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Pharmacist As A Member of The Health Care Team

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Pharmacist as a member of the health care team managed by others, whether by an employer or
the manager/leader of a health care team.
Seven/ten- star pharmacist More and more, information and its related
technology will provide challenges as pharmacists
To be effective health care team members, assume greater responsibility for sharing
pharmacists need skills and attitudes enabling information about medicines and related
them to assume many different functions. products and ensuring their quality.

The concept of the “seven-star pharmacist” was

introduced by World Health Organization (WHO) 5. Life-long-learner:
and taken up by International Pharmaceutical It is impossible to acquire in pharmacy school all
Federation (FIP) in 2000 in its policy statement on the knowledge and experience needed to pursue
Good Pharmacy Education Practice to cover these a life-long career as a pharmacist.
roles: The concepts, principles and commitment to life-
long learning must begin while attending
1. Caregiver. pharmacy school and must be supported
Pharmacists provide caring services. throughout the pharmacist’s career.
They must view their practice as integrated and Pharmacists should learn how to keep their
continuous with those of the health care system knowledge and skills up to date.
and other health professionals.
Services must be of the highest quality. 6. Teacher:
The pharmacist has a responsibility to assist with
2. Decision-maker. the education and training of future generations
The appropriate, efficacious, safe and cost- of pharmacists and the public.
effective use of resources (e.g., personnel, Participating as a teacher not only imparts
medicines, chemicals, equipment, procedures, knowledge to others, it offers an opportunity for
practices) should be the foundation of the the practitioner to gain new knowledge and to
pharmacist’s work. fine-tune existing skills.
At the local and national levels, pharmacists play
a role in setting medicines policy. Achieving this 7. Leader:
goal requires the ability to evaluate, synthesize In multidisciplinary (e.g., team) caring situations
data and information and decide upon the most or in areas where other health care providers are
appropriate course of action. in short supply or non-existent the pharmacist is
obligated to assume a leadership position in the
3. Communicator. overall welfare of the patient and the community.
The pharmacist is in an ideal position to provide a Leadership involves compassion and empathy as
link between prescriber and patient, and to well as vision and the ability to make decisions,
communicate information on health and communicate, and manage effectively.
medicines to the public. A pharmacist whose leadership role is to be
He or she must be knowledgeable and confident recognized must have vision and the ability to
while interacting with other health professionals lead.
and the public.
Communication involves verbal, non-verbal, 8. Researcher:
listening and writing skills. The pharmacist must be able to use the evidence
base (e.g., scientific, pharmacy practice, health
4. Manager system) effectively in order to advise on the
Pharmacists must be able to manage resources rational use of medicines in the health care team.
(human, physical and financial) and information By sharing and documenting experiences, the
effectively; they must also be comfortable being pharmacist can also contribute to the evidence
base with the goal of optimizing patient care and This Act shall be known as the
outcomes. "Philippine Pharmacy Act".
As a researcher, the pharmacist is able to
increase the accessibility of unbiased health and Article 1 SEC. 2. Statement of Policy.
medicines-related information to the public and The State recognizes the vital role of
other health care professionals. pharmacists in the delivery of quality health care
services through the provision of safe, effective,
9. Entrepreneur and quality pharmaceutical products,
-an entrepreneur is a person who organizes and pharmaceutical care, drug information, patient
operates a business or businesses, taking on medication counseling, and health promotion.
greater than normal financial risks in order to do The Pharmacists’ professional service shall
so. therefore, be promoted as an indispensable
-The Pharmapreneur must possess and apply component of the total health care system to
appropriate pharmaceutical sciences knowledge, ensure the physical well-being of the Filipino.
perform pharmacist-directed patient care, solve
problems, and continue to learn as the healthcare Article I Section 4 RA 10918
laws and policies change enhance patient care by Scope of the Practice of Pharmacy
creating new outcomes improvements
paradigms, innovate new pharmacy business A person is deemed to be practicing
solutions that enhance the patient pharmacy, within the meaning of this Act, when
experience and strengthen the business of with or without a fee, salary, percentage or other
community pharmacy rewards, paid or given directly or indirectly, shall:

10. Agent for positive change a) Prepare, compound or manufacture, preserve,

- Analyzing what is known and unknown about store, distribute, procure, sell, or dispense, or
the contribution of the pharmacist as patient both, any pharmaceutical product or its raw
educator, physician consultant, and agent to materials; or
affect outcomes in ambulatory settings.
The need for pharmacist services is discussed, as b) Render services, such as clinical pharmacy
the theoretical underpinnings and quality of the services, drug information services, regulatory
scientific evidence to support their efficacy. It services, pharmaceutical marketing, medication
concludes with a research and action agenda, management, or whenever the expertise and
calling for stronger research design in evaluating technical knowledge of the pharmacist is
pharmacist’s intervention. required; or
-The pharmacist must be the lead in creating
change in Pharmacy practice to improve patient c) Engage in teaching scientific, technical, or
care, pharmacy services and interprofessional professional pharmacy courses in a school or
collaboration college of pharmacy; or

Regulations of Pharmacy Practice d) Dispense pharmaceutical products in situations

REPUBLIC ACT NO. 1 0 9 1 8 where supervision of dispensing of
pharmaceutical products is required; or
THE PRACTICE OF PHARMACY IN THE e) Chemical, biological or microbiological analyses
PHILIPPINES, REPEALING FOR THE PURPOSE and assay of pharmaceutical products, food /
REPUBLIC ACT NUMBERED FIVE THOUSAND NINE dietary supplements, health supplements, and
HUNDRED TWENTY-ONE (R.A. NO. 5921), cosmetics; or
f) Physico-chemical analyses for medical devices Professional Regulatory Board of Pharmacy
used in aid of administration of pharmaceutical (PRB)
products; or
• Under the control and supervision of
g) Administration of adult vaccines as approved Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): and is composed of:
Provided, That they shall undergo the training on • A chairperson
the safe administration of adult vaccines and • 2 members
management of adverse event following (Appointed by the president of the Philippines)
immunization (AEFI) for pharmacists and hold a
certificate of training issued by an institution duly • One of the duties and responsibilities of
accredited by the Professional Regulation the PRB of Pharmacy is to prepare
Commission (PRC): Provided, further. licensure examination examinations and
That the safe administration of vaccines be part submit the results to the PRC.
of the higher education curriculum for • All applicants for registration for practice
pharmacists; or of Pharmacy shall be required to pass a
licensure examination.
(h) Conduct or under take scientific research in all
aspects involving pharmaceutical products and Qualifications for the Licensure Examination for
health care; or Pharmacy
1. A citizen of the Philippines
(i) Provide other services where pharmaceutical 2. Of good moral character and reputation
knowledge is required. 3. A degree holder of Bachelor of Science in
Exclusive functions of Pharmacy practice 4. Has completed internship program
a, b, c, d and I approved by the Board

Non – exclusive pharmacy practice Scope of Examination

e, f, g and h The Licensure Examination shall cover the
following subjects:
RA No. 11525 – known as the Vaccination 1. Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Program Act 2. Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Section 9. 3. Qualitative and Quantitative
“Licensed Pharmacists who are duly trained by Pharmaceutical Chemistry
the DOH may administer Covid-19 vaccine that 4. Pharmacognosy and Plant Chemistry
are registered with the FDA or which possess an 5. Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)”. 6. Microbilology
7. Physical pharmacy
All pharmacists are expected to abide by current 8. Biopharmaceutics
standards such as: 9. Pharmacology and toxicology
• the Philippine Practice Standards for 10. Manufacturing
Pharmacists, 11. Quality Assurance and Instrumentation
• Good Laboratory Practice, Good 12. Pharmaceutical Calculation
Distribution Practice, 13. Drug Delivery Systems
• Good Manufacturing Practice and Good 14. Hospital Pharmacy
Clinical Practice, which are deemed vital in 15. Clinical Pharmacy
the performance of their roles and 16. Dispensing & Medication counseling
functions in different practice areas 17. Pharmaceutical Management
18. Public Health
19. Legal Pharmacy and Ethics
Holding of Examination. acids, or living microorganisms where the
The Pharmacists‘ Licensure Examination shall be virulence is reduced and are used for therapeutic
given two (2) times a year in places and dates as or for in vivo diagnostic purposes
the PRC may designate in the Resolution
providing for the master schedule of all licensure Brand name refers to the proprietary name given
examinations pursuant to Section 7(d) of Republic by the m anufacturer to distinguish its product
Act No. 8981. from those of competitors;

Ratings in the Licensure Examination Compounding refers to the sum of processes

In order to be registered and licensed as a performed by a pharmacist in drug preparation
pharmacist a candidate must obtain a general including the calculations, mmng, assembhng,
weighted average of seventy five percent (75%) packaging, or labehng of a drug: (i) as the result
with no rating lower than 50% in any of the of a prescription or drug order by a physician,
subjects. dentist, or veterinarian; or (ii) for the purpose of,
or in relation to, research, teaching, or chemical
An applicant who failed in the licensure analysis
examination on the third time shall not be
allowed to take the next succeeding examinations Continuing professional development (CPD)
without having undertaken a refresher program refers to the inculcation of advanced knowledge,
in a duly accredited institution. skills, and ethical values in a post-licensure
specialized or in an inter- or multidisciplinary field
Definition of terms of study for assimilation into professional
practice, self-directed research, and/or lifelong
Accredited professional organization (APO) learning;
refers to the duly integrated and accredited
professional organization of registered and Cosmetics refer to a substance or preparatio n
hcensed pharmacists, of which there shall be only intended to be placed in contact with the various
one (1), as prescribed under Section 41, Article V external parts of the human body or with the
of this Act; teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral
cavity, with a view exclusively or mainly to
Adult vaccines refer to cervical cancer, flu cleaning them, perfuming them, changing their
(influenza), pneumococcal, other pre-exposure appearance and/or correcting body odor, and/or
prophylactic vaccines to be administered to protecting the body or keeping them in good
patients aged eighteen (18) years and above, and condition,
such other vaccines as may be defined by the
Department of Health (DOH) in an administrative Counterfeit pharmaceutical products refer to
issuance pharmaceutical products which do not contain
the amounts as claimed; with wrong ingredients;
Adulterated / Deteriorated pharmaceutical without active ingredients; or with insufficient
products refer to pharmaceutical products unfit quantity of active ingredients, which result in the
for human consumption, following the standards reduction of the products' safety, efficacy,
of quality or purity of which, are as those stated quality, strength, or purity. These also refer to
in the United States Pharm acopeia/N ational products that are deliberately and fraudulently
Formulary and Philippine Pharmacopeia mislabeled with respect to identity and/or source
or with fake packaging, and can apply to both
Biopharmaceuticals refer to pharmaceutical branded and generic products,
products that are used for therapeutic or for in
vivo diagnostic purposes, such as vaccines, sera, Dispensing refers to the sum of processes
and drugs derived from life forms using performed by a pharmacist from reading,
biotechnology. These include proteins, nucleic validating, and interpreting prescriptions;
preparing; packaging; labeling; record keeping: presented in dosage forms or in small unit doses
dose calculations; and counseling or giving such as capsules, tablets, powder, liquids and it
information, in relation to the sale or transfer of shall not include any sterile preparations (i.e.
pharmaceutical products, with or without a injectibles, eyedrops);
prescription or medication order
Institutional pharmacies refer to pharm acies of
Drugs refer to pharmaceutical products that institutions, organizations, and/or corporations
pertain to chemical compounds or biological that provide a range of pharmaceutical services,
substances, other than food, intended for use in given exclusively to the employees and/or their
the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of disease qualified dependents
in humans or animals
Internship program refers to a supervised
Expiration date refers to the end date when the practical experience that is required to be
manufacturer can guarantee th at a product completed for licensure as a registered
possesses its claimed potency, efficacy, quality, pharmacist;
and safety; after which its sale or distribution is
prohibited Online pharmacy services refer to
pharmaceutical services of a duly licensed
Filling refers to the act of dispensing or providing pharmaceutical outlet done over the internet;
medicines in accordance with a prescription or
medication order; Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines refer to
medicines used for symptomatic rehef of minor
Food/Dietary supplements refer to processed ailments and which may be dispensed without a
food products intended to supplement the diet prescription;
that bears or contains one (1) or more of the
following dietary ingredients: vitamins, minerals, Pharmaceutical establishments refer to entities
herbs, or other botanicals, amino acids, and licensed by appropriate government agencies,
dietary substances to increase the total daily and which are involved in the manufacture,
intake in amounts conforming to the latest importation, exportation, repacking, and
Philippine-recommended energy and nutrient distribution of pharmaceutical products to
intakes or internationally agreed minimum daily pharmaceutical outlets
Pharmacist refers to a health professional who
Generic name refers to the scientifically and has been registered and issued a vahd Certificate
internationally recognized name of the active of Registration (COR) and Professional
ingredients, as approved by the FDA pursuant to Identification Card (PIC) by the PRC and the
Repubhc Act No. 6675, otherwise known as the Professional Regulatory Board of Pharmacy;
"Generics Act of 1988"
Pharmacist-only OTC medicines refer to over-the
Health supplement refers to any product that is counter medicines classified by appropriate
used to maintain, enhance and improve the government agencies to be obtained only from a
healthy function of the human body and contains licensed pharmacist, with mandatory
one (1) or more or a combination of the pharmacist's advice on their selection and proper
following: (1) herbal fatty adds, enzymes, use;
probiotics, and other bioactive substances; and
(2) substances derived from natural sources, Pharmacy aides refer to persons who assist the
including animal, plant, mineral, and botanical pharmacists in the different aspects of pharmacy
materials in the form of extracts, isolates, operation based on established standard
concentrates, metabolites, synthetic sources of operating procedures and processes, with very
substances mentioned in (1) and (2). It is minimal degree of independence or decision
making and without direct interaction with

Pharmacy assistants refer to persons who assist

the pharmacists in different aspects of pharmacy
operation based on established standard
operating procedures and processes, with a
minimum degree of independence or decision
making and may have supervised interaction with

Philippine Practice Standards for Pharmacists

refer to the established national framework for
quality standards and guidelines of the practice of
pharmacy that respond to the needs of the
people who require the pharmacists' services to
provide optimal, evidence-based care as form
ulated by the integrated APO and approved by
the Professional Regulatory’ Board of Pharmacy

Refresher program refers to a prescribed study

program in an accredited school of pharmacy

Telepharmacy services refer to pharmaceutical

services of a duly Hcensed pharmaceutical outlet
done through the use of telephone,
teleconferencing, or facsimile

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