DEBUT Script
DEBUT Script
DEBUT Script
: Good evening everyone, we will start in a moment and I encourage you
all to have a great time as we wait for the debutante
: Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. May we have all your attention
: A lovely evening to each and everyone! I welcome you all here for this
momentous event. As we start our simple yet meaningful celebration
may I request everyone to please rise as we invoke the presence of
the Holy Spirit to be led by Mamy Beth.
(Opening Prayer)
Mamy Beth
: Without further a do. Tonight calls for a grand celebration, and it is our
distinct pleasure to introduce to you for the first time,the reason why we
are all gathered here.
Everyone let us all stand and give a round of applause for our lovely
debutante as she turns into a fine young lady
Ladies and Gentlemen, she’s an icon, she’s a legend and she is the
: As the debutante receives her 18 roses, let it be a reminder that like the
rose, life is beautiful, however, some thorns signify that life isn’t easy for
there are problems to be faced. It is up to her how she will handle these
hurdles with the support of her family and friends.
: Because birthdays are always new beginnings, new endeavors with new
sets of goals, sending birthday messages and wishes is a tradition,
especially in our country, where we give high value to family ties and
: Indeed, memories are ways to hold on to the things that we love, and to
the things that we don’t want to lose.
Thank you so much to these beautiful ladies, Ms. Debutante you may now
blow the candles
: Tonight is definitely filled with a bundle of surprises for our dear
debutante. Adding up to the list, here’s a dance number from our debutant
herself and her dynamos
: Ladies and Gentlemen, the ever iconic and timeles.. let us give them a
round of applause
(Dance Number)
:At this juncture we will have our most awaited 18 treasures, These
treasures must have a symbolism that may play a signifcant role to
debutantes’ life ,special token that will bring joy and will make our
debutante feel how important she is, let us start with
:Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in
response to a wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an
overwhelming thank you. Maraming salamat po for making me a part of
this memorable occasion. And if there’s one person here tonight who is
more than grateful to see all of you, that would be our beloved celebrant,
Ms. Kyle Anne Apdian. I’m giving the floor to our dear debutant to give her
message for all of us.
The night is young, and so are we, diba? Are you ready to party? We
have just actually started. Again, thank you for having me here to
celebrate with all of you.
This is has been your host, Kisha Anne C. Apdian and shoutout kang
Kuya Ian for being my co host, maraming salamat and enjoy the rest of
the night everyone! This is your host signing off.