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Skill and Learning Statement An Evaluation of Business and Financial Analysis of British Airways PLC

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An Evaluation of business and financial analysis of British Airways Plc



I was keen conscious to be “Graduate in Accounting” and after qualifying the nine paper
of ACCA it was an ample chance for me to write the research thesis as this research
and analysis project enabled me to get the graduation degree in applied accounting and
fulfill my dreams. Although, I was student of professional education but I have no great
idea about the research project mean what sort of topic I need to select and the most
important without the assistance of mentor the completion of project was not possible.
Mentoring is the crucial concern to complete the project on time and getting the desire
level of result. As per the guidelines directed by the OBU that the mentor must be
registered that’s why I select Mr. Javaid Iqbal as my official mentor

At the time of first meeting I was not feeling comfortable because it was my first informal
meeting with my mentor, but I found him very gentle, honest and comparative
personality because he support me to feel free and friendly environment. This
supportive attitude improve my confident level and we start discussion about the
research project the first question that I asked to him is relative to the selection of the
project topic and he suggest the topic number 8 that is relative to the business financial
analysis over three years. After the selection of the research topic we discussed about
the source of data collection method and the selection of appropriate data collection
method. He suggested me to find out the relative and important information which help
you to avoid from wastage of time and getting the good result. I listen intensively and
noted all the key points of discussion. Overall this meeting was great and turned out to
be fruitful as I get to know about the professional attitude and how to carry out the
research work in effective manner.

At the time of second meeting I collected the data by following all the guidelines that my
mentor recommended. The research that I have conducted presents it to my mentor
and asked him for correction he appreciated my research work but he said there are
some flaws in your research work such as irrelevant data about the research. Moreover,
in this meeting he provide the deep information about the different business model such
as SWOT analysis and Porter five forces and how to overcome the flaws regarding to
these model in real organization. The financial analysis that I have done was good
attempt and my mentor like it that improve my level of confidence. The second meeting
was very supportive one for me as this improve my level of confident.

After considering all the guidelines that was directed by my mentor regarding to the
presentation of the research I realize that I am ready for the next meeting. In this
meeting we discussed about my research work being presented. The contents of this
meeting was the discussion about the presentation which include the introduction of
company and selection of the topic and what are the reason behind the selection of the
topic. Along with these points I also discussed the each and every aspect of my
research project that are necessary at the end of the presentation I gave precise

After rectifying all the issues regarding in my research work I plan for third meeting this
meeting was relative to present the research topic in to the audience. In third meeting
my mentor gave me some tips regarding to the effective presentation such as to
maintain the proper eye contact; try to deliver the comprehensive and precise answer of
the audience question. As it is compulsory for the student to prepare the presentation of
the research project and I also prepare the presentation report with the consultation of
my mentor through using the Ms Power Point computer software. Before going to the
final public presentation Mr. Javaid Iqbal met with me and ask me not to lose your
confidence that enable me to deliver the right information in effective way. I operate the
stage effectively as I start the presentation from personal introduction and then
discussed each and every aspect of the research topic. In the mean time some people
asked the question about the topic and by considering the my mentor’s direction I
deliver the right answer to the audience and the overall presentation was very good as it
was fairly appreciated by my mentor




My mentor helps me at every stage of the research project that enable me to consider
the each and every aspect of the topic and deliver the relative information of the
research project. In order to complete the project my mentor asked to segregate the
overall project activity into subtasks so that to cover all the question of the project. This
planning enabled me to carry out the project in comprehensive way and getting the
expected result. The first stage of the project is concern with data collection resources
while the second stage is concerned with the gathering the information about the
company that I have selected for this project. In order to get the relative information I
listed out all the possible resources regarding to the research and analysis project.

Both research approaches such as qualitative and quantitative consider for this
research, in order to extract the internal and external factors that can influence the
company’s operation it consider the different business models such as Porter five forces
and SWOT analysis. Financial analysis was conducted for the sake of to determine the
financial position of the company in the industry.

To extract the information about the company’s strengths, weakness, opportunity and
threats I directly interview to the management personnel of the company. Moreover,
Porter five forces analysis enable me to determine the current market strategic position
of the company. However, the considerations of the financial analysis support to
conduct the comparison analysis among the industry participants.
For the calculation of the financial analysis I consider the Microsoft Excel that is
required for better thesis. The consideration of the computer software enables to make
my research project more presentable. I gave my proposal in this way that improves the
level of company’s performance in the future so that company can get the high market
share. I put my all efforts in order to answer the entire question regarding to the




In the competitive business environment it is imperative concern of every business

professional’s to do a better communication as this empower the person to convey the
message in this way that is understandable to the audience. In the organization
business professional engaged in different types of communication such as written, oral,
and others. In this respect the effective completion of the research project required
better communication and this project improved my communication skill that was a great
deal for me.

This research project provide a chance to improve the interpersonal and communication
skills as I was engage in meetings with the different business professionals that
empower my communication skills and I learn from these meeting how to communicate
in professional manner in the business environment. While I was engaged in meeting
with my mentor he taught me the basic principle of effective communication such as the
while at the time conversation with the business professionals give more focus on
listening rather speaking. Because if the person is a good listener he can be good
speaker as well.

As I have mentioned above that the presentation of the research topic is the compulsory
part of the research analysis project and this presentation improve interpersonal,
communication skills and empower my confident level. While presenting the topic I try to
use the official terms and business language and I learned from this presentation how to
use proper gesture and posture that make the presentation more attractive and increase
the interest of the audience. Moreover, while I was presenting the research topic I face
some question regarding to research and I try to provide the suitable answer against
this question and satisfy the audience. This questioning session enable to understand
the subject matter of research and analysis project and support my research.

This research and analysis project was great experience from the viewpoint of
communication and interpersonal skills as this changed my overall personality and
improves my level of communication. There is great difference in my personality that I
have realize after the completion of this research and analysis project. I am grateful to
Mr. Javaid Iqbal who help me to improve my communication skills and enable me to do
a better communication with business environment. However, the usage of verbal
communication such as listening actively and questioning helped to complete the
project effectively.




This research and analysis project provided a chance to apply my professional

knowledge in a real business organization. This research project improved my
capability, technical skills, knowledge which will surely help me in my further educational
and professional education.

This was the first practical experience of my whole education career to practical imply
the theories and knowledge that I have gained from my professional education. The
models that I used for the research and analysis project are the financial analysis,
SWOT and Porter five forces. Financial analyses allow me to determine the financial
position of the company it means to ascertain and investigate where companies lies in
the market with the financial viewpoint. The consideration of SWOT analysis determine
the strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats to the company while the Porter
analysis allow me to understand the external environmental factors that can influence
the operation of the business.
I consider the computer software such as MS Excel, Office and PowerPoint for this
research project and the knowledge about the software was great deal for me because
the present age is dynamic business environment and very competitive one. The
knowledge about the IT software will support me to compete the competition and excel
in the professional career. The major outcome that I gained from the usage of these
software is the knowledge about the Excel that is concerned with the usage of formulas
I also learn how to prepare the presentation through PowerPoint which will help me in
professional career for the preparation of business projects.

This research project was very good one for me at every aspect that will help me in my
future education and professional career such as this project improve my
communication skills and aware me with the basic principles of communication that are
necessary to survive in the competitive business environment. Better communication
help me to express your feeling and ideas to the manager and director of the company
in effective way so that to acquire the loyalty of my seniors and manager in the
organization. As wholly this project brings a new change in my personality and able me
to survive in the challenging business environment.

Overall, the whole project was excellent learning experience for me as the skills which I
leant from this research project helped me a lot to improve my educational skills and I
can apply them in my next exams and this also helped me to build my profile strong and
I can update my resume about my new skills.

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