Some Aspects of Localization Frames: Bhabhuti Chauhan
Some Aspects of Localization Frames: Bhabhuti Chauhan
Some Aspects of Localization Frames: Bhabhuti Chauhan
Bhabhuti Chauhan
Research Scholar
Department of Mathematics
University of Delhi
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Table of Contents (Contd.)
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Some Related Results
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The papers (published in 2009 and 2011) of Vetterli et
al. can be seen as the first work on Dynamical localiza-
tion. They consider the localization of signals under dif-
fusion evolution. They investigate the spatial-temporal
localization of a linear diffusion field, and show that it is
possible to compensate for insufficient spatial localiza-
tion densities by oversampling in time.
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Let V ̸= {0} be a finite-dimension vector space. As standing
assumption we will assume that V is equipped with an inner
product ⟨·, ·⟩ which we choose to be linear in the first entry.
If the following condition satisfied.
V = span{ek }m
{ek }m
k=1 is linearly independent i.e.
if ck ek = 0 for some scalar coefficient {ck }m
k=1 ,
then ck = 0 for all k = 1, 2, . . . , m.
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Localization Frames
Let f = (fx )x ∈ X and E = (ey ), y ∈ Y are two frame of H = L2 (R).
Whose indexing sets X and Y are countable subset of R.
We can think of each fx ∈ F as being nbd of x and similarly for
each ey ∈ E then F is localized with respect to E if each fx can be
well-approximated by a finite linear combination of ey i.e.
fx = c1 e1 + c2 e2 + · · · + cy ey
fx = cy ey (1)
y ∈Y
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Localization Frames (Contd.)
X 1 if J = y
= cy ⟨ey , ej ⟩ = cy
0 ̸ y
if J =
⟨fx , ej ⟩ = cJ
⟨fx , ey ht⟩ = cy in J = y (1),
fx = ⟨fx , ey ⟩ey
|⟨fx , ey ⟩|x ∈X , y ∈Y
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Weight Functions
A weight function is a mathematical device used when performing
a sum, integral, or average to give some element more “weight”
or influence on the result than other elements in the same set.
Weight function m : X → R + is a positive function defined on a
separated set X with is typically finite or countable.
The weight function m(a) = 1, corresponds to the unweight
situation in which all elements have equal weight.
If function f : X → R is a real valued function then the un-
weighted sum of f on x is defined as f (a) but given a
weight function m : X → R , the weighted sum is defined as
f (a) m(a).
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Weight Functions (Contd.)
N and X are countable index sets in some R d and we my
assume that both X , N are separated, this means that
inf |x − y | ≥ α > 0
x ,y ∈X ,x ̸=y
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A set X ⊆ Rd is separated if there exists a positive constant
c such that for every x , y ∈ X such that x ̸= y , 0 < c ≤
|x − y |.
Let S 1 := {F = (fx )x ∈X |F is a symmetrically ℓ1 -self-
localized frame of H}. For F, E ∈ S 1 , we define relation
F ∼ E if F is symmetrically ℓ1 -localized with respect to E .
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Localization of the Dual
Let (B, ∥ · ∥Bd ) be a Banach space of sequences indexed by X . A
(countable) subset (fx : x ∈ X ) of B 1 , the dual of B, is called a
Banach frame for B if the following properties hold:
(a) The coefficient operator CE : B → Bd (X ) defined by CE f =
(fx (f ))x ∈X is bounded.
(b) We have the norm equivalence ∥f ∥B ≍ ∥fx (f )∥Bd .
(c) There exist a bounded operator R : Bd (X ) → B, called the
reconstruction operator, such that R((fx (f ))x ∈X ) = f .
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For 1 ≤ p < ∞, the weighted ℓp -space ℓpm (Y ) on the index
set Y ⊂ Rd is defined by the norm
|p m(y )p
∥c∥ℓpm = |cy
y ∈Y
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Some Related Results
(1) (F, E ) is symmetrically ℓp -localized if there exist maps aX : X →
G, ay : Y → G such that max{supj∈G |aX 1 (j)|, supj∈G |aY−1 (j)|} ≤
K < ∞, and r ∈ ℓp (G) such the for all x ∈ X , y ∈ Y ,
|⟨fx , cy ⟩| ≤ raX (x ) − aY (y ).
(4) F is symmetrically ℓp -self-localized if it is symanetricully ℓp -localized
with respect to itself.
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Chapter 2: Localization of Frames
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Chapter 2
Localization of Frames
Some Theorem and Results
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Throughout this chapter E = {ex : x ∈ X } denotes for
frame for a given Hilbert space H; this means that the frame
operator Sf = SE f = ⟨f , eX ⟩ex is boundedly invertible on
x ∈X
H. The set {gn : n ∈ N } is always a Riesz basis for H with
dual basis {g̃n : n ∈ N }. The set N is assumed to be
separated in Rd , i.e., inf |x − y | ≥ δ > 0, and X is
x ,y ∈X :x ̸=y
relatively separated, i.e., X is a finite union of separated sets.
We should think of the index as a kind of localization. For
instance, if H = L2 (Rd ), then the index x in ex (t) indicates
that the essential support of ex is centered at x .
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Polynomially localized
A frame E = {ex : x ∈ X } for a Hilbert space H is said
to be polynomially localized with respect to the Riesz basis
{gn } iwht decay s > 0, if
|⟨ex · g̃n | ≤ c(1 + |x − n|)−s
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Exponentially localized
A frame E = {ex : x ∈ X } for a H is called exponentially
localized with respect to the Riesz basis {gn }, if for some
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Some Theorems and Results
If E is localized with respect to the Riesz basis {gn } for
some d > 0, then Ẽ is also localized.
If E is exponentially localized, then Ẽ is also exponen-
tially localized.
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F ∈ S ′ . Then for F, F ∈ S ′ and F ∼ F. Let F = (fx )x ∈X and
E = (ey )y ∈Y in a Hilbert space H, X and Y arbitrary index sets.
F is a symmetrically ℓP -localized with respect to E if there exist
maps aX : X → G, aY : Y → G such that
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Theorem (Contd.)
We say that (F, a) is ℓp -self localized if there exists r ∈ ℓP (G) such
∀ i, j ∈ I |⟨fi , fj ⟩| ≤ ra(i) − a(j)
and (F, a) is ℓp -localized with respect to its canonical dual frame
f = {f y }i∈I . If there exist r ∈ ℓP (G) such that
ey = f˜j ∀ y ∈ y, j ∈ I
⇒ F =E
F is symmetrically ℓ′ -localized with respect to E = F
⇒ F, F ∈ S ′ and F ∼ F.
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Chapter 3: Banach framed, Decay in the Context
of Localization
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Chapter 3
Banach Framed, Decay in the context of Localization
Some Theorem and Results
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Let H = L2 (R) and consider two frames F = (fx )x ∈X and E = (ey )y ∈Y
of H whose indexing sets X and Y are countable subsets of R. We
can think of each fx ∈ F as being “concentrated” near x , and similarly
for each ey ∈ E. Roughly, F is localized with respect to E if each
fx can be well-approximated by a finite linear combination of ey ’s. In
other words, since fx can be written as
fx = ⟨fx , ey ⟩ẽy
y ∈Y
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Banach Framed, Decay in the context of
The frame F = (fx )x ∈X in L2 (Rd ) is polynomially localized with respect
to the Riesz basis E = (ey )y ∈Y is L2 (Rd ), visth decay s > 0 (or s-
localized), where X is a finite union of separated sets of Rt and Y is
a separated set of Rd , if for all x ∈ X , y ∈ Y , and C > 0,
Let F = (fx )x ∈X and E = (ey )y ∈Y be frame sequences for Hilbert
space H, X , and Y arbitrary index sets. Let aX : X → G, aY : Y → G
be associated maps. Suppose the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) F is symmetrically ℓ1 -localszed with respeet to E, i.e., thene exsts
r ∈ ℓ1 (G) sweh that |⟨fx , ey ⟩| ≤ raX (x ) − aY (y )
(2) F is symmetrically ℓ1 -lox alized with respect to Ẽ, i.e., there exists
s ∈ ℓ1 (G) sweh that |⟨fx , ẽy ⟩| ≤ saX (x ) − aY (y )
Then F ∈ S 1 ard E ∈ S 1 .
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Chapter 4: Localization of Frames, Banach
Frames, and the Invertibility of the Frame Operator
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Chapter 4
Localization of Frames, Banach Frames, and the Invari-
ability of the Frame Operator
Some Theorem and Results
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N and X are countable index sets in some R d and we may
assume that both X and N are separated. This means that
inf |x − y | ≥ δ > 0
x ,y ∈X ,x ̸=y
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Localization of the Frames, Banach Frames, and
the Invariability of the Frame Operator
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Polynomial and Sub-Exponential Weight Functions
A weight function m is called sub-exponential if there are constants C , γ > 0 and
0 ≤ β < 1 such that
m(t + x ) ≤ Ce γ|t| m(x ) for all t, x ∈ Rd . (6)
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If X ⊆ Rd is separated, then for any s > d
sup (1 + |x − v |)−s = Cs < ∞ (8)
v ∈Rd
x ∈X
Fix v ∈ Rd . Since |x − y | ≥ δ for x ̸= y ∈ X , each box of side length α = δ
2 d
at most one point x − v . Therefore we may write x − v = αnx + µx for unique nx ∈ Zd
and µx ∈ [−α, α)d , and by the choice of α we have nx ̸= ny for x ̸= y ∈ X . Since
(1 + |x + y |)−s ≤ (1 + |x |)s (1 + |y |)−s for x , y ∈ Rd and s ≥ 0, we find that
(1 + |x − v |)−s = (1 + |αnx + µx |)−s ≤ (1 + |µx |)s (1 + |αnx |)−s
x ∈X x ∈X x ∈X
X −s −s
X −s
≤ C1 1+ |αnx | ≤ C1 1 + α |n| <∞
x ∈X :nx ̸=0 n∈Z\{0}
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Assume that X ⊆ Rd is separated
(a) If s > d, then
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Density, Overcompleteness, and Localization of
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Chapter 5
Density, Overcompleteness and Localization of Frames
Some Theorem and Results
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Density Overcompleteness, and Localization of
(a) Let F = {fi }i∈I and E = {ej }j∈G be frame sequences in H, and let
a : I → G be an associated map. Let PF , PE denote the orthogonal
projections of H onto span(F) and span(E), respectively. Then given
a free ultrafilter p and a sequence of centers c = (cN )N∈N in G, we
define the relative measure of F with respect to E, p, and c to be
⟨PE fi , f¯i ⟩
ME (F; p, c) = pN∈N
|IN (cN )| i∈IN (cN )
The relative measure of E with respect to F, p, and c is
1 X
MF (E; p, c) = p − lim ⟨PF ẽj , ej ⟩.
N∈N |SN (cN )|
j∈SN (cN )
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Definition (Contd.)
(b) If span(E) ⊃ span(F) then PE is the identity map and E plays no role in
determining the value of Mε(F; p, c). Therefore, in this case we define the
measure of F with respect to p and c to be
⟨fi , f˜i ⟩
M(F; p, c) = pN∈N
|IN (cN ) | i∈I (c )
Since ⟨fi , f¯i ⟩ =
S −1/2 fi
, we have that M(F; p, c) is real. Additionally,
since S −1/2 (F) is a Parseval frame, we have 0 ≤ ⟨fi , f˜i ⟩ ≤ 1 for all i, and
0 ≤ M(F; p, c) ≤ 1
For this case we further define the lower and upper measures of F by
M− (F) = lim inf inf ⟨fi , f¯i ⟩
N→∞ j∈G |IN (j)|
i∈I (j) N
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Definition (Contd.)
⟨fi , f˜i ⟩.
M+ (F) = lim sup sup
N→∞ j∈G |IN (j)| i∈I (j)
It can be seen that there exist free ultrafilters p − , p + and sequences of centers
c − , c + such that M− (F) = M (F; p − , c − )and M+ (F) = M (E; p + , c + )
(c) When span(F) ⊃ span(E), we define the measures M(E; p, c) and
M± (E) in an analogous manner.
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Some Theorem and Results
Let F = {fi }i∈I be a frame for H, and let a : I → G be
an associated map such that D + (I, a) < ∞. Let F be the
canonical dual frame and S −1/2 (F) the canonical Parseval
frame. If (F, a) is ℓ1 -self-localized, then:
(a) (F, a) isn ℓo1 -localized with respect to its canonical dual
frame F̃ = f˜i i∈I ,
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References II
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A. Aldroubi, J. Davis and I. Krishtal, Exact reconstruction of
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pp. 585-620 (electronic).
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Thank you!
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