Wu Xueyin
Wu Xueyin
Wu Xueyin
© Xueyin Wu
Master of Engineering
October 20 10 Submitted
marine propellers, these goals are achieved though iteration of design software and
which was developed based on the Open propeller vortex lattice lifting line code
parametric design technique and a single propeller geometry generator are completed
in MATLAB, and a propeller blade geometry file for SolidWorks is created after
The purpose of this study is to extend the use of the original OpenPVL code not only
for the propeller design, but also to achieve the thrust simulation and strength check
propeller and simulated the thrust with CosmosFloWorks to prove that the
result of thrust.
First and foremost, appreciation and thanks are bestowed upon Prof. Andy Fisher for
his guidance, support and advice. From the beginning stages to the submission of this
thesis, he supported and kept me on the path towards completion, and I did learn a lot
I would like to extend thanks to Prof. Mahmoud Haddara. I learned a lot from him
I would like to acknowledge the support of the people in the rapid proto typing lab for
their support during the propeller fabrication using Stratasys Fusion Deposition
Modeling (FDM).
Table of Contents
Abstract ... ....... .. ..... ............. ... ......... ...... ....... .............. ..... ......... ... ... ........ .. ....... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .... ... ... ... ii
Acknowledgements .. .... ..... ..... ... .. ... .... ........... .... ... ....... .. .... ....... ..... ......... ..... ..................... ...... .. . iii
Table of Contents ......... ........... .. .. .................. .... .......... .. ............ ..... ... ..... ..... ...... ... ........ ..... ........ iv
List of Tables ... .. ..... ....... ........... ..... .. .. ............ ..... ........ .... ....... .. ......... .. ............. ......... ...... .. .. ... ... vi
List of Figures .... ... ... .................. ... ................. .. .. ............. ...... .. .. .. .. ........ ... .... .... .. .. .... ... ...... .. ... .. vii
Introduction .. ..... ..... .. ....... ..... .... .... ................ .. ...... .............. .. ... ...... ... .. ... ....... .. .. .. ..... ..... .... ... . 1
2 Literature and Software Review ........ .............. .......... ..... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. ... .. ..... ........... oo ..... oooo···· 5
• 2.3 .1 Parametric Analysis .. ... ........ ..... .. .. ............ 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..... . .... . . ........... .. 13
• 2.3 .2 Blade Design ... ......................... ...... ... ............ ... .. .. ........ .................... ......... .... . 19
• 2.3.3 Propeller Geometry Development Through CAD .. ...... .. ................. .......... .. .... 26
Analysis (FEA) .... ... ... ... ... .......... ............ ....... .. .. ... .. ........ ............... ... ............ ... .... 30
• 2.6 Review of Propeller Fabrication .......... .. ....... ........... .. .. .... .. .. .. ...... ........ ... ............ ... 32
• 2.7 Review of Propeller Testing .00 . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . .................. . . ..... ......... ..... .. .. . . . ........ . ... . .. 38
• 3.1 Open_PYL and OpenPYL_SW Codes ...... .................................. ............ .. .. .... .. ..... 44
• 3.2 Using Solidworks for Propeller Blade Geometry ................................................... 47
• 3.2.1 Propeller Foil Sections ........................ ........ .................. .. ..... .............. .... ... 48
• 3.3 Simulations using CosmosFloWorks ..... .... ......... .. ............. .. .............. .... ........ ..... ... 60
• 3.4 Simulations using CosmosWorks ......... ............... ............... ... .......... .............. .... .... 66
4 Case Study: Simulation of an AUV Propeller. ..... .... ........ ........ ........ .... ..... .. ......................... 76
Corporation ... .. .. ....... .. ........ ....... ........ .......... ...... ..... ......... .......... ..... ........... .. ... 88
6 Propeller Fabrication by Rapid Proto typing ....................... ..... .............. .......... .................. .. 98
7 Conclusions and Future Work ..................... ....... ...... ........ .. .. ........... ..... .... ............... .......... 105
• 7.1 Conclusions ......... ..... .... ... .. :............................. ..... ... ...... ... ....... ........... ...... .. ..... .... I 05
• 7.2 Future Work ............. ... ............. ... .... ......... ... ...... ............ ......... .. .............. ... .. ..... .. 106
References .. ...... ...................... ............... ...... ....... ..... .... ... ... .......... ..... ....... ............................... 107
Propeller Geometry in SolidWorks ... .... ..... .......... .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ... ......... .. .. .... 111
Appendix B: SolidWorks Macro for the AUV Propeller Geometry: ......... ............ ........... ........ 11 9
List of Tables
Table 1: Required Input Data for Lifting Line Method and Panel Method .. .... ... .... ........ ..... .... ... .. 9
Table 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Each NACA Series ... .... ... ...... .. ... ... ......... ............. .. 22
Table 3: Prototyping Technology Materials .... ............... .......................... .. .. ....... ... ...... ....... .... .. 35
Table 4: Processes of Propeller Design by Open_PVL and OpenPVL_ SW ..... .. .. ....... .. ............. 46
Table 5: The information ofNACA 63A006 and mean line a=0.8 (modified) ....... .... .......... .... .. 55
Table 6: Simulation Results of the Three Propellers ..... .......... ..... .. .. .... ....... .. ... .... .. ........ .... .. .... .. 83
Table 7: StrataSys FDM 2000 Specifications ....... ...... ......... .. ... .. ... ... .. .... .... ... .. ...... ... ................. 99
List of Figures
Figure 1: Flow Chart of Propeller Design by Computer Programs ................................. .... .......... 3
Figure 2: Parametric Analysis Matlab Interface .. .. ............................ ........ ..... ......... ....... ........... 14
Figure 3: Efficiency Plot. .... .............. ... .... .... ... ... ........ ....... .. ... ........ .................... .. ... ... ........ ..... .. 19
Figure 4: Propeller Design Matlab Interface ... .... ..... .. .......... ....... .......... .......... ........ .. .............. .. 20
Figure 5: Foil Section Geometry ..... ..... ..... ... ............. ...... ........... .. .................................. ........... 23
Figure 6: Graphical Report ···· ·· ········· ········· ··········· ········ ···· ················ ·· ·· ·· ··· ················:· ··· ·········· 24
Figure 7: 2D Propeller Blade Profile ... ..... .... ....... .... .... ........ .. ..... ....... .............. .. ....... ....... ....... ... 25
Figure 8: 3D Propeller Image ... ......... .. ........ ........ .... ... ......... ......... ......... ........................ ... ..... .... 25
Figure 9: Propeller in Rhino ................ .... ........ ..... ...................... ........................... .......... .... ..... 27
Figure 10: Propeller Geometry Validation ........ .. ............... ........ ......................... ... ...... .... ... ... ... 28
Figure 11 : Flow Chart of Casting Processes .... .. ........... ..... .... ........... ... .. ......... ..... ..... ......... ..... .. . 33
Figure 12: Wind Tunnel Model Constructed by FDM ................ .. ... ....................................... ... 36
Figure 13: Sketch of a Propeller Testing Set-up ........................ ..... .. .. ...... ....... .. .... ...... ..... .. ..... .. 38
Figure 14: Thruster Mount. .... ........ ..................... ....... ..... .... ............ ........... .... ... ... ..... .. ...... ... ..... 39
Figure 15: Tow-tank Carriage .................. .. ........ .... ..... .... ............. ................ .. .......... ........... .. .. .. 40
Figure 16: Flow Chart of Generating a Propeller Blade ......... ... ..... ....... ... ...... .... ..... .... .. ......... .... 48
Figure 17: Foil Section Points .... .. ....... ............... ..... .......... ........ ..... ..... ........ ... ... ..... ............. .. .... 49
Figure 18: A Propeller Foil Section ... ...... .. ..... .... ....... ....... ......... .. ....... .. ..... .. ..... ...... .................. 50
Figure 19: Overview of Propeller Foil Sections ................................ .................... .............. ...... 51
Figure 20: Sideview of Propeller Foil Sections ... ..... ... ...... .. .. .... ......... .. ... .... ......... ......... ..... .. ..... 52
Figure 21: Foil Section using NACA 65A01 0 a=0.8 at the r/R=0.35 ................... ...................... 54
Figure 22: Foil Section Using NACA 63A006 a=0.8(modified) at the r/R=0.35 ..... ....... ...... ... .. . 56
Figure 23: Propeller Foil Sections and the Leading Edge Line ... .. ..... .. ..... .. ..... .... ......... ..... ........ 57
Figure 24: A Propeller Blade ... .... ....... ... .. ... ................... ............ .. ........ ...... .. .. .. .... ... .... .... .......... 58
Figure 25: A Propeller Blade with a Hub and a Nose Cone ........ .. .............. .. .................. .. ...... ... 59
Figure 26: A Propeller with Three Blades ........ .............. ... ....... .. ... ..... ... ........ .... ........... ..... ........ 60
Figure 27: Simulation Domain of Propeller .............. .. .... .. ............... .. .................................. .. ... 62
Figure 28: Pressure Results of a Propeller Simulation with Domain Size 6mx6mx30m
(widthxdepthxlength) ............. ... .... ................................ .......... ......... ........ ...... ... 63
Figure 29: Pressure Results of a Propeller Simulation with Domain Size 4mx4mx20m
(widthxdepthxlength) .................... ... ................................ ...... .... .. ......... ..... ... .... 64
Figure 30: Side View of a prope ller ................................ .... .................. .. ...................... ....... .. ... 65
Figure 31: A Simulation Model Without Blades ............................ .. ........ .. ...... .................... .... . 66
Figure 32: Surface Total Pressure Distribution of a 3-Blade Propeller...... .. ........ ...... .. ........... .. .. 69
Figure 33: Dynamic Pressure Distribution of a 3-Blade Propeller .......... ................ .... .......... ..... 70
Figure 35: FOS of the AUV Propeller. .......... .... .... ... .. ...... .... ........ .... ............ ................ .. ....... .... 72
Figure 36: Fillets at the Root of a Propeller Blade .................... .. .. .............. ............................... 73
Figure 3 7: Stress Distribution with Fillets of the 3-Blade propeller ...... .... .. .. .......... ................... 73
Figure 38: FOS distribution with Fillets of the 3-Blade Propeller .. .. .. .... .......... .. ............ .. .. ...... .. 74
Figure 39: Flow Chart of a Propeller Simulation Process .......... .... ........ ........ ........ ...... .............. 75
Figure 40: AUV Propeller Blade Geometry ............ .......... .............................................. .. .... .. .. 77
Figure 41: Final AUV Propeller .......... ..... ... ............. ... .............. .... ......... ......... ...... .......... ........ .. 78
Figure 42: Predicted Result of Propeller Thrust With Blades .............. .... ............ .............. ...... .. 79
Figure 43: Predicted Result of Propeller Thrust Without Blade .. .... .... ....................................... 80
Figure 44: Relation of RPM and thrust at vessel speed 1rn/s .... ...................................... ........... 81
Figure 45: Plot of RPM and Thrust from Dr. Vural's Experiments .................. .......... .. .... ...... .... 81
Figure 46: Surface Dynamic Pressure Distribution of the AUV Propeller .... .......... ..·.... ........ ..... 84
Figure 47: Stress Distribution of the AUV Propeller. ... ..... .... ...... ... ...... ......... .... .... .... .. ..... ....... .. 85
Figure 48: Deflection of the AUV Propeller. ... .. ............. ... ... ........ ..... .... .. ... .. .. ... .... ........... ........ . 86
Figure 49: FOS of the AUV Propeller .... .... .......... .... .... .. ........................ .. ...... .... ........ .. ........ ..... 87
Figure 50: Propeller Geometry-4 Blades .... .. .. ... .. ........ ................. .. .. ... ........... .... ............ .... ..... .. 89
Figure 51 : Sideview of the Propeller-4 Blades .... ..... ......... .... ... .......... .. ............ .... ............. ...... .. 89
Figure 52: Predicted Propeller Thrust - 4 Blades .. ...... ..... ............ .. ......... .. .... .......... .... .. ........ .. .. 9 1
Figure 53: Propeller Geometry without blade .......... .. ................ .. .......... ........ .......... .... .... .......... 92
Figure 54: Predicted Propeller Thrust for the Propeller without Blade ...... .. .... .. .... .............. ...... . 93
Figure 55: Surface Dynamic Pressure of the Propeller-4 Blades .... .... .. .... ........ .. .. ...... .... .. .. .... .... 94
Figure 56: Stress Distribution of the Propeller-4 Blades .. .. .. ...... .... .... .. .. ........ .. .. ............ .......... .. 94
Figure 57: Deflection of the Propeller-4 Blades .. .... .... ........ .. .................................................... 95
Figure 58: FOS of the Propeller-4 Blades .. ............. ...... .... .... ........................ .... .... ....... ...... .... .. . 96
Figure 59: Flow Chart of the Procedures of a Propeller Design and Simulation using
Figure 60: Stratasys FDM 2000 ..... ... .... .... ........ ...... ... .... ... .. ....... ... ..... ... ..... ..... ... .. .. ... ..... ....... .. 100
Figure 61: Screenshot of Propeller Blade Generated by Stratasys Quicks lice Software ... .... .... 101
Figure 62: A Propeller Fabricated by FDM .... .................... .. .... .......... ........ ........................ ..... 103
Chapter 1
In Newfoundland and Labrador, ocean technology is an important sector with many
public and private firms involved in designing new or more efficient technologies. One of
the main components of many of these developments is the marine propeller. Designing
high efficiency and low cost propellers for ships, AUV's, ROV's and other marine
applications is therefore a critical research topic. At the same time, the technologies of
rapidly advancing, making these tools much more accessible. More and more designs and
fabrication processes are using computer technologies to achieve high accuracy and
shortened cycle times for manufacture and testing. In this thesis, the focus is on a rapid
development process for marine propeller design and prototype fabrications using these
computer technologies.
engineers needed to do a lot of analysis to detennine the foil sections, pitch, blade angle
and so on, in order to design and produce a suitable propeller. The process took engineers
a long time to analyze, draw, fabricate and test. owadays, due to rapid advances in the
assist in the design of propellers, instead of using traditional methods. After designing a
fabricate a prototype propeller. The material that can be used in the rapid prototyping
technologies is not perfect for the actual propeller, however, using rapid prototyping
machines, prototype propellers can be produced quickly facilitating early testing. If the
results show the propeller is not perfonning as desired, the propeller can be redesigned,
reproduced and retested. Saving time is the main advantage of the rapid proto typing
The general processes of propeller design and fabrication is to first input the propeller
analysis. If the analysis results show that the propeller is suitable then the propeller
geometry outputs will be used for propeller fabrication and testing; if results show the
propeller is not desired, engineers will change propeller parameters to redesign it. Figure
1 shows a flow chart of the proposed method of design and propeller fabrication that will
Start with
propeller Acceptable
design test data
Use Computational
No Use Finite Element
Fluid Dynamics
Analysis (FEA) to
(CFD) to predict
check strength.
propeller thrust
Compare the
predicted and
desired thrust
Simulation work is now commonly done before a propeller is fabricated . If an integrated
software tool can include analysis, design, fabrication geometry and simulation, the
In this thesis, the author is expanding an open source propeller design code to
OpenPVL_SW code that is combined with SolidWork software, to analyze, design and
fabricate propellers, and also to see how the propeller design can be simulated. A case
OpenPVL_SW code will be presented in this thesis. In this case, the OpenPVL_SW code
is used to create an AUV propeller and generate data for propeller geometry and
simulation. Second case study used CosmosFloworks to simulate the thrust of the
Compared with the real testing result of the thrust, this case study is used to prove that
CosmosFloworks can provide a reasonable thrust prediction. After the thrust simulation,
CosmosWorks is used to check the strength of the propeller deisgn using Finite Element
Analysis (FEA). If the strength result is suitable, then the propeller geometry is ready to
be fabricated; if the strength result is not desired, engineers can use higher strength
Chapter 2
The development of propeller design methods has evolved for a long time. When
propellers were first used for propulsion, very few people knew how propellers operated
and the optimal way to design them. Early designs were following the steps: trial, error
and imagination. Momentum theory was applied to propellers in the late nineteenth
century. It explained the resulting thrust of propellers, but it did not give a detailed reason
for these results [1]. Design for blade strength was based on experience and then later on
simple beam theory to determine the minimum root thickness and thickness distribution
along the blade span. Nowadays, finite element analysis is commonly used to analyze
Early theoretical analysis applied to propellers was based on momentum theory. In 191 0,
Betz was the first to formally formulate the circulation theory of aircraft wings for using
with screw propellers [2]. The Vortex theory of propellers was developed with the basic
assumption that certain geometric qualities of the flow in which a propeller operates must
exist ifthe energy losses are to be minimized. In 1929, Goldstein developed this theory,
showing that the flow past a vortex sheet could be calculated by relating the two
theoretical cases of a propeller with a finite number of blades and a propeller with an
infinite number ofblades [3]. Goldstein formulated Betz's vortex theory for propeller for
real cases of propellers with a finite number of blades. He showed that the velocity
number. His analysis was done for the case of optimum circulation distribution of a
propeller with minimum energy loss. By calculating the ratio of the circulation with
infinite and finite number of blades, the Goldstein coefficient, K, was derived for periodic
flow [3].
In 1947, Glauert published that the individual airfoil sections along the blade span could
be included directly into a lifting line calculation to design a propeller owing to certain
characteristics of lift and drag. He used momentum theory to determine the average
In 1952, Lerbs simplified the calculations by introducing the concept of induction factors
[5]. The induction factors depend only on helix geometry and therefore can be calculated
dependent of loading. To achieve this, Lerbs made two assumptions. One, that the radial
induced velocity is assumed to be negligible in the cases of light to moderate loading; the
other, that the calculated hydrodynamic pitch approximates the shape of the streamlines
in the wake. These are assumed to depend only on the axial and tangential velocity
thrust and torque along the blade span. The results were integrated over the propeller
blades to give overall performance of the propellers. He effectively produced the first
conditions of loading [5]. Lerbs' method became known as the lifting line method for
marine propellers, because the force produced by the circulation is assumed to act along
radial lines in place of the blades, similar to the theory of airscrews [6].
In 1955, Eckhardt and Morgan developed an engineering approach to the lifting line
proportional to the Goldstein factor due to the number of blades, and proceeded to
calculate induced velocities. This greatly reduced the amount of calculations. They also
showed that their method produced only small errors under light and moderate loading
In 1976, panel method was initially developed as lower-order method for incompressible
and subsonic flows [8]. In 1985, Hess and Valarezo introduced the panel method for
marine propellers that allowed them to vary the pitch values and distributions and take
into account the inflow wake distribution and cavitation effects [9]. The panel method
provides an elegant methodology to solve a class of flow past arbitrarily shaped bodies in
both two and three dimensions. The basic idea is to discretize the body in terms of a
singularity distribution on the body surface, to satisfy the necessary boundary condition ,
and to find the resulting distribution of singularity on the surface, thus obtain fluid
Nowadays, engineers are seeking ever faster ways to design propellers for customers'
requirements and enhancing speed to market. The lifting line method and panel method
are very useful and commonly used to design conventional propellers. The required input
data for lifting line method and panel method is shown in table 1.
Table 1: Required Input Data for Lifting Line Method and Panel Method [ 11] [ 12]
Input data for lifting line method Input data for panel method
Required torque
As can be seen in Table 1, the lifting line method does not require as much detail as the
panel method, thus it can be obtained more easily and can still yield useful results [ 11].
By using the lifting line method, large advances in the design of marine propellers can be
made without much more detailed numerical input required. The lifting line method is
very useful for conventional propeller design and is used extensively by leading propeller
manufacturers [6]. By using this method, the circulation distribution and hydrodynamic
pitch can be calculated, and the required pitch distribution can be constant or varied.
detailed airfoil section data and lift-drag relationships. A strength analysis can also be
included in the method by incorporating simple beam theory directly into the calculation
to obtain the primary stresses [13] [14], which include bending moments due to thrust and
torque. Equation 1 is the bending moment at the section due to the thrust on the blade.
Equation 2 is the bending moment at the section due to the torque on the blade [ 15].
R 1 dT
Mr =
i"Z- dr-(r -r )dr
R 1 dQ
M =
Q I -rZ- -dr( r - r )dr
0 2
Tis thrust; Q is torque; R is the propeller radius; r0 is hub radius; Z is the number of
Based on many years of development, propeller design methods have been enhanced. Due
computer code more often to design propellers, and are designing much more
complicated and multifunctional codes. In the early stages of propeller design software,
the code was used for specific functions. For example, the WAOPTPROP code [16] was
only used for propeller geometry, and the PPT2 code [17] was only used for propeller
analysis. Later, computer code, such as the PVL code, was developed to design the
engineers wanted to combine computer code with CAD software to automatically fini h
the propeller's fabrication. For example, D'Epagnier created an OpenPVL code [11] not
only for analysis and design, but also to create scripting for 3D printable files using the
CAD software RHINO, which generates a .STL file that is used to build propellers by
In 1991 , Hofinann wrote the WAOPTPROP code using VAX FORTRAN based on lifting
line method [ 16]. The program calculated the induced velocities at the blade sections
from a non-optimum circulation distribution, the required pitch distribution, and the thru t
and torque coefficients for the design condition. Propeller design used these program
results to determine the hydrodynamic pitch distribution by comparing the design point
coefficient with the pitch distribution. W AOPTPROP can also provide infonnation about
final propeller geometry. PPT2 was another program written by Hofinann [ 16] for the
analysis of propeller performance. Finally, W AOPTPROP combined with PPT2 can work
as a fully integrated propeller design program. However, this design program has two
main disadvantages: it needs two separate programs to achieve the design target, whereas,
it could be more convenient to use one program. Another disadvantage is that the final
- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - -- ----------
propeller geometry has to be entered by hand into CAD software, which is troublesome
PVL code, was created by Professor J. Kerwin at MIT in 2001 using Fortran
programming [ 17]. It was translated into MATLAB as an open source MPVL code
released by Hsin-Lung in May 2007. MPVL code was based on lifting line method and
its optimization algorithm was based on Lerb's criteria [ 18]. MPVL code, working with
the high-level technical computing language MATLAB, can be easily modified by users
according to their specific needs; propeller designers are able to conduct both propeller
analysis and single propeller design functions of the program. Compared with Hofmann's
propeller design programs, MPVL code has the advantages of integrating design and
analysis programming. However, there is no way to connect the propeller design program
directly with CAD software, which means that even by using this code, users have to
In September 2007, D'Epagnier [11] modified the MPVL code to create a new program
called OpenPVL. It operated using an evolved MPVL code while expanding upon
MPVL's applications, and had been modified to create scripting for 3D printable files
using a CAD interface to the commercial CAD software "RHINO". OpenPVL made up
OpenPVL, propeller blade geometry can be generated and imported into RHINO, and
then saved. Once in RHINO, various CAD manipulations are possible, including the
export of stereolithography (.STL) file, which can be used in a rapid prototyping (RP)
OpenPVL is an open source for marine propeller design. There are two main components
of OpenPVL. One is parametric analysis, which is used to combine all the propeller' s
parameters to analyze the efficiency and optimize the design. The other component is the
propeller design function to generate files of propeller inputs, outputs, geometry and
performance. The CAD software RHINO opens the geometry file and can from this one
use standard CAD commands to create a propeller blade, design a hub and add other
The number of blades, the propeller speed and the propeller diameter work as the three
foundational parameters for propeller design. These three are combined with other
additional parameters, including required thrust, ship speed, hub diameter, number of
vortex panels over the radius, maximum number of iterations in wake alignment, ratio of
hub vortex radius to hub radius, hub and tip unloading factor, swirl cancellation factor,
water density and hub image flag, as input parameters to the analysis process.
Min wax Increment P Hub Image Flag {Check for YES)
Number of Bled. .
Propeller Speed (RPM)
~ Sh•pVwlociiJ(m/1)
r-o.r- Hub Diameter (m)
~ Number ofVortu Panels overt he Radius
~ Mn. Heraliont in Wah Alignment
~ Hub Vortex Rdius/Hub Rtdiue
Run OpenProp I
These input parameters are introduced in the sections below. Figure 2 shows the
parametric analysis, which includes the user input fields required to run the analysis.
• Number ofblades: The range of the number ofblades is from two to six.
Propellers normally have a number of blades within this range. More number of
blades will increase thrust; however, it may cause cavitaion. Less number of
• Propeller speed: The unit of propeller speed is revolutions per minute (RPM). The
restrictions are that the value must be positive, and the maximum value must be
greater than or equal to the minimum value. The increment cannot be negative.
High RPM will increase thrust; however it may cause cavitation. Low RPM will
- ------------------------------------------------------
avoid cavitation; however, it decreases thrust. The range of RPM cannot exceed
• Propeller diameter: The unit of propeller diameter is meters (m). The value of
propeller diameter must be positive, and the maximum value must be greater than
or equal to the minimum value. The increment cannot be negative. The propeller
diameter must be greater than the hub diameter. Large propeller diameter
increases thrust, and small diameter will decrease thrust. The propeller diameter is
• Required thrust: The unit of required thrust is Newtons (N). The value must be
greater than 0, and cannot be negative. The required thrust is deri ved based on the
• Ship speed: The unit of ship speed is meter per second (m/s). The value must be
• Hub diameter: The unit of hub diameter is meters (m). The hub diameter has to be
• Number of vortex panel over the radius: This input field represents how many
vortex panels will be divided into the blade and thus affects the resolution of the
- - - · - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -
propeller blade. The number is greater than 0, and is an integer. Usually, twenty
how many iterations Open_PVL is allowed to align the wake. The number is
greater than 0, and is an integer. Ten iterations are usually sufficient for the
• Ratio of the hub vortex radius to the hub radius: The hub drag was computed as a
function of the ratio of vortex core radius to hub radius, but the precise value of
this ratio is not critical [17]. For convenience, this ratio was usually assumed to be
• Hub and tip unloading factors: These two factors are defined as the fractional
amount that the difference between the optimum values of tan Pi and tan Pare
reduced. If hub unloading factor is 0, tan Pi- tan p at the hub is retained at its
optimum value from Betz/Lerbs criterion. If hub unloading factor is I , tan Pi - tan
p at the hub is set to zero, and the values up to the mid span of the blade are
blended parabolically to the optimum value. The same procedure applies to the tip
[ 17].
-- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -
• Swirl cancellation factor: The value of this factor is zero or one. The swirl
velocities from each blade were cancelled [17). If there was no swirl cancellation,
• Water density: The water density depends on the users' preference. The unit is
• Hub image flag: this input field is located on the upper right side. By checking this
option, hub image is present, and the circulation has a finite value at the hub. Un-
checking this option will have a zero circulation at the root of a propeller blade
[ 18].
On the right side of the parametric analysis screen, there are five editable parameters. r/R
is the ratio of the radial location to the total length of the blade radius to be set from 20%
of propeller radius (r/R=0.2) to the blade tip (r/R= l). c/D is the non-dimensional chord
distribution over the radius. Cd is the drag coefficient over the radius. Vs is to the
advance velocity over the radius. Va/Vs is the ratio of the axial inflow velocity to the
advance velocity over the radius. The value of VaNs is set to one to assume uniform
inflow. VtNs is the ratio of the tangential inflow velocity to the advance velocity over the
radius. The value ofVt/Vs is set to zero to assume uniform inflow. Open_ PVL
automatically interpolates these input fields in accordance with the hub radius.
. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---
After the calculation process is completed, the program also creates the efficiency curves
according to the blade number and propeller diameter, shown in Figure 3. Ideally, a good
propeller has a large diameter, slow speed, low number of blades and high efficiency.
However, the real propeller parameters are always restricted in size and speed. It is the
purpose of the efficiency curves combined with different propeller diameters and speed to
help designers to determine the optimum parameters for a propeller design. To clearly
show the design approach for a propeller, Figure 3 is taken as an example. Due to the
limitation of a ship body geometry, the propeller diameter is restricted to three meters.
The ideal number of blades is small; however, less number of blades perhaps causes
propeller vibration due to the increased thrust on each blade. For this reason, a four-blade
design is adopted for this design. From the efficiency curves with three-meter diameter
and four-blade, the propeller has the highest efficiency at 100 RPM. Finally, the propeller
is chosen with three-meter diameter, four blades and 100 RPM. Now, the three major
propeller parameters have been determined. The detailed blade design is ready to be
conducted next.
Number of Blades: 3 Number of Blades: 4
g 0.4
~ 0.2 - 50 RPM
- 100RPM
0 - 150RPM
200 RPM
"0 ·22l.!:::::==
2 .c5=
: =3!___3,J..5
- o--J.
4 _ _4.L.5_ _ j5 " 0 · 221.!:::=~2.~5~~3'--_.i_-_i_ _4.L.5, _ - J5
Propeller Diameter (m) Propeller Diameter (rn)
Number of Blades: 5 Number of Blades: 6
,: =c; ~s::~~ r;
O .Sr---,----,----==~==::-1
:---- 1
g 0.4 CD l , , ] -~,,,'-~
il} 0.2 - 50 RPM 0.2 - 50 RPM ·····························
- - 100RPM 100 RPM ~
0 - 150 RPM ···· ·····-··········-····· 0 - 150RPM ·········f··· · ······~·· ········· ~· ·········
200 RPM 200 RPM . . .
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Propeller Diameter (m) Propeller Diameter (m)
After the parameters of a propeller with a viable efficiency curve have been established,
the desired inputs are entered into the propeller design option, shown in Figure 4.
~ Nu rnb~tr of Bladu 1:1 flub Image Flag (Check for YES)
~ Propeller Speed (RPM)
~ Propeller Diameter (m) Meenlino Typo: Thickneo:o Form:
• Shaft centerline depth: The unit of this parameter is meters (m). It presents the
• Inflow variation: It is required for the calculation of pitch angle variation, and the
• Ideal angle of attack: This parameter is to calculate the pitch angle, and the unit is
• The number of points over the chord: This parameter decides the resolution of a
In the program, two types of mean line, which is a line drawn midway between the upper
and lower surface, are available: the NACA (National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics) a=0.8 and the parabolic meanline. There are three types of thickness forms:
NACA 65 AOl 0, elliptical, and parabolic. The thickness form of ACA 65 AOI 0 is
designed to obtain high lift coefficient and high speed. The NACA thickness form is
combied with the meanline a=0.8 in this OpenPVL code to construct propeller foil
sections. The meanline of a=0.8 indicates that the pressure distribution on 80% of the foil
chord is uniform [ 19]. The thickness form of elliptical is designed to reduce drag and
obtain a thin blade with necessary strength. The thickness form of parabolic combined
with the parabolic mean line is used to reduce resistance force and is applied for high-
speed applications. Nowadays, the commonly used foil sections are the NACA foil
sections, which includes some series of models, such as 4-digit series, 5-digit series, 16-
series, 6-series, 7-series [ 19]. Each series has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Table 2 displays the advantages and disadvantages of each NACA series model.
Table 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of Each NACA Series [19]
little effect
operating conditions;
operating conditions
The NACA 65 A01 0 foil section is the only NACA model in the OpenPVL code;
however, there is the potential for users to add more foil sections in the OpenPVL code in
the thickness form and meanline sections in the original OpenPVL code.
The parameters that are on the right side of the blade design screen are introduced a
• f0/c and tole: fo/c is the maximum camber distribution. t0/c is the maximum
thickness distribution. The maximum camber fo and the maximum thickness to are
shown in Figure 5. cis the length of the nose-tail line, which is the dashed line in
the Figure 6.
• Skew: The unit of skew is degree. This parameter is applied to reduce the
J ~Iean Line
/ ------------------~
IMaximum T~lckness, 1 0 ] /
/ !Maximum- Camber, fa l
!Chord ! ------ ~
After the calculation process, the graphical reports are created. In Figure 6, the upper left
comer shows the non-dimensional circulation vs. the radial position, and the upper right
shows the axial and tangential inflow velocities with the axial and tangential induced
velocities vs. the radial position. The lower left comer shows the undisturbed flow angle
and the hydrodynamic pitch angle vs. the radial position, and the lower right shows the
so r---::---:---r==~~
50 ~ ..,,.......
...l: ................l: .............!\-,- - - ' 1~
40 ..~~-~~~ ................ +.... .. ....... ~................
=: :,
'- ;'-....._ : e
0.15 ................~ ................ .:. ................ ;............ .
. . '
u 0.1 .... ········+·········· ·····+ ..
E:: 0.05 ..........
Figure 7 presents five propeller blade profiles in a two dimensional view. This figure also
displays the chord length, the pitch angle, the camber, and the thickness of the propeller
graphical presentation of the propeller design showing the number ofblades selected and
2D Blade Image
- r/R = 0.20123
0.1 -
r/R = 0.29584
r/R = 0.50662
r/R = 0.75307
-··· •······ . . .... . . . . . [7/L j~A:
- r/R=0.94106
0 .05 ----··r ------------~------------· · !·--------- - -- ~-:--· ········---~- .......... .
J / :
/ ----·--·-·-·--·
/ :
-0.25 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0 .1 0.15
X (2D)[m)
0 .5
g 0
·1 -0.5
2.3.3 Propeller Geometry Development Through CAD
After the blade design is determined to be satisfactory, the program will create a text file
series of points that describe each foil section of the blade. This file was then used as an
input for the CAD software RHINO, which generates the points for the foil sections. The
propeller geometry is generated by creating closed splines for each sections and
c01mecting the sections to generate a blade. The hub design is the following step, and then
based on the designed number of blades to add all blades onto the hub [20]. After the
for testing by a rapid prototyping (RP) machine (.STL format) . The RP part can then be
tested. If the testing results are not satisfied, designers can go back to modify the
In 2007, D'Epagnier designed an AUV propeller using OpenPVL code, and the AUV
• The propeller is operated on the vehicle at 120 RPM in order to reach a speed of
1.0 m/s.
• The diameter ofthe hub is 0.12192 m.
After running the blade design function with the propeller parameters, the blade geometry
D 'Epagnier proved that the actual FDM-printed blade geometry was the same as the
desired blade geometry that was determined in OpenPVL [20]. D'Epagnier used a milling
machine with a dial indicator to measure the propeller blade with three different r/R
values, 0.25, 0.70 and 0.80. Along each r/R value five evenly-spaced points were chosen
for testing. In Figure 10, the green lines are the desired blade geometry with the three
different r/R values of the AUV Propeller, and the triangular points are the tested points
of the actual 3D printed blade. Due to the difficult in pinpointing the edge of the blade
with a dial indicator and the effects of deflection, the measurements of the blade
geometry at the leading and trailing edge are somewhat less in aggreement. However, the
other points show good alignment with the desired results. This experiment was only
applied for geometry validation that the produced RP test propeller was the desired
propeller, which was designed in OpenPVL. The experiment didn't display the propeller's
hydrodynamic parameters.
Blade Cross-Section at t/R- 0.25 "' Actual Blade Geometry
... Desred Blade Geometry
i .. "'
I I I r I I I
~ 26 2... v 2.7.5 2.1 2 85 2.0 3.05
Along-Sp<Vl.X !itt)
Blade Cross-Section at 1/R- 0.70 .o. Actual Blade Geometry
... Desired Bk1de Geometry
<~ 122 "' u•
8.92 ....
I ,_,.
Blade Cross-Section at r! R- 0.80 Actual Blade Geometry
Desired Blad9 Geometry
"' :.
\j, J8
"' ..
952 ....
9!6 ....
Normally, propeller design codes are combined with Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
technology to complete the design . Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is defined as, the use
of computer technology for the design of objects. Started in the late 1980s, Computer-
Aided Design programs were used to design curves and figures in two-dimensional (2D)
space or curves, surface and solid in three-dimensional (3D) objects, thus beginning a
trend for many companies to reduce cost in drafting departments. As a general rule, one
CAD operator could replace at least three to five drafters who designs by hand. CAD
industries, industrial and architectural design [21]. Due to fast paced development of
personal computers, a large number of CAD software packages have been created and
developed from 2D to 3D, from simple to complicated design and solid modeling, such a ,
on [22].
worldwide. In this thesis, SolidWorks is the CAD software used for propeller design and
simulation. This CAD software is based on the parasolids solid modeler and utilizes a
design and solid modeling. Started in 1995, SolidWorks already has many applications
and tools for mechanical design, such as drawing tools, design validation tools, product
data management tools, design communication and collaboration tools and CAD
and can be applied to fluid-flow simulation and thermal analysis. CosmosWorks is the
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) application that can be used for stress analysis.
2.5 Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis
brought into SolidWorks to use numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze
problems related to fluid flows . CFO technology discretizes the spatial domain into small
cells to form a volume mesh or grid, and then applies a suitable algorithm to solve the
The Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Finite Volume Method (FVM) are the two
main discretization methods widely used in the CFD field. The FEM uses standard
techniques for finding solutions of partial differential equations (POE) as well as integral
equations, which are then numerically integrated using standard techniques such as
Euler's method, Runge-Kutta and so on. FEM is mostly used in solving partial
Finite volume method (FVM) is a classical approach used most often in commercial and
research codes. The governing equations are solved on discrete control volumes. FVM
recasts the partial differential equation (POE) of the Navier-Stokes equation in the
conservative fonn and then discretizes the equations. This guarantees the conservation of
fluxes through a particular control volume. Another advantage of the finite volume
method (FVM) is that it is relatively easy to formulate for unstructured meshes [26].
FVM is often used in dynamic flow analysis, like marine propellers. In 2008, Pawel
compute viscous flow around a ship propeller. The numerical model used for solving the
system of main equations is based on FVM. The solution domain is subdivided into a
finite number of control volumes, which are solved based on the integral from of the
conservation equations. In the results, the calculated pressure distribution over the blades
of the propeller is smooth, and the calculated propeller thrust and torque are in agreement
with the experimental results. This paper showed that FVM is applicable to flow dynamic
analysis for propellers. Presently, Finite Volume Method (FVM) is used in many
problems for structural and field applications. The idea of FEA is to break a complicated
structure into small elements and each element is based on physical law to calculate
application package for FEA analysis. CosmosFloWorks can calculate the surface
pressure results of a propeller, and then transfer the results into CosmosWorks to do a
stress analysis. CosmosWorks use the pressure results as an input of the stress analysis,
and then to check the strength of the propeller design. The detailed steps of CFD and FEA
Following the design validation through CAE, a real prototype part is needed to be
fabricated for testing. With the development of computer aided engineering (CAE)
software, some software applications are available for propeller simulation, which can
predict the results of a propeller test and be a convenient way for engineers to speed up
the design of the final propeller. Because simulation does not reflect all the aspects of the
real world accurately, simulation models are designed and used with the goal of
approximating the testing process, but, can't completely replace the testing process.
Physical prototype testing is used to increase to an acceptable level the confidence that
the simulation results are correct for the real component [29]. For this reason, propellers
need to be fabricated for testing after the simulation. There are generally three methods of
technology are the traditional methods. In the late 1980s, rapid prototyping (RP) was
introduced and by the late 90's it was used as a low cost and fast process for physical
prototype fabrication.
Casting is a manufacturing process which involves pouring liquid material into a mould
designed with the desired shape, and then allowing to solidify. The solidified component
known as a casting, is usually ejected or broken out of the mould and then put through a
finishing process [30]. Figure 11 is the flow chart of a standard casting process.
inception to completion of a product. These are: demand for a casting of specific shape
experienced-based rules to ensure good molten metal behavior. All these require some
engineering to produce a good casting and will often take several attempts before a
satisfactory result is obtained upon the development of a new product [31]. Due to these
requirements of casting, cost and process time are major problems for building test
the CNC process, CAD files provide the input for computer aided manufacturing
programs, which are commonly used to extract computer file for a component and to
extract the commands that are loaded into the CNC machines for production. CNC
process can be significantly faster than casting but they are still fairly time consuming and
expensive. For example, the time to produce a propeller with 200mm diameter usually
takes more than two weeks, and the cost is around $2000, if the material is brass
(Technical Service, Memorial University). Compared with CNC technology, casting will
take a longer time and cost much more, because several processing technologies will be
used for finishing machining. However, casting has two advantages: casting can save
much more time than CNC for volume production; another is that compared with cutting
off material in CNC, casting can save material. However, both of the casting and CNC
technologies take a long processing time, which is inconvenient for a rapid propeller-
testing requirement. This is a real problem when the actual performance has yet to be
tested and the design is not entirely finalized. Rapid prototyping is a much faster and
In the late 1980s, the first technique for rapid prototyping became available, and was used
to produce models and prototype parts. Rapid prototyping (RP), using additive techniques
for the automatic construction of physical objects directly from three dimentional CAD
data, can significantly reduce the time for the product development cycle and improve the
final quality of the designed product [32]. A large number ofprototyping technologies are
available in the marketplace, such as, selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition
Solid Ground Curing (SGC) and 3D printing (3DP) [33]. Each prototyping technology
uses specific materials and techniques to manufacture parts. Selecting the appropriate
teclmology for RP fabrication depends on the desired accuracy and material requirements
of the component being produced. Table 3 shows the material for each prototyping
Table 3: Prototyping Technology Materials [34]
casting wax;
Fused deposition modeling (FDM) [28] was developed by S. Scott Crump in 1990. The
principle ofFDM like all RP technologies is to lay down material in layers. An extrusion
nozzle is heated to melt the material and can be moved in both horizontal and vertical
manufacturing (CAM) software package. The main materials for FDM include
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS); Medical grade ABS; Methyl methacrylate ABS ;
Polycarbonate; Investment casting wax [34] . The process of the FDM machine is fast and
relatively low cost. In 2007, Nadooshan [35] used FDM technology to construct a wind
models are made of metal and are very expensive. FDM was used as a way to reduce time
and cost. Figure 12 displays the wind tunnel model constructed by FDM.
This wind tunnel model was tested by engineers to compare with the real values of this
wind tunnel model with metal material. The most purpose of this test in the wind tunnel is
forces and moments. The results displayed that the accuracy of the data is lower than that
of a metal model due to surface finish and dimensional tolerances, but the FDM model is
quite accurate for a testing level. This FDM model cost about $650 and took 4 days to
construct, while the metal model cost about $1300 and took a month to design and
fabricate. The conclusion was that FDM technology is a timely and cost effective way of
In this wind tunnel model, the material needs to be strong enough to sustain the air force,
which is on the nose cone and the edges of the wing tails. However, forces on a marine
propeller are around all blades and nose cone and the fluid is much more dense. If a
propeller needs to provide a large thrust for a vessel, this polycarbonate plastic material
may not be strong enough. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is a better choice to produce a
propeller where higher strength is required. SLS [34) is a rapid prototyping technology
that uses a high power laser to fuse small particles of plastic, metal, ceramic or glass
powers into a mass to build a desired 3-dimensional object. The laser selectively fuses
material by scanning cross-sections, which will be used as the solid part of the object. The
scanned parts are melted and become a solid. After each cross-section is scanned, the
platen on which the object is built is moved down by one layer thickness, a new layer of
material is applied on top of the solidified layer and the process is repeated until the
object is completed. As shown in table 2, the SLS technology has a wide range of
available materials. Using SLS technology, objects can be manufactured from high
unavailable for other technlogies. The layer thickness of SLS is 0.001-0.004 inch,and
laser diameter is 0.004-0.02 inch [36). With the small heating diameter, thin process layer
and high strength of material, propellers can be produced by SLS with a good accuracy,
surface finish and strong solid body. In this thesis, the availble prototyping machine was
an FDM 2000 which was adequate for small testing propellers. A small tip can be used to
make a smooth surface and the material ofPolycarbonate Plastic (PC) can be used to
After a propeller is fabricated, the physical testing procedure is used to test the propeller
performance. Thrust is a very significant parameter for a propeller along with torque, o
the testing device is set up to test the propeller thrust. Figure 13 is a sketch of the
mount ~ropeller
In the experiment for the propeller thrust test, a tow-tank is set up to provide the water
example equipment set-ups of the thruster mount. The thruster mount is connected with
the tow-tank carriage, which, working as the speed supply, is controlled to move with
specific speeds to simulate ship motion. The equipment of a tow-tank carriage is shown in
Figure 15. A load cell is attached in compression to the top of the thruster mount, and
connects with a computer. In the computer, there is a program that is used to convert the
Figure 15: Tow-tank Carriage
Sometimes, the propeller size and thrust value are very large. Due to the limitation of cost,
tank size and testing range of dynamometer, propellers are usually tested from a smaller
size model first. The laws of similarity are used to provide the conditions, under which a
model must operate, so that its performance will reflect the performance of the prototype
[ 15]. The first condition is the geometrical similarity, which requires that the model' s
geometry is similar to the full-size propeller. Because of this, the ratio of every linear
the model. If the diameter of a propeller is 5m, and the diameter of the model is 1m, the
scale ratio A-=5/ 1=5, and this ratio should be held constant for all linear dimensions, such
as the hub diameter, the chord lengths and blade thickness. The second condition is the
kinematic similarity, which requires that the ratio of any velocity in the flow field of the
full-size propeller to the corresponding velocity in the model is constant [15]. It reflects
by equations as below.
[ 15]
S refers to the ship and M refers to the model. VA is the speed of advance, and unit is
meter per second (m/s). n is propeller revolution rate, and unit is revolution per minute
(rpm). Dis the propeller's diameter, and unit is meter (m). J=V A/nD is advance
The third condition is the kinetic similarity, which requires that the ratio of the various
forces acting on the full-size propeller is equal to the corresponding ratios in the model.
This means the Froude number (Fn), Reynolds number (Rn) and Euler number (En) of the
R = VAD p
II > E, =1 [ 15]
v - pV 2
2 A
g is acceleration due to gravity, g:::;9.8lm/s2 . - )li p is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid.
pis mass density ofwater, p= l000kg/rn 3 . pis the pressure associated with the propeller
Furthermore, thrust coefficient (KT) and torque coefficient (KQ) of the full-size propeller
K T K = Q [1 5]
T = pn2D4' Q pn2D s
Tis thrust, and unit is Newton. Q is torque, and unit is Newton meter (Nm).
For given values of J, Fn, Rn, En, the values ofKT and Ko are the same for the full-si ze
propeller and it is geometrically similar model. All the above relations are used to
calculate the thrust value for a propeller model test. If the tested value is close to the
Chapter 3
Although the OpenPVL code has been developed extensively, there is still room for
modifications will be applied, yet RHINO does not directly support simulation work. This
simulation and analysis work has to be done by another software, which is not ideal. It is
advisable to generate the propeller geometry in a CAD program, which can also directl y
support the simulation work. Solidworks, as an integrated CAD software package, is not
only able to generate propeller geometry, but can also simulate the propeller fluid
dynamics using the application CosmosFloWorks (CFD) and check the strength of the
propeller design by using CosmosWorks (FEA). Updating the OpenPVL code and
transferring the propeller geometry data into Solidworks became the continued issue. The
propeller geometry for import into the SolidWorks software to initiate the simulation
In Chapter 3, the use of the OpenPVL_SW code for marine propeller design and the use
will be discussed. In OpenPVL_ SW, the parametric analysis function allows the user to
combine several propeller parameters to optimize the propeller design, and then to use the
OpenProp_ Solidworks.txt from the propeller design function will be used as an input to
generate the propeller blade structure in Solidworks. After a propeller blade is created, a
hub will be designed. Based on the geometry of the blade and hub, other blades can be
geometry in SolidWorks, which can simulate the propeller working process using the
propeller blade geometry output file for SolidWorks. Compared with the Open_PVL code,
the OpenPVL_SW code has two main advantages: The first, Open_PVL code generates a
propeller blade geometry file for RHINO, which can not do the simulation work for a
good enough for a real testing, they have to transfer the propeller geometry into other
simulation software. This is a waste of time during a large number of simulations and is
inconvenient for engineers. The OpenPVL_SW code can generate a propeller blade
geometry file for SolidWorks, which can use the integrated simulation application
CosmosFloWorks to do a CFD simulation. This can save a lot of time and is much more
convenient for engineers. Furthermore, the pressure output from the CFD simulation can
be input into CosmosWorks that can be used to check the strength of the propeller design .
The second, the propeller blade geometry file created by Open_PVL is the propeller foil
sections points in RHINO. During each cycle at propeller design, engineers have to use
several commands to create the propeller blade geometry and then design a full propeller.
This is also inconvenient for engineers. The propeller geometry file created by
OpenPVL_ SW can automatically create a propeller blade geometry without any manual
geometry in RHINO, hub design, adding other blades to complete the propeller, and
fabrication of the prototype propeller. Because OpenPVL_ SW code can create a propeller
propeller simulation to provide input into the design process prior to prototyping. Table 4
Table 4: Processes of Propeller Design by Open_PVL and OpenPVL_SW
Parameter analysis
Selection of parameters
RHINO SolidWorks
Add other blades to complete the Add other blades to complete the
propeller propeller
Rapid Prototyping
Using OpenPVL_SW, a propeller design can be validated by the simulation work in
A propeller can be designed by the parametric analysis and propeller design functions of
running the propeller design option, the file Open Prop_Solid works.txt was created. Codes
for generating a propeller blade is recorded in the .txt format file. The .txt file records the
of commands and actions that can be stored and run within SolidWorks to automatically
draw geometry without manual working. Users can paste the codes in the window of
Solidworks macro to generate a propeller blade. The file has three main functions: to
generate foil section points for the propeller and connect each point to generate propeller
foil sections; to connect each leading edge point of the foil section to create a reference
line for the blade surface; to use SolidWorks "loft" function to generate the propeller
blade based on the foil sections and the reference line. The flow chart shows how to
Connect Generate Generate a
Generate points to leading propeller
foil section generate edge Line blade by
points foil of the "Loft"
sections propeller function
The foil section points are three dimensional values (x,y,z), therefore the SolidWorks
function "3D sketch" is used to read the points information into SolidWorks. As
referenced in Chung' s paper [18], 40 points on a propeller foil section can provide
sufficient resolution in geometry. OpenPVL_ SW defines that each foil section has 40
points, which are in the order of 1-40. If users want to change the amount of foil section
points, they can change the point amount in the OpenPVL_ SW code, and confirm that the
point amount is the same as the amount displayed in the propeller design function of
Matlab graphical user interface (See in Chapter 2). The foil section point amount is
number in the parenthesis mark is the number of foil section points. A Large number of
points can provide a high resolution in propeller foil section geometry, however, too
many points will waste more time on unnecessary calculations. Figure 17 shows the
. 1 :w
6 '9· . ~ 17'8 !c- ~ . 1 "'S
I> ao u:~ D .s~
Upper Chord
1(40) • Leadmg Edge • 1.9 :w
Trailing Edge • •
22 21
38 23
Lower Chord
A curve passes through all the 40 points to generate a propeller foil section. The curve
starts from point number 1, which is on the leading edge of a propeller blade. The curve
will pass through all the upper chord points in an orderly way to point number 20, which
is located on trailing edge of the propeller blade. After that, the curve will orderly pas
through point number 21 to point number 40 (coincident with point number 1), which are
on the lower chord of the propeller blade. As referenced in Karim 's paper [37], B-spline
is used as the curve to generate the propeller foil sections. The shape of the B-spline
curve depends on the directions of tangent vector. B-spline can have as few as two points
and can specify tangency at the end points. To achieve higher accuracy, a large number of
points are needed for the approximation. In the OpenPVL_ SW, 40 points are used in B-
spline to provide a smooth and accurate curve for the propeller foil sections. A closed B-
spline starts from the point number 1 and end at the point number 40, so the B-splinc has
the same tangency value at the leading edge point. Thus, a closed B-spline can provide a
smooth curve at the leading edge point. In order to confirm that a propeller foil section is
a closed curve, OpenPVL_ SW defines that point number 1 and point number 40 have the
same three dimensional values. The foil section is shown as Figure 18.
sections are defined in the order of 0-20 from blade root to tip. OpenPVL_ SW generates
the 21 foil sections in the order of0-20. These 21 foil sections are shown in Figure 19.
,flo (d< - """' !Pdo _ .. ,..,.,.. ""'
ilfl 19
Tip 20 1\
Figure 20 is the side view of these 21 foil sections that shows the overall propeller
geometry. These foil sections need to be linked by lofting a smooth surface to generate a
propeller blade.
~ flo td< "'" 11W«t I"" ,._,. - ,..
! ~;lriiJI!'(tl ~ 19 · . ~11. 8 lt:.l !c·!ll JJ· ~~ ~ ~
<> DO LJQI (j l l!l t
ulm ""( ~ . lij
.ul ~·~~"" r Sbtch £xtn.n....
Propeller designers can add more types of foil sections in the thickness form and
meanline sections of the original OpenPVL code. Every foil section is described by
meanline and thickness form information. Meanlines are described by two sets of factors,
the "foe" and the "dfdxN". The code ofNACA a=0.8 mean line is shown as below. The
factor "foe" is the ratio of camber to chord. The factor "dfdxN" is the slope of camber
line. The information of these two factors can be found in NACA reports. If propeller
designers want to use another mean line in the OpenPVL code, they can change the
numbers that are in factors "foe" and "dfdxN" to reflect the characteristics of the new
mean line.
Standard NA CA a=0.8 meanline factors:
foe = [0 .287 .404 .616 1.077 1.841 2.483 3.043 3.985 4. 748 5.367 5.863 6.248 6.528
6.709 6.79 6.77 6.644 6.405 6.037 5.514 4.7713.683 2.4351.163 0]./100
dfdxN = [.48535 .44925.40359 .34104.2 7718. 23868 .21050 .16892 .13 734 .11101
The NACA 65A010 thickness form is shown as below in OpenPVL code. The factor
"toe" is the ratio of thickness to chord. In the original OpenPVL code, toe_ 65 is named as
the ration of thickness to chord for the NACA 65A010. Users can rename the toe 65 for
convince. For example, toc_63 is used to define the ration of thickness to chord for
NACA 63A006. Propeller designers can change the thickness form factor to use another
toc_65 = [0. 765 .928 1.183 1.623 2.182 2.65 3.04 3.658 4.127 4.483 4. 742 4.912
4.995 4.983 4.863 4.632 4.304 3.899 3.432 2.912 2. 352 1. 771 1.188. 604
Figure 21 displays the foil section geometry using thickness fonn ACA 65A01 0 and
~~mmE3~a. ................~~~==~~----~--~~~~-- ~~
~"' t.a r- ~ro-t lP<>k ,.._.. - tlob .....w
D Willi!~ · '9· · ~II> e ll:l !D· !>I iD · ? 'lS
~ E> uo CJIJI Cl r!l ,
]~ ~ • ..,,! . .....!.. . ...!. . ~ . ~0 . Ldt9a... F~
Figure 21: Foil Section using NACA 65A010 a=0.8 at the r/R=0.35
A foil section with a different thickness form (NACA 63A006) and meanline (a=0.8
modified) is provided as an example of how to change the geometry of foil sections. The
information about the NACA 63A006 and mean line a=0.8 (modified) was found in
Table 5: The information ofNACA 63A006 and mean line a=0.8 (modified) [19]
toe 63 = [0 .495.595 .754 1.045 1.447 1.747 1.989 2.362 2.631 2.820
NACA 2.942 2.996 2.985 2.914 2.788 2.613 2.396 2.143 1.859 1.556 1.248
foe = [0 .281 .396 .603 1.055 1.803 2.432 2.981 3.903 4.651 5.257
5.742 6.120 6.394 6.571 6.651 6.631 6.508 6.274 5.913 5.401 4.673
(Modified) .13452 .I 0873 .08595 .06498 .04507 .02559 .00607 -.01404 -.03537-
Figure 22 shows the foil section geometry using NACA 63A006 thickness form and
Figure 22: Foil Section Using NACA 63A006 a=0.8(modified) at the r/R=0.35
The method for incorporating a change the thickness fonn and meanline is to change the
After the foil sections are created, a method is needed to connect them together to
generate a derived propeller blade. In OpenPVL_SW, a leading edge line is created on the
tip of the leading edge, which is shown as Figure 23. The leading edge line is created by
connecting all the point number 1(40) of the 21 foil sections. All the foil sections follow
the leading edge line to construct the propeller blade. The leading edge line is shown in
Figure 23.
<:!l>oo '"' I'M - """' _.... - t>«>
Cl. 1<1 ~~ ~ '9 · ll VI ! .:;) ~ .~
Figure 23: Propeller Foil Sections and the Leading Edge Line
After the foil sections and the leading edge line are created, the SolidWorks " Loft"
function will be used to generate the propeller blade geometry. The loft function is used
function needs multiple sketches and a reference line to create the feature. Following the
leading edge reference line, the loft function connects all foil sections to generate the
propeller blade. OpenPVL_ SW code defines that the foil sections are lofted in the order
of 0-20, which is shown as Figure 19. The propeller blade is shown in Figure 24.
<:ij,flotd<,....,..,l. . _ _ ti'l>
1l; ~~.:1· ,.!, . I,..,!!_... ....! . ,.._., ~... "''~'.. ~ ..~ ,. "' .1t.l!L oaf . . .!,
After a propeller blade is created, a hub needs to be designed based on the hub parameter
set out in the propeller design option of the OpenPVL_ SW code. Usually, a nose cone is
used on a hub to reduce the inflow effect when a propeller is rotating. Figure 25 shows a
propeller blade, a hub with the diameter of 0.2m and a nose cone with 0.05m.
Figure 25: A Propeller Blade with a Hub and a Nose Cone
The following steps are used to generate other blades manually to complete the propeller
geometry. The axis of the hub is set up as a reference line, and SolidWorks "Circular
Pattern" function needs to be used to generate other blades based on the reference line.
Reference line
L.l .J
Once the propeller geometry is fully described and satisfactory, CFD simulation work can
easy-to-use fluid-flow simulation and thermal analysis program that is fully embedded in
Sohdworks. CosmosFloWorks can be used to simulate thrust, which is one of the most
important parameter in a propeller design. Based on real experimental settings that were
CosmosFloWorks doesn't allow to set up the velocity parameter for a solid part, it cannot
simulate the motion of the carriage as described in chapter 2. Instead, the fluid velocity is
controlled in order to simulate the carriage motion. For example, if the test carriage
moves at 2 m/s forwards, CosmosFloworks can set up that the propeller is fixed with the
fluid moving at 2 m/s backwards. The resolution of the automatic meshing is controlled
through settings in CosmosFloWorks. The resolution level can be set to various levels
with finer and finer granularity. The software does not permit detailed configuration of
the mesh around particular geometric features. A higher level of resolution breaks the
simulation domain into more small elements and can provide much more accurate results
but it also requires significantly more computational effort. Determination of the exact
flows, stresses and deflections in areas such as the trailing edge of the blades (where there
are very fine geometric features) would benefit from an ability to adjust the mesh size
locally. The simulation settings and assumptions are provided in the following lists:
• Analysis type is external for propeller simulation. (ie. Fuild flows outside of
• The only considered physical features are gravity and rotation, acceleration of
gravity g=9.81m/s2
The simulation structure is shown in Figure 27. This simulation model provides the water
domain, which serves the same function as the tow-tank in the real experiment.
~ ,_ t<lt !1o- 11-1 I"" I'll" ""- t!ol>
] O~,j f.I P 'I!I I? · llltd l ll;J :D·!i>l i!J · H 'lS I I C+ CJ· I @ BJBJ CJ ~ 0111 • .tiP
".. NuCi!TJ o 111 .. J r>~ tt !?.i 1'l. i11<l ll:!IW~ I 111 ' \1) ~ , :" i'\ 1\,
1 ~-:T ..!. · ...!. . ...!. . ...1.....!! . ~... '"S. I~ ~. ~ J! "'~' /....'!.... ....!!L oaf... ..~
x_ Y
If users desire to model a specific test region and know the real testing tank size, they can
set up the simulation domain size the same as the actual one. Ifusers don't know the real
testing domain size, they need to define the domain size based on several simulation
results. When the propeller is rotating in the simulation domain, water is moving around
the propeller. If the size of simulation domain is small, the simulation programs will be
impacted by the flow effect at the edge of simulation domain. These impacts will cause
calculation errors for the propeller thrust prediction. Larger domain size is better for
simulation result accuracy, however; too large of a domain will increase the number of
simulation calculations, which can waste a lot of time. The guideline for simulation
domain design is to reduce the flow effect as low as possible at the domain edge. First,
the depth and width of a simulation domain are set up based on the propeller working
depth. If the propeller is designed to work at 3m below water, the depth and width of the
simulation domain are set to 6m and 6m. The propeller is in the center of the domain. The
second is the setting of domain length. In real propeller testing experience, 30m is a good
starting setting for a propeller simulation. The effect of moving water at the edge of
The diameter ofthe propeller is 0.6m and rotation speed is 120 RPM.
Figure 28: Pressure Results of a Propeller Simulation with Domain Size 6mx6mx30m
In figure 28, most of pressure effect is within the simulation domain. That means the size
of simulation domain is appropriate for this propeller. Ifthe same simulation is run with
- Figure 29: Pressure Results of a Propeller Simulation with Domain Size 4mx4mx20m
In this reduced simulation domain, there is much more pressure effect on the domain edge.
That means this domain size is not big enough for this propeller simulation. These
increased pressure effects will cause an error of propeller thrust prediction. Selecting a
simulation domain with little water pressure at the edge is a good choice for a propeller
The simulation model provides water flow with a specific velocity to simulate ship
motion, which is the same function as the tow-tank carriage. This model also provides
propeller geometry. But, the model shown in figure 27 is not the same as a real
experiment. The propeller geometry is enlarged in figure 30, so the difference is shown
t.J- t*r i." - l-- CZ,. '\'"-WN ~ .tJtCI
u 'lri "'=IJ r.o g. 8r lf
., }Ill",, II'. 11:~
Flow direction
• •
Figure 30: Side View of a propeller
A hub is in the center of a propeller. There are two sides of a hub: the dome side is to
reduce the force from fluid; the flat side is to fix a propeller on a boat. As shown in Figure
14, the flat side of a hub is connected with a carriage and a thruster mount, so there is no
fluid force on this side. From the simulation model as shown in Figure 30, there is force
on the flat side of a hub when fluid is moving. This force will result in a discrepancy
between the simulation and real experimental results. A method to eliminate this force
will be introduced in the simulation model to get a more accurate result. Because all the
extending the flat hub side outside of the domain to eliminate the force on the flat side
doesn't work. Finally, the propeller simulation model is separated into two steps. First, a
simulation is run as the propeller structure in figure 30. Second, a simulation is run for the
D~ ld 1118 '$ - 19 · -. ~ 'ih 8 ll!J
=-=- :c-. !>1
--: [ J::-.-u ;. t ~~ 1 -· 0 ~@ Bl Bl CJrJ I CJ Q ~ _,. ti>
I> IIO LJO!I CJ Clil l · I> @ .~ J f'l.fla'J l;l?,io ~~ '-'' 1m '"'• ~ ~ /* ~ 1\,1'\, t:f~ ...
11~ ~~" • .J:. · ,,!.. . ...!.. •,J:,. . ~. ~... ldt~o... l '~ ~- ~ ! c.~ 't. . l u..!,IL "'2 . . ..."! !.,.! . ·
n """''"' f
The direction of thrust and force on the hub is opposite, so the force on the hub reduces
the simulation result for the thrust. The final simulation value of propeller thrust is the
simulated thrust value from CosmosFloWorks adds the force on the hub.
CosmosWorks uses the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to simulate the working
conditions of designs and predict the behavior. With the fast solvers, CosmosWorks can
not only quickly analyze the designs and search for the optimum solution for designers,
but also shortens time to market by testing the designs on the computer instead of
CosmosWorks can be used to check the strength of the propeller design. In
however, the propeller will be undergoing stress when it is rotating. FEA analysis is used
to check that the propeller is strong enough when it is rotating. CosmosFloWorks can
provide the resultant fluid pressure that is acting on the propeller blades. This pressure
difference is the source ofbending force, which results the stress that could cause a
FEA. CosmosWorks uses the fluid pressure as an input parameter to calculate the stress
within the propeller and determine the Factor of Safety (FOS). The value of FOS is
calculated by limit yield stress over each stress value. The acceptable FOS value for a
propeller is not less than 1.5 [38]. Instead of 1.5, some designers use 2 to make a higher
strength propeller. The FEA analysis can help engineers to choose a good material and
hub design to make sure the propeller design is strong enough. The steps of FEA analysis
• Load the CosmosFloWorks results file (.fld) into the static study
• Set the restraint for the propeller. The bottom of the hub is fixed.
• Set contact and centrifugal features for the propeller. Contact: bonded between the
hub and propeller blades; centrifugal: it is used to simulate the rotation ofthc
• IfFOS ~ 1.5, the propeller is strong enough; ifFOS < 1.5, the propeller has a weak
strength, designers can change the propeller geometly to increase the strength or
For example, Figure 32 displays the surface pressure of a three-blade propeller with 120
RPM working in 5 meters depth of water. The material of this propeller is Titanium Alloy
with 1.03 x 109 N/m2 yield strength as an example. In the propeller manufacturing, there
are several rules to select the material for a propeller [ 15]: the processes to fabricate a
propeller are casting and machining, so the propeller material must be amenable to these
processes; the propeller material should have a high strength and toughness, and the
in a propeller material; the propeller can be easily repaired if it is damaged; the cost of the
propeller material is also a consideration. In this thesis, the materi al used in FEA onl y i
an example without detailed considerations, and to display how the Cosmos Works works.
In a real propeller deisgn, the selected material should select based on the rules.
1Custom H
Figure 32 displays the total surface pressure, which includes static pressure and dynamic
pressure. Static pressure is affected by water depth, and the equation is p= pgh. Propeller
thrust is provided by the difference pressure between both sides of blades. Static pressure
on the two sides of blades is the same, so it doesn' t provide thrust. Dynamic pressure is
the difference pressure on propeller blades to provide thrust. Figure 33 displays the
Figure 33: Dynamic Pressure Distribution of a 3-Blade Propeller
combined with static pressure (changed by water depth). CosmosWorks use the surface
pressure result as an FEA input parameter to analysis the propeller' s strength. The
pressure result needs to be loaded in the flow condition frrst, and then bonded and
centrifugal force features are considered in this FEA. After finishing settings, run the
FEA simulation and Figure 34 displays the stress results of the propeller.
e · IIJ· ~
~'111 1 li So.-!11 ~ ill II ' Ill l'l. llli!l ll ll . ,. " • D • "$ "
..!. . ..!.. ..!.. ......
..!.. ~ .! ~
at ....._....,... .s a.S. ! ! .! J! o!. .!. ...!.. .
.! ...... .-..n~ ~
~ .
In Figure 34, the areas near the hub has the higher stress, and these areas are needed to be
seriously considered to confirm the propeller is strong enough that it will not be broken
when it is rotating. The FOS graph can easily display the safety property. If FOS is not
less than 1.5, it means the propeller is strong enough. Figure 35 shows the FOS of the
... fcl: ._, ' - t T-* ~ ~ MSYSII .O 'Miclow ... - IJ •
[) Iii ii. &. ®v. I Ill 3D· 'Ill e · [J · ill ~ ilo II R llo ll~ 1111 11 •" "' · 1 o· ~ ·
[II'] ..!. . ...!.. ...!.. ..:.!:.. ~ .! ..2.. .s aS. :! ,! ,.,
l=u ~,.:,..,. ,_,._ ~ ....... ..,_..; ....______
- .!. ....!... . J'_ .
-J! o!.
-·-- .......................
~oi..IIS.IC:,I,;;;,.L-...; ~...:::..~0111*1
. . . , .,...... (1)·)
·-- ~=I
In Figure 35, the minimum FOS is 1.5 that displays at the left top comer of the FOS plot.
That means all of the values ofFOS are not less than 1.5, which means that this propeller
with the Titanium Alloy material is strong enough. There are two main methods to
change the strength of propeller design: One is to changing the material of propeller
designs; another method is change the geometry of the propeller design. Studying from
Figure 34, the connections of hub and propeller blades have the highest stress and can be
broken with high probability. A good hub design can reduce the stress at the connections,
such as adding much more material at the connections. Fillets can be added at the base of
blades to increase the strength. Figure 36 dispalys a fillet at one root of a propeller blade.
Figure 37 is the stress distribution that only adds fillets for this 3-blade propeller.
Figure 36: Fillets at the Root of a Propeller Blade
"4i "
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....._. CUI
..! ~
.sa aS. !
! .!.
..,!!... ~
' c!"~lj)
«-· .....,
. .-
w sa us
Figure 37 uses the same colore setting as the Figure 34. From Figure 37, the stress on the
propelelr is decreased with adding fillets. This result can be easily displayed with FOS
distribution, which is shown as Figure 38. From the left top of the FOS plot, the minimum
FOS value with fillets is 5.1 . The minimum FOS value without fillets is 1.5. That means
adding fillets at base of blades can increase the strength of a propeller design.
. ".
o w•• • ~ \91 1 11 :'11 ·111 • · · II • 'U II il lllo • • 1"1'11 " CJ " " "
..!.. · .!. · ......
...!. ..!..
~ ~
.! ~
at............. S cS I ! .! .! -...t1
-- -
.!. .!. ..! ...!.. . J!. .
·-..... ........................
- - - .... 1
;:::--(.......... )
.. J5iliW&iiiiWI
Open a propeller geometry in SolidWorks
Run the simulation with all propeller blades and record the result
Run the simulation without propeller blade and record the result
Add these two results to get the final simulation result of propeller thrust
In Chapter 3, the method of generating a propeller foil section, a leading edge line and a
propeller blade is presented. Several blades are joined to a hub to create a full propeller
model. Based on the real propeller settings, a simulation model is created by the
simulation package CosmosFloWorks, which can simulate the rotation speed and the
motion of a propeller, and then to predict the thrust of the propeller. CosmosFloWorks
can also calculate the surface pressure of propeller blades, which can be used as the input
for FEA analysis application "CosmosWorks" to check the strength of the propeller
Chapter 4
this chapter, the OpenPVL_ SW code was run with the same parameters as in
D 'Epagnier's study, and generated a propeller geometry file for SolidWorks. Because
OpenPVL and OpenPVL_SW have the same calculation methods of propeller design, the·
propeller geometry is the same. The main purpose of this case study is to verify that the
OpenPVL_ SW code is not only capable of generating a propeller geometry file for
SolidWorks, but also the CosmosFloWorks can achieve reasonable simulation results for
predicting propeller thrust. After running the propeller design function with the propeller
the propeller blade in SolidWorks. This file records the macro to automatically draw the
propeller blade geometry in Solid works. An abbreviated version of the macro is shown in
'1!flo l<l liM t-<
D ..t flP~ ~
I. -b-
~ 11<
e Il!D·!'>l luJ·
~ N t):!j [l \ Gl
=.....-.---,---"---- -
Ill 0 Ql '(/ • 'II .
li-MP... ~ ... ~~'ncr ..,.,..., C\.r"WM
- Figure 40: AUV Propeller Blade Geometry
After a propeller blade is created, a hub needs to be designe. Following the parameters of
the AUV Propeller, the diameter of the hub is 0.12192 m. In this case, a simple nose cone
with 0.06m height is provided to be the propeller hub. The nose cone is used to reduce the
inflow force when the propeller will be worked on underwater vehicles. The AUV
Propeller has three blades; therefore, another two blades will be added manually by the
SolidWorks function "Circular Pattern". The final propeller is shown in Figure 41.
11 'tdtrt'-'
After the propeller geometry is created in SolidWorks, CosmosFloworks is used for the
• Because the inflow wake velocity is too small compared with the ship velocity,
• The propeller is set to immovable, and the fluid is uniform and moves at 1 m/s
• Assume the roughness is 0 micrometers.
The Figure 42 shows the simulated force result for the propeller with all three blades. The
simulation results are based on several calculation cycles. At the beginning, the
simulation has not enough calculation cycles, the results has large error, which shows as
the plot before 10 iterations. After several iterations, the results are much accurate. The
current value is the result after many cycles, so it well reflects the final simulation result.
· 8549.37
UJLiioai ~ --:---~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-
Ready Log_ :;41QfM· ,IterabOnS: 120
As introduced in chapter 3, another simulation, with no propeller blade, needs to be done
to consider the force effect from the water inflow on the propeller. Figure 43 displays the
Goal Name C~.rrent VMle Avetac:~ed Value fltniml.rn Vak.Je Maxinum VO Proaess Deb Critenon COfl'VTlent
3.6 \ I
V\./..,_,-; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.33471 L___:,c::::__;_ lterotions
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
O tnto I lil Log
The current value for this no blade simulation is 3.9N. Thus, the propeller thrust from this
simulation is the sum of these two results, 82.7 N. The designed thrust ofthis propeller is
75N . There is only approximate 10% error between the designed and simulation result,
Figure 44 displays the relation between RPM and thrust of the propeller at the vessel
speed 1m/s. The plot of RPM vs. thrust can be used for propeller design to avoid
cavitation and sympathetic vibration. In Figure 44, the change of thrust trends to be small
-------------- - -- - - - -- ----------
..c 40 1-+-seri es1 !
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
In 2009, Dr. Vural finished several experiments to test several APC propellers and plot
the graph of RPM and thrust for each propeller. The testings are finished by an electric
Load cells are mounted on the polycarbonate board to test thrust [39] . The graph of RPM
and thrust from Dr. Vural 's experiments is shown in figure 45.
7 • P.PC 11 x5 .5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----------------------.
• P.PC 11 x7
6 ------ -------------------------------- -- -------------·o·------------------------
A APC 11 x8
5 L1. P.PC 12x6
• P.PC 12x8 o o
g 4 - o P.PC 13x6.5 --------- - - - ---------- - ------------------ -QJ ·---~ ------------------------------
c:B A
'lii A APC 13x8 o AA o • A
2 3 - --------------- -------------------& -- --- o______ A -1P----• -• ------ ____________ _
-{:_ <> APC 14x7 o ~ AA~ •• A A L\. • •
Figure 45: Plot of RPM and Thrust from Dr. Vural's Experiments [39]
The plots of RPM and thrust from our simulations and Dr. Vural's experiements have a
similar trend, which prove that our simulation results for the relation of RPM and thrust
are reasonable. The plot of RPM and thrust can calculate the RPM when the required
thrust at certain vessel speed is known. RPM is a main factor of cavitation, which will
destroy propeller and cause noise and vibration; low RPM is used to avoid cavitation.
RPM is also a factor of sympathetic vibration between propeller and vessel. Certain RPM
of propeller has its own frequency. If this frequency is equal to the natural frequency of
vessel, sympathetic vibration, which can destroy propeller and vessel, will be created. If
the thrust is known, this plot can provide the RPM information for designers to avoid
Another two propellers were developed using OpenPVL_ SW with the designed thrust of
55N and 95N (other parameters are the same as the AUV propeller). Simulations were
used for these two propellers to confirm CosmosFloWorks can provide a good predicted
thrust result for propellers. Table 6 displays the thrust simulation results of the two
Table 6: Simulation Results of the Three Propellers
After the CFD simulation, CosmosWorks is used to check the strength of the propeller.
Figure 46 displays the surface dynamic pressure on the AUV propeller blades with 75N-
designed thrust. The dynamic pressure is the source to provide the thrust for a propeller
design. Each blade provides the same force, that's why the distribution is symmetrical.
Figure 46: Surface Dynamic Pressure Distribution of the AUV Propeller
As stated in Chapter 3, Cosmos Works uses the surface pressure results as an input to
check the strength of the propeller design. In this case, the Titanium Alloy was used as
the propeller's material with yield strength 1.03x109 N/m2 . Other materials can also be
used in the propeller design. The Titanium Alloy was only used as an example. The rule
to choose a material is to make sure the propeller design has strong enough strength, and
~ it II • "'ci1 1111 11 • 1"1'1 • o· ~ ·
~ ~ ! ! ~
--- -
! ~ ~ ~ >I
In Figure 47, the areas near the hub have the higher stress, and these areas are needed to
be seriously considered to make sure the propeller is strong enough. Stress on the
propeller will ultimately cause deflections, which is also important when considering a
propeller's acceptability. High deflection on a propeller will change the flow around the
propeller and loads on it. Low deflection is desirable for a propeller design.
Cosmos Works can output the displacements related to the stresses generated by the
fluid/blade interaction. Deflections were briefly reviewed and seen to be minimal but the
simulation values for stress and deflection should be studied in more detail in a further
study. The analytical results should be validated through experimental work, which has
been recommended in the conclusions of this thesis. Figure 48 displays the deflection of
8 N 1\ f/l ill llllo • • ,." " O " 'C "
-- -
J.!!. o!. .! ...!.. . J!. .
From figure 48, the highest deflection is at the top of the propeller blades, and the value is
0.0042 m. This deflection value is acceptable for a high propeller strength property.
() IiJ.. ___
I .!. . ..!.. ..!.. ..:.. ~
v. I
.! ~
ll!io·,_ e · IO · ~
lit II Ill
o.S. :t .! .! .!. .... .!. a!. .!.
• o· " "
...... o.t..............
Q.t ........ ~..--
-~ ,
In Figure 49, all ofthe values ofFOS are bigger than 1.5, which means that this AUV
Chapter 4 outlines the way to design an AUV Propeller using OpenPVL_SW and
SolidWorks. The exercise demonstrates that SolidWorks is not only able to support the
design of a desired propeller, but also that CosmosFloworks can be used to predict the
thrust result of a propeller and generate a pressure profile. CosmosWorks can then use the
pressure profile to analysis propeller strength by FEA to ensure the propeller design is
strong enough when it works. If the strength is weak, redesigning the propeller geometry
or changing other higher strength material can be used to increase the propeller strength.
Chapter 5
about design evaluation and testing. ln this case study, Oceanic Consulting Corporation
provided a propeller geometry and tested thrust result for our simulation validation using
CosmosFloworks cannot simulate all of these factors. That is the main reason why there
arc some differences between the testing results and simulation resu lts. The main purpose
Corporation, as one of doing the simulation validation. The company had already
determined the experimental values ofthe propell er thrust. The validation would come by
seeing ifthe simulation value is close to the experimental one. This would mean that
The propellct: has four blades, 0.15m diameter, rotates at 900 RPM and was tested in 0.5
m depth tank. The ship velocity is 1 m/s. The propeller geometry is provided by Oceanic
Consulting Corporation with a SolidWorks file, which is shown in Figure 50. r<igurc 51 is
- a"•"'
Pressure Face
In this simulation, two nose cones are added to the propeller in order to reduce the inflow
force on the propeller. As introduced in chapter 3, the inflow force on the propeller is the
main enor between the simulation and experimental testing results. Thus, deceasing the
inflow force is a way to increase the accuracy of the simulation results. In order to fast
simulation, designers can use two nose cones simulation method to predict propeller
thrust without using the no-blade method that is introduced in Chapter 3. It is only a
method for rapid simulation, however; the simulation method as introduced in Chapter 3
is preferred. The rotation direction of the propeller is shown in Figure 51. The propeller is
et to be immovable, and the fluid moves at I m/s in the direction shown in Figure 51 to
simulate the ship motion. When the propeller is rotating, water will create force on
• Assume no cavitation is in the simulation
Figure 52 displays the result of the propeller thrust with all blades. The fo rce is 29.0
-685 1.88
0 lnlo ]I_;J_Gooijllot 1
effect of the water inflow on the propeller. Figure 53 displays the propeller geometry with
no blades. When water is flowing, forces are created on the nose cone 1. Because the
In this simulation without blades, all the parameter settings are the same as the simulation
with blades. Figure 54 shows the simulation results without blade. The force is 0.2
lljsolver: Default (l)(propeller05.5LDASM) - [Goal plot Z] ~
, ........____
0. 100 277 • -
__________l!!__ ----~----- ------1Q
40 50 60
7 11
------------------- -~
- - -·uo -
O lrlo Lf11 Log Jl /"'_ Goal ~~ 2_
Roady Solver 1s hntshed [Iterations : 133
Figure 54: Predicted Propeller Thrust for the Propeller without Blade
The force from the simulation with all blades is 29.0 , and the force from the simulation
with no blade is 0.2 . Thus, the propeller thrust from this simulation is the sum of these
two results, 29.2 . The real testing result of this propeller from Oceani c Consulting
Corporation is 34.9N. There is approximate 16% error between the real and simulation
results. The result has 16% error, however, it is quite accurate for a prediction level.
displays the dynamic pressure distribution of the propeller. The dynamic pressure is the
source to provide the thrust for a propeller design. Each blade provides the same force,
~Q C+ QJ · I@CJJ CJJ .
& o ~ Q c • · ~ ~ ~-~~~
~ m ______ I •
. ~.
D 101 11 111! !1> '9 · ['I "' . lii !D ·!ll • · 11:1 · 'll< ioi> I } P IJ G Q <?> ~:> II e • III '*' II:I .C I
s ,..
:II' llll ll ..
....1,. . .!, - ~
! ... """"'-
RlltD '-" ~
I'Mbnl • ..u.tlarl •
In the Figure 56, it can be seen that the higher stresses occur at the tips of the blades. In
this propeller design, the hub has an elliptical geometry to reduce the flow force and
much more material is applied between the hub and blades can provide higher strength
•"' ... -
- ..
. . . . , ........ (1 ..)
c - ...
II ·
~ ~I
1111 ·
~~(-QIW ......)
··---1(. . . . .)
. liiNiliiidiiiiGiiilbiJ
In figure 57, the highest deflection is at the tip of each propeller blade, and the value is
0.000046 m. This deflection value is small enough that it is not a concern from a
functional viewpoint.
FOS results are plotted to make sure this propeller design is strong enough. In this FEA
analysis, Titanium Alloy was used as an example to be as the propeller's material. Figure
•No '
,... .,£1 lY
............. " ~
-..... -
~ ... ~c-...c,....... ~
" ~
C !'*'-
t - · ........
t"...,,, (l).)
. ,,.,..,«............_)
IE' J!E'!iii!hiii113
In this FOS results, all the values are bigger than 1.5, which means the propeller is strong
In this simulation study, the propeller geometry was provided by Oceanic Consulting
Corporation. However, engineers often need to design based on a mission profile, and
check the strength of the propeller by Cosmos Works. Figure 59 is the flow chart of the
procedures of a propeller design and simulation using OpenPVL_ SW, SolidWorks,
Design a hub and add other blades to complete the propeller geometry in
CFD simulation:
• Open the CosmosFloWorks and set up the simulation parameters
• Run the simulation with all propeller blades and record the result
• Run the simulation without propeller blade and record the result
• Add these two results to get the final simulation result of propeller
If the thrust is desired as designed, then go to the FEA for the strength
analysis; if the thrust is not the desired as designed, then go back to
redesign the propeller parameter or the hub.
FEA simulation:
• Open the CosmosWorks and create a static study
• Import the pressure result from CosmosFloWorks into the static
• Select propeller material
• Set bonded and centrifugal features for the propeller
• Check the strength of the propeller by the stress distribution and
FOS results
If the propeller has high strength, then be ready for fabrication to test; if the
propeller has low strength, then go to redesign the hub or use higher
strength property material for the propeller.
Figure 59: Flow Chart of the Procedures of a Propeller Design and Simulation using
Chapter 6
that the propeller geometry is appropriate. Once satisfied, the designer will need to
fabticatc a working prototype for testing. Rapid prototyping (RP) is the recommended
approval to minimize the time and cost to arrive at a suitable prototype. As introduced in
chapter 2, there arc six rapid prototyping teclmologies arc introduced. All of these
technologies can be used to produce a propeller. The main differences between RP each
technology arc the materials to manufacture parts and the machine accuacy. Selection of a
suitable RP technology for a propeller depends on the accuracy and the strength required
for the specific working environment. Stratasys Fusion Deposition Modeling (FDM) 2000
is used in this thesis for propeller fabrication due to its accessibility at Memorial
University. /\s stated the introduction in chapter 2, FDM technology is fast, at low cost
and quite accurate for a testing level; however, the materials that can be used in PDM arc
limited with ABS, PC and wax. These materials have poor strength property, which limits
The Stratasys I~ OM 2000 RP process requires the input of an .STL file, which is a fonnat
on Stcrcolithography machines. Specifications of the roM 2000 used in this study arc
casting wax
hgure 60: Stratasys FDM 2000
After a propeller solid model is created in SolidWorks, the propeller geometry can be
exported as an .STL file. When an .STL file is input into Quickslice Version 6.0, a model
Figure 61: Screenshot of Propeller Blade Generated by Quickslicc Software
The FDM printable file can generate both a total volume calculation and a completion
time estimate before the production. The following lists are the steps for the fabrication
• Choose tips of material extrusion nozzle. Small tip can provide higher strength
and smooth surface finish, however; it will take much more time and material.
Because the blades of a propeller are thin and need to support high stress, small tip
• Set up the orientation of a model in Quickslicc. The two options of moving and
rotating can be used for the orientation and make sure the model is in the
construction area, which is lined in the software. Because the FDM builds up
models in layers along the z-axis, the orientation will affect how the final model
comes out. The ideal orientation is stable, minimize support material, and place
any intricate structures facing up so that support material cannot mar them . For
propeller models, it is better to place the hub structure facing up, as shown in
Figure 61.
• Create slices to build up models using Quicks] ice. The thickness of slice is from
0.002 in to 0.030 in. Low thickness can provide strong structure and good surface
• Create tool path for the fabrication. The toolpath of parallel straight lines are
usually used in fabrication. The way of several curved parallel lines for the
propeller blades' edges and straight lines for the middle area is suggested for
• Create base and then save as an .SML file, which is a solid model file that wi ll be
• Turn on the StrataSys FDM 2000 and warm up the machine. The required
temperature for ABS is 270° (model material temperature) and 265° (suppOii
material temperature).
• Check FDM material loading to verify that the model and suppOii materials arc
loaded correctly.
• Send the .SML file to Stratasys FDM 2000 to produce the part.
Material options for Stratasys Fusion Deposition Modeling (FDM) 2000 include
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS); Medical grade ABS; Methyl methacrylate ABS ;
Polycarbonate plastic (PC); Investment casting wax. Wax is too weak to produce a
propeller. ABS can be used to produce a propeller, and can be easily filed down to a
smooth finish using sand paper, if necessary. PC is more rigid than ABS, but it is
expensive. Medical grade ABS and Methyl methacrylate ABS are the ABS/PC blend
material to reduce the cost if extreme strength is not necessary, and can achieve specific
purposes. Methyl methacrylate ABS is often used as transparent glass substitute. Medical
grade ABS can be used for surgical instruments, diagnostic devices and drug deli very
systems 1341. The material will be selected based on the cost and ri gidity requirements.
ABS is economical but with low rigidity. PC is the most expensive with very high rigidity.
Methyl methacrylate ABS and Medical grade ABS have moderate rigid and cheaper than
PC. As introduced, PC is the best material to fabricate a propeller with hi gher strength .
Due to the accuracy limitation of the FDM machine, the edge and the surface of the
propeller model are not very smooth. Glue can be used to cover the propeller to achieve a
smooth propeller body. Epoxy is a good choice for a propeller surface coating, because
epoxy can provide a thin wall around the surface and increase the strength of material s
r41]. [n order to avoid unequal coating thickness, it is better to coat one blade at a time
and keep the blade flat when the glue is drying. When the epoxy is fully dried, sand paper
can be used to make the blades much more smooth. As introduced before, PC is the
strongest material to produce a strong propeller using FDM. PC coating with epoxy can
provide higher strength than PC only. The detailed data for the strength of the PC coating
with epoxy material will need some experiments in the future work. If the material is still
not strong enough for some specific cases, the FDM propeller model can be used as a
method of producing a propeller using Stratasys 2000 is also presented. The material that
can be used in Stratasys 2000 is listed, and PC is the best material for a propeller
fabrication using FDM. Coating with glue can provide smooth and higher strength
Chapter 7
7.1 Conclusions
The described rapid marine propeller design process was developed to facilitate a
propeller design from simulation through to prototyping and testing processes. The
OpcnPVL_ SW code was developed to generate the propeller geometry for automatic
input into the CAD software, SolidWorks. SolidWorks includes the CFD simulation
capability for propellers using the CosmosFloWorks package. This study has proven that
can then be used to check the strength of a propeller design using FEA analysis.
The original OpenPVL code was able to generate the propeller design geometry for the
CAD software, RHINO. This geometry is generated as the sets of points that arc located
on the foil sections of the propeller blade. Users then had to usc several commands to plot
out the geometry of the propeller in RHINO. The OpenPVL_ SW code extended this
SolidWorks. This modification will clearly save users' time, especially when a number of
propeller hub and create a 3D-printable file for rapid prototyping to produce a propeller
specific fluid envirorunent through CFD. The simulation helps the designers to predict the
thrust of the propeller as part of the design cycle. The CosmosWorks package will usc the
• Coating with glue can increase the strength of ABS material. Future experiments
can be conducted to find out the detailed data for the increased strength.
• Usc SLS rapid prototyping technology to fabricate an ideal marine propeller and
• rabricate a propeller with two methods. One is produced by CNC machining with
cutting off material to left a solid part. Another one is produced by melting
material layer to layer to fabricate the propeller part. Test the stress of the two
. - - - : - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Appendix A: The Part ofOpenPVL_ SW MATLAB Source Code for Generating
The original OpcnPVL code is available at
is use Solidworks to instead ofRihno with the same calculation methods. Based on this,
replace all of the "rihno" words with "Solidworks" in the original code, which includes:
The part of Matlab code to generate a propeller blade in Solidworks is integrated in the
Matlab code line 1514 to instead of Rihno code. The logic flowchart of this solid works
Create all of the function commands at the beginning of the solidworks
Use the calculation results in the original OpenPVL and sketch the first foil
section, which is located at the root of the blade. (get points first and then b-
spline connect all of the points)
Sketch all the other foil sections in the order of from root to tip of the
propeller blade.
Connect all the points, which are located in the leading edge line to be as a
reference line for lofting future
Selecting all the foil sections and the reference line to loft them to generate a
propeller blade
The Solidworks code is shown as below: Comments are following after the symbol %.
fprintf(fid,'"start 3D sketch\n');
fprintf(fid,'swModel.Insert3DSketch\n'); % insert a new 3D sketch for the points
fprintf(fid,'ReDim swSketchPt(40) \n'); % define 40 points in the sketch
Generate points on propeller
foi l sections and connect points
to generate foil sections
fprintf(fid,'Set swGuidePt(O) = swSketchPt(l) \n'); % set the first reference line point
for j = 1:2*Np %for each point for a foil section, the each line has the same
function as introduced as before
fprintf(fid,'%s %g %s (%f, %f, %f)\n','Set swSketchPt(',j, ') =
swModel.CreatePoint2', X3D(ij ,l), Y3D(i j, l), Z3D(ij,l ));
fprintf(fid,'%s %g %s \n', 'Set swGuidePt(', i, ') = swSketchPt(l)');
fprintf(fid,'swModel.ClearSelection \n');
fprintf(fid,'For z = 22 To 39 \n');
fprintf(fid,'bRet = swSketchPt(z).Select2(True, 0) \n');
fprintf(fid,'Next z \n');
fprintf(fid,'For z = 1 To 20 \n');
fprintf(fid,'bRet = swSketchPt(z).Select2(True, 0) \n');
fprintf(fid,'Next z \n');
fprintf(fid,'"select profile curves \n'); % select all the foil sections first
fprintf(fid,"'mark = I \n');
fprintf(fid,'For z = 0 To 20 \n');
fprintf(fid,'swModel.ClearSelection \n');
fprintf(fid,'bRet = swSketch(z).Select2(True, 0) \n')
fprintf(fid,'swModei.BlankSketch \n');
fprintf(fid,'Next z \n');
fprintf(fid,'swModel.SetAddToDB False \n');
fprintf(fid,'End Sub \n');
Appendix B: SolidWorks Macro for the AlJV Propeller Geometry
Sub main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModeiDoc2
Dim swSketchPt() As SldWorks.SketehPoint
Dim swGuidePt(21) As SldWorks.SketchPoint
Dim swSketch(21) As SldWorks.Feature
Declare all the
Dim swFeatCurve(21) As SldWorks.Feature
objects as described
Dim swGuideCurve As SldWorks.Feature
as Appendix A
Dim z As Long
Dim bRet As Boolean
Set swApp = CreateObject("SidWorks.Application")
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
swModei.SetAddToDB True
swModei .CiearSelection
'start 3D sketch
Start to create the points that
swModei.Inseti3Dsketch - - --.
ReDim swSketchPt(40) on foil section number 1
Set swSketchPt( 1 ) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.041867, -0.022025, 0.050618)
Set swSketchPt( 2 ) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.040091, -0.016425, 0.052702)
Set swSketchPt( 3 ) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.036700, -0.012675, 0.053 727)
Set swSketchPt( 4) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (0.03301 3, -0.009267, 0.054419)
Set swSketchPt( 5) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.029138, -0.006084, 0.054866)
Set swSketchPt( 6) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (0.025122, -0.003082, 0.055116)
Set swSketchPt( 7) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (0.020983 , -0.000247, 0.055202)
Set swSketchPt( 8) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.016733 , 0.002427, 0.055149)
Set swSketchPt( 9) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.012358, 0.004913 , 0.054983)
Set swSketchPt( 10) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.007883, 0.007241, 0.054725)
Set swSketchPt( 11 ) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (0.003254, 0.009329, 0.054408)
Set swSketchPt( 12) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.001498, 0.011218, 0.054050)
Set swSketchPt( 13) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.006356, 0.012935, 0.053665)
Set swSketchPt( 14) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.011298, 0.014511, 0.053261)
Set swSketchPt( 15 ) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (-0.016313, 0.015962, 0.052844)
Set swSketchPt( 16) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.021401, 0.017307, 0.052419)
Set swSketchPt( 17) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.026529, 0.018548, 0.051993)
Set swSketchPt( 18 ) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.031643, 0.019731, 0.051556)
Set swSketchPt( 19) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.036749, 0.020891, 0.051097)
Set swSketchPt( 20) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.041847, 0.022055, 0.050605)
Set swSketchPt( 21 ) = swModei. CreatePoint2 (-0.041888, 0.021994, 0.050631)
Set swSketchPt( 22) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.037971, 0.019019, 0.051823)
Set swSketchPt( 23) = swModci.CreatePoint2 (-0.034044, 0.015989, 0.052836)
Set swSketchPt( 24) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.030132, 0.012909, 0.053672)
Set swSketchPt( 25 ) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (-0.026269, 0.009786, 0.054328)
Set swSketchPt( 26) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.022426, 0.006638, 0.054802)
Set swSketchPt( 27) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (-0.018545, 0.003514, 0.055090)
Set swSketchPt( 28) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (-0.014618, 0.000456, 0.055200)
Set swSketchPt( 29) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (-0.010628, -0.002503 , 0.055145)
Set swSketchPt( 30) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (-0.006555, -0.005324, 0.054945)
Set swSketchPt( 31 ) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (-0.002373, -0.007967, 0.054624)
Set swSketchPt( 32) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.001943, -0.010395 , 0.054215)
Set swSketchPt( 33) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (0.006341 , -0.012684, 0.053725)
Set swSkctchPt( 34) = swModci.CrcatePoint2 (0.01 0845, -0.014799, 0.053182)
Set swSketchPt( 35) = swModei.CreatcPoint2 (0.015441, -0.016765, 0.052595)
Set swSketchPt( 36) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.02013 7, -0.018573, 0.051984)
Set swSketchPt( 37) = swModei.CreatePoint2 (0.024951 , -0.020205, 0.0513 7 1)
Set swSkctchPt( 38) = swModcl.CreatePoint2 (0.029920, -0.021619, 0.050793)
Set swSketchPt( 39) = swModel.CreatePoint2 (0.035141 , -0.022703 , 0.050318)
Set swSketchPt( 40) = swModcl.CrcatcPoint2 (0.041867, -0.022025, 0.050618)
Set swGuidePt(O) = swSketchPt(1)
'exit 3D sketch
swModei.Inseti3 OS ketch
Connect all
Set swSkctch(O) = swModel.FeaturcByPositionReverse(O)
points to
generate the
For z = 22 To 39
f()i) section
bRet = swSketchPt(z).Select2(True, 0)
and define
Next z
the point
For z = 1 To 20
position for
bRct = swSkctchPt(z).Select2(True, 0)
the reference
ext z
swModcl.Inscti3 DS plineCurve (True)
Set swFeatCurve(O) = swModel.FeatureByPositionReverse(O)
'create loft
'select profile curves
'mark = 1
For z = 0 To 20
bRet = swFeatCurve(z).Select2(True, 1)
ext z
'select guide curves
'mark = 2
bRet = swGuideCurve.Select2(True, 2)
swModel.lnsertLoftRefSurface2 False, False, False, 1#, 0, 0
'hide profile curves
swModei.ClearSelection Hide all ofthe sketches for
bRct = swFcatCurvc(O).Sclcct2(Truc, 0) clean
bRet - swFcatCurvc(1 ).Select2(True, 0) L . , __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __,
bRct - swfeatCurve(2).Selcct2(True, 0)
bRct = swl·catCurvc(3).Sclect2(True, 0)
bRct = swFcatCurve(4).Select2(True, 0)
bRct = swFcatCurvc(5).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(6).Select2(True, 0)
bRct = swFeatCurve(7).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(8).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(9).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(l O).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(1l).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(12).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(13).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(14).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(15).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(16).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(17).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(18).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swFeatCurve(l9).Select2(True, 0)
bRct = swFcatCurve(20).Select2(True, 0)
bRet = swGuideCurvc.Select2(True, 0)
'hide the 3D sketches since they have a lot of points
'note that Mode1Doc2: :BiankSketch will only hide one sketch
For z = 0 To 20
bRet = swSketch(z).Select2(True, 0)
sw Model. BlankS ketch
ext z
swModei.Seti\ddToDB False
End Sub