Cause and Effect Pam
Cause and Effect Pam
Cause and Effect Pam
To Show Effects
Since my daughter has been in daycare she has become better at a few
different things. To start off, her vocabulary is much larger and more
developed. Before she started daycare, my daughter had a few select words
that she would say like; momma, dada, Cocoa (one of the puppies) and some
other simple select words. Now she tries to repeat everything that is said.
Another result of her being in a daycare is that she can interact with other
children better. In the past, she was only around one child. Now she is
around about six to eight kids, and she has learned to share toys and to play
in a group with other children. Her learning to share has carried over at home
when she tells her daddy or me that’s its his turn or mommy’s turn when
putting her socks on. A third outcome of her being in daycare is the fact that
she is becoming more self-reliant. Before daycare, she wouldn’t try very hard
to help me with getting dressed, but now she wants to try to do it all on her
own. She puts her pull ups on and tries to pull on her shirts and pants herself.
Socks still go upside down, but at least her shoes go on the correct feet I am
glad that I decided to put her in a daycare, for the benefits have been great.
2. Mention 3 details
b. __________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________
3. Are the details causes or effects? __________________________
4. What is the concluding sentence? _________________________
Exercise: Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
Effects of Alcohol
Letting alcohol take control over your life has many negative effects on
a person and the people around them. One important effect is the damage
you can do to your body. Drinking can lead to severe illness and even
eventual death; some health consequences to consider might be liver
disease, kidney failure and, for pregnant women, the loss of their unborn
child. Another detriment is that an addiction could lead to drinking and
driving; possibly causing a fatal car accident for either yourself and/or an
innocent by stander. Another concern to consider is the relationships alcohol
can destroy. Alcohol abuse can have very serious effect on a person’s
temperament, which can lead to spousal and even child abuse. Alcohol often
is the number one cause in divorce and spending time in jail. It can also affect
relationships outside of the family; many people have lost lifelong friends
Dropping Out
For many teenagers, there are numerous negative factors that can lead
them to give up on their education and drop out of school. The first cause is
that many teenagers lack positive role models in their lives. The lack of an
encouraging adult in their lives can cause them to think negatively about
themselves and it does not allow them to live up to their full potential. Also,
the lack of a positive role model can cause them to get involved with the
wrong kind of people and activities. When students get involved in these
types of negative situations, they usually don't focus on school. This can lead
many impressionable young children to give up on their education. Another
factor that cause a student to give up on school is a lack of determination. If
they're not determined to graduate, it can be very difficult for them to stay in
school. Many students find it difficult to stay focused on school when they
when they feel that getting an education is useless. Some students only
attend school because they are forced to, and they are not there to further
their education. The third and final factor is peer pressure. Many students
give into pure pressure very easily. If the pure pressure is negative, this can
lead them into drugs and alcohol. The drugs and alcohol can cause them to
drop out very easily because that is the only thing that they are focused on
and it can easily ruin a child's life.
Read each sentence below. Write the cause on the first line and the effect on
the second line.
Example: Larry ran across the road and was hit by a car.
Cause: Larry ran across the road.
Effect: He was hit by a car.
4. Daisy did extra chores around the house and earned extra money to
buy a new purse.
Cause: ________________________________
Effect: ________________________________
Charles was filthy from playing football all day. “Take off those filthy
clothes and put them in the laundry!” his mother said.
Charles did. His clothes were so filthy that there were even little
clumps of dirt in the washing machine. Charles shook laundry soap into the
machine. I had better put in some extra soap, Charles thought himself. I want
my extra-dirty clothes to get extra-clean! Charles shook in more soap, and
them even ore soap.
“That ought to do it!” he said. He left the laundry room and shut the
door behind him.
About halfway through the cycle, the washing machine began to rattle.
It cracked. It banged. Charles’ mother ran to the laundry room.
Cause Effect
the washing machine began to rattle. Soon Charles and his mother were up
It cracked. It banged to their knees in bubbles.
Exercise: Write one cause and one effect paragraph using the following topic.