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U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series D, Vol. 74, Iss.

1, 2012 ISSN 1454-2358


Gabriel Dan CIOCAN1, Olivier TELLER2, Francois CZERWINSKI3

The energy market development and the implementation of alternative

energies have an important impact on the hydro development. New developments
are planned such as green energy sources (such as wind, solar, waves, tidal
stream,…) or nuclear energy. In this network, an important issue is the stability of
the grid and the availability of peak energy. Thus the development of the new
hydraulic power plant based on variable speed pump turbines is the new orientation
for the hydro-electrical market. This improves the global effectiveness of the grid
and among these technologies the variable speed technology is quite interesting.

Keywords: pump-turbines, variable speed, energy market, green energy

1. Introduction

The most widely form of renewable energy is the hydropower, which

produces electrical power using the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.
Hydropower is essential to operate the others sources of renewable energy that are
intermittent generation. If the appropriate conditions for implementation of the
hydroelectric power plants are considered, it’s ecological impact is very limited -
see Bucur et al.,[1].
Today, the renewable energy represent 18.7% of the world electricity
production (as a comparison, nuclear energy represents 13,5%) – see [2]. The
hydraulic energy is the most important resource of renewable energies, being
86.3% of the total production (5.7% wind energy, 1.7% geothermal energy and
0.3% solar energy). The hydraulic energy is used as a complementary resource for
the rest of the renewable energies, being the only clean energy that can insure the
mass storage of energy (pump-turbine operation regime). Also, it offers, the
capacity to regulate the electric network in order to allow integrating resources
that rely on different factors that cannot be controlled (solar, wind, etc.).
This paper point out the advantages of the implementation of variable
speed pump-turbines and describes the variable speed technology. Two examples
of variable speed power plants in realisation are presented.
Project Manager, ALSTOM Hydro France, 82 Avenue Leon Blum, BP 75, 38041 Grenoble,
Product Director Pump Storage Plants, ALSTOM Hydro France, 82 Avenue Leon Blum, BP 75,
38041 Grenoble, France
Product Director Small Hydro, Services and Rehabilitation, ALSTOM Hydro France, 82 Avenue
Leon Blum, BP 75, 38041 Grenoble, France
34 Gabriel Dan Ciocan, Olivier Teller, Francois Czerwinski

2. Interest of Variable Speed Pump-Turbine

The energy market development and the green energy have an important
impact on the hydro development. For European countries the objective for 2020
is to reduce the amount of Carbon emissions by 20% and integrate at minimum
20% of renewable power production. New network developments are planned
combining nuclear energy with green energy sources (like wind, solar, tidal
stream, waves, etc.). In this network, an important issue is the stability of the grid
and the generation of peak energy.
As example in the Danemark power network the evolution of wind energy
is presented in Fig. 1. Not only the power average is about 30% of the installed
power, but the intermittency of the provided power request balancing from other
type of energy production that needs high flexibility: to compensate the sudden
stop of production in peak regime and to valorise the production in the not
charged periods. The same for the stabilisation of the grid frequency.
Wind Production in Denmark in 2009




2000 actual



500 average
(765 MW)
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Fig. 1 Wind Power generation in Denmark 2009

Clearly thus the development of new hydraulic power plants based on

pump-turbines are new trends for the hydro-electrical market. This will improve
the global effectiveness of the network and variable speed technology is thus quite
When power demand is at its peak, water is released through the turbines
to generate electric power. As the demand decreases, a large amount of electric
power is available on the grid. With its ability to pump back water from the lower
into the higher reservoir the plant acts like a giant rechargeable battery, using
readily available power to provide reliable and flexible power to cover peak
demand. The same power lines, connected to the power transmission grid, will
provide the electric power required to pump back water, and transport the power
Variable speed pump turbines technology 35

generated by the plant when it is operating in turbine mode. The environmental

impact of this operation mode is neutral for a “green energy” production point of
Thus the pump turbines are an important lever for the grid regulation. The
liberalisation of the electricity market in Europe requires the separation of the
production and distribution of energy. The control of the active and reactive
power in order to keep the frequency constant of the grid is regulated on the
market. The energy price on the market has higher fluctuations – see Fig. 2, Caro
et al. [3] - and request fast reactivity of the production/consumption. The
availability and the reactivity of the power injection is an important factor of
profitability for the electrical power plants. The start of the machine and/or the
change of regime are performed in few minutes.

Fig. 2 Evolution of the Swiss electricity price

3. Variable Speed Pump-Turbine Operation

The variable speed is a new technology applied for pumped-storage power

plants. In variable speed technology static frequency convertors are used to vary
the speed of the electrical machine. For small machines – less that 50 MW – a
synchronous generator is linked to the grid by a static frequency convertor. For
larger units, this solution is not justified economically. For units larger than 50
MW double fed induction machines with a static frequency converter feeding the
rotor is the preferred solution. The double fed induction technology consists in
creating of a rotating field on the rotor allowing the machine to be operated with a
certain speed range around the synchronous speed while attached to a fixed
frequency network– see Schwery et Kunz [4]. The relative difference in speed is
called the slip (usual range less that +/- 10%).
The use of variable speed technology has some major advantages among
• In pumping mode, the power absorbed can be varied subsequently at fixed
head, permitting a grid frequency regulation, even in pump mode. This
variation can be up to ~30% of the absorbed power. The operating mode is
36 Gabriel Dan Ciocan, Olivier Teller, Francois Czerwinski

extended related to the normal operation – see Fig. 3. This is a key advantage
with respect to fixed speed units that can only regulate their power in
generation mode and operate at fixed power in pumping mode.

Head Fixed speed

H max
y Variable speed
i lit


H max




1.25 nmax
1 operating

H min point

H min
H min

nmin Discharge

Discharge variation
Power adjustment
Fig. 3 Operating domain for fix speed – red and variable speed – blue: grid frequency regulation

• For fixed operational speed, the top of the efficiency hill charts in turbines is
generally not within the operating range. The variable speed permit to have
the optimal efficiency level at operating points in both turbine and pump
modes – see Fig. 4. Moreover higher individual efficiency are achieved
compared with the fixed speed, in particular at partial loads;
Efficiency Hill Chart Fixed Speed
P11 (KW)
Best Efficiency Line

Variable Speed
Operating points
Dn/ n = ± 7% ♥

Dn/ n Max = -7%

n11 (rpm) ∝ n / H0.5

Fig. 4 Operating points in turbine regime for fix speed – red and variable speed – blue: efficiency
Variable speed pump turbines technology 37

• The variable speed permits a more dynamically setting of the power

thanks to the flywheel effect. Indeed, for fixed rotational speed, the power is
changed only by adjusting the discharge (changing of the guide vanes opening)
while for the variable speed, the electrical machine can be adapted faster on the
new power requirements and compensate the inertia of hydraulic system. An
optimization of the hydraulic and electric parameters is realized for the variation
of the operating point.
Improved Excess Power
Power (MW)
Network Balancing to be stored

400 MW +0 / -30 %

300 MW +0 / -30 %

200 MW +0 / -30 %

100 MW +0 / -30 %

0 6 12 18 24
4 fixed speed Units Time
of 100 MW
Less Additional energy
starts & stops stored
Fig. 5 Operation of fix speed – red and variable speed – blue power plant

• The variable speed permit a fine tune of the operating regime to the power
adjustment with the grid request. In this way the energetic balance of the
power plant is improved – by improving the network balancing and the
storage of power excess in hydraulic energy, the number of machines start and
stop is reduced – see Fig. 5.
Besides, variable speed technology offer technical and economic
advantages like extension of the operating range increased cycling efficiencies
and therefore higher operation flexibility towards the grid - see Teller et al. [5].

4. Variable speed pump turbine technology

The implantation of pump-turbines, single and multi-stages with classical

products for the pumped storage plants (PSP) – see Fig. 6, are in progress
worldwide – see Henry et al. [5] and Houdeline et al. [7].
The variable speed technology in pump-turbines is a breakthrough
technology that starts to be implemented, due to the new energy market
38 Gabriel Dan Ciocan, Olivier Teller, Francois Czerwinski


1112 m Multi Stage

Double Stage

798 m Regulated

623 m Stage



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
140 MW 258 MW 408 400
MW 450


Fig. 6 Alstom pump turbines for more than 21 MW – 125 references (20% of the world PSP)

The generator – rotor – design is the most impacted by this new

technology. Tree main parts are completely different compared with classical
machines: slip rings, winding overhang retaining system and rotor rim - see
Schwery et Kuntz [4].
Slip ring: to feed the rotor with the three phase current system, at least one
slip ring per phase and usually one slip ring for the star point are needed. In
normal operation, the frequency of the currents is low. At synchronous speed, the
currents become constant. During start up, the frequency increases gradually and
is equal to the grid frequency at the end of the startup process. The brush system
and the slip rings need to be designed for these requirements. For a regular
consumption of the carbon brushes air temperature and humidity need to be
controlled. Special attention has to be paid to an even distribution of the currents
on the different carbon brushes.
Winding overhang retaining system: The rotor winding overhang has to be
supported to avoid deformation and damage if the machine speed comes close to
runaway speed during load rejection. Three basic concepts can be used:
• The first concept uses a steel retaining cap similar to the design used in Turbo
generators (cylindrical rotor generators). The caps can be shrunken and are
dismountable. The steel cap needs to withstand high mechanical forces and is
made of forged nonmagnetic steel.
• For the second concept, the whole overhang is bandaged either by a steel or
synthetic wire or a synthetic foil. The application of the wire or the foil needs
special tools. Dismantling of the system without destruction of the bandage is
generally not possible. Special attention needs to be paid to the cooling of the
Variable speed pump turbines technology 39

winding overhang for the first two solutions, because the cooling airflow
cannot pass through the winding overhang in radial direction.
• The third concept consists in a set of retaining bolts that fix the winding
overhang to an auxiliary rim mounted on the rotor rim. Cooling air can
directly pass through the winding overhang in radial direction. Furthermore it
is possible to dismantle individual bars if required. A strict quality process
defining individual checking of each bolt is required due to the huge
mechanical solicitation of these bolts.
Rotor rim: similar to the winding overhang retaining system, the rotor rim
is also exposed to mechanical cycling. Since the rotor rim consists of a highly
inhomogeneous stack of varnished steel laminations, it is advisable to cross check
the calculation by practical tests. In contrast to the rotor rim of a salient pole
machine, the rim of an induction machine is carrying an alternating magnetic
field. To reduce the iron losses created by eddy currents and hysteresis effect
materials with low loss coefficients can be used. Generally materials with high
yield strengths have relatively high magnetic loss coefficients. The right
compromise is to be found between the mechanical and magnetic proprieties of
the material.
Speed / Power Optimizer

Unit Control





Active Power
Grid Frequency
Fig. 7 Command architecture for variable speed pump-turbines

For the governing system a particular stage – SPMAX – are added to

optimize the operation of the machine and to implement the best fit of the pump-
turbine operation related to the grid request. This Speed/Power optimizer manage
simultaneous the governor and the inverter controller – adjust the rotational speed
of the generator – see Fig. 7.
For the turbine side, no major changes are needed. The configuration with
independent servomotors (one for each wicket gate) is often preferred. However
40 Gabriel Dan Ciocan, Olivier Teller, Francois Czerwinski

attentions are to be pay of the mechanical calculation because the variable speed
or the runner generates more exciting frequencies for the mechanical structure.
Another aspect is related to the operating regimes. The normal request was limited
to 2-4 start/stops by day. For the new machines the exigencies becomes 10-12
start/stops by day and the fatigue calculation can be dimensioning.

5. Linthal-Limmern power plant

The power stations belonging to Linthal-Limmern AG in mid Switzerland

were built between 1957 and 1968. They use the water inflow from a catchments
of about 140 km² in the headwaters of river Linth. The ongoing project will
increase the plant capacity by 1000MW by developing the existing power plant,. 4
new pump-turbines operating with variable speed will be installed – see [8]. In
this way KLL will increase considerably the capacity to produce value peak
energy when the demand is particularly great, to participate on the grid
stabilization in both operating mode pump and turbine and to increase the
production of green energy by pump storage. This project will represent 1,5
billions € and the power plant will be operating in 2015-2016.
This new underground pumped storage facility will be used to pump the
water from Lake Limmern (elevation: 1’857 m; capacity: 92 million m3 water)
back up to Lake Mutt which is 630 m higher – see Fig. 8. The Mutt Lake
elevation 2’500 m has a reservoir of 9 Million m3. Its capacity will be increased at
25 Million m3 by the erection of a concrete dam along the south side of the Mutt

Fig. 8 Linthal-Limmern power plant implantation

600 meters deep in the mountain-inside will grow up a big size Power
Cavern: the new machines will be in a room with a wide of 30 Meter, 50 Meter
high and 120 Meter long. 2 in parallel led penstocks connect the Mut Lake with
the Power Plant and 2 about 500 meter long tailraces the Power plant with the
Limmern lake. The direct access to the Power Plant is guaranteed from the valley
Variable speed pump turbines technology 41

in Tierfehd with a more than approximately 4 kilometers long Tailrace which is

equipped with a funicular railway.
Besides high levels of efficiency in a wide range of operation required in
both Pump and Turbine modes, variable speed technology provide to Linthal-
Limmern project several benefits such as the use of a wide head variation
(maximum head / minimum head is about 1.27), increases the partial load
operation range to 30% of rated output in turbine mode and thus increases the
generation flexibility.
The 4 new reversible pump turbines units will insure a rated output of 255
MW each with a variable speed motor-generator, rated at 500 rpm with a slip
range of +/- 6%. All the 4 machines will be manufactured and installed by

6. Nant de Drance power plant

The new underground power station will be built between two existing
lakes Emosson and Vieux-Emosson – 11,4 Mio. m3 for a head of 250-390 m, see
Fig. 9.

Fig. 9 Nant de Drance power plant

By the developing the existing power plant, the Output will be 900
megawatts. 6 new pump-turbines operating with variable speed will be installed.
This project is a partnership between Alpiq, CFF and Forces Motrices Valaisannes
– see [9]. The project represent less than 1 billion € and will be operating in 2015-
42 Gabriel Dan Ciocan, Olivier Teller, Francois Czerwinski

The 6 new reversible pump turbines units will insure a rated output of 157
MW each with a variable speed motor-generator, rated at 428,6 rpm with a slip
range of +/- 7%. All the 6 machines will be manufactured and installed by

7. Conclusions

The new configuration of the electrical market impose more capacity for
grid regulation, more flexibility in power availability on network and high
volatility for the prices in peak period. The ecological raisons - CO2 emission
reduction - impose the development of green energy sources for production and
The variable speed technology in pump-turbines is a breakthrough
technology that responds to this need. In fact this technology permits the energy
storage and production with a fast reactivity (seconds), the grid frequency
regulation (in both regimes pump and turbine) and the optimization of the
efficiency of the hydraulic power plants.
ALSTOM is developing the variable speed pump turbines technology and
is leader in pump-storage power plants on the hydro-electrical market.

[1]. D.M. Bucur, F. Bunea, G.D. Ciocan, G. Băran, E.C.Isbăşoiu “Water parameters evolution
in a hydroelectric site“, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.9, No.
11, 469 – 472, 2010
[2]. ****, 11e Inventaire Observ’ER – edition 2009
[3]. G. Caro, C. Jeroen, M. Hildmann, D. Dannacha, F. Herzog, “A quantitative analysis of the
electricity market in Switzeland“, 2008
[4]. A. Schwery, T. Kunz, “Variable Speed, Technology and Current Projects in Europe“,
Waterpower XVI Conference, Spokane, July 27-30, 2009
[5]. O. Teller, T. Kuntz, E. Goutard, L. Schmitt, “Renewable integration boost thanks to
pumped hydro storages upgrade into variable speed coupled with energy and market
management solutions”, Renewable Energy World Europe in Milano, Italy June 7-9, 2011
[6]. J.M. Henry, H. Marin, L. Melet, “Pumped Storage Technology For High Duty Water
Pumps: The 90 MW Beni Haroun Water Pumps”, AIRH Lyon 2009
[7]. J.B. Houdeline, D. Roulet, T. Kuntz, J. Liu, “Regulated and reversible pump turbine design:
the recent PSP achievement experience”, Hydropower Technology & Equipment, Beijing,
20-22 April 2009
[8]. ****, “Refurbishment of the Linthal-Limmern Power Station“,
[9]. ****, “Station de pompage turbinage Nant de Drance“, http://www.nant-de-

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