19BCP096 HashPointers
19BCP096 HashPointers
19BCP096 HashPointers
Create Blocks with all the parameters and Link them with
Hash Pointers
- Points to the where the data is stored and along with it, cryptographic hash of the data
is also stored.
- They are different from memory pointers as they don’t relate/connect blocks using
memory address, but instead do so by using hashes of the block.
- Every block except the Genesis block has a Hash Pointer, that is the hash of the
previous block.
- This enables the blocks to be chained/linked together.
- One can traverse the chain backwards all the way to the first block because of the
hash pointers.
- It’s major security benefit is Integrity.
o If one alters the data of a block, it’s hash changes.
o This changes the hash of all the forward blocks and invalidates them.
JS Code:
const SHA256 = require("crypto-js/sha256");
class Block {
this.id = id;
this.prevHash = prevHash;
this.nounce = this.chooseNounce();
this.hash = this.blockHash(this.nounce);
blockHash(nounce) {
return SHA256(
chooseNounce() {
//If no value satisfies the condition then nounce value stays undefined
return nounce;
class Blockchain {
constructor() {
this.chain = [this.createGenesisBlock()];
createGenesisBlock() {
lastBlock() {
insertBlock(id, data) {
- Class Block
o Constructor
id = Block Id
timestamp = Block creation time
prevhash = Hash of the previous block
nounce = Puzzle solving variable
hash = Hash of the block
o Functions
Returns block of the hash
Returns a nounce value for which the first two values of the
hash are zeroes.
- Class Blockchain
o Constructor
A list with genesis block gets created
o Functions
Returns a block with fixed value
Returns the last block/element of the chain/list
Appends a new block into the chain