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Aybey Alc Hata

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In ALC Series Control Systems, all determined errors are reported at runtime on main screen
and stored in permanent memory. Error storing capacity of system is limited to 250. If an error
occurs when there are 250 errors stored in memory, then oldest error is cleared and the new
one is stored. You can see last 250 stored errors anytime by using LCD screen or from your
computer connection. Here we will see how to monitor error list reports by using keypad and

On main menu, enter M3-ERROR LOG sub-menu.

And then you see the list of stored error logs.

?000000 OFF
Error logs are sorted
01.FLOOR KAPIby date
A & time. In this screen, you can only see floor, error date, time and
error code. If you want to see a more detailed report, select an error by using arrow buttons
and press ?000000
(ENT) button. OFF
HIGH ?000000
?000000 OFF
?000000 OFF
?000000 OFF
A ?000000 OFF
In01.FLOOR ?000000
this screen, youKAPI OFFdate & time, floor, speed and direction of car (when error occurred)
see error
?000000 OFF
and explanation of error. Enter Code:399 (M5-SERVICES) to clear all error list.
?000000 A
Until the board records a new error and the lift is moving you cannot enter the menu M3>Error
Log ?000000
and Codes. KAPIOFF A
?000000 OFF
?000000 A
?000000 OFF
?000000 OFF
?000000 OFF
?000000 OFF
?000000 OFF
Stop circuit-120 (Speed regulator, parachute contact, stop buttons…)
1 Stop Circuit Open
is open.
2 125-135 is Open Door Contact circuit 125-130 is open during motion.
3 140 is Open Door Lock circuit-140 is open during motion.
KDK contact is
4 Contact of KDK contactor is short. Read section 14.2
DRB contact is
5 Door Reset input is shorted. Read section 14.2
1-At fast speed, system cannot not get new floor data within the time
period defined at [C08].
6 Pass Time Overflow
2-At slow speed, system could not reach floor level within the time
period defined at [C09].
After any door open command door contacts are not open within the
7 Door Cannot Open
period defined at [C04] for door A or [C34] for door B.
After transmitting any door close command, the door is not closed
8 Door Not Closed (KL1=0 for door A, KL2=0 for door B) within the time period defined
in [C03] for door A or [C33] for door B.
Up and down limit inputs (817=0 and 818=0) are both open
9 817 - 818 Are Open
Inconsistency in floor number on displays and car position. This error
arises if the floor number is not 0 when the car is at bottom floor
11 Counter Error
(817=0 and 818=1) or floor number is not top floor when the car is at
top floor (817=1 and 818=0).
Encoder rotation direction is not the same as the car travel direction.
Encoder Direction
12 Incremental encoder inputs A and B (ENA and ENB) should be
No encoder signal is received from encoder while the car is moving
13 No Encoder Signal within the time period defined [C29]. Check electrical connections of
encoder circuit as well as the mechanical coupling of the encoder.
If the bypass input is open [BYP=0] and the lift is in normal mode then
14 Bypass Error
this error arises. Bypass switch must be normally closed.
Defined park floor parameter in [B04] is above the maximum number
15 Park Floor Definition
of stops defined in [A01]. [B04] can be maximum ([A01]-1).
Defined fire floor parameter in [B05] is above the maximum number
16 Fire Floor Definition
of stops defined in [A01]. [B05] can be maximum ([A01]-1).
System cannot communicate with car units. Check serial communication
states of the main board and the car controller. If BE or LE leds on CAN
No Car drivers are ON then there is something wrong either in electrical wiring of
Communication CAN units or in values of the termination resistors. Check also parameter
[A18]. It defines the CAN-channel used for car circuit. You should connect
car communication cables to the CAN-port denoted in [A18].
System cannot communicate with hall units in serial mode. Check
serial communication states of the main board and the hall units. If BE
or LE leds on CAN drivers are ON then there is something wrong either
Landing Control
19 in electrical wiring of CAN units or in values of the termination
resistors. Check also parameter [A19]. It defines the CAN-channel used
for hall circuit. You should connect hall communication cables to the
CAN-port denoted in [A19].
20 PTC/Thermistor Motor is overheated or PTC circuit is not connected [PTC=0].
When the system uses 3rd speed, [A11>0], mainly for speeds above 1
m/s, then HU and HD inputs must be used. If HU and HD are defined
21 HU - HD Are Open
and both are open simultaneously then this error arises. Check HU and
HD switches, terminals, definitions and related wiring.
22 Door Motor Hot If automatic door motor is overheated or DTP input is open [DTP=0].
This is an information message. It is displayed if the resetting travel is
23 Reset is Passive
prohibited by the parameter B30 [B30=0].
If incremental encoder is used as floor selector [A05=2] and no shaft
learning has been completed successfully you will get this message on
24 No shaft Learn
the screen. You should carry out shaft learning to enter Normal
operation mode. This is only an information message.
Floor Pulse data stored in M8->E4>FLOOR PULSES menu is missing or
25 Encoder Data Error
faulty. Shaft learning should be carried out.
This error message is raised if the machine room temperature is
outside the adjusted temperature region and any new start of the lift is
prohibited. [B21=0] clears machine room temperature detection. No
checking is carried out.
If [B21=1] then checking MR temperature is carried out with the
detector on ALC main board. If the temperature around the main
Machine Room
26 board is lower than the value defined in parameter [B42] or greater
than the value defined in parameter [B43] then error 26 is created.
Check the temperature around the mainboard and the defined limits.
If [B21=2] then checking MR temperature is carried out by an external
measuring device. The controller reads its output through the terminal
input [THR]. Check if THR input is connected to the external device and
the adjustment of the external device.
Error signal is received from hydraulic unit or motor driver (inverter)
27 Driver Error
through DER input. Check the error state of the driver and DER input.
Although there are no contactors activated, there is no signal in CNT
29 Contactor Failure terminal. Check CNT wiring and definition. Check also the wiring of the
CNT circuit through normally closed aux-contacts of the contactors.
GSM Modem GSM modem cannot be accessed. Check modem connections and
Failure settings.
31 Phase Order Error Error in phase sequence. Interchange two-line phases.
External FKK
32 Signal received from external FKK input.
If ML2 switch becomes passive [ML2=0] while the car is staying at floor
level this error is created. If the doors are open then it is an UCM error
33 ML2 Open at Floor
and the system is blocked. Check the magnet and switch locations of
ML1 and ML2.
This error is reported if ML2 switch is still on [ML2=1] when the car
34 ML2 Short Circuit has left the door zone. Check the switches, magnets, inputs and
wiring related to ML1 and ML2.
35 Phase L1/R Missing L1/R phase is not present. Check line phase.
36 Phase L2/S Missing L2/S phase is not present. Check line phases.
37 Phase L3/T Missing L3/T phase is not present. Check line phases.
38 Photocell Error 1 An external photocell error is detected through FE1 input.
There is more than one member in the group with the same group
39 Group No Failure number specified in [A13]. Check [A13] parameters of all lifts in the
Door Contact Despite doors being physically closed, door contact is not close. The
Failure physically state of the door control by KL1 and KL2 inputs.
Levelling travel lasts longer than the period specified in parameter
[C23]. Increase C23. If the lift is moving in relevelling then check [C16]
41 Levelling Period
period and relevelling speed, if not then try to find why the lift is not
Car doors are not physically closed in bypass mode. Check KL1 and KL2
44 KL1 – KL2 Are Open
inputs and related door contacts.
SDB board cannot bridge safety line. Check 140, ML1, ML2 inputs, ML1
45 SDB Bridging Error
and ML2 switches and related magnets.
In emergency rescue operation the door cannot be opened within the
49 ERS Door Not Open time period stored in timer parameter [C29]. Check door supply
voltage and door control signals
In emergency rescue operation the door cannot be closed within the
ERS Door Not
50 time period determined by the controller. Check door supply voltage
and door control signals
ERS Maximum Emergency rescue operation period exceeded the period stored in
Period timer parameter [C41].
If ML1 switch becomes passive [ML1=0] while the car is staying at floor
level this error is created. If the doors are open, then it is an UCM error
53 ML1 Open at Floor
and the system is blocked. Check the magnet and switch locations of
ML1 and ML2.
This error is reported if ML1 switch is still on [ML1=1] when the car has left
54 ML1 Short Circuit the door zone. Check the switches, magnets, inputs and wiring related to
ML1 and ML2.
This error is reported in hydraulic lifts, If the car goes beyond the
Hydraulic Piston
55 upper shaft limit level. This is a stationary error and must be cleared
Top Limit Switch
When the fire inputs FR1 and FR2 return to normal positions, [FR1=1]
and [FR2=1], after a fire state then the system will not return to
normal, if the parameter B46 was set to 4 [B46=4]. The system will be
56 Fire Reset blocked in this case. Returning to normal operation is possible after a
re-start or through inspection mode, entering and exiting from
inspection. Error message will be displayed on the screen as long as
the system stays in blockage.
When the hall calls are collected in parallel communication and the
parameter [B16=1] is defined as 1, if a hall button stays more than 300
57 Call Button Error seconds pressed then the system reads it no more and set as faulty.
This error message is displayed. Entering into inspection mode clear
this error.
Earthquake signal is received [EQK=0] due to a low signal at EQK input.
58 Earthquake
The system will switch into earthquake mode.
This is error arises in hydraulic lifts with GMV NGV-A3 valve [A16=6].
59 Start Prohibited - 1 This error is reported if RDY and RUN inputs are both simultaneously
OFF, [RDY=0], [RUN=0].
This is error arises in hydraulic lifts with GMV NGV-A3 valve [A16=6].
60 Start Prohibited - 2 This error is reported if RDY and RUN inputs are both simultaneously
ON, [RDY=1], [RUN=1].
This is error arises in hydraulic lifts with GMV NGV-A3 valve [A16=6].
61 NGV Signal Error-1 Error arises if RDY and RUN inputs states are not changed on START.
[RDY=0], [RUN=1].
This is error arises in hydraulic lifts with GMV NGV-A3 valve [A16=6].
62 NGV Signal Error-2 Error arises if RDY and RUN inputs states are not changed on STOP.
[RDY=1], [RUN=0].
63 External UCM Error Error signal is received from external UCM input [UCM=1].
Although the brake coil is not energized, no signal is received from
brake feedback contact. Check BR1, BR2 terminals, contacts,
64 Brake Not Closed
definitions and related wiring. This error is reported only if the
parameter A16 was set to 1 [A16=1].
Although brake coil is energized, signal is received from brake
feedback contact. Check BR1, BR2 terminals, contacts, definitions and
65 Brake Not Opened
related wiring. This error is reported only if the parameter A16 was set
to 1 [A16=1].
Although SGD board is not energized trough RSG output, SGC input signal is
66 SGC Error 1 passive [SGC=0]. This error is created only if the parameter A16 was set 2,
[A16=2]. Check RSG output and SGC input, related wiring and definitions.
Although SGD board has been already energized trough RSG output, SGC
67 SGC Error 2
input signal is active [SGC=1]. This error is created only if the parameter A16
was set 2, [A16=2]. Check RSG output and SGC input, related wiring and
This error is reported in hydraulic lifts during valve test if the safety
68 Safety Valve Fault valve failed and the system is blocked. The electrical connections of
the valve as well as the mechanical functions must be checked.
This error is reported in hydraulic lifts during valve test if the down
69 Down Valve Fault valve failed and the system is blocked. The electrical connections of
the valve as well as the mechanical functions must be checked.
When the motion has been started and coil on the overspeed governor
Governor Contact has already been energized, if SGO input signal is still high [SGO=1],
Error-3 then this error is reported. Check the coil on the speed governor, its
wiring and SGO input terminal.
71 Photocell Error 2 An external photocell error is detected through FE2 input.
Unintended Car Movement UCM is detected. This error is created if
the car leaves the door zone with open doors. This error is stationary
72 UCM Fault and must be cleared manually. Check ML1 and ML2 switches and
related magnet positions. Check also the UCM device connections and
If SGO input signal is still OFF [SGO=0] although OSG A3 coil has not
Governor Contact
73 been energized, then this error is created. Check SGO definition,
contact and wiring. Check the coil on the speed governor.
Although OSG A3 coil has already been energized, SGO input signal is
Governor Contact
74 still active [SGO=1]. Check SGO definition, contact and wiring. Check
the coil on the speed governor.
An error signal is received through RDY input, when i-Valve unit is used
75 i-Valve Failure
as hydraulic unit [A16=4]. Check related wiring and RDY definition.
When special last floor switches (917, 918) are used [B47=1] and if 917
and 918 inputs are open simultaneously, [917=0], [918=0], then this
76 End Switch Failed
error is created. Check 917 and 918 inputs, definitions and B47
When high speed limit switches (HU, HD) are employed, where
[A11=1], and…
If HD is on [HD=1] where [817=0] or
If HU is on [HU=1] where [818=0]
Then this error is reported.
77 HD/HU Failure
- Check HD and HU terminals, magnets, switches, definitions and
related wiring.
- HD must be above 817 and HU below 818. Check their positions
in the shaft.
- Check parameter A11.
Encoder When a CAN absolute encoder is used as floor selector, [A05=3], this
78 Communication error is created if the system cannot communicate with the encoder.
Failure Check encoder wiring and parameter A05.
When incremental encoder is used as floor selector [A05=3] and the
Encoder Learning encoder cannot complete learning process, this error is reported.
Failure Check encoder wiring and parameter A05. Check also ML1, ML2,
817 and 818 switches.
This error is reported if the contactor feedback input is still on [CNT=1]
82 CNT Short Circuit while the lift is in motion. Check CNT terminal, contactor aux. contacts
and their wiring.
If ALSK or ALPK board is not present or not connected to the car
CAN-bus or there is a communication fault in this bus, then this error is
84 ALSK Not Present
reported. Check terminal board, CAN bus wiring and 24V power supply
When the car is at door zone and bridging is activated by the controller
85 SDB 141 Fault then 141 must be active. If not, then this error is created. Check SDB
If the lift starts for a target floor without completing door open test at
86 Door Test Error
that floor successfully then this error is created.
To return to the normal mode from shaft inspection it is not sufficient
to switch inspection off. KRR must be trigged once to clear shaft
87 Shaft Insp. Reset inspection. This message will be displayed after the shaft inspection
switch has been returned to normal until KRR is switched once while
the doors are closed.
Door closed contact of the first door is still closed [KL1=1] though the
88 KL1 Shorted
first door is open. Check “contact, wiring and input definition of KL1.
Door closed contact of the second door is still closed [KL2=1] though
89 KL2 Shorted the second door is open. Check contact, wiring and input definition of
Any other CAN-user has been defined at the CAN-port where group
90 Group Can Port
has been already defined. Check CAN-port definition A18.A22.
Car contacts are not closed (125-130) within the defined time period
Retiring Cam
91 after the retiring cam has been energized. Check door contacts, the
activation process and definition of the retiring cam.
Shaft Pit
There is no communication with SPB box in shaft pit. Check CAN shaft
92 Communication
connections and A19 and A23 parameters.
When GMV3010/2CH+A3 valve is used, SE1 must be ON in downwards
motion and rest. If SE1 stays ON longer than 2 seconds at the end of
93 VRP-SE1 Error any motion, then error 93 is created. System is blocked. Error 93 is a
permanent error and can be cleared only by using U1-UCM ERROR
CLEAR service.
When GMV3010/2CH+A3 valve is used, SE2 must be OFF during any
motion. If SE2 stays OFF longer, then 1 seconds at the end of any
94 VB-SE2 Error
motion error 94 is created. System is blocked. Error 94 is a
permanent error and can be cleared only by using U1-UCM ERROR
CLEAR service.
95 SE1 Shorted SE1 input is ON in presence of motion.
96 SE2 Shorted SE2 input is ON in presence of motion.
Pawl coil energized but PAWL is not retracted. Any input condition
97 Pawl Not Retracted besides (SKN=1 and KKN=0) creates this error. Check these contacts
and connections to pawl coil.
This error is evoked if the input conditions become (SKN=0 and KKN=1)
98 Pawl Retracted while the lift is in motion. Check these contacts and connections to
pawl coil.
Pawl coil is not energized but PAWL is still retracted. Any input
99 Pawl Not Extended condition beside (SKN=0 and KKN=1) creates this error. Check these
contacts and connections to pawl coil.
Pawl coil is energized but KNB=0. Check KNB contact and related
100 Pawl KNB-Pressure
101 Pawl Compressed Car is not at floor level but KNB=0.
An upwards motion has been started due to the low pressure in piston
102 Pawl Low Pressure
but LRP input does not become 0 in allowed time.
In Pawl landing motion the car has exceeded floor level but KNB did
103 Pawl Not Pressed
not become 1. Check MKU, MKD magnets and KNB contact.
There are two conditions where error 104 is created.
1-RDY does not becomes 0 and stays on after termination of the
104 HEVOS RDY Passive
2-RDY becomes 0 during any motion.
105 HEVOS RDY Active RDY does not becomes 1 and stays off at the end of the motion.
106 HEVOS RUN Passive RUN input disappeared during upwards motion. RUN=0.

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