X-Mas C 9675 MB 9675 Eng
X-Mas C 9675 MB 9675 Eng
X-Mas C 9675 MB 9675 Eng
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 2
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rnd sts
Break the yarn for the 1st leg, crochet the 2nd leg
the same way (remember to crochet the 13th rnd
for the 2nd leg), continue to chain 8 (pic 1), join
with the last st of the 1st leg with slst 1 (pic 2), and
continue to crochet the body.
Body (yarn C)
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 3
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 4
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
Break the yarn, stuff firmly, weave in the last 6 Break the yarn with a long rest, stuff slightly the
sts, hide the remaining yarn. lower part, use tapestry needle to sew 2 edges
together. Use yarn D to crochet slst across the flo
Ears (yarn C, X2) of rnd 7, cut the yarn, hide the remaining yarn.
We will change color in this part, so black letters:
yarn C, red letters: yarn D Eyes (yarn D, X2)
1 sc 3 into a magic loop (3) 1 ch 4, start on the 2nd st from the (8)
2 inc 3 (6) hook, sc 2, (sc 3) in the last st,
3 [sc 1, inc] 3x (9) continue to crochet on the other
4 sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc (12) side of the 4 ch foundation, sc 1, inc
5 sc 2, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 1, sc 1, inc, (16) 2 inc, sc 1, inc 3, sc 1, inc 2 (14)
sc 2, inc
6 sc 3, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 1, sc 2, inc, (20) Break the yarn, leave a long thread to sew later.
sc 3, inc
7 sc 4, inc, sc 4, inc, sc 1, sc 3, inc, (24) Nose (yarn B)
sc 4, inc
8-9 sc 6, sc 7, sc 11 (2 rnds) (24) rnd sts
10 sc 4, dec, sc 4, dec, sc 1, sc 3, dec, (20)
1-2 Repeat rnd 1-2 of the Eyes (14)
sc 4, dec
11 sc 5, sc 6, sc 9 (20) 3 sc 1, inc, sc 1, [sc 1, inc] 3x, sc 1, (20)
12 sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 1, sc 2, dec, (16) [sc 1, inc] 2x
sc 3, dec 4 sc 20 (20)
13 sc 4, sc 5, sc 7 (16) 5 [sc 2, dec] 5x (15)
14 sc 2, dec, sc 2, dec, sc 1, sc 1, dec, (12) 6 [sc 1, dec] 5x (10)
sc 2, dec
15 sc 3, sc 4, sc 5 (12) Break the yarn, stuff slightly, leave a long thread
to sew later.
Break the yarn, leave a long thread to sew later,
fold the ears in half and sew two edges together.
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 5
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rnd sts
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 6
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Break the yarn, stuff firmly, weave in the last 5 sts, with the 3rd bulb with slst, ch 22, join with the 4th
hide the remaining yarn (pic 18). bulb with slst, ch 30, join with the 5th bulb with
slst, ch 22, join with the 6th bulb with slst, ch 22,
Use a tapestry needle to sew the remaining sts join with the 7th bulb with slst, ch 40, join with
together (pic 19). Make the 2nd horn the same the 8th bulb with slst, ch 10, cut the yarn (pic 26).
way (pic 20).
Scarf (yarn B, X1-yarn D, X1)
Belly (yarn D)
rnd sts
rnd sts
1 ch 47, start on the 2nd ch from the (92)
1 ch 9, start on the 2nd ch from the (18) hook, inc 46, turn
hook, sc 7, inc 2 on the last st, 2 ch 1, sc 92 (92)
continue to crochet on the other
side of the chs, sc 7 Break the yarn, leave a long thread to sew later.
2 inc, sc 6, inc 4, sc 6, inc (24) Make 2 pieces with yarn B and yarn D (pic 21).
3 sc 1, inc, sc 6, [sc 1, inc] 4x, sc 7, inc (30) Then cross 2 pieces together (pic 22&23), twist
4 sc 1, inc, sc 7, [sc 1, inc, sc 1] 4x, (36) them together to create the scarf (pic 24), just
sc 7, inc, sc 1 leave the scarf like that, we will finish the scarf
5 sc 3, inc, sc 6, [sc 3, inc] 4x, sc 9, inc (42) later.
6 sc 2, inc, sc 8, [sc 2, inc, sc 2] 4x, (48)
sc 8, inc, sc 2
7 sc 5, inc, sc 6, [sc 5, inc] 4x, sc 11, (54)
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 7
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
Crochet the head as instructed Insert the black eyes on 1 side Sew the nose below the eyes
of the white eyes as below pic,
insert 2 eyes in the middle of
the head
Use pins to locate the horns as Sew 2 horns on the head Sew the ears below 2 horns
below pic
Sew the head to the body Crochet the long arm & short Sew the arms as below pic
arms as instructed
Sew the scarf together (red to Hide the remaining yarn Sew the belly on the body, and
red string, white to white wrap the light bulb string on
string) the horns
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 8
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 9
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 10
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 11
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rnd sts
Break the yarn for the 1st leg, crochet the 2nd leg
the same way (remember to crochet the 13th rnd
for the 2nd leg), continue to chain 8 (pic 1), join
with the last st of the 1st leg with slst 1 (pic 2), and
continue to crochet the body.
Body (yarn C)
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 12
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 13
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
rnd sts
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 14
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
Wear the hair on the head Wear the hair on the head Use black thread to embroider
the eyebrows, pink thread to
embroider the cheeks
Sew the head to the body Sew the head to the body Sew the head to the body
Crochet the long arm & short Sew the arms to the body Wear the star on the head
arms as instructed
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 15
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 16
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 17
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 18
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rnd sts
Break the yarn for the 1st leg, crochet the 2nd leg
the same way (remember to crochet the 13th
rnd for the 2nd leg), continue to chain 8 (pic 1),
join with the last st of the 1st leg with slst 1 (pic
2), and continue to crochet the body.
Body (yarn C)
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 19
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
27 sc 32, sc 30 blo, sc 4 (66) 53 sc 21, sc 3 in the flo of the next 3sts (42)
28 sc 29, sc 36 blo, sc 1, change to yarn (66) on rnd 52, sc 14 in the flo of the next
B 14sts on rnd 51, sc 3 in the flo of the
29 sc 29, sc 3 in the flo of the next 3sts (66) next 3sts on rnd 52, sc 1
on rnd 28, sc 30 in the flo of the next 54 [sc 5, dec] 6x (36)
30sts on rnd 27, sc 3 in the flo of the 55 sc 36 (36)
next 3sts on rnd 28, sc 1 56 sc 22, sc 10 blo, sc 4 (36)
30 sc 66, cut yarn B, change to yarn C (66) 57 sc 19, sc 16 blo, sc 1 (36)
31 sc 35, sc 24 blo, sc 7 (66) 58 sc 19, sc 3 in the flo of the next 3sts (36)
32 sc 32, sc 30 blo, sc 4 (66) on rnd 57, sc 10 in the flo of the next
33 sc 29, sc 36 blo, sc 1 (66) 10sts on rnd 56, sc 3 in the flo of the
34 sc 29, sc 3 in the flo of the next 3sts (66) next 3sts on rnd 57, sc 1
on rnd 33, sc 3 in the flo of the next 59 [sc 4, dec] 6x (30)
3sts on rnd 32, sc 24 in the flo of the 60 sc 17, sc 12 blo, sc 1 (30)
next 24sts on rnd 31, sc 3 in the flo 61 sc 17, sc 12 in the flo of the next (30)
of the next 3sts on rnd 32, sc 3 in 12sts on rnd 60, sc 1
the flo of the next 3sts on rnd 33, sc
1 Break the yarn, stuff firmly, leave a long thread to
35 [sc 9, dec] 6x (60) sew later.
36 sc 30, sc 26 blo, sc 4 (60)
37 sc 27, sc 32 blo, sc 1 (60) Head (yarn E)
38 sc 27, sc 3 in the flo of the next 3sts (60)
on rnd 37, sc 26 in the flo of the next rnd sts
26sts on rnd 36, sc 3 in the flo of the
next 3sts on rnd 37, sc 1 1 ch 14, start on the 2nd ch from (30)
39 [sc 8, dec] 6x (54) the hook, inc, sc 11, inc 2 on the
40 sc 54 (54) last st, continue to crochet on the
41 sc 28, sc 22 blo, sc 4 (54) other side of the chs, sc 11, inc
42 sc 25, sc 28 blo, sc 1 (54) 2 inc 2, sc 11, inc 4, sc 11, inc 2 (38)
43 sc 25, sc 3 in the flo of the next 3sts (54) 3 [sc 1, inc] 2x, sc 11, [sc 1, inc] 4x, (46)
on rnd 42, sc 22 in the flo of the next sc 11, [sc 1, inc] 2x
22sts on rnd 41, sc 3 in the flo of the 4 sc 46 (46)
next 3sts on rnd 42, sc 1 5 [sc 2, inc] 2x, sc 11, [sc 2, inc] 4x, (54)
44 [sc 7, dec] 6x (48) sc 11, [sc 2, inc] 2x
45 sc 48, stuffing firmly (48) 6 sc 54 (54)
46 sc 26, sc 18 blo, sc 4 (48) 7 sc 2, inc, sc 22, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 22, (58)
47 sc 23, sc 24 blo, sc 1 (48) inc, sc 1
48 sc 23, sc 3 in the flo of the next 3sts (48) 8 sc 58 (58)
on rnd 47, sc 18 in the flo of the next 9 sc 2, inc, sc 24, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 24, (62)
18sts on rnd 46, sc 3 in the flo of the inc, sc 1
next 3sts on rnd 47, sc 1 10 sc 62 (62)
49 [sc 6, dec] 6x (42) 11 sc 2, inc, sc 26, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 26, (66)
50 sc 42 (42) inc, sc 1
51 sc 24, sc 14 blo, sc 4 (42) 12 sc 66 (66)
52 sc 21, sc 20 blo, sc 1 (42) 13 sc 2, inc, sc 28, inc, sc 3, inc, sc 28, (70)
inc, sc 1
14 sc 70 (70)
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 20
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
Beard (yarn D)
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 22
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.
rnd sts Break the yarn, stuff firmly, weave in the last 8 sts,
hide the remaining yarn. Use a metallic thread to
1 ch 10, start on the 2nd ch from the (12) wrap around the gift box.
hook, sc 1, hdc 1, dc 2, (dc 2), (tr 3),
dc 1, hdc 1, sc 1 Large Gift Box (yarn F)
Break the yarn, leave a long thread to sew later. rnd sts
Crochet the head as instructed, Sew the head to the body Crochet the short & long arms
insert eyes between rnds as instructed
15&16, 2sts apart
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 23
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Sew the arms on the body Sew the ball to the hat Sew the hat on the head
(above the eyes 3-4 rnds)
Sew the beard on the head, Sew the nose under the eyes, Sew 2 mustaches on each side
below the hat sew the eyebrows above the of the beard, emboider the
eyes cheeks with pink thread
Sew the gifts box between 2 This is the back of the Santa
arms if you like
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 24
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 25
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 26
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 27
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rnd sts
Break the yarn for the 1st leg, crochet the 2nd leg
the same way (remember to crochet the 13th
rnd for the 2nd leg), continue to chain 8 (pic 1),
join with the last st of the 1st leg with slst 1 (pic
2), and continue to crochet the body.
Body (yarn C)
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 28
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 29
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Head (yarn C)
rnd sts
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 30
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 31
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rnd sts
Tail (yarn C)
rnd sts
Break the yarn with a long rest, use the tapestry
1 ch 5, start on the 2nd ch from the (10) needle to sew 2 edges together.
hook, sc 3, (sc 3) on the last st,
continue to crochet on the other Cappuccino Mug (yarn F)
side of the chains, sc 2, inc
2 sc 10 (10) rnd sts
3 dec, sc 8 (9)
4 dec, sc 7 (8) 1 sc 5 into a magic loop (5)
5 dec, sc 6 (7) 2 inc 5 (10)
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 32
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Handle (yarn F)
rnd sts
Sew the arms on the body Sew the head to the body Sew the head to the body
Sew the tail on the body Wear the hoodie on the bear Sew the mug on the arm if you
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 33
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@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 34
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X-shape stitch or V-shape stitch depends on the way you pull the yarn through the loop. If you yarn
over the hook from back to front, you’re making a V-shape stitch. If you yarn under the hook, then it’s
a X-shape stitch. Both ways are fine, you can crochet whichever you find easier.
V-shape stitch helps your amigurumi look bigger, while X-shape stitch makes your amigurumi more
beautiful and helps to make the amigurumi tighter.
You can see the difference between the right side and wrong side in the photos bellow.
When you crochet mini-sized toys/dolls, it is unable to turn the sides. Therefore, it is normal having
the wrong side out.
For the remaining yarn, you can use a tapestry needle and weave it vertically through stitches. Repeat
a couple times to make sure it stays firmly.
Use the tapestry needle Weave the yarn vertically Repeat a couple times
through some stitches
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 35
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For the oval shapes ( arms and legs parts of this book)
On last chain, we often crochet Continue crochet on other side We finish the 1st rnd
three stiches
Before changing the yarn color, Take the yarn (you want to Change the color as instructed.
there are two loops on the change) through both loop.
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 36
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6.Invisible Decrease
Normal decrease (photo bellow) will make a large hole, so we should use insivible decrease. Just crochet
on front loop only.
Normal decrease Crochet on front loop only Pull the yarn through two front
Pull the yarn through two loop Pull the yarn through two
remaining loops
After you finish crochet Use a tapestry needle and Pull the yarn to close and hide
weave over remaining sts. the remaining yarn.
There are a loop like photo Pull the yarn through last stitch
@2022 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! 37
This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline.