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History Saudi Arabia is considered the homeland • The Sword in the flag depict the strength

of the Arab peoples. It is widely believed that the and power of the Saudi Arabia Because
first Arabs originated on the Arabian Peninsula. It the holy inscription is printed on it it is
is also the birth place of Islam, the worlds second not allowed to use All football during a
largest religion. Muhammad, known as the creator FIFA matches.
of Islam, ascended from the peninsula. The area • The flag of Saudi Arabia is never
was dominated by the Ottoman Empire by 1517,
hoisted to half flagpole Because it is
yet by the 18 th century it was divided up into
insult to Allah. The flag can never be
several principalities. Yet in 1745 Muhammad ibn
hoisted in vertical position Najd and
‘Abd al-Wahhab began to call for the purification
and reform of Islam. He then set himself up as
Hejaz use similar pattern and design
leader of the Arab nationalist movement and was used in the saudi Arabian flag . As they
able to establish Wahhabi dominance in Nejd and are the two ancient statesin Saudi Sudan
Hejaz in 1924-25. The Hhjaz and Nejd regions and palestine flags are similar to Hejaz.
later merged to form the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
in 1932, and later incorporated Asir into the
kingdom. In 1932, it was originally an absolute
monarchy ruled by Sharia. Later in 1992, the Saudi
royal family introduced the country to its first
constitution, making it a constitutional monarchy.

The Islamic Kingdom The kingdom is sometimes

referred to as the “Land of the Two Holy
Mosques” as it is home to Mecca and Medinah, the
two holiest cities in Islam. Yet the nation’s
beginnings can be traced back to 1902 when
captured the city of Riyadh. Though the official
proclamation and recognition of the nation didn’t
come until 1932. Traces of national Origins
however can be traced all the way back to 1744,
with the establishment of the First Saudi State. The
current ruler is King Abd Al-Aziz Al- Saud.
Saudi Arabia extends over the central Arabian
Sentence for insulting the flag: Peninsula, covering 829,996 square miles
• The one who destroys or drops or (2,149,690 square kilometers). Its southern
insults the flag will be sentence with SR borders are not firmly defined. This expanse
3000 fine.One year Jail . As per the includes the world's largest sand desert,
kingdom’s flag law. the Ruhb al Khali or "Empty Quarter."
• Saudi Arabia’s flag in the ratio of 3 : 2. Saudi Arabia borders on Yemen and Oman to
In rectangular shape the south, the United Arab Emirates to the
• It is written in Saudi Arabia flag that east, Kuwait, Iraq, and Jordan to the north, and
Mohammed is Allahs messenger.Allah the Red Sea to the west. The highest point in the
is the only god. country is Jabal (Mount) Sawda at 10,279 feet
• Green and white are favourite colours (3,133 meters) in elevation. The Gulf of
of Allah and Prophet Muhammad Aqaba in the northwest separates Saudi Arabia
from Egypt. Saudi Arabia is the only country part of the nation; and Gulf Arabic, which is
with a coastline along both the Red Sea and the centered along the Persian Gulf coast.
Persian Gulf, and most of its terrain consists of
Foreign workers in Saudi Arabia speak a vast
arid desert, lowland, steppe, and mountains. Its
array of native languages, including Urdu,
capital and largest city is Riyadh. The country is
Tagalog, and English.
home to Mecca and Medina, the two holiest
cities in Islam. Climate
Saudi Arabia has a desert climate with extremely
hot days and steep temperature dips at
Saudi Arabia is the birthplace of the Prophet night. Rainfall is slight, with the highest rains
Muhammad and includes the holy cities of along the Persian Gulf coast, which receives 12
Mecca and Medina, so it is no surprise that inches (300 millimeters) of rain per year. Most
precipitation occurs during the Indian Ocean
Islam is the national religion. Approximately
monsoon season, from October to March. Saudi
97% of the population is Muslim, with around Arabia also experiences large sandstorms.
85% adhering to forms of Sunnism and 10% The highest temperature recorded in Saudi
following Shiism. The official religion is Arabia was 129 F (54 C). The lowest
Wahhabism, also known as Salafism, an ultra- temperature was 12 F (-11 C) in Turaif.
conservative form of Sunni Islam.
Eco Tourism:
The Shiite minority faces harsh discrimination in
education, hiring, and the application of Following are the key goals and objectives of
justice. Foreign workers of different faiths, such Saudi ecotourism:
as Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians, also have 1. Impact reduction: The rise in ecotourism in
to be careful not to be seen as proselytizing. Any Saudi Arabia will mitigate the environmental
Saudi citizen who converts from Islam faces the impact of mass tourism and its resource-
intensive infrastructure. The Saudi Arabian
death penalty, while proselytizers face jail and
government will use renewable energy and
expulsion from the country. Churches and dispose of waste properly to reduce tourism’s
temples of non-Muslim faiths are forbidden on impact.
Saudi soil. 2. Environmental advantage: Saudi Arabia’s
ecotourism program aims to offer a clear
advantage to the environment. The government
The Saudi riyal (SAR) has been the official wants to contribute profits from ecotourism
currency of Saudi Arabia since the country was toward ecological conservation.
first established. The Saudi riyal is currently 3. Decrease in oil dependence: Rise in
pegged to the US dollar at the rate of 1 US dollar ecotourism in Saudi Arabia is a part of Vision
2030, an ambitious goal to reduce Saudi
= 3.75 SR in Philippines 1 SAR is equivalent to
Arabia’s reliance on oil. The aim is to grow the
15.5985 Php
country’s gross domestic product due to tourism
Government: Form of Government: Absolute from 3% to 10% by 2030.
Language: Here is a detailed list latest projects and
places in Saudi Arabia for ecotourism:
Arabic is the official language of Saudi
Arabia. There are three major regional dialects: • Green Riyadh Project – Cover of acacia
Nejdi Arabic, spoken in the center of the trees
country; Hejazi Arabic, common in the western • Red Sea Project – Environment friendly
leisure travel
• NEOM Project – Futuristic ecotourism The importance accorded to human health by the
site Kingdom is well manifested in its advanced
infrastructure for medical research, its
possession of the best medical system in the
region, the presence of an expanded genetic
Dune Bashing- Dune bashing is an adrenaline- database, and other competitive advantages.
pumping activity in every sense. As the car Through this priority, the Kingdom aims to
climbs up a dune at rapid speed and drops provide people with a better and longer healthy
suddenly, you will give whoops of delight. life through addressing the prevailing medical
Enjoy the mad fall from the tall dunes. The challenges in the Kingdom and the world,
crazy drive blowing out a lot of sand usually providing digital healthcare to ensure health
lasts up to 30 minutes. equity, and supplying the world with biotech
Sand Boarding- Sandboarding is
a boardsport and extreme sport similar
Saudi Arabia seeks, through the priority of
to snowboarding that involves riding across or
sustainable environment and supply of essential
down a sand dune while standing on a board,
either with both feet strapped in or while needs, to become a global model in preserving
standing loose, without bindings. Sandboarding the planet and providing basic needs of water,
can also be practised sitting down or lying on the food and sustainable energy. The Kingdom will
belly or the back. It typically involves develop environmentally friendly technologies
a sandboard, although it is also possible to for water supply and desalination along with
use sleds, surfboards, a skateboard deck, modern and sustainable technologies for food
or snowboards. production, increased green spaces, carbon
capture, utilization and storage technologies, and
sustainable technologies for low-cost electricity
Health and Wellness in Saudi Arabia
Life almost returned to normal after the
government made it mandatory for citizens to Natural Attraction:
have two doses of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
• Elephant Rock (Jabal AlFil), is an amazing
vaccination by 1 August 2021. Indeed, Saudi
geomorphological wonder located 11km
Arabia banned all unvaccinated citizens and northeast of AlUla. A spectacular example of
residents from entering public establishments, natural erosive forces of water and wind over a
such as shopping malls and restaurants, retail period of millions of years, this natural wonder
stores and markets from this date. This was a rises 171ft into the air with mountains looming in
the background.
response to renewed fears over new variants of
• The Edge of the World (its real name is
the virus, and the stated low effectiveness of a
Jebel Fihrayn), one of Saudi’s most
single dose of the vaccine against these Corona
popular tourist destinations, got its
nickname from the uninterrupted view of
Overview: Understand the latest market trends the horizon it offers atop its 300-meter-
and future growth opportunities for the Health high cliffs, which overlook the
and Wellness industry in Saudi Arabia with surrounding plain. It’s part of the much
research from Euromonitor International's team longer Tuwaiq escarpment, and drops
down roughly 305 meters into an ancient
of in-country analysts – experts by industry and
ocean bed. From the top of the cliffs,
geographic specialisation.
you’ll spot dried rivers weaving across the
land and may even see camels moving far
below — an ancient caravan route once • Masmak Fortress-The fortress played
passed through these grounds. an integral role in the Unification of
• Natural Arch -Seen from the distance Saudi Arabia, with the Battle of Riyadh,
the arches look tiny, but when arriving one of the most important conflicts of
from the western side of the rock the Saudi unification, taking place in the
formation an impressive diamond-shape fort. Since 1995, the fortress has been
arch reveals itself. The size is striking converted into a museum showcasing
and the symmetry of this natural one of the most important landmarks of
sculpture is incredible. When looking Saudi heritage.
through the incredibly regular arch, the
top of a second one - even higher - Cultural Attraction:
appears. If the first arch requires a bit of • Gate to Mecca- is
climbing to reach, this second one can an arch gateway monumental on
be crossed by several cars the Makkah al-Mukkarramah road
simultaneously! Its elegant, slender of the Jeddah–Makkah Highway. It
silhouette is a beauty. is the entrance to Mecca, the
Historical Attraction: birthplace of the Islamic
prophet Muhammad and signifies
• Madain Salih- Mada’in Saleh, not far the boundary of the haram area of
from al-Ula (22 km), was known as al- the city of Mecca, where non-
Hijr, or Hegra, by the Nabataean people Muslims are prohibited to enter.
who carved its magnificent tombs into • Arthr Gallery- As a relentless
the golden Quweira sandstone outcrops. supporter of artists from Saudi
The delicate details on the entrance Arabia and the region, ATHR acts
portals and the smooth surfaces of its as more than a gallery, providing
111 tomb façades reflect the great skills opportunities for furthering
of the masons of their time. The knowledge and experience through
splendor of the natural setting here must its multidisciplinary space in Jeddah
have reminded the Nabataeans of their and beyond. Through its extensive
capital, Petra, hewn into the rosey programming, ATHR has pioneered
sandstone cliffs to the north in modern- an uncovering of the Saudi
day Jordan. It is no wonder that they contemporary art scene, extending it
chose this very spot to build their second to the world, putting Jeddah at the
city, Hegra. Based on the many dated forefront.
tomb inscriptions, Hegra thrived • Jeddah Floating Mosque-
between 1 BCE -74 CE. Famously known as the Floating
• Jubbah Hail- The rock art of Jabal Mosque, the Al Rahma Mosque is
Umm Sinman Jubbah and Jabal Al- amongst the most prominent
Major and Jabal Raat near Shuwaymis mosques and the local landmarks in
contain an exceptionally large number Jeddah. Also known as Fatima Al-
of petroglyphs, created by using a range Zahra Mosque, it is present on the
of techniques with simple stone northern tip of Jeddah’s waterfront
hammers, against a background of and covers a massive area of 2,400
gradual environmental deterioration, and sq m. The majestic structure is
are visually stunning expressions of the anchored to the sandy shore by a
human creative genius. low-walled walkway sprawled
across the Red Sea.
Heritage Attraction: Four Season Hotel
• HISTORIC JEDDAH, AL BALAD- Soaring over the city in the iconic
Historic Jeddah is situated on the eastern Kingdom Tower, Four Seasons Hotel
shore of the Red Sea. From the 7th Riyadh is a buzzing hub at the forefront of
century AD it was established as a major style and sophistication. Redesigned
port for Indian Ocean trade routes, interiors bring authentic Saudi heritage
channelling goods to Mecca. It was also and craftsmanship to life, while our
the gateway for Muslim pilgrims to distinguished team provides a bespoke
Mecca who arrived by sea. These twin experience through thoughtful,
roles saw the city develop into a thriving personalized service and hospitality.
multicultural centre, characterized by a
distinctive architectural tradition, Ride Hailing- Booking app that use in Saudi
including tower houses built in the late arabi
19th century by the city’s mercantile
Metro System- is a rapid transit system under
elites, and combining Red Sea coastal
construction in Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi
coral building traditions with influences
Arabia. It is part of the King Abdulaziz Project for
and crafts from along the trade routes.
Riyadh Public Transport
• ROCK ART, HAIL- The rock art at
Jabal Umm Sinman at Jubbah and Jabal Camel- Camels are utilized in Saudi
Al-Major and Jabal Raat at Shuwaymis Arabia mainly for their meat and milk and much
provide an exceptional testimony to the less for transportation.
challenges of past societies in response
to environmental catastrophes. In
addition, the petroglyphs at Shuwaymis Qiddiya- Qiddiya will be a disruptive
provide an exceptional testimony of a destination that offers innovative and immersive
society that vanished, leaving behind an experiences integrated on a scale never been
exceptionally detailed record of its seen before. A place that offers unique, elevated
existence. and fun experiences … and joyful moments to
• AL-AHSA OASIS- In the eastern cherish for life.
Arabian Peninsula, the Al-Ahsa Oasis is
a serial property comprising gardens, New York City’s Central Park, King Salman
canals, springs, wells and a drainage Park in Riyadh- seven times the size
lake, as well as historical buildings, of London’s Hyde Park and five times the size
urban fabric and archaeological sites. of New York’s Central Park. Covering 13.3
They represent traces of continued square kilometers on the grounds of the old
human settlement in the Gulf region airport in Riyadh, the new King Salman Park
from the Neolithic to the present, as can will be the largest urban park in the world.
be seen from remaining historic The Sports Boulevard in Riyad- The Sports
fortresses, mosques, wells, canals and Boulevard will encourage the citizens of Riyadh
other water management systems. With to follow a healthy lifestyle, exercising and
its 2.5 million date palms, it is the participating in different sports, particularly,
largest oasis in the world. Al-Ahsa is walking, cycling and horse riding.
also a unique geocultural landscape and
an exceptional example of human A rich cultural, environmental, and recreational
interaction with the environment. ambience will be created by events and

activities, which are aligned with the goals of the
Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Ministry of Tourism
This will be achieved through strategic
alignment that will guarantee fulfilling the KPIs
and integrating all Ministry projects, initiatives
and plans with the office vision realization
programs with the help and coordination with
external partners who include support centers
and other executives parties.
Facts and Figure:
• Although it is still the world's greatest oil
exporter and possesses the largest oil
reserves, The non-oil economic sector's
share increased from 46 percent in 1970 to
67 percent in 1992
• Education is free from kindergarten
through university and available to all.
Government offices are open Saturday
through Wednesday, The weekend in
Saudi Arabia is Thursday and Friday
• The Islamic calendar is based on the
beginning of the Islamic era.
• Saudi currency is Riyal. One U.S. dollar is
equivalent to 3.75 Saudi Riyals.
• The flag of Saudi Arabia bears the Muslim
creed: "There is no god but God:
Muhammad is the Messenger of God.

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