Design Modelling and Analysis of A Large Floating
Design Modelling and Analysis of A Large Floating
Design Modelling and Analysis of A Large Floating
Marine Structures
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Keywords: Installation of floating wind turbines at the offshore site is a challenging task. A significant part of
Offshore installation the time efficiency and costs are related to the installation methods which are sensitive to weather
Spar floating wind turbine conditions. This study investigates a large floating dock concept, which can be used to shield a
Floating dock
floating wind turbine during installation of tower, nacelle, and rotor onto a spar foundation. In
Design optimisation
this paper, the concept is described in detail, and a design optimisation is carried out using simple
Numerical modelling design constraints. Hydrodynamic analysis and dynamic response analysis of the coupled system
Time domain of the optimum dock and spar are conducted. Two spars of different sizes are considered, and the
Frequency domain motion responses of the spars with and without the dock in irregular waves are compared.
Dynamic response Through analysis of the motion spectra and response statistics, dynamic characteristics of the
coupled system is revealed. The present design of the dock reduces the platform-pitch responses
of the spars and potentially facilitates blade mating, but may deteriorate the heave velocity of the
spars in swell conditions. Finally, future design aspects of the floating dock are discussed.
1. Introduction
Globally, wind energy is one of the most attractive forms of renewable energy resources, and the annual energy production of wind
energy grows at a rate of 25–30% [1]. Since 1990s, offshore wind farms are increasingly popular. To date, more than 81 offshore wind
farms across 10 European countries have been constructed. The average water depth of those offshore wind farms is close to 30 m (m),
and monopile foundation is the dominant type of support structures [2].
Partly due to geographical limitations, countries are assessing deep-water offshore sites for future development of wind energy
facilities. As water depth increases, wind turbines supported by floating foundations like spars or semi-submersibles can be cost-
effective solutions. The Hywind pilot park, the world’s first floating wind farm, has been delivering power to 22,000 households in
the UK since October 2017 [3]. Although proven technologies from the oil and gas industry are readily applicable, commercial
deployment of floating wind technology is still at a small scale.
Since 2000s, extensive activities have been observed within the research and development of offshore wind technologies. For
Received 14 May 2019; Received in revised form 20 March 2020; Accepted 20 April 2020
Available online 28 May 2020
0951-8339/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
example, advanced numerical simulation tools including FAST [4] and HAWC2 [5] make possible coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic
analysis of offshore wind turbines (OWTs) in various loading conditions. Today, the levelised cost of energy of the bottom-fixed
offshore wind technology has been brought to a competitive level. Still, the costs related to assembly and installation can account
for 6.3% of the capital expenditure for an fixed-bottom offshore wind reference project according to Mon�e et al. [6]. For installations of
fixed-bottom offshore wind turbines, traditional methods are crane operations using jacke-up or floating installation vessels. Among a
few research works that focus on installation of foundations of OWTs, Sarkar et al. [7] demonstrated an installation concept using a
floating vessel along with a floatable subsea structure for installing monopile-type OWTs. Guachamin-Acero et al. [8] developed an
installation concept for small crane vessels using the inverted pendulum principle in which the pre-assembled rotor, nacelle and tower
can be installed via rotation through a rotating frame at the tower base. Esteban et al. [9] reviewed the methods used in the offshore
installation of gravity-based structures in offshore wind facilities operating in Europe. Regarding the installation of wind turbine
blades, researchers started to address the technical challenges and risks that exist during the mating phase in recent years. For example,
Ren et al. [10] proposed an active tugger control method to facilitate the single-blade installation. Verma et al. [11] identified failure
modes of blade roots during an offshore mating task and provided guidelines to aid onboard decision making.
Compared with bottom-fixed OWTs, floating wind turbines (FWTs) face even greater challenges in offshore installations, and the
installation methods are strongly concept-dependent. The spar, semisubmersible and tension leg platform are three main types of
support structures for FWTs, which have quite different philosophies for installation because of their differences in towability, platform
stability, and mooring and anchor systems [12]. Hywind is a well-known example of FWTs suitable for operation in deep waters and
harsh environments typical of the North Sea. To lower the risks associated with offshore installations, upending of the spar foundation
and assembly of wind turbine components were performed at a well-sheltered location in Norway. Then, the unit was towed to the
operation site and hooked up to the mooring system [13]. Such an installation procedure is less feasible for wind farms far from
coastlines which provide deep sheltered areas. Generally, low sea states are required for offshore installations that take place in open
seas [14], and frequency composition of the sea state is important. Sea states with significant energy in low frequencies are problematic
for certain tasks like mating because of motions of the pre-assembled floating units and the crane vessels involved.
To elevate the competitiveness of floating wind technology, alternative installation methods to expand the weather window and
avoid unexpected delays are desired. In 2014, a few novel concepts were proposed by industrial participants in the Hywind installation
challenge [15], and some concepts promoted the use of specialised equipment for wind turbine installation. Recently, Hatledal et al.
[16] and Jiang et al. [17] presented numerical investigations on a catamaran installation vessel for installation of preassembled
rotor-nacelle-tower assemblies onto spar foundations. This installation concept involves a catamaran with a dynamic positioning
system, lifting grippers, and sliding grippers. The catamaran is designed to perform offshore installations in open seas, where the spar
foundation experiences motions that should be compensated during the mating process of wind turbine assemblies [18].
To further address the installation challenges of the floating wind technology in open seas, we study a large floating dock concept in
this paper. The focus is on the installation platform, not the FWTs. In the following, Sec. 2 presents the main idea of the concept and
discusses the assumptions and considerations for the design. An optimum dock is also presented in this section. Sec. 3 presents the
hydrodynamic analysis by the panel method; Sec. 4 introduces preliminary design of the mooring system for the dock; Sec. 5 describes
the two spars selected for this study; Sec. 6 presents the main results from the coupled dynamic simulations, and Sec. 7 draws the
conclusion. The aim of this work is to present the floating dock concept, to identify the dynamic characteristics of the dock-spar
systems in operational conditions and to assess the potential of this concept for offshore mating tasks.
2.1. General
By industrial practices, offshore installation of a spar FWT requires a heavy-lift vessel with cranes, and the spar foundation can
either be mated with a pre-assembled rotor-nacelle-tower assembly or with individual tower, nacelle, and blades, depending on the
installation method chosen [19]. Regardless of the method, both the spar FWTs and installation vessels are floating structures. For a
spar foundation exposed to open seas, a particular challenge arises when the upended spar foundation needs to be mated with other
components. The wave loads may induce heave and pitch motions of the spar foundation. The heave motion could create impact loads
during mating of the wind turbine tower assembly [18], and the pitch motion causes horizontal motions at the tower top. This is
challenging to the alignment and mating processes of wind turbine blades [20].
The proposed large floating dock is intended to provide a shelter for the spar foundation in open seas and to facilitate the
installation process. Fig. 1 schematises the basic construct of the concept. The dock has a cylindrical shape with an internal moonpool
and includes storage space for components, an accommodation unit, lifting cranes on the upper deck, ballast compartments within the
internal and external walls, bilge tanks, and a gate. The simple geometry of the dock is proposed primarily for the convenience of
manufacturing. The bilge tanks can be used to store fixed ballast and will bring additional viscous damping to the dock during
operation. A mooring system is used for station-keeping of the floating dock, and mooring lines with winches should be permanently
installed on the dock. A description of the design variables can be found in Sec. 2.5.
After being produced from a shipyard, the dock has a permanent hull form but can change its draft during transit and operation.
This is achieved by adjusting the distributed ballast system. During transit, the dock should have a small draft to pass shallow waters.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
The dock does not have any self-propulsion systems and should be wet-towed by tug boats during transit. During this phase, no spar
inside is considered. Wind turbine components including blades, towers, and nacelles can be transported to offshore sites separately via
barges. When the dock has moved on site, a distributed ballast system is activated to ballast the dock until a specified draft is reached.
Then, the mooring system is deployed by anchor handlers before the installation crew is transferred to the dock preparing for
installation tasks. In the next step, wind turbine components are transported from barges to storage space on the dock prior to
installation of wind turbines.
For an offshore site, the dock is expected to stay on site and be manned until the whole wind farm is installed. The dock should be
designed to survive extreme environmental conditions and other hazards.
When a wind farm project is finished using the dock, the decommissioning process of the dock resembles a reverse process of the
installation procedure, and the de-ballasted dock can be transported to another offshore site for installation tasks or to shipyard for a
scheduled maintenance.
Fig. 2 shows the proposed main steps for installing a spar FWT using the floating dock. Suppose that a spar foundation has been wet-
towed to the site horizontally, the first step is to upend the spar foundation to a vertical position. Then, the gate at the dock side is
opened, and the spar foundation is moved into the middle of the dock with the assistance of tug boats. In step 3, tugger lines are used to
connect the spar foundation to the dock in order to avoid large drift-off of the spar in the horizontal plane. Step 4 is a key step, during
which the tower, nacelle, and blades are individually mated and bolted onto each other. The mating processes between a tower and a
spar foundation and between a blade and a hub are deemed critical events. Structural failures due to impact could occur to the guide
pins if large relative motions between the mating parts exist [11]. When installations of the wind turbine components are finished, the
spar foundation will be disconnected from the dock (step 5) and towed out of the dock to a designated location (step 6). Finally,
pre-laid mooring lines are hooked up with the spar, and installation of the spar FWT is completed.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Design of the floating dock concept faces a few technical and economical challenges. The dimension of the dock should be suffi
ciently large to accommodate cranes, wind turbine components, living unit and other necessary facilities and to provide stability of the
floating dock. Because of the moonpool inside the dock, piston-mode resonance and sloshing of the internal fluid can occur [21], and
these phenomena may affect the motion performance of the dock and the spar during installation under certain sea states. If these
hydrodynamic phenomena hinder the installation activity, alternative solutions should be considered. Structural design of the dock
needs to address the large opening created by the gate, and internal reinforcement within the side walls is needed to avoid large
structural deformation. Ultimate load analysis and fatigue check should be performed for main structural members after a detailed
structural design is conducted. Additionally, the deck space and other storage areas should be properly utilised to accommodate a
maximum number of wind turbine components. Economically, the dock should be designed with relatively low production, instal
lation, and maintenance costs. Some of the design challenges are not addressed in this paper.
The shape of the floating dock is kept cylindrical for the sake of simplicity. Fig. 3 illustrates a side view of the dock in operational
and transit conditions, and Table 1 summarises the 11 independent design variables considered. Some are related to hull form and
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Table 1
Independent design variables.
Design variables Symbols Lower and upper bounds (m)
others are related to ballast. Note that the freeboard in transit, Ft, is a dependent variable and is not listed here. The current design
parameters and constraints were chosen after several iterations with engineering experts through roundtable discussions. The lower
bound of the inner diameter is determined considering that the diameter of a spar supporting a 10-MW (MW) wind turbine is around
14 m. The upper bound of the dock draft and outer diameter in transit is chosen to be the maximum draft and width of the Suez Canal. It
is assumed that scrap steel can be used as fixed ballast which fills the bottom parts of the dock and the bilge tanks; see the grey area in
Fig. 3. The fixed ballast and the water ballast are used to lower the centre of gravity of the dock to achieve adequate static stability.
For a design problem, realistic design constraints should be addressed. In the shape optimisation, we only consider preliminary
design requirements for the floating dock rather than the accidental limit states (ALS), ultimate limit states (ULS), fatigue limit states
(FLS), or serviceability limit states (SLS) [22]. These limit states are often required for a detailed design. Two linear constraints are
proposed as follows:
These constraints can be expressed explicitly by linear combination of design variables and are due to physical limitations. The
upper deck must be wide enough for storage and the inward extension must not interfere with the spar foundation during installation.
Additionally, the following eight nonlinear constraints are implemented:
Among these, constraints 1 and 2 are due to physical limitation of the ballast water height, and constraints 3 and 4 are set up to
satisfy the requirement of initial stability for offshore units [23,24]. Because the floating dock will be placed near an offshore wind
farm for a long time in terms of several months, such operations can be considered as weather unrestricted [25]. Constraints 5, 6 and 7
are specified to achieve stringent stability requirement in all stages of operations. A wind speed of 36 m/s was selected for operation
and transit, and 52 m/s for survival condition based on offshore standards [24]. These wind speeds are recommended for the check of
intact stability of mobile offshore units, and actual wind speeds for installation of offshore wind turbines are much lower [26]. The
maximum heeling angles in constraints 6 and 7 are conservative. Constraint 8 is set up to avoid excitation of the piston-mode resonance
under sea states with low spectral peak periods (Tp). Here, Molin’s formula (Eq. (1)) was implemented with a safety factor for esti
mating the resonance frequency. In Eq. (1), g is the constant of gravitational acceleration. Molin’s formula was originally developed for
estimating piston-mode resonance in a two-dimensional (2-D) moonpool between two hulls, but provides good accuracy for our cases
after comparison with the hydrodynamic analysis results using WADAM [27]. In constraint 8, a lower bound of 17 s is chosen
considering the operational sea states. This value, if further increased, results in greater dimensions of the dock. Other possible
constraints are not considered. For example, the dynamic motion performance of the system will influence the limiting sea states of the
dock, but it is not addressed here.
ωpiston ¼ (1)
Toð1 þ Dið1:5 þ lnðDo=2DiÞÞ=πToÞ
Ideally, the design objective function of the dock should include material, production, maintenance and other costs during its
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
lifetime. For simplicity, only the material cost is considered here, and the objective function can be expressed as the total costs of
individual plates. In this case, the components include the upper and lower decks, inner and outer walls, and plates of the bilge tanks.
The costs of ballast water and other equipment do not depend on the design variables and thus are not considered in the objective
The dock design problem has a relatively simple objective function with complex constraints. In this work, the constrained
nonlinear programming problem was solved using a gradient-based subroutine in Matlab 2016 [28]. During the design optimisation,
assumptions are made regarding the weight and mass distribution of multiple modules based on experiences from offshore industry. In
addition, five 10-MW wind turbines are assumed to be stored in the deck storage.
Details of the optimisation are not the focus of this paper. Table 2 lists main properties of the optimum dock. As shown, the
Table 2
Main particulars of the optimum dock.
Parameter Symbol Value
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
displacement in operation reaches 196870 tonnes, and the displacement in transit reduces to 93677 tonnes. This optimum was verified
by generation of random samples of design variables in a sensitivity study.
3. Hydrodynamic analysis
After the design optimisation, hydrodynamic analysis of the dock was performed using the WADAM code [27]. WADAM provides
the potential-flow solution to the diffraction/radiation problem using the boundary element method. In this work, the wetted area of
the dock is meshed with low-order quadrilateral panels; see Fig. 4(a) for an illustration. To determine the panel size of the optimal
dock, a convergence study on the panel size was conducted. Fig. 4(b) shows a comparison of the added mass in heave using four mesh
sizes from 1.5 m to 4.0 m. The substantial oscillation in the added mass near a period of 18 s is due to the piston-mode resonance, which
refers to an oscillating water mass flux with large amplitude. A mesh size of 2.0 m is deemed adequate and used in the hydrodynamic
analysis. Sloshing exists for almost any structures containing a liquid with a free surface and can be the results of resonant excitation of
the tank liquid. Potential flow theory of an incompressible liquid can adequately describe sloshing in many cases. For a 2-D tank
illustrated in Fig. 5 (a), Faltinsen et al. [21] used separation of the two spatial variables y and z to solve the spectral boundary problem
Fig. 6. Slosing period predicted by numerical and analytical solutions (Eq. (2)).
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
and provided exact analytical natural modes and frequencies for sloshing. As shown in Fig. 5(b), the lowest linear mode is an anti
symmetric standing wave with wavelength twice the tank length; a liquid particle moves only horizontally along the nodal line. This
mode corresponds to the highest natural period and is of prime importance in assessing the severity of sloshing. The general expression
for natural sloshing periods is:
Tsloshing;k ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi�ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (2)
2gι1;k tanhð2ι1;k To DiÞ Di
where Tsloshing;k denotes the sloshing frequency for the k-th mode, g is the constant of gravity acceleration, ι1;k is k-th nondimensional
root of the equation J1 ’ðι1;k Þ ¼ 0 where J1 is the Bessel function of the first kind. In this case, Di and To refer to the inner diameter and
operational draft of the dock, respectively. Although the dock under analysis is bottomless, the highest sloshing periods by the panel
method agree well with those from Eq. (2). Fig. 6(a) demonstrates the oscillation in the surge added mass near a period of 8.1 s. Fig. 6
(b) presents a study using a constant height and a varying inner diameter. As indicated, the highest sloshing period increases
monotonically with the inner diameter. This is because the highest natural period of the sloshing mode depends on the liquid-depth-to-
tank-breadth ratio [21]. Unless a very large inner diameter is considered, the highest sloshing period is likely to fall in the range of
wave periods (4–25 s).
Fig. 7. 3-D visualisation of the piston-mode resonance (near T ¼ 18 s) for the optimum dock.
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To assess the resonant waves inside the floating dock, the potential-flow hydrodynamic analysis was carried out without consid
eration of the spar floater inside. Transfer functions of the internal wave elevation, water particle velocity or hydrodynamic pressure
were obtained for specified field points. For the optimum dock (Table 2), a meshgrid of 60 � 60 field points was generated on the
internal mean water surface, and 3-dimensional (3-D) visualisations of the fluid free surface during the piston-mode resonance and the
linear sloshing are shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, respectively. Here, time instant I, II, and III give three representative free surface
snapshots during a cycle. For the piston-mode resonance, the internal free surface remains flat during an oscillation cycle. For sloshing,
the shape of the standing wave resembles the one presented in Fig. 5.
Fig. 9(a) shows the position of three representative field points, where Point 1 is at the dock centre, Point 3 is close to the inner wall,
and Point 2 is in between. In the hydrodynamic analysis, to reduce the resonant response in the moonpool, a damping lid can be added
to account for viscous flow and separation [29]. The free surface mesh of the damping lid was created in HydroMesh [30] and
illustrated in Fig. 9(b). This lid covers the internal waterplane of the dock. The transfer functions of the internal wave elevation per unit
external incoming wave amplitude are presented in Fig. 10(a) and (b) for the undamped and damped cases, respectively. Because of its
Fig. 8. 3-D visualisation of the linear sloshing phenomenon (near T ¼ 8 s) for the optimum dock.
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Fig. 9. Investigation of the internal wave elevation inside the optimum dock.
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Fig. 10. RAO magnitude for the field points with different damping configurations.
symmetrical position, Point 1 does not exhibit the peak related to the linear sloshing mode in the response amplitude operator (RAO),
and all three points have a prounced peak due to the piston-mode resonance. Compared to the undamped case, when a small linear
damping coefficient of 0.02 is applied to the lid, the piston-mode peak and the sloshing-mode peak reduce by 62% and 35%,
respectively. In Fig. 10(b), additional smaller spikes are observed between 4 and 6 s. These peaks are physical and correspond to the
higher resonance modes captured by the free surface mesh [30]. The actual damping level should be calibrated with experiments or
full-scale measurements, which are beyond the scope of this work. The RAO magnitudes will be applied in Sec. 6.5.4.
Two-body hydrodynamic analysis of the optimum dock and a spar was also conducted considering the hydrodynamic coupling
between the bodies. In this analysis, the spar centre is aligned with the dock centre with no external stiffness matrice specified. The
coupled hydrodynamic coefficients for both dock and spars including added mass and radiation damping as well as the mean drift on
the dock were further used in the dynamic response analysis in the time domain.
A passive mooring system is proposed for the floating dock at a water depth of 200 m. The mooring system consists of four groups,
and each group is a cluster of three lines with a spacing of 3 deg in between. Fig. 11(a) shows a schematic of the mooring composition.
As shown, each mooring line is composed of wire ropes, chain links, and connecting links. Table 3 summarises the chosen properties
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Table 3
Selected properties of the mooring system under no environmental loads.
Parameter Symbol Value
which are determined after several iterations. The MIMOSA [31] software was used to check the static restoring characteristics; refer to
Fig. 11(b)) for the total restoring forces provided by the 12 mooring lines in two directions. The present choice of mooring system is a
simple solution for station-keeping of the dock in operational conditions. Detailed design optimisation of the mooring system is out of
the scope of this work.
Two spar foundations are considered in this study, and Table 4 summarises the main parameters. Both foundations are designed to
support 10-MW wind turbines and have a diameter of 14 m for the lower cylinder; see Fig. 12 for the submerged parts of the spars.
Spar1 has a displacement of 1.5E4 tonnes, and Spar2 is longer with a displacement of 1.9E4 tonnes. In the numerical model in SIMO,
the roll/pitch and heave damping of the spars are set as approximately 3% and 6% critical damping, respectively. These values were
chosen based on knowledge of existing spars.
This paper emphasises the functionality of the concept and applies dynamic response analysis considering the SLS design
requirement. Other limit states mentioned in Sec. 2.5 are not addressed. After mating with wind turbine components, the spar FWTs
will have increased pitch and roll natural periods. Here, the focus is on motions of the spar foundations without rotor, nacelle, or tower.
Numerical modelling and analysis is presented of the dock-spar systems. For comparison purposes, the hydrodynamic loads and
motions of the single spars without the dock are used as references in the results.
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Table 4
Selected parameters of the two spar foundations prior to installation of wind turbines.
Parameter Symbol Value
Total draft (m) Ts1 96.3
Freeboard (m) Fs1 10
Displacement (tonnes) Δs1 1.4906E4
Vertical centre of gravity above keel (m) KGs1 24.22
Vertical centre of buoyancy above keel (m) KBs1 47.32
Total draft (m) Ts2 133.6
Freeboard (m) Fs2 10
Displacement (tonnes) Δs2 1.8957E4
Vertical centre of gravity above keel (m) KGs2 30.66
Vertical centre of buoyancy above keel (m) KBs2 61.72
Assuming that the spar foundation has already been placed inside the dock and connected to the dock via four tugger lines, we can
model the coupled system numerically in SIMO [32]. SIMO is a numerical code developed by SINTEF Ocean AS and can compute the
dynamic behaviour of multiple floating bodies under complex environments.
In this work, the system consists of the optimum dock and a spar foundation. They are connected via four horizontal springs at mean
water level (Fig. 13), each spring has a linear stiffness of 2 kN/m. This level of stiffness was used to avoid large horizontal offset
between the two floating bodies while keeping a soft mechanical coupling between the bodies. The dock is connected to the catenary
mooring lines described in Sec. 4. To account for the viscous damping, Morison-type drag elements were distributed circumferentially
along the bilge tanks in the numerical model.
For the dock with Spar1 or Spar2, the piston-mode resonance periods and the highest sloshing periods obtained from hydrodynamic
analysis are listed in Table 5. For the given dimension of the optimium dock, the periods with either Spar1 or Spar2 are close and do not
deviate much from the analytical estimates for 2-D cases.
To evaluate the eigen properties of the rigid-body motions of the coupled system, eigen value analysis was conducted. The ei
genmodes and natural periods were obtained by solving Eq. (3):
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Table 5
Piston-mode and sloshing periods from hydrodynamic analysis.
Name Symbols Value (s)
� �
ω2 ðM þ AÞ þ C � X ¼ 0 (3)
where ω is the natural frequency, and M is the mass matrix of the dock and spar foundation. A is the frequency-dependent added mass
matrix, and C is the total restoring stiffness matrix, which is split into hydrostatic restoring, mooring restoring, and mechanical
coupling between the dock and spar. X is the eigenvector that represents rigid-body motions, with six DOFs for the floating dock and
six DOFs for the spar.
Tables 6 and 7 show the eigenmodes and natural (eigen) periods of the coupled system 1 and coupled system 2, respectively. The
eigenmodes represent the relative motions of the DOFs. In either table, each column gives a mode shape of the system and the cor
responding natural period. For instance, the fourth natural period is 19.3 s in Table 6. In this column, “-1” exists for the dock heave DOF
and “0” exists for the other DOFs. This mode shape has a pure heave mode, as the dock is only offset by 1 m in the negative z-direction
and all other DOFs are fully constrained. In comparison, some mode shapes have multiple nonzero elements, indicating coupling
between different DOFs. Take the third mode in Table 6. Because “1” is registered for both the spar surge and pitch DOFs while other
DOFs have negligible values, the spar has 1-m surge displacement and 1-deg rotation about the rotation centre at the mean water level
for this system mode with a natural period of 18.98 s. For system 2, the natural period of this coupled mode rises to 22.1 s. As shown by
the fifth mode in Table 6 and the seventh mode in Table 7, the heave DOFs of the spars are not coupled with other DOFs. Thus, Spar1
and Spar2 have a heave natural period of 22.8 s and 27.5, respectively. The surge, sway, and yaw natural periods of the dock are long
because of the large mass of the floating system and the relatively low restoring stiffness provided by the mooring system.
To evaluate the effect of the dock on the motion RAOs of the spar, we study the spar motions in the frequency domain. For a free-
floating rigid body, the equation of motion can be expressed as [33].
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Table 6
Natural periods and eigenmodes of rigid body motions of coupled system 1.
Body Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dock, surge m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.47 0.00 1.00 0.05 0.02 0.05
Dock, sway m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.57 0.00 0.05 1.00 0.05 0.02
Dock, heave m 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¡1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dock, roll deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.82 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Dock, pitch deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.82 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dock, yaw deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¡1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spar1, surge m 0.00 0.02 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.04 0.33 1.00
Spar1, sway m 0.00 ¡1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.84 1.00 0.33
Spar1, heave m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spar1, roll deg 0.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Spar1, pitch deg 0.00 0.02 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spar1, yaw deg 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Eigen-period s 9.04 18.98 18.98 19.30 22.79 26.35 26.40 137.93 378.99 379.00 573.65 573.68
Table 7
Natural periods and eigenmodes of rigid body motions of coupled system 2.
Body mode Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dock, surge m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.43 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.08 0.05 0.00
Dock, sway m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.08 ¡1.00 0.00 0.05
Dock, heave m 0.00 ¡1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dock, roll deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.81 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Dock, pitch deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¡1.00 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Dock, yaw deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Spar2, surge m 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¡1.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.05 ¡1.00 0.02
Spar2, sway m 0.00 0.00 ¡1.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.71 0.02 ¡1.00
Spar2, heave m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¡1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spar2, roll deg 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00
Spar2, pitch deg 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spar2, yaw deg 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Eigen-period s 9.02 19.32 22.11 22.11 27.12 27.15 27.47 137.93 405.47 405.48 642.94 642.97
½ðM þ AðωÞ�€
x þ ½BðωÞ þ Bv �x_ þ Cx ¼ FðωÞ (4)
If we assume that the incoming wave elevation is ζ ¼ ζa e , FðωÞ is proportional to ζ, and x is expressed by ae , then the RAO is
iωt iωt
a � �
RAOðωÞ ¼ ¼ ω2 ½M þ AðωÞ� þ iω½BðωÞ þ Bv � þ C � F0
Eqs. (4)–(6) apply to a single spar with six DOFs or a spar-dock system with 12 DOFs. After specifying a Bv55 (linearised pitch
damping) of 3% critical and a Bv33 (linearised heave damping) of 6% critical for both spars, with or without the dock, we computed the
spar RAOs in WADAM. As shown in Fig. 14, the largest peaks correspond to the natural periods of the two spars, and Spar2 has higher
heave and pitch natural periods than Spar1. The presence of the dock creates additional peaks in the heave and pitch RAOs, corre
sponding to the piston-mode resonance and sloshing resonance, respectively. For the heave RAO, the piston-mode peak induced by the
dock indicates increased heave motions of the spars for wave periods from 15 to 20 s. The effect of the dock on the RAOs appears also
significant when the period is lower. For periods between 4 and 10 s, the heave RAOs of the spars with the dock are one to two orders
smaller than those of the single spars, but the differences are hard to observe in Fig. 14(a) because of the large peaks. For the pitch RAO,
the dock results in a general reduction in the RAO magnitude of both spars when the period is below 15 s, except for the sloshing mode.
Although this comparison considers only the hydrodynamic coupling and ignores the mechanical coupling described in Sec. 6.1, the
influence of the dock on the spar motions is visible.
To evaluate the motion performance of the dock and spar with couplings, numerical simulations were performed in the time
domain using SIMO. For a rigid floating body with six DOFs, the equation of motion can be written in the time domain as
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 14. Comparion of the spar RAOs with and without the optimum dock.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
01 01 0 1 0 1 01 0 1
Z t
½ðM þ Að∞Þ�x€@tA þ Bx_ @tA þ k@t τAx_ @τAdτ þ Cx@tA ¼ f @t; x; x_ A (7)
where x, x,
_ and x€ are the displacement, velocity, and acceleration vector in the time domain, respectively; Að∞Þ is the added mass
matrix at infinite frequency; B is the linearised viscous damping coefficients matrix; kðτÞ is the retardation function matrix calculated
using the added mass and potential damping matrices; C is the restoring stiffness matrix, and fðt; x; xÞ
_ is the summation of the external
force vector. The equation of motion of the coupled dock-spar system has 12 DOFs considering the two rigid bodies. In the simulations,
the wave excitation forces include the Froude-Kryloff and diffraction forces, which are calculated by the panel method described in Sec
3. Based on Eq. (7), the equation of motion can be expanded and rewritten for the coupled system as
� �� � � �� �
ðM þ Að∞ÞÞ11 Að∞Þ12 x€1 ðtÞ B11 0 x_ 1 ðtÞ
Að∞Þ21 ðM þ Að∞ÞÞ22 x€2 ðtÞ 0 B22 x_ 2 ðtÞ
Z t� �� � � �� �
k11 ðt τÞ k12 ðt τÞ x_ 1 ðτÞ C11 0 x1 ðtÞ
þ dτ þ (8)
0 k21 ðt τÞ k22 ðt τÞ x_ 2 ðτÞ 0 C22 x2 ðtÞ
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
1 2 drag coupling
f 1 ðtÞ f ðtÞ f ðtÞ f ðt; xÞ
¼4 5þ4 1 5þ4 1 5þ4 1 5
f 12 ðtÞ f 22 ðtÞ 0 f coupling
2 ðt; xÞ
where subscript 1 or 11 denotes the variables of body 1 (dock); subscript 2 or 22 denotes the variables of body 2 (spar); subscript 12 or
21 signifies the coupling terms between the bodies. The heave damping of the dock and spar are modelled by the linear damping matrix
on the left-hand side of Eq. (8), whereas the drag forces on the bilge tanks are represented by the drag term on the right-hand side; f 11 ðtÞ
and f 21 ðtÞ are the first- and second-order wave forces applied on the dock, respectively. f coupling
1 ðt; xÞ and f coupling
2 ðt; xÞ are the total
mechanical coupling forces between the two bodies due to the springs (Fig. 13). As shown in the equation, hydrodynamic coupling
between the dock and spar exists because of the coupled added mass and retardation function. For numerical integration of Eq. (8) in
the time domain, the third-order Runge-Kutta method was applied with a time step of 0.1 s. Although sea states suitable for marine
operations have relatively low Tp ranging from 4 to 10 s [34], we extend Tp to 16 s in order to capture the effect of Swell. Because this
study focuses on operational conditions, two typical Hs of 1 and 2 m were considered in the simulations. As the dock is intended for
global deployment, the single-peaked Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) spectrum [35] was applied to generate irregular waves for simplicity. A
constant index (n ¼ 3) was used for the spreading function cosn of the short-crested waves [35], and the wave direction is in the
negative x-direction (Fig. 13). For each combination of Hs and Tp, twenty 1800-s numerical simulations with random seed numbers
were conducted to capture the stochastic nature of the wave processes, assuming that 1800 s is sufficient for carrying out the mating
In this section, selected responses from the time-domain simulations are presented and discussed. The time series and spectra focus
on two representative sea states with Tp ¼ 8 s and Tp ¼ 16 s, and the statistical results cover all simulations. Motions are addressed of
the spar top (10 m above mean water level).
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 15. Time series of numerical simulation of Spar1, Hs ¼ 2.0 m, Tp ¼ 8 s, Seed No.1.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 16. Time series of numerical simulation of Spar1, Hs ¼ 2.0 m, Tp ¼ 16 s, Seed No.1.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 17. Platform-pitch motion of Spar1 with the dock in free-floating and 6-DOF constrained conditions.
positive effect on the motion responses of Spar2 under Tp ¼ 8 s, and the effect becomes slightly negative under Tp ¼ 16 s, too.
Compared with Spar1, Spar2 experiences reduced motions under both sea states.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 18. Time series of numerical simulation of Spar2, Hs ¼ 2.0 m, Tp ¼ 8 s, Seed No.1.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 19. Time series of numerical simulation of Spar2, Hs ¼ 2.0 m, Tp ¼ 16 s, Seed No.1.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
calculation was done using (9)–(11), where ηMPM is the estimated MPM, p equals 0.37, σ is the standard deviation of the individual
maxima, η is the mean value of the maxima, and γ is the Euler constant.
ηMPM ¼ ln½ lnðpÞ�β þ μ (9)
β¼ σ (10)
μ¼η σγ (11)
For mating of a wind turbine tower onto a spar foundation, the relative heave velocity between the tower and spar is governing. If
the relative heave velocity exceeds the winch capacity, the mating task will be difficult. For mating of a wind turbine blade, the relative
motion in the horizontal plane between the hub and blade is critical [20]. In the following, only statistical results of the heave velocity
and pitch motion are analysed. It is assumed that the relative heave velocity between the dock and spar can represent that between the
wind turbine tower and spar, and the relative pitch motion can be representative of the planar motion between the blade and hub.
Fig. 24 presents statistics of the absolute and relative response MPMs of the spars for an Hs of 2 m. Generally, the MPMs increase
with Tp. This trend applies to both the heave velocity and the platform-pitch. As the natural periods of the spars and the dock are above
16 s, such a trend is reasonable. Compared against the spar-alone case, the dock reduces the heave velocity of Spar1 when Tp is below
10 s. However, when Tp exceeds 10 s, the dock has a negative impact because of the piston-mode resonance. The relative heave velocity
between Spar1 and the dock becomes especially large when Tp approaches 16 s because the resonant response of the dock in heave is
dominant. Thus, the present design of the dock faces difficulties when it comes to mating of wind turbine towers in swell. As shown in
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 24(b), the dock is effective in reducing the platform-pitch of Spar1, although the effect is greater when Tp is below 12 s. This
observation indicates the potential of the dock in facilitating the blade mating process. For Hs ¼ 2 m, if the threshold value of platform-
pitch is 1 deg, the dock can extend the weather window from Tp ¼ 10 s to Tp ¼ 12 s. The MPM values of Spar2 are presented in Fig. 24
(c)–24(d). Compared with Spar1, Spar2 has reduced heave velocity and platform-pitch because of the increased mass inertia and
natural periods in heave and pitch. Still, the influence of the dock is analogous.
Here, we focus on the relative motion between the floating dock and spar which is an indicator that affects the actual mating
processes. The MPMs under two different Hs are compared in Fig. 25. When Tp � 8 s, the relative heave velocity is limited and on the
order of 10 3 m/s in both conditions and for both spars, and the relative platform-pitch is amplified by two to four times when Hs
increases from 1 m to 2 m. When Tp � 10 s, the heave velocity or the platform-pitch MPMs are governed by first-order motions, and the
relative platform-pitch is amplified approximately twice when Hs increases from 1 m to 2 m. If thresholds of specific mating operations
are known, the operational limits in terms of Hs and Tp for mating operations can be back derived; see Refs. [34,37] for examples. As
acceptance criteria for the mating processes are not the foci of this paper, specific operational limits are not pursued here. Generally,
Spar2 has lower MPMs than Spar1 and the operational limits of Spar2 are expected to be higher.
where Y is the free surface elevation inside the dock, ζa is the amplitude of the incoming wave, HY ðωÞ is the complex transfer function,
ω is the circular frequency, t is the time, and Re is the notation for the real part of a complex number.
For long-crested waves, the i-th order spectral moment of Y can be expressed as
Z ∞ � �2
� �
mi ¼ ωi ��HY ðωÞ�� SðωÞdω (13)
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
where SðωÞ is the wave spectrum, e.g., PM or JONSWAP spectrum [35]. Then, the mean zero-upcrossing period Tz is related to the
zero-th and second-order moments of the response spectrum and is given by
Tz ¼ 2π (14)
Under the narrow band assumption, the number of zero upcrossing equals the number of response maxima and can be determined
as follows
Ns ¼ (15)
where Tref is the duration of the short-term seastate. So, the most probable largest wave elevation can be found as
YMPM ¼ 2m0 � lnNs (16)
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
order resonances of the moonpool are not captured by the RAO. When Tp � 14 s, there is an appreciable increase in YMPM due to an
influence of the piston-mode resonance. YMPM ; u exceeds 1 m and YMPM ; d is approximately 40% lower. Although the present simplified
analysis applies to the single floating dock, the trend of variation of YMPM with regard to Tp agrees with that of the heave and pitch
responses of the spars in the coupled time-domain analysis. If the damping level increases, YMPM is expected to reduce further.
7. Conclusions
We develop the concept of a large floating dock for installation of spar floating wind turbines. The basic geometry and functionality
of the dock is introduced, and the outcome of a design optimisation is presented considering 11 design variables with nonlinear design
constraints. Based on the optimum dock design, hydrodynamic analysis of the dock with a spar inside was performed, and a mooring
system was designed. Finally, dynamic response analysis of the optimum dock with two different spar foundations was conducted
under irregular wave conditions. The main conclusions are as follows:
1. During the dock design, complex design constraints should be considered. The draft limitation of the dock in transit and the hy
drostatic stability criteria in transit play an important role in the optimisation.
2. Hydrodynamic analysis using the linear potential-flow method reveals the highest sloshing mode and the piston-mode resonance of
the dock. It is difficult to avoid the sloshing phenomenon unless the dock is designed with a very large inner diameter.
3. From the coupled dynamic response analysis in the time domain, one can observe the hydrodynamic excitation forces due to
sloshing and piston-mode resonance. The motion responses of the spar inside the dock is sensitive to the wave spectral peak periods.
The piston-mode resonance induces significant spar motions when the wave period exceeds 14 s.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 24. Response statistics of motion responses of Spar1 and Spar2, Hs ¼ 2 m; most probable maximum (MPM) obtained based on Gumbel fit of
20 seeds.
4. Among the two spar foundations considered, Spar1 has a draft of 96.3 m and Spar2 has a draft of 133.6 m with greater weight.
Motion response spectra and response statistics show that the dock reduces the heave velocity of both spars when Tp � 10 s, and
reduces the platform-pitch motions under all Tp investigated. Thus, the dock is expected to increase the operational limits for blade
mating. However, with the dock and near Tp ¼ 16 s, the heave velocity of the spars are deteriorated due to the piston-mode
resonance and the pitch motion responses are still large primarily due to the sloshing effects. Thus, using the dock for tower
mating under swell conditions is difficult. Spar2 is heavier than Spar1 and has higher natural periods in heave and pitch, and the
dynamic responses of Spar2 are less. Generally, the dock influences the two spars in a similar way.
5. From the frequency-domain analysis, the response amplitude operators of Spar1 and Spar2 with and without the dock are obtained.
The influence of the dock on the heave and pitch motions of the spars is visible. Although the frequency-domain analysis only
considers the hydrodynamic couplings and ignores the mechanical couplings, the observation of the dock’s effect on the spar
motions agrees with that of the time-domain simulation.
6. The free surface elevation inside the dock is estimated from a simplified frequency-domain approach. With a small damping level
applied, the most probable surface elevation reaches 1 m when Tp approaches the piston-mode resonance period. The trend of
variation in the free surface elevation is similar to that of the heave and pitch responses of the spars in the coupled time-domain
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
Fig. 25. Comparison of MPMs of relative motions between the spars and the dock in Hs ¼ 1 m and Hs ¼ 2 m
Table 8
Estimate of free surface elevation at Point 1 of Fig. 9(a) (Hs¼1 m, Tref ¼ 1800 s).
Tp (s) Tz; u (s) YMPM ; u (m) Tz; d (s) YMPM ; d (m)
The scope of this work is limited. In the hydrodynamic analysis, only a potential-flow code was applied, and complex hydrody
namics including nonlinear sloshing cannot be captured by the present numerical model. The dynamic analysis focuses on the stage
when the spar foundation has already been placed inside the dock and wind turbine components are to be installed. Stages like towing
or ballasting of the dock are not addressed. Experimental investigation of the concept and advanced hydrodynamic analysis is currently
under way. As the piston-mode resonance is identified as a phenomenon that jeopardises the motion performance of the spar, measures
may be taken. A dock with alternative shapes can be considered in order to achieve higher piston-mode period. To avoid the sloshing
problem, the door of the dock may be left open during operation. In the design optimisation, 11 design variables were addressed. In
future, additional design variables may be considered, and a detailed design of the internal structure should be carried out. The
structural design should address the stress concentration and fatigue life of the gate opening and internal compartments.
Z. Jiang et al. Marine Structures 72 (2020) 102781
This work has been partially supported by the Research Council of Norway granted through the Centre for Research-based
Innovation of Marine Operations (SFI MOVE) at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (RCN project 237929).
The authors acknowledge discussions with Karl Henning Halse, Trygve Kristiansen and Mael Korentin Ivan Moreau of NTNU, Giovanni
Battista Picotti and Øystein Johannessen of Equinor ASA, Petter Andreas Berthelsen of SINTEF Ocean AS, and Lin Li of University of
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