MBA Business Law Session 7 Reading
MBA Business Law Session 7 Reading
MBA Business Law Session 7 Reading
the prescribed minner. The Regional Director has to confirm the shifting
withl.,30 days of the application and the company has to file the same with
the Registrai within OO hays of the date of confirmation. The Registrar
to ceriify the registration within 30 days. The certificate of the Registrar i:
is conclusive evidence that all the ."qrrit"*"nts of the Act were complied I
with. t5.12(3--7)l i
eny aufu"lt Lnder the section is punisltl: The compalf 1d
officer in default is liable to a penalty of nt 1000 for every day during which
Conversion of Companies already Registered tS' 18I ir
A company of any class registered under the Act may convert itself as a
Cnarrnn III
rred inviting offers from the public for subscription or purchase of any securi-
/ith ties of a body corporate."
:ted An abridged prospectus means a memorandum containing such salient
cial features of a prospectus as may be specified by SEBI by making regula-
rred tions. IS.2(1)l
Application Forms tS. 331
Application forms for securities cannot be issued unless they are accom-
tor panied by a memorandum containing such salient features of a prospectus
;Pe- as may be prescribed. This is known as abridged prospectus. The purpose
is to reduce the expense-burden of a public issue. The full "prospectus"
Lris- has to be maintained in the office of the company and a copy of it has to be
tate supplied, when demanded by a person before closing of the subscription
nin test.
:ing This requirement is not to apply if it is shown that the form of applica-
vith tion was issued (a) in connection with a bona fide invitation to a person to
has enter into an underwriting agreement with respect to securities; or (b) in
trar relation to securities which are not offered to the public. [S. 33(1)]
lied A copy of the prospectus has to be given to a person who requests for
it before closing of the offer and the subscription list. [S. 33(2)] A default in
rery complying with the provisions of the section makes the company liable to
rich a penalty of Rs 50,000 for each default.
:r8 a
SEBI's Power to regulate Issue and Transfer of Securities, etc [S. 24]
Lus" This section empowers SEBI to administer certain provisions of thg
]ans Companies Act by making regulations for that purpose. Such provisions
red are those contained in Chapters III and IV and Section 127 insofar as they
rred relate to issue and transfeiof securities and non-payment of dividend by
rent listed companies or those companies which intend to get their securities
75. South of Engtand Natural Gas and Petroleum Co Ltd, re, (1911) 1 Ch 573. 3
company and he forwarded it to one of his clients, this did not amount to
l tobe
an issue to the public and accordingly the provisions of the Act relating
: Sub.
to liability for omissions, etc were not attracted.T6 The term "issue" is not
jonof satisfied by a single private communication. There must be some measure
of publicity, however modest.
tct are
;o have E
€ the company in the manner which may be prescribed; (lx) main objects
t of public otter, terms of the present issue and such other particulars as
here at rF
may be prescribed; (r) main objects and present business and its location,
of been g
schedule of implementation of the project; (ri) particulars relating to (A)
E management perception of risk factors specific to the project; (B) gestation
ectus is
{ period of the projec! (C) extent of progress in the project; (D) deadlines
:ments: F
for completion of the projecf and (E) any litigation or legal action pend-
ing or taken by a Government Department or a statutory body during the
place at
last five years immediately preceding the year of the issue of prospectus
against the promoter of the company; (xii) minimum subscriptiory amount
ls of the
payable by way of premium, issue of shares otherwise than on cash; (xiii)
details of directors including their appointments and remuneratiory and
be suffi-
such particulars of the nature and extent of their interests in the company
as may be prescribed; and (xra) disclosures in such manner as may be pre-
,. 25(4)l
scribed about sources of the promoters' contribution.
il provi-
'lssued" (bl Reports.-Following reports for the purposes of the financial infor-
r public, matiory namely, (i) reports by the auditors of the company about its prof-
ny con- its and losses and assets and liabilities and such other matters as may be
ry otlrer prescribed; (ii) rcports relating to profits and losses for each of the five
oembers financial years (or less as the case may be) immediately preceding the
:s to the financial year of the issue of prospectus including such reports of its sub-
or of the sidiaries and in such manner as may be prescribed; (iii) reports made in the
prescribed manner by the auditors upon profits and losses of business for
each of the five financial years (or less period), immediately preceding the
issue and assets and liabilities of business on the last date of the accounts
not exceeding 180 days before the issue; (io) reports about the business ot
transaction as to which proceeds of the securities are to be applied directly
or indirectly; (cl a statement about compliance of provisions of the Act and
a statement to the effect that nothing in the prospectus is contrary to the
provisions of the Ac! Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act,1956 and SEBI
Act,1992 and rules and regulations made under it; {dl such other matters
and other reports as may be prescribed.
(2) Sub-section (2) provides that nothing in the Sub-section (1) is to apply
(a) to issue to existing members or debenture holders of a prospectus or
form of application relating to shares or debentures, whether the applicant
has a right to renounce the shares or not (under 5.62) in favour of any other
person; or (b) issue of a prospectus or form of application relating to shares
or debentures which is in all respects uniform with shares or debentures
previously issued and for the time being dealt in or quoted on a recognised
stock exchange.
(3) The provisions of Sub-section (1) are to apply to a prospectus or form
of applicationwhetherissued on formation of the company or subsequently.
@l Filing of copy with Registrar.-Sub-section (4) provides that no pro-
spectus is to be issued by or on behalf of or in relation to an intended
company unless on or before the date of its publication a copy has been
delivered to the Registrar for registration. The copy should be signed by
every person who is named in the prospectus as a director or proposed
director or by his duly authorised attorney.
(5) Statement of independent expert.-A prospectus is not to include a
statement purporting to be made by an expert unless the expert is a person
who is not and has not been engaged in the formatiory promotion or man-
agement of the company and has given his consent to the issue of prospec-
tus and has not withdrawn his consent before delivery of a copy to the
Registrar. The term "expert" has been defined by Section 2(38) as includ-
ing an engineeq, a valuer, chartered'accountant, company secretary, cost
accountant and any other person who has the power or authority to issue a
certificate in pursuance of any law for the time being inforce. A statement
to that effect has to be included in the prospectus.
statement that a copy hasbeen delioered to Registrar [s. 26(6)].-The
prospectus has to state on the face of it that a copy has been delivered to
the Registrar. The statemeht has also to specify the documents which have
been delivered along with the copy of the prospectus.
Registration of prospectus by Registrar [S. 25(7)].-The Registrar is
not to register a prospectus unless the requirements of section with respect
to registration have been complied with and it is accompanied by consent
in writing of all the persons named in the prospectus.
is to be valid
:or Date of issue after registtationls.26(8)1.-No prospectus
he if it is issued for more ihan 9o days after the date on which a,copy
rts delivered to the Registrar.
is issued in con-
or Penalty for contraoention ts. 26(9)].-If a prospectus
ti,v travention of the provisions of the section, the company
rrd able with fine of not less than Rs 50,000 but
extending up to Rs 3,.09,0.00
he E".y person who is knowinglya p-arty to such aprospectus is or with fine
iBI with imprisonment for a terriwhlchmay extend to three
trs ofnotlessthanRs50000butextendinguptoRs3,00,000orboth'
:,IY variation in terms of contract or objects stated in Prospectus [s'
or obiects for which
or The terms of a contract referred to in the prospectus
lnt the prospectus has been issued canbe varied
only with the authority of the
resolution' The
1er ;;Jp""i, given Uy it i" general meeting by way of special
detaits of the"notice which has to be given to the
r€s ;;";'..i#; one in vernacular
to be published in newsBaPers (one in English and
of the company
ed iu"g"ug"f circulating in the lity *n"o the registered office
is situate indicating"ctearty the justification for such
variation' The second
rm proaisoto Sub-sectlon (1) ulto pt"t.ribes that such company is-not to use
fo.t buying' trading or oth-
l1y. any amount raiseJ by iitt,o"gn the prospetyt
r0- ..*ir. dealing in equity shares of any othel listed i'e' those rvho
ed Sub-section Bl pr}iaes that the dissenting shareholders,
offer by promoters or
ten did not agree to the variation are to be given an exit
manner and condi-
by controlling shareholders at such exit prte and in,such
for this purpose'77
;ed tions as may u" ,p".iriud by sEBI by making regulations
(Deemed Prospectus)
offer of sale of shares to certain Members
ea ts.28I
with the Board
;On where certain members of a company,_fn consultation
law, propose to offer the
1n- of Directors, and in accordance with applicable
ec- whole or a part holding of shaiei to the public, they may do so in
ihe accordancuiitt the prescribed procedure' [Sub-s (1)]
rd- sub_section (2) privides that^any documeT
bv which the offer of sale
issued by the
ost of shares to the f,iUfi. is made'is to Ue deemed' a prospectus
contents of prospectus and
€a company urd, ti"r"fore, all requirements as to
ent liability misstatements and omissions become applicable'
28(3)]'-The members
Members, responsibitity in the mafter of sale-ts.
shares are Pro-
lhe whether individual or bodies corporate or both, whose
the com-
:to por"a to be .ff"r"a to the public, hu,r" collectively to authorise
lVe '0u., to take all actions on their behalf for carrying out the transaction'
incurred by it
They have also to reimburse the.comPany for all expenses
irs on this matter.
ent 77. Madan Gopal Jajoo v lJnion of lndia,AlR 1992 De|253, achange in the deployment of issue
of shareholders in general meeting would be a
fraud on
proceeds *i nlr* tt
" "or.,r'"r,t
{ i;;
prospectus; (2) every person who has authorised himself to be named as
l_ a director in the prospectus; (3) every promoter of the company; (4) every
person who has authorised the issue of the prospectus; (5) every person
who is an expert referred to in Section 26(5). Their liability is joint and sev-
eral. The person who is made liable may recover contribution from others
equally guilty. They are liable to compensate the investor for any loss sus-
tained by him by reason of any statement. Subject to the special defences
allowed under the sectiory they are liable for every untrue statement.
A person sued under the section is entitled to the following special
defences: (1) That he withdrew his consent to be a director before the pro-
spectus was issued and that it was issued without his authority or con-
sent. (2) That the prospectus was issued without his knowledge or consent
and on becoming aware he forthwith gave reasonable public notice to that
effect. (3) That he was ignorant of the untrue statement and on becom-
ing aware of it, he withdrew his consent by a reasonable public notice.
This must obviously be done before allotment. ( ) That "he had reasonable
ground to believe and did up to the time of allotment believe the state-
ments to be true".InDerry v Peek, the directors were held not liable because
they honestly believed their statement to be true. But under Section 62 of
1956 Act, and present Section 35 mere honesty was and is not enougft
the honest belief must be based upon reasonable grounds. Thus, where a
prospectus was issued by the directors under the assurance given by the
promoters that everything was alright they were held liable for untrue
statements because to put faith upon promoters is not reasonable.80 (5) That
the untrue statement was contained in the report of an expert and he had
reasonable ground to believe and did up to the time of allotment believe
the expert to be competent and, if it was in some pubtic official document,
that it was a correct and fair representation of the document. The points
from (3) to (5) are not there in the new section. But they will become appli-
cable as a matter of common law.
3. Resciss ion for misrepresentation.--The shareholder can also sue
the company for rescission of the contract. Under this remedy the con-
tract is cancelled and the money'given by the shareholder refunded.
Under Section 75, Contract Act, a person who lawfully rescinds a contract
is entitled to compensation for any damage which he has sustained
through non-fulfilment of the contract. The right is lost in the following
1. By ffirmation.-If the allottee with full knowledge of the mis-
representation upholds the contrac! he cannot afterwards rescind.
Affirmation may be express or implied. An implied affirmation takes place
by the shareholder's conduct, where, for example, he endeavours to sell his
shareg attends meetings of the company, receives dividends or pays cal1s.81
2. By uflreqsoflable delay.-"Any man who claims to retire from a
company on the ground that he was induced to become a member by
80. Adamsv Thrift, (1915) 2 Ch 21 (CA).
81. Dunlop TruJlault Cycle and Tuke Mfg. Co, re, ex p Shearman, (1896) 66 LI Ch?5.
88. Central Klondyke Gold Mining and Trading Co Ltd, re, Savigny's Case (1898) 5 Mans.336. A
person who abets such conduct is equally liable.