Midterm Test
Midterm Test
Midterm Test
My family
Wahyuningsih = mom
Nursi Nasrudin= Dady
Eko Wahyu
Tell me about your friends….
1. Make a description of your friend (no 1)
She is my mother. She is the most beautiful woman in the world to me.
She is a gentle person and loves her children very much.
She is the best mother to me. She is old. She has a slim body shape and
medium height.
She has an oval face with slightly drooping eyes.
She has long black hair with a straight hairstyle.
She has a tan skin tone. She lives in Bekasi Indonesia.
“In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a
result of eating too much fast food. It is, therefore, necessary for governments to impose a higher
tax on this kind of food.”
Do you agree or disagree if the government should raise the fast food tax?
I do not agree with the government's policy of raising high taxes on fast food. Why? Yes,
because it will have no effect. Check out the MC Donalds event where they made BTS their brand
ambassador. Not in a long time, in just 5 hours, all MC Donalds stores throughout Indonesia were
raided just to buy MC Donalds, even though the price was quite expensive. And indeed, most people
still eat fast food even though the price is quite expensive. Because of practicality, the savory taste is
delicious and delicious. Therefore, even raising high taxes will not have a big effect.
Indeed, fast food is not good and very bad for health condition of the body. According to
research conducted by doctors on the Alodokter website, “Fast food is food that is very easy and fast
to process as a substitute for home food. Besides being high in calories, these foods also contain a lot
of sugar, fat (especially cholesterol), and salt.
If eaten occasionally, these ready-to-eat foods may still be safe for health. However, if
consumed in large quantities or frequently, such as at muk bang events, these ready-to-eat foods can
be harmful to health. Some fast-food restaurants even use vegetable oils that contain lots of trans oil or
saturated fat to fry their food. In fact, the oil is not good for the body because it can increase the risk of
heart disease and stroke.
People who have high blood pressure and diabetes are advised to be very careful with fast
food. This is because the fat content in these foods is quite high. Not only can it increase your risk of
heart disease and stroke, but there are also many dangers that fast food can pose to your body."
But even though it is very dangerous, people still eat it because of its practicality. Perhaps the
solution for the government is to build comparable restaurants such as warteg, nasi Padang, Sundanese
stalls, etc., throughout Indonesia. then education about healthy lifestyles to the community. Even if it
is possible to make policies related to the use of ingredients in fast food to make it healthier and good
enough to be consumed again.
This film tells the story of an English teacher who lives a gloomy, quiet life, lacks
enthusiasm for life, and is very frustrated after the death of his beloved wife. It is said that he
got a Chinese student who was not fluent in English named Jin. He teaches English with great
patience and pleasure so that Jin, his student, feels good at speaking English. It is known that
Jin learned English because he wanted to apologize to Roberth but could not, and he was afraid
that Robert would not accept this fact. Twice’s plot here is that Robert and Jin are neighbors
until Jin moves into an apartment because of his regrets. The incident happened while Jin was
driving but he did not realize a woman was riding a bicycle and hit him. Jin did not help him and
that was his biggest regret. Jin wanted to make Roberth happy and cheerful again and thought
Robert as his English teacher and his best friend until one-day Roberth asked why he paid me
more. then Jin replied that it was because Robert was his best friend.
Until one day Jin sent an email containing his regrets and apologies. The message
implied in this film is the responsibility to dare to be responsible, then money will not return to
people who have died. But a smile can bring back the lost spirit. Regret always comes later if it
comes early, it is not regret but preparation. Overall, I give this film an 8.5 rating because there
are many philosophies and life motivations that can be taken.