright © 2009 by KAWASAKI HEAVY INDUSTRIES, LTD.

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