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Tong On 5

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REVISION 5 A. expected B. wondered C. attended D. appeared.

6. “Would you like to have …………………………. coffee?”

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is
A. an amount of B. a lot C. some D. little
pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
7. Elizabeth needs a new pair of shoes because she has …………... her old ones.
1. A. automobile B. mobile C. fertile D. compile
A. got out of B. grown out of C. looked after D. gone off
2. A. cheeky B. choir C. attach D. checkout
8. She returned home to find her house had been ……………………………….
3. A. surgery B. urbanize C. curious D. further
A. broken B. stolen C. burgled D. thieved
4. A. ghost B. locate C. joke D. modem
9. It's difficult to ………………… what our lives would be like without music.
5. A. primary B. hike C. linguistics D. divide
A. expect B. imagine C. remember D. see
6. A. further B. ethnic C. sunbathing D. therefore
10. After drinking a big bottle of ………….., he got drunk.
7. A. word B. torture C. mortgage D. sword
A. milk B. orange juice C. water D. liquor
8. A. examine B. famine C. shoeshine D. determine
11. Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one .
9. A. chef B. deaf C. roof D. of
A. it influences farmers B. why farmers influence it
10. A. dynamite B. simplify C. symbol D. byte
C. that influences farmers D. farmers that it influences
11. A. highland B. heiress C. honesty D. exhaustion
12. …………………. hard she worked, Louise never managed to finish her
12. A. garbage B. remark C. article D. calendar
homework on time.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other
A. Moreover B. However C. Although D. Despite
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
13. Not only ………………. to determine the depth of the ocean floor, but it is
1. A. volcanic B. vacancy C. versatile D. astronaut
also used to locate oil.
2. A. earthenware B. evidence C. confusion D. fabulous
A. to use seismology B. is seismology used
3. A. affordable B. compulsory C. identify D. habitable
C. seismology is used D. using seismology
4. A. climate B. comprise C. notice D. casual
14. The bus …………………………. before I reached the bus-stop.
5. A. edition B. deposit C. separate D. collection
A. left B. had left C. was leaving D. will leave
6. A. benefit B. commercial C. encourage D. embroider
15. The hotter the weather is, …………………………..
7. A. sandal B. canal C. standard D. spacecraft
A. more tired we feel B. we will feel more tired
8. A. arrival B. technical C. proposal D. approval
C more and more we feel tired D. the more tired we feel
9. A. philosophy B. phenomenon C. optimism D. petroleum
16. The teacher needs to …………………….. the class into two to play the game.
10. A. describe B. charming C. compose D. abrupt
A. decrease B. shorten C. reduce D. divide
11. A. interactive B. entertainment C. composition D. priority
17. I've tried those tablets and they are not …………….. in helping me stop
12. A. embroider B. recommend C; disappoint D. volunteer
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the
A. effective B. successful C. profitable D. helpful
following questions.
18. Which is …………………. , an elephant or a blue whale?
1. You can buy dairy ……………………………. in this shop.
A. bigger B. the bigger C. biggest D. the biggest
A. producers B. production C. productivity D. products
19. He couldn't reach the goal, ………………………. surprised me.
2. Technology will play a key role …………………….. future lifestyles.
A. who B. whom C. which D. that
A. to shape B. shaping C. in shaping D. shape of
20. The school ………………………. all the students to take an interest in arts.
3. If they aren't careful with their money, they'll get into ………………………
A. noticed B. encouraged C. supposed D. managed
A. loss B. problem C. debt D. missing
21. I like sitting on the beach watching the ………………….. in the evenings.
4. Patrick must be out of the ……………………… of arriving late for meetings.
A. sunshine B. sunrise C. sunlight D. sunset
A. habit B. custom C. use D. fashion
22. There is …………………….. food left but not enough for everyone
5. The dinner party went on much longer than John had ……………………….
A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
23. I bought these magazines ………………. have something to read on the trip. 40. If you want to stay ……….…… don't eat too much and take plenty of
A. for B. so that C. so as to D. in order exercise.
24. They suggested ………………….. the archaeological site the next weekend. A. healthful B. healthily C. healthy D. health
A. to visit B. visiting C. should visit D. would visit 41. There's a chance that he'll arrive in time for supper, but he ……………… be a
25. If I were in your shoes, …………………………… lot later.
A. I will say sorry to them B. they would buy them for me A. might B. must C. should D. would
C. I would apologize to them D. they can have them 42. Skis ………………………….. be made of wood.
26. I plan to …………………. around the world after I graduate from university. A. got used to B. used to C. are used to D. were used to
A. travel B. voyage C. trip D. journey 43. Some sportsmen and women insist that ……………. part is more important
27. He wants to get a better …………………… and earn more money. than winning.
A. occupation B. job C. work D. employment A. taken B. take C. to take D. taking
28. Managers set objectives, and decide ………. their organization can achieve 44. Cuc Phuong National Park, ………………. we spent our last weekend, has
them. over 200 square kilometers of rainforest.
A. what B. how C which D. where A. where B. which C. that D. when
29. You …………………… fly to Sapa - there isn't an airport. 45. Have you got time to have a chat now or are you ………………… to leave?
A. may B. can C. may not D. cannot A. thinking B. planned C. around D. about
30. You won't be allowed into the club ……………….. you wear a suit an tie. 46. They usually have lunch together in the school ………………………..
A. if B. unless C. whether D. apart A. cafe B. restaurant C. canteen D. bar
31. A ………………………… have registered for the summer courses. 47. If we want to ……………………… up with them we'd better hurry.
A. thousand students B. thousands of students A. come B. arrive C. approach D. catch
C. thousand of students D. thousands students 48. He can't afford to go on holiday …………………….. taking a job.
32. We all enjoyed the play so much that we ……………………. for ten minutes. A. unless B. until C. if D. without
A. booed B. screamed C. cheered D. slapped 49. In fact, they have never ………………… any experience of living overseas.
33. Not until everybody ………………………… did he become calm. A. had B. wished C. done D. made
A. had been left B. leaves C. did leave D. had left 50. My father had a trouble with his lungs, ………………… he decided to give
34. In Asian culture, children are taught to ……………………. their teachers. up smoking
A. give up B. look up to C. make up for D. get along A. so that B. so C. since D. though
35. Don't believe what John says. He always sets ………………. situations for 51. We …………………………. the nearest village before sunset.
himself and others. A. came B. arrived C. reached D. got
A. imaginative B. imagining C. imagination D. imaginary 52. The soybean contains vitamins, essential minerals, ………………………...
36. The telephone ………………… for almost a minute. Why doesn't someone A. a high protein percentage B. and a high percentage of protein
answer it? C. since a high percentage of protein D. of which a high protein percentage
A. has been ringing B. has rung C. has been rung D. is ringing Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs
37. I have found out a fabulous place where we can go …………… this weekend. correction in each of the following questions.
A. for a picnic B. on a journey C. for travelling D. on a voyage 1. When Bob was sick with the flu, his mother made him to eat chicken soup
38. I have this big assignment to complete and I don't know ………………. It's and rest in bed.
too difficult! 2. They said that the man jumped off of the bridge and plunged into the
A. which to do B. when to finish C. where to start D. whether to take freezing water.
39. The price of vegetables usually …………………. during the winter months. 3. I do not know where could he have gone so early in the morning.
A. gets down B. turned off C. goes up D. makes for 4. The oxygen in the air we breathe has no tasting, smell, or color.
5. When contented, and occasionally when hunger, cats frequently make a
purring sound. A. Not bad. And you? B. I'm not very bad, thanks.
6. The humming-bird is one of the most smallest birds we know of. C. Good, you are 'welcome. D. Everyone's OK, thank you.
7. She is singing and dancing merrily when the doctor called to see her. 6. - “Bye for now. See you again.” -“…………………………..”
8. You need your shoes to repair, don't you? A. I hope so. B. We will. C. Take care. Bye. D. I'm very sad.
9. I borrowed some milk from a neighbor of us as we didn't have enough for 7. Tom: “Thank you very much for your lovely gift! I really like it.”
breakfast. Maria: “………………………………………”
10. When they lived in Jakarta, they used to eating Indonesian food. A. You're welcome. B. Oh, it's OK. C. I'm pleased. D. It's not good.
11. I'd like to go out for dinner, but I don't feel like to eat out tonight. 8. Robert: “………………………………….”
12. The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have. Mary: “I'd love to, but I have an evening class tonight.”
13. Where many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one A. Do you want to go out for a walk with me?
before I go to bed. B. Should you go for dinner with me tonight?
14. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn't it? C. Would you like to come to my party tonight?
15. Bells told people of happy events, such as weddings and birthdays, or sometimes D. Do you think we must go for dinner tonight?
had to announce unpleasant events such as a death. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
16. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our cities today. the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. Hummingbirds are the only birds capable to fly backward as well as forward, 1. The professor tried to stimulate interest in archaeology by taking his students
up and down. on expeditions.
18. The test administrator ordered us not opening our books until he told us to do so. A. simulate B. fake C. encourage D. diminish
19. We are supposing to read all of Chapter Seven and answer the questions for 2. In this fairytale there is a wicked old woman. Nobody wants to come near her.
tomorrow's class. A. evil B. marked C. weak D. immortal
20. The explanation that our instructor gave us was different to the one your gave you. 3. Don't worry, you can count on me. I'll try my best to help you.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete A. look after B. live on C. rely on D. stand for
each of the following exchanges. 4. We had a discussion in class today about requiring students to wear school
1. - “Congratulations on your winning!” uniforms.
-“…………………..………” A. ban B. arrangement C. reduction D. debate
A. You are a good friend. B. You are welcome 5. For nearly a hundred years, the lake was present continually, and has appeared
C. Thank you. D. I'm very happy. and disappeared again several times since.
2. - “How did you get here?” A. vanish B. exist C. inhabit D. grow
-“……………………………” 6. When we travel overseas we hope to go to Iceland.
A. I came here by train. B. I came here last night. A. on the sea B. by water C. with foreigners D. to foreign lands
C. The train is so crowded. D. Is it far from here? 7. Sue and Daisy are as different as chalk and cheese. No wonder their friendship
3. Jim: “What about collecting used paper, bottles and plastic bags every day?” has broken up recently.
Ha and Mai: “………………………..” A. changed B. ended C. improved D. appeared
A. Because they can pollute the environment. 8. He was astounded at his bad luck. He couldn't believe it.
B. How come? Who can do that? A. unhappy B. frightened C. astonished D. amused
C. That's a very good idea. Let's do that. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
D. What about this weekend? the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
4. Phuong: “I'm taking my TOEFL test tomorrow.” 1. It's tough being an applicant these days. Imagine the questions interviewers
Daisy: “……………………… ” ask!
A. Good fortune. B. Good luck. C. Good outcome. D. Good success. A. violent B. costly C. generous D. pleasant
5. - “Hello, Nick. Is everything OK? -“……………………….”
2. People who go ahead constructively in life are those who hold on to their work B. magazines appeal more to boys than girls
or opportunities with zest. C. picture stories appeal more to girls than boys
A. indifference B. hesitancy C. passion D. enthusiasm D. girls are more interested in fiction than boys
3. A small fish needs camouflage to hide itself so that its enemies cannot find it. 3. We can see from the passage that .
A. cover B. beautify C. show D. locate A. far more boys than girls are interested in love stories
4. Solar energy doesn't cause pollution, but it is not cheap. B. there are more opportunities for girls to buy magazines than for boys
A. expensive B. effective C. commercial D. possible C. children generally don't care what they should read
5. They left their first temporary home last week when the overcrowded camp D. teenage boys shows a taste for magazines about their hobbies
ran out of fresh water and space. 4. The word “fascinating” in the passage means most nearly the same as .
A. country B. familiar C. permanent D. expensive A. having a lot of fiction B. having a lot of information
6. Humans can use language deceptively by telling lies or half-truths. C. having great attraction D. having great pleasure
A. in an honest way B. in detail 5. Which of the following is NOT true?
C. in a serious way D. carefully and effectively A. Girls start reading earlier than boys.
7. A surprising percentage of the population in remote areas is illiterate. B. Girls read more than boys when they are teenagers,
A. able to speak fluently B. unable to speak fluently C. Girls prefer reading fiction when they are teenagers.
C. unable to read and write D. able to read and write D. Girls are usually interested in women's magazines in their late teens.
8. These shoes are made of imitation leather, so they are not expensive. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the
A. natural B. valuable C. man-made D. cheap correct word that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the The largest lake in the western United States IS the Great Salt Lake, an
correct answer to each of the questions. inland saltwater lake in northwestern Utah, just outside the state capital - of Salt
A good deal of fascinating research has been done into the reading Lake City. Rivers and streams feed (1) ………………… the Great Salt Lake, but
patterns of young people, and it's surprising to discover at what an early age none drain out of it; this has a major influence on both the salt content and the
children start expressing preferences for particular kinds of books. A recent size of the lake.
report, which examined in detail the reading habit of primary school children, Although the Great Salt Lake is fed by freshwater streams, it is (2)
showed that even seven-year-old boys and girls have clear views about what they ……………… saltier than the oceans of the world. The salt comes from the more
want to read. Girls, in general, read more, and far more girls than boys preferred than two million tons of minerals that (3) ………………… into the lake each
reading stories. Boys were showing a taste for the more instant appeal of picture year from the rivers and creeks that feed it. Sodium and chloride - the components
stories, or else books about their hobbies. of salt - comprise the large majority of the lake's mineral content.
These tastes continue unchanged until the children are teenagers. Apparently The Great Salt Lake can vary tremendously from its (4) …………… size of
girls read more in general, but more fiction in particular. You could say that there 1,700 square miles, depending on long-term weather conditions. During periods
are more opportunities for girls to read fiction: magazines encourage the fiction of heavy rains, the size of the lake can swell tremendously from the huge amounts
habit in girls in their early teens, and by their late teens, girls have probably of water flowing into the lake from its feeder rivers and streams; in 1980 the lake
moved on to the adult women's magazines. Teenage boys tend to buy magazines even (5) …………… a size of 2,400 square miles. During periods of dry weather,
about their hobbies: sports, motorcycles, heavy transport and so on. the size of the lake decreases, sometimes drastically, due to evaporation.
1. Recent research into children's reading has shown that they ………….………. 1. A. in B. into C. from D. for
A. start to read at a very early age 2. A. actually B. essentially C. strictly D. accurately
B. have formed their reading tastes by the time they are seven 3. A. flood B. stream C. locate D. flow
C. examine in detail what they read at school 4. A. ordinary B. normal C. standard D. typical
D. can read clearly and distinctly in primary school 5. A. came B. met C. reached D. obtained
2. A close look at the reading habits of boys and girls shows that .
A. schools give more encouragement to girls than to boys

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