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CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children.

Theory Assessment

Imagine Education
Student Assessment Cover

Course Code CHC50113 Course Name: Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Unit Code CHCECE026 Unit Name: Work in partnership with families to provide
appropriate education and care for children

Due Date ________________ Assessment Name Theory Assessment

Student No. 171086 Student Name Mírian Fernandes Queiroz
Student Phone 0478816931 Student Email mirian_feiroz@hotmail.com

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CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Imagine Education
Theory Assessment

Course: CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

Unit Code: CHCECE026
Unit Title: Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children

001 Family/Educator Relationships and Healthy Child Development

Required Readings

To complete this task you will need to read your text book:

 Kearns, K. (2017). Frameworks for Learning and Development (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest: Pearson
Australia. .

Chapter1: Frameworks for Learning

You will also need to access the following readings:

 Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2018). Education and Care Services National

Regulations. https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/regulation/2011/653
 Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2018). National Quality Standard and
Assessment and Rating .ACT: Commonwealth of Australia

 National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2004). Young children develop in an environment
of relationships. Working Paper No. 1. Retrieved from http://www.developingchild.net

 Kearns. K, (2014). Guiding Principles of the National Quality Framework. Retrieved from

 Kearns. K, (2013). Blue Bay Early Learning Centre Philosophy. Retrieved from https://51b38176-b031-

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Theory Assessment Task 001 – Question 1

Required Reading

To complete this task, refer to the following reading:

 Kearns. K, (2014). Guiding Principles of the National Quality Framework

Question 1a.

One of the key principles of the National Quality Framework includes:

 ‘The role of parents and families is respected and supported’

Explain the importance of this principle in relation to the provision of quality services for young
children and their families.

Early childhood programs recognise the family, and relationships within the family, as critical to healthy
child development. Positive relationships between educators and children and between educators and
families are key indicators of quality care. Strong, resilient families are the cornerstone of strong, resilient
communities. Early childhood education and care can contribute to the building of social capital by
providing programs that strengthen family functioning. The long-term wellbeing of individuals and
communities can be enhanced by promoting inclusive programs that value families as equal partners in
early childhood programs.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Question 1b.

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child. (2004:1Young children develop in an environment of
relationships. Working Paper No. 1, believes that ‘Young children experience their world as an
environment of relationships, and these relationships affect virtually all aspects of their development.’

What rationale is provided to support this statement?

The quality and stability of a child’s human relationships in the early years lay the foundation for a wide range of
later developmental outcomes that really matter – self-confidence and sound mental health, motivation to learn,
achievement in school and later in life, the ability to control aggressive impulses and resolve conflicts in
nonviolent ways, knowing the difference between right and wrong, having the capacity to develop and sustain
casual friendships and intimate relationships, and ultimately to be a successful parent oneself.

Required Reading

To complete this task you will need to read your text book:
 Kearns. K, (2014). Guiding Principles of the National Quality Framework. Retrieved from

 Chapter 1 Frameworks for Learning

Question 1c.

List the characteristics of partnerships that contribute to positive relationships with parents

 valuing the parents as the primary educator

 Mutual respect

 Working towards sharing goals

 Mutual cooperation

 Considering the views of others

 Open, two-way communication

 Ensuring an equal balance of power in the relationship

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

 Acknowledging the common goal of ensuring the best possible outcomes for the child.

 Sharing information about the child

Required Readings

To complete this task, refer to the following reading:

 Kearns. K, (2013). Blue Bay Early Learning Centre Philosophy.

Question 2.

Explain how the Blue Bay Centre Philosophy recognises and supports the importance of working in
partnership with families?

The Blue Bay Centre Philosophy recognise that each child and family is unique and has their own values,
beliefs and customs.

They acknowledge that the family is the first and most important influence on the child and are committed to
supporting each family in their parenting role and in building strong and respectful relationships with each family.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

002 Communicating and supporting families

Required Readings

To complete this task you will need to read your text book and access the following readings:


 Kearns, K. (2017). Frameworks for Learning and Development (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest: Pearson

Chapter1: Frameworks for Learning

Chapter 2: Designing Learning Environments

Core Documents

 Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2018). Education and Care Services National

Regulations. https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/regulation/2011/653

 *Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2018). National Quality Standard

and Assessment and Rating .ACT: Commonwealth of Australia


Additional Readings for this Unit

 Kearns. K, (2013). Blue Bay Early Learning Centre Philosophy. Retrieved from https://51b38176-

 Cavner, D. (2010) When concerns arise: Talking to parents about their child’s development.
Exchange Essentials Sept/Oct Retrieved from www.childcareexchange.com

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Theory Assessment Task 002 – Question 1

Required Readings

To complete this task refer to the following reading.

 When concerns arise: Talking to parents about their child’s development: Cavner,D. (2010)

Question 1a.

Cavner suggests that there are number of barriers that both educators and parents face when
discussing concerns about a child’s development. Describe the three key barriers included in the

Fear: It can be difficult for parents to hear unpleasant news about their child. What if there is something
wrong? The parent may try to avoid all conversations with you, believing they can delay the
uncomfortable news. The parent may appear to be in a hurry when dropping off and picking up their child or they
may send another adult to do the job. The teacher has fears, too. There is the fear of having to engage in an
uncomfortable conversation. What if the parent gets mad at me? What if she yells at me or cries? Uncomfortable
feelings can cause us to avoid the situation altogether. The situation may be avoided until the situation can no
longer be ignored. By this time there can be built-up anxiety and feelings of despair.

Defensiveness: Parents naturally want to protect and defend their children. When uncomfortable information is
shared with parents about their child, their first response may be defensiveness. They may respond in a negative
manner or give you some illogical reason for their child’s behavior. They may interpret your words as an attack on
their parenting. On several occasions when I have shared observations of the child’s behavior, I have had parents
tell me they are not concerned because this is how they behaved as a child or that the parenting style they are
using is the same that their own parents used and they turned out fine. When the parent begins to make these
types of statements, they are personalizing the information and it will be difficult to move forward. The child care
professional may also become defensive. If a parent challenges the teacher’s observations of their child or the
information they are sharing, the teacher may feel they need to defend their knowledge and teaching
competence. Teachers may use professional jargon to prove to the parent that they are educated and know what
they are talking about.

Anger: Uncomfortable feelings can turn to anger. A parent’s feelings of fear and/or defensiveness can manifest in
angry outbursts. On one occasion, a mother responded to a teacher’s concerns about her child’s behavior by
sending the father to the center to ‘chew out’ the teacher. Feelings of anger can build within the child care
professional, too. Teachers may feel angry at having to be in the uncomfortable position of having to speak to a

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

parent. There may also be feelings of anger towards the situation as the child continues to create havoc and
disrupt the class.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Question 1b.

List the steps suggested by Cavner that may contribute to positive communication with parents.

1. Institute a Parent Involvement Plan

2. Validate the parent’s role: When speaking with a parent, it is important to remind them of the positive
effect they have on their child.

3. Provide proof: When there is a need to speak to a parent about a child’s behavior or development,
provide support for what you are saying

4. 4. Be positive: Every parent wants to know that their child is liked, loved, and wanted. If you, the child care
professional, appear to be disappointed or cold when Johnny comes to school, you may be sending the
message that you do not care.

5. Help the parent be successful: By giving parents the right tools, you can help them to be consistent with
what is being provided in the classroom.

6. Create a safe place: Prioritize your conversations with families.

7. Use open communication: Good communication skills will help the parent feel more comfortable.

8. Availability of resources: As I worked alongside teachers to find solutions to what seems like an increasing
number of children with challenging behaviors, we decided to make this a focus for our program.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Theory Assessment Task 002 – Question 2

My name is Paul.
“I am a widower. My wife died 4months ago of breast cancer. I have a 1year old daughter and a 3 year old
son. I currently work Part-time I am finding it difficult to cope.”

Question 2a.

Paul has stated that he is finding it difficult to cope.

What support could an educator offer him?

Paul, you have been strong and playing a huge role on your chidren’s life by supporting them
and showing them your love and affection through your hard work and dedication. It’s isn’t
easy though as a widower. I want to let you know that as educator I am here to support you and your
children to come through this tough time and help them to achieve their goals. If there is anything that
you need, let me know and I will find a way to help you.

Question 2b.

What questions could the educator ask Paul to gather more information?

Is there any specific situation that you are finding difficult to cope?

Have you noticed any change on you children’s behaviour at home that is making you be concerned

Are you experiencing any financial difficulty?

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Theory Assessment Task 002 – Question 3

My name is Rhonda.
“I am a single parent. I have twins girls aged 2 years and a son aged 4 years. My partner is the father of
the twins and he is in jail for repeated physical abuse of me and my son. My son has been in foster care
for 3 months. My son gets very angry. The welfare thinks I am a bad mother.”

Question 3a.

Rhonda has discussed her situation with an educator.

What support could the educator offer her?

Rhonda, I can tell that you and your children have been through a really tough times. First for
being physically abused and second for been having your son away from you. It explains your
son’s anger. As educator I am here to support your children’s development. We can work together to
make a plan and support you son’s emotional and psychological development through specialists
meetings. It is very important that we find together the best way to help your children to overcome
these problems.

Question 3b.
What questions could the educator ask Rhonda to gather more information?

Is there any particular thing that you have been struggling with and would like to be helped on?

Which situations make your son gets angry at?

How do you usually settle him down when he is angry?

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

What makes you son happy?

Theory Assessment Task 002 – Question 4

My name is Adanna
“I arrived in Australia 6 months ago with my husband and children. We are resettled refugees from Sudan.
Our country has been at war for many years. My sister and her family were killed by the soldiers. I have 3
children; 1, 2 & 3 years old. We do not speak much English. We need care for our children while we go to
English classes.”

Question 4a.

“My children have never been to a child care centre, what can I expect?”

How could the educator respond to this statement?

I could first of all make sure that there is a possible communication between them and I, if
necessary I could request a translator support. Then I could get them for a walk in the centre
and let them know about the centres routines, what are the educators for each age group related to
their childrens age. I could let them know that my role as educator is to provide care and conditions for
their children’s development in all of the areas of development by taking their background as reference
and by respecting all their needs and culture. I would tell the parents that they play an important role in
their children’s development and success and through a partnership between educators and family it
becomes possible to achieve the best results for their childrens development and success.

I would also let them know that all staff are in the centre to support them at any time and to help them
to settle in and facilitate the communication as English is not their first language.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Question 4b.

What questions could the educator ask Adanna to gather more information?

What are your chidrens routine in regards to their sleep routine?

Do they have any specific dietery requirements?

Is there any cultural consideration that a should know to help and incorporate in our learning

Is there any particular information related to your children that I should know to better help them to

Do you have any concern or question related to the centre’s routine?

Question 4c.

To support Adanna, what information could you provide to this family in their home language?

Centre’s sleep, food, arrival and collections routine.

Medical conditions management.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

003 Community services and resources

Required Readings

 To complete this task you will need to read your text book


 Kearns, K. (2017). Frameworks for Learning and Development (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest: Pearson
Australia. .

Chapter1: Frameworks for Learning

Chapter 2: Designing Learning Environments

Core Documents

 Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2018). Education and Care Services National

Regulations. https://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/#/view/regulation/2011/653

 Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2018). National Quality Standard
and Assessment and Rating .ACT: Commonwealth of Australia
 Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority. (2018). Operational Requirements

Additional Readings for this Unit

 Kearns. K, (2013). Blue Bay Early Learning Centre Philosophy.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Theory Assessment Task 003 –Project Task 1

Project Task 1 – Community Services and Resources

Online resources can often be useful tools to help educators better inform and support parents.
For this task you are required to access and investigate the following website:
Raising Children Network:

Part A Website Investigation

Navigate the website and describe the content of the website and its relevance to supporting parents
(including parents whose first language is not English, and/or parents with poor literacy skills) in the
parenting role.

Part B Newsletter Article

Prepare a page one article for a parent newsletter based on one area of the website which can be
shared with families

Document your responses on the attached ‘Part A Website Investigation’ and ‘Part B

Newsletter Article’ Templates.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Theory Assessment Task 003 – Project Task 1 - Community Services and Resources


Website Content
Raising Children Network wedsite provide up-to-date, evidence-based, scientifically validated
information about raising children and caring for yourself as a parent or carer. It contains
information related to newborn untill grown up, including autism and desability.

Relevance to Supporting Parents in the Parenting Role (Including parents with ESL and/or poor
literacy skills)
Based on the evidence, they describe and explain various parenting methods and options and let
people choose for themselves, depending on what suits their circumstances. They give people tools
and practical ideas to apply in their own situations – They don’t tell them what to do.

They gather this information and translate it into everyday language with plenty of real-life

Theory Assessment Task 003 – Project Task 1 - Community Services and Resources


CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Find attached

Theory Assessment Task 004
CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

During the programming cluster you were required to create a parent questionnaire to find out
about their child’s interests, needs, strengths, family background, cultural practices, information
about the child’s first language and any other information which might guide your program
planning. You issue this questionnaire to the families in your room. Please complete the following
template for each questionnaire. If you have not completed the programming cluster, you will be
required to create the parent questionnaire. Please keep a copy of the questionnaires to submit
as part of your programming cluster. You may need to ask your workplace supervisor to assist in
getting families to complete the parent questionnaire. (provide a copy of the questionnaire you
created and attach to this assessment. )

Question 1.

What strategies did you use to get families to complete the questionaries?

I handed a copy of the questionnaire to the parents and explained its purpose which was to support the
child’s development programming. I set a deadline of three days for them to return the questionnaire to
me or to the room leader educator.

CHCECE026 Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate education and care for children. Theory Assessment

Theory Assessment Task 004 –

Parent Questionaire

Identify what goals you could set from the questionnaire for the child in relation to the child’s
strengths, needs and interests
Based on his interest for trucks and machines and ‘the wheels on the bus’ song and needs related
to communications skills, the main goal for him will be develop his communication skills through
activities liked to his interests. He will be encouraged to use his words to express his ideas and likes
according to the set up activity.

Identify what considerations you need to make to the program in relation to the child’s culture

This child doesn’t have any cultural considerations or significant events to be incorporated to his
learning environment.

Based on the family’s home language what changes would you recommend to the service in
relation to the information provided to families
Their parents have English as their first language (home language), so there is no need to make any
changes to provide them information.
Are there any community services that you would recommend to the family?

I would recommend the Springbrook Wildlife Appreciation Group (SWAG) for the outdoors
activities in family.
How would you discuss these recommendations with the family?

Through a relaxed approach during the drop off time, after the weekend. By asking them how their
weekend looked like.
What strategies would you use to facilitate shared decision making with the family?

I could ask the family to provide feedback about children’s experience and ask their suggestions
about services routines and activities as well as their aims or goals that they would like to see their
child achieving throughout the year. I could also give them feedback about the child’s learning.


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