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Medical Students

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International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 2022;35(2):209 – 216



Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Heart and Vascular Center
1st Department of Pediatrics
Department of Laboratory Medicine
Clinical Centre
Center for Health Technology Assessment

Objectives: The  aim was to compare the  prevalence of acute infection and seropositivity of SARS-CoV-2 among healthcare workers (HCWs)
and medical students. Material and Methods: A  high-volume, single-center analysis was conducted in the  period of July 1‒August 1, 2020,
at  the  Semmelweis University. Naso- and oropharyngeal samples were collected for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and blood samples for
anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG. A questionnaire was also administered about the infection symptoms and the obtained results were assessed by profession
and site of care delivery. Results: From the total cohort (N = 7948), 4478 (56%) and 3470 (44%) were health professionals and medical students,
respectively. They were mainly female (67%), and the mean age of HCWs and students was 40 and 25 years, respectively. By profession, physicians
(1.5%) and other HCWs (1.8%) showed a comparable SARS-CoV-2 exposure. International students had the highest (2.1%), whereas Hungarian
students had the lowest (0.6%) prevalence of seropositivity. The highest prevalence was detected among the staff of COVID-19 wards (12.1%).
By PCR, medical students showed the lowest occurrence of active infection with a prevalence of 0.17%, while physicians and other HCWs had
a higher prevalence (1.46% and 1.71%, respectively). By site of care delivery, positive test results were the most frequent at COVID-19 wards (3.8%).
Conclusions: Physicians and other HCWs showed comparable SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity prevalence, approximately twice as high as in the general
population of Budapest. Hungarian students had lower prevalence of seropositivity than this reference. High prevalence among international stu-
dents suggests that they had imported the infection. The very high prevalence of documented exposure among staff members at COVID-19 wards
urges for improving the safety measures. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2022;35(2):209 – 16

Key words:
polymerase chain reaction, medical students, seropositivity, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, healthcare workers

INTRODUCTION Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at a high risk as the in-

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared by fection can be transmitted even by asymptomatic persons.
the  World Health Organization (WHO) a  public health Moreover, the main sources of infection with a high trans-
emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020, mission rate are patients with severe symptoms [3], who
and a  pandemic on March 11  [1,2]. The  disease is still are likely to be admitted to hospitals. Healthcare work-
spreading widely throughout the world. ers have a  significant risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2

Received: December 1, 2020. Accepted: August 26, 2021.

Corresponding author: Béla Merkely, Semmelweis University, Heart and Vascular Center, Városmajor 68 H-1122 Budapest, Hungary (e-mail: merkely.bela@kardio.sote.hu).

Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź, Poland 209


during work, which is confirmed by the  reported high regard to the  country of origin, international students
rates of COVID-19 infections among them [4]. However, came from 70 different countries, most of them from
the regional infection prevalence rates among HCWs vary Germany, South Korea, Norway, and Iran. Employees of
widely [5–9], which might be explained by the number of those organizational and related service units (mainte-
infected and hospitalized patients, the accuracy of patient nance, security, reception, administration) involved in
management, the use of personal protective equipment, direct patient care were included. Since the first restric-
and adherence to safety measures [6]. Those HCWs who tive measures, employees of theoretical institutions of
cared for COVID-19 patients had higher rates of infec- the university had been working in home office and used
tion, but the risk increased to a lesser extent if they used online systems; thus, they were excluded from the study.
personal protective equipment (3.5–4.8 higher rates vs. Among these students, those who were involved actively
up to 6 times higher risk in the case of appropriate and in voluntary healthcare or as part of their practical train-
inappropriate use) [6]. ing were included.
Although much data is available about SARS-CoV-2 in- The study protocol complies with the  Declaration of
fection among HCWs, including primarily among physi- Helsinki and it was approved by the  Medical Research
cians and nurses, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, Council (IRB IV/4060-3/2020/EKU – H-UNCOVER) and
similar data have not been published about medical the institutional review board and the local ethics com-
students involved in practical education or in assisting mittee (SE RKEB No. 210/2020).
patient care. Medical students also represent a  relevant
number of HCWs, at least at university hospitals. More- Sites of care delivery
over, based on their educational system, they more fre- When the first confirmed COVID-19 cases were diagnosed
quently change their locations between clinics or hospi- in Hungary in March 2020, the  Semmelweis University
tals; nonetheless, they have less experience and routine introduced an entrance system for each clinic, where
with the use of personal protective equipment. single points were kept as an entrance separately for pa-
Therefore, the  aim of the  present study was to compare tients and for staff members. First, patients were triaged
the  prevalence of acute infection and seropositivity of in the emergency unit, risk assessment was conducted by
HCWs and medical students at the largest Hungarian med- their current status, and then they were taken to green,
ical school with the results from the same geographic area gray, or red zones on designated routes. In the green zone,
(Budapest) of the representative, cross-sectional survey of COVID-19 was not suspected. Suspicious cases were
the Hungarian general population (H-UNCOVER) [10]. cared for in the grey zone. They were treated as COVID-19
positive until the  results of PCR. At  these intermediary
MATERIAL AND METHODS wards, HCWs applied appropriate equipment for their
Study population self-protection. Confirmed COVID-19 patients were sent
At the  Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, in to the red zone. In this newly designed COVID-19 ward,
the  period of July 1–August 1, 2020, 7948 individuals different medical specialists and other HCWs provided
were tested – 4478 (56%) HCWs, including physicians medical services. A  separated COVID-19 intensive care
and other healthcare professionals, and 3470 (44%) med- unit was available for those patients requiring intensive
ical students, of whom 1832 (53%) were international care located elsewhere than at the conventional ICU, and
students and 1638 (47%) were Hungarian students. With they were cared by designated staff.

210 IJOMEH 2022;35(2)


Laboratory samples IgG Reagent Kit (Cat No: 6R86-32 on the  Architect
Simultaneously with naso- and oropharyngeal samples, i2000SR automated immunoassay system). The test is de-
5 ml of blood was also taken. In the subjects’ sera, the pres- signed to detect immunoglobulin class G (IgG) antibod-
ence of IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 virus was ies to the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2.
tested with Abbott tests on the Architect i2000 immuno­
assay system. Statistical analysis
Some participants had more than one PCR or serological
Questionnaire tests. In these cases, an individual was considered to have
All participants filled in a  short questionnaire when a positive test if any of the repeated tests had a positive
the samples were taken for the serological test. This cov- result. The prevalence of seropositivity and PCR positiv-
ered their profession, site of care delivery, previous contact ity was estimated by profession, and the participants were
with a person quarantined or known to be infected with categorized as physicians, other HCWs, international
SARS-CoV-2, and a history of shortness of breath or fever medical students or Hungarian medical students enrolled
in the past 48 h. in an international or Hungarian program. The  authors
also estimated prevalence by site of care delivery, catego-
Polymerase chain reaction rized as a  COVID-19 intensive care unit (COVID ICU),
To detect or exclude the  presence of the SARS-CoV-2 a  COVID-19 general ward, a  COVID-19 intermediary
virus, naso- and oropharyngeal samples were collected ward or other inpatient care.
in viral transport medium tubes and were transported to Furthermore, the strength of the association between sero-
the laboratory at 2–8°C. After nucleic acid extraction real- positivity and previous contact with a person quarantined
time PCR was performed (HBRT-COVID-19, Chaozhou or known to be infected with SARS-CoV2 was estimated,
Hybribio Biochemistry Ltd., Chaozhou, Guangdong, and so was the  positive predictive value of the  history of
China) within 24 h after sample collection. The test used shortness of breath or fever during the  epidemic, using
detects the presence of 2 SARS-CoV2 viral genes and ap- the PCR and the serological test as a gold standard test to di-
plies a human gene sequence as an internal quality control agnose the presence or history of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
for sampling. The kit detects the amplification of 2 viral The authors compared their findings to the  results
and 1 human gene; samples with no amplification were of the national survey (H-UNCOVER) corresponding to
considered as invalid/inhibitory/inappropriate; those the po­pulation of Budapest. The  method employed in
with the amplified human gene without the amplification the H-UNCOVER study was previously reported  [10].
of viral genes were considered as negative; those with the Briefly, it was a  representative survey of the  Hungarian
amplification of all tested genes were positive, and those non-institutionalized population aged ≥14 years, esti-
with the amplification of just one viral gene with that of mating the prevalence of seropositivity and PCR positiv-
the human gene were considered as ambiguous. ity for SARS-CoV-2 in the first half of May 2020.
Confidence intervals (CI) of the prevalence of seropositiv-
Analysis of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG ity and PCR positivity were estimated by normal approxi-
Simultaneously with PCR sampling, blood samples were mation. Fisher’s exact test was used to test the difference
also obtained. Serological testing for SARS-CoV-2 spe- in the prevalence of seropositivity and PCR positivity by
cific IgG was performed with the  Abbott SARS-CoV-2 profession and site of care delivery because of the  low

IJOMEH 2022;35(2) 211


number of persons with a positive PCR test. The preva- 40 years, and the students’ mean age was around 25 years
lence odds ratio of seropositivity comparing persons with in the 3 groups, respectively (Table 1).
and without the  shortness of breath by profession was
estimated by logistic regression using the statistical pack- Overall PCR positivity
age STATA 16.0. As for the general population, the survey Of the total study population, 4886 participants had un-
module of the  package was used to provide designed dergone a PCR test, of which 45 (0.9%) results were posi-
based estimate (i.e.,  to take into account the  sampling tive. Four acute infections were found among the medical
design of the survey). The analysis was not adjusted for students, with a prevalence of 0.17% (95% CI: 0.003–0.3).
other covariates. Physicians and other HCWs had a  higher prevalence –
1.46% (95% CI: 0.70–2.21), and 1.71% (95%  CI:  1.07–
RESULTS 2.34), respectively. The  differences were statistically
Baseline clinical characteristics significant (p < 0.001). The  prevalence of PCR positive
From the total study population of 7948 persons who had test results was the highest among those who worked at
undergone a  serological test, 4478 (56%) were HCWs COVID-19 wards (3.8%, 95% CI: 0–8.01). The prevalence
and 3470 (44%) were medical students. Of the students, was ap­prox. 50% of this value among those who worked
1832 (53%) were international students, while 682 (20%) at intermediary wards (1.85%, 95% CI: 0.05–3.65), and
Hungarian students were enrolled in the  international <1% among HCWs at other wards (0.84%, 95% CI: 0.57–
program and 956 (27%) in the Hungarian training pro- 1.10). There were no positive findings among the COVID
gram (Table 1). The majority of HCWs (N = 2581, 88%) ICU workers tested.
and also the majority of Hungarian students enrolled in
the international program (N = 517, 76%) were female. Prevalence of seropositivity and symptoms
Sex distribution in the  other professional groups was There was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.04) in
more balanced. The  mean age of HCWs was around the prevalence of seropositivity by profession. Physicians

Table 1. Characteristics of the population involved in the study on the prevalence of acute infection and seropositivity of SARS-CoV-2,
conducted at the Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, July 1–August 1, 2020

(N = 6310) Participants’ age
Profession females [years]
total (M±SD)
[n (%)]
(N = 4401)
Physicians 1552 809 (52.1) 41.1±13.7
Other healthcare workers 2926 2581 (88.2) 43.7±11.6
international 1832 1011 (55.2) 24.7±3.8
in the international program 682 517 (75.8) 25.7±7.5
in the Hungarian program 956 596 (62.3) 23.9±2.6

212 IJOMEH 2022;35(2)


Table 2. Prevalence of seropositivity by profession among the participants (N = 6310) of the study conducted at the Semmelweis University,
Budapest, Hungary, July 1–August 1, 2020

Seropositive participants Prevalence

[n] % 95% CI
Physicians 24 1.5 0.9–2.2
Other healthcare workers 54 1.8 1.4–2.3
international 38 2.1 1.4–2.7
in the international program 11 1.6 0.7–2.6
in the Hungarian program 6 0.6 0–1.1

(1.5%, 95% CI: 0.9–2.2) and other HCWs (1.8%, 95% CI: reporting such symptoms. Shortness of breath increased
1.4–2.3) showed a  comparable SARS-CoV-2 exposure, the  odds of infection by 3 times in the  general popula-
<2% (Table  2). International students had the  highest tion, but it was much more predictive among HCWs
prevalence with 2.1% (95% CI: 1.4–2.7), whereas Hun- (12–41 times increased odds).
garian students enrolled in the Hungarian program had
the lowest with <1% (0.6%, 95% CI: 0–1.1). DISCUSSION
Regarding the site of care delivery, the highest prevalence To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first analysis,
was at the COVID-19 wards (12.1%, 95% CI: 6.7–17.4), which assessed the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 virus infec-
and a fifth of this value could be observed among those tion and seropositivity in such a large population of health-
working at the intermediary wards (2.5%, 95% CI: 0.05– care providers (N = 7946), also involving medical students.
4.4), while it was 1.8% (95% CI: 0–4.3) among the COVID The results obtained by the  authors showed that, except
ICU workers. The  lowest prevalence of seropositivity for medical students enrolled in the Hungarian program,
was found among HCWs working at other wards (1.4%, seropositivity prevalence among HCWs was approxi-
95% CI: 0.1–1.7). The  differences were statistically sig- mately twice as high as in May in the general population
nificant (p < 0.001). aged ≥14 years living in private households in Budapest
Seropositivity prevalence was 6 times higher among those (90/10000, 95% CI: 29–152)  [10]. Among international
who reported a contact with someone infected by SARS- students, the prevalence was more than twice as high as
CoV-2 (6.8% vs. 1.1%, p < 0.001), and almost 10  times this value (the difference in the prevalence compared to
higher among those who contacted a quarantined person the  general population of Budapest was 1.2%, 95% CI:
(10.5% vs. 1.1%, p < 0.001). 0.3–2.1, p < 0.01). The low prevalence of PCR positivity
Seropositivity was detected in 17–25% of the participants indicates that very few infected HCWs were detected in
reporting shortness of breath or fever since the beginning the  acute phase of the  disease. By  site of care delivery,
of March, except among Hungarian students enrolled in the highest prevalence was found at the COVID-19 wards
the  Hungarian program (Table  3). This proportion did and not at the COVID ICU. The reason for this might be
not exceed 2% in any of the study groups among those not that only very few patients were admitted to the ICU, and

IJOMEH 2022;35(2) 213


Table 3. Prevalence of seropositivity in the general population by profession and by reporting shortness of breath or fever since the start of the epidemic,
in the study conducted at the Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, July 1–August 1, 2020

Seropositive participants
Seropositivity prevalence
Profession OR (95% CI)*
symptoms symptoms symptoms reported symptoms not reported
reported not reported % 95% CI % 95% CI
General population 7 61 1.9 0.5–3.3 0.6 0.4–0.8 3.1 (1.4–6.8)
Physicians 12 12 25.0 12.8–37.2 0.8 0.3–1.2 41.4 (17.4–98.5)
Other healthcare workers 14 40 16.9 8.8–24.9 1.4 1.0–1.8 14.2 (7.4–27.3)
international 1 37 20.0 0–55.1 2.0 1.4–2.7 12.1 (1.3–110.8)
in the international program 1 10 16.7 0–46.5 1.5 0.6–2.4 13.3 (1.4–124.6)
in the Hungarian program 0 6 0 0.6 0.1–1.1 –

* Odds of seropositivity among people reporting symptoms compared to those who did not report them.

although there was no difference detected by site of care est among nurses (11.1%), while ICU workers showed
delivery and profession in the acceptance of personal pro- the  lowest prevalence (2.1%) compared to other units
tective equipment, the staff of the ICU was better trained (4.9–9.7%), consistently with the  authors’ findings  [9].
and experienced in using safety measures similar to those Another recent ahead-of-print report stated that more
which were applied because of the epidemic. than half of the infected HCWs were physicians, mostly
Previous reports about the  prevalence of infection general practitioners and primary care physicians. Anes-
among HCWs ranged 3.8–29% [4]. The infection among thesiologists, emergency medicine and critical care phy-
HCWs depends on several factors including the  infec- sicians only accounted for 7.4% of the cases, which also
tion rate in society, the use of safety measures, patient proves the relevance of personal equipment and the im-
pathways and the management of confirmed, symptom- portance of practice [8]. In this study, there was no dif-
atic patients, education of HCWs, and their adherence ference between physicians or other HCWs, but the site
to safety protocols. Although safety measures do not of care delivery. The high prevalence of infection among
eliminate completely the risk of infection, the appropri- COVID-19 ward workers in this study highlights the need
ate use of personal protective equipment can consider- for improving the training and the infection control.
ably reduce it [6]. The higher prevalence of seropositivity among indi-
In a  recent study, the  prevalence of acute SARS-CoV-2 viduals having experienced shortness of breath or fever
infection was compared in 546 HCWs serving in a large among HCWs compared to those who did not experience
U.S. university and 2 affiliated university hospitals, and in such symptoms shows that these symptoms can be used
283 non-HCWs (faculty, staff, trainees, or students with- efficiently to prescreen HCWs otherwise not selected for
out patient contact). The prevalence of the infection was testing. The odds of seropositivity were 40 times higher
assessed as 7.3% among HCWs and 0.4% among non- among symptomatic physicians than among those who
HCWs. The  infection rate was reported to be the  high- did not experience shortness of breath or fever.

214 IJOMEH 2022;35(2)


While medical students participate in the everyday clini- est prevalence, and they were the  likely source of most
cal practice, data are scarce about the prevalence of acute infection cases among the  Hungarian students enrolled
SARS-CoV-2 infection and seropositivity among them. in the international program. The very high prevalence of
Based on the educational system, they rotate their loca- infection among employees at COVID-19 wards urges for
tions more frequently between the institutions and they improving the safety measures there.
also have less experience with treating such infected
patients. So far there have been no data published on REFERENCES
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This work is available in Open Access model and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Poland License – http://creativecommons.org/

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