BMC 4 Full Notes
BMC 4 Full Notes
BMC 4 Full Notes
IV – AR8521 Third Year, 5th semester
2019 - 2020
Table of Contents
UNIT 1 .............................................................................................................................. 8
INTRODUCTION TO CEMENT AND CONCRETE .......................................................... 8
CEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 8
CONCRETE ..................................................................................................................... 8
HISTORY OF CEMENT AND CONCRETE ....................................................................... 9
Portland cement in India .................................................................................... 10
PORTLAND CEMENT COMPOSITION ......................................................................... 10
MANUFACTURE ............................................................................................................ 11
WET PROCESS ........................................................................................................ 12
DRY PROCESS ........................................................................................................ 15
Advantage of Dry Process over Wet Process ......................................................... 16
PROPERTIES OF CEMENT ............................................................................................. 16
TYPES OF CEMENT........................................................................................................ 17
Ordinary Portland Cement ................................................................................. 18
Rapid Hardening Cement .................................................................................. 18
Sulphate Resisting Cement ................................................................................. 18
Portland Slag Cement (PSC) .............................................................................. 19
Quick Setting Cement ......................................................................................... 19
Low Heat Cement................................................................................................ 19
Coloured Cement................................................................................................ 20
Expansive Cement ............................................................................................... 20
Oil-Well Cement ................................................................................................... 20
Rediset Cement ................................................................................................... 20
USES OF CEMENT ......................................................................................................... 21
TESTS FOR CEMENT ...................................................................................................... 22
FIELD TESTING ........................................................................................................ 22
LABORATORY TESTING.......................................................................................... 22
FINENESS TEST ............................................................................................................... 23
SETTING TIME TEST ........................................................................................................ 23
SOUNDNESS TEST .......................................................................................................... 24
STRENGTH TEST ............................................................................................................. 25
HEAT OF HYDRATION TEST .......................................................................................... 27
CHEMICAL COMPOSITION TEST ................................................................................. 27
CEMENT MORTAR ........................................................................................................ 28
PLASTERING .................................................................................................................. 28
Plastering Composition ....................................................................................... 28
Concrete ...................................................................................................................... 29
Concrete composition ........................................................................................ 29
AGGREGATES........................................................................................................ 29
Aggregates Source .................................................................................................... 30
Classification of Aggregates ..................................................................................... 30
Fine aggregates .......................................................................................................... 30
Coarse aggregates .................................................................................................... 30
Aggregates Shape ..................................................................................................... 30
Aggregates Size .......................................................................................................... 31
Grading of aggregates ....................................................................................... 31
Aggregates Sampling ......................................................................................... 32
Proportioning Concrete ............................................................................................. 32
Arbitrary Method ......................................................................................................... 32
Minimum void Method ............................................................................................... 33
Maximum Density Method ........................................................................................ 33
Fineness Modulus Method ......................................................................................... 33
Water-cement ratio .................................................................................................... 33
Workability of concrete ............................................................................................. 33
Stages in concrete construction .............................................................................. 34
Formwork ............................................................................................................... 34
Mixing ..................................................................................................................... 35
Hand Mixing .......................................................................................................... 35
Machine Mixing .................................................................................................... 36
Transportation ....................................................................................................... 36
Placing Concrete ................................................................................................. 36
Compacting concrete........................................................................................ 37
Curing..................................................................................................................... 37
Cement and concrete finishes ................................................................................. 37
Roughcast Finish ................................................................................................... 38
Dry dash Finish ...................................................................................................... 38
Textured Finish ....................................................................................................... 38
Stucco .................................................................................................................... 38
Water proofing and damp proofing of concrete ................................................. 39
FOUNDATION ........................................................................................................ 39
BASEMENT .............................................................................................................. 40
FLOORING ............................................................................................................. 40
UNIT – 2.......................................................................................................................... 41
Cast in situ .................................................................................................................... 41
In situ cement concrete construction procedure ................................................. 42
In situ concrete ............................................................................................................ 42
In situ reinforced concrete ........................................................................................ 42
Different types of foundations .................................................................................. 43
Strip Foundation ................................................................................................... 43
Pad Foundation .................................................................................................... 44
Pile Foundation ..................................................................................................... 45
Raft Foundation .................................................................................................... 46
Different types of columns......................................................................................... 46
BEAMS ........................................................................................................................... 48
Different types of beams .................................................................................... 48
BASED ON SUPPORTS ........................................................................................... 48
Simply supported beam ......................................................................................... 48
Cantilever beam ..................................................................................................... 49
Continuous Beam .................................................................................................... 49
Fixed Beam ............................................................................................................... 49
Overhang Beam ...................................................................................................... 50
BASED ON THE SHAPE .......................................................................................... 50
Rectangular beam .................................................................................................. 50
L-shape beam .......................................................................................................... 50
Circular shape beam .............................................................................................. 50
T-shape beam .......................................................................................................... 51
SLABS ............................................................................................................................. 51
Different types of slabs ........................................................................................ 51
Flat slab .................................................................................................................. 52
Conventional Slab ............................................................................................... 52
Waffle slab............................................................................................................. 52
Solid Slab Raft ....................................................................................................... 53
Composite slab .................................................................................................... 54
WALLS............................................................................................................................ 54
Concrete Wall Construction Process ................................................................ 54
Different types of walls ........................................................................................ 55
Concrete Block Walls Design Block Design ...................................................... 55
Classification of Concrete Walls ........................................................................ 56
LINTELS ........................................................................................................................... 57
Different types of lintels ....................................................................................... 57
SUN SHADES ................................................................................................................. 58
Different types of sun shades ............................................................................. 59
STAIRCASE .................................................................................................................... 59
Different types of staircase ................................................................................. 59
SIRAIGHT FLIGHT FOR DOG LEGGED ................................................................. 60
STAIR WITHOUT RISER ............................................................................................ 60
WATER TANK ................................................................................................................. 61
Floor of RCC water tank rest on the ground .................................................... 61
Floor of tanks rest on support ............................................................................. 61
Concrete Water Tank Walls ................................................................................ 62
Provision of joints .................................................................................................. 62
Pressure on RCC water tank wall....................................................................... 63
RCC water tank roof ............................................................................................ 63
FLOORING .................................................................................................................... 64
Different types of flooring ................................................................................... 64
Beam and Slab Floor ........................................................................................... 64
Waffle Grid Slab Floor .......................................................................................... 65
Drop Beam and slab ........................................................................................... 66
Flat slab Floor ........................................................................................................ 67
SUMP ............................................................................................................................. 67
Sump Design Criteria ........................................................................................... 67
PRE CAST CONCRETE .................................................................................................. 69
Types of precast .......................................................................................................... 70
LARGE PANEL SYSTEMS ............................................................................................... 70
FRAME SYSTEMS ........................................................................................................... 70
SLAB-COLUMN SYSTEMS WITH SHEAR WALLS ........................................................... 71
Lift –slab system .................................................................................................... 71
The pre-stressed slab-column ............................................................................. 71
Pre- Cast Manufacture .............................................................................................. 72
PRE-CAST STRUCTURAL BUILDING COMPONENTS ................................................... 74
Foundation (structural component) ........................................................................ 74
WALLS (structural component) ................................................................................. 75
FLOORS (structural component)............................................................................... 76
Pre-cast reinforced concrete floor system ............................................................. 76
Pre-cast hollow floor unit ........................................................................................... 77
Precast concrete plank floor units ........................................................................... 77
Pre cast concrete tee beams................................................................................... 77
ROOF (structural component) .................................................................................. 78
Columns (structural component) ............................................................................. 78
Beams (structural component) ................................................................................. 80
PARAPET ....................................................................................................................... 82
Pre Cast – Window ...................................................................................................... 83
Types of special concretes ........................................................................................ 84
Lightweight concrete .......................................................................................... 84
Aerated concrete ................................................................................................ 85
No-fines concrete ................................................................................................ 85
Polymer concrete ................................................................................................ 85
Advantages Of Polymer Concrete ................................................................... 85
Applications Of Polymer Concrete ................................................................... 86
Pre-stressed concrete ................................................................................................ 86
Fibre-reinforced concrete .................................................................................. 86
Ready-mixed concrete ....................................................................................... 87
Advantages of Ready Mixed Concrete .............................................................. 87
Limitations of Ready Mix Concrete ....................................................................... 87
Ferro cement ............................................................................................................... 88
BUILDING MATERIALS RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS ................................................ 88
CBRI ........................................................................................................................ 88
SERC ....................................................................................................................... 89
NBO ........................................................................................................................ 89
The mandate of the NBO in its restructured form is as follows: ..................... 90
Role of NBO in various major activities of MoHUPA ........................................ 90
BMTPC ........................................................................................................................... 90
OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................... 91
AREAS OF WORK................................................................................................... 91
Renovation................................................................................................................... 91
Techniques for renovation .................................................................................. 92
Retrofitting .................................................................................................................... 92
INDIA ...................................................................................................................... 92
Seismic design ............................................................................................................. 95
Basic principles for seismic design in concrete. ............................................. 95
SEISMIC DESIGN FACTORS ................................................................................... 96
1. KEY WORDS ........................................................................................................ 104
Pre cast concrete ..................................................................................................... 105
Pre cast concrete tee beams................................................................................. 106
Precast concrete plank floor units ......................................................................... 106
2. KEY IMAGES ........................................................................................................ 108
Cement and concrete as building materials. Brief history of their use through
examples. Composition, manufacture, properties, types and uses of cement. Tests
for cement. Introduction to cement mortar and plastering and their composition.
Concrete and its composition. Mix design. Nature of aggregates for mix including
classification, sources, shape, size, grading, sampling and analysis. Proportioning,
water-cement ratio, workability. Stages in concrete construction- formwork, mixing,
placing, curing. Cement and concrete finishes including roughcast, dry dash,
textured, stucco. Water proofing and damp proofing of concrete.
A cement is a binder used in construction industry to set, hardens, adheres
to other materials and bind them together.
Non-hydraulic - The latter does not set and harden in water such as non-
hydraulic lime or which are unstable in water, e g. Plaster of Paris.
Hydraulic cement - The hydraulic cement set and harden in water and give
a product which is stable eg - Portland cement.
Concrete is a construction material composed of cement, fine aggregates
(sand) and coarse aggregates mixed with water which hardens with time.
Portland cement is the commonly used type of cement for production of
Concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates (sand & rock). The paste,
composed of cement and water, coats the surface of the fine (sand) and coarse
aggregates (rocks) and binds them together into a rock-like mass known as
o Ground hard lime stones and finely divided clay is mixed to form
slurry and calcined it in a furnace similar to a lime kiln till the CO2
was expelled.
In the early period, cement was used for making mortar only. Later the use of
cement was extended for making concrete.
Alumina (aluminum oxide, Al2O3)
The lime is obtained from a calcareous (lime-containing) raw material, and the
other oxides are derived from an argillaceous (clayey) material.
Control strength and loudness. Its
deficiency reduces strength and setting 60 - 65
Gives strength. Excess of it causes slow
setting. Responsible for quick setting, if in 17 - 25
excess, it lowers the strength.
Al2O3 Responsible for quick setting, if in excess, it
Alumina lowers the strength.
Fe2O3 Gives colour and help sin fusion of different
0.5 - 6
Iron oxide ingredients.
Imparts colour and hardness. If in excess it
causes cracks in mortar and concrete and 1-3
Na2O+ K2O
0.5 - 1.3
Alkali oxides
These are residues, and if in excess causes
Tio2 0.1 - 0.4
efflorescence and cracking.
P2O2 Makes cement sound. 0.1 - 0.2
SO3 1-2
The raw materials required for manufacture of Portland cement are
calcareous materials, such as limestone or chalk, and argillaceous material such
as shale or clay.
The process of manufacture of cement consists of
Depending upon the type of mixing and grinding of raw materials there are two
processes known as
Step 1 - The limestone brought from the quarries is crushed to smaller fragments.
Step 2 - The crushed raw materials are fed into ball mill and a little water is added.
On operating the ball mill, the steel balls in it pulverize the raw materials which
form a slurry with water.
Step 3 - This slurry is passed to silos (storage tanks), where the proportioning of the
compounds is adjusted to ensure desired chemical composition.
Step 4 - The corrected slurry having about 40 per cent moisture content, is then
fed into rotary kiln. Where it loses moisture and forms into lumps or nodules. These
are finally burned at 1500-1600°C.
The kiln is fired from the lower end. The fuel is either powered
coal, oil or natural gas.
Step 5- By the time the material rolls down to the lower end of the rotary kiln, the
dry material undergoes a series of chemical reactions, finally turns into nodular
form of size 3 mm to 20 mm known as clinker.
Step 6 - The clinker drops into a rotary cooler where it is cooled under
controlled conditions . The clinker is stored in silos or bins. The clinker weighs
about 1100 to 1300 gms per liter.
Step 8 - The cooled clinker is then ground in a ball mill with the addition of 3 to 5
per cent of gypsum in order to prevent flash-setting of the cement. In ball mill
the mixture is crushed into required fineness.
Step 9 - The particles crushed to the required fineness are separated by currents
of air and taken to storage silos from where the cement is bagged or filled into
barrels for bulk supply to dams or other large work sites.
In the dry process the raw materials are crushed
dry and fed in correct proportions into a
grinding mill where they are dried and reduced
to a very fine powder.
The blended powder is further sieved and fed into a rotating disc called
The particles crushed to the required are taken to storage silos from where
the cement is bagged or filled into barrels for bulk supply to dams or other
large work sites.
The total consumption of coal in this method is only about 100 kg when
compared to the requirement of about 350 kg for producing a ton of
cement in the wet process.
Following are the important properties of a good cement which primarily
depend upon its chemical composition, thoroughness of burning and fineness of
It is easily workable.
This cement has a high silicate content. The specification generally limits the
C3A content to 5 per cent.
Reduced permeability;
The difference between the quick setting cement and rapid hardening cement is
that quick setting cement sets earlier while rate of gain of strength is similar to Ordinary
Portland Cement, while rapid hardening cement gains strength quickly. Formworks in
both cases can be removed earlier.
This cement can be used in mass concrete construction, such as dams, where
temperature rise by the heat of hydration can become excessively large.
Coloured Cement
Coloured cement consists of Portland cement with 5-10 per cent of
pigment. For manufacturing various coloured cements either white cement or
grey Portland cement is used as a base
Uses - These cements are used for making terrazzo flooring, face plaster of walls
(stucco), ornamental works, and casting stones.
Expansive Cement
Cement of this type has been developed by using an expanding
agent and a stabilizer very carefully. Proper material and controlled
proportioning are necessary in order to obtain the desired expansion. Cement
used for grouting anchor bolts or grouting machine foundations or the cement
used in grouting the pre-stress concrete ducts.
Oil-Well Cement
Oil-wells are drilled through stratified sedimentary rocks through a great
depth in search of oil. It is likely that if oil is struck, oil or gas may escape through
the space between the steel casing and rock formation. Cement slurry is used
to seal off the annular space between steel casing and rock strata and also to
seal off any other fissures or cavities in the sedimentary rock layer.
Rediset Cement
Properties of “Rediset”
The rate of shrinkage is fast but the total shrinkage is similar to that of
ordinary Portland cement concrete.
At present, the cement is widely used in the construction of various
engineering structures. It has proved to be one of the leading engineering
material of modern times and has no rivals in production and applications.
Following are the possible uses of cement:
Cement for lying floors, roofs and constructing lintels, beams, weather
sheds, stairs, pillars, etc.
o Field testing
o Laboratory testing
It is sufficient to subject the cement to field tests when it is used for minor works.
The following are the field tests:
Open the bag and take a good look at the cement. There should not
be any visible lumps. The colour of the cement should normally be
greenish grey.
Cement bag must give you a cool feeling. There should not be any lump
For using cement in important and major works test the cement in the
laboratory to confirm the requirements of the Indian Standard specifications
with respect to its physical and chemical properties.
Fineness test
Soundness test
Strength test
This test is carried to check proper grinding of cement. The fineness of
cement particles may be determined either by sieve test or by permeability
apparatus test.
This test can be also used to estimate the percentage water requirement
of the cement paste.
The reading on the attached scale is recorded. When the reading is 5-7
mm from the bottom of the mould, the amount of water added is
considered to be the correct percentage of water for normal
The initial setting time may be defined as the time taken by the paste to
stiffen to such an extent that the Vicat’s needle is not permitted to move down
through the paste to within 5 ± 0.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould.
The final setting time is the needle, under standard weight, fails to leave
any mark on the hardened concrete.
The purpose of this test is to detect the uncombined lime. It is a very
important test since an unsound cement produces cracks, distortion and
disintegration, ultimately leading to failure.
After 24 hours, the mould is taken out and the distance separating the
indicator points is measured.
The mould is again submerged in water. The water is now boiled for 3
Cement is tested for compressive and tensile strengths. The strength of mortar
and concrete depends upon the type and nature of cement.
The specimens are removed from moulds and they are submerged in
clean water for curing.
The cubes are then tested in compression testing machine at the end of
3 days and 7 days. The testing cubes is carried out on their three sides
without packing.
The three cubes are tested each time to find out the compressive
strength at the end of 3 days and 7 days. the average value is then
worked out.
The compressive strength at the end of 3 days should not be less than
11kg/cm2 or 11.50 N/mm2and at the end of 7 days should not be less
than 175 kg/cm2 or 17.50 N/mm2 .
such twelve standard briquettes are prepared. The briquettes are kept
in a damp cabin for 24 hours.
The briquettes are carefully removed from the moulds and they are
submerged in clean water for curing.
The briquettes are tested in testing machine at the end of 3 days and 7
days. Six briquettes are tested and average is found out.
It may be noted that cross sectional area of briquette at its least section
is 6.45 cm2. Hence the ultimate tensile stress of cement paste is obtained
from following relation:
The tensile stress should not be less than 0 kg/cm2 or 2 N/mm2 and at
the end of 7 days should not be less than 5 kg/cm2 or 2.50N/mm2.
Lime saturation factor (LSF) should not be less than 0.66 and it should not
be greater than 1.02. ( LSF - ratio of percentage of lime to those of
alumina, iron oxide, and silica)
Weight of insoluble solid should not be greater than 1.50 per cent.
Cement mortar can be prepared by mixing cement, sand and water in
desired proportions. Cement Mortars are used for plastering, rendering smooth
finishes and damp proof courses.
Masonry 1 4- 5
Interior 1 4
Exterior 1 5-6
Foundation 1 3-4
Plastering is the process of covering rough surfaces of walls, columns,
ceilings and other building components with a thin coat of mortar to form a
smooth double surface. Cement mortar is the best mortar for external
plastering work. Plastering can be also named as rendering.
Plastering Composition
The mix proportion may vary from 1:4 to 1:6. Sands used for plastering
should be clean, coarse and angular. Before mixing water, dry mixing is
thoroughly done. When water is mixed, the mortar should be used within 30
mins of mixing.
Concrete is a construction material composed of cement, fine aggregates
(sand) and coarse aggregates mixed with water which hardens with time.
Portland cement is the commonly used type of cement for production of
Concrete is a mixture of paste and aggregates (sand & rock). The paste,
composed of cement and water, coats the surface of the fine (sand) and
coarse aggregates (rocks) and binds them together into a rock-like mass
known as concrete.
Concrete composition
There are three basic ingredients in the concrete mix:
Portland Cement
Aggregates are inert or chemically inactive materials. These aggregates
are bound together by means of cement.
For thin slab and walls the maximum size of coarse aggregates should
be limited to one third the thickness section of concrete.
Aggregates Source
Almost all natural aggregate materials originate from bed rocks. There
are three kinds of rocks, namely, igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Classification of Aggregates
Aggregated can be classified based on weight and size.
Fine aggregates
Aggregates less than 4.75mm are known as fine aggregates. Fine
aggregates should pass through BIS sieve no 40. Fine aggregates is usually
found in river beds. Finely churched stone can be also used instead of river
Coarse aggregates
Aggregates greater than 4.75mm are known as coarse aggregates. The
materials which is retained on BIS test sieve no 480 is termed as coarse
Aggregates Shape
The shape of aggregates is an important characteristic since it affects
the workability of concrete.
Aggregates Size
Aggregate size selection depends upon the size of aggregate
practicable to handle under a given set of conditions.
Using the possible size will help in (i) reduction of the cement content (ii)
reduction in water requirement (iii) reduction of drying shrinkage.
Grading of aggregates
Grading of aggregates are determination of particle size distribution of
aggregates at the end of sieve test. The aggregate particle size is determined
by using wire-mesh sieves with square openings.
Grading of aggregates is an important factor for concrete mix design.
These affect the concrete strength as well as durability.
Sieve Analysis
The sieve analysis is conducted to determine the particle size
distribution in a sample of aggregate, which we call gradation.
Aggregates Sampling
The process of taking a sample of aggregate that is truly representative
of the nature and condition of the aggregate in the stockpile bin or in the
place source of material is called aggregate sampling.
Proportioning Concrete
The process of selection of relative proportions of cement, sand, coarse
aggregate and water to obtain a concrete of desired quality is known as
proportioning concrete.
o Arbitrary method
Arbitrary Method
In this method the proportion of cement, sand and coarse aggregates
are fixed arbitrarily such as 1:4 or 1:3:6 etc, depending on the nature of work.
Minimum void Method
In this method, the voids of coarse aggregates and fine aggregates are
determined separately to get the dense of concrete.
Water-cement ratio
Water-cement ratio is the water used to the quantum of cement in the
mixture by weight.
Workability of concrete
The term workability is used to describe the ease or difficulty with which
the concrete is handled, transported and placed between the forms. Slump
test is used to find the workability of concrete.
Placing Concrete
Compacting concrete
Formwork is the term used for the process of creating a temporary mould
into which concrete is poured and formed.
Formwork are classified as wooden, plywood, steel, combined wood-
steel. Timber is most commonly used formwork.
The materials of the form work should be cheap and it should be suitable
for reuse of several times.
It should be water proof, so that it does not absorb water from concrete.
The form work should be clean, smooth, and it should afford easy
The operation of manufacture of concrete is called mixing. Mixing can
be done be two methods
o Hand Mixing
o Machine Mixing
Hand Mixing
In this method, mixing is done manually on a steel plate 2 m X 2 m in size
or on a clean hard surface. This method can be adopted when small quantity
of concrete is required.
Machine Mixing
A concrete mixer is a
device that homogeneously mix
cement, aggregates, and water
to form concrete.
For smaller volume works, portable concrete mixers are often used so
that the concrete can be made at the construction site. For heavy works
concrete can be made outside the site (Batching Plant).
There are many modes to transport concert. Different modes are shown below:
Truck mixer
Belt conveyor
Concrete pump
Pneumatic placer
Placing Concrete
The concrete should be placed and compacted before its setting starts.
The method of placing concrete should be such as to prevent segregation. It
should not be dropped from a height more than one meter. In case, placing
of concrete is likely to take some time it should be kept in an agitated
Compacting concrete
The compaction of concrete can be carried out using simple tamping
rods or boards, or alternatively it can be carried out with the aid of plant such
as vibrators.
Curing is one of the most essential operation in which concrete is kept
continuously damp for some days to enable the concrete to gain more
strength. The curing period depends upon the atmospheric conditions such as
temperature, humidity and wind velocity. The normal curing period is between
7 and 10 days.
Roughcast Finish
Dr dash finish
Textured Finish
Roughcast Finish
In this method, the mortar for final coat contains fine sand as well as
coarse aggregate in the ratio 1:1 2 : 3 ( Cement : Sand : Aggregates).
Such a finish is water proof, durable, and resistant to cracking and may
be used for exterior rendering.
In this the final coat having cement: sand mix proportion of 1: 3 is applied
in 12mm thickness.
The pebbles may be lightly pressed into the mortar, with the help of
wooden float.
Textured Finish
This is used with stucco plastering. Ornamental patters or textured
surfaces are on the final coat of stucco plastering, by working with
suitable tools.
Stucco is the name given to an excellent decorative plaster used on both
interior and exterior walls.
The second coat known as finer or brown coat, provides desired shape to
the surface.
The third coat called final or finishing coat affords the required texture,
smoothness and decorative appearance to the plastered surface.
UNIT – 2
Cast in situ
The cast-in-situ concrete is standard concrete which is poured into the
specific form work on the site and cured to get the strength of RCC elements.
Concrete mixing
In situ concrete
For example, constructing a normal slab,
Strip foundation
Pad foundation
Pile foundation
Raft foundation
Strip Foundation
Strip Foundation consist of a continuous, longitudinal strip of concrete
designed to spread the uniformly loaded wall of brick, masonry or
The spread of the strip depends on foundation loads and the bearing
capacity and shear strength of the subsoil.
Steel tube and base Reinforcement cage The concrete is If required the pile
plate driven until is placed, and the compacted as can be formed
strong base is tube is filled with the tube is with an integral
identified concrete withdrawn by enlarged head
vibrating the top during installation
of the tube with
external driving
hammer or
Raft Foundation
Raft foundation is continuous in two directions, usually covering an area
equal to or greater than the base of a building
Raft foundations are used for lightly loaded structures on soils with poor
bearing capacity.
Tied columns - The main longitudinal reinforcement bars are enclosed within
closely spaced lateral ties. It is estimated that 95% of all columns in buildings
are tied.
Spiral columns
The main longitudinal reinforcement bars are enclosed within closely spaced
and continuously wound spiral reinforcement. Circular and octagonal columns
are mostly of this type. Spiral reinforcement provides lateral restrains (Poisson’s
effect) and delays axial load failure (ductile).
A beam is a structural member used for bearing loads. It is typically used
for resisting vertical loads, shear forces and bending moments.
Based on supports
Based on geometry
Based on support different types of beams are simply supported Beams,
Cantilever beam, Continuous beams, Overhang beam, Fixed Beam.
Simply supported beams are defined as having two supports at either end -
one pinned and one roller.
Cantilever beam
Continuous Beam
Fixed Beam
Rectangular beam
L-shape beam
L- Beam usually occurs frequently at the edge of slab in reinforced
concrete building and also in bridge construction.
Slabs are constructed to provide flat surfaces, usually horizontal, in
building floors, roofs, bridges, and other types of structures. The slab may be
supported by walls, by reinforced concrete beams usually cast monolithically
with the slab, by structural steel beams, by columns, or by the ground. The
depth of a slab is usually very small compared to its span.
Flat slab
Conventional Slab
Waffle slab
Flat slab
This is a typically a
reinforced slab supported directly
by columns or caps, without the use
of beams.
Conventional Slab
This type of slab is supported with beams and columns, with the load
transferred to those elements. A conventional slab is classified as either:
One-way Two-way
One way slab is supported by beams Two-way slab is supported by beam
in only one direction. in all four sides.
Waffle slab
This type of slab contains square grids with deep sides, resembling a waffle
shape, often used where large spans are required without the interference
of columns.
Steel is often used as the supporting system underneath the slab due to
its superior strength-weight and stiffness-weight ratio and ease of
A wall is a structure that defines an area, carries a load; provides security,
shelter, or soundproofing; Walls in buildings that form a fundamental part of the
Concrete Production
Pouring Concrete
Removal of Formworks
Main reinforcement is provided at the bottom and half of these bars are
cranked at the ends. Shear stirrups are provided to resist transverse shear.
R.C.C lintel over a window with projection
R.C.C boot lintels are provided over cavity walls. These will give good appearance
and economical. A flexible D.P.C is provided
Something used as a protection from the sun's rays.
Different types of sun shades
Staircase is used to connect between different levels in a buildings.
Helical Stair
Bifurcated staircase
Install polyethylene sheet layer between lean concrete and the floor
Lastly, when walls and floor are connected rigidly, then moment at the
junction in combination with other transferred loads shall be considered
in floor design.
Concrete Water Tank Walls
Provision of joints
Sliding joints may be used if:
To prevent moments at the base of the wall because of fixity to the floor.
Pressure on RCC water tank wall
Gas pressure, which is developed due to the presence of fixed or floated
tank cover, shall be added to the liquid pressure.
The top slab is normally thin and the bottom grid lines are generally
ribs which are laid perpendicular to each other with equal depth.
On a 12.0m square column grid the overall depth of a slab and beam
floor would be about 1.2 where the depth of a drop slab floor would ne
about 600 cm.
A sump is a low space that collects often undesirable liquids such as
water or chemicals. A sump can also be an infiltration basin used to manage
surface runoff water and recharge underground aquifers.
Sump pits are to be fitted with an opening to accept a 100mm (4”) drain
with the invert of the pipe located above the center of the sump pits’
Large-panel systems
Frame systems
In Frame system are constructed using
linear elements or spatial beam, column.
The slab panels are lifted to the top of the column and then moved
downwards to the final position.
Temporary supports are used to keep the slabs in the position until the
connection with the columns has been achieved.
After erecting the slabs and columns of a story, the columns and floor
slabs are pre-stressed by means of pre-stressing tendons that pass
through ducts in the columns at the floor level and along the gaps
left between adjacent slabs.
After pre-stressing, the gaps between the slabs are filled with in situ
concrete and the tendons then become bonded with the spans.
Seismic loads are resisted mainly by the shear walls (precast or cast-
in-place) positioned between the columns at appropriate locations.
1. Engineering
4. Concrete Placement
6. Post- Pour
Foundation Door
Columns Windows
Beams Parapet
Walls Jail
Floors Parapet
Roofs Paving
1. Projecting bearing haunches cast onto the columns with a projecting dowel
or stud bolt to provide both location and fixing.
2. Steel to steel fixings which are usually in the form of a corbel or bracket
projecting from the column providing a bolted connection to a steel plate cast
into the end of the beam.
Pre Cast – Window
Aerated concrete
No-fines concrete
Polymer concrete
Pre-stressed concrete
Fibre-reinforced concrete
Ready-mixed concrete
Lightweight concrete
Lightweight concrete mixture is made with a lightweight coarse
aggregate and sometimes a portion or entire fine aggregates may be
lightweight instead of normal aggregates. Light weight concrete is mainly used
in multi storey buildings to reduce the dead load.
By omitting the fine aggregate from the mix so that a large number of
interstitial voids are present; normal weight coarse aggregate is
generally used.
Types of Lightweight Concrete
Aerated Concrete
No Fines Concrete
Aerated concrete
Aerated concrete is a lightweight, cellular material consisting of cement
and/or lime and sand or other silicious material. It is made by either a physical
or a chemical process during which air is introduced into slurry, which generally
contains no coarse material.
No-fines concrete
No Fine concrete is one of the methods of producing lightweight
concrete by removes the fine aggregate from ingredients conventional
concrete. This concrete is consisting of only coarse aggregate, cement and
water. Very often single sized coarse of aggregate, that passing through (20
mm sieve) retained on (10 mm sieve) is used.
Polymer concrete
Polymer concrete (PC) is a composite
material in which the binder consists entirely of
a synthetic organic polymer. It is variously
known as synthetic resin concrete, plastic resin
concrete or simply resin concrete.
Marine works
Pre-stressed concrete
Pre-stressed concrete
Pre-stressing is achieved by either pre-tensioning or post-tensioning of
Fibre-reinforced concrete
Fiber Reinforced Concrete can be defined as a composite material
The Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee, India, has
been vested with the responsibility of generating,
cultivating and promoting building science and
technology in the service of the country.
Since its inception in 1947, the Institute has been assisting the building
construction and building material industries in finding timely,
appropriate and economical solutions to the problems of building
materials, health monitoring and rehabilitation of structures, disaster
mitigation, fire safety, Energy efficient rural and urban housing.
CSIR – serc has excellent facilities and expertise for analysis design and
testing of structures and structural components.
Vision of CSIR-SERC
The National Buildings Organisation (NBO) was established in 1954 as an
attached office under the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (the then
Ministry of Works and Housing) for technology transfer, experimentation,
development and dissemination of housing statistics.
NBO was further restructured in March, 2006 with the revised mandate
keeping in view the current requirements under the National Housing Policy,
and various socio-economic and statistical functions connected with
housing and building activities.
To organize training programmes for the officers and staff of the State
Government engaged in collection and dissemination of housing and
building construction statistics.
The NBO work closely with organizations like National Housing Bank (NHB),
National Information Centre (NIC) and other agencies
In order to bridge the gap between research and development and
large scale application of new building material technologies, the erstwhile
Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, had established the
The Council strives to package proven innovative technologies for the benefit
of entrepreneurs interested in setting up manufacturing units in tiny, small,
medium and large scale sectors.
Building Materials & Construction Technologies : To promote development,
standardisation, mechanisation and large scale field application of proven
innovative and emerging building materials and technologies in the
construction sector.
Building Materials and construction technologies
The term ‘renovation’ refers to the process of returning something to a
good state of repair.
Loft conversions.
Construction of a basement.
Light landscaping
Retrofitting means 'providing something with a component or feature
not fitted during manufacture or adding something that it did not have
when first constructed'.
• Strength and Stiffness - This term defines a building's size and shape,
and structural and non-structural elements. Building configuration
determines the way seismic forces are distributed within the structure.
• Symmetrical Plans
• Cast in-situ first storey, typically reinforced concrete beam and slab
Pre cast concrete Engineering
Retrofitting Of Polymer Concrete