Rose Eng
Rose Eng
Rose Eng
Original creation by
Emmanuel RYON
Meilleur Ouvrier de France Glacier,
World Pastry Champion,
‘Une glace à Paris’, France
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Soak the gelatine in cold water for a minimum of 20 minutes. 60°C. Use the sheet to 45°C. Pour above the mixture chocolate-
Bring the Debic Duo (1) with the split vanilla pods. Leave to brew oil to 45°C. Spread the mixture evenly on the sheet with a bent
for 15 minutes before removing pods. Make a bomb dough: bring spatula. Place the sheet in the fridge.
the water and the sugar to a boil and pour the syrup on the egg
yolks. Bring to 85°C before pouring into the tank of the beater. 8) ASSEMBLY
Beat until the mixture is completely cooled. Heat the infusion
to 60°C and add the Cacao Barry ZephyrTM white chocolate. Mix Pour 100 g of bergamot vanilla light cream in an inox half-sphere
well before adding the drained gelatine and the bergamot purée. with a diameter of 16 cm. Place the cream and sponge insert with
Incorporate the bomb dough. Finally, gently add whipped Debic a diameter of 8 cm. Pour again 100 g of bergamot vanilla light
Duo (2). cream and place the cream and sponge insert with a diameter of
12 cm. Pour again 50 g of bergamot vanilla light cream and place
6) WHITE ICING the crispness and cream insert with a diameter of 14 cm. Close
8 g gelatine leaves with the soaked japanese sponge with a diameter of 16 cm. Place
250 ml milk in the freezer.
80 g glucose
300 g Cacao Barry Ivory icing dough
300 g Cacao Barry ZephyrTM white chocolate 9) FINISHING
Soak the gelatine in cold water for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Bring the milk and the glucose to a boil. Add the mixture Cacao Glaze the domes with the white icing. Make rose petals with
Barry Ivory icing dough and melted Cacao Barry ZephyrTM white white chocolate and decorate with silverleafs.
chocolate. Add the drained gelatine, mix and set aside.
Melt the Cacao Barry ZephyrTM white chocolate to 45°C. Add the
sunflower oil and mix. Place a chips sheet in a convection oven to