MSCTS, Classic and CCD CTS Reports
MSCTS, Classic and CCD CTS Reports
MSCTS, Classic and CCD CTS Reports
icc2_shell> report_global_timing
Information: The stitching and editing of coupling caps is turned OFF for design
''. (TIM-125)
Information: r = 1.980745 ohm/um, via_r = 0.906069 ohm/cut, c = 0.160584 ff/um, cc = 0.000000 ff/um
(X dir) (NEX-017)
Information: r = 2.596739 ohm/um, via_r = 0.587850 ohm/cut, c = 0.184656 ff/um, cc = 0.000000 ff/um
(Y dir) (NEX-017)
Information: Update timing completed net estimation for all the timing graph nets (TIM-111)
Information: Net estimation statistics: timing graph nets = 5878, routed nets = 122, across physical
hierarchy nets = 0, parasitics cached nets = 5878, delay annotated nets = 0, parasitics annotated nets =
0, multi-voltage nets = 0. (TIM-112)
-format { narrow }
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Setup violations
WNS -0.41 0.00 0.00 -0.41 0.00
NUM 17 0 0 17 0
Hold violations
icc2_shell> report_utilization
Report : report_utilization
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Utilization options:
- hard_macros : 26888.3275
- macro_keepouts : 20362.0620
- soft_macros : 0.0000
- io_cells : 0.0000
- hard_blockages : 0.0000
icc2_shell> report_clock_qor
-type summary
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
M Master Clock
G Generated Clock
Clock / Attrs Sinks Levels Clock Clock Clock Max Global Trans DRC Cap
DRC Wire
All Clocks 714 8 246 316.75 316.75 0.33 0.00 0 0 11602.91
Warning: Please use -largest / -smallest / -all switches with -show_verbose_paths / -show_paths to
report the clock paths. (CTS-956)
Clock / Attrs Sinks Levels Clock Clock Clock Max Global Trans DRC Cap
DRC Wire
Warning: Please use -largest / -smallest / -all switches with -show_verbose_paths / -show_paths to
report the clock paths. (CTS-956)
icc2_shell> report_power
Report : power
-significant_digits 2
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Infomation: Fast mode activity propagation power.rtl_activity_annotation setup is ignored. Always use
accurate mode.
Mode: func
Corner: slow
Scenario: func_slow
Voltage: 0.72
Temperature: 125.00
Voltage Unit : 1V
icc2_shell> report_qor
Report : qor
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Scenario 'func_fast'
Levels of Logic: 4
Scenario 'func_fast'
Levels of Logic: 64
Scenario 'func_fast'
Levels of Logic: 43
Scenario 'func_slow'
Levels of Logic: 43
Cell Count
BitsPerflop: 1.00
Macro Count: 4
Net Area: 0
Design Rules
Temperature Unit : 1C
Supply nets:
Power Group Internal Power Switching Power Leakage Power Total Power ( % )
-format { narrow }
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Setup violations
NUM 8 0 0 8 0
Hold violations
-type summary
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
M Master Clock
G Generated Clock
Clock / Attrs Sinks Levels Clock Clock Clock Max Global Trans DRC Cap
DRC Wire
Clock / Attrs Sinks Levels Clock Clock Clock Max Global Trans DRC Cap
DRC Wire
All Clocks 714 5 91 25.84 25.84 0.09 0.07 0 0 2105.19
icc2_shell> report_power
Report : power
-significant_digits 2
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Information: Doing activity propagation for mode 'func' and corner 'slow' with effort level 'medium'.
Infomation: Fast mode activity propagation power.rtl_activity_annotation setup is ignored. Always use
accurate mode.
Mode: func
Corner: slow
Scenario: func_slow
Voltage: 0.72
Temperature: 125.00
Voltage Unit : 1V
Temperature Unit : 1C
Supply nets:
Power Group Internal Power Switching Power Leakage Power Total Power ( % )
icc2_shell> report_utilization
Report : report_utilization
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Utilization options:
- hard_macros : 26888.3275
- macro_keepouts : 20362.0620
- soft_macros : 0.0000
- io_cells : 0.0000
- hard_blockages : 0.0000
icc2_shell> report_qor
Report : qor
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Scenario 'func_fast'
Levels of Logic: 4
Scenario 'func_fast'
Levels of Logic: 64
Scenario 'func_fast'
Levels of Logic: 43
Critical Path Length: 2.36
Scenario 'func_slow'
Levels of Logic: 43
Cell Count
Macro Count: 4
Net Area: 0
Design Rules
icc2_shell> check_pg_drc
4 insufficient spacings on M5
icc2_shell> check_pg_connectivity
Number of Blocks: 0
Loading P/G wires and vias...
icc2_shell> check_pg_missing_vias
icc2_shell> report_global_timing
-format { narrow }
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Setup violations
Total reg->reg in->reg reg->out in->out
NUM 4 0 0 4 0
Hold violations
Report : qor
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
icc2_shell> report_clock_qor
Report : clock qor
-type summary
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
M Master Clock
G Generated Clock
Clock / Attrs Sinks Levels Clock Clock Clock Max Global Trans DRC Cap
DRC Wire
Warning: Please use -largest / -smallest / -all switches with -show_verbose_paths / -show_paths to
report the clock paths. (CTS-956)
Clock / Attrs Sinks Levels Clock Clock Clock Max Global Trans DRC Cap
DRC Wire
icc2_shell> report_power
Report : power
-significant_digits 2
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Information: Doing activity propagation for mode 'func' and corner 'slow' with effort level 'medium'.
Infomation: Fast mode activity propagation power.rtl_activity_annotation setup is ignored. Always use
accurate mode.
Mode: func
Corner: slow
Scenario: func_slow
Voltage: 0.72
Temperature: 125.00
Voltage Unit : 1V
Temperature Unit : 1C
Supply nets:
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port D on cell GPRs/C_reg_reg_31_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = 0.003000, highest table value = 0.133000, value = 0.137653 (POW-
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port CK on cell GPRs/C_reg_reg_31_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = inf, highest table value = inf, value = 0.003376 (POW-046)
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port D on cell GPRs/B_reg_reg_31_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = 0.003000, highest table value = 0.133000, value = 0.138206 (POW-
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port CK on cell GPRs/B_reg_reg_31_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = inf, highest table value = inf, value = 0.014286 (POW-046)
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port D on cell GPRs/GPRF_reg_reg_30_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = 0.003000, highest table value = 0.133000, value = 0.138206 (POW-
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port CK on cell GPRs/GPRF_reg_reg_30_
for parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = inf, highest table value = inf, value = 0.009823 (POW-046)
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port D on cell GPRs/C_reg_reg_30_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = 0.003000, highest table value = 0.133000, value = 0.137653 (POW-
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port CK on cell GPRs/C_reg_reg_30_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = inf, highest table value = inf, value = 0.003376 (POW-046)
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port D on cell GPRs/B_reg_reg_30_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = 0.003000, highest table value = 0.133000, value = 0.138035 (POW-
Warning: Power table extrapolation (extrapolation mode) for port CK on cell GPRs/B_reg_reg_30_ for
parameter Tinp. Lowest table value = inf, highest table value = inf, value = 0.009651 (POW-046)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXb/O[0] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXb/O[1] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXb/O[2] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXb/O[3] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXa/O[0] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXa/O[1] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXa/O[2] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemXHier_MemXa/O[3] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemYHier_MemXb/O[0] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Warning: Rise-Fall toggles on pin MemYHier_MemXb/O[1] are impossible given input states; converted
to zero toggles. (POW-069)
Power Group Internal Power Switching Power Leakage Power Total Power ( % )
icc2_shell> report_utilization
Report : report_utilization
Design : ChipTop
Version: S-2021.06-SP4
Utilization options:
- hard_macros : 26888.3275
- macro_keepouts : 20362.0620
- soft_macros : 0.0000
- io_cells : 0.0000
- hard_blockages : 0.0000