Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
1263 West Nile Virus Transmission via Organ Transplantation and Blood Transfusion Louisiana, 2008 1267 Outbreak of Rickettsia typhi Infection Austin, Texas, 2008 1270 Mumps Outbreak New York, New Jersey, Quebec, 2009 1274 Announcement 1275 QuickStats
The MMWR series of publications is published by Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA 30333. Suggested Citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Article title]. MMWR 2009;58:[inclusive page numbers]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH Director Peter A. Briss, MD, MPH Acting Associate Director for Science James W. Stephens, PhD Office of the Associate Director for Science Stephen B. Thacker, MD, MSc Acting Deputy Director for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services Editorial and Production Staff Frederic E. Shaw, MD, JD Editor, MMWR Series Christine G. Casey, MD Deputy Editor, MMWR Series Stephen C. Hadler, MD Guest Editor, MMWR Series Robert A. Gunn, MD, MPH Associate Editor, MMWR Series Teresa F. Rutledge Managing Editor, MMWR Series Douglas W. Weatherwax Lead Technical Writer-Editor Donald G. Meadows, MA Jude C. Rutledge Writers-Editors Martha F. Boyd Lead Visual Information Specialist Malbea A. LaPete Stephen R. Spriggs Terraye M. Starr Visual Information Specialists Kim L. Bright Quang M. Doan, MBA Phyllis H. King Information Technology Specialists Editorial Board William L. Roper, MD, MPH, Chapel Hill, NC, Chairman Virginia A. Caine, MD, Indianapolis, IN Jonathan E. Fielding, MD, MPH, MBA, Los Angeles, CA David W. Fleming, MD, Seattle, WA William E. Halperin, MD, DrPH, MPH, Newark, NJ King K. Holmes, MD, PhD, Seattle, WA Deborah Holtzman, PhD, Atlanta, GA John K. Iglehart, Bethesda, MD Dennis G. Maki, MD, Madison, WI Sue Mallonee, MPH, Oklahoma City, OK Patricia Quinlisk, MD, MPH, Des Moines, IA Patrick L. Remington, MD, MPH, Madison, WI Barbara K. Rimer, DrPH, Chapel Hill, NC John V. Rullan, MD, MPH, San Juan, PR William Schaffner, MD, Nashville, TN Anne Schuchat, MD, Atlanta, GA Dixie E. Snider, MD, MPH, Atlanta, GA John W. Ward, MD, Atlanta, GA
important data to assist them in developing targeted programs to reduce diabetes and obesity.
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direct estimates obtained from 298 large counties. To do this, 95% confidence intervals for the differences between the two estimates are calculated for each county; if the interval does not contain zero, the estimates are considered to be in disagreement.
FIGURE. Age-adjusted percentages of persons aged 20 years with diabetes and obesity, by county United States, 2007
Among counties in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina, 73% were in the top quintile for diabetes prevalence. Similarly, 62% of counties in West Virginia and Tennessee combined were in the top quintile. Isolated topquintile counties also were evident in tribal lands in Montana, the Dakotas, the Southwest, and eastern Oklahoma. Age-adjusted estimates of obesity prevalence ranged from 12.4% to 43.7%, with a median of 28.4%. Counties with the highest obesity prevalence largely were in the South, western Appalachians, and coastal Carolinas (Figure). In Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and West Virginia, 70% of counties had obesity prevalence in the top quintile (30.9%) County-level obesity prevalence was highly correlated with diabetes prevalence (r = 0.72). A county with obesity prevalence five percentage points higher than another county had diabetes prevalence that was, on average, 1.4 percentage points higher (95% confidence interval = 1.31.5). Counties in the top two quintiles in both obesity and diabetes prevalence were concentrated in the South and Appalachian region, and counties with low diabetes and obesity prevalence largely were in the West, Northern Plains, and New England (Figure). Among counties in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina, 77% were in the top two quintiles for both diabetes and obesity prevalence; among counties in Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia, 81% were in the top two quintiles for both conditions.
What is already known on this topic? Current surveillance methods are not able to provide reliable local estimates of chronic disease prevalence because of sample size limitations. What is added by this report? Using Bayesian modeling, estimates of diabetes and obesity prevalence identified regional belts in the southern United States and isolated areas (e.g., tribal lands) in western states with high prevalence of diabetes and obesity. What are the implications for public health practice? These findings of wide county-level variation in diabetes and obesity prevalence provide important data for consideration by local public health officials when developing programs to reduce the prevalence and complications of diabetes and obesity.
local area surveillance can provide a better means of tracking such effects. The findings in this report are subject to at least five limitations. First, data regarding diabetes and obesity are obtained by self-report; diabetes prevalence excludes persons with undiagnosed diabetes, and obesity prevalence often is underestimated because respondents tend to underestimate body weight and overestimate height. The accuracy of self-reporting might vary by region, and thus affect these estimates. Second, BRFSS only samples households with landline telephones; wirelessonly households tend to have younger occupants and lower incomes, and tend to be members of minority populations. Third, because of statistical interdependence, any inferences regarding statistical differences among counties should be based only on the data and 95% confidence intervals provided online (4). Fourth, low BRFSS response rates for some states might indicate response bias, although BRFSS weighting procedures partially correct for nonresponse. Finally, although estimates in this report are age adjusted, they are not adjusted for factors such as race/ethnicity and income, which also might be related to geographic area. These data can be merged with county-level datasets, including U.S. Census data, for broader analyses (4). The growing obesity and diabetes burden in the United States has generated interest in population-targeted prevention measures, ranging from health-system support for preventive lifestyle interventions to increased legislation of the food environment, to enhanced social marketing to reduce risk factors for obesity and diabetes (7,8). Improved surveillance systems will be crucial to target interventions toward areas with populations at high risk and track the impact of those interventions at the local level.
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Reported by: EW Gregg, PhD, KA Kirtland, PhD, BL Cadwell, MSPH, N Rios Burrows, MPH, LE Barker, PhD, TJ Thompson, MS, L Geiss, MA, Div of Diabetes Translation; L Pan, MD, Div of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC.
References 1. Malec D, Sedransk J, Moriarity CL, LeClere FB. Small area inference for binary variables in the National Health Interview Survey. J Am Stat Assoc 1997;92:81526. 2. Cadwell BL, Thompson TJ, Boyle JP, Barker LE. Bayesian small area estimates of diabetes prevention by U.S. county. J Data Sci. In press 2010. 3. Gelman A, Carlin JB, Stern HS, Rubin DB. Bayesian data analysis. Chapman and Hall; 2003. 4. CDC. County level estimates of diagnosed diabetesU.S. maps. Atlanta, GA: CDC; 2008. Available at 5. CDC. State-specific incidence of diabetes among adultsparticipating states, 19951997 and 20052007. MMWR 2008;57:116973. 6. Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM.Prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States, 19992004. JAMA 2006;295:154955. 7. CDC. Recommended community strategies and measurements to prevent obesity in the United States. MMWR 2009;58(No. RR-7). 8. Ackermann RT, Finch EA, Brizendine E, Zhou H, Marrero DG. Translating the diabetes prevention program into the community: the DEPLOY pilot study. Am J Prev Med 2008;35:35763. 9. Ford ES, Mokdad AH, Giles WH, Galuska DA, Serdula MK. Geographic variation in the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and obesity-related behaviors. Obes Res 2005;13:11822. 10. Lunn DJ, Tomas A, Best N, Spiegelhalter DJ. WinBugsa Bayesian modelling framework: concepts, structure, and extensibility. Statistics and Computing 2009;10:32537.
in asymptomatic WNV infection via blood transfusion directly. This investigation also found that criteria used by the bloodscreening laboratory to screen the implicated blood donation for WNV were less stringent than criteria used by other blood collection centers in the area. Use of the more stringent screening criteria might have detected the WNV and prevented the blood donation from being used. To increase the likelihood of detecting WNV-positive donations, blood centers should use the most sensitive screening criteria feasible and communicate frequently with nearby blood centers on screening results during times of high WNV activity in their geographic area. In addition, health-care providers should consider WNND as a possible cause of neurologic complications in patients after blood transfusion or organ transplantation.
Organ Transplant
On October 23, 2008, LDH was notified of a transplant recipient with suspected WNND (Table). The patient, a man aged 62 years, had undergone a heart transplant on September 23, 2008, because of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course until the eighth day after his transplantation, when he had tonic-clonic seizures requiring intubation and transfer to the intensive-care unit (ICU). In the ICU, the patient was febrile (101F [38C]) with a normal peripheral white blood cell (WBC) count (8.33 109/L) and blood chemistries. He was treated empirically with a combination of piperacillin and tazobactam for possible bacterial infection. He was extubated the next day, but his mental status continued to deteriorate. Because neurologic complications occurring in patients after transfusion or organ transplantation can result from donorrelated WNV transmission,* specimens from the patient were tested for WNV infection. Serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) obtained 22 days (October 15) and 31 days (October 24) posttransplantation, respectively, were positive for WNV
* Although most WNV infections are asymptomatic, approximately 20% of infected persons develop a self-limited febrile illness after an incubation of 36 days. Incubation periods up to 1 month have been documented after blood transfusion and organ transplantation (2,3). Less than 1% of infected immunocompetent persons will develop more severe neuroinvasive disease (e.g., encephalitis, meningoencephalitis, meningitis, or poliomyelitis-like acute flaccid paralysis). However, as many as 40%60% of immunocompromised persons infected as a result of receiving a WNV-infected organ develop neuroinvasive disease. WNV infections typically are diagnosed based on serologic testing and detection of WNV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and neutralizing antibodies in serum or cerebrospinal fluid. WNV IgM antibodies are normally detected within 8 days of illness onset in immunocompetent persons. Nucleic acid-amplification testing (NAT) detects the presence of WNV before development of WNV IgM antibodies and is used by blood centers to screen for WNV in donated blood. WNV screening by blood centers is performed on pooled samples (i.e., minipool NAT [MP-NAT]). Individual blood centers have differing criteria for switching to individual sample testing (ID-NAT) when a positive MP-NAT is detected.
West Nile Virus Transmission via Organ Transplantation and Blood Transfusion Louisiana, 2008
Three years after the introduction and spread of West Nile virus (WNV) in the United States, transmission through blood transfusion and solid organ transplantation was documented in 2002 (13). Within a year, these findings led to nationwide screening of blood donors for WNV. Although screening is extremely sensitive, current methods still do not detect all WNV-infected blood donations, and organ donors are not screened routinely. In October 2008, the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) was notified of a heart transplant recipient with suspected West Nile neuroinvasive disease (WNND). LDH launched an investigation to confirm the diagnosis and determine whether the organ recipients infection was derived from the organ donor or blood products the donor received before organ donation. The investigation concluded that two cases of probable transfusion-transmitted WNV resulted from a common blood donor; one infection resulted in WNND via an organ donor, and the other resulted
TABLE. Timeline for transmission of West Nile virus (WNV) via organ transplant and blood transfusion, and laboratory confirmation Louisiana, 2008
Date Sep 15 Sep 19 Sep 21 Sep 23 Received fresh plasma from blood donor Declared brain dead; Received heart transplant serum negative for WNV immunoglobulin M (IgM) and G (IgG) antibodies and WNV RNA Had febrile illness Mental status changed Serum positive for WNV IgM antibodies; West Nile neuroinvasive disease (WNND) suspected Louisiana Department of Health notified of suspected WNND Cerebrospinal fluid positive for WNV IgM antibodies WNND confirmed by CDC Serum positive for WNV IgM and IgG antibodies Serum positive for WNV IgM antibodies Blood donor Blood donated at blood center A Received packed red blood cells from blood donor Organ donor Organ recipient Blood recipient
immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) performed at a commercial laboratory. Testing at CDC on a serum specimen obtained 43 days posttransplantation showed WNV-specific neutralizing antibodies with a titer of 20,480 (positive titer 10), confirming the WNND diagnosis. A pretransplant serum specimen tested negative for WNV RNA by reverse transcriptionpolymerase chain reaction and negative for WNV IgM and immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies, suggesting the patients infection occurred around the time of the transplantation. At discharge on December 17, 2008, he was unable to walk without assistance and was transferred to a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation; he was discharged from that facility on January 9, 2009, to continue physical therapy as an outpatient. The recipient reported that, before his heart transplantation, he went outside his home infrequently and applied mosquito repellent when going outside. He did not recall any mosquito bites before his hospitalization. Perioperatively, he received 10 blood products from 16 donors while on cardiopulmonary bypass pump. Blood from these donations was not available for testing. Eight of the 16 donors were contacted successfully and voluntarily agreed to testing; all eight were WNV IgM negative by ELISA. The heart donor, a man aged 18 years, was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the head on September 21, 2008. He received 10 blood products before being declared brain dead on September 23. His heart was the only organ or tissue procured. After potential donor-related WNV
transmission was recognized on October 15, donor serum collected at the time of heart donation and after receipt of blood products was tested by both a commercial laboratory and CDC, and was negative for WNV RNA and WNV IgM and IgG antibodies. All blood donations received by the heart donor were tested by the blood screening laboratory used by blood center A and were negative by WNV minipool nucleic acid-amplification testing (MP-NAT) on pools of 16 samples. The blood screening laboratory used by blood center A at the time of these donations had not met its criteria for switching from MP-NAT to individual donation NAT (ID-NAT) (Figure). All blood donors were contacted and returned for WNV IgM screening; nine tested negative for WNV IgM and IgG at a reference laboratory. One blood donors serum collected 8 weeks after donation tested positive at CDC for WNV IgM antibodies and WNV-specific neutralization antibodies with a titer of 1:640, indicating recent WNV infection.
Blood Transfusion
The blood donation from the WNV-positive donor occurred on September 15, 2008. The blood donor lived in a parish with little WNV activity but had spent time outdoors near the time of donation. The donor recalled having a self-limited illness characterized by weakness, body aches, and fever on September 24. Fresh frozen plasma and packed red blood cells were derived from this donation. The fresh frozen plasma was
Two MP-NAT positive donations from the same postal code area within a 7-day
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FIGURE. Strategies used by laboratories to screen donated blood for West Nile virus (WNV) Louisiana, 2008
MP-NAT nonreactive
MP-NAT reactive
Discard unit(s)
Discard unit(s)
* Blood centers generally pool blood samples for screening until WNV is identified in one or more samples. Established criteria for switching from MP-NAT to ID-NAT can vary greatly between blood centers. Some centers transition from MP-NAT to ID-NAT after identification of two MP-NAT positive donations from donors living in the same postal code area within a 7-day period. Other centers transition to ID-NAT if one donation is identified as positive by MP-NAT at any blood center within their collection area. When the established criteria are met, all donations then are screened by ID-NAT until no positive donations are detected for a predetrimined period (usually 7 days); then they transition back to MP-NAT.
given to the heart donor and the packed red blood cells to a woman nursing home resident aged 76 years. The woman was admitted to a local hospital for atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response on September 19 and received the unit of packed red blood cells for anemia. Although the woman reportedly never developed a febrile illness, serum obtained as part of the investigation on December 1, 2008, tested positive for WNV-specific IgM and neutralizing antibodies at a titer of 1:1280.
Reported by: E Stanley, MPH, R Ratard, MD, Louisiana Dept of Health. JE Staples, MD, R Royce, Div of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases; WA Bower, MD, KD Ellingson, PhD, MJ Kuehnert, MD, Div of Healthcare Quality Promotion, National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Diseases, CDC.
Editorial Note: This report describes two cases of probable transfusion-transmitted WNV from a common blood donor. One infection resulted in WNND via an organ donor, and the other resulted in asymptomatic WNV infection via blood transfusion directly. The source of infection cannot be proved definitively because blood samples or other components from the implicated donation were unavailable for testing. However, evidence of WNV infection in the two patients linked to blood
products from a common donor, along with serologic evidence of recent infection and a febrile illness in the donor shortly after blood donation, make these probable cases of transfusiontransmitted WNV (4). After heart transplantation, the organ recipient described in this report was immunosuppressed when he had onset of WNND. This patient likely was infected with WNV after receipt of the transplant heart from a donor who received multiple blood transfusions, at least one of which was suspected to contain WNV. If exposed to WNV, transplant recipients are at high risk for WNND; however, organ donors are not routinely screened for WNV. Both organ donors and transplant recipients often receive multiple transfusions. Early recognition and notification of a potential donor-related transmitted disease could result in earlier WNV infection diagnosis and initiation of supportive care in organ transplant recipients who received organs from the same donor. Health-care providers should consider WNND when neurologic complications occur in patients after transfusion or organ transplantation. In addition, timely recognition of potential contamination with WNV or other transfusion-transmitted pathogens could
lead to removal of potentially infectious blood products from the blood supply. Screening blood or organ and tissue donors based on clinical symptoms is ineffective at preventing donor-related WNV infections (5). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides guidance to blood centers for donor screening to reduce the risk for transfusion-transmitted disease. FDA recommends screening year-round for WNV using a licensed NAT (MP-NAT or ID-NAT) on donor samples of whole blood and blood components (6). Because of the dilution effect inherent in screening by MP-NAT, this method is less sensitive than ID-NAT. FDA further recommends that blood centers using MP-NAT screening establish criteria to switch to ID-NAT during periods of high WNV activity in their geographic area of collection. No cases of transfusionrelated transmission have been reported when using ID-NAT to screen for WNV. However, routine ID-NAT screening is not feasible for many blood centers because of the resulting logistic and financial burdens. Therefore, most blood centers use WNV MP-NAT screening until a trigger threshold of one or more positive MP-NAT results is reached over a specific period and then switch to ID-NAT. Each blood center has its own triggering threshold, developed within the constraints of FDA guidance and standards of AABB (formerly known as the American Association of Blood Banks) (7). The WNV screening policy at the laboratory used by blood center A, where the presumed WNV-contaminated donation was collected, set the trigger to switch from MP-NAT to ID-NAT as identification of two MP-NAT positive donations from the same postal code area within a 7-day period. Blood center A had collected an MP-NATpositive donation on September 11, and collected the implicated blood donation on September 15. Blood center B, another blood center collecting in the same region, had a policy of transitioning from MP-NAT to ID-NAT after identification of one MP-NAT positive donation within its blood collection area, including those identified by other blood centers in the region. Screening data from September indicated that blood center B transitioned to ID-NAT during the period the implicated donation was collected by blood center A, based on the positive MP-NAT collected on September 11 by another blood center, which collects blood in a region that overlaps that of blood center A. Use of triggering criteria, at a minimum, as sensitive as that
What is already known on this topic? Despite sensitive screening assays for West Nile virus (WNV) in blood donations, risks remain for WNV transmission through blood transfusion and organ transplant. What is added by this report? This report found that blood screening using a less sensitive protocol failed to detect WNV in donated blood, leading to probable transmission to two persons, one directly through blood transfusion and the other by organ transplant through a transfused organ donor. What are the implications for public health practice? To further decrease the incidence of WNV transfusion- and transplant-related disease transmission, blood centers should adopt the most sensitive triggering strategies feasible during periods of high WNV activity, by optimizing the transition from pooled blood sample testing to individual sample screening through standard protocols and communication.
reviewing comments and announcing the availability of guidance on use of NATs for screening for blood WNV transmission, FDA noted, At this time, there is insufficient data to recommend uniform threshold criteria for switching from MP-NAT screening to ID-NAT screening. Until we have sufficient data to support the development of suitable uniform threshold criteria, we consider it appropriate for each blood establishment to define its own threshold criteria for switching from MP-NAT to ID-NAT screening and for reverting to MPNAT screening. Federal Register 2009;74:576856.
used by blood center B could have resulted in the implicated donation being tested by ID-NAT, found reactive, and removed from the blood supply. Adoption of a single standard for all triggering criteria would be desirable; however, differences exist between blood centers because of geographic variability of WNV activity, amplifying logistical concerns. Although universal ID-NAT screening is the more conservative option, MP-NAT can be a highly effective screening strategy if coupled with an appropriate strategy for triggering ID-NAT testing. Recent modeling has suggested that initiation of ID-NAT in a previously defined geographic region or zone should be based on one MP-NATreactive donation (8). A second model examining 27 triggering strategies suggested that effectiveness increased when triggering was based on one positive MP-NAT rather than two during a 7-day period (9). Further simulations based on data from a 2006 transfusion-transmitted WNV investigation, in which the positive donation went undetected by minipool testing (10), suggest that triggering based on one MP-NAT might have resulted in detection of the WNV positive unit (CDC, unpublished data, 2008). Similarly, the triggering data described in this report suggest that the WNV-contaminated donation might have been detected before use by triggering to ID-NAT on one MP-NAT positive donation. In regions served by more than one blood center, close communication between blood centers locally is critical. Blood centers can increase the likelihood of detecting WNV in donated blood by using screening strategies that trigger the most timely use of ID-NAT, selection of geographic areas larger than a single postal code area, and ongoing communication of screening results between all facilities that collect blood in a geographic area.
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The findings in this report are based, in part, on contributions from JB Garcia-Diaz, MD, FR Rodwig Jr, MD, Ochsner Medical Center, New Orleans; and C Moore, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
References 1. CDC. Outbreak of West Nile-like viral encephalitisNew York, 1999. MMWR 1999;48:8459. 2. Iwamoto M, Jernigan DB, Guasch A, et al. Transmission of West Nile virus from an organ donor to four transplant recipients. N Engl J Med 2003;348:2196203. 3. Pealer LN, Marfin AA, Petersen LR, et al. Transmission of West Nile virus through blood transfusionUnited States, 2002. N Engl J Med 2003;349:123645. 4. Montgomery SP, Brown JA, Kuehnert M, et al. Transfusion-associated transmission of West Nile virus, United States 2003 through 2005. Transfusion 2006;46:203846. 5. Orton SL, Stramer SL, Dodd RY. Self-reported symptoms associated with West Nile virus infection in RNA-positive blood donors. Transfusion 2006;46:2727. 6. Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for industry: use of nucleic acid tests to reduce the risk of transmission of West Nile virus from donors of whole blood and blood components intended for transfusion. Rockville, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration; 2008. 7. Custer B, Busch MP, Marfin AA, Petersen LR. The cost-effectiveness of screening the U.S. blood supply for West Nile virus. Ann Intern Med 2005;143:48692. 8. Kleinman SH, Williams JD, Robertson G, et al. West Nile virus testing experience in 2007: evaluation of different criteria for triggering individual-donation nucleic acid testing. Transfusion 2009;49:116070. 9. Biggerstaff BJ, Petersen LR. A modeling framework for evaluation and comparison of trigger strategies for switching from minipool to individual-donation testing for West Nile Virus. Transfusion 2009;49:11519. 10. CDC. West Nile virus transmission through blood transfusionSouth Dakota, 2006. MMWR 2007;56:769.
and environmental findings of that investigation. Thirty-three confirmed cases involved illness comparable to that associated with previous outbreaks of murine typhus. Illness ranged from mild to severe, with 73% of patients requiring hospitalization. Delayed diagnosis and administration of no or inappropriate antibiotics might have contributed to illness severity. Environmental investigation suggested that opossums and domestic animals likely played a role in the maintenance and spread of R. typhi; however, their precise role in the outbreak has not been determined. These findings underscore the need to increase awareness of murine typhus and communicate appropriate treatment and prevention measures through the distribution of typhus alerts before and throughout the peak vector season of MarchNovember. Murine typhus is a reportable condition in Texas, and healthcare providers are required to report any suspected cases to the local health department through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System within 1 week of detection. The first two case reports associated with this outbreak were received in April 2008. Fourteen more reports were received in May and June. Receipt of eight additional case reports in July prompted ATCDHHS to seek assistance from TDSHS. On August 8, CDC was requested to assist in the investigation. An additional 29 cases were reported during the course of the investigation, which concluded on December 1. A suspected case was defined as illness with fever (100.4F [38C]) and one or more of the following: headache, rash, or myalgia. A confirmed case included 1) a fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer to R. typhi antigens between paired serum specimens taken 3 weeks apart, or 2) detection of R. typhi DNA in a clinical specimen by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The clinical and laboratory investigation included reviewing outpatient medical records, hospital charts, and laboratory results, in addition to interviewing all patients with suspected cases. All medical record reviews and interviews were conducted by CDC and ATCDHHS.
FIGURE 1. Number of confirmed murine typhus cases,* by year Travis County and rest of Texas, 19982008
180 160 140
No. of cases
remained elevated in 83% of cases, and alanine transaminase levels remained elevated in 92%. No additional follow-up by TDSHS or CDC is anticipated. Confirmed patients were clustered in central Austin (Figure 2). Two patients resided north of Austin but worked or engaged in recreational activities in central Austin. Among the 33 confirmed cases, only two patients (6%) noted flea bites or flea exposure during the 2 weeks before illness onset. Recent close exposure to opossums or rats was reported by 18% and 15% of patients, respectively.
Environmental Investigation
During August 1219, CDC conducted an environmental investigation with assistance from ATCDHHS. Environmental site assessments were conducted at the homes of 20 patients with confirmed cases. Blood and arthropod specimens were collected from 26 domestic pets (cats and dogs), and postmortem blood and tissue specimens were collected from 31 wild animals trapped at patients home sites. Separate blood samples were obtained from each animal for serologic and PCR testing. On average, five fleas were collected from each opossum, and one or two from each raccoon, cat, and dog. All animal and arthropod specimens were tested for evidence of R. typhi and Rickettsia felis DNA by PCR and for seroreactive antibodies to R. typhi antigen using immunofluorescence assay. Most patients with confirmed cases (n = 27; 82%) resided in homes with yards bordered by thick vegetation; 79% owned a dog or cat, but only 42% (n = 14) reported regularly administering flea or tick preventatives. Nineteen (95%) of the 20 households assessed had obvious evidence of wildlife or wildlife attractants on the property (e.g., pet food or water dishes outside the home or unsealed outdoor garbage containers). Among the 57 animals assessed, only 33% (n = 19) had evidence of active murine typhus infection by serology, as determined using a 1:32 titer threshold. Antibodies (immunoglobulin G [IgG]) to R. typhi were detected in three feral cats, four domestic dogs, and 12 opossums; none of four wild rats or nine raccoons tested positive (Table). None of the animal tissue (n = 57) or flea specimens (n = 139) tested positive for R. typhi or R. felis DNA by PCR. Seropositive animals were from five different postal code areas. Most seropositive animals (68%) were found in the two contiguous postal code areas where the most human cases (36%) were reported. In response to this outbreak, ATCDHHS increased public awareness of fleaborne rickettsiosis via alerts posted on its Internet website. The alerts included a definition of murine typhus and its symptoms in addition to descriptions of how the disease is transmitted, treated, and prevented. Recommended prevention and control measures included using dog and cat
* Defined as illness with fever (100.4F[38C]) and one or more of the following: headache, rash, or myalgias, plus laboratory confirmation via 1) a fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer to Rickettsia typhi antigens between paired serum specimens taken 3 weeks apart, or 2) detection of R. typhi DNA in a clinical specimen by polymerase chain reaction.
most commonly reported symptoms in confirmed cases were fever (100%), malaise (76%), headache (73%), chills (61%), myalgia (61%), anorexia (58%), nausea (52%), rash (46%), vomiting (42%), and diarrhea (36%). No deaths were attributed to murine typhus; however, 73% of the confirmed patients were hospitalized, and 27% were admitted to intensive-care units. Only 51% (n = 17) of confirmed patients were prescribed antibiotics. Fifteen (88%) patients who received antibiotics received the recommended treatment with doxycycline; two received an antibiotic other than doxycycline. The median time from symptom onset to prescription of antibiotics was 8 days (range: 119 days). Blood chemistry results revealed that 70% of confirmed patients experienced impaired liver function, as indicated by elevated aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphate, bilirubin, and/or lactate dehydrogenase levels. Elevated creatinine and/or decreased albumin or serum protein levels indicated impaired kidney function in 21% of patients. Among the 33 patients 24% had low platelet counts, and 24% had anemia. Leukocytosis and leukopenia were each observed in 6% of patients. Among the 12 confirmed patients whose discharge/outpatient follow-up laboratory results were available during the clinical investigation (August 12December 1), most laboratory values were normal for leukocytes (80%), bilirubin (77%), and creatinine (92%). However, low albumin and serum protein levels persisted in 58% of cases, and impaired liver function persisted in most cases; aspartate aminotransferase levels
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FIGURE 2. Geographic location of confirmed murine typhus cases,* by county Texas, 2008
Travis County Other affected counties Austin city limits Murine typhus case
Travis County
* Defined as illness with fever (100.4F[38C]) and one or more of the following: headache, rash, or myalgias, plus laboratory confirmation via 1) a fourfold or greater rise in antibody titer to Rickettsia typhi antigens between paired serum specimens taken 3 weeks apart, or 2) detection of R. typhi DNA in a clinical specimen by polymerase chain reaction.
TABLE. Number of animals with titers of immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody to Rickettsia typhi,* among animals tested as part of a murine typhus outbreak investigation, by titer and type of animal Austin, Travis County, Texas, 2008
Positive serology (1:32 ) Type Cat Dog Opossum Raccoon Rat Total No. tested 17 9 18 9 4 57 No. 3 4 12 0 0 19 (%) (18) (44) (67) (0) (0) (33) <1:32 14 5 6 9 4 38 1:32 0 0 4 0 0 4 1:64 0 0 3 0 0 3 Titer of IgG antibody to R. typhi 1:128 0 0 1 0 0 1 1:256 0 0 3 0 0 3 1:512 1 1 1 0 0 3 1:1024 0 2 0 0 0 2 1:2048 0 1 0 0 0 1 1:4096 2 0 0 0 0 2
flea preventatives, exterminating household rodents, eliminating rodent habitats in or near homes, using pesticides to limit flea infestations, avoiding wild animals (including feral cats and opossums), and using insect repellents containing DEET.
Reported by: J Campbell, Austin/Travis County Dept of Health and Human Svcs, Texas. ME Eremeeva, PhD, WL Nicholson, PhD, J McQuiston, DVM, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases; S Parks, PhD, J Adjemian, PhD, K McElroy, DVM, EIS officers, CDC.
Editorial Note: Contemporary reports of murine typhus in the United States are sporadic and usually limited to southern Texas, southern California, and Hawaii, where enzootic foci remain and where the disease is reportable. This cluster of R. typhi cases in Austin during 2008 might represent the emergence of murine typhus in a new area. Alternatively, R. typhi might have been present in this area in reservoir species
but at levels below a threshold for transmission and detection. In addition, recent changes in local ecology or transmission dynamics might have caused the emergence of clinical human cases. The low prevalence of active murine typhus infection among the animals assessed versus that in previous studies (33% versus 63%94%) (1) precludes making conclusions about the reservoir species associated with this outbreak. Rats are the primary animal reservoir of R. typhi (1); however, other mammals (including opossums and domestic dogs and cats) can maintain the disease, as was observed in this outbreak. Few rats were sampled and evidence of active infection was not found; however, the 67% prevalence of seropositivity among opossums points to their possible role in propagation. Domestic animals also were found to be seropositive; however, further studies would be needed to ascertain whether they played a role in propagation of the outbreak. Although fleas
What is already known on this topic? Although murine typhus, a fleaborne disease often transmitted to humans through contact with rats, is endemic in southern Texas, only two cases had been reported in central Texas during the past 10 years. What is added by this report? Illness associated with this central Texas outbreak of 33 confirmed cases (73% in patients who were subsequently hospitalized) was comparable to previous outbreaks of murine typhus; however, the suspected vector (cat flea) and reservoir (opossum) were atypical for a suburban setting. What are the implications for public health practice? Health-care providers and the public should be aware of the symptoms, appropriate treatment and prevention measures, and the importance of promptly notifying local or state health officials of suspected cases of murine typhus.
Murine typhus might now be established in the Austin and Travis County area and should be considered an ongoing public health threat. As of September 14, 2009, a total of 24 new suspected cases had been reported to ATCDHHS. Illness onsets ranged from April 29 to July 29. The median age of patients (37 years; range: 367 years) and symptom profile has been similar to 2008 cases. The rate of hospitalization (54%) has been lower, which might be attributable to increased knowledge of the presentation and appropriate treatment of the disease as a result of notices from Texas Medical Society and ATCDHHS public health education web-based campaigns. Health-care providers should be aware of the potential for travel-associated exposures among visitors to Austin or other endemic areas and notify their local or state health officials of suspected cases of murine typhus.
References 1. Azad AF. Epidemiology of murine typhus. Annu Rev Entomol 1990;35:55369. 2. Karpathy SE, Hayes EK, Williams AM, et al. Detection of Rickettsia felis and Rickettsia typhi in areas of California endemic for murine typhus. Clin Microbiol Infect. In press 2009. 3. Wiggers RJ, Martin MC, Bouyer D. Rickettsia felis infection rates in an east Texas population. Tex Med 2005;101:568. 4. Schrieffer ME, Sacci JB Jr, Dumler JS, Bullen MG, Azad AF. Identification of a novel rickettsial infection in a patient diagnosed with murine typhus. J Clin Microbiol 1994;32:94954. 5. Dumler JS, Taylor JP, Walker DH. Clinical and laboratory features of murine typhus in south Texas, 1980 through 1987. JAMA 1991;266:136570. 6. CDC. Murine typhusHawaii, 2002. MMWR 2003;52:12246. 7. Whiteford SF, Taylor JP, Dumler SJ. Clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic features of murine typhus in 97 Texas children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2001;155:396400. 8. Fergie JE, Purcell K, Wanat P, Wanat D. Murine typhus in South Texas children. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2000;19:5358. 9. Dumler JS, Walker DH. Rickettsia typhi (murine typhus). In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and practices of infectious diseases. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2005:23069.
on opossums and cats can be infected with R. typhi, they are more often infected with the related organism Rickettsia felis (2). However, only one case of R. felis has been reported in the United States since 1994 (4). Futhermore, PCR and serologic evidence, in addition to the moderate to severe clinical course for most cases, suggest that R. typhi was the cause of this outbreak. Thus, this outbreak provides documentation of an atypical reservoir and vector in a suburban murine typhus cycle. Based on patient symptoms and laboratory findings, the severity of illness associated with this outbreak appears comparable to previous murine typhus outbreaks in other areas (58). Illness severity ranged from mild to severe, with complications that required hospitalization. The patients described in this report experienced substantial delays in diagnosis, antibiotic initiation (on average 8 days after symptom onset), or lack of antibiotic therapy, which likely contributed to the high rate of hospitalizations and might have contributed to illness severity. Delays in murine typhus treatment can increase duration of symptoms and risk for complications (e.g., seizures, respiratory failure, and persistent frontal and temporal lobe dysfunction) or death (5,6). Elevated liver enzymes and decreased platelet counts in a patient with rash illness should be evaluated for rickettsiosis (57). All suspected murine typhus patients should be treated with doxycycline, with a minimum recommended course of 710 days or 3 days after resolution of fever (9). Health-care providers in emerging or established areas where murine typhus occurs should initiate treatment for suspected murine typhus cases on clinical and epidemiologic considerations without waiting for laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis (9).
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with 6,584 reported cases (2). On August 18, public health departments in Sullivan County, New York state, and CDC began an investigation into the mumps outbreak, later joined by departments in New York City and other locales. As of October 30, a total of 179 confirmed or probable cases had been identified from multiple locations in New York and New Jersey (Figure), and an additional 15 cases had been reported from Canada. The outbreak primarily has affected members of a tradition-observant religious community; median age of the patients is 14 years, and 83% are male. Three persons have been hospitalized. Although little transmission has occurred outside the Jewish community, mumps can spread rapidly in congregate settings such as colleges and schools; therefore, public health officials and clinicians should heighten surveillance for mumps and ensure that children and adults are appropriately vaccinated. Mumps cases in the United States have been classified according to the 2008 case definition of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists,* and cases in Canada have been classified in accordance with Case Definitions for Diseases Under National Surveillance. Patients in the United States are considered to have age-appropriate vaccinations for mumps if they are aged 16 years and have received 1 dose of a mumps-containing vaccine, aged 718 years and have received 2 doses of vaccine, or aged 1952 years and have received 1 dose of vaccine (3,4). Patients aged 718 years who have received 1 dose are considered to have received a partially age-appropriate vaccination.
Outbreak Reports
Sullivan County, New York. On August 18, 2009, the New York State Department of Health was notified of mumps cases in a summer camp serving approximately 400 boys from the tradition-observant religious community. The index patient was a boy aged 11 years who had returned on June 17 from the United Kingdom, where a mumps outbreak is ongoing with approximately 4,000 cases, primarily in unvaccinated young adults in the general population. The boy became symptomatic at camp on June 28. A total of 25 cases were reported among camp attendees and staff members. The median age of patients was 12 years (range: 930 years), and all were male. Of the 24 patients for whom vaccination status was reported, 20 (83%) had received age-appropriate vaccination with 2 doses, one (4%) had received partial age-appropriate vaccination with
* Available at Available at Information available at &HPAwebStandard/HPAweb_C/1195733790975.
1 dose, and three (13%) were unvaccinated. The attack rate in this camp was approximately 6% (25 of 400). Brooklyn, New York. The majority of campers were residents of the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, where mumps transmission began after their return home from camp. Although returning campers were implicated in most of the initial exposures, no predominant focus of spread was identified. By October 30, 79 additional persons from Brooklyn or other boroughs who were linked to the outbreak had been reported, exclusive of returning campers. The median age of these patients was 14 years (range: 8 months84 years), and 81% were male. Of the 61 patients (77%) for whom vaccine is recommended and vaccination status and age were reported, 47 (77%) had received age-appropriate vaccination, six (10%) had received partial age-appropriate vaccination, and eight (13%) were unvaccinated. Ocean County, New Jersey. On September 26, the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services was informed of eight suspected mumps cases in two Ocean County private schools for boys with both boarder and commuter students from the same religious community. The index patient, who became symptomatic at one of the boarding schools on September 6, was aged 20 years and a resident of the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. Transmission was initially limited to the schools but subsequently was observed in households and the community. By October 30, a total of 40 cases had been reported. The median age of patients was 19.5 years (range: 165 years), and 83% were male. Mumps vaccination status was reported for 29 (73%) patients, of whom 28 (97%) had received age-appropriate vaccination. Rockland County, New York. Four of the patients who had attended the Sullivan County summer camp resided in Rockland County, New York. By October 30, an additional 27 cases (exclusive of returning campers) had been reported among members of the same religious community, with transmission occurring in a variety of settings, including a school for boys. The median age of patients was 12 years (range: 162 years), and 23 (85%) were male. Mumps vaccination status was reported for 19 (70%), of whom 11 had received age-appropriate vaccination, and two had received partial age-appropriate vaccination. Orange County, New York. In September, members of the same religious community in Orange County visited a synagogue in Brooklyn. During October 814, eight cases occurred among the travelers. The median age of patients was 18 years (range: 1123 years), and five were male. Seven patients had received age-appropriate vaccination with 2 doses, and one was unvaccinated.
FIGURE. Number (N = 179) of reported confirmed or probable mumps cases,* by week New York and New Jersey, JuneOctober, 2009
25 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 Brooklyn, New York Sullivan County, New York
No. of cases
0 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 0 20 15 10 5 0 21 28 Jun 5 12 19 Jul 26 2 9 16 23 Aug 30 6 13 20 Sep 27 4 11 18 Oct 25 Orange County, New York Ocean County, New Jersey Rockland County, New York
Laboratory Testing
Of the 179 cases reported as of October 30 in the United States, 85 (47%) have been laboratory-confirmed, and the remaining 94 cases (53%) have met the clinical case definition. Laboratory tests used to confirm cases of mumps included detection of mumps immunoglobulin M antibodies by various methods, detection of mumps RNA by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (5), and isolation of mumps virus in cell culture. These tests were conducted by CDC and state and commercial laboratories. Mumps virus classified as genotype G was identified from multiple specimens sent to CDC, consistent with the probable importation of mumps into Sullivan County from the ongoing mumps outbreak in the United Kingdom (6).
Week beginning
* Definitions available at Case total as of October 30, 2009. Included are three cases from Brooklyn that have not been epidemiologically linked to the outbreak. Excluded are 15 cases reported in Quebec, Canada.
Epidemiologic Summary
Quebec, Canada. Members of affected New York and New Jersey communities traveled to the province of Quebec to attend religious gatherings during September 19October 11. By October 30, 15 cases (patient age range: 847 years) from Montreal and the Laurentian region of the province had been reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada. All patients were male, and 11 had documented vaccination with at least 1 dose of mumps-containing vaccine. Of the 178 (99%) patients whose sex is known, 149 (84%) are male. The median age of the 178 patients for whom age is known is 14 years (range: 8 months84 years). Of the 141 patients (79%) for whom vaccine is recommended and vaccination status and age were reported, 113 (80%) had received age-appropriate vaccination, nine (6%) had received partial age-appropriate vaccination, and 19 (13%) were unvaccinated (Table). Of the 141 patients, 102 (72%) had received 2 doses, 20 (14%) 1 dose, and 19 (13%) zero doses (Table). Complications have occurred in 16 (9%) cases, including
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TABLE. Number of reported patients with mumps (n = 178*) by age groupappropriate vaccination status New York and New Jersey, JuneOctober 2009
Age group (yrs) <1 16 718 1952 53 Total Vaccination not recommended 2 3 5 (3%) Received age-appropriate Received partial ageUnvaccinated, although Vaccination status vaccination appropriate vaccination recommended unknown 7 84 22 113 (63%) 9 9 (5%) 5 10 4 19 (11%) 0 12 20 32 (18%) Total 2 12 115 46 3 178 (100%)
* One patient with unknown age was excluded. By age group, the criteria for age-appropriate vaccination status are as follows: <1 year, vaccination is not recommended; 16 years, 1 dose; 718 years, 2 doses; 1952 years, 1 dose; 53 years, vaccination is not recommended routinely. In addition, persons at greater risk, such as university students, health-care personnel, and persons with potential mumps outbreak exposure, should have documentation of 2 doses of mumps vaccine or other proof of immunity to mumps. CDC. Updated recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for the control and elimination of mumps. MMWR 2006;55:62930. Case total as of October 30, 2009. Included are three cases from Brooklyn that have not been epidemiologically linked to the outbreak. Excluded are 15 cases reported in Quebec, Canada. Not applicable.
orchitis (15 cases) and temporary deafness (1 case). Three hospitalizations for orchitis have been reported. No deaths have occurred.
Response Measures
Health officials issued alerts in New Jersey, New York City, and elsewhere in New York state to health-care providers, urging them to increase active surveillance for mumps, to consider mumps diagnoses even if patients had documented vaccinations and, when indicated, to perform appropriate diagnostic testing. Isolation and quarantine procedures were reviewed, and health-care providers were urged to ensure that all children and adults were appropriately vaccinated.
Reported by: P High, MPH, Ocean County Health Dept, EF Handschur, MPH, OS Eze, MD, B Montana, MD, C Robertson, MD, C Tan, MD, New Jersey Dept of Health and Senior Svcs. JB Rosen, MD, KP Cummings, MPH, MK Doll, MPH, JR Zucker, MD, CM Zimmerman, MD, New York City Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene. T Dolinsky, Rockland County Dept of Health. S Goodell, MPH, Orange County Health Dept. C Schulte, D Blog, MD, New York State Dept of Health. MA Leblanc, Ministre de la sant et des services sociaux du Qubec. YA Li, MD, Public Health Agency of Canada. A Barskey MPH, G Wallace, MD, K Gallagher, DSc, G Armstrong, MD, L Lowe, MS, R McNall, PhD, J Rota, MPH, P Rota, PhD, C Hickman, PhD, WJ Bellini, PhD, Div of Viral Diseases, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. A Apostolou, PhD, EIS Officer, CDC.
Editorial Note: Before routine mumps vaccination was initiated, most persons acquired infection during childhood. In 1967, a live, attenuated mumps virus vaccine was licensed in the United States, and by 2005 high coverage with 2 doses among children had reduced the incidence of mumps by 99% (2). In 2006, a resurgence occurred in the United States, with the highest attack rate among persons aged 1824 years; 57% of patients had previously received 2 doses of vaccine (2).
In 2007 and 2008, incidence declined to 800 and 454 cases, and outbreaks involved fewer than 20 cases. The ongoing mumps outbreak is the largest since 2006 and primarily has affected a tradition-observant religious community. Mumps outbreaks perpetuated by community transmission outside of congregate settings (e.g., camps, schools, and colleges) are unusual in highly-vaccinated populations (2). In this outbreak, the limited transmission of mumps into the general population might be attributable to generally high vaccination levels and little interaction between members of the affected religious community and persons in surrounding communities. Vaccination rates in the religious community in this outbreak have not been measured, but according to the 2008 National Immunization Survey, overall age-appropriate mumps vaccination rates for children in New York City, New York state, and New Jersey were high: 90% for receipt of 1 dose among children aged 1935 months and 90% for receipt of 2 doses among adolescents aged 1317 years. However, mumps incidence commonly peaks in the winter (2), and vaccine-preventable diseases have spread from religious communities to the general population during the peak transmission season (7). Of those patients in this outbreak whose vaccination status was known, 72% had received 2 doses of mumps-containing vaccine, compared with 57% in the 2006 outbreak. Mumps vaccine effectiveness has been estimated at 73%91% for 1 dose and 76%95% for 2 doses (8,9). Studies during the 2006 U.S. mumps resurgence suggested that outbreaks could occur among highly-vaccinated populations such as college students, where frequent close contact occurs and where >10 years have passed since most of the population received a second dose (9). However, even in such settings, attack rates were <8% in
Information available at
What is already known on this topic? High 2-dose vaccination coverage reduced by 99% the incidence of mumps in the United States, but a major resurgence occurred in 2006 among vaccinated college students. What is added by this report? An outbreak of mumps began in June 2009 in a religious community and is ongoing, with 179 cases (113 in persons with age-appropriate mumps vaccinations) reported as of October 30, 2009; however, limited spread has occurred outside the affected community. What are the implications for public health practice? Public health officials and clinicians should be aware that a mumps outbreak is ongoing, consider the diagnosis of mumps in patients with symptoms consistent with the disease, and ensure that children and adults (particularly in congregate settings such as universities and hospitals) have received an appropriate number of MMR vaccine doses.
2006 for those with 2 doses, suggesting that the vaccine was highly effective in preventing disease for the vast majority of those exposed (9). In the current outbreak, the attack rate at the summer camp was approximately 6%. Because 43% of the worlds nations have no mumps vaccination program (10), and certain nations with mumps vaccination programs, such as the United Kingdom, have experienced large-scale outbreaks, the risk for mumps exposure is increased with foreign travel. When importations occur, congregate settings in the United States, such as colleges and schools, have been foci of indigenous mumps transmission (2). When possible, persons with suspected mumps should be isolated for 5 days after onset of parotitis and, if they visit a health-care setting, droplet precautions should be initiated immediately. Clinical specimens (both serum and buccal swabs) should be collected from persons with suspected mumps as soon as possible after symptom onset. Adults and children should receive age-appropriate vaccination. University students, health-care personnel, and persons with potential mumps outbreak exposure should have documentation of 2 doses of mumps vaccine or other proof of immunity to mumps. Although vaccination is not considered effective postexposure prophylaxis for mumps, nonimmune contacts should be vaccinated with measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine to prevent risk from subsequent exposures. Any suspected mumps case should be reported to the health department in the area where the patient resides. Additional information regarding mumps vaccination is available at http://www.
References 1. Plotkin SA, Rubin SA. Mumps vaccine. In: Plotkin SA, Orenstein WA, Offit PA, eds. Vaccines. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2008:43565. 2. Barskey AE, Glasser JW, LeBaron CW. Mumps resurgences in the United States: a historical perspective on unexpected elements. Vaccine 2009;27:618695. 3. CDC. Measles, mumps, and rubellavaccine use and strategies for elimination of measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome and control of mumps: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR 1998;47(No. RR-8). 4. CDC. Updated recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for the control and elimination of mumps. MMWR 2006;55:62930. 5. Boddicker JD, Rota PA, Kreman T, et al. Real-time reverse transcriptionPCR assay for detection of mumps virus RNA in clinical specimens. J Clin Microbiol 2007;45:29028. 6. Rota JS, Turner JC, Yost-Daljev MK, et al. Investigation of a mumps outbreak among university students with two measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations, Virginia, SeptemberDecember 2006. J Med Virol 2009;81:181925. 7. Parent du Chatelet I, Floret D, Antona D, Levy-Bruhl D. Measles resurgence in France in 2008, a preliminary report. Eurosurveillance 2009;14(6):57. 8. Dayan GH, Rubin S. Mumps outbreaks in vaccinated populations: are available mumps vaccines effective enough to prevent outbreaks? Clin Infect Dis 2008; 47:145867. 9. Marin M, Quinlisk P, Shimabukuro T, Sawhney C, Brown C, LeBaron CW. Mumps vaccination coverage and vaccine effectiveness in a large outbreak among college studentsIowa, 2006. Vaccine 2008;26:36017. 10. World Health Organization. Global status of mumps immunization and surveillance. Wkly Epidemiol Rec 2005;80:41824.
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from the national center for health statistics
Percentage of Adults Aged 18 Years Reported to Have Excellent or Very Good Health,* by Race National Health Interview Survey, United States, 2008
100 80
60 40 20 0
* In response to the question, Would you say [subjects] health in general was excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor? Health status data were obtained by asking respondents to assess their own health and that of other family members living in the same household. Limited to persons who indicated only a single race. Estimates are based on household interviews of a sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. population and are derived from the National Health Interview Survey sample adult component. Estimates were age adjusted using the projected 2000 U.S. population as the standard population and the following age groups: 1844 years, 4564 years, 6574 years, and 75 years. 95% confidence interval.
In 2008, 61.5% of U.S. adults had excellent or very good health. The percentage of adults who had excellent or very good health ranged from 42.8% for AI/AN adults to 64.8% for Asian adults. Asian and white adults had higher percentages of excellent or very good health compared with black and AI/AN adults.
SOURCE: Pleis JR, Lucas JW, Ward BW. Summary health statistics for U.S. adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2008. Provisional report. Vital Health Stat 2009;10(242). Available at sr_10/sr10_242.pdf.
TABLE I. Provisional cases of infrequently reported notifiable diseases (<1,000 cases reported during the preceding year) United States, week ending November 14, 2009 (45th week)*
Current week 1 2 1 7 2 2 3 1 10 21 9 1 4 13 34 1 1 1 8 Cum 2009 12 46 19 87 21 8 115 36 4 1 9 697 6 567 105 24 157 198 54 10 173 1,699 266 646 60 220 116 22 395 473
Disease Anthrax Botulism: foodborne infant other (wound and unspecified) Brucellosis Chancroid Cholera Cyclosporiasis Diphtheria Domestic arboviral diseases,: California serogroup eastern equine Powassan St. Louis western equine Ehrlichiosis/Anaplasmosis,**: Ehrlichia chaffeensis Ehrlichia ewingii Anaplasma phagocytophilum undetermined Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease (age <5 yrs): serotype b nonserotype b unknown serotype Hansen disease Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome Hemolytic uremic syndrome, postdiarrheal Hepatitis C viral, acute HIV infection, pediatric (age <13 years) Influenza-associated pediatric mortality , Listeriosis Measles*** Meningococcal disease, invasive: A, C, Y, and W-135 serogroup B other serogroup unknown serogroup Mumps Novel influenza A virus infections Plague Poliomyelitis, paralytic Polio virus infection, nonparalytic Psittacosis Q fever total ,: acute chronic Rabies, human Rubella**** Rubella, congenital syndrome SARS-CoV, Smallpox Streptococcal toxic-shock syndrome Syphilis, congenital (age <1 yr) Tetanus Toxic-shock syndrome (staphylococcal) Trichinellosis Tularemia Typhoid fever Vancomycin-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Vibriosis (noncholera Vibrio species infections) Yellow fever See Table I footnotes on next page.
Total cases reported for previous years 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 17 109 19 80 25 5 139 62 4 2 13 1,137 9 1,026 180 30 244 163 80 18 330 878 90 759 140 330 188 38 616 454 2 3 8 124 110 14 2 16 157 434 19 71 39 123 449 63 492 1 32 85 27 131 23 7 93 55 4 7 9 828 834 337 22 199 180 101 32 292 845 77 808 43 325 167 35 550 1 20 97 48 121 33 9 137 67 8 1 10 578 646 231 29 175 179 66 40 288 766 43 884 55 318 193 32 651 19 85 31 120 17 8 543 80 21 1 13 506 786 112 9 135 217 87 26 221 652 380 45 896 66 297 156 27 765 314 N 8 1 N 16 136 2 11 1 129 329 27 90 16 154 324 2 3 N 16 87 30 114 30 6 160 112 6 1 12 338 537 59 19 135 177 105 24 200 720 436 753 37 258 N 3 N 12 70 7 10 132 353 34 95 5 134 322 1 N OH (1) FL (2) FL (1)
NY (1), ID (1) CA (2), HI (1) CT (1) NY (2), PA (1), OH (1), FL (2), TN (1), TX (2), CA (1) AZ (2), CO (3), GA (2), LA (2), MN (1), MS (1), NY (1), NYC (1), OH (1), OK (1), OR (2), TX (1), VA (1), WA (1), WI (1) NY (4), PA (2), VA (1), NC (1), WA (1) FL (1) CT (1), FL (1), TX (2) NY (1), PA (1), OH (2), GA (1), FL (2), TN (2), AL (1), AR (1), WY (1), CA (1) NY (8), NYC (25), PA (1)
800 6,584 4 N 7 17 N 12 21 171 169 1 3 12 11 1 132 125 430 349 28 41 92 101 5 15 137 95 434 353 37 6 2 1 549 N
Vol. 58 / No. 45
TABLE I. (Continued) Provisional cases of infrequently reported notifiable diseases (<1,000 cases reported during the preceding year) United States, week ending November 14, 2009 (45th week)*
: No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional, whereas data for 2004 through 2008 are finalized. Calculated by summing the incidence counts for the current week, the 2 weeks preceding the current week, and the 2 weeks following the current week, for a total of 5 preceding years. The total sum of incident cases is then divided by 25 weeks. Additional information is available at Not reportable in all states. Data from states where the condition is not reportable are excluded from this table, except starting in 2007 for the domestic arboviral diseases and influenza-associated pediatric mortality, and in 2003 for SARS-CoV. Reporting exceptions are available at Includes both neuroinvasive and nonneuroinvasive. Updated weekly from reports to the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic, VectorBorne, and Enteric Diseases (ArboNET Surveillance). Data for West Nile virus are available in Table II. ** The names of the reporting categories changed in 2008 as a result of revisions to the case definitions. Cases reported prior to 2008 were reported in the categories: Ehrlichiosis, human monocytic (analogous to E. chaffeensis); Ehrlichiosis, human granulocytic (analogous to Anaplasma phagocytophilum), and Ehrlichiosis, unspecified, or other agent (which included cases unable to be clearly placed in other categories, as well as possible cases of E. ewingii). Data for H. influenzae (all ages, all serotypes) are available in Table II. Updated monthly from reports to the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. Implementation of HIV reporting influences the number of cases reported. Updates of pediatric HIV data have been temporarily suspended until upgrading of the national HIV/AIDS surveillance data management system is completed. Data for HIV/AIDS, when available, are displayed in Table IV, which appears quarterly. Updated weekly from reports to the Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Since April 26, 2009, a total of 171 influenza-associated pediatric deaths associated with 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection have been reported. Since August 30, 2009, a total of 138 influenza-associated pediatric deaths occurring during the 200910 influenza season have been reported. A total of 127 influenza-associated pediatric death occurring during the 2008-09 influenza season have been reported. *** The one measles case reported for the current week was indigenous. Data for meningococcal disease (all serogroups) are available in Table II. CDC discontinued reporting of individual confirmed and probable cases of novel influenza A (H1N1) viruses infections on July 24, 2009. CDC will report the total number of novel influenza A (H1N1) hospitalizations and deaths weekly on the CDC H1N1 influenza website ( In 2008, Q fever acute and chronic reporting categories were recognized as a result of revisions to the Q fever case definition. Prior to that time, case counts were not differentiated with respect to acute and chronic Q fever cases. **** No rubella cases were reported for the current week. Updated weekly from reports to the Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases.
FIGURE I. Selected notifiable disease reports, United States, comparison of provisional 4-week totals November 14, 2009, with historical data
CASES CURRENT 4 WEEKS 873 64 133 39 154 1 41 110 312 0.5 1 2 Ratio (Log scale)* Beyond historical limits 4 8
DISEASE Giardiasis Hepatitis A, acute Hepatitis B, acute Hepatitis C, acute Legionellosis Measles Meningococcal disease Mumps Pertussis 0.25
* Ratio of current 4-week total to mean of 15 4-week totals (from previous, comparable, and subsequent 4-week periods for the past 5 years). The point where the hatched area begins is based on the mean and two standard deviations of these 4-week totals.
Notifiable Disease Data Team and 122 Cities Mortality Data Team Patsy A. Hall Deborah A. Adams Rosaline Dhara Willie J. Anderson Michael S. Wodajo Jose Aponte Pearl C. Sharp Lenee Blanton
TABLE II. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Chlamydia Current week 10,101 1,052 226 57 680 2 71 16 2,410 326 515 1,132 437 1,108 160 688 29 231 151 2 129 20 2,051 68 462 427 447 584 63 1,144 642 502 279 178 71 30 192 108 38 46 1,714 1,310 148 256 185 Previous 52 weeks Med 22,271 747 222 47 350 35 68 23 3,037 425 589 1,156 827 3,408 1,084 413 869 772 337 1,327 178 152 253 509 101 31 56 3,881 87 124 1,421 726 423 0 536 602 70 1,736 453 245 457 573 2,818 270 388 176 1,954 1,382 458 341 68 56 169 181 88 34 3,546 93 2,701 120 200 396 0 1 132 8 Max 25,700 1,655 1,306 76 944 61 244 63 6,734 838 4,563 3,130 1,001 4,099 1,376 695 1,332 1,177 494 1,688 256 561 342 638 219 77 80 5,448 180 226 1,671 1,909 772 1,193 1,421 926 135 2,208 625 582 840 809 5,454 417 1,134 2,728 2,522 2,145 736 727 245 87 477 540 176 97 4,682 199 3,592 147 631 571 0 8 331 17 Cum 2009 Cum 2008 Current week 24 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1 1 N N N 23 N 23 N N N N N Coccidiodomycosis Previous 52 weeks Med 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 131 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 42 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 472 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 369 365 0 0 0 4 2 2 1 172 0 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 9,149 1 N N N 1 N N N N N 32 N N 18 14 N 9 N N 9 N N N 5 1 N N 4 N N N N N N N N 1 N 1 N N 7,043 6,955 N N N 51 9 27 1 2,058 N 2,058 N N N N N Cum 2008 5,657 1 N N N 1 N N N N N 38 N N 29 9 N 2 N N 2 N N N 4 1 N N 3 N N N N N N N N 3 N 3 N N 3,754 3,665 N N N 46 31 10 2 1,855 N 1,855 N N N N N Current week 70 5 3 2 8 2 5 1 24 19 1 4 8 7 1 2 1 1 7 1 6 3 1 1 1 13 10 2 1 N N Cryptosporidiosis Previous 52 week Med 123 6 0 0 2 1 0 1 13 0 3 1 8 26 2 4 5 7 8 17 3 1 5 3 2 0 2 21 0 0 8 6 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 1 10 1 0 2 6 9 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 13 0 7 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 Max 369 43 36 4 15 5 8 7 35 4 12 8 19 54 8 17 11 16 24 62 13 6 34 12 9 10 10 45 2 1 24 23 5 9 7 7 2 10 5 4 3 5 271 5 6 11 258 26 3 10 7 4 2 7 3 2 25 1 20 1 8 8 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 5,976 372 36 39 150 64 16 67 698 26 198 66 408 1,303 123 179 236 342 423 937 183 61 320 161 106 11 95 940 8 2 406 302 36 58 47 66 15 194 53 58 12 71 447 48 29 116 254 476 29 124 81 50 23 118 31 20 609 6 366 1 158 78 N N Cum 2008 7,842 363 41 43 160 55 7 57 667 38 238 100 291 1,984 196 172 240 643 733 905 268 77 204 167 106 6 77 910 11 14 413 223 42 62 46 75 24 158 68 32 17 41 1,938 83 58 120 1,677 541 84 103 62 42 16 168 43 23 376 3 225 2 60 86 N N
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
960,093 1,028,949 34,609 32,412 10,069 9,905 2,115 2,224 16,782 14,934 1,372 1,796 3,243 2,539 1,028 1,014 135,894 125,920 19,568 19,409 27,603 23,905 51,905 46,630 36,818 35,976 147,041 167,283 44,395 51,285 19,102 18,808 39,434 38,970 29,053 39,890 15,057 18,330 57,099 58,407 8,118 7,964 7,862 7,967 10,728 12,442 22,302 21,348 4,552 4,621 1,386 1,549 2,151 2,516 170,223 211,664 4,109 3,218 5,440 5,992 63,148 61,650 26,894 36,243 18,142 20,305 31,061 21,839 23,234 27,445 27,146 3,206 2,815 78,649 74,423 19,940 21,617 11,857 10,481 20,537 18,016 26,315 24,309 120,058 130,190 12,141 12,514 16,338 19,412 11,725 11,463 79,854 86,801 59,987 64,453 18,633 21,420 14,305 15,429 3,027 3,328 2,607 2,646 8,353 8,311 7,670 6,763 3,666 5,199 1,726 1,357 156,533 164,197 3,291 4,074 122,041 127,806 4,981 5,123 8,437 8,630 17,783 18,564 73 115 6,385 6,228 369 558
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Med: Median. Max: Maximum. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Data for HIV/AIDS, AIDS, and TB, when available, are displayed in Table IV, which appears quarterly. Chlamydia refers to genital infections caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
Vol. 58 / No. 45
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Giardiasis Current week 174 1 1 37 30 1 6 11 N 2 8 1 10 1 7 2 40 34 3 N 2 1 2 N N 2 5 5 N 23 19 2 1 1 45 33 8 4 Previous 52 weeks Med 323 28 6 3 11 3 1 3 63 6 24 15 15 45 9 0 12 15 9 24 6 2 0 8 3 0 1 70 0 0 38 11 5 0 2 8 1 8 3 0 0 4 8 2 2 3 0 27 3 8 3 2 2 2 6 1 50 2 34 0 7 7 0 0 2 0 Max 499 64 15 13 36 11 6 14 104 17 81 25 34 70 18 11 23 28 19 141 15 11 104 30 9 16 5 109 3 5 59 67 11 0 8 31 5 22 11 0 0 18 22 9 8 18 0 61 9 26 10 11 11 8 12 4 130 7 55 2 18 74 0 0 10 0 Cum 2009 15,227 1,387 247 183 580 157 45 175 2,802 215 1,168 697 722 2,033 395 N 550 711 377 1,389 264 96 343 443 156 22 65 3,219 22 22 1,691 750 235 N 91 365 43 343 157 N N 186 377 134 96 147 N 1,364 164 430 181 119 96 97 222 55 2,313 100 1,503 15 351 344 101 Cum 2008 16,132 1,470 298 159 606 144 81 182 3,001 453 1,044 748 756 2,411 633 N 540 778 460 1,767 288 148 590 418 180 15 128 2,582 40 59 1,105 602 243 N 113 353 67 447 254 N N 193 393 128 129 136 N 1,429 122 503 174 81 108 97 305 39 2,632 93 1,726 40 407 366 196 Current week 2,261 170 76 3 82 3 5 1 499 84 92 239 84 243 30 135 20 58 42 8 25 9 630 19 158 110 134 202 7 312 156 156 94 67 13 14 29 19 1 9 242 206 8 28 4 Gonorrhea Previous 52 weeks Med 5,319 93 46 2 38 2 6 1 592 94 109 215 189 1,075 324 141 278 254 86 274 33 44 40 126 25 2 6 1,147 18 49 410 243 114 0 165 147 10 501 137 72 143 156 834 82 128 66 552 169 53 48 2 1 28 23 3 1 540 15 447 11 20 41 0 0 4 2 Max 6,918 301 275 9 112 6 19 4 1,138 122 664 577 253 1,436 451 223 498 431 142 373 53 83 64 173 55 14 20 1,956 37 88 486 876 197 470 412 308 20 687 178 136 252 230 1,423 134 420 612 696 234 88 106 13 5 93 52 11 5 764 24 657 24 42 71 0 1 24 7 Cum 2009 Cum 2008 Haemophilus influenzae, invasive All ages, all serotypes Current week 21 1 1 6 3 3 2 2 5 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 2 N Previous 52 weeks Med 60 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 11 2 3 2 4 12 3 1 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 14 0 0 4 3 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Max 124 16 12 2 5 2 7 1 25 7 20 11 10 28 9 22 3 6 20 15 0 2 10 4 4 4 0 31 1 1 10 9 6 17 5 6 3 9 4 5 1 6 22 3 1 20 1 11 7 6 1 1 2 3 2 1 8 3 4 3 3 2 0 0 1 0 Cum 2009 2,496 165 49 17 78 11 6 4 519 104 132 86 197 513 127 60 20 87 219 141 13 50 49 23 6 616 3 2 199 136 80 62 57 50 27 134 33 19 4 78 100 16 12 68 4 204 67 62 4 1 18 22 27 3 104 16 25 24 36 3 3 N Cum 2008 2,347 144 33 17 69 9 8 8 440 77 129 75 159 386 126 65 21 118 56 176 2 19 54 64 26 11 594 7 8 156 122 83 65 52 79 22 119 20 6 13 80 104 13 10 71 10 255 94 48 12 4 16 43 35 3 129 19 41 17 50 2 1 N
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
227,868 289,377 4,349 4,577 2,084 2,261 119 81 1,720 1,832 94 91 292 284 40 28 27,564 28,102 4,078 4,587 5,165 5,310 9,762 8,648 8,559 9,557 45,462 59,670 13,608 17,824 6,116 7,566 12,773 14,701 9,178 14,212 3,787 5,367 12,211 14,673 1,348 1,404 1,971 1,967 1,760 2,674 5,601 6,983 1,186 1,236 87 111 258 298 49,218 73,946 844 908 2,153 2,260 18,219 20,398 9,106 13,565 4,961 5,477 13,448 6,921 8,394 6,582 8,843 432 653 22,617 26,714 5,735 8,534 3,424 4,003 6,393 6,427 7,065 7,750 34,960 44,399 3,737 4,072 5,216 8,243 3,966 4,184 22,041 27,900 6,979 10,141 2,207 2,975 1,978 3,269 84 149 69 109 1,463 1,906 955 1,184 158 436 65 113 24,508 27,155 564 476 20,688 22,315 536 544 841 1,055 1,879 2,765 3 72 206 249 93 108
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Med: Median. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Data for H. influenzae (age <5 yrs for serotype b, nonserotype b, and unknown serotype) are available in Table I. Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
Max: Maximum.
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Hepatitis (viral, acute), by type A Current week 9 1 1 2 U 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 Previous 52 weeks Med 36 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 1 1 2 1 4 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 89 5 2 2 4 1 1 1 11 5 3 5 6 18 12 4 4 3 4 16 3 1 12 3 3 2 1 14 1 0 9 3 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 1 2 2 43 1 1 6 37 8 6 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 17 1 16 1 2 4 0 0 2 0 Cum 2009 1,615 82 18 1 47 7 7 2 221 48 44 70 59 220 95 15 60 35 15 108 32 7 18 28 20 3 361 3 U 163 49 36 25 48 33 4 38 10 8 11 9 154 8 3 3 140 138 64 42 3 6 10 6 5 2 293 3 233 5 15 37 18 Cum 2008 2,272 120 26 15 54 11 12 2 282 69 58 98 57 305 100 19 111 45 30 230 105 15 36 30 40 4 352 7 U 131 51 41 58 16 43 5 75 12 29 4 30 214 8 11 7 188 196 99 35 17 1 11 17 13 3 498 5 405 17 25 46 22 Current week 28 1 1 1 1 10 U U 5 1 2 1 1 5 4 1 5 3 2 6 3 2 1 B Previous 52 weeks Med 63 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 1 2 7 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 17 0 0 6 3 1 2 1 2 0 7 2 2 1 2 10 1 1 2 6 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Max 197 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 17 6 11 4 7 21 6 18 8 13 4 16 3 2 11 5 2 1 1 32 1 0 11 9 5 19 4 10 19 11 7 7 2 6 99 5 4 17 76 6 3 2 2 0 3 2 1 2 36 1 28 1 4 8 0 0 5 0 Cum 2009 2,663 36 12 13 8 3 259 63 47 56 93 326 69 51 104 76 26 150 27 5 26 71 19 2 788 U U 256 129 63 148 47 84 61 278 74 74 30 100 421 46 33 88 254 112 39 20 11 28 5 5 4 293 2 211 5 37 38 20 Cum 2008 3,285 71 25 10 21 8 4 3 386 106 56 89 135 453 167 40 125 106 15 73 20 7 10 29 6 1 813 U U 285 157 75 71 59 93 73 346 93 80 43 130 627 58 80 94 395 184 71 32 8 2 42 10 13 6 332 10 234 7 39 42 46 Current week 25 4 3 1 2 2 5 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 12 12 N Legionellosis Previous 52 weeks Med 54 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 15 2 5 3 6 9 1 1 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 0 3 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 150 16 5 3 9 2 12 1 68 13 29 20 25 33 10 4 11 17 2 7 2 1 4 5 2 3 1 19 5 2 10 5 11 6 1 5 2 12 2 3 2 9 21 1 2 2 19 8 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 12 1 9 1 2 4 0 0 1 0 Cum 2009 2,684 143 48 8 59 9 12 7 997 143 316 200 338 509 78 32 129 260 10 89 19 3 12 42 11 1 1 462 18 9 162 46 119 39 8 53 8 121 15 46 4 56 79 7 4 6 62 106 40 11 5 6 12 8 20 4 178 1 140 1 13 23 N 1 Cum 2008 2,725 185 37 10 77 25 31 5 923 132 308 122 361 604 108 50 163 246 37 130 20 2 19 66 20 3 427 11 15 124 36 120 33 11 50 27 104 16 49 1 38 85 13 9 10 53 78 18 12 3 4 9 9 23 189 1 148 8 16 16 N
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Data for acute hepatitis C, viral are available in Table I. Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
Med: Median.
Max: Maximum.
Vol. 58 / No. 45
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Lyme disease Current week 230 18 17 1 168 87 81 1 1 5 4 1 32 1 3 1 25 2 1 1 5 2 N 3 N N N Previous 52 weeks Med 441 63 0 9 22 10 0 5 248 37 73 2 56 16 1 1 1 0 14 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 12 0 1 0 25 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 1,863 419 50 76 282 84 78 38 1,401 373 1,368 23 630 208 11 6 10 5 190 336 14 2 326 2 3 10 1 230 64 5 12 6 120 14 3 61 33 2 1 1 0 2 21 0 0 2 21 13 2 1 2 13 2 1 1 1 13 1 10 0 4 12 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 26,350 5,054 805 2,789 930 188 342 15,345 3,961 3,774 194 7,416 2,058 116 57 104 49 1,732 225 88 14 94 10 18 1 3,360 886 19 105 47 1,569 58 30 492 154 28 2 1 25 40 40 50 6 6 12 3 12 5 4 2 190 2 143 N 32 13 N N N Cum 2008 29,964 10,840 3,677 782 4,381 1,516 121 363 11,888 3,285 4,308 746 3,549 2,229 105 40 81 45 1,958 867 105 15 727 6 11 3 3,826 707 67 74 34 1,995 35 25 763 126 43 9 5 1 28 110 3 107 48 8 3 9 4 11 8 3 2 113 6 64 N 33 10 N N N Current week 2 1 1 1 1 Malaria Previous 52 weeks Med 22 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 3 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 44 5 4 1 3 1 1 1 13 1 10 11 4 10 4 3 3 6 1 8 1 1 8 2 1 0 1 17 1 2 7 5 5 5 1 5 1 3 3 2 1 3 10 1 1 2 9 5 2 3 1 3 1 0 2 0 9 1 6 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 Cum 2009 1,003 38 5 2 22 3 4 2 254 1 43 163 47 132 52 15 25 33 7 58 10 4 24 12 7 1 291 5 6 82 63 58 21 4 50 2 27 8 9 1 9 41 4 3 1 33 26 8 8 1 5 4 136 2 101 1 11 21 3 Cum 2008 1,073 51 10 1 30 4 2 4 292 63 28 163 38 139 71 5 16 28 19 65 11 9 24 13 8 258 2 4 49 51 74 26 9 41 2 19 4 5 1 9 74 1 3 2 68 32 14 4 3 4 3 4 143 6 105 3 4 25 3 2 Meningococcal disease, invasive All groups Current week 17 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 4 3 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 Previous 52 weeks Med 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 48 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 4 9 6 3 5 3 2 9 1 2 4 3 1 3 1 9 1 0 4 2 1 5 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 12 2 3 3 9 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 14 2 8 1 6 6 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 753 27 3 4 12 3 4 1 82 8 19 15 40 125 30 30 18 37 10 60 8 8 11 22 8 1 2 137 4 48 29 9 19 11 12 5 29 8 4 3 14 75 9 11 12 43 56 13 18 7 4 4 3 2 5 162 6 104 4 35 13 Cum 2008 1,015 31 1 6 19 4 1 111 14 28 24 45 181 70 23 32 36 20 89 18 6 22 25 12 3 3 141 2 48 16 16 12 20 22 5 50 10 8 11 21 106 13 23 14 56 55 9 12 5 4 7 8 8 2 251 8 181 5 33 24 3
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Med: Median. Max: Maximum. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Data for meningococcal disease, invasive caused by serogroups A, C, Y, and W-135; serogroup B; other serogroup; and unknown serogroup are available in Table I. Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Pertussis Current week 108 22 10 3 9 12 2 9 1 11 1 1 9 15 7 3 5 6 1 1 4 36 32 4 5 5 1 1 Previous 52 weeks Med 278 12 0 1 7 1 0 0 22 3 5 0 12 61 13 5 11 21 3 34 5 4 0 20 3 0 0 32 0 0 10 3 2 0 4 3 0 14 4 4 1 3 64 6 2 0 52 18 3 5 1 0 0 1 4 0 23 1 7 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 Max 1,697 27 4 10 19 7 7 1 64 12 41 21 33 238 45 158 39 57 12 872 14 9 808 51 24 24 6 71 2 2 32 11 8 65 18 24 5 33 19 15 4 14 389 38 8 45 304 32 10 12 5 6 6 10 19 5 67 21 22 3 17 58 0 0 1 0 Cum 2009 11,927 522 37 74 307 66 28 10 979 151 210 79 539 2,591 545 257 691 968 130 1,502 175 142 165 829 135 26 30 1,435 13 3 485 180 110 223 221 172 28 669 258 201 50 160 2,581 251 90 74 2,166 763 173 220 65 52 24 55 154 20 885 37 351 25 228 244 1 Cum 2008 8,883 889 51 37 684 31 74 12 999 189 378 65 367 1,471 360 87 239 631 154 1,007 178 66 217 320 162 1 63 823 16 4 248 91 133 79 107 134 11 337 48 112 95 82 1,416 100 77 32 1,207 732 204 131 28 78 26 60 188 17 1,209 205 466 13 158 367 Current week 16 2 2 6 6 N 3 3 1 N 1 1 N 1 3 3 N N Rabies, animal Previous 52 weeks Med 64 6 2 1 0 0 1 1 11 0 7 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 7 2 0 10 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Max 140 24 22 4 0 7 6 4 23 0 22 3 17 19 9 6 6 5 0 18 3 6 11 5 6 9 4 111 0 0 95 72 15 4 0 26 6 6 0 4 1 4 13 10 0 13 1 6 0 0 0 4 1 2 1 4 12 2 12 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 Cum 2009 3,247 303 132 48 28 42 53 539 400 21 118 214 86 21 62 45 N 317 24 60 60 65 77 4 27 1,422 143 346 342 N 485 106 83 45 4 34 66 33 32 1 83 N 25 6 22 9 21 220 11 194 15 N 38 N Cum 2008 3,791 373 183 51 44 31 64 837 455 18 364 249 103 10 76 60 N 284 27 59 60 60 32 25 21 1,500 138 347 389 N 554 72 171 43 7 121 82 44 36 2 101 N 11 12 12 28 14 24 194 13 169 12 N 55 N Rocky Mountain spotted fever Current week 7 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 N N N N N N Previous 52 weeks Med 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 1 0 4 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 179 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 29 2 29 4 2 6 6 3 2 4 1 27 2 1 1 26 2 1 0 40 3 0 2 7 3 36 5 8 1 16 7 1 1 14 161 61 1 98 6 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 1,289 10 5 4 1 64 12 30 22 86 48 13 6 18 1 313 5 2 2 292 12 422 16 8 43 34 249 18 50 4 246 59 1 7 179 126 58 2 53 13 21 5 1 1 8 1 1 1 3 1 N 1 N N N N N Cum 2008 2,144 6 1 1 1 3 119 79 14 11 15 144 106 6 3 29 426 8 395 20 3 820 31 6 13 77 82 414 52 137 8 321 88 1 10 222 262 50 6 158 48 43 16 1 1 3 3 4 5 10 3 N N 3 N N N N
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
Med: Median.
Max: Maximum.
Vol. 58 / No. 45
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Salmonellosis Current week 619 30 19 1 10 23 2 21 27 1 9 9 8 294 1 205 15 17 37 12 7 22 4 5 13 86 6 18 62 14 1 9 3 1 123 82 2 5 34 Previous 52 weeks Med 873 30 0 2 21 3 2 1 91 13 23 21 29 91 24 6 18 28 12 48 8 6 11 12 5 0 2 262 2 0 115 39 15 18 16 20 4 54 16 9 14 15 103 12 10 13 57 54 19 12 3 2 4 5 6 1 125 1 95 5 8 11 0 0 8 0 Max 2,323 399 374 7 48 42 11 5 163 30 66 43 64 151 50 50 34 52 29 109 16 18 51 34 41 30 22 445 9 5 279 97 29 92 61 88 23 113 32 18 45 33 1,333 25 43 102 1,204 132 49 33 10 7 13 28 15 8 537 7 516 13 17 85 1 0 40 0 Cum 2009 38,816 1,822 374 112 942 228 110 56 4,255 530 1,162 1,041 1,522 4,133 1,121 334 825 1,289 564 2,269 349 269 521 588 321 65 156 11,497 123 23 5,622 2,109 676 961 903 886 194 2,594 683 409 783 719 4,241 558 599 571 2,513 2,521 866 553 155 96 223 286 263 79 5,484 63 4,167 215 363 676 363 Cum 2008 42,241 2,029 491 137 1,086 132 96 87 5,144 1,163 1,245 1,164 1,572 4,561 1,343 551 840 1,147 680 2,506 377 425 636 680 212 40 136 10,847 140 56 4,451 2,062 753 1,220 1,044 942 179 3,148 898 421 982 847 6,173 713 1,024 726 3,710 2,956 991 624 166 107 209 482 306 71 4,877 49 3,543 232 384 669 2 13 665 Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) Current week 32 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 2 7 6 1 7 4 3 3 1 2 7 1 6 Previous 52 weeks Med 84 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 1 3 1 1 14 2 1 3 3 3 11 2 0 2 2 2 0 0 13 0 0 3 1 2 2 0 3 0 4 1 1 0 2 5 1 0 0 4 10 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 5 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 Max 255 67 67 3 6 3 1 3 21 4 9 5 8 27 10 7 8 11 12 37 14 4 19 10 6 28 12 30 2 1 7 4 5 21 3 16 5 12 4 4 1 10 139 4 1 82 55 26 4 13 7 7 4 3 10 2 31 0 15 2 11 17 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 3,779 218 67 16 75 35 1 24 315 32 134 54 95 630 127 66 139 121 177 646 142 33 206 118 81 6 60 563 12 1 154 62 83 82 26 117 26 190 41 62 6 81 227 40 28 159 492 58 145 88 33 32 31 92 13 498 231 8 72 187 Cum 2008 4,518 234 47 22 102 25 8 30 422 124 157 50 91 797 130 82 198 179 208 745 196 48 172 141 140 2 46 727 11 6 132 81 120 93 40 212 32 259 60 94 4 101 332 52 8 45 227 570 57 192 133 32 16 48 79 13 432 6 203 13 61 149 Current week 157 13 5 2 6 10 10 33 3 29 1 38 8 11 6 3 10 10 1 4 5 33 3 2 28 2 2 18 14 4 1 Shigellosis Previous 52 weeks Med 298 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 57 12 4 9 27 52 10 1 5 25 7 19 1 3 2 8 0 0 0 45 2 0 9 13 6 5 3 5 0 14 3 2 1 7 52 7 2 5 34 22 16 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 25 0 20 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 Max 1,268 40 35 2 26 4 7 2 85 27 23 17 63 132 25 21 24 80 25 48 12 11 10 40 3 9 1 85 8 2 24 29 19 27 9 59 3 47 11 25 4 36 967 16 12 61 889 48 41 11 2 5 7 11 3 1 66 1 65 4 3 11 2 1 2 0 Cum 2009 Cum 2008
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
12,753 17,806 294 208 35 40 5 20 210 129 17 5 22 11 5 3 2,418 2,163 501 787 191 528 396 660 1,330 188 2,101 3,506 443 880 54 551 191 141 1,017 1,424 396 510 909 793 50 148 159 53 76 274 198 588 27 11 5 33 4 76 2,020 2,760 123 7 6 18 409 718 575 999 338 93 285 199 102 511 174 184 8 31 702 1,715 117 369 193 248 43 290 349 808 2,223 4,052 278 502 108 592 252 152 1,585 2,806 1,000 1,036 720 512 92 110 9 13 13 8 65 217 83 136 16 35 2 5 1,086 1,573 2 1 882 1,351 34 40 33 91 135 90 3 1 14 10 30
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Med: Median. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Includes E. coli O157:H7; Shiga toxin-positive, serogroup non-O157; and Shiga toxin-positive, not serogrouped. Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
Max: Maximum.
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Streptococcal diseases, invasive, group A Current week 32 4 4 6 3 3 1 1 2 2 10 2 1 3 4 5 N N 5 3 3 1 1 N N N N N Previous 52 weeks Med 102 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 20 3 7 4 6 17 5 2 3 4 2 6 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 22 0 0 6 5 3 2 1 3 1 3 0 1 0 3 8 0 0 3 5 10 3 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 239 28 21 2 10 4 2 3 43 7 25 12 18 42 12 23 11 13 11 37 0 5 34 8 3 4 3 49 1 3 12 13 12 12 5 9 4 10 0 5 0 9 79 3 3 20 59 22 7 7 2 0 1 7 6 1 9 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 4,383 259 72 17 107 34 11 18 879 124 286 165 304 786 221 124 125 192 124 354 37 161 80 40 15 21 1,007 10 12 247 241 169 86 63 143 36 172 N 33 N 139 391 17 11 123 240 389 128 121 10 N 5 72 52 1 146 31 N 115 N N N Cum 2008 4,752 335 91 26 157 24 24 13 947 170 294 177 306 873 231 116 160 237 129 343 36 154 84 37 10 22 991 8 14 231 222 171 125 65 120 35 168 N 36 N 132 442 11 17 99 315 505 178 127 16 N 12 117 49 6 148 34 N 114 N N 30 N Streptococcus pneumoniae, invasive disease, nondrug resistant Age <5 years Current week 29 6 4 2 N 2 2 5 N 5 4 N 1 2 1 N 1 N N 1 6 6 4 3 1 N 1 N 1 N N N N N Previous 52 weeks Med 33 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 5 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 3 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 122 12 11 1 4 2 1 1 33 4 17 31 2 18 5 13 5 6 3 11 0 1 10 4 1 3 2 18 0 0 6 6 7 0 6 4 3 7 0 0 2 6 46 4 3 7 34 16 10 4 2 0 1 4 5 0 4 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 1,468 51 5 30 11 1 4 212 38 105 69 N 222 23 32 57 65 45 134 N 79 32 11 5 7 277 N 61 75 66 N 40 23 12 85 N N 18 67 257 24 13 52 168 200 97 43 8 N 22 30 30 22 N 8 N N N N N Cum 2008 1,555 77 2 54 11 10 191 63 85 43 N 287 83 30 70 55 49 88 N 28 33 8 9 10 301 N 57 85 49 N 59 41 10 82 N N 9 73 252 12 13 60 167 234 103 53 5 N 3 33 35 2 43 26 N 17 N N N N N
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Med: Median. Max: Maximum. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Includes cases of invasive pneumococcal disease, in children aged <5 years, caused by S. pneumoniae, which is susceptible or for which susceptibility testing is not available (NNDSS event code 11717). Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
Vol. 58 / No. 45
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
Streptococcus pneumoniae, invasive disease, drug resistant All ages Current week 23 3 2 1 5 N 5 8 N 7 1 N N 4 N 3 1 2 2 N 1 N 1 N N N N Previous 52 weeks Med 59 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 11 0 3 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 26 0 0 15 8 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 276 48 48 2 1 3 6 2 14 0 10 4 8 41 0 32 2 18 0 161 0 5 156 5 1 3 2 53 2 0 36 25 1 0 0 0 13 25 0 5 3 23 6 5 5 0 0 7 0 0 1 1 4 1 5 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 2,347 49 16 3 5 13 12 154 69 6 79 525 N 176 23 326 105 38 53 2 10 2 1,122 18 N 658 349 4 N N 93 217 N 66 4 147 80 48 32 N 92 N 35 1 45 11 3 N 3 N N N Cum 2008 2,619 59 7 17 21 14 269 60 110 99 539 N 183 19 337 184 72 25 77 2 8 1,095 3 N 613 378 4 N N 97 278 N 67 35 176 82 14 68 N 111 N 51 59 1 2 N 2 N N N Current week 6 1 1 3 N 3 2 N 2 N N N N N N N N N Aged <5 years Previous 52 weeks Med 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 21 5 5 1 1 0 1 0 3 0 2 2 2 7 0 6 1 4 0 3 0 2 3 1 0 0 2 14 2 0 13 5 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 2 1 3 3 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 374 3 1 2 23 12 11 75 N 25 3 47 21 13 6 2 184 3 N 110 63 N N 8 31 N 8 3 20 16 11 5 N 19 N 7 10 2 2 N 2 N N N Cum 2008 431 10 2 6 2 25 7 2 16 74 N 23 2 49 37 6 25 3 3 202 N 120 69 1 N N 12 54 N 11 12 31 12 3 9 N 15 N 5 10 2 N 2 N N N Syphilis, primary and secondary Current week 66 7 7 19 1 2 9 7 2 2 18 2 1 7 7 1 8 4 4 8 7 1 4 2 1 1 2 Previous 52 weeks Med 260 5 1 0 4 0 0 0 35 4 2 22 7 22 7 2 3 6 1 6 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 64 0 3 19 14 6 9 2 7 0 22 8 1 4 8 46 4 6 1 31 8 3 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 44 0 40 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 Max 452 15 5 1 10 2 5 2 50 13 8 40 13 43 31 10 18 19 4 11 2 3 4 7 3 1 1 262 3 8 32 227 16 21 6 15 2 36 18 10 16 15 80 35 40 7 51 18 9 4 1 7 10 5 2 1 68 0 61 3 4 7 0 0 17 0 Cum 2009 11,027 277 49 2 200 13 13 1,577 192 101 968 316 952 318 131 205 266 32 264 18 26 63 136 16 4 1 2,764 27 144 852 660 253 457 101 266 4 984 371 59 188 366 1,915 227 305 55 1,328 353 145 70 3 1 87 44 3 1,941 1,760 27 35 119 195 Cum 2008 11,263 277 29 10 194 19 17 8 1,467 193 119 924 231 1,092 456 115 167 298 56 362 15 26 100 208 13 2,466 14 125 903 583 289 243 77 221 11 975 389 76 148 362 1,991 150 591 70 1,180 532 275 122 7 70 35 20 3 2,101 1 1,894 23 22 161 138
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Med: Median. Max: Maximum. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Includes cases of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by drug-resistant S. pneumoniae (DRSP) (NNDSS event code 11720). Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
TABLE II. (Continued) Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, United States, weeks ending November 14, 2009, and November 8, 2008 (45th week)*
West Nile virus disease Varicella (chickenpox) Current week 109 12 N N 12 70 5 21 43 1 1 N 1 N 17 1 9 N N N 7 N N N 9 9 N N N N N Previous 52 weeks Med 415 8 0 0 0 4 0 0 35 0 0 0 35 152 32 5 44 40 10 15 0 3 0 9 0 0 0 37 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 10 8 8 0 0 0 88 1 1 0 85 26 0 11 0 0 0 1 9 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 0 Max 1,035 45 21 12 2 11 1 16 57 0 0 0 57 254 73 30 87 91 55 114 0 22 0 51 0 108 2 146 2 3 67 0 0 0 54 119 32 28 28 0 2 0 747 30 7 0 721 71 0 33 0 20 0 20 32 1 7 6 0 4 0 0 0 1 26 0 Cum 2009 15,046 296 69 2 178 4 43 1,363 N N 1,363 5,503 1,355 348 1,637 1,730 433 772 N 183 515 N 57 17 1,722 12 12 1,060 N N N 154 28 456 377 372 N 5 N 3,822 115 76 N 3,631 1,103 466 N 105 N 134 398 88 53 35 N N N 401 Cum 2008 25,443 1,478 756 233 224 265 2,088 N N 2,088 6,494 1,187 2,621 1,948 738 1,071 N 385 635 N 51 4,148 44 21 1,422 N N N 773 1,282 606 1,025 1,012 N 13 N 7,133 663 69 N 6,401 1,887 769 N 273 N 200 635 10 119 60 59 N N N 62 515 Current week Neuroinvasive Previous 52 weeks Med 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 5 0 1 1 2 2 0 3 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 1 5 1 16 1 2 2 13 10 4 7 1 1 2 2 0 1 11 0 7 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 329 7 2 3 2 5 4 1 24 4 1 3 10 6 9 2 4 3 35 3 29 3 99 4 7 6 82 68 12 35 2 2 7 6 4 82 56 1 25 Cum 2008 685 7 5 1 1 49 5 24 8 12 44 12 3 11 14 4 51 3 14 2 12 7 2 11 20 4 3 4 6 2 1 48 11 3 22 12 68 7 17 4 40 102 61 17 4 9 5 6 296 291 3 2 Current week Nonneuroinvasive Previous 52 weeks Med 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 8 1 2 1 0 6 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 1 6 0 4 2 4 15 2 14 2 1 1 1 0 2 11 0 6 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 Cum 2009 274 1 1 2 2 60 5 6 3 31 1 14 3 1 2 25 21 4 29 6 2 21 94 6 64 6 3 5 2 8 60 43 6 11 Cum 2008 665 3 3 20 4 7 7 2 20 8 1 6 1 4 133 3 17 8 3 39 35 28 20 1 4 4 8 1 1 1 57 7 43 7 62 2 31 5 24 184 52 54 35 5 7 3 20 8 166 152 13 1
Reporting area United States New England Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Mid. Atlantic New Jersey New York (Upstate) New York City Pennsylvania E.N. Central Illinois Indiana Michigan Ohio Wisconsin W.N. Central Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota S. Atlantic Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia West Virginia E.S. Central Alabama Kentucky Mississippi Tennessee W.S. Central Arkansas Louisiana Oklahoma Texas Mountain Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Utah Wyoming Pacific Alaska California Hawaii Oregon Washington American Samoa C.N.M.I. Guam Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands
C.N.M.I.: Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. U: Unavailable. : No reported cases. N: Not reportable. Cum: Cumulative year-to-date counts. Med: Median. Max: Maximum. * Incidence data for reporting year 2009 is provisional. Data for HIV/AIDS, AIDS, and TB, when available, are displayed in Table IV, which appears quarterly. Updated weekly from reports to the Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases (ArboNET Surveillance). Data for California serogroup, eastern equine, Powassan, St. Louis, and western equine diseases are available in Table I. Not reportable in all states. Data from states where the condition is not reportable are excluded from this table, except starting in 2007 for the domestic arboviral diseases and influenza-associated pediatric mortality, and in 2003 for SARS-CoV. Reporting exceptions are available at Contains data reported through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).
Vol. 58 / No. 45
TABLE III. Deaths in 122 U.S. cities,* week ending November 14, 2009 (45th week)
All causes, by age (years) Reporting area All Ages 65 4564 2544 124 <1 P&I Total Reporting area All Ages All causes, by age (years) 65 4564 2544 124 <1 P&I Total
New England 494 342 102 31 7 12 43 S. Atlantic 1,098 702 282 68 27 19 65 Boston, MA 136 90 27 12 3 4 12 Atlanta, GA 131 77 36 14 2 2 Bridgeport, CT 25 18 6 1 1 Baltimore, MD 136 67 42 13 11 3 16 Cambridge, MA 16 12 3 1 Charlotte, NC 96 69 20 5 1 1 11 Fall River, MA 30 23 5 2 4 Jacksonville, FL 152 91 45 8 6 2 8 Hartford, CT U U U U U U U Miami, FL 114 83 24 5 1 1 4 Lowell, MA 16 12 3 1 3 Norfolk, VA 13 7 3 2 1 Lynn, MA 10 8 1 1 Richmond, VA 60 38 16 1 1 4 5 New Bedford, MA 21 18 2 1 2 Savannah, GA 58 45 11 2 8 New Haven, CT 28 17 8 1 2 2 St. Petersburg, FL 53 38 10 3 1 1 2 Providence, RI 75 54 12 7 1 1 Tampa, FL 181 120 48 10 2 1 9 Somerville, MA 2 1 1 Washington, D.C. 92 60 22 5 2 3 2 Springfield, MA 44 24 13 2 1 4 6 Wilmington, DE 12 7 5 Waterbury, CT 32 19 13 3 E.S. Central 742 460 209 42 16 14 68 Worcester, MA 59 46 8 4 1 10 Birmingham, AL 134 90 31 6 2 4 11 Mid. Atlantic 1,824 1,309 375 89 33 18 91 Chattanooga, TN 64 37 21 5 1 7 Albany, NY 39 23 10 6 5 Knoxville, TN 113 75 27 7 1 3 9 Allentown, PA 26 21 4 1 1 Lexington, KY 65 37 20 5 2 1 4 Buffalo, NY 79 58 19 2 11 Memphis, TN 148 91 44 5 4 4 19 Camden, NJ 34 21 6 4 1 2 Mobile, AL 31 20 9 2 4 Elizabeth, NJ 21 14 5 2 Montgomery, AL 35 24 8 3 3 Erie, PA 48 35 11 2 3 Nashville, TN 152 86 49 9 7 1 11 Jersey City, NJ 37 26 8 3 2 W.S. Central 1,449 868 362 147 31 41 103 New York City, NY 999 715 208 44 21 11 43 Austin, TX 93 52 27 8 1 5 10 Newark, NJ 37 20 9 6 2 1 Baton Rouge, LA 83 46 19 10 3 5 2 Paterson, NJ 4 2 2 Corpus Christi, TX 58 36 18 3 1 4 Philadelphia, PA 133 86 34 9 3 1 2 Dallas, TX 189 118 42 14 6 9 15 Pittsburgh, PA 25 16 6 1 2 1 El Paso, TX 68 44 11 11 1 1 5 Reading, PA 30 25 4 1 4 Fort Worth, TX U U U U U U U Rochester, NY 130 100 22 6 2 5 Houston, TX 544 309 146 64 14 11 39 Schenectady, NY 17 14 3 1 Little Rock, AR 87 47 28 8 2 2 7 Scranton, PA 29 19 9 1 New Orleans, LA U U U U U U U Syracuse, NY 73 63 6 2 2 5 San Antonio, TX 206 133 45 20 2 6 11 Trenton, NJ 18 15 3 1 Shreveport, LA 12 10 1 1 Utica, NY 22 16 4 2 5 Tulsa, OK 109 73 25 8 2 1 10 Yonkers, NY 23 20 2 1 1 Mountain 1,048 707 227 62 23 22 70 E.N. Central 1,596 1,063 380 92 24 37 127 Albuquerque, NM 110 75 26 5 2 2 10 Akron, OH 53 30 17 3 1 2 12 Boise, ID 64 42 15 5 1 1 7 Canton, OH 35 24 8 2 1 4 Colorado Springs, CO 53 43 5 4 4 Chicago, IL U U U U U U U Denver, CO 90 53 21 8 3 5 8 Cincinnati, OH U U U U U U U Las Vegas, NV 189 125 47 11 4 2 9 Cleveland, OH 278 187 70 13 4 4 25 Ogden, UT 39 30 7 2 Columbus, OH 178 115 39 17 2 5 14 Phoenix, AZ 167 92 49 11 6 6 13 Dayton, OH 145 104 31 9 1 8 Pueblo, CO 34 28 4 2 1 Detroit, MI 152 88 44 12 3 5 6 Salt Lake City, UT 126 87 26 7 4 2 10 Evansville, IN 48 39 8 1 3 Tucson, AZ 176 132 27 7 3 4 8 Fort Wayne, IN 56 38 14 2 2 6 Pacific 1,419 953 332 73 45 16 155 Gary, IN 15 7 6 1 1 Berkeley, CA 9 5 3 1 Grand Rapids, MI 64 42 13 3 1 5 7 Fresno, CA U U U U U U U Indianapolis, IN 187 119 47 11 3 7 10 Glendale, CA 36 34 2 8 Lansing, MI 40 35 4 1 Honolulu, HI 53 36 12 3 1 1 3 Milwaukee, WI 75 49 14 5 4 3 5 Long Beach, CA 67 44 17 1 3 2 8 Peoria, IL 49 34 11 2 1 1 5 Los Angeles, CA 237 139 59 22 14 3 35 Rockford, IL 60 43 14 1 1 1 3 Pasadena, CA U U U U U U U South Bend, IN 33 22 8 2 1 3 Portland, OR 113 68 33 1 10 1 10 Toledo, OH 63 43 12 7 1 7 Sacramento, CA 177 122 41 11 3 27 Youngstown, OH 65 44 20 1 9 San Diego, CA 152 110 31 7 3 1 17 W.N. Central 696 454 161 49 18 13 51 San Francisco, CA 101 68 25 7 1 11 Des Moines, IA 139 97 28 10 2 2 18 San Jose, CA 174 128 34 6 5 1 10 Duluth, MN 33 21 11 1 2 Santa Cruz, CA 31 22 6 2 1 2 Kansas City, KS 16 6 7 3 1 Seattle, WA 89 48 25 7 4 5 8 Kansas City, MO 92 61 22 6 3 4 Spokane, WA 78 61 14 3 11 Lincoln, NE 33 23 8 1 1 1 Tacoma, WA 102 68 30 3 1 5 Minneapolis, MN 89 57 23 5 1 3 7 Total 10,366 6,858 2,430 653 224 192 773 Omaha, NE 87 62 16 6 1 2 7 St. Louis, MO 89 40 25 11 7 5 4 St. Paul, MN 56 43 11 1 1 4 Wichita, KS 62 44 10 5 3 3 U: Unavailable. :No reported cases. * Mortality data in this table are voluntarily reported from 122 cities in the United States, most of which have populations of >100,000. A death is reported by the place of its occurrence and by the week that the death certificate was filed. Fetal deaths are not included. Pneumonia and influenza. Because of changes in reporting methods in this Pennsylvania city, these numbers are partial counts for the current week. Complete counts will be available in 4 to 6 weeks. Total includes unknown ages.
The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Series is prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and is available free of charge in electronic format. To receive an electronic copy each week, visit MMWRs free subscription page at Paper copy subscriptions are available through the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; telephone 202-512-1800. Data presented by the Notifiable Disease Data Team and 122 Cities Mortality Data Team in the weekly MMWR are provisional, based on weekly reports to CDC by state health departments. Address all inquiries about the MMWR Series, including material to be considered for publication, to Editor, MMWR Series, Mailstop E-90, CDC, 1600 Clifton Rd., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30333 or to All material in the MMWR Series is in the public domain and may be used and reprinted without permission; citation as to source, however, is appreciated. Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. References to non-CDC sites on the Internet are provided as a service to MMWR readers and do not constitute or imply endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CDC is not responsible for the content of these sites. URL addresses listed in MMWR were current as of the date of publication.
ISSN: 0149-2195