Theory of Automata
Theory of Automata
Theory of Automata
Assignment of
Theory of automata
Soonha soomro
Computer science
Roll no
Submitted to
Sir Abdullah niaz shaikh
The word Automata refers to the Automatic Machines,
Machines which are abstract or non-physical Models
Theory of automata
Is the theoretical study of Abstract Machines, the
designs, languages and computational problems.
The Collection of strings known as Language.
Set of Alphabets known as a String.
(A Set may contains one or more letters)
i.e. (a, b, aaa, abb, aab, aba,… )
Collection of letters known as Alphabet
Which is denoted by ∑ read as Sigma
Letters are the symbols or characters which are
used to create a Language for Machine.
Power of alphabet
The power of Alphabet denotes the length of string
that how many letters a string can contain
i.e. ∑ (b,c)2 =(b,c) (b,c)
Power of String
It tells that how many times a particular letter of
string is written.
i.e. ( a2) = (a.a) or (aa)
( b3) = ( bbb)
Reverse string
Reverse string is obtained by writing the symbols
in reverse order. It is denoted by Res( s) / Res( w) / Sr / wr
i.e. ( abc)
Sr = (cba)
Empty string
A string which contains no / zero letters is said
to be an Empty or Null String. Denoted by € (epsilon)
Length of String
The number of symbols / letters a String contains
is said to be the length of a String.
i.e. (aa, ab, aa, bb)
In the above example, each string contains 2
characters it means the length of String is 2.
1. Informal language
Informal Language gives us proper Sense and can
be understood easily. It contains all the words which
follow English language’s rule and regulations. It is a
semantic language.
For instance: 1. Catch, hold, minute (make sense)
2. Toks, Ascek ,Joudl (doesn’t make any
2. formal language
A Language concerned with rules and syntax. In formal
language it doesn’t matter whether the strings makes sense or
not. It has predefined symbols and strings. It is a syntactic
For instance: Define a language that starts with a and ends d.
Abcd, aaad, azbd, acd.
Kleen Plus
The Set ∑+ is the infinite set of all possible lengths over ∑
excluding null.
Example: If ∑={a,b }, ∑+ ={a,b,aa,ab,ba, …}
Lexicographic order
It’s a method of arranging a language in a sequence so that the
strings of shortest length come first.
∑={a,b}* = {€, a, b, aa, ab, ba , bb, aaa, …}
1. Descriptive
In this method condition can be made by its strings.
Example: Language Name={Definition}
L1= {Any finite set that starts with a }
L2= {All set of strings of letters that starts with a and
ends with b}
2. Recursive
In this method condition can be made by three rules.
a) Specify some basic objects in the set that must be
b) It gives us finite number of rules for constructing
more objects in a set.
c) It describes that no object except those
constructed with R1 and R2 are allowed in the
R1: 2 is in s
R2: if 2 is in s then w is x+2.
R3: follow R1 and R2
Finite automata
A finite Automata is a model that has a finite set of
states (represented in the figure by circles) and its control
moves from one state to another state in response to
external inputs (represented by arrows).
Finite Automata can be broadly classified into two types
1. Finite Automata without output
a) Deterministic Finite Automata
b) Non Deterministic Finite Automata