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The key takeaways are that this document outlines the rules for a post-apocalyptic tabletop roleplaying game where players take on the role of mutants. It describes character stats, classes, combat, equipment and mutations.

The three main stats are Meat (hit points), Moxie (actions per turn) and Mutagen (capacity for mutations). Meat represents how much damage a character can take, Moxie determines how many actions they can take in a turn, and Mutagen is used to gain new mutations.

The three classes are Brute, Stalker, and Loremaster. Brutes focus on combat abilities, Stalkers on stealth and ranged attacks, and Loremasters on research and healing abilities.


Meat, Moxie, Mutagen

You have 9 points to divide
between these 3 stats, to a max
of 6:
CHAINSAW! Weapons and Armor
SMALL WEAPONS deal 1d2 damage.
LARGE WEAPONS require 2 hands and
do 1d3 damage.
MEAT (How many hits you can take Doing Things Wearing scavenged armor increases
before dying) When your mutant is faced with a
challenge, roll a d6 under their your MEAT by 1 for each piece you
MOXIE (How many actions you can have on. You can have a max of 4
take during your turn) Base Chance to see if they
succeed. Every task has a 2-in-6 pieces of armor on at once.
MUTAGEN (Your capacity for
adaptive change.) chance of success, modified by
They also act as your Saves; rollyour Classes’ scores. Equipment
You can hold an item in each hand
a d6 under your scores to In COMBAT, flip a coin to see who and 10 in your pack. Anything in
avoid catastrophe. goes first. Flip the coin after excess doubles all MOXIE costs.
every round.
Classes To attack something, roll under Mutagen
Decide a class for your mutant: your B.C. + your Brute score for Everyone starts with at least 1
Brute, Stalker, or Loremaster. melee or Stalker for ranged. MUTATION, determined randomly.
Each class will grant +1 to Each MUTATION can be unlocked by
relevant rolls. Assign 4 points DYING spending your MUTAGEN.
among them how you want. If you are reduced to 0 MEAT, If you’re in dire need, you can
Brutes are muscle, mercenaries you’re dead. The wastelands claim attempt to roll under your MUTAGEN
and warriors. another. stat to gain an emergency
Stalkers steal resources from If you are hurt, you can regain d6 adaptation, which may have a
other mutant tribes. MEAT with a successful Loremaster drawback too.
roll. To get more MUTAGEN, expose
Loremasters research and
revere the ancient ruins A week of rest restores all yourself to gamma rays, or drink
littering the Earth. missing MEAT. some Solution X, or inject
yourself with Evo-Drugs.
NPCs Gear Mutations
All have the same 3 stats as Roll on this chart 3 times to Each adjective of a Mutation
Mutants, and at least 1 Class. start, a d3 for the column and a d6 increases its MUTAGEN cost. Make
They also may have special for the row. your own, or roll on these charts.
abilities or deal more DAMAGE. 1. 2. 3. Adjectives (d3+d6)
1. Car Water
Morale battery purifier Gasoline 1. 2.
1. Telepathic Glowing
If things aren’t going to plan, Football
most creatures will run away. Grappling
2. 3 Rations gear Shape-
hook 2. Sentient Multiple
During a fight, check enemies’ (armor) shifting
morale by rolling a d6 under Bag of
3. Large Dog ball 3. Flaming Solar Sensitive
their remaining Meat. If it weapon bearings
succeeds, they continue to fight, Extremo-
Leather 4. Poisonous Armored
but if it fails they’re routed. Fire- phile
4. Flashlight jacket crackers
(armor) 5. Growing Meaty Consuming
Encounters 5. Pots and Caltrops Grenade 6. Duplicat- Floral Slick
Every in a ruin, or
TEN MINUTES pans ing
surface, check Motorcycle
for a random encounter by 6. helmet Stimulant
Chain Nouns (d3+d3)
(armor) 1. 2. 3.
rolling a d6. On a 1, the party 1. Head Organs Skin
encounters something. On a 2, Everybody starts with a SMALL
they can see signs of something WEAPON and 3 RATIONS and WATER. 2. Tail Wings Arms
nearby. 3. Legs Eyes Torso

Traveling Downsides (d6)

Every day the party travels across 1. Withered 4. Evil
the Wastes, exhaust 1 RATION and 1 2. Stinky 5. Painful
WATER. If you have none, all rolls
are at -1, accumulating. 3. Broken 6. Blinding

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