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Revision KEY

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A. Complete the following with past participles (-ed) or present participles (-ing), of the words in brackets.

1. Joyce looked very confused (confuse) because she didn’t understand the teacher’s question.
2. We’re making all the dishes by ourselves. What an interesting (interest) experience!
3. Don’t show my baby photos to people, Mum! It’s so embarrassing (embarrass).
4. Mr Mok has been sick for two months. His condition is worrying (worry).
5. The audience became very excited (excite) when Jay Chou went up on stage.
6. Some students feel depressed (depress) as their exam results are not satisfactory.
7. Some people think classical music is boring (bore) but I feel very relaxed (relax) when I listen to classical

B. Complete the following. Use “as…as”, ‘as much…as’ or ‘as many … as’, the comparatives or
superlatives. Add “not” if necessary.
1. I was afraid to turn off the lights last night. That was the scariest (scary) horror movie I’ve ever watched.
2. Let’s buy the blue bike. It is much cheaper (cheap).
3. The comedy is not funny at all. People say that it is the worst (bad) comedy of the year.
4. Fiona has more luggage than Paul. Paul doesn’t have as much luggage as (luggage) Fiona.
5. My sister’s hair is shorter than me. My hair is not as short as (short) my sister.
6. Lily made 4 mistakes in English test. Ann made 6 mistakes in English test. Ann was less careful than Lily.
7. For me, watching films is more interesting (interesting) than reading books.
8. I borrow 5 books every week from the library and Gary borrows 5 books every week too. I borrow as many
books as (book) as Gary.
9. I have less (little) money left in my wallet than last month.

C. Adjectives or Adverbs: Choose the correct answers. Write the letters only.
1. Please slow down! You are driving too a. (A. fast / B. fastly) and it is very b. (A. dangerous / B.
2. The cake tastes (A. good / B. well). Where do you buy it?
3. Listen (A. careful / B. carefully) to your teacher please. Or you wouldn’t know how to do the project.
4. Joseph studies a. (A. hard / B. hardly) and he always gets b. (A. good / B. well) marks in tests.
5. Ben spoke so a. (A. loud / B. loudly) that everyone can hear him b. (A. clear / B. clearly).
6. The tiramisu looks (A. delicious / B. deliciously). Can I have a bite?
7. The students are (A. terrible / B. terribly) worried about their marks in the final exam.
8. She worked a. (A. careful / B. carefully) with the sick child. She’s a b. (A. careful / B. carefully) worker.
1a. A 1b. A 2. A 3. B 4a. A 4b. A
5a. B 5b. B 6. A 7. B 8a. B 8b. A

D. Fill in the blanks with the comparative and superlative adverb form of the adjective.
1. The boys are going to have a competition to see who can swim the farthest (far) in their group.
2. My mother always wakes up earlier (early) than me to prepare breakfast for my family.
3. The deadline of our project is on Friday. We need to discuss further (far) about it.

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4. Jane speaks English well and she speaks it better (good) than me. In fact, of all my classmates, my best
friend Phoebe speaks it the most fluently (fluent).
5. Obviously, the turtles move less quickly (quick) than the leopards.
6. Tim ran the fastest (fast) and won the gold medal in the competition.
7. Betty needs to practice more. She plays the least skillfully of all the members of the Badminton Club.

E. Fill in the adverbs of sequence from the box to make the order clear. Each word can only be used once.
first finally second third afterwards
Build a snowman
1. Afterwards, add rocks for eyes and a carrot nose.
2. Second, place one snowball on top of another.
3. Finally, give your snowman a scarf and hat.
4. Third, put the third snowball on top.
5. First, roll three big snowballs.

F. Choose the best answers. Write the letters only.

1. A: Do you ever drink coffee? B: Yes, but only _____, not often. Just a few times a week.

A. occasionally B. seldom C. always D. sometimes

2. It’s ________ too late to start eating a healthy diet and do more exercise.
A. usually B. never C. quite D. ever
3. I am _____ when she sings. I can’t believe that she can sing so _____.
A. surprising; nice B. surprising; nicely C. surprised; nice D. surprised; nicely
4. The teacher was very angry. He ________ the students to stand up
A. ordered B. reminded C. said D. advised
5. ________ , after hours of searching, Kay found her missing passport.

A. Afterwards B. Firstly C. Lastly D. Next

6. I ________ music. I _________ the school choir since I was in form 1.

A. like; join B. liked; joined

C. have liked; have joined D. like; have joined
7. My sister is looking for a/an ________ dress.
A. modern, silk, elegant, black B. black, modern, silk, elegant

C. elegant, modern, black, silk D. silk, elegant, black, modern

8. S1: Look at the man in ______ dress shirt. He’s ______.

S2: Who are you talking about?
S1: The one who is holding the ______ pillow.
A. white and blue; charming and well-built; cotton, sleeping
B. white blue; charming, well-built; cotton, sleeping
C. blue, white; well-built and charming; sleeping and cotton

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D. blue and white; well-built and charming; sleeping and cotton
9. I like reading books rather than watching movies. Movies are ______ books.
A. as interesting as B. as much interesting as
C. not as interesting as D. as many interesting as
10. Don’t talk so ________. We must be ________ in the Art Museum.
A. louder; less quiet B. loudly; quiet
C. loud; quietly D. loudly; quietly
11. Which of the following is CORRECT?
A. The news said the earthquake hit Japan again two days ago.
B. An old lady asked Jason if he knew the closest station is.
C. The teacher told us ice becomes water when it is heated.
D. The policeman asked him what was his name.
12. Which of the following is CORRECT?
A. I often don’t eat cheese and drink milk. B. I drink red wine hardly ever.
C. We normally have lunch at home. D. He drives to Coloane once time a month.

G. Change the following sentences into Reported Speech.

Change the following sentences into Reported Speech. (Reported Statements)
1. “I will see you at school tomorrow,” Jean said to Ted.
Jean told Ted that she would see him at school the next/ following day.
2. John said, “My sister gave my mother a bunch of flowers for Mother’s Day last month.”
John said that his sister had given his mother a bunch of flowers for Mother’s Day the previous month.
Change the following sentences into Reported Speech. (Orders, Request or Advice)
3. “Ask Janice if she will join us tomorrow,” Daisy told Frank.
Daisy told Frank to ask Janice if she would join them the next / following day.
4. “Don’t eat too many sweets, Fiona,” advised the dentist.
The dentist advised Fiona not to eat too many sweets.
5. “Read the instructions before you do your exam,” the invigilator reminded us.
The invigilator reminded us to read the instructions before we did our exam.
Change the following sentences into Reported Speech. (Questions)
6. “What is your sister doing when you see her in her room today?” my father asked me.
My father asked me what my sister was doing when I saw her in her room that day.
7. “Does Chris often come home late from school?” Tim asked his mother.
Tim asked his mother if Chris often came home late from school

8. “Where did you buy this Swiss watch yesterday, Mr Jones?” he said.
He asked Mr Jones where he had bought that Swiss watch the day before / the previous day.

H. Common errors. Underline the mistakes and correct them.

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1. We had breakfast and after we went to school. after that/ afterwards

2. Carl asked Ms Li she could play team and individual sports well. if she

3. Eliza said that Mr Collin will arrive. at her school at 4 o’clock would

4. His stomach ache was getting bad, so I took him to the doctor. worse

5. Sue asked me read the note so she didn’t need to say it. to read

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