Auditing Theory Test Bank
Auditing Theory Test Bank
Auditing Theory Test Bank
18. The most difficult type of misstatement to detect 25. What assurance is provided by the practitioner in
is fraud based on an agreed-upon procedures engagement?
a) The over-recording of transactions a) Reasonable
b) The non-recording of transactions b) Absolute
c) Recorded transactions in subsidiaries c) Moderate
d) Related party receivables d) No assurance
referred to as
a) Special purpose financial statements
b) Special purpose framework
c) General purpose financial statements
31. An auditor is required to obtain an understanding d) Specific purpose financial statements
of the entity's business, including business cycles
and reasons for business fluctuations. What is the
audit purpose most directly served by obtaining this
a) To enable the auditor to accurately identify
38. An auditor plans to apply substantive tests to the
significant deficiencies in internal control
details of asset and liability accounts as of an interim
b) To assist the auditor in accurately
date rather than as of the balance sheet date. The
interpreting information obtained during an
auditor should be aware that this practice
a) Eliminates the use of certain statistical sampling
c) To allow the auditor to more accurately perform
methods that would otherwise be available
tests of controls
b) Presumes that the auditor will reperform the tests
d) To decide whether it will be necessary to perform
of the balance sheet date
analytical procedures
c) Should be especially considered when there are
rapidly changing economic conditions
32. Which of the following is not true about the
d) Potentially increases the risk that errors
report release date?
that exist at the balance sheet date will not be
a) It is defined as the date after which existing
documentation must not be deleted, and
additions to the documentation file must be
39. Close family include the following, except
documented as such
a) Parent
b) It is often the date on which the report is delivered
b) Sibling
to the client
c) Non-dependent child
c) It is the date on which the auditor grants the client
d) Spouse
permission to use the report
d) It is used to define the beginning of the retention
40. A computer-assisted audit technique that is most
likely to be effective in a continuous auditing
environment is
33. An auditor should not issue a report on a) Parallel simulation
a) Quarterly financial information b) Controlled reprocessing
b) Internal control c) Embedded audit modules
c) Management performance d) Transaction tripping
d) The achievability of forecasts
41. Which of the following is not prohibited by the
34. Which of the following procedures would an
Code of Professional Ethics for CPAs?
auditor most likely perform to obtain evidence about
a) Advertising and solicitation of clients
the occurrence of subsequent events?
b) Payment of commissions to obtain a client
a) Confirming a sample of material accounts
c) Receiving a contingent fee on a tax case
receivable established after year-end
before the Bureau of Internal Revenue
b) Comparing the financial statements being
d) Offering employment to a staff member of another
reported on with those of the prior period
CPA without first informing the CPA
c) Investigating personnel changes in the accounting
department occurring after year-end
42. The management's assessment of the entity's
d) Inquiring as to whether any unusual
ability to continue as a going concern covers a period
adjustments were made after year-end
a) Not longer than 12 months from balance sheet
35. To which of the following matters would
materiality limits not apply when obtaining written
b) At least 12 months from the balance sheet
client representations?
a) Violations of state labor regulations
c) Not longer than 12 months from the date of audit
b) Disclosure of line-of-credit arrangements
c) Information about related party transactions
d) At least 12 months from the date of audit report
d) Instances of fraud involving management
43. To obtain evidential matter about control risk, an
36. Who ultimately determines the scope of the auditor selects tests from a variety of techniques
audit? including
a) The auditor a) Inquiry
b) The client b) Analytical procedures
c) Both a and b c) Calculation
d) Neither a nor b d) Confirmation
90. The independent auditor selects several 96. An abnormal fluctuation in gross profit that might
transactions in each functional area and traces them suggest the need for extended audit procedures for
through the entire system, paying special attention sales and inventories would most likely be identified
to evidence about whether or not the controls are in in the planning phase of the audit by the use of
operation. This is an example of a(n) a) Tests of transactions and balances
a) Application test b) A preliminary review of internal control