Notice US 160 CRPC
Notice US 160 CRPC
Notice US 160 CRPC
Sec.160 of Cr.P.C.
T'olbce oficer's power to require attendance of witnesses
1 An polwr offieer making an imvestigatinn undor this
C'hapter may
order in writing. reqire the atfendance heforo himaelf of any
person being within the limits of his nwn or any adjoining atation who.
from the information given or otherwise.
appears to he acquainted
wth the facts and ireumstances of the case and auch
perarn ahall
attend as so required
Provided that no male person under the age of fifteen yeara or above
the age of
sixty five years or a woman or a mentally or physically
disabled person' shall be required to attend at any place other than
the place in which such male
person or woman resides.
2 The State Government may, by rules made in this be half. provide
for the payment by the police officer of the rea sonable expenses of
every person, attending under sub section (1) at any place other than
his residence.
Points to note
Rank: Any police officer
Purpose: For investigation
Form of notice: Written
Requiring the attendance of any person being within the limits
of his own or any adjoining station who, from the information
given or otherwise
Witness to be acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the
departs from
before the time at which
the place where he is bound t
it is lawful for him to
punished with simple imprisonment for a depart, shall pe
one month, or
with fine which
term which may extend to
with both. or, if the may extend to five hundred rupees, or
summons, notice, order or
in person or
by agent in a Court of Justice, with proclamation is to attend
for a term which
may extend to six months, or with
simple imprison ment
extend to one thousand fine which may
rupees, or with both.