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Dundigal, Hyderabad - 500 043



Course Code AAEC16
Program B.Tech
Semester V AE
Course Type Core
Regulation IARE - UG20
Theory Practical
Course Structure Lecture Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits
3 1 4 - -
Course Coordinator Mr. A Rathan Babu, Assistant Professor

The students will try to learn:

I Basic concepts of compressible flow, governing equations of compressible flow,

compressibility effect at high speeds and their importance on the design of
high-speed vehicles.
II The wave formations, propagation in supersonic flow field and their resultant effect
on flow properties variations.
III The Method of characteristics, compatibility equations and method of solutions for
isentropic and non-isentropic flows.
IV The various experimental methods and measurement techniques utilized in
compressible flow regimes.

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
CO 1 Utilize the basic concepts of gas dynamics for determining how Apply
compressibility affects the global and local nature of flow.
CO 2 Construct the equations of change in pressure, density and Apply
temperature for determining the nature of compression and
expansion waves.
CO 3 Develop the fundamental equation for one-dimensional and quasi Apply
one-dimensional flow of compressible ideal gas.
CO 4 Examine the steady isentropic flow, flow with friction and flow Analyze
with heat transfer for solving problems in flow through
one-dimensional passage..
CO 5 Analyze the airfoils at subsonic, transonic and supersonic flight Analyze
conditions using the perturbed flow theory assumption for solving
compressible flow over finite wing.
CO 6 Apply the various optical flow visualization techniques used for Apply
capturing compressible flow fields.

Q.No QUESTION Taxonomy How does this CO’s
subsume the level
1 An aircraft is flying at a speed of Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
1000 kmph. Compute the properties of fluids,
variations in speed of sound a, and Explain how to determine
Mach number M with altitude the Mach number
change from sea level and at 11
2 During a flight, a fighter aircraft Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
attains its cruise speed of 600 m/s properties of fluids,
at 10 Km altitude after taking off Explain how to determine
at 150 m/s from sea level. the Mach number
Assuming the speed to have
increased linearly with altitude
during the climb. Compute the
variation in Mach number with
3 A fighter aircraft attains its Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
maximum speed of 2160 kmph at properties of fluids,
an altitude of 12 Km. The take-off Explain how to determine
speed at sea level is 270 kmph. If the stagnation
the flight speed increases linearly temperature
with altitude, compute the
variations in stagnation
temperature with altitude for a
climbing up to the maximum speed
in steps of 3 Km.

Page 2
4 Consider the flow properties at the Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
point in the flow where the properties of fluids,
temperature is 320 k and velocity Explain how to determine
is 100m/s. Calculate the Mach the Mach number
number at this point?
5 At a point in the flow the pressure, Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
temperature and velocity are 1atm, properties of fluids,
320k, and 1000m/s. Calculate the Explain how to determine
total temperature and total pressure and temperature
pressure at this point.
6 Calculate the ratio of kinetic Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
energy to internal energy at a point properties of fluids,
in the flow where the Mach number Explain how to determine
is M=2 and M=20. Kinetic energy of flow
7 Air flows through a duct. The Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
pressure and temperature at properties of fluids,
station 1 are P1 = 0.7 atmosphere Explain how to determine
and T1 =300 C, respectively. At a pressure and temperature
second station, the pressure is 0.5
atm. Calculate the temperature
and density at the second station.
Assume the flow to be isentropic
8 Consider airplane flying at an Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
altitude of 20,000m. The pressure properties of fluids,
at a point on the wing is Explain how to determine
19152N/m2 , assuming isentropic pressure and temperature
flow over the wing, calculate the
temperature at this point?
9 Consider a rectangular floor that is Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
5m by 7m and a 5m height ceiling, properties of fluids,
The air pressure and temperature Explain how to determine
in the room are 1atm and 250 C enthalpy and internal
respectively, calculate the internal energy of flow.
energy and enthalpy of the air in
the room.
10 A commercial aircraft attains its Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
maximum speed of 460 kmph at an properties of fluids,
altitude of 10 km. The take-off Explain how to variation
speed at sea level is 150 kmph. If of stagnation temperature.
the flight speed increases linearly
with altitude, compute the
variation in stagnation temperature
with altitude for a climb up to the
maximum speed.

Page 3
11 Consider the air in the pressure Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
vessel is 20atm. Let us now heat properties of fluids,
the gas in the vessel. Enough heat Explain how to variation
is added to increase the of stagnation temperature.
temperature to 600 K. Calculate
the change in entropy of the air
inside the vessel.
12 Consider the flow through a rocket Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
engine nozzle. Assume that the gas properties of fluids,
flow through the nozzle is an Explain how to variation
isentropic expansion of a calorically of stagnation temperature.
perfect gas. In the combustion
chamber, the gas which results
from the combustion of the rocket
fuel and oxidizer is at a pressure
and temperature of 15 atm and
2500 K, respectively; the molecular
weight and specific heat at constant
pressure of the combustion gas are
12 and 41 57 Jkg . K, respectively.
The gas expands to supersonic
speed through the nozzle, with a
temperature of 1350 K at the
nozzle exit. Calculate the pressure
at the exit.
1 Develop the equations for the Apply Learner to Recall basic CO1
conservations of mass in integral principle of conservation
form with proper assumptions law, explain how to
develop the governing
2 Build the equations for the Apply Learner to Recall basic CO1
conservations of momentum in principle of conservation
integral form with proper law, explain how to
assumptions develop the governing
3 Construct the equations for the Apply Learner to Recall basic CO1
conservations of energy in integral principle of conservation
form proper assumptions. law, explain how to
develop the governing

Page 4
4 Model the expression for the Apply Learner to Recall basic CO1
pressure, density and temperature principle of conservation
ratio along a streamline in law, explain how to
isentropic flow. develop the governing
5 Develop the continuity equation in Apply Learner to Recall basic CO1
differential form for steady principle of conservation
incompressible flow. law, explain how to
develop the governing
6 Derive momentum equation in Apply Learner to Recall basic CO1
differential form for compressible principle of conservation
flows with suitable assumptions law, explain how to
develop the governing
7 Explain the concept of entropy and Apply Learner to Recall entropy CO1
develop the entropy equations for and explain how to
perfect gas with the help of neat develop equation for
sketch. entropy
8 Write short note on first law of Apply Learner to Recall basic CO1
thermodynamics and construct the principle of conservation
energy equation in differential law, explain how to
form. develop the governing
9 Classify various flow regimes based Apply Lerner to Recall Knudsen CO1
on Knudsen number and number and explain the
summarize the concept of continuum assumption
continuum postulate. from it.
10 What do you understand by sound Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
speed? Develop the equation for properties of fluids,
sound speed in a perfect gas in the Explain how to develop
form the equation for speed of
11 Write short note on second law of Understand Learner to Recall basic CO1
thermodynamics and derive an principle of conservation
expression for calculation of law, explain how to
entropy. develop the governing
12 What do you understand by Understand Learner to Recall basic CO1
internal energy and enthalpy? principle of conservation
Derive an expression. law, explain how to
develop the governing

Page 5
13 Differentiate the calorically perfect Understand Learner to Recall basic CO1
gas and thermally perfect gas principle of conservation
law, explain how to
develop the governing
14 What do you understand by Understand Learner to Recall basic CO1
perfect gas and write down the principle of conservation
important properties. law, explain how to
develop the governing
15 Write a short note on Finite Understand Learner to Recall basic CO1
control volume Approach principle of conservation
Infinitesimal finite element law, explain how to
Approach Molecular approach develop the governing
16 Derive the direct relation between Understand Learner to Recall the CO1
actual Mach number and properties of fluids,
Characteristic Mach Number Explain how to develop
the equation for speed of
17 Derive the ratios of total pressure Understand Learner to Recall the CO1
temperature and density. properties of fluids,
Explain how to develop
the equation for speed of
18 Air is expanded in an insulated Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
cylinder equipped with a properties of fluids,
frictionless piston. The initial Explain how to variation
temperature of the air is 1400k. of stagnation temperature.
the original volume is 1/10 of the
final volume calculate
a) the change in temperature,
b) the work removed from the gas
c) the pressure ratio.
19 Hydrogen gas in a cylinder at 7atm Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
and 300k is expanded isentropically properties of fluids,
through a nozzle to a final pressure Explain how to variation
of 1atm. Assuming hydrogen to be of stagnation temperature.
a perfect gas γ=1.4. , determine
the velocity and mach number
corresponding to the final pressure.
Also, find the mass flow rate
through the nozzle for an exit area
of 10cm2 .

Page 6
20 A)A pressure vessel that has a Apply Learner to Recall the CO1
volume of 10 m3 is used to store properties of fluids,
high-pressure air for operating a Explain how to variation
supersonic wind tunnel. If the air of stagnation temperature.
pressure and temperature inside
the vessel are 20 atm and 300 K,
respectively, what is the mass of air
stored in the vessel? B)Calculate
the isothermal compressibility for
air at a pressure of 0.5 atm.
1 Recall the hypothessis and Remember - CO1
assumptions in gas dynamics.
2 What is the difference between Remember - CO1
fluid mechanics and gas dynamics?
3 State the postulatues of Remember - CO1
4 Recall the thermodynamics Remember - CO1
properties used in compressible
5 Identify the properities of specific Remember - CO1
6 State the term bulk elasticity and Remember - CO1
its applications?
7 Relate the concepts of entropy and Remember - CO1
8 Write short notes on ratio of Remember - CO1
specific heat for monoatmoic and
diatomic gases.
9 State the laws of thermodynamics Remember - CO2
and how Entropy?
10 Outline the assumptions made for Remember - CO1
deriving momentum equation.
11 Recall the concept of Mach number Remember - CO1
and its applications in automobile
12 Outline and differntiate the Remember - CO1
thermally perfect gas and ideal
13 What do you understand by Remember - CO1
calorically perfect gas?
14 State the term supersonic flow Remember - CO1

Page 7
15 Recall the concepts of continuum Remember - CO1
16 Write down the expression for Remember - CO1
momentum equation in one
dimensional flow
17 Outline the expression for energy Remember - CO1
equation in one dimensional flow
18 Recall the expression for continuity Remember - CO1
equation in one dimensional flow
19 List down the assumptions used in Remember - CO1
stagnation condition?
20 State the diference between the Remember - CO1
continuum and transistion flow.
1 A normal shock wave is formed in Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
air where upstream Mach number wave formation in
is 2 and upstream temperature, supersonic flow, develop
pressure and density are 300K. 1 expression for flow
atm (i.e. 1 atmospheric pressure, property variation and,
which is approximately1.01 x apply them to supersonic
105 N /m2 ) and 1.2 flow field.
kg/m respectively. Calculate Mach
number, velocity, static
temperature static pressure,
stagnation temperature and
stagnation pressure down- stream
of the shock. Assume γ=1.4.
2 Calculate the lift and drag Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
coefficients for a flat plate at 5 0 wave formation in
angle of attack in a Mach 3 flow. supersonic flow, develop
expression for flow
property variation and,
apply them to supersonic
flow field.
3 A Mach 2 air stream passes over a Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
100 expansion corner. Find the wave formation in
Mach number of the flow supersonic flow, develop
downstream of the expansion fan. expression for flow
Which expansion corner will property variation and,
produce Mach number 2.5? apply them to supersonic
flow field.

Page 8
4 A flat plate is kept at150 angle of Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
attack to a supersonic stream at wave formation in
Mach 2.4 as shown in Fig. 6.45. supersonic flow, develop
Solve the flow field around the expression for flow
plate and determine the inclination property variation and,
of slipstream to the freestream apply them to supersonic
direction using shock-expansion flow field.

5 Air flow at Mach 4.0 pressure Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
105 N /m2 is turn abruptly by a wall wave formation in
into the flow with a turning angle supersonic flow, develop
of 15 degree as shown in fig below. expression for flow
If the shock is reflected by another property variation and,
wall determine the flow properties apply them to supersonic
M and p downstream of the flow field.
reflected shock.

6 A supersonic flow at Mach number Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2

=2, temperature=300K, pressure 1 wave formation in
atm, and density=1.2 kg/m3 supersonic flow, develop
approaches a compressible corner. expression for flow
An attached oblique shock with property variation and,
wave angle=45 degree is found at apply them to supersonic
the corner. Find the normal Mach flow field.
numbers upstream and downstream
of the shock. Also, find m2 ,p2 , p02 ,
Assume γ=1.4.
7 A supersonic flow with M1 = 1.5 , Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
p1 = 1 atm and T1 = 288k is wave formation in
expanded around a sharp corner supersonic flow, develop
through a deflection angle expression for flow
150 .calculate T2 , V2 ,and the angles property variation and,
that the forward and rearward apply them to supersonic
Mach lines with respect to the flow field.
upstream flow direction .

Page 9
8 Consider an infinitesimally thin flat Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
plate at an angle of attack in a wave formation in
Mach 2.3 flow. Calculate the lift supersonic flow, develop
and wave drag co-efficient for an expression for flow
angle of attack, α =50 . property variation and,
apply them to supersonic
flow field.
9 For a flow with M=2, P=1atm and Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
T=288k, this flow is deflected at a wave formation in
compression corner through 200. supersonic flow, develop
calculate M,P,T. expression for flow
property variation and,
apply them to supersonic
flow field.
10 A uniform supersonic flow at M1 Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
=2.0, p1 = 0.8 x 105 N/m2 and wave formation in
temperature 270 K expands supersonic flow, develop
through two convex corners of 100 expression for flow
each as shown in Fig. Determine property variation and,
the downstream Mach number M3 , apply them to supersonic
p2 , T2 and the angle of the second flow field.

11 Consider a 150 half-angle wedge at Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
zero angle of attack. Calculate the wave formation in
pressure coefficient on the wedge supersonic flow, develop
surface in a Mach 3 flow of air. expression for flow
property variation and,
apply them to supersonic
flow field.
12 A normal shock moves at a Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
constant speed of 500m/s into still wave formation in
air at 00 c and 0.7 atm. Determine supersonic flow, develop
the static and stagnation condition expression for flow
present in the air after passage of property variation and,
the wave. apply them to supersonic
flow field.

Page 10
13 A horizontal tube contains Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
stationary air at 1atm and 300k. wave formation in
the left end of the tube is closed by supersonic flow, develop
a movable piston, which at time expression for flow
t=0 is moved impulsively at a property variation and,
speed of 120m/s to the left. Find apply them to supersonic
the pressure on the face of the flow field.
piston, if
a) the piston motion is to the left,
b) the piston motion is to the right.
14 Air stream at Mach 2.0 is Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
isentropically deflected by 50 c in wave formation in
the clockwise direction. If the supersonic flow, develop
pressure and temperature before expression for flow
deflection are 98kN/m2 and 170 c, property variation and,
determine the final state after apply them to supersonic
deflection. flow field.
15 For a prandtl- Meyer expansion, Apply Learner to Recall shock CO2
the upstream Mach number is 2 wave formation in
and the pressure ratio across the supersonic flow, develop
fan is 0.5. Determine the angles of expression for flow
the front and end Mach lines of the property variation and,
expansion fan relative to the apply them to supersonic
freestream. flow field.
1 Briefly explain the normal shock Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
and Build the Prandtl relation for wave formation in
normal shock in perfect gas? supersonic flow, Utilize
governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves.
2 Demonstrate that the Mach Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
number is always subsonic behind wave formation in
the normal shock. supersonic flow, Utilize
governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves

Page 11
3 Construct the expression for Mach Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
number variation across normal in wave formation in
a perfect gas. supersonic flow, Utilize
governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
4 Develop the equation for density Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
jump across a normal shock for a wave formation in
perfect gas in terms of Mach supersonic flow, Utilize
number. governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
5 Model the expression for pressure Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
jump across a normal shock in a wave formation in
perfect gas in terms of Mach supersonic flow,Utilize
number. governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
6 What do you understand by Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
perfect gas? Develop the equation wave formation in
for speed of shock in perfect gas. supersonic flow, Utilize
governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
7 Construct the expression for Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
theta-Beta-Mach number for an wave formation in
oblique shock in perfect gas. supersonic flow, Utilize
governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
8 With the help of neat sketch briefly Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
explain the Rayleigh-Pitot wave formation in front of
correction. Why it is done? pitot tube and Utilize
governing equation to
correct the compressibility

Page 12
9 Summarize shockwave and Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
boundary layer interaction and the wave formation in
resultant consequence in the flow supersonic flow, Explain
field. the interaction of shock
and boundary layer.
10 Define total pressure. Develop the Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
expression for total pressure change wave formation in
across a normal shock. supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
11 Discuss the shock polar and Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
represent the geometric wave formation in
construction using the planes. supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
12 Explain the important properties of Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
shock polar. wave formation in
supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
13 Explain the regular reflection from Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
a solid boundary and Mach wave formation in
reflection supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
14 Discuss the qualitative aspects of Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
flow through an expansion wave. wave formation in
supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves

Page 13
15 Derive the governing differential Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
equation for Prandtl Meyer flow wave formation in
supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
16 Explain the aspects of Prandtl Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
Meyer flow and derive the Prandtl wave formation in
Meyer function supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
17 Discuss the expansion waves and Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
write the steps for calculation of wave formation in
Prandtl Meyer expansion waves supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
18 Differentiate the attached shock Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
and detached shock for wedge and wave formation in
cone. supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
19 Explain the shock expansion theory Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
by considering symmetrical wave formation in
diamond shaped airfoil. supersonic flow, Utilize
the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves
20 Derive the expression for Hugoniot Understand Learner to Recall shock CO2
equation. Plot the hugoniot curve wave formation in
comparison with isentropic supersonic flow, Utilize
compression the governing equation to
develop the expression for
flow property variation
across shock waves

Page 14
1 Outline the concept of development Remember - CO2
of shock wave .
2 Outline the concept of development Remember - CO2
of shock wave thorugh nozzle?
3 List down the different types of Remember - CO2
shock waves?
4 Differentiate the supersonic and Remember - CO2
hypersonic flow.
5 List down the properties of normal Remember - CO2
6 Is the downstream Mach number of Remember - CO2
normal shock is always subsonic.
7 State the term characteristic Mach Remember - CO2
8 Is the flow through the normal Remember - CO2
shock is adiabatic. Justify?
9 What do you understand by Remember - CO2
expansion fans?
10 List down the maximum turning Remember - CO2
angle for ideal gas?
11 State the resaons for temperature Remember - CO2
increase behind the shock wave?
12 State the resaons for temperature Remember - CO2
decrease behind the expansion
13 List down the difference between Remember - CO2
normal shock and oblique shock?
14 Differenitate a reflected shock with Remember - CO2
normal shock?
15 Outline the concept of Remember - CO2
Rayleigh-Pitot correction?
16 State the term Expansion shock? Remember - CO2
17 Define Mach reflection and its Remember - CO2
applications .
18 What is shock polar? Remember - CO2
19 List down the assumptions used in Remember - CO2
Prandtl Meyer Function.
20 Outline the concept of hodograph Remember - CO2
in supersoinc flow?

Page 15
1 Air at a stagnation state of 3 atm Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
and 300 K is accelerated to 200 development through a
m/s. Determine the pressure, passage, develop the
temperature and Mach number of fundamental equation and
the flow. apply them to solve flow
through nozzle.
2 What is the reservoir pressure for Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
the tunnel if the nozzle of a development through a
supersonic wind tunnel has an exit passage, develop the
to throat area ratio of 6.79 when fundamental equation and
the tunnel is running, a pitot tube apply them to solve flow
mounted in the test section, through nozzle.
measures 1.448 atm.
3 A ramjet flies at 11Km attitude Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
with a flight Mach number of 0.9. development through a
in the inlet diffuser, the air is passage, develop the
brought to the stagnation condition fundamental equation and
so that it is stationary just before apply them to solve flow
the combustion chamber. through nozzle..
Combustion takes place at constant
pressure and temperature increase
of 15000 c results. The combustion
products are then ejected through
the nozzle.
a)Calculate the stagnation pressure
b) what will be the nozzle exit
4 A De Laval nozzle has to be Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
designed for an exit Mach number development through a
of 1.5 with an exit diameter of 200 passage, develop the
mm. Find the required ratio of fundamental equation and
throat area to exit area. The apply them to solve flow
reservoir conditions are given as p0 through nozzle.
= 1 atm; T0 = 20 c. Find also the
maximum mass flow rate through
the nozzle. What will be the exit
pressure and temperature?

Page 16
5 A pitot tube at the exit of a Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
supersonic nozzle reads, development through a
8.92x104 N/m2 . If the reservoir passage, develop the
pressure is 2.02 X 105 N /m2 , fundamental equation and
calculate the area ratio of the apply them to solve flow
nozzle (Ae/A*). through nozzle.
6 The reservoir pressure and Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
temperature for a convergent development through a
divergent nozzle are 5atm and passage, develop the
288.8K, The flow is expanded fundamental equation and
isentropically at the nozzle exit, if apply them to solve flow
the exit to throat area ratio is through nozzle.
2.983, calculate the following
a) Mach number
b) Temperature at the exit
c) Density at the exit
d) Pressure at the exit
7 The nozzle of a supersonic wind Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
tunnel has an exit to throat area development through a
ratio of 6.79 when the tunnel is passage, develop the
running, a pitot tube mounted in fundamental equation and
the test section, measures apply them to solve flow
1.448atm, what is the reservoir through nozzle.
pressure for the tunnel.
8 A storage chamber supplies high Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
pressure air to a pneumatic development through a
machine. It is found that there is passage, develop the
an unavoidable leak at the joints fundamental equation and
and the total area through which apply them to solve flow
leakage occurs is estimated to be 1 through nozzle.
cm2 . Calculate the quantity of air
leaking out of the chamber if the
chamber is maintained at 5 atm
and 200 c.
9 Calculate the mass flow rate using Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO4
the close form analytical expression development through a
where P0 is 30atm, T0 is 3500K, A* passage, develop the
is 0.4m2 , R is 520J/KgK. fundamental equation and
apply them to solve flow
through nozzle.

Page 17
10 Consider the isentropic supersonic Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO4
flow with a convergent divergent development through a
nozzle with an exit through throat passage, develop the
area ratio of 10.25, the reservoir fundamental equation and
pressure and temperature are 5atm apply them to solve flow
and 333.33 K. Calculate M, P and through nozzle.
11 Consider the isentropic flow Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO4
through a convergent-divergent development through a
nozzle with an exit-to-throat area passage, develop the
ratio of 2. The reservoir pressure fundamental equation and
and temperature are 1atm and apply them to solve flow
288K respectively. Calculate the through nozzle.
Mach number, pressure and
temperature at both the throat and
the exit for the cases where
a) the flow is supersonic at the exit
b) the flow is subsonic throughout
the entire nozzle except at the
throat, where M=1.
12 The stagnation chamber of a wind Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO4
tunnel is connected to a high development through a
pressure air reservoir by a long passage, develop the
pipe of 100 mm diameter. If the fundamental equation and
static pressure ration between the apply them to solve flow
reservoir and the stagnation through nozzle.
chamber is 10, and the reservoir
static pressure is 1.0135x107 N/m2 ,
how long can the pipe be without
chocking? Assume adiabatic,
subsonic, one-dimensional flow
with a friction coefficient of 0.005
13 Air at a pressure of 3.58x105 N/m2 Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO4
and a temperature of 300K is to be development through a
transported at the 0.090kg/s over a passage, develop the
distance of 600m through a pipe. fundamental equation and
The final pressure is to be at least apply them to solve flow
1.40x105 N/m2 Assuming through nozzle.
isothermal flow and average friction
coefficient is 0.004, determine the
minimum pipe diameter

Page 18
14 Air flows adiabatically through a Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO4
duct of diameter 20mm. At a development through a
station 1 in the duct, M1 = passage, develop the
0.2,P1 =5 atm and T1 = 300K. fundamental equation and
compute P2 , P2 , V2 and P02 at a apply them to solve flow
station 2 where M2 =0.5 through nozzle.
15 Air flows through a pipe of 25mm Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO4
diameter and 51m length. The development through a
conditions at the pipe exit are M2 passage, develop the
=0.8, P2 = 1atm and P2 = 270K . fundamental equation and
Assuming adiabatic one apply them to solve flow
dimensional flow, calculate M1 , P1 , through nozzle.
and T1 , at the pipe entrance. Take
the local friction coefficient to be
1 What do you understand by area Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
velocity relation and develop an development through a
expression for area velocity passage, develops the
relation? fundamental equation.
2 Describe the isentropic flow Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
through isentropic convergent development through a
nozzle and explain their operating passage, develop the
conditions. fundamental equation
3 Give a brief outline of operation of Apply Learner to Recall the CO3
supersonic wind tunnels employing properties of nozzle,
convergent -divergent nozzles? understand operation of
wind tunnel
4 Explain about the condition for Apply Learner to Recall the CO3
nozzle choking and brief about behavior of fluids inside
operating conditions of cd nozzle. nozzle and explain their
5 Illustrate the flow through Apply Learner to Recall the CO3
convergent-divergent nozzle and shock formation inside
plot the variation of pressure under nozzle for explaining effect
different back pressure. of back pressure
6 What is mass flow rate, summarize Apply Learner to Recall the CO3
the effect of stagnation conditions, shock formation inside
back pressure? nozzle for explaining effect
of back pressure
7 Define the terms area ratio and Apply Learner to Recall the CO3
Mach number and Build the shock formation inside
relation between area ratio and nozzle for explaining effect
Mach number. of back pressure

Page 19
8 Define friction coefficient and Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
Develop the equation for effect of properties variation to
friction on fluid properties. explain the effect of
9 Explain about variation of flow Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
properties when heat is added to properties variation to
subsonic and supersonic flow explain the effect of heat
10 Write short notes on Fanno flow Apply Learner to Recall the flow CO3
and Rayleigh flow with the properties variation to
reference conditions. explain the effect of heat
11 Derive the governing equation for Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
steady quasi one dimensional flow development through a
passage, develop the
fundamental equation
12 Differentiate the one dimensional Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
flow and quasi one dimensional development through a
flow. passage, develop the
fundamental equation
13 Explain the things to be Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
understand from the area velocity development through a
relation passage, develop the
fundamental equation
14 Differentiate the over expanded Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
nozzle and under expanded nozzle development through a
with the help of neat sketch. passage, develop the
fundamental equation
15 Discuss the flow with a shock wave Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
inside a Convergent divergent development through a
nozzle passage, develop the
fundamental equation
16 Discuss the flow with a shock and Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
expansion wave at the exit of a development through a
Convergent divergent nozzle passage, develop the
fundamental equation
17 Derive the expression for the ratios Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
of total pressures and temperatures development through a
in one dimensional flow with passage, develop the
friction fundamental equation
18 Derive the relation for mach Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
number at different sections to the development through a
integrated effect of friction between passage, develop the
the sections fundamental equation

Page 20
19 Derive the ratios of pressure Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
temperature and density at total development through a
conditions for heat addition passage, develop the
fundamental equation
20 Calculate the flow with friction by Understand Learner to Recall the flow CO4
using the sonic reference conditions development through a
and define the average friction passage, develop the
coefficient fundamental equation
1 Recall the concept of chocked flow? Remember - CO3
2 Write about over-expanded flow at Remember - CO3
the nozzle exit?
3 How does the position of the Remember - CO3
normal shock vary with the back
pressure at the exit of the nozzle?
4 Relate the back pressure with exit Remember - CO3
5 List down the equations for area Remember - CO3
velocity relation.
6 Relate the under-expanded flow Remember - CO3
with over-expand flow at the nozzle
7 Recall the term quasi one Remember - CO3
dimensional flow and its
8 List down the minimum conditions Remember - CO3
to be satisfied for flow through
nozzle to chock.
9 State the reasons for formation of Remember - CO3
oblique shock at the nozzle exit for
over-expanded condition?
10 State the reasons for formation of Remember - CO3
expansion fan at the nozzle exit for
under-expanded condition?
11 Recall the area Mach number Remember - CO4
12 Define fanno flow and write its Remember - CO4
13 Define Rayleigh flow and write its Remember - CO4
14 Outline the effect of friction in Remember - CO4
downstream flow properties if inlet
Mach number is subsonic?

Page 21
15 Outline the effect of friction in Remember - CO4
downstream flow properties if inlet
Mach number is supersonic?
16 What happens to flow properties if Remember - CO4
heat is added to subsonic flow?
17 What happens to flow properties if Remember - CO4
heat is added to supersonic flow?
18 List down the expression for area Remember - CO4
velocity relation?
19 Recall the expression for Euler’s Remember - CO4
20 What do you understand the De Remember - CO4
Laval Nozzle
1 Solve the flow field at the exit of an Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
under expanded two- dimensional essence of characteristics
nozzle with air flow shown in figure. lines, develops method to
At the nozzle exit, MA =1.435 and design nozzle and apply
them to solve flow through

θA =00
2 At a given point on the surface of Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
the aerofoil, the pressure coefficient essence of characteristics
is -0.3 at very low speed. If the lines, develops method to
freestream Mach number is 0.6, design nozzle and apply
calculate CP at this point. them to solve flow through
3 For certain aerofoil at given point Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
on the upper surface of the aerofoil, essence of characteristics
the pressure coefficient is -0.27 at lines, develops method to
very low speed. If the free stream design nozzle and apply
Mach number is 0.75, calculate CP them to solve flow over
and Cm at this point. airfoil.
4 For certain aerofoil at given point Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
on the upper surface of the aerofoil, essence of characteristics
the pressure coefficient is -0.3 at lines, develops method to
very low speed. If the free stream design nozzle and apply
Mach number is 0.8, calculate CP them to solve flow over
and Cm at this point. airfoil.

Page 22
5 List out the different methods Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
employed to postpone the critical essence of characteristics
Mach number. lines, develops method to
design nozzle and apply
them to solve flow over
6 Calculate theoretical lift co-efficient Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
for above airfoil is in an essence of characteristics
incompressible flow is Cl =2πa for lines, develops method to
M=0.8. design nozzle and apply
them to solve flow over
7 The theoretical lift co-efficient for a Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
thin symmetrical airfoil is in an essence of characteristics
incompressible flow is Cl = 2a. lines, develops method to
Calculate the lift coefficient for design nozzle and apply
M=0.7. them to solve flow over

8 Calculate the pressure at the top Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
and bottom surfaces of the flat essence of characteristics
plate using linearized theory? lines, develops method to
design nozzle and apply
them to solve flow over
9 Calculate L/D ratio for flight Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
conditions of Mach 2.0 at an essence of characteristics
altitude of 11km. for these lines, develops method to
conditions the wing angle of attack design nozzle and apply
is 0.035rad, assume chord length of them to solve flow over
airfoil is 2.2m. airfoil.
10 Explain method of characteristics Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
for the application to supersonic essence of characteristics
nozzle design? lines, develop method to
design nozzle

11 Explain the unit processes for the Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
steady flow two dimensional essence of characteristics
irrotational method of lines, develop method to
characteristics design nozzle
12 Derive the expression for the Apply Learner to Recall the CO8,
linearized subsonic flow by properties of fluids and CO5
considering the thin airfoil at small develop perturbation
angle of attack equation

Page 23
13 Derive the expression for the Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
linearized supersonic flow over a properties of fluids and
bump. develop perturbation
1 Build the small perturbation Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
equation for subsonic, transonic properties of fluids and
and supersonic flow. develop perturbation
2 Write short notes on “Elements of Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
the Method of Characteristics”. essence of characteristics
High light the importance of lines and develop method
internal points and wall points. to design nozzle
3 Explain the theory of “elements of Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
finite-difference methods”. High essence of characteristics
light the physical planes and lines and develop method
computational planes. to design nozzle
4 Construct the equation for Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
determining characteristic lines for essence of characteristics
two dimensional irrotational flow. lines and develop method
to design nozzle
5 Develop the compatibility equation Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
for two dimensional irrotational essence of characteristics
flows with the neat sketch. lines and develop method
to design nozzle
6 Briefly explain about critical Mach Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
number, Drag Divergence and properties of fluids and
Mach number with its relations. understand their behavior
in transonic speed.
7 Illustrate the super-critical airfoils Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
with the neat sketch and list the properties of fluids and
applications of super-critical understand their behavior
airfoils. in transonic speed.
8 Explain about Whitcombs Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
transonic area rule and their properties of fluids and
application for transonic flights understand their behavior
in transonic speed.
9 Briefly explain the sound barrier . Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
and need for swept wings at properties of fluids and
transonic speed understand their behavior
in transonic speed.

Page 24
10 Define Method of characteristics. Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
Explain the supersonic nozzle properties of fluids and
design using method of understand their behavior
characteristics. in transonic speed.
11 Differentiate the rotational and Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
irrotational flow with suitable properties of fluids and
examples develop perturbation
12 Define the velocity potential and Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
Derive the expression for velocity properties of fluids and
potential equation develop perturbation
13 Explain the procedure for the Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
solution of irrotational and properties of fluids and
isentropic flow fields. define the develop perturbation
linearized solutions equation
14 Build the small perturbation Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
equation for supersonic flow. properties of fluids and
develop perturbation
15 Derive the perturabation velocity Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
potential equation properties of fluids and
develop perturbation
16 Explain the pressure coefficient and Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
derive the expression for pressure properties of fluids and
coefficient in terms of γ=1.4. and develop perturbation
M equation
17 Obtain an expression for pressure Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
coefficient in consistent with properties of fluids and
linearized theory develop perturbation
18 Derive the expression for Prandtl- Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
Glauert rule interms of pressure properties of fluids and
coefficient develop perturbation
19 Explain the region of influence and Understand Learner to Recall the CO5
domain of dependence for the essence of characteristics
propagation of disturbances in a lines and develop method
steady supersonic flow to design nozzle
20 Consider an airfoil at lowspeed Apply Learner to Recall the CO5
with freestream Mach number and essence of characteristics
calculate the critical Mach number. lines, develop method to
design nozzle

Page 25
1 Recall the concepts of area rule and Remember - CO5
relate it to supersonic area rule?
2 Write the compatibility relation Remember - CO5
between v and θ
3 Relate the critical Mach number Remember - CO5
with drag divergence mach
4 Recall the concept of divergence Remember - CO5
Mach number?
5 Write short notes on super critical Remember - CO5
6 Recall the concept of ideally Remember - CO5
expanded flow?
7 List down the general features we Remember - CO5
observe for properties of Mach lines
and expansion flow?
8 Draw the critical Mach number of Remember - CO5
symmetrical aerofoil.
9 Why preheating of air is required Remember - CO5
for a hypersonic wind tunnel?
10 State the term sonic boom? Remember - CO5
11 Recall the velocity potential. Remember - CO5
12 Outline the velocity potential Remember - CO5
13 Differentiate the uniform flow and Remember - CO5
perturbated flow.
14 Differentiate irrotational flow with Remember - CO5
rotational flow.
15 Outline the expression for Remember - CO5
perturbation velocity potential.
16 List down the condtions of Remember - CO5
perturbation velocities?
17 State the concepts of rotational Remember - CO5
18 Outline conditions required for Remember - CO5
irrotationality condition?
19 State the concept of vorticity . Remember - CO5
20 Recall the expression for linearized Remember - CO5
pressure coefficient.

Page 26
1 What is the reservoir pressure for Understand Learner to Recall CO6
the tunnel if the nozzle of a operating principle of
supersonic wind tunnel has an exit tunnel and identifying
to throat area ratio of 6.79 when main parts of wind tunnel
the tunnel is running, a pitot tube
mounted in the test section,
measures 1.448 atm.
2 A Subsonic open-circuit wind Understand Learner to Recall CO6
tunnel runs with a test section operating principle of
speed of 40 m/s. The temperature tunnel and identifying
of the lab environment is 160 C. If main parts of wind tunnel
the turbulent sphere measures the
turbulent factor TF (defined as the
ratio of theoretical critical
Reynolds number for the sphere to
the actual critical Reynolds
number) of the tunnel as 1.2,
determine the sphere diameter.
Assume the test section pressure as
the standard sea-level pressure.
3 A closed return type wind tunnel Understand Learner to Recall CO6
of large contraction ratio has air at operating principle of
standard sea level conditions in the tunnel and identifying
settling chamber upstream of the main parts of wind tunnel
contraction to the test-section.
Assuming isentropic compressible
flow in the tunnel, estimate the
speed and the kinetic energy per
unit area in the working section
when the Mach number is 0.75.
4 Explain the Effect of second throat Understand Learner to Recall CO6
in a Supersonic Tunnel, with operating principle of
suitable diagram. tunnel and identifying
main parts of wind tunnel

Page 27
5 Determine the minimum possible Understand Learner to Recall CO6
diffuser contraction ratio and the operating principle of
power required for a two stage tunnel and identifying
compressor to run a closed circuit main parts of wind tunnel
supersonic tunnel at M=2.2. The
efficiency of the compressor is 85,
poi = 4 atm, To = 330K, and ATS
= 0.04m2 . Assume po2 /po1 =0.6281
and area ratio A1/A*= 1.005.
6 What are the essential conditions Understand Learner to Recall CO6
to be satisfied for the results to be experimentation
carried from the model to the techniques and identifying
prototype? Are there any method to scale down the
limitations or preconditions model.
7 Explain the dynamic similarity Understand Learner to Recall CO6
between a wind tunnel model and operating principle of
the prototype to be flight-tested. tunnel and identifying
What are the essential conditions main parts of wind tunnel
to be satisfied for the results to be
carried from the model to the
prototype? Are there any
limitations or preconditions
8 List industrial domain where wind Understand Learner to Recall CO6
and fluid tunnels are used. Explain operating principle of
its applications in their respective tunnel and identifying
domain. main parts of shock
9 List the different types of Understand Learner to Recall CO10,
supersonic wind tunnel? Explain operating principle of CO11
applications of each wind tunnels tunnel and identifying
in different fields main parts of wind tunnel
10 A Pitot tube in an air stream Apply Learner to Recall CO6
records a dynamic pressure of 50cm experimentation
of mercury. The static pressure and techniques and identifying
stagnation temperature of the air method to scale down the
stream are 3.6X 104 N/m2 ( gauge) model.
and 270 c respectively. The
barometer reads 75.6 cm of
mercury. Compute the air velocity
assuming the air as a) compressible
b) incompressible.

Page 28
11 A stationary temperature probe Apply Learner to Recall CO6
inserted into a duct reads 1000 c operating principle of
where the air is flowing at 250m/s. tunnel and identifying
what is the actual temperature of main parts of wind tunnel
the air?
12 An aeroplane flies at a constant Apply Learner to Recall CO6
speed of 900kmph at 10,000 m operating principle of
altitude. A pressure transverse tunnel and identifying
shows that the air is brought to main parts of wind tunnel
rest at a particular location on the
fuselage. Calculate a) the
temperature of air in stagnation
region and b) the temperature rise
caused by impact. Assume air as a
perfect gas and gamma =1.4
13 Air flows at a speed of 400m/s and Apply Learner to Recall CO6
static pressure of 1 atmosphere. operating principle of
The air is isentropically brought to tunnel and identifying
rest in a steady flow process. Find main parts of wind tunnel
the Mach number and stagnation
pressure if the static temperature is
a) 5000 c b) -500 c
14 Air flows through an adiabatic Apply Learner to Recall CO6
frictionless passage. At station1, operating principle of
the mach number is 0.9 and the tunnel and identifying
static pressure is 4.15X105 N/m2. main parts of wind tunnel
At At station 2, the mach number
is 0.0. calculate the change in static
pressure between stations 1 and 2
15 The Mach number of a Apply Learner to Recall CO6
compressible flow is to be operating principle of
determined from static probe and tunnel and identifying
pitot tube measurements. If the main parts of wind tunnel
static probe indicates 500mm hg
suction and the pitot tube 350mm
Hg suction a) determine the flow
Mach number and b)repeat the
calculation of pitot pressure of
275mm Hg compression
1 Give a brief outline of operation of Understand Learner to Recall CO6
supersonic wind tunnels employing operating principle of
convergent -divergent nozzles? tunnel and identifying
main parts of wind tunnel.

Page 29
2 Write short note on supersonic Understand Learner to Recall CO6
wind tunnel and its parts with the operating principle of
suitable diagram. tunnel and identifying
main parts of wind tunnel.
5 What do you understand by shock Understand Learner to Recall CO6
tunnel? Explain different types of operating principle of
shock tunnel with suitable tunnel and identifying
diagram? main parts of shock
6 What do you understand by Understand Learner to Recall CO6
expansion tube? Explain with the operating principle of
suitable diagram. tunnel and identifying
main parts of wind tunnel.
7 Summarize flow visualization. List Understand Learner to Recall principle CO6
the different types of flow of flow visualization and
visualizations available for identifying their major
compressible flow? components.
8 Summarize the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall principle CO6
Schlieren techniques with the of flow visualization and
suitable diagram. identifying their major
9 Explain the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall principle CO6
Shadow-graph techniques with of flow visualization and
suitable diagram? identifying their major
10 Briefly explain the Impulse-Type Understand Learner to Recall CO6
Tunnels and Free Piston shock operating principle of
Tunnel with the neat sketch. tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock tunnel
11 Write about supersonic wind Understand Learner to Recall CO6
tunnel operation and fluid operating principle of
properties along the flow direction. tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock tunnel
12 Explain the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall CO6
blow down wind tunnel with the operating principle of
neat sketch. tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock
13 Explain the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall CO6
Continuous wind tunnel with the operating principle of
neat sketch. tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock

Page 30
14 Explain the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall CO6
Detonation-driven shock tunnels operating principle of
with the neat sketch. tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock
15 Explain the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall CO6
Expansion tunnel with the neat operating principle of
sketch. tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock
16 Summarize the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall principle CO6
Interferometer with the suitable of flow visualization and
diagram. identifying their major
17 Summarize the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall principle CO6
Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence of flow visualization and
with the suitable diagram. identifying their major
18 Explain the Upstream Mode in Understand Learner to Recall CO6
Detonation-driven shock tunnels operating principle of
tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock
19 Explain the Downstream mode in Understand Learner to Recall CO6
Detonation-driven shock tunnels operating principle of
tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock
20 Summarize the working principle of Understand Learner to Recall CO6
Fringe displacement method with operating principle of
the suitable diagram. tunnel and identifying
main parts of shock
1 List down different types of wind Remember - CO6
2 Why do you need wind tunnels? Remember - CO6
3 List down the different industrial Remember - CO6
applications for wind tunnels?
4 List down the different types of Remember - CO6
shock tunnels?
5 Name the different measuring Remember - CO6
techniques used in wind tunnel?

Page 31
6 Recall the techniques used for flow Remember - CO6
visualization in supersonic flow?
7 State the working principle of Remember - CO6
Schlieren technique?
8 List down the source of errors Remember - CO6
during supersonic wind tunnel test?
9 Why second throat is required for Remember - CO6
supersonic wind tunnel?
10 Why monochromatic light is used Remember - CO6
for flow visualization?
11 Recall the usage of Test Section. Remember - CO10,
12 Draw schematic representation of Remember - CO6
closed circuit wind tunnel
13 Recall the usage of diffuser. Remember - CO6
14 List few wind tunnel components. Remember - CO6
15 Draw schematic representation of Remember - CO6
open circuit wind tunnel
16 List down the usage of nozzle. Remember - CO6
17 Write short note on smoke tunnels. Remember - CO6
18 Outline the usage of Impulse-type Remember - CO6
19 Write short note on low turbulence Remember - CO6
20 Recall the principle of an upstream Remember - CO6
detonation-driven shock tunnel.

Course Coordinator: HOD AE

Mr. A Rathan Babu, Assistant Professor

Page 32

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